
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.





10 tháng 9 2023

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C




16 tháng 9 2023

2 - B

3 - A

4 - B

5 - C

1 - A

Creating popular topics on the Internet such as sharing postcards

(Tạo các chủ đề phổ biến trên Internet như chia sẻ bưu thiếp)

Thông tin: They also suggested creating trending topics or challenges on social media.

(Họ cũng đề xuất tạo các chủ đề hoặc thử thách theo xu hướng trên mạng xã hội.)

2 - B

Raising awareness of preserving our heritage through discussions

(Nâng cao ý thức bảo tồn di sản thông qua thảo luận)

Thông tin: These groups will provide information about local heritage sites, organise special events to celebrate local festivals, and invite young people to discuss issues related to preserving the heritage.

(Các nhóm này sẽ cung cấp thông tin về các di sản địa phương, tổ chức các sự kiện đặc biệt để chào mừng các lễ hội địa phương và mời những người trẻ tuổi thảo luận về các vấn đề liên quan đến bảo tồn di sản.)

3 - A

Organising photo competitions on social media

 (Tổ chức thi ảnh trên mạng xã hội)

Thông tin: They suggested using social media activities, such as photo competitions, to encourage young people to learn about our heritage sites and local traditions on important festivals.

(Họ đề xuất sử dụng các hoạt động truyền thông xã hội, chẳng hạn như các cuộc thi ảnh, để khuyến khích giới trẻ tìm hiểu về các di sản và truyền thống địa phương vào các lễ hội quan trọng.)

4 - B

Setting up local historical societies to organise festivals and other events

(Thành lập các hội lịch sử địa phương để tổ chức lễ hội và các sự kiện khác)

Thông tin: These groups will provide information about local heritage sites, organise special events to celebrate local festivals, and invite young people to discuss issues related to preserving the heritage.

(Các nhóm này sẽ cung cấp thông tin về các di sản địa phương, tổ chức các sự kiện đặc biệt để chào mừng các lễ hội địa phương và mời những người trẻ tuổi thảo luận về các vấn đề liên quan đến bảo tồn di sản.)

5 - C

Inviting artists to perform and teach folk singing, dancing and music

(Mời nghệ nhân biểu diễn, truyền dạy ca múa nhạc dân tộc)

Thông tin: The artists will not only perform, but also introduce their arts and talk about how students can help promote folk culture. The clubs will organise training for students who want to learn folk songs, a traditional musical instrument, or folk dancing.

(Các nghệ sĩ sẽ không chỉ biểu diễn mà còn giới thiệu nghệ thuật của họ và nói về cách học sinh có thể giúp quảng bá văn hóa dân gian. Các câu lạc bộ sẽ tổ chức đào tạo cho các học viên muốn học dân ca, 1 nhạc cụ dân tộc, dân vũ.)

Read the article again and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.1. Which of the following is not a COP’s key goal?A. Stop cutting down forests.B. Replace coal with cleaner sources of energy.C. End methane emissions.2. What will happen if there is a balance between the greenhouse gases released and those removed from the atmosphere?A. Global warming will be limited to 1.5°C.B. Global CO2 emissions will increase.C. Countries will switch to clean energy.3. Why is it important to reduce the use of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the article again and choose the correct answers A, B, or C.

1. Which of the following is not a COP’s key goal?

A. Stop cutting down forests.

B. Replace coal with cleaner sources of energy.

C. End methane emissions.

2. What will happen if there is a balance between the greenhouse gases released and those removed from the atmosphere?

A. Global warming will be limited to 1.5°C.

B. Global CO2 emissions will increase.

C. Countries will switch to clean energy.

3. Why is it important to reduce the use of coal?

A. Because it is easy to build coal plants.

B. Because coal is not as clean as gas.

C. Because it is responsible for a large part of the CO2 emissions.

4. How does deforestation contribute to global warming?

A. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

B. Trees release carbon into the atmosphere when they are cut down or burnt.

C. Forests trap heat and increase temperatures.

5. Why is reducing methane emissions a key goal?

A. Because its emissions result from farming activities and landfill waste.

B. Because methane’s warming power is stronger than that of CO2.

C. Because it is produced through human activities.

31 tháng 8 2023

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. B

31 tháng 8 2023

1. Điều nào sau đây không phải là mục tiêu chính của COP?

C. Chấm dứt phát thải khí mê-tan.

2. Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu có sự cân bằng giữa lượng khí nhà kính được thải ra và lượng khí bị loại bỏ khỏi khí quyển?

A. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu sẽ được giới hạn ở mức 1,5°C.

