
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

ĐỀ SỐ 2PART A: USE OF ENGLISHI.     CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM A, B, C OR D TO COMPLETE FOLLOWING SENTENCES.Question 1. As a citizen, it is normal to                       to the laws and rules made by the society.A. conform                  B. resist                       C. hinder                     D. obeyQuestion 2. He attempted to                      the painting from the gallery but he was caught.A. rob                          B. steal                        C....
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Question 1. As a citizen, it is normal to                       to the laws and rules made by the society.

A. conform                  B. resist                       C. hinder                     D. obey

Question 2. He attempted to                      the painting from the gallery but he was caught.

A. rob                          B. steal                        C. thief                        D. kidnap

Question 3. Once the computer virus was removed, a lot of information                       .

A. is disappearing                   B. will have disappeared

C. disappears                          D. disappeared

Question 4. Telecommuter boosters will often mention                          convenient it is for people wishing to cut down on their work hours.

A. how                        B. therefore                 C. only                        D. most

Question 5. A:"Will the Jackson be invited?"- B:"I                       ."

A. expect so not          B. so expect                C. expect so                D. don't expect

Question 6. I read the contract again and again                      avoiding making spelling mistakes.

A. with a view to        B. on account of         C. by means of            D. in terms of

Question 7. In a report submitted to the government yesterday, scientists                      that the building of the bridge be stopped.

A. banned                   B. complained             C. said                         D. recommended

Question 8. Anyone ordering a new MP3 player                       the end of the month will receive a free extra set of headphones.

A. at                            B. in                            C. upon                       D. before

Question 9. I enjoyed reading that story. It was rather sad,                       .

A. also                         B. though                    C. but                          D. so

Question 10. My job is so                       that I don't think I'll be able to take a summer break.

A. persisting                B. hard                        C. demanding             D. tough



A recent survey of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (11)

                      of  a  second  language  acquisition.  Their  advice  may  prove  invaluable  for  those  (12)

                      a language course. One suggestion is that you (13)                         whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language? Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? The major (14)                            will be your own time and effort.Therefore, you must be sure that the course on offer leads to a (15)                                          qualification. Also, be realistic in your (16)                                        . If you don't set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived (17)                               thinking that the  most  expensive  courses  are  the best. (18)                                around to get the best possible value for  money. You should also bear in mind that the faster you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by rolling on a (19)                                           course.

Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of

(20)                        progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learnt by continuing to study, even if it were by myself."

Question 11. A. branch          B. field            C.area              D. domain Question 12. A. considering  B. wondering  C. thinking                      D. looking Question 13. A. survey                           B. review         C. balance       D.assess Question 14. A. price                                   B. charge         C. cost             D. valuation Question 15. A. valued          B. regarded     C. understood D. recognised Question 16. A. ends              B. sights          C. goals           D. objects Question 17. A. into                               B. about          C. by               D. in Question 18. A. Nose                                        B. Shop           C.Push            D. Run Question 19. A. rapid                                   B. quick           C. fast             D.crash Question 20. A. achieving                            B. making        C. doing          D. gaining



Camping in the country is usually great fun, but sometimes things can go wrong. Accidents can happen, so it is essential to think about safety (21)                                                  before you go and while you are there. This will prevent your fun camping trip turning into (22)                                    less pleasant.

Firstly, you need to plan ahead. Check out the weather forecast a few days in (23)                      

and watch out for any reports of fires in the area you are thinking of going to. (24)                      an emergency kit in case you or anyone with you has an accident or illness while you are there.

Choose your camp site carefully, avoiding any places (25)                        there is risk of flooding before you put up your tent, make (26)                                     there are no sharp objects on the ground, or ants' or wasps' nests nearby.

In order to keep insects out of the tent, close it whenever you go in or out. If you need a camp

fire for cooking, be (27)                        not to build it anywhere near your tent, and before you go to bed, remember to put it out completely, preferably (28)                        lots of water.

After meals, pick up any bits of food that (29)                       be left on the ground, as these can

attract insects - or larger creatures. It also makes senses, for the same reason, to keep unused food in closed containers away from the camp. You don't want a hungry bear or another (30)

                      suddenly appearing in your tent!



