
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hãy lướt xuống cuối và đó là bất ngời tui dành cho mấy bồ!

Hi everyone, it's me Pham Linh Linh again. Looks like you guys are a bit bored with my regular appearances, yeah, maybe. Let's get to the main point



Hi everyone, it's me Pham Linh Linh again. Looks like you guys are a bit bored with my regular appearances, yeah, maybe. Let's get to the main point
As people often say, family is like a peaceful and safe harbor for sailors after the storms of life.

Family love is like a magical light that guides us. That ray of light will warm everyone's soul. And I am so happy to have a complete family full of laughter and love. My family consists of four people that are father, mother, younger brother and me. Each person gives me a different kind of love.


For me, my father is a strict and quiet person, so I am most afraid of him in my family, but that's not why I don't know his concern and concern for me. Dad is like a majestic mountain that protects and protects me every time I fall and helps me get up after that fall.

As for me, my mother gave me an indescribable love. My mother worried about me to give me every bite to eat and sleep. And I grew up in the warm arms of my mother, with sweet songs and lullabies. My life cannot be without the loving and comforting hands of my mother. I love and respect my mother no less than my father.

The person I have the most affection for is probably my brother. My sister always cares about me but her concern makes me uncomfortable. He never listens to me, so me and him are like water and fire, but my sister and I love and care for each other.

As J.H. Pame said: "No matter how shabby the place is, there is no place that can compare with family". And Eripides once confided: "Only in the family can one find refuge against the calamities of fate". That's right, family is the greatest gift your God has given you.


Family is the place where souls are nurtured. Those who have a complete family should hold on to it, cherish and build it because the lost things cannot be found. Learn to love and appreciate your family!


Xin chào các bạn, lại là mình Phạm Linh Linh. Có vẻ như các bạn hơi chán với sự xuất hiện thường xuyên của tôi, vâng, có lẽ vậy. Hãy đi vào vấn đề chính
Như người ta vẫn thường nói, gia đình giống như bến đỗ bình yên và an toàn cho những người thủy thủ sau những giông bão cuộc đời.


Tình yêu thương gia đình giống như ánh sáng kỳ diệu dẫn đường cho chúng ta. Tia sáng đó sẽ sưởi ấm tâm hồn mỗi người. Và tôi thật hạnh phúc khi có một gia đình trọn vẹn đầy ắp tiếng cười và tình yêu thương. Gia đình tôi gồm có bốn người là bố, mẹ, em trai và tôi. Mỗi người dành cho mình một kiểu yêu khác nhau.

Với tôi, bố là người nghiêm khắc và ít nói nên tôi sợ ông nhất trong gia đình, nhưng không phải vì thế mà tôi không biết được sự quan tâm, lo lắng của bố dành cho tôi. Bố như ngọn núi hùng vĩ che chở, bảo vệ tôi mỗi khi tôi vấp ngã và giúp tôi đứng dậy sau cú ngã ấy.

Còn tôi, mẹ dành cho tôi một tình yêu khó tả. Mẹ lo lắng cho tôi từng miếng ăn, giấc ngủ. Và tôi đã lớn lên trong vòng tay ấm áp của mẹ, với những câu hát, lời ru ngọt ngào. Cuộc sống của con không thể thiếu bàn tay yêu thương, vỗ về của mẹ. Tôi yêu và kính trọng mẹ không kém gì bố.

Người mà tôi dành tình cảm nhiều nhất có lẽ là anh trai tôi. Em gái tôi luôn quan tâm đến tôi nhưng sự quan tâm của cô ấy khiến tôi khó chịu. Anh ấy không bao giờ nghe lời tôi, vì vậy tôi và anh ấy như nước với lửa, nhưng tôi và chị em tôi yêu thương và chăm sóc cho nhau.


Như J.H. Pame nói: "Nơi ở dù tồi tàn đến đâu cũng không nơi nào có thể so sánh được với gia đình". Và Eripides từng tâm sự: "Chỉ trong gia đình, người ta mới tìm được nơi nương tựa trước những tai ương của số phận". Đúng vậy, gia đình là món quà lớn nhất mà thượng đế đã ban tặng cho bạn.

