
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain. In the past, people...
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The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain.

In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get married.

In the past, people married before they had children, but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried (cohabiting) parents. In 2000, around a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain. Cohabiting couples are also starting families without first being married. Before 1960 this was very unusual, but in 2001 around 23 per cent of births in the UK were to cohabiting couples.

People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have children immediately. They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until late thirties.

The number of single-parent families is increasing. This is mainly due to more marriages ending in divorce, but some women are also choosing to have children as lone parents without being married.

1: which of the following could be the best title forr the passage ?

A. changing vuales and norms of the british family

B. changes inn marriage among british young generations

C. changing insights into and ideas of the british family

D. changes in viewpoints and lifestyles of british couples

2: the word WHICH in the passage refers to ....

A. the family in britain

B. substantial changes

C. typical british family

D. single-parent household

3: which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A. in the past british people had to pay a lot if they wanted to get divorced

B. half of the children in britain now are born to unmarried couples

C. women in britain now do not want to have children right after marriage

D. there are more and more single - parent families in britain these days

Bạn nào giỏi tiếng anh dịch giúp mik với 23 Million at Risk of Disease From Dirty Water More than 300 million people in Asia, Africa and Latin America are at risk of life-threatening diseases like cholera and typhoid because of the increasing pollution of water in rivers and lakes, the U.N. Environment Program said Tuesday.  Between 1990 and 2010, pollution caused by viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms, and long-lasting toxic pollutants like fertilizer or petrol,...
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Bạn nào giỏi tiếng anh dịch giúp mik với


23 Million at Risk of Disease From Dirty Water


More than 300 million people in Asia, Africa and Latin America are at risk of life-threatening diseases like cholera and typhoid because of the increasing pollution of water in rivers and lakes, the U.N. Environment Program said Tuesday.


Between 1990 and 2010, pollution caused by viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms, and long-lasting toxic pollutants like fertilizer or petrol, increased in more than half of rivers across the three continents, while salinity levels rose in nearly a third, UNEP said in a report.


Population growth, expansion of agriculture and an increased amount of raw sewage released into rivers and lakes were among the main reasons behind the increase of surface water pollution, putting 323 million people at risk of infection, UNEP said.


"The water quality problem at a global scale and the number of people affected by bad water quality are much more severe than we expected," Dietrich Borchardt, lead author of the report, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.


However, a significant number of rivers remain in good condition and need to be protected, he said by phone from Germany.


About a quarter of rivers in Latin America, 10 percent to 25 percent in Africa and up to 50 percent in Asia were affected by severe pathogen pollution, largely caused by discharging untreated wastewater into rivers and lakes, the report said.

8 tháng 10 2016

                                   Bản dịch 

23 triệu vào rủi ro của bệnh từ nước bẩn

Hơn 300 triệu người ở châu Á, châu Phi và Mỹ Latinh có nguy cơ bị các bệnh đe dọa tính mạng như dịch tả và thương hàn do sự ô nhiễm ngày càng tăng của nước ở các sông, hồ, Chương trình Môi trường Liên Hiệp Quốc cho biết.

Giữa năm 1990 và 2010, ô nhiễm do virus, vi khuẩn và các vi sinh vật khác, và lâu dài các chất ô nhiễm độc hại như phân bón hoặc xăng, tăng hơn một nửa trong số các con sông trên ba châu lục, trong khi độ mặn tăng trong gần một phần ba, UNEP cho biết trong một báo cáo.

tăng trưởng dân số, mở rộng nông nghiệp và gia tăng lượng nước thải thô thải vào sông, hồ là một trong những lý do chính đằng sau sự gia tăng ô nhiễm nước mặt, đưa 323 triệu người có nguy cơ nhiễm trùng, UNEP cho biết.

"Vấn đề chất lượng nước ở quy mô toàn cầu và số lượng người bị ảnh hưởng bởi chất lượng nước xấu là nặng nề hơn nhiều so với chúng tôi dự kiến," Dietrich Borchardt, tác giả chính của báo cáo, nói với Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Tuy nhiên, một số lượng đáng kể của dòng sông vẫn còn trong tình trạng tốt và cần được bảo vệ, ông nói qua điện thoại từ Đức.

