
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

18 tháng 11 2023

Paragraph 1: Introduction

(Đoạn 1: Giới thiệu)

Some people maintain that the benefits of vocational courses are greater than those of more traditional ones. That is the question we need to consider.

(Một số người cho rằng lợi ích của các khóa học nghề lớn hơn lợi ích của những khóa học truyền thống hơn. Đó là câu hỏi chúng ta cần xem xét.)

Paragraph 2: Arguments for

(Đoạn 2: Luận cứ ủng hộ)

It is certainly true that the workplace is becoming more competitive. A vocational course may be a more direct route into employment compared to traditional courses. It is also undeniable that certain jobs (for example nurse, hairdresser) are only available to people with a vocational qualification.

(Chắc chắn là nơi làm việc đang trở nên cạnh tranh hơn. Một khóa học nghề có thể là con đường dẫn đến việc làm trực tiếp hơn so với các khóa học truyền thống. Cũng không thể phủ nhận rằng một số công việc (ví dụ như y tá, thợ làm tóc) chỉ dành cho những người có trình độ chuyên môn.)

Paragraph 3: Arguments against

(Đoạn 3: Luận cứ phản bác)

On the other hand, choosing a vocational course means deciding what job you want to do when you are still at school. Many people believe this is too early. How can a teenager know what job is right for him or her? Another problem is that vocational courses only focus on what you need to learn for a particular job. Is it not better for students to explore other interests while at university?

(Mặt khác, chọn một khóa học nghề có nghĩa là quyết định bạn muốn làm công việc gì khi còn ngồi trên ghế nhà trường. Nhiều người cho rằng điều này là quá sớm. Làm thế nào một thiếu niên có thể biết công việc nào phù hợp với mình? Một vấn đề khác là các khóa học nghề chỉ tập trung vào những gì bạn cần học cho một công việc cụ thể. Không phải tốt hơn cho sinh viên khám phá những sở thích khác khi ở trường đại học sao?)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (the writer's opinion)

(Kết luận (ý kiến của người viết))

On balance, I do not believe that students should choose vocational courses unless they are sure what career they want to follow. It is wiser to opt for a course that really interests you.

(Xét cho cùng, tôi không tin rằng học sinh nên chọn các khóa học nghề trừ khi họ chắc chắn mình muốn theo nghề gì. Sẽ khôn ngoan hơn nếu bạn chọn một khóa học mà bạn thực sự quan tâm.)

Read the essay and answer the questions.1. What are the arguments for a ban on mobile phones?2. What are the arguments against a ban?3. In which paragraph does the writer give a personal opinion? What is it?Mobile phones should be banned from schools.Discuss.1. Our school plans to ban mobile phones because many teachers complain that they are a nuisance. There are arguments both for and against this rule.2. One of the arguments for the ban is that people say that phones cause problems at...
Đọc tiếp

Read the essay and answer the questions.

1. What are the arguments for a ban on mobile phones?

2. What are the arguments against a ban?

3. In which paragraph does the writer give a personal opinion? What is it?

Mobile phones should be banned from schools.


1. Our school plans to ban mobile phones because many teachers complain that they are a nuisance. There are arguments both for and against this rule.

2. One of the arguments for the ban is that people say that phones cause problems at school. Students forget to turn their phones off during class, and if one rings, it disturbs the whole class. Outside the classroom, phones can also cause more serious problems, such as cyberbullying. They say that it is worse if students have access to the internet at school.

3. On the other hand, phones can be a great resource for students. For instance, students use their mobiles in class to research information online. In addition, students can use apps on their phones to help them with schoolwork, for example by creating homework reminders.

4. Personally, I am not in favour of banning mobiles completely as students need them before and after school. However, I think students should agree to keep their phones on silent and in their bags.

21 tháng 8 2023

1. What are the arguments for a ban on mobile phones?

People say that phones cause problems at school

2. What are the arguments against a ban?

Phones can be a great resource for student

3. In which paragraph does the writer give a personal opinion? What is it?

The writer give a personal opinion in paragraph 4. She thinks students should agree to keep their phones on silent and in their bags.