People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and (31 .THIEF)

                      are definitely on the increase. One of the most (32. PAIN)                       experiences a home

(33.  OWN)                         can  have  is  to  arrive  home  and  find  that  his  or  her  (34.  VALUE)

                      have disappeared, because a window had (35. ACCIDENT)                      been left open. What can we do to protect ourselves?

The most important piece of (36. ADVISORY)                        is to make sure that your (37. INSURE)

                      coverage is up to date. Another (38. SENSE)                       thing to do is to go along to your

local police station, where they will be more than willing to make (39. SUGGEST)                          on (40. RELY)                       ways of safeguarding your property.




When the heat is on, walkers need to be on their guard. The heat can create serious heath problems for walkers.

Hot weather makes your heart pump harder, and if you're not very fit, you start to understand why the majority of mountain rescue statistics are made up from summer walkers suffering heat attacks. Heat exhaustion is quite easy to get when you're making great physical effort. It happens when your body can't get enough sweat to keep you cool.

Take enough water and drink it sensibly.

The answer is to keep up your water intake. It's a good idea to drink a pint of water for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit every 24 hours. So, if the temperature is in the 70s, and you are doing a five- hour walk, you'll need a minimum of around one and a half pints of water. It's vital that you don't wait until you develop a raging thirst before you stop for a drink- keep taking regular swigs from your water bottle.

There are several alternatives to just water.

Many walkers flavor their water with fruit juice, which makes it a lot more palatable. You could even use one of the isotonic drinks made for athletics, which replace the body's salts lost through sweating. Powders such as Dioralyte, which you may have in the house as a treatment for diarrhea, will do the job just as well, as its main aim is also effective rehydration.

Getting wet is one way of keeping temperatures down.

Given that evaporation is your body's cooling mechanism, you can help things along with an external application of water. Soaking your hat with water is a great way to cool the head, though if the sun is beating down, it will probably dry off almost immediately. Better still then if you can plunge into a river or the sea fully-clothed.And if that's not possible, then at least take off your boots and socks and paddle in a cool stream.

One part of your body which can suffer is your feet.

Walking in the heat increases the rate at which your feet swell, which can lead to them feeling tight in your boots. Cool water from a stream reduces any swelling and helps general foot comfort. At the same time, you can check out your feet for signs of blisters. Extra sweating makes the skin softer and increases the chance of blisters forming, in the same way as when water leaks into your boots and gets to your feet.

The wrong clothing can cause problems.

As for what clothing you can wear, this should be lightweight and reasonably loose-fitting. Tight clothing will feel uncomfortable and may even lead to the formation of an irritating rash as "quickly heat" on your skin. The answer, if it does develop, is to try and stay cool as much as possible. Do this by either keeping in the shade, or washing the affected area with cold water, but without soap. But prevention is by far the best approach, so keep your clothing light.

Your clothing acts as an important defense against the sun.

It's understandable to want to remove any extraneous clothing when it's extremely hot, but it doesn't really make much sense to take off T-shirts. The sun's rays can be quite strong, and shoulders are always very sensitive to sunburn.This is the worst place to be red and sore when you are wearing a heavy

rucksack on your back. Wearing shorts can also create problems for walkers, as the backs of the legs can catch the sun very easily.

Always protect those parts of your body which are not covered by clothing.

In fact, those days when an apparently harmless breeze is blowing can be the most deceptive. It might not feel so hot, so you probably won't notice the damage being done so soon. As on every other day then, a good strong sun cream should therefore be applied to any skin which is exposed. Make the most use of the summer, but the sun with the respect it deserves.

Question 41. What does the writer say about "Dioralyte"?

A. It helps to reduce sweating.                                   B. It prevents the loss of body salts.

C. It works in the same way as an isotonic drink.      D. It will help you get diarrhea.

Question 42. The word "it" in line 3, paragraph 4, refers to                        .

A. the sun                    B. water                      C. the head                 D. your hat

Question 43. According to the text, when might your feet suffer?