Khoảng một phần tư con sông ở châu Mỹ Latinh, 10 phần trăm đến 25 phần trăm ở Châu Phi và lên đến 50 phần trăm ở Châu Á đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi ô nhiễm mầm bệnh nặng, phần lớn là do xả nước thải chưa qua xử lý vào sông hồ, báo cáo cho biết.

Bạn nào giúp mik vs ạ! Huhu I have Learned, often the hard way, that there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of All, always check and double-check departure times. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once i arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and i thought she said that the plane left at 10:50. I walked calmly to the departure desk, thinking I still had a...
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Bạn nào giúp mik vs ạ! Huhu

I have Learned, often the hard way, that there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of All, always check and double-check departure times. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once i arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and i thought she said that the plane left at 10:50. I walked calmly to the departure desk, thinking I still had a little time to spare. I didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket. The clerk at the desk told me politely but firmly that the departure time was 10:15 and that the flight was, according to international regulations, " now closed! ". I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an importent meeting.

The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still importent to have at least a little of the local currency with you when you arrive in a country. This can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago, I took a business trip to Oklahoma. I flew there from London via Dallas,with very little time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and since I had no Dollars, i offered to pay in Pounds instead." Listen, Buddy! I only take Real money! " the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was Embarrassing.

The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave, especially if you can take only a little baggage with you. I feel sorry for some of my colleagues who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day. Few people understand just how importent it is to have the right sort of clothes with you in these days of rapid air travel.

I. Discuss these questions. Campare your answers.

1. Explain why the writer once arrived at the airport only a few minutes before the plane left.

2. Whose fault do you think it was? Thư writer's or his secretary's? Give reasons for your answer.

3. Explain why the writer think it is essential to have at least a little local currency when you arrive in a foreign country.

4. Describe some of the problems you could have if you ignore the advice in the last paragraph

5 tháng 8 2018

I. Discuss these questions. Campare your answers.
1. Explain why the writer once arrived at the airport only a few minutes before the plane left.

=>Because his secretary had got the ticket for him and he thought she said that the plane left at 10:50.

2. Whose fault do you think it was? Thư writer's or his secretary's? Give reasons for your answer.

=>Thư writer's .Because he didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket.
3. Explain why the writer think it is essential to have at least a little local currency when you arrive in a foreign country.

=>Because this can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit.
4. Describe some of the problems you could have if you ignore the advice in the last paragraph

=>when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Computers are now an important part of human life. Without them, the modern world will stop: nobody will be able to travel, work, shop, watch TV, get money, or send messages. However, together with computers come viruses - a kind of computer program. They move from one computer to another and damage the memory or other parts of the computer. Some viruses are difficult to...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Computers are now an important part of human life. Without them, the modern world will stop: nobody will be able to travel, work, shop, watch TV, get money, or send messages.

However, together with computers come viruses - a kind of computer program. They move from one computer to another and damage the memory or other parts of the computer. Some viruses are difficult to stop; they can damage millions of computers in a very short time. The first virus called Brain appeared in 1986. In 1987, a more dangerous virus called Jerusalem appeared. It stayed in the computer and did nothing until the date was Friday 13th when it started to damage the computer's memory.

By the late 1990s, most computers were part of the e-mail and Internet systems. This meant virus programs could do a lot of destruction very quickly. The Melissa virus, for example, could move from one computer to another by e-mail - it automatically sent itself to every other email address in the address book.

In an effort to fight against viruses, programmers wrote antivirus software. Virus programmers are getting better all the time, but so is the antivirus software. However, a virus is always spread before a remedy takes action. People believe that one day a computer virus will bring the whole world to a stop for a few hours, which may paralyze many nations' government systems and cost the lives of many people who are traveling in a plane or undergoing an important operation.