Gia đình là nơi nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn. Ai đã có một gia đình trọn vẹn thì nên giữ lấy, nâng niu và xây dựng vì những thứ đã mất không tìm lại được. Học cách yêu thương và trân trọng gia đình của bạn!

Tặng chocolate cho mn nek, nhận ik k tui bùn đó :)))

Tại sao nên uống Chocolate mỗi ngày?

16 tháng 2 2022

Chocolate gì một mẩu zị =))

16 tháng 2 2022

Cảm ơn, nhưng có người tặng rồi

Watch Meet Casey and fill in the blanks. Maria: Eric, how can you study and...................... at the same time. Eric: Most of my classmate text, study, and.................. at the same time. Maria: Hi Tom! How's it going? Tom: Good: how are you? Eric: hey! So am I. Jill: Oh. Hey , Tom! Tom: what are you doing ? Jill: Oh, I'm wating for my.................... She's on her way from the........................ Tom: Your cousin? Jill: She's going to stay with Maria and me for a...
Đọc tiếp

Watch Meet Casey and fill in the blanks.

Maria: Eric, how can you study and...................... at the same time.

Eric: Most of my classmate text, study, and.................. at the same time.

Maria: Hi Tom! How's it going?

Tom: Good: how are you?

Eric: hey! So am I.

Jill: Oh. Hey , Tom!

Tom: what are you doing ?

Jill: Oh, I'm wating for my.................... She's on her way from the........................

Tom: Your cousin?

Jill: She's going to stay with Maria and me for a couple of............................. Her name's Casey.

Tom: really? Where's she from?

Eric: Los Angeles.

Tom: What's she like?

Jill: Oh, well, she really fun . And...different.

She's really..................................... from me!

Tom: different... in that way?

Eric: Everyone. Casey's in ataxi.

Tom: how do you know Casey?

Eric: We're................................... friends. She just................................ her status.

" I'm in a taxi, and heading to Jill's place!"

Maria: How are you studying?

Eric: Trust me .I am

Tom: Ok. So, what's she like?

Jill: Oh, yeah, uh, well. She's really into clothes. She likes to.........................lots of accessories-things she........................herself-............................, scarves, and stuff.

Tom: So , how old is she?

Jill:whe's ........ let me rember. she's-..

eric: 21

Jill: Right 21.

help meee:((

What is your dream life? This is a fairly common question in modern life and the answer to this question is mostly different. So how do you answer this question? This is my answer. I wish I lived in a big house on a large lake in the forest because the air here is very fresh. It has four floors and four bedrooms throughout in order to see the stars at night, bathrooms for each bedroom and on the top floor outside is an enclosed porch. Our house is protected by the most modern system at that...
Đọc tiếp

What is your dream life? This is a fairly common question in modern life and the answer to this question is mostly different. So how do you answer this question? This is my answer.

I wish I lived in a big house on a large lake in the forest because the air here is very fresh. It has four floors and four bedrooms throughout in order to see the stars at night, bathrooms for each bedroom and on the top floor outside is an enclosed porch. Our house is protected by the most modern system at that time.

I want to have a happy family. My husband is very handsome and smart. After 5 years I will 3 children. They are very cute and clever. My children are very smart and very cute. My son is cold but he knows how to take care of those around him very well. My first daughter is quite gentle, she can cook a lot of delicious food. But my second daughter is different from her sister. She is very energetic and she just knows to eat and sleep. But we are very close and have a lot of work to do with each other's lives like the other family. I think family is an inestimable present for me.

Every morning I wake up and swim in the lake or jogging, come to make coffee with the French press and make breakfast. Then I take my two dogs for a walk because I enjoy and love animals. After that, I go home and look after my garden, flowers, plants, and vegetables because I want my family can eat healthy things. I go fishing with my kids and my husband clean and cook for lunch. He will make food from fishes I bring back. After lunch, I clean with my husband. We talk to and watch some movies. Then I come to our orchard and pick a few apples and a cake that I want for dessert. I also choose vegetables and some fruits. I will practice yoga, Pilates or classes for my own flexibility. In the evening, I meditate for half an hour, relax with some music and taste a new wine. I will tell some fairy tales to my children. After they sleep, I bright wine into my husband's room. We talk and see the stars in the sky My husband will sing to me sleep. I fall asleep with dreams in my husband's lap. I will welcome the new day with a relaxed spirit.

