
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

In Ha Noi, the number of death by traffic accident is considered as large as the number of death by plague. There's about more than 30 people die everyday. With the traffic conditions in Ha Noi, accident is object to happen. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic. To solve this problem, we only have one way, it's improving the road. However, it is impossible for the government to widen the roads because of limited land. Whenever theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. We also can build the tunnels but it is very costly. Viet Nam has to borrow money from other countries and no one knows when the government can pay it back. As you know, Ha Noi is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.

In addition, the tense of Ha Noi people is poor. The roads in the cities are choked with so many vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxies, buses, cyclos and pedestrians because people do not follow the laws well. They even don't obey the traffic lights or signs. Children are taught about traffic laws while adults are breaking it. Now, the government gives many new strict laws to improve the present posture. Polices are more active than they used to. Everyone travel on

motorbike wears helmet naturally without any enforcement. The traffic is better and better day by day.

In conclusion, with many measures now, the traffic in Ha Noi will be good one day. The poor conditions Ha Noi can solve this problem by the development of economic.

24 tháng 1 2021

What should we do when we go out?

-Yes, we have to follow the road signs and the traffic safety rules. There are five types of road signs. First one, the direction sign. This type leads you to go to the right side of the road or somethings, but most are lead you to go to the right side. The second is danger sign. This type shows you the danger ahead and when you saw this sign, you have to becareful. The third one is prohibition signs. In this type, if you don't follow the sign, you will maybe in danger. The fourth type is command signs. You have to follow it or maybe you will be like you don't follow the prohibition signs. The fifth and also the last one type is side signs. This type is not very common and I don't know about it very much. If you want to know about the last type of sign, you can search on the internet. 

23 tháng 11 2016

==' bj cô dọc đáp án rùi ak?

5 tháng 12 2016

trog sbt có giải mừ

22 tháng 2 2022

getting started hay a closer look 1 hay a closer look 2,....

bài 1 hay 2 hay 3,...

22 tháng 2 2022

unit 7 Sách Bài tập mà._.?

6 tháng 10 2016


Period   14:                                           UNIT 2: HEALTH

                                                          Lesson 6:   SKILLS 2  

Date of preparation :  September 13th, 2014

 Date of teaching      : September 15th, 2014

Classes                      : 7A1

I. Aims and Objectives:  

+ Language content:

- To help students review some words about health.

- To help students listen to get specific information about health problems and advice, and

- To make them master how to write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem.

+ Language function: To make students know how to give and write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem.

+ Educational aim: To make students stay healthy.

II. Language Contents:

                  a- Vocabulary: Vocabulary: health problems

                    b- Structures:  a paragraph

III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, brainstorm

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, tape/ CD

V. Procedures:

1- Stabilization: (1m)                  

       a- Warm up:  Greeting.

       b- Checking absence:  Who’s absent today?

2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)




1. Write new words: chế độ ăn kiêng , chuyên gia ,giữ dáng , lời khuyên

2. Listen and answer the questions:

a. What is a calorie ?

b. Where do you get calories ?

c. What is a healthy number of calories per day ?

d. Which activity uses more calories : walking and sleeping ?

1. Write new words: diet, expert , stay in shape, tip


3. Listen and answer the questions: *Possible answers:

a. A calorie is energy that helps us do our daily activities

b. we get calories from the food we eat

c. between 1.600 to 2.500

d. walking



3- New lesson:


Teaching steps




1. Lead-in:

- Give them the Olympic rings and asks them what these represent.

- Brainstorms with Ss as a class different words that come to mind when Ss think of the Olympics.

- Introduces students to the new lesson.

2. Pre- Listening:

Activity 1: Look at the picture below. Discuss the following questions with partner.

- Asks students to have a look at picture and discuss.

3. While- Listening:

Activity 2: Listen to the interview with an ironman. Tick the problems he had as a child.

- Lets students listen twice.

- Asks students to answer (play the tape again) and check.

*Key: sick, allergy

Activity 3: Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for event?

- Lets students listen again.

- Asks students to answer (play the tape again) and check.

*Key: Do more exercise, sleep more, eat more fruit/vegetables

Activity 4: Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

- Asks students to do the task individually

- Calls some Ss to give their answers and corrects.


1.T, 2. F, 3.F, 4.F, 5T

4. Post- Listening:

Activity 5: Discuss in groups.

- Asks students to discuss in groups about 2minutes.

- Calls some representatives represent their answers.


1. Lead-in:

- Gestures and says “ I have a headache.  Can you give me an advice?”

- Introduces students to the new lesson.