42. The first virus appeared _________.

A.In 1986 B. In 1987 C. In 1990 D. On Friday 13th

43. Computer viruses became extremely dangerous _________.

A.on Friday 13th

B. when the first virus called Brain was created

C. when computers were connected to e-mail and Internet systems

D. in 1987

44. Which statement is TRUE about computer viruses?

A.The Melissa virus is part of the Internet system.

B. The virus Jerusalem is harmless because it did nothing.

C. A computer virus can kill people.

D. computer virus is a program.

45. A “remedy" (paragraph 4) refers to __________.

A.viruses B. programmers C. medicine D. antivirus software

46. The word "which" in the last paragraph refers to __________.

A.a computer virus created by people B. a computer virus

C. a few hours' stoppage caused by people D. the stoppage of the whole world caused by a computer virus

26 tháng 2 2020

42. The first virus appeared _________.

A.In 1986 B. In 1987 C. In 1990 D. On Friday 13th

43. Computer viruses became extremely dangerous _________.

A.on Friday 13th

B. when the first virus called Brain was created

C. when computers were connected to e-mail and Internet systems

D. in 1987

44. Which statement is TRUE about computer viruses?

A.The Melissa virus is part of the Internet system.

B. The virus Jerusalem is harmless because it did nothing.

C. A computer virus can kill people.

D. computer virus is a program.

45. A “remedy" (paragraph 4) refers to __________.

A.viruses B. programmers C. medicine D. antivirus software

46. The word "which" in the last paragraph refers to __________.

A.a computer virus created by people B. a computer virus

C. a few hours' stoppage caused by people D. the stoppage of the whole world caused by a computer virus

26 tháng 2 2020


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questionsResearchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best way to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theretical ideal decisions to see how similar they...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

Researchers in the field of psychology have found that one of the best way to make an important decision, such as choosing a university to attend or business to invest in, involves the utilization of a decision worksheet. Psychologists who study optimization compare the actual decisions made by people to theretical ideal decisions to see how similar they are. Proponents of the worksheet procedure believe that it will yield optimal, that is, the best decisions. Although there are several variations on the exact format that worksheets cam take, they are all similar in their essential aspects.

Worksheets require defining the problem in a clear and concise way and then listing all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that all possible solutions to the problem. Next, the pertinent considerations that will be affected by each decision are listed, and the relative importance of each consideration or consequence is determined. Each consideration is assigned a numerical value to reflect its relative importance. A decision is mathematically calculated by adding these values together. The alternative with the highest number of points emerges as the best decision.

Since most important problems are multifaceted, there are several alternatives to choose from, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits of a pencil and paper decision-making procedure is that it permits people to deal with more variables than their minds can generally comprehend and remember. On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once. A worksheet can be especially useful when the decision involves a large number of variables with complex relationships. A realistic example for many college students is the question "What will I do after graduation?" A graduate might seek a position that offers specialized training, pursue an advanced degree, or travel abroad for a year.

A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it. It is important to be clear about the distinction between long-range and immediate goals because long-range goals often involve a different decision than short-range ones. Focusing on long-range goals, a graduating student might revise the question above to "What will I do after graduation that will lead to a successful career?"

Question: The author states that "On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once" (paragrap 3) to explain that________.