This is my dream life. I wish It will become truth. And you, what is your dream life?

hãy đọc và tìm ra những chỗ chưa hợp lý trong bài luận trên.

Please help me!!! Thank you so much.

2 tháng 5 2018

You ask me what I think about my dad. Great! Great! I must tell you my dad is the best person in the world. Do you blow what I mean?

He is a considerate and generous man who is loved not only by his family but also by all his friends.

His priority is always his family.

His sense of humor distinguishes him from others. In a word, my dad's terrific! I’m so proud of him and love him so much. Happy Father s Day, Daddy!

2 tháng 5 2018


You ask me what I think about my dad. Great! Great! I must tell you my dad is the(1).........best.........pers in the world. Do you know what I mean? He is a considerate and generous man(2)......who.......is loved not on by his family(3).....but.......also by all his friends. His piority is always his family. His sense of hur distinguishes him rom others. In a world, my dad's terrific! I'm so prond of him and(4)........love..........him much. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

24 tháng 7 2018

Firstly, family is where I was born and grew up, helped me to study many things and taught me good behaviors. ( thay is thành dấu phẩy )

24 tháng 7 2018

Thank you!

read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct but some have a word which should not be there. A THANK- YOU LETTER Dear Angie, I am writing to say how much I enjoyed staying with you and your family, and to thank you for your hospitality. I have had a good flight home, and my parents and sisters were waiting at the airport to meet me. There was so much news to tell to them that we stayed up talking until long after the midnight! They were extremely...
Đọc tiếp

read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct but some have a word which should not be there.


Dear Angie,

I am writing to say how much I enjoyed staying with you and your

family, and to thank you for your hospitality. I have had a good flight

home, and my parents and sisters were waiting at the airport to meet

me. There was so much news to tell to them that we stayed up talking

until long after the midnight! They were extremely interested to see

through all my photographs, especially the ones of you and yourr family.

I have been trying to persuade them to visit England in next year so that

they can meet you. I know you would all get on with very well together.

I must say that it's nice to be home again and speaking my own

language, but I'm afraid I may forget all the English I had learnt while

I was staying with you . So I'm planning to write to you regularly

as a way of practicing. I'm sure of I'll make lots of mistakes and it

would be helpful if you could correct the worst ones.

Please write soon. I'm looking forward to your news.

You are going to read a magazine article about one-day travel destinations. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once. Write youranswers in ‘Your answers’ part. (15 points)Which person or people Your answers:admits that something is not to her taste? 1. ________enjoys watching people living their everyday lives? 2. ________mentions the fact that something is inexpensive? 3. ________mentions a long tradition associated with the place she...
Đọc tiếp

You are going to read a magazine article about one-day travel destinations. For questions 1-
15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once. Write your
answers in ‘Your answers’ part. (15 points)
Which person or people Your answers:
admits that something is not to her taste? 1. ________
enjoys watching people living their everyday lives? 2. ________
mentions the fact that something is inexpensive? 3. ________
mentions a long tradition associated with the place she visits? 4. ________
suggests she spends a lot of money at her favorite destination? 5. ________
like an area where there are not a lot of other people? 6. ____ 7. ____
visits a place which gives her ideas related to her job? 8. ________
sometimes has company when she visits her favorite place? 9. ________
says she doesn't visit as frequently as she would like? 10. ________
discovered her favorite destination purely by chance? 11. ________
appreciate a lack of noise? 12.____ 13. ____
mention how long it takes them to get there? 14.____ 15. ____