10 tháng 11 2023

*Paragraph plan

(Kế hoạch bố trí đoạn văn)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

(Đoạn 1: Giới thiệu)

Paragraph 2: My opinion

(Đoạn 2: Ý kiến của em)

Paragraph 3: The first solution

(Đoạn 3: Giải pháp đầu tiên)

Paragraph 4: The second solution

(Đoạn 4: Giải pháp thứ hai)

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

(Đoạn 5: Kết luận)

18 tháng 11 2023

Paragraph 1: Introduction (rephrase the statement in the task)

(Đoạn 1: Giới thiệu (viết lại câu lệnh trong bài tập))

- advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

(ưu điểm và nhược điểm của cả hai phương pháp.)

Paragraph 2: Arguments for (include two)

(Luận cứ ủng hộ (hai luận cứ))

- opportunity to gain valuable experience and skills

- help individuals to make meaningful connections and build a strong network

(- cơ hội để có được kinh nghiệm và kỹ năng có giá trị

- giúp các cá nhân tạo ra các kết nối có ý nghĩa và xây dựng một mạng lưới mạnh mẽ)

Paragraph 3: Arguments against (include two)

(Luận cứ phản đối (gồm hai luận cứ))

- paid work provides a source of income

- help students to develop important skills which can be applied to their future careers.

(- công việc được trả lương cung cấp một nguồn thu nhập

- giúp sinh viên phát triển các kỹ năng quan trọng có thể được áp dụng trong sự nghiệp tương lai của họ.)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (state your opinion)

(Kết bài (nêu ý kiến của mình))

- students should consider a balance between the two.

(sinh viên nên xem xét một sự cân bằng giữa hai.)

10 tháng 11 2023

Some people believe doing sport at school is a distraction from more important work. But it depends much on how we do sport and what solutions we have.

In my opinion, doing sports at school is not a distraction from more important work. Instead, physical activity can have a positive impact on students' academic performance and overall well-being. However, it is important to find a balance between sports and academic work to ensure that neither suffers.

One way to integrate sports into school life without causing problems for studies is to schedule sports activities during breaks or before/after school hours. This could include sports clubs or teams, intramural sports, or even just encouraging students to take a walk during their lunch break. Schools could also offer physical education classes that focus on the benefits of exercise and how to make it a regular part of a healthy lifestyle.

Moreover, research has shown that physical activity can help students concentrate better, reduce stress levels, and improve their mental health. Therefore, schools could also consider offering mindfulness or yoga classes, which incorporate both physical activity and mental relaxation techniques.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports should be an integral part of school life. By finding ways to incorporate physical activity into students' schedules, we can promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle without sacrificing academic success.

Tạm dịch:

Một số người tin rằng chơi thể thao ở trường là một sự phân tâm khỏi công việc quan trọng hơn. Nhưng nó phụ thuộc nhiều vào cách chúng ta chơi thể thao và những giải pháp mà chúng ta có.

Theo tôi, chơi thể thao ở trường không phải là sự phân tâm khỏi công việc quan trọng hơn. Thay vào đó, hoạt động thể chất có thể có tác động tích cực đến kết quả học tập và sức khỏe tổng thể của học sinh. Tuy nhiên, điều quan trọng là phải tìm được sự cân bằng giữa thể thao và công việc học tập để đảm bảo cả hai đều không bị ảnh hưởng.

Một cách để đưa thể thao vào đời sống học đường mà không gây khó khăn cho việc học tập là lên lịch cho các hoạt động thể thao trong giờ nghỉ giải lao hoặc trước/sau giờ học. Điều này có thể bao gồm các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao, các môn thể thao nội bộ hoặc thậm chí chỉ khuyến khích học sinh đi dạo trong giờ nghỉ trưa. Các trường học cũng có thể cung cấp các lớp giáo dục thể chất tập trung vào lợi ích của việc tập thể dục và cách biến nó thành một phần thường xuyên của lối sống lành mạnh.

Hơn nữa, nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng hoạt động thể chất có thể giúp học sinh tập trung tốt hơn, giảm mức độ căng thẳng và cải thiện sức khỏe tinh thần. Do đó, các trường học cũng có thể xem xét cung cấp các lớp học thiền hoặc yoga, kết hợp cả hoạt động thể chất và kỹ thuật thư giãn tinh thần.