2. Pre- writing:

- Explains: To give advice you can use:

+ You should….

+You can…

+ It will be good if you…

+Do something more/less…

3. While- writing

Activity 6: Look at Dr. Law’s advice page. Can you match the problems with the answers?

- Asks students to finish the task individually.

- Corrects and gives them the key

1. c, 2.b, 3a

4. Post- writing

Activity 6

-Has Ss work in pairs to do the task.

-Calls some pairs to share their problems and responses with the class.

5. Consolidation :

- Lets sts summarize the content of the lesson

6. Homework:


Grade 7:                                             LESSON PLAN

Period   15:                                           UNIT 2: HEALTH

                                                          Lesson 7:   LOOKING BACK AND PROJECTS        

Date of preparation :  September 16th, 2014

 Date of teaching      : September 18th, 2014

Classes                      : 7A1

I. Aims and Objectives:  

- To help the Ss review words relating to health.

- To help student review imperatives with more and less as well as compound sentences.

+ Language function: Students will be able to talk about health problems, give health advice..

+ Educational aim: To make students know how to stay healthy.

II. Language Contents:

a- Vocabulary: (review)

                        b- Structures:   (review)

III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, tape/ CD

V. Procedures:

1- Stabilization: (1m)                  

       a- Warm up:  Greeting.

       b- Checking absence:  Who’s absent today?

2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)




. Listen and answer the questions:

a. What will you do if you have flu?

b. I play computer games a lot and my eyes feel really dry. What should I do?

c. I have some spots. What can I do?

d. What do you do to have good health?

. Listen and answer the questions:

a. Drink more water./ Sleep more

b. You should try to rest your eyes.

c. You should wash your face more.

d. funny.

e. Eat sensibly and do more exercise

10 ms 

3- New lessons

A. Vocabulary:

1. Lead-in:

- Holds game: Network: Asks 2 teams to write all health problems

- Introduces the new lesson to students.

2. Pre- practice:

-Reminds Ss of health problems.

3. Controlled- practice:

Activity 1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?

-  Ask  students  to  complete  this  task individually.

- Call students to write the answers on the board.

- Correct the exercise with the whole class

Key: a. sunburn          b. spots            c. put on weight        d. stomachache             e. flu

Activity 2: Look at the pictures. Write the health problems below each person.

- Ask students to complete this task individually.

- Correct the exercise with the whole class.

Key: 1. spots   2. put on weight          3. sunburn 4. stomachache/ sick        5. flu

4. Free-Practice:

-Games: “hot seat”

B. Grammar

1. Lead-in:

- Holds game: Network: Asks 2 teams to write all health tips

- Introduces the new lesson to students.

2. Pre- practice:


- Reviews :

A.Imperatives with more and less:

-Gives Ss a picture of a fat person


- Asks students a question “What should the boy do if he wants to lose weight?”

*Possible answers: He should eat less. / He should sleep less./ …

- Says:

+Eat less

+Sleep less.

+Eat less junk food.

+Do more exercise.

a. Form:

V + (o) + more/less + (n)

 b. Use: We can use the imperative for direct commands, orders or suggestions.

B. * Compound sentences:

-Write the sentence on the board and asks them to draw the form

a. Form:

Simple sentence, + and /or /but /so+ Simple sentence,

 b. Use: when we want to join two ideals, we can link two simple sentences to form compound sentences. We can do this using a coordinating conjunction like and ( for addition), or (for choice), but (for contrast), or so (for a result)

3- Controlled-practice:

Activity 3: Complete the health tips.

-  Ask  students  to  complete  this  task individually.

- Correct the exercise with the whole class.

Key: 1. less  2. more   3. more            4. Go outside       5. watch … TV       6. Do … exercise

Activity 4: Draw a line to link the sentences and a coordinator to form meaningful sentences.

-  Ask  students  to  complete  this  task individually.

- Call students to write the answers on the board.

- Correct the exercise with the whole class.


1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight.                       

2. I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early.               

3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired.

4. I can exercise every morning, or I can

cycle to school.                      

Activity 5:

- Has students write the true sentences about them.

4. Free-Practice:

-Games: “shark attack”

C. Communication:

1. Lead-in:

-Asks Ss “ Where will you go if you have a very bad toothache?”

- Introduces the new lesson to students.

2. Pre- practice:

-Reminds Ss of health problems.

3. Controlled- practice:

Activity 5. Role-play.

- Ask students to work in pairs. Each student is the patient and other student is the doctor. Ask

them to choose one of the health problems to role-play a discussion.

Activity 6: Facts or Myths?