A. when they cool down                                B. when they are wet

C. if you are wearing tight-fitting boots         D. if you have to walk through water

Question 44. According to the writer; it is better to wear loose fitting clothing because                       .

A.  it is less likely to create problems for your skin.

B.  it is very light

C.  it keeps you cool

D.  it lasts longer than tight-fitting clothing

Question 45. What does the writer mean by "extraneous clothing" in paragraph 7?

A.  clothing which is too tight

B.  clothing which is too heavy to wear

C.  clothing which is no longer needed to keep you warm

D.  clothing which most people would consider unusual in hot weather

Question 40. According to the writer, when are walkers particularly at risk from the effects of the sun?

A. if they have suffered an injury       B. if their sun cream is not strong enough

C. when there is a strong wind           D. when they are unaware of the heat

Question 41. Who has the text been written for?

A. people who go walking in the mountains B. people who go walking in hot weather

C. walkers who are unfit                                 D. people who only go walking in summer


A.  Carla

School student Carla Ruiz lives in a hot country and has become very aware of the need to save water, "spring and autumn used to be quite wet, but these days it hardly rains at all", she says. "Nearly all the rivers have dried up, destroying all the wildlife in and around them, and no matter what we do they'll never be the same again. At least, though, we can use what little water there is more sensibly.That's why at home I recently decided to do simple things like making sure there are no dripping taps, or taps left on while I'm brushing my teeth or washing food; also having showers instead of baths and not overwatering the plants. Within a few days I was regularly doing these things without even thinking, and I know they

made a difference because the water bills went down quite a bit. My parents noticed that so they started doing the same, and our bills are now a lot lower"

B.  Vincent

Trainee manager, Vincent Owen, is doing his bit to save the planet by using less electricity around the home. "I was talking to this guy at work and he told me that we waste a huge amount

of energy every year by leaving things like the TV, DVD and computer on standby all the time, so nowadays I try to remember - not always successfully - to switch them off at night. Something I always do now, though, is keep the air-conditioning off, even if I get a bit too sweaty here in summer.

Incidentally, I've now got solar panels on the roof so that all the hot water is powered by the sun. That was a big investment, and it ended up well over budget, but I'm sure it'll pay for itself in the end. I was hoping the neighbors might go for solar energy too, but as yet there's no sign they will."

C.  Lin

While Lin Chen is on a gap year, she is traveling round Europe with friends. "We had intended to fly everywhere," she says, "but when we worked out just how much extra pollution that would cause, we decided to do it by train instead. It was cheaper, too."They began their tour in Greece:"We all felt the obvious place to start was where European civilization began, so our first rail journey began in Athens. We traveled to Patras on the west coast, taking the ferry across to Bari in southern Italy. Unfortunately, it was very windy and I had a bad case of sea-sickness, though, by the time we were on the train to  Bologna, I'd recovered.From there we took the overnight train to Paris, and a few days later we went on the Eurostar to London. We saw far more of the countryside than we would have done by plane, and it was much more relaxing, too."

D.  Tanya

Tanya Petrov works in a restaurant with an extensive menu, but at home she will only eat local or seasonal food: "I strongly believe that transporting food thousands of kilometers, or storing it under refrigeration for months on end, ultimately has a highly negative impact on the climate. I always try to buy food that is produced locally and I have a special calendar to show me which kinds of food are in season so that I know what I'm buying is really fresh. And I always check the "best- before" dates of fresh fruit and vegetables before I choose them so I don't end up having to throw any out. Apart from the environmental considerations, I'm convinced the food I eat, which has far fewer chemicals in it, helps me avoid the kind of illness that seems to be so common these days."

Which person

Question 48. Avoids waste by selecting items carefully? Question 49. Says other people have followed their example? Question 50. Was ill for a short time?                                       

Question 51. Sometimes forgets to do something that they feel should do?

Question 52. Found it quite easy to change their daily habits?

Question 53. Has followed the advice of a colleague?

Question 54. Changed their original plans for environmental reasons?

Question 55. Sometimes feels physically uncomfortable because of a change they made?

Question 56. Says the damage to the environment is a permanent?

Question 57. Makes different choices according to the time of year?