Tóm lại, tôi tin tưởng mạnh mẽ rằng thể thao nên là một phần không thể thiếu trong đời sống học đường. Bằng cách tìm cách kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào lịch trình của học sinh, chúng ta có thể thúc đẩy lối sống lành mạnh và cân bằng mà không phải gạt bỏ thành công trong học tập.

Technology is now a big part of our society and our predictable future. There is little room for people who wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

The advantages of the internet are that people can communicate over vast distances and can gain access to information and get answers to their questions very quickly. The disadvantage is that the Internet isn’t moderated in the way that people think and lots of it is filled with misinformation and outright lies.

In conclusion, technology brings about such a lot of advantages. However, it’s people’s duty to use it in an appropriate way to make it beneficial

23 tháng 7 2019

Technology is now a big part of our society and our predictable future. There is little room for people who wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. I believe that for every advantage that technology brings us, it also brings us a disadvantage at the same time.

There are some reasons why people say that life with technology has been problema and they would to live without this innovation. First, it is argued that technology has made people physically inactive and prone to develop several diseases. With the help of technology, people use cars and motorbikes to travel, and washing machine and vacuum cleaner to do housework, instead of their physical strength; as a result, the chance of getting disease obesity has been increasingly higher. Moreover, the invention of Internet and devices computers and mobile phones has been followed by the appearance of modern crimes, thus, people’s life may be exposed to a lot of dangers. These days, people using social media Facebook or online service Internet Banking would have a high chance of being stalked and hacked, resulting in the loss of personal information and private property, which may become a nuisance for several users.

However, it is undeniable that human has benefited from technology in several aspects. Thanks to the development of various means of media, it has been easier for people to broaden their minds about the world. It is often said that people could save a great deal of time learning about one country’s culture and history through Internet and other technological devices television and radio, which could not only store a vast amount of information but also could deliver it smoothly with images and sounds.  Furthermore, advanced technology also contributes to the development of healthcare system, which helps doctors detect and cure serious diseases.  In hospitals, brain diseases meningitis now can be easily diagnosed with high technology gadgets CT (Computed Topography) or patients who struggle with breathing now can be supported by a machine called Respiratory Ventilator; as a result, patients’ lives may be improved and prolonged. 

In conclusion, although some problems caused by technology may make human life more complicated, I am convinced that people’s life has been improved significantly thanks to the development of technology in several aspects, including knowledge expansion as well as diseases treatment methods.

18 tháng 11 2023

What phrase does the writer use to

(Tác giả dùng cụm từ nào để)

1 introduce the first argument for?

(giới thiệu luận cứ ủng hộ đầu tiên?)

Đáp án: “It is certainly true that”

(Đó chắc chắn là sự thật rằng)

2 introduce the second argument for?

(giới thiệu luận cứ ủng hộ thứ hai?)

Đáp án: “It is also undeniable that”

(Cũng không thể phủ nhận rằng)

3 introduce the first argument against?

(giới thiệu luận cứ phản đối đầu tiên?)

Đáp án: “On the other hand”

(Mặt khác)

4 introduce the second argument against?

(giới thiệu luận cứ phản đối thứ hai?)

Đáp án: “Another problem is that”

(Còn một vấn đề nữa là)

5 begin the conclusion?

(bắt đầu kết luận?)

Đáp án: “On balance”

(Xét cho cùng)

Read the Reading Strategy. Then complete these tasks.1 Look at question 1 in exercise 4. Read the second paragraph of the text.2 Circle the correct option and identify the sentence of the paragraph which gives the answer.3 Which words are used in the sentence instead of the words in the correct option?A perfect companionA: Hello there.B: How are you?A: I am doing very well. How are you?B: Fine.A: Glad to hear it. What's for today?B: Nothin'.A: Fair enough. What do you want to study?B: I...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Reading Strategy. Then complete these tasks.

