
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

15 tháng 1 2018

Đất nước ta đang phát triển khá nhanh nhờ sự khởi sắc của nền kinh tế và đời sống xã hội, nhưng lĩnh vực giao thông thì dường như không đáp ứng kịp yêu cầu của thời đại. Tình trạng tai nạn giao thông hiện nay đã đến mức báo động đỏ và được xếp vào “thứ hạng cao” trong khu vực Đông Nam Á. Vì thế, vấn nạn này đang là mối quan tâm hàng đầu của toàn xã hội. Làm thế nào để đảm bảo an toàn giao thông? Đó là câu hỏi lớn đặt ra, đòi hỏi sự nỗ lực của tất cả mọi người.

Giao thông ở Việt Nam hiện nay được coi là lĩnh vực tồi tệ nhất bởi những tai nạn giao thông khủng khiếp thường xuyên xảy ra. Người ta không khỏi rùng mình trước những thông tin đáng sợ về sự thiệt hại người và của do tai nạn giao thông gây ra hằng ngày, hằng tháng, hằng năm. Mỗi ngày, trung bình có khoảng 35 người chết, mỗi năm hơn chục ngàn người chết vì tai nạn giao thông. Quả là một con số khủng khiếp! Chiến tranh đã kết thúc mấy chục năm nhưng chúng ta lại rơi vào một thảm họa không kém đau thương, tang tóc. Có lẽ tai nạn giao thông cũng là một thứ giặc mà chúng ta phải luôn luôn đối mặt. Tai nạn giao thông không chỉ gieo rắc đau thương, làm tan vỡ hạnh phúc của bao gia đinh mà còn gây thiệt hại to lớn về vật chất và tinh thần cho cả xã hội. Bên cạnh đó, tình trạng mất an toàn giao thông nghiêm trọng đã ảnh hưởng không tốt tới sự nhìn nhận, đánh giá tình hình phát triển của Việt Nam và gây khó khăn trong việc đầu tư của các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài vào nước ta. Nhiều du khách khi được hỏi về những điều chưa được ở Việt Nam thì họ đều trả lời giống nhau ở chỗ điều đáng ngại nhất là an toàn giao thông quá kém. Họ rất sợ phải đi bộ băng qua đường vì xe cộ chạy ào ào, bất chấp đèn đỏ. Liệu đất nước Việt Nam xinh đẹp, con người Việt Nam thân thiện có tạo được cảm tình với du khách để họ còn muốn quay lại ? Theo con số thống kê của ngành du lịch thì hơn 70% du khách không muốn trở lại vì nhiều lí do, mà một trong những lí do đáng kể là tình trạng giao thông không bảo đảm an toàn. Rõ ràng, mất an toàn giao thông ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến sự phát triển kinh tế, nhất là đối với ngành du lịch. Làm thế nào để Việt Nam trở thành điểm đến của bạn bè quốc tế? Câu trả lời một phần thuộc về tình trạng an toàn giao thông.

15 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.
Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

16 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.
Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

16 tháng 1 2018

Our country is growing quite fast thanks to the prosperity of the economy and social life, but the transport sector does not seem to meet the requirements of the times. The current state of traffic accidents has reached red alert levels and is considered a "high ranking" in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this problem is the top concern of the whole society. How to ensure traffic safety? That is a big question, demanding the efforts of everyone.

Traffic in Vietnam is now considered to be the worst field by frequent traffic accidents. People are not shivering from the frightening information about the damage to people and by traffic accidents occur every day, every month, every year. Every day, an average of 35 people die, more than ten thousand people die each year from traffic accidents. What a terrible number! The war has ended decades but we fall into a disaster no less painful, mourning. Maybe traffic accidents are also something that we must always face. Traffic accidents not only cause painful injuries but also cause great damage to the family and material to the whole society. In addition, serious traffic disruptions have badly affected the perception and assessment of Vietnam's development situation and made it difficult for foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. . Many visitors are asked about what is not in Vietnam, they all answered the same thing in the most ominous thing is traffic safety is too poor. They are afraid to walk across the road because the car runs wild, despite the red lights. Is the beautiful Vietnam, the friendly people of Vietnam have created a sympathy with tourists so they want to return? According to travel industry statistics, over 70% of travelers do not want to come back for many reasons, which is one of the notable reasons for unsafe traffic. Obviously, traffic safety has a direct impact on economic development, especially in the tourism sector. How to become a destination of international friends? The answer is partly about traffic safety.