Question 58. Joe isn't feeling very well today (weather)

→ Joe is feeling a bit

Question 59. That apartment is furnished (some)

→ There                                                                     in that apartment.

Question 60. He had a very traditional upbringing, didn't he? (traditionally)

→ He was                                                                     wasn't he?

Question 61. It was wrong of you to allow a 4 year-old child to walk home alone (shouldn't)

→ You                                                                     4 year-old child to walk home alone.

Question 62. Success depends on hard work (more)

→ The harder                                                                    youare.


























6 tháng 7 2021

tách ra bạn ơi:)))

1.READ THE PASSAGE AND MARK THE A, B, C, D TO INDICATE THE CORRECT ANSWER TO EACH OF THE QUESTIONS: Discipline is an important virtue in one's life. Discipline means complete obedience to certain rules and regulations. Life without discipline is just like a house without a roof. It is absolutely essential for successful life. Discipline is the structural and fundamental unit of a successful person. It is essential for us in home, for soldiers in battlefield, for students in school, for players...
Đọc tiếp

Discipline is an important virtue in one's life. Discipline means complete obedience to certain rules and regulations. Life without discipline is just like a house without a roof. It is absolutely essential for successful life.
Discipline is the structural and fundamental unit of a successful person. It is essential for us in home, for soldiers in battlefield, for students in school, for players in playground. A team of experienced players often lose the match because of indiscipline in the team. A horrible battle can be won by a disciplined army.
Discipline is very important in a student's life. He must obey his teachers, must abide by the rules of school. He should be sincere, dedicated, firm and focus his goals. If he violates, then he suffers a great deal in his future.
As a student is the future of our country, so, he needs to be very punctual to his routine, hard working, healthy and fit. Discipline demands self-control and dedication. It let to the formation of a good society and nation as well.

1. What is discipline?
A. obedience to rules and regulations B. house without roof
C. successful life D. rules and regulations
2. What does the word ''fundamental'' mean?
A. tiny B. trivial C. basic D. small
3. Discipline is
A. student's life B. our teacher C. decication D. very important
4. The word ''follow'' can best be replaced by
A. move B. obey C. remember D. forget
5. Discipline requires
A. a good society B. a good nation C. routine D. self-control and decication

She has written many essays. This is the best one. (ever)
(Mình muốn kiểm tra xem đáp án của mình có giống mọi người không, mong mọi người giúp đỡ!)

10 tháng 4 2019

1. What is discipline?
A. obedience to rules and regulations B. house without roof
C. successful life D. rules and regulations
2. What does the word ''fundamental'' mean?
A. tiny B. trivial C. basic D. small
3. Discipline is
A. student's life B. our teacher C. decication D. very important
4. The word ''follow'' can best be replaced by
A. move B. obey C. remember D. forget
5. Discipline requires
A. a good society B. a good nation C. routine D. self-control and decication

She has written many essays. This is the best one. (ever)
-> This is the best essay she has ever written .

P/s : Good luck nhé !

Part 6: Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to the questions .    It is always thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is not real equality of opportunity for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man-dominated society. Women had to obey their husbands and fathers absolutely.  Women’s place was in the kitchen and women’s work was housework. In many places, women were not even allowed...
Đọc tiếp

Part 6: Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to the questions .

    It is always thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is not real equality of opportunity for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man-dominated society. Women had to obey their husbands and fathers absolutely.  Women’s place was in the kitchen and women’s work was housework. In many places, women were not even allowed to go to school. Women had no rights, even the right to choose a husband for themselves. Men usually occupied high positions in society so they thought they were intelligent and important than women. Men considered women their property. Sometimes, women were mistreated by their husbands and suffered this as a fate. Many parents did not even want to have female children.

Thanks to the women’s liberation movement, women have nowadays proved that they are equal to men on every aspect. An average woman has weaker muscles than an average man but she may be as intelligent as him. Women can do everything that men can, and women can do one thing that no man can; they produce children.