Great Escapes from London

For Londoners with a busy lifestyle, it's hard to get away even for a day, but Amanda Hyslop spoke
to five different women who regularly do exactly that.
A. Julia Finch is a busy lawyer who loves nature but doesn't get nearly enough of it sitting in her
London office all day, so she often takes advantage of Wisley Garden, only an hour's drive from
Central London. "My favorite thing is that there is always something new to see. The garden
collection has been developing for more than 100 years and far surpasses anything I've ever seen. It's
a lovely, peaceful place for a stroll, and it's so vast that it doesn't get crowded. I get ideas for my own

garden from the great demonstration gardens full of practical ideas and techniques. I can even
incorporate my other favorite hobby of photography by bringing my camera and clicking away. It 's
perfect for a great day out."
B. Jessica Green is a hardworking student who needs a break from the books once in a while, and
makes Brighton her favorite one-day destination. "I love being by the sea, and it's so close to London
that whenever I feel like it, I just jump on a train and in 55 minutes I'm there. Brighton evolved from
a small fishing village into England's most famous seaside resort, and offers all the traditional
attractions, including restaurants, nightlife, miles of sandy beaches and two piers. I always eat at this
great self-service restaurant, which is also modestly priced. My favorite spot, though, is a small strip
of sand under one of the piers, where I can just sit all alone and hear nothing but the sea."
C. Martha Roberts is an architect who enjoys her job so much that her work is also her hobby. "My
favorite piece of architecture to study in my free time is The Royal Pavilion in Brighton. I try to get
some of my co-workers to go with me, since it isn't all that far from London, but they're usually too
busy. The Pavilion was built for King George IV and if ever a building represented the concept of
'over the top', this is it. The pseudo Indian palace, with Chinese-influenced interiors, is a riot of
color, expensive fabrics, crystal and gilt. It's not the sort of style I would ever like in my own house,
but I do find inspiration for my work in everything I look at."
D. Flora Evans, a market analyst, feels she deserves an expensive treat after a busy week, which is
why she often takes time to get away. "I go to Bath to visit my favorite luxury spa and enjoy the
pools, which are fed by Britain's only natural hot springs. Sitting in the pool, with only the soft,
gentle sound of moving water, is the ideal way to relax. And of course, a day of pampering is never
complete without some shopping. Bath is one of the best shopping destinations outside London, with
many specialist shops and a number of antique shops tucked away in the narrow streets. A good
souvenir to buy is hand-blown glass, which takes its blue color from the city's hot springs."
E. Elizabeth Dosset, a sales assistant at a popular department store, happened upon her favorite
destination by accident. "I was on a trip to Stonehenge, but the site was closed and I ended up in the
small market town of Salisbury, just a short distance away. There are not many residents and not
many visitors, either, which is perfect since I need a break from all the people I deal with every day.
I couldn't believe that a market still takes place regularly in the town's market place, just as it has
done since the 13th century. My favorite thing to do is observe the shopkeepers going about their
business and see people running errands or just having some tea. The town is so charming and quaint
that I try to go at least once a month. I wish I could go more often, though."

1 My parents expect me to speak in a polite voice to other people => It's my parents wish that I ___________________ 2 I am expected to get home by curfew => I should ___________________________ 3 My parents never let ask for things in the supermarket => My parents always refuse ____________________ 4. It's likey to be more effective to have a few clear and specific rules a long list => A few clear and specific rules ____________ 5. It's useful for many families to write down a set of...
Đọc tiếp

1 My parents expect me to speak in a polite voice to other people

=> It's my parents wish that I ___________________

2 I am expected to get home by curfew

=> I should ___________________________

3 My parents never let ask for things in the supermarket

=> My parents always refuse ____________________

4. It's likey to be more effective to have a few clear and specific rules a long list

=> A few clear and specific rules ____________

5. It's useful for many families to write down a set of rules about how family members are expected to behave

=> My family finds _________________________

6 ) Many parents think that it's a good idea to make the rules public by sticking them on the fridge

=> Many parents think that they ____________________

7 ) It's necessary for young children to get supervision and support to follow family rules