3. Tại sao việc giảm sử dụng than lại quan trọng?

C. Bởi vì nó chịu trách nhiệm tạo ra một phần lớn lượng khí thải CO.

4. Phá rừng góp phần vào sự nóng lên toàn cầu như thế nào?


B. Cây thải carbon vào khí quyển khi bị chặt hoặc đốt.

5. Tại sao giảm phát thải khí mê-tan là mục tiêu chính?

B. Vì khả năng làm ấm của khí metan mạnh hơn khí CO2

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly "personal communication" citations, even for vertebrates, In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

Which of the following is NOT well understood by biologists?

A. European butterfly habitats

B. Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions

C. Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical region

D. Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups

19 tháng 10 2019

Đáp án C.

Keywords: NOT, understood, biologists.

Clue: Not well understood = poorly understood: hiểu không rõ.

1. “… the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon … about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed”: … sự đa dạng của loài bướm ở Amazon… có khoảng 700 loài bướm được tìm thấy chỉ trong 1 tiếng đi dạo, trong khi đó tổng số tìm đựơc trên quần đảo của Anh không vượt quá 66 và toàn bộ châu Âu chỉ là 321 loài. Sự so sánh ban đầu về sự phong phú của loài bướm nhiệt đới và ôn đới đã được khẳng định rõ.

2. “However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood”: Tuy nhiên, với loài bướm, sự biến đổi mức độ phong phú của loài trong vùng ôn đới và nhiệt đới chứ không phải là giữa các loài, thì không được hiểu rõ.

3. “A general theory of diversity would have to predict … how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups”: Một lý thuyết tổng quát về sự đa dạng đã phải dự đoán được … những kiểu mẫu này biến đổi như thế nào giữa các nhóm động thực vật khác nhau.

Phân tích:

A. European butterfly habitats: Môi trường sống của loài bướm châu Âu – Sai vì theo Clue số 1, sự phong phú của loài bướm châu Âu ở các môi trường sống của chúng như vùng nhiệt đới và ôn đới đã được khẳng định rõ à các nhà khoa học hiểu rõ về môi trường sống của chúng.

B. Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions: Sự khác biệt của độ phong phú của loài giữa các vùng ôn đới và nhiệt đới. – Sai, trùng với phân tích ở Clue số 2. Các nhà khoa học hiểu rõ về sự đa dạng loài giữa các vùng này.

C. Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical region – Đúng. Xem clue số 2. “… variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, …, is poorly understood” à đây chính là điều mà các nhà sinh vật học chưa thể hiểu rõ được.

D. Comparison of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups: So sánh giữa hành vì của loài bướm và các nhóm động vật nhất định – Sai vì the Clue số 3, có hẳn một lý thuyết về vấn đề này nên các nhà khoa học không thể hiểu biết ít về vấn đề này được.

Vậy đáp án chính xác là đáp án C.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns very among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly “personal communication” citations, even for vertebrates. In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of example because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

Which of the following is NOT well understood by biologists?

A. European butterfly habitats

B. Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions

C. Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical region

D. Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups

29 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án C.

Key words: NOT, understood, biologists.

Clue: Not well understood = poorly understood: hiểu không rõ.

1. “… the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon… about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed”: … sự đa dạng của loài bướm ở Amazon… có khoảng 700 loài bướm được tìm thấy chỉ trong 1 tiếng đi dạo, trong khi đó tổng số tìm được trên quần đảo của Anh không vượt quá 66 và toàn bộ châu Âu chỉ là 321 loài. Sự so sánh ban đầu về sự phong phú của loài bướm nhiệt đới và ôn đới đã được khẳng định rõ.

2. “However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood”: Tuy nhiên, với loài bướm, sự biến đổi mức độ phong phú của loài trong vùng ôn đới và nhiệt đới chứ không phải là giữa các loài, thì không được hiểu rõ.

3. “A general theory of diversity would have to predict… how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups”: Một lý thuyết tổng quát về sự đa dạng đã phải dự đoán được … những kiểu mẫu này biến đổi như thế nào giữa các nhóm động thực vật khác nhau.

Phân tích:

A. European butterfly habitats: Môi trường sống của loài bướm châu Âu – Sai vì theo Clue số 1, sự phong phú của loài bướm châu Âu ở các môi trường sống của chúng như vùng nhiệt đới và ôn đới đã được khẳng định rõ → các nhà khoa học hiểu rõ về môi trường sống của chúng.

B. Differences in species richness between temperate and tropical regions: Sự khác biệt của độ phong phú của loài giữa các vùng ôn đới và nhiệt đới. – Sai, trùng với phân tích ở Clue số 2. Các nhà khoa học hiểu rõ về sự đa dạng loài giữa các vùng này.

C. Differences in species richness within a temperate or a tropical regionĐúng. Xem clue số 2. “… variation of species richness within temperate or  tropical regions, …, is poorly understood” → đây chính là điều mà các nhà sinh vật học chưa thể hiểu rõ được.