A. people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice.

B. most decisions involve seven steps.

C. human mental capacity has limitations.

D. some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions.

17 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: C

Pick out the word which has the underlined and bold part pronounced differently from the rest: (1m) 1. A. here B.cheer C. atmosphere D. where 2. A. teach B.much C. school D. choice 3. A. called B. organized C. happened D. filled 4. A. about B. bench C. but D. comb II.Choose the best answer: (5.5 ms) 5. Whales are the most intelligent …………that has ever lived on Earth. A. animal B. plant C. fish D. tree 6. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. A. changing...
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Pick out the word which has the underlined and bold part pronounced differently from the rest: (1m) 1. A. here B.cheer C. atmosphere D. where 2. A. teach B.much C. school D. choice 3. A. called B. organized C. happened D. filled 4. A. about B. bench C. but D. comb II.Choose the best answer: (5.5 ms) 5. Whales are the most intelligent …………that has ever lived on Earth. A. animal B. plant C. fish D. tree 6. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. A. changing B. raising C. becoming D. damaging 7. Many sea animals are at..........................due to hunting and water pollution. A. loss B. death C. risk D. danger 8.We………………..use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment A. should not B. should C. will D. does not 9. A: I don’t know how to use this camera? B: It's quite easy. ……........... you A. I going to show B. I'll show C. I’m will show D. I’m going to show 10.The animals are not kept in …………..they can live in their natural environment A. cages B. house C. hotel D. restaurant 11. If you ………… to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble. A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. would have listened 12. There is a large …………….. of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. A. varied B. vary C. variety D. various 13. My home village is …………….. 40 kilometres north of the capital. A. held B. surrounded C. laid D. located 14. Would you like………………………. lunch with us? ”. B: “Yes I’d love to”. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 15.If you don’t know how to spell a word, you ……… look it up in the dictionary. A. must B. will C. should D. ought 16. These flowers are fresh. They .................... from the garden A. have been just picked B. have just been picked C. have been picked just D. just have been picked 17. You .............. go to bed late. It’s not good for your health. A. mustn’t B. should C. shouldn’t D. oughtn’t 18. Linda: Excuse me. Where’s the post office? Maria: ………………. A. It’s over there B. I’m afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so. 19. I think you ................study hard for the next exam. A. could B. will C. would D. should 20.The life ......... of sperm whale can be up to seventy years. A. distance B. period C. length D. span 21.If Lan had worn a rain coat, she ............... a cold A. had got B. wouldn’t get C. won’t get D. wouldn’t have got 22. The child’s arm was swollen because he ……………….. by a bee. A. stung B. had stung C. had being stung D. had been stung 23. Some plants and animals are ________ organisms because they are extremely small. A. huge B. tiny C. big D. oversized 24. By the end of last summer, the farmers .............all the crop. A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested 25. What would Tom do if he ______ the truth? A. would know B. has known C. know D. knew 26. Sperm whales prefer the waters with high ________ populations, which are their main diet. A. turtle B. squid C. shark D. sea lion III. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. (1.25 ms) 27.My parents(A) often take careful(B) of me when(C) I am ill(D). 28. Many(A) people think(B) this novel(C) writing(D) by Ngo Tat To. 29.Children(A) shouldn’t to spend(B) too much(C) time playing(D) computer game.. 30. A new(A) law(B) has passed(C) to protect(D) the national parks. 31. Many new roads is(A)being built(B) in this city(C) at the moment(D). IV. Read the passage below and choose the one option-A,B,C or D that best fits each of the numbered blank(1m) Dolphins are known as (32)______ mammal. They breathe air, they are warm-blooded, and they bear live young ones called calves. The size of dolphins varies greatly. The smallest dolphin is just about 50 kg in (33)_____ and 1.2 meters in length while the largest one can weigh up to 8.200 kg and is 10 meters long. Dolphins are sociable creatures. They swim together in group. They show great ability in the water and you can often come across them playing around ships. Dolphins are interested in humans and often rescue people in the sea who are in danger. They are intelligent creatures and make sounds to (34) ________with each other. Scientists have studied dolphins (35) ________many years and are now looking into the possibility of dolphins that are able to carry out tasks under the sea. 32. A. mountain B. marine C. land D. forest 33. A. length B. width C. weight D. depth 34. A. talk B. speak C. communicate D. tell 35. A. in B. since C. for D. during V. Read the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer (1.25ms) Most people are afraid of sharks, but they usually do not know much about them. For example, there are about 350 species of sharks that live in oceans over the world. All of the sharks are carnivores, but most of them don't attack people. Some sharks are very small - the smallest shark is about 6 inches long - about as long as your hand. But some sharks are very large. The largest species of sharks may be 60 feet long and weigh 15 tons. Unlike many other kinds of fish, sharks do not have bone. Their bodies are made up of a kind of tough white flexible material (called cartilage). Sharks do not have ears. However, they 'hear’ sounds and movements in the wade. Any sound or movement makes the water vibrates. Sharks can feel these vibrations and they help the sharks find food. Sharks use their large eyes to find food, too. Most sharks see best in low light. They often hunt for food at dawn, in the evening, or in the middle of the night. Nowadays scientists want to learn more about sharks for several reasons. For example, cancer is common in many animals, including, people. However. it is rare in sharks. Scientists want to find out why sharks almost never get cancer. Maybe this information can help people prevent cancer too. 36. According to the passage, sharks _________. A. have ears B. are big mammals C. are afraid of people D. are meat eaters 37. The word they in the passage refers to _________. A. vibrations B. sharks C. sounds D. movements 38. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Sharks often attack people. B. Large sharks can weigh up to 15,000 kg. C. Sharks' bodies are made up of cartilage. D. Sharks can find their food by feeling vibrations. 39. Most sharks see best in _________. A. dark light B. low light C. think fog D. light fog 40. Scientists are learning more about sharks to _________. A. help sharks prevent cancer. B. find out why sharks always get cancer. C. hunt sharks more easily. D. find out why cancer is rare in sharks.
21 tháng 2 2020