1 Look at question 1 in exercise 4. Read the second paragraph of the text.

2 Circle the correct option and identify the sentence of the paragraph which gives the answer.

3 Which words are used in the sentence instead of the words in the correct option?

A perfect companion

A: Hello there.

B: How are you?

A: I am doing very well. How are you?

B: Fine.

A: Glad to hear it. What's for today?

B: Nothin'.

A: Fair enough. What do you want to study?

B: I dunno.

A: You don't know what you want to study?! Lazy humans!

B: Say what I need to study.

A: You have not yet told me what you want to study.


This conversation is between a visually-impaired student, Nick, and his digital tutor named Ann Sullutor.

Ann Sullutor is the brainchild of a 22nd century scientist modelled on and named after the dedicated tutor of Helen Keller. You can have conversations with Ann Sullutor via a wristwatch or any piece of jewellery. The idea of the digital tutor was to help disabled children study in mainstream schools.

Early in the morning, Ann Sullutor wakes up from a full charge of energy, ready for a 20-hour non-stop working day. Nick is quite independent in familiar situations, but if he comes across something unexpected, he can turn to Ann Sullutor for help by using his voice to control the watch on this wrist. Similarly, if he is in an unfamiliar place, he can get directions from Ann through a tiny set of earphones. In an emergency, for example, if there is an obstacle or unexpected vehicle, Nick receives a tiny vibration as a warning. Ann sends reports to the child's parents on a regular basis or on demand.

Registered in the school system and equipped with an immense database, Ann can easily keep track of Nick's schedule and curriculum. During class, Ann gives off a warning beep when Nick is distracted, quicky converts the new material into braille or dictates what the teacher has just written on board. Ann is there to bridge the gap between Nick and his classmates. In Nick's individual sessions, Ann suggests lessons depending on his preference and ability. She can adapt the lesson to aid Nick's learning process, but she doesn't jump in immediately to offer him a hand. Nick has to work on his own for a while before Ann makes a few suggestions. She may even ask Nick to read some extra materials to get a grasp of the topic. Nick often complains about Ann's persistence and strictness. In his fury, Nick sometimes does wish to turn Ann off for a while, which can only be done by his parents.

Ann Sullutor is much more than a beautifully-designed gadget for a visually-impaired child. She can make a perfect companion to any child that needs a tutor or a friend to talk with.

Reading Strategy

In a multiple-choice question, the correct option will match the meaning of the text but use different words. It is therefore important not to automatically assume that a multiple-choice option which contains words from the text is correct.

18 tháng 11 2023

* Câu hỏi 1 bài tập 4

1 Ann Sullutor

a is an invention of the 22nd century.

b costs a huge sum of money.

c takes a 20-hour energy charge.

d can't be controlled orally.

Thông tin: “Ann Sullutor is the brainchild of a 22nd century scientist”

(Ann Sullutor là sản phẩm trí tuệ của một nhà khoa học thế kỷ 22.)

Chọn A

Từ được dùng trong câu thay cho từ phương án đúng là: “brainchild” (sản phẩm trí tuệ) thay thế cho “invention” (sự phát minh)

17 tháng 5 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the job as a waiter in the “Tasty” restaurant, as I have seen your job advert in the local newspaper.
I think I am a perfect candidate for this job. I am experienced, as I have already worked as a waiter. I have got all the required skills. Moreover, I have always been interested in cuisines and I like cooking, therefore I am prepared to provide customers with all the details about the meals.
I am a responsible and reliable person. I am always punctual. If you would like to, I can send the references from my previous employer.
I hope I have proved I am the best candidate for this job. If you would like to invite me for an interview, I am available everyday, from 9:00 to 16:00.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,


18 tháng 5 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the job as a waiter in the “Tasty” restaurant, as I have seen your job advert in the local newspaper.
I think I am a perfect candidate for this job. I am experienced, as I have already worked as a waiter. I have got all the required skills. Moreover, I have always been interested in cuisines and I like cooking, therefore I am prepared to provide customers with all the details about the meals.
I am a responsible and reliable person. I am always punctual. If you would like to, I can send the references from my previous employer.
I hope I have proved I am the best candidate for this job. If you would like to invite me for an interview, I am available everyday, from 9:00 to 16:00.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,