28. In a man-dominated society, _____________.

A. women were the first class           B. women had no rights

C. women were respected by men                D. women got a good education

29. The word “mistreated” in line 8 is closest meaning to ___________.

A. behaved badly  B. satisfied            C. took good care  D. treated well

30. The pronoun “they” in the last line refers to_______________

          A. men                           B. children            C. women             D. parents

31. In a man-dominated society, ____________.

A. all parents expected to have daughters               B. most parents liked girl babies

C. most parents did not want to have daughters      D. most parents did not like sons.

32. Nowadays, women have proved that they are _________ men.

A. more intelligent than                       B. more important than                                C. stronger than                                     D. equal to


26 tháng 4 2023

28B. women had no rights

29.A. behaved badly

30.C. women

31.C. most parents did not want to have daughters

32.D. equal to

SECTION III: READING (5.0 points) Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered boxes. Since ancient times, one of the most common materials people have utilized to make things with is wood. Wood is used to make houses, buildings, and other structures. People also make a large number of smaller objects with it. The desire to make finished products more beautiful appears to be ingrained...
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Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following
questions. Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered boxes.
Since ancient times, one of the most common materials people have utilized to make things
with is wood. Wood is used to make houses, buildings, and other structures. People also
make a large number of smaller objects with it.
The desire to make finished products more beautiful appears to be ingrained in huma n
nature. On account of this fact, for thousands of years, people have carved and shaped
wooden objects to make them more appealing to the eye. Humans have additionally tended
to create both religious and ceremonial objects from wood. In fact, all around the world,
countless cultures have made use of ceremonial wood carvings. These objects often reflect
the spirit of the people who made them, and each of them tends to hold a special
significance as well.
One of the most common types of wood carvings is the mask. People in many cultures in
Asia, Africa, and North America have made ceremonial wooden masks. In Africa, for
instance, large numbers of tribes use wooden masks for vari ous spiritual rituals. These
masks are often in the form of animals that are sacred to the tribes. In other cases, the masks
have human forms. The faces, however, may not be exactly humanlike. For instance, the
faces can be distorted, having wider, longer, smaller, or larger features than normal. The
masks may be carved to give them ugly or frightening appearances as well. And, on other
occasions, the masks are made to look as beautiful as possible.
While masks tend to be fairly small, other wood carvings can be enormous. Among the
largest of all ceremonial wood carvings is the totem p ole. Totem poles have been built by
several Native American tribes that reside in the northwestern part of North America. They
are normally made to represent families, or they may honor significant historical events.
Some even tell stories. A typical totem pole has several individual carvings on it. Each
carving represents a different part of the family history, event, or story. Most totem poles
have human or animal faces, as well as other figures, carved in them. They are so large that
they are made from e ntire trees. Once the trees are cut down, master craftsmen work on
them. When completed, they may or may not be painted. Then, the totem poles are
positioned in places of honor and placed upright.

1. What is this passage mainly about?
A. The ways wood can be used to make buildings B. The purposes of masks in some cultures
C. The types of wood carvings some people make D. Totem poles and their significance
2. In line 4, the word ingrained is closest in meaning to _________.
A. embedded B. disturbed C. initiated D. consistent
3. Why have some people carved wooden objects?
A. To give them to others as gifts B. To worship them as idols
C. To employ them as weapons D. To utilize them in ceremonies
4. In line 14, the phrase sacred to is closest in meaning to _________.
A. important to B. hunted by C. revered by D. necessary for
5. What does the author say about masks?
A. They always resemble human faces. B. It takes a great deal of effort to make them.
C. People make them on several continents. D. Animal masks are more popular than human ones.
6. The author uses totem poles as an example of _________.
A. wood carvings that are large in size B. a type of wood carving older than masks
C. the most impressive of all wood carvings D. the wood carvings favored by all Native Americans
7. In line 22, the word they refers to _________.
A. several Native American tribes B. totem poles C. families D. significant historical events
8. What does the author imply about wood carvings?
A. They take years to learn how to make. B. They are expensive to buy.
C. They need special types of wood. D. They may vary in size.
9. The author mentions all of the following about totem poles EXCEPT _________.
A. what they look like B. what they represent
C. which trees are used to make them D. who usually carves them

III. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in each group. 1. A. cinema B. celebrate C. generous D. discover 2. A. endanger B. natural C. habitat