
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

1. - Mario is watching TV.

(Mario đang xem truyền hình.)

- Mark is checking new vocabulary on the internet.

(Mark đang kiểm tra từ mới trên mạng.)

- Hannah is revising for her exams.

(Hannah đang ôn tập cho kỳ thi.)

2. - Mario thinks listening is difficult.

(Mario nghĩ kỹ năng nghe thì khó.)

- Mark thinks reading and writing are difficult.

(Mark nghĩ kỹ năng đọc và viết thì khó.)

- Hannah thinks pronunciation is difficult.

(Hannah nghĩ phát âm thì khó.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
13 tháng 10 2023

She is going to walk to the South Pole. She is going to take the photos of the ice in Antartica.

(Cô ấy sẽ đi bộ đến Nam Cực. Cô ấy sẽ chụp những bức ảnh về băng ở Nam Cực.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
13 tháng 10 2023

Bài nghe:

Interviewer: Today, I’m talking to an explorer Stephanie Lowe. She’s going to go on a trip to Antarctica in November. What are you going to do there, Stephanie?

Stephanie: I’m going to walk to the South Pole.

Interviewer: Walk…to the South Pole. Why?

Stephanie: Well, I’m an explorer and a photographer. I’m going to take the photos of the ice in Antarctica.

Interviewer: Of course. It’s very icy there.

Stephanie: Yes, 98% of Antarctica is ice.

Interviewer: Wao! Why are you going to go in November?

Stephanie: Because it’s summer there. There are only two seasons in Antarctica, summer and winter.

Interviewer: Really?

Stephanie: Yes. It isn’t sunny in winter. It’s night for 6 months. And in summer, it never gets dark.

Interviewer: What’s about animals? Will you see any polar bears?

Stephanie: No, I won’t. Polar bears live in the Arctic, but I hope I will see some penguins and whales. They live in Antarctica.

Interviewer: Oh, yes. What equipment are you going to take?

Stephanie: A lot. For examples, special clothes, water proofs, sunglasses, water bottles, a pen knive, and some sun cream.

Interviewer: Sun cream?

Stephanie: Yes, it won’t be hot, but it will be sunny in November.

Interviewer: What will the temperature be like?

Stephanie: It will be very cold, of course. It’s very windy in Antarctica, and the wind changes the temperature. In November, the temperature will be about minus 30 degrees celcius. So a very good tent and sleeping bag will also be important.

Interviewer: How will you talk to your friends and family at home?

Stephanie: I’m going to take a special laptop. But at the research center at the South Pole, there will be telephone and computer, so communicating will be easier. There will also be nice meals and hot water at the center.

Interviewer: Well, good luck, Stephanie. I hope I will see you next year.

2: doing

3: like

4: is

5: not

6: does

7: having

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

1. When there’s a lot of rain.

(Khi nào việc đi lại là vấn đề ở Bangladesh? – Khi có nhiều mưa.)

2. A school where students stuy, eat and sleep.

(Trường nội trú là gì? – Là một ngôi trường mà học sinh học tập, ăn và ngủ ở đấy.)

3. Homeschooling.

(Một cách học khác cho học sinh Việt Nam là gì? – Học ở nhà.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

1. Is he/she learning English? Yes, he / she is.

Are they learning English? Yes, they are.

(Cô ấy/ Anh ấy/ Họ đang học ngôn ngữ à? – Đúng vậy.)

2. What is he/she doing now? He's / She's watching TV.

What are they doing now? They're watching TV.

(Cô ấy/ Anh ấy/ Họ đang làm gì? – Cô ấy/ Anh ấy/ Họ  đang xem tivi.)

3. Is he/she learning the same language? No, he/she isn't.

Are they learning the same language? No, they aren't.

(Cô ấy/ Anh ấy/ Họ có học cùng một ngôn ngữ không? – Có.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
10 tháng 10 2023

2. Tina thinks the story was boring.

(Tina nghĩ rằng câu chuyện thật nhàm chán.)

3. Sally's Travels was an action movie.

(Sally's Travels là một bộ phim hành động.)

4. Tina thinks the story was very exciting.

(Tina nghĩ rằng câu chuyện rất thú vị.)

5. Tina thinks Sally was very funny.

(Tina nghĩ rằng Sally rất vui tính.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

1. Ben is sometimes absent from school because he plays tennis and he must practise a lot, and he often goes to other countries to play in tournaments.

(Tại sao Ben thỉnh thoảng nghỉ học? - Ben đôi khi phải nghỉ học vì chơi quần vợt và phải tập luyện nhiều, và bạn ấy thường sang các nước khác để tham gia các giải đấu.)

2. Digital learning helps Ben keep learning.

(Điều gì giúp Ben tiếp tục học? – Phương pháp học kỹ thuật số giúp Ben có thể tiếp tục học.)

3. Yes, he does.

(Ben còn đi học không? – Còn.)

4. Yes, he can.

(Ben có thể vượt qua các bài kiểm tra ở trường không? – Bạn ấy có thể.)

5. In my opinion, special students or too busy students do online courses when they are absent from school.

(Theo bạn, ai là người thường tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến khi nghỉ học? – Theo tôi, những học sinh đặc biệt hoặc những học sinh quá bận rộn sẽ tham gia các khóa học trực tuyến khi họ nghỉ học.) 

18 tháng 2 2023

The people in the USA love Robert.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
13 tháng 10 2023

Bài nghe:

Robert Wadlow was born in February 1918, in a town of Alton, Illinois, in the USA. He grew up and went to school there. And people in the town loved him. He grew very quickly. At the age of 6, he was taller than his father. That was a problem at school, so they made a special desk for him.

Robert was the oldest of the five children. He has two brothers and two sisters who were a normal height. When Robert left school at the age of 17, he was 2,48 metres tall. He went to the university but it was difficult for him, so he left.

Robert became famous in the USA when he appeared in a famous circus. People called him the Alton Giant, the Giant of Illinois. People also call him the gentle giant because he spoke very quietly.

Robert never stopped growing. Robert got a job with a shoes company that made his special shoes and travelled around the country with his father. They went to 800 different town in the USA, and Robert became more famous.

Sadly, Robert died at the age of 22, because of the problem with one of his feet. People were very sad when Robert died.