D. Comparisons of behavior patterns of butterflies and certain animal groups: So sánh giữa hành vi của loài bướm với các nhóm động vật nhất định – Sai vì theo Clue số 3, có hẳn một lý thuyết về vấn đề này nên các nhà khoa học không thể hiểu biết ít về vấn đề này được.

Vậy đáp án chính xác là đáp án C.


Một số từ khóa trong bài:

- temperate region

/ ˈtempərət ˈriːdʒən /: vùng ôn đới

- arbitrary decision

/ ˈɑːbɪtrəri dɪˈsɪʒn /: quyết định tùy hứng

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly "personal communication" citations, even for vertebrates, In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refer to ______.

A. insects

B. butterflies

C. patterns

D. issues

10 tháng 4 2017

Đáp án B.

Clue: Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information…

Từ “they” ở đây sẽ liên quan đến danh từ được nhắc đến trước đó. Dựa vào nghĩa của 2 câu trên ta thấy đáp án đúng là B. butterflies.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns very among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly “personal communication” citations, even for vertebrates. In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of example because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refer to _______.

A. insects

B. butterflies

C. patterns

D. issues

10 tháng 4 2018

Đáp án B.

Clue: Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information…

Từ “they” ở đây sẽ liên quan đến danh từ được nhắc đến trước đó. Dựa vào nghĩa của 2 câu trên ta thấy đáp án đúng là B. butterflies.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects – an estimated 90 percent of the world’s species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour’s walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns very among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly “personal communication” citations, even for vertebrates. In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of example because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

The idea “little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution” in paragraph 5 is that _______.

A. there are many other things that we don’t know about butterfly evenness distribution

B. we don’t know anything about butterfy evenness distribution

C. we know much about butterfly evenness distribution

D. we know about butterfly evenness distribution to some extent

29 tháng 4 2019

Đáp án A.

Clue: “Little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution”.

- evenness (n): sự đều nhau

Dịch cả câu: Không có nhiều thông tin về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

Đáp án là A. There are many other things that we don’t know about butterfly evenness distribution: Có nhiều điều chúng ta không biết về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm – Trùng với Clue.

Các đáp án khác sai:

B. We don’t know anything about butterfly evenness distribution: Chúng ta không biết gì về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

C. We know much about butterfly evenness distribution: Chúng ta biết nhiều về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

D. We know about butterfly evenness distribution to some extent: Chúng ta biết về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm ở một cấp độ nào đó.


- little (adj): ít, một chút.

Khi little đứng đầu câu thì chúng ta phải sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ.

Little + trợ ĐT + S + V…

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Butterflies are among the most extensively studied insects - an estimated 90 percent of the world's species have scientific names. As a consequence, they are perhaps the best group of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial biotic diversity and distribution. Butterflies also have a favorable image with the general public. Hence, they are an excellent group for communicating information on science and conservation issues such as diversity.

Perhaps the aspect of butterfly diversity that has received the most attention over the past century is the striking difference in species richness between tropical and temperate regions.

For example, in 1875 one biologist pointed out the diversity of butterflies in the Amazon when he mentioned that about 700 species were found within an hour's walk, whereas the total number found on the British islands did not exceed 66, and the whole of Europe supported only 321. This early comparison of tropical and temperate butterfly richness has been well confirmed.

A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns within each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather man between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia, and Africa are still mostly "personal communication" citations, even for vertebrates, In other words, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, these patterns are still in the documentation phase.

In documenting geographical variation in butterfly diversity, some arbitrary, practical decisions are made. Diversity, number of species, and species richness are used synonymously; little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution. The New World butterflies make up the preponderance of examples because they are the most familiar species. It is hoped that by focusing on them, the errors generated by imperfect and incomplete taxonomy will be minimized.

The idea “little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution” in paragraph 5 is that ______.

A. there are many other things that we don’t know about butterfly evenness distribution

B. we don’t know anything about butterfly evenness distribution

C. we know much about butterfly evenness distribution

D. we know about butterfly evenness distribution to some 

18 tháng 3 2017

Đáp án A.

Clue: “Little is known about the evenness of butterfly distribution”.

- evenness (n): sự đều nhau

Dịch cả câu: Không có nhiều thông tin về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

Đáp án là A. There are many other things that we don’t know about butterfly evenness distribution: Có nhiều điều chúng ta không biết về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm – Trùng với Clue.

Các đáp án khác sai:

B. We don’t know anything about butterfly evenness distribution: Chúng ta không biết gì về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

C. We know much about butterfly evenness distribution: Chúng ta biết nhiều về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm.

D. We know about butterfly evenness distribution to some extent: Chúng ta biết về sự phân bố đồng đều của bướm ở một cấp độ nào đó.