- Ask students to complete this task in pairs

- Correct the exercise with the whole class.

4. Free-Practice:


- Asks students to do a survey about people’s health.

- Asks them to present their results.

5. Consolidation :

- Reminds sts the main ideas of the lesson

6. Homework :



13 tháng 10 2016

Làm sao biết sách nào mà làm?

ban ghi de di

22 tháng 9 2016

bạn học sách mới hả nếu thế bạn gõ sachmem.vn mà học nhé có tất cả các bài trong sách giáo khoa và sách bài tập đó

22 tháng 9 2016


Extra vocabulary 

+myth: sự hoang đường                                                              +sleeping in: ngủ nướng 

+sushi: món sushi                                                               +vegetarians: người ăn kiêng

+vitamins: chất dinh dưỡng

Exercise 1: 

1. People who smile more are happier, and they live longer. (fact)

2. Sleeping in at the weekend helps you recover from a busy week. (myth)

3. Eat more fresh fish, like sushi, and you will be healthier. (fact) 

4. Sitting to close to the TV hurts your eyes. (fact) 

5. Pick up food you drop quickly, and it's safe to eat. (myth)

6. Vegetarians don't get enough vitamins in their food. (myth)

Exercise 2: Nghe radio nói những sự thất hoặc sự hoang đường về sức khoẻ và kiểm tra những câu trả lời của bạn ở bài tập 1.



8 tháng 1 2019

- Ambulance: xe cứu thương

- Axle weight limit: trục giới hạn trọng lương

- Bend: đường gấp khúc

- Bump: đường xóc       

- Construction: công trường

- Cross road: đường giao  nhau

- Danger: nguy hiểm     

- Dead end: đường cụt

- Distance to exit (meters): khoảng cách đến lối ra       

- Electric cable overhead: đường cáp điện phía trên      

- End of dual carriage way: hết làn đường kép

- End of highway: hết đường quốc lộ         

- Give way: dừng để xe khác đi qua (trước khi đi vào đường lớn)    

- Go left or right: rẽ trái hoặc phải   

- Go straight or left: đi thẳng hoặc rẽ trái  

- Go straight: đi thẳng   

- Handicap parking: chỗ đỗ xe của người khuyết tật    

- Highway begins: bắt đầu đường quốc lộ  

- Hospital: bệnh viện

- Length limit: giới hạn chiều dài

- No buses: không có xe bus

- No crossing: cấm qua đường

- No entry: cấm vào      

- No horn: cấm còi        

- No overtaking: cấm vượt

8 tháng 1 2019

- Ambulance: xe cứu thương

- Axle weight limit: trục giới hạn trọng lương

- Bend: đường gấp khúc

- Bump: đường xóc       

- Construction: công trường

- Cross road: đường giao  nhau

- Danger: nguy hiểm     

- Dead end: đường cụt

- Distance to exit (meters): khoảng cách đến lối ra       

- Electric cable overhead: đường cáp điện phía trên      

- End of dual carriage way: hết làn đường kép

- End of highway: hết đường quốc lộ         

- Give way: dừng để xe khác đi qua (trước khi đi vào đường lớn)    

- Go left or right: rẽ trái hoặc phải   

- Go straight or left: đi thẳng hoặc rẽ trái  

- Go straight: đi thẳng   

- Handicap parking: chỗ đỗ xe của người khuyết tật    

- Highway begins: bắt đầu đường quốc lộ  

- Hospital: bệnh viện

- Length limit: giới hạn chiều dài

- No buses: không có xe bus

- No crossing: cấm qua đường

- No entry: cấm vào      

- No horn: cấm còi        

- No overtaking: cấm vượt

7 tháng 10 2016


Bài 1 là ngta cho mjh câu hỏi a, b, c, d rồi thì giờ mjh làm câu trả lời lun

A)you have a sunburn

B)you have a spots

C)you put on weight

D)you have a stomachache

E)you have a flu

Bài 2

1 spots

2 put on weight

3 sunburn

4 stomachache

5 flu

Bài 3





5 .....less.....


Bài 4

1I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight

2) I don't want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early

3)I have a temperature, and I feel tired

4)I can ểcise every morning

Còn bài 5 bài 6 thì đọc thui có gì ko hiểu trog bài thì hỏi mjh nha

Tick cho mjh nha

7 tháng 10 2016

Thay vì mấy bn soạn cho bn chép lại thì bn tự lm đại đại đi.Đỡ mất thời gian.

9 tháng 11 2018

mình cần gấp vào ngày mai

9 tháng 11 2018

Thuyết trình về chủ đề gì vậy?