28 tháng 2 2018

My favorite movie is cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a cat with blue and white color. He keeps the house for a normal family and has a very free life. His job is chasing Jerry day by day. Jerry is a brown house mouse. He usually lives in the deep cave behind the wall. Although they hate each other so much and always find ways to hurt opponent but when Tom or Jerry falls into really dangerous situations, then both become another savior. The film is an endless confrontation between Tom and Jerry, bring plenty of laughter for the audiences. I love this film because when I watch it I feel very glad, feeling returned to childhood.

Tôi thích xem nhất là bộ phim hoạt hình Tom & Jerry. Tom là một chú mèo có màu lông xanh trắng. Chú giữ nhà trong một gia đình bình thường & có một cuộc sống khá nhàn hạ khi chỉ có việc là ngày ngày đuổi bắt Jerry. Jerry là một chú chuột nhà nhỏ màu nâu thường sống ở hang nằm sâu trong tường. Dù cho ghét nhau và luôn tìm mọi cách để hãm hại đối phương thế nhưng khi Tom hoặc Jerry gặp phải tình huống thực sự nguy hiểm thì cả hai lại trở thành "ân nhân cứu mạng" của nhau. Bộ phim là cuộc đối đầu vô tận giữa chú mèo Tom và chú chuột thông minh Jerry mang tới vô vàn tiếng cười cho khán giả.

Tôi yêu thích bộ phim này vì khi xem phim tôi cảm thấy rất vui và như được quay trở về với tuổi thơ.

Among all films I have ever seen, I the movie called Kingsman – The Secret Service. It is a great and wonderful movie. In this film,  You can see the wild spy action adventure director Matthew Vaughn has made up, based on the same name comic of Mark Millar. And it sounds Vaughn already has some big ideas for the sequel. Based upon the Mark Millar’s comic book, Kingsman: The Secret Service will tell the story of a special super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street boy into the ultra-competitive training program of the agency just a global threat emerges from the special twisted tech genius. If you do not want to loose the best time with the interesting action, you have to turn on your TV and watch Kingsman: The Secret Serivce now.

27 tháng 12 2020

Why is music important to dairy life? Whether listening or playing music or watching a concert, music is important. Music can cheer us up, pump us up, help us to have a good time, or simply help us think… Whatever you listen to, do a little bit dairy. I’m speaking as a musician. Things in life inspire me to create music. The inspiration comes at most random moments. I make sure to carry a notebook around or some sort of thing to write on. So whatever you do, get involed in music. It can be, no, it will be a life changing experience.

31 tháng 12 2017

Volunteering is important for numerous reasons which benefit both the community and the volunteers themselves. When someone donates a handful of time, the difference made is tremendous and it can shape a community for the better while the experience improves the person who have donated the time.

Volunteering is a kind of activity what makes a community because it brings people together to work on a goal. Whether it is a fundraiser for the research to cure a disease affecting the whole world, or to help a local family who has fallen in a time of calamity, volunteers do make it happen. Community life is improved by aiding others and lending a helping hand to get a job done more efficiently. More people working means less work for each person and saving time for the project. So when it comes to getting the job done, a community clean up, the more the merrier.

When a person donates their time, they give hope to someone who needs it. If a local family’s house burnt down and a group of people hosted a benefit for them, that family’s faith would be revived when they realized that people care for them. Although that family lost their house and their assets, seeing how their own community wants to help would bring them joy and show them that money isn’t everything.

A volunteer also benefits themselves because they get to see how their contribution has made a difference. This experience contributes to personal development especially in some areas such as self-fulfillment, self-confidence, and self-esteem which often flourish in the midst of volunteering experiences. The selfless act of volunteering also provides a spiritual enhancement. Knowing that you made a positive impact on someone is an emotionally uplifting experience that can never be matched by money or fame.

Donating time now will also help in the future. Volunteering strengthens present skills and also shows an employer that an effort has been made to make an improvement. Such skills include communication skills, ability to work with others, ability to take direction and lead others, time management and dedication. Employers will realize that as a volunteer you must be able to prioritize your schedule so as to devote time for activities that benefit others. When employers see active volunteer work on a resume, they are much more ly to employ that person rather than someone who doesn’t do voluntary work. Employers know that most people who offer their time are conscientious, honest and hardworking individuals.

These are just a few reasons why volunteering is important. Not only does it bring hope and happiness to people, but it also leads to spiritual and personal growth. It is an experience that cannot be bought with any amount of money. That are evrything i want to tell you

13 tháng 7 2021

Tham khảo đoạn này nhé

The Covid 19 translation is currently raging across the country. It has claimed many lives and pain of the people. So in the country we have opened the door to online learning for the better. I find that online learning gives me many opportunities that I have never seen before in major lectures, and learning online still helps me acquire the same quantitative knowledge as studying in school. Firstly, online learning helps me to grasp the lecture better, because the teacher will speak or record the Lecture via microphone and when listening to the lecture, the audio will be very clear and easy to hear. This is much more beneficial for listening to my sermons because the sermons are large and broad,. Secondly, in online lessons, besides the call called Zoom, teachers often record the lecture and post it on the school's intranet, so I can easily review the lecture anytime, anywhere. Furthermore I have: A comfortable study space. Flexible study time. Easy to store study materials. Although that is the case, there are a number of friends who have played and skipped school thanks to learning Zoom. That is really spoiled. We should advise you to study better. Protecting our planet is protecting ourselves

13 tháng 7 2021


25 tháng 8 2017

I like English best. Why? There are many reasons. First, it's one of the most important language in the world. When you travel to another part of the world, by using english, you can understand the people, as well as respond or ask for their help. We need it in different fields of life. The English language has become easier to learn more than ever before with the availability of many sources to help people learn easily. And it’s interesting! By learning English, you will also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours. According to all of the reasons above, you can see the importance of english in our life.

25 tháng 8 2017

Cảm ơn bạn nhiều nhaLuyện tập tổng hợp

2 tháng 1 2018

Pho is one of the Vietnamese traditional food. The most delicious and typical brand of Pho in Vietnam is Ha Noi Pho with wonderful flavor. Pho is made from rice noodles, beef or chicken and other spices. Pho is a noodle soup; therefore, it’s better when being added with beansprout. Eating Pho with family not only reflects Vietnamese tradition but also creates cozy atmosphere. At weekends, my friends and I usually go to a cafeteria to enjoy Pho because Pho is served at many restaurants in Vietnam. There are two main kind of Pho: noodle soup with beef and sliced chicken, both of them are delicious and high nutrients. Pho is favorite food of almost Vietnamese and often served as breakfast. Moreover, Pho is popular in international market for its pleasant taste and reasonable price. Foreign tourists visit Vietnam and they really the taste of Pho here. I am very proud of it. In near future, I hope Pho will be more famous in other countries so that foreigners can enjoy this cuisine and understand about Vietnamese culture.

k nha mik nhanh nhất nek

2 tháng 1 2018
Pho is one of the Vietnamese traditional food. The most delicious and typical brand of Pho in Vietnam is Ha Noi Pho with wonderful flavor. Pho is made from rice noodles, beef or chicken and other spices. Pho is a noodle soup; therefore, it’s better when being added with beansprout. Eating Pho with family not only reflects Vietnamese tradition but also creates cozy atmosphere. At weekends, my friends and I usually go to a cafeteria to enjoy Pho because Pho is served at many restaurants in Vietnam. There are two main kind of Pho: noodle soup with beef and sliced chicken, both of them are delicious and high nutrients. Pho is favorite food of almost Vietnamese and often served as breakfast. Moreover, Pho is popular in international market for its pleasant taste and reasonable price. Foreign tourists visit Vietnam and they really the taste of Pho here. I am very proud of it. In near future, I hope Pho will be more famous in other countries so that foreigners can enjoy this cuisine and understand about Vietnamese culture.
25 tháng 10 2016

Basically something like: "Volunteering can be offering help to someone or something with ease, and this is an unprofitable act. Doing anything without thinking about what we will financially get (money). Volunteering is aimed to promote goodness and improve human as well as animals and plants' lives.

Đoạn văn tham khảo từ Wikipedia nà bạn:
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity and is intended to promote goodness or improve human quality of life. In return, this activity can produce a feeling of self-worth and respect. There is no financial gain involved for the individual. Volunteering is also renowned for skill development, socialization, and fun. Volunteering may have positive benefits for the volunteer as well as for the person or community served.[1] It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment. It is helping, assisting, or serving another person or persons without pay. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.

26 tháng 10 2016

Cái này là nói chung rồi bạn, cái mk cần là nói riêng 1 hoạt động tình nguyện nà!!!!