Pick out the word which has the underlined and bold part pronounced differently from the rest: (1m)

1. A. here B.cheer C. atmosphere D. where

2. A. teach B.much C. school D. choice

3. A. called B. organized C. happened D. filled ???

4. A. about B. bench C. but D. comb

II.Choose the best answer: (5.5 ms)

5. Whales are the most intelligent …………that has ever lived on Earth.

A. animal B. plant C. fish D. tree

6. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.

A. changing B. raising C. becoming D. damaging

7. Many sea animals are at..........................due to hunting and water pollution.

A. loss B. death C. risk D. danger

8.We………………..use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment

A. should not B. should

C. will D. does not

9. A: I don’t know how to use this camera?

B: It's quite easy. ……........... you

A. I going to show

B. I'll show C. I’m will show D. I’m going to show

10.The animals are not kept in …………..they can live in their natural environment A. cages B. house C. hotel D. restaurant

11. If you ………… to me, you wouldn’t have got so much trouble.

A. listened B. would listen C. had listened D. would have listened

12. There is a large …………….. of animals that live in Nairobi National Park. A. varied B. vary C. variety D. various

13. My home village is …………….. 40 kilometres north of the capital. A. held B. surrounded C. laid D. located

14. Would you like………………………. lunch with us? ”.

B: “Yes I’d love to”.

A. have B. to have C. having D. had

15.If you don’t know how to spell a word, you ……… look it up in the dictionary. A. must B. will C. should D. ought

16. These flowers are fresh. They .................... from the garden

A. have been just picked B. have just been picked C. have been picked just D. just have been picked

17. You .............. go to bed late. It’s not good for your health.

A. mustn’t B. should C. shouldn’t D. oughtn’t

18. Linda: Excuse me. Where’s the post office? Maria: ……………….

A. It’s over there B. I’m afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so.

19. I think you ................study hard for the next exam.

A. could B. will C. would D. should

20.The life ......... of sperm whale can be up to seventy years.

A. distance B. period C. length D. span

21.If Lan had worn a rain coat, she ............... a cold A. had got B. wouldn’t get C. won’t get D. wouldn’t have got

22. The child’s arm was swollen because he ……………….. by a bee. A. stung B. had stung C. had being stung D. had been stung

23. Some plants and animals are ________ organisms because they are extremely small. A. huge B. tiny C. big D. oversized

24. By the end of last summer, the farmers .............all the crop. A. harvested B. had harvested C. harvest D. are harvested

25. What would Tom do if he ______ the truth? A. would know B. has known C. know D. knew

26. Sperm whales prefer the waters with high ________ populations, which are their main diet. A. turtle B. squid C. shark D. sea lion

III. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. (1.25 ms)

27.My parents(A) often take careful(B) =>care of me when(C) I am ill(D).