=> Young children will ______________

8. It's important for a family to have rules about safe behavior, including rules anout alcohol use, dation and curfew .

=> A family must ______________________-

17 tháng 10 2018

4. It's likey to be more effective to have a few clear and specific rules a long list

=> A few clear and specific rules __a long list is more effective__

5. It's useful for many families to write down a set of rules about how family members are expected to behave

=> My family finds ___it useful to to write down a set of rules about how family members are expected to behave____

6 ) Many parents think that it's a good idea to make the rules public by sticking them on the fridge

=> Many parents think that they __should make the rules public by sticking them on the fridge___

7 ) It's necessary for young children to get supervision and support to follow family rules

=> Young children will __have to get supervision and support to follow family rules_

8. It's important for a family to have rules about safe behavior, including rules anout alcohol use, dation and curfew .

=> A family must __ have rules about safe behavior, including rules anout alcohol use, dation and curfew .__

17 tháng 10 2018

1 My parents expect me to speak in a polite voice to other people

=> It's my parents wish that I ____spoke in a polite voice to other people _______________

2 I am expected to get home by curfew

=> I should ________get home by curfew___________________

3 My parents never let ask for things in the supermarket

=> My parents always refuse ______asking for things in the supermarket______________

13 tháng 6 2018

Tìm lỗi sai va sửa lại
Well, Trisha, that's my own first day at my new job out of the way. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it turned out okay. My manager was really nice, much => bỏ nicer than yours boss sounds from your letter. No sooner had i arrived at work than did he made me a cup of tea! It was a really pleasant surprise. Not only did he do that, but he was also kind enough to explain to me how everything worked. The office is really modern and its comfortable. The other people all have their own desks, but mine => my desk still hasn't been delivered, so i'm sharing with someone else for now. Little did i not realise when i took the job that i was going to enjoy it so much. I have finally found a job that i am happy in => bỏ, and so will you have, i'm sure. Hope tomorrow's as much fun!

13 tháng 6 2018

mik ko chắc chắn đâu

yours boss\(\Rightarrow\) your boss

did he made \(\Rightarrow\) he made

its comfortable \(\Rightarrow\) comfortable

mine \(\Rightarrow\) my

Underline odd words in the following paragraph. It was a great to see you again after so long and to be able to discuss about all the things we used to do when we were students together learning english in London. I hope you and had a good time journey home. Did the flight reach to Athens in time for you to get up your connection? I hope so. Do you remember I promised to send you that a book we talked about? Well, I've searched in everywhere for it but so far I haven't managed to find it. As...
Đọc tiếp

Underline odd words in the following paragraph.

It was a great to see you again after so long and to be able to discuss about all the things we used to do when we were students together learning english in London. I hope you and had a good time journey home. Did the flight reach to Athens in time for you to get up your connection? I hope so. Do you remember I promised to send you that a book we talked about? Well, I've searched in everywhere for it but so far I haven't managed to find it. As soon as I will do, I'll put it in the post to for you - it's a really exciting story. And now I'd like to ask you about a favor, ont for me but for mys sister. She wants to have a work in Greece. She doesn't mind what she does- she would be to happy to work in a bar or to look after children. So if only you know of anything, please let us know. She'd like to spend until one year there from next January, which it should be possible. I think. She has been decided it is the best thing for her. I'm looking forward to know hearing from you soon. Give my regards to your family.

Best wishes, Costars

13 tháng 6 2019

Underline odd words in the following paragraph.

It was a great to see you again after so long and to be able to discuss about all the things we used to do when we were students together learning english in London. I hope you had a good time journey home. Did the flight reach to Athens in time for you to get up your connection? I hope so. Do you remember I promised to send you that a book we talked about? Well, I've searched in everywhere for it but so far I haven't managed to find it. As soon as I will do, I'll put it in the post to for you - it's a really exciting story. And now I'd like to ask you about a favor, ont for me but for mys sister. She wants to have a work in Greece. She doesn't mind what she does- she would be to happy to work in a bar or to look after children. So if only you know of anything, please let us know. She'd like to spend until one year there from next January, which it should be possible. I think. She has been decided it is the best thing for her. I'm looking forward to know hearing from you soon. Give my regards to your family.

Best wishes, Costars

13 tháng 6 2019

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