28. Many(A) people think(B) this novel(C) ửiting=>is written (D) by Ngo Tat To

29.Children(A) shouldn’t to =>bỏ spend(B) too much(C) time playing(D) computer game..

30. A new(A) law(B) has passed(C)=>has been passed to protect(D) the national parks.

31. Many new roads is(A) =>are being built(B) in this city(C) at the moment(D

21 tháng 2 2020

Mình cảm ơn ạ

B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer. Man is a land animal, but he​​ closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man. The sea provided man with food and convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two thirds of the world's population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast. In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land are beginning to be used up....
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B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer.
Man is a land animal, but he​​ closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man.
The sea provided man with food and convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two
thirds of the world's population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast.
In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. Resources on land
are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man's needs.
The list of riches of the sea yet to be​​ developed by man's technology is impressive. Oil and gas exploration
have been carried out for nearly 30 years. Valuable amounts of mineral exist on the ocean floor ready to be
Fish farming- promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture of fish and shellfish
is an ancient skill practiced in the past mainly by the​​ Oriental people.
Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new source of energy. Experts believe that the warm temperature of the
ocean can be used in a way similar​​ to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents and waves offer possible use
as a source of energy. Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The
development of strong, new materials has made this possible.
The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2020 the problems
that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved.
​​ 56. The best title for this passage is ……………
a. Sea Harvest b. Sea Food
c. Man and the Sea d. Technolo gy for Exploiting the Sea
57 The major things that the sea offers man are ………………..
a. fish and oil.
b. minerals and oil
c. warm temperature and ocean currents.
d. the food energy sources, and minerals.
58.​​ The sea serves the needs of man because ……………….
a. it provide man with food. b. it supplies man with minerals.
c. it offers oil to man d. all are correct
59. The words​​ 'Oriental people​​ in paragraph 4 probably mean…………………..​​
a. the people in Asia b.​​ African people
c. European people d. American people
60. We can conclude from this passage that ……………..​​
a. the sea resources have largely been used up.
b. the sea has not yet been fully exploited.
c. the problem that prevent us from using the food, minerals and energy sources of the sea have already been
d. by the year 2020 the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea resources.

I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with a suitable word. About two hundred years ago, man lived ....................... (1) greater harmony with his environment ....................... (2) industry was not much developed. Today the situation is quite ....................... (3). People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the ....................... (4), because of modern industry and the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines...
Đọc tiếp

I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with a suitable word.

About two hundred years ago, man lived ....................... (1) greater harmony with his environment ....................... (2) industry was not much developed. Today the situation is quite ....................... (3). People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the ....................... (4), because of modern industry and the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines ....................... (5) about water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution.

Why is there so much discussion about ....................... (6)? After all, people have been polluting the world ....................... (7) them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the ....................... (8), there were not ....................... (9) people and there was lots of room in the world so people could move to another place ....................... (10) their settlements became dirty.

Now, however, many parts of the world are ....................... (11). People live in big cities and much of our waste, especially ....................... (12) from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry ....................... (13) very dangerous. Fish die in the lakes, rivers, and seas; forest trees die too. Much of this ....................... (14) waste goes into the air and is carried by the ....................... (15) for great distances.

22 tháng 6 2020

I. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with a suitable word.

About two hundred years ago, man lived in (1) greater harmony with his environment because/ since/ as (2) industry was not much developed. Today the situation is quite different (3). People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment (4), because of modern industry and the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines write (5) about water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution.

Why is there so much discussion about pollution (6)? After all, people have been polluting the world around (7) them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the past (8), there were not many (9) people and there was lots of room in the world so people could move to another place when (10) their settlements became dirty.

Now, however, many parts of the world are crowded (11). People live in big cities and much of our waste, especially waste (12) from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is (13) very dangerous. Fish die in the lakes, rivers, and seas; forest trees die too. Much of this dangerous (14) waste goes into the air and is carried by the wind (15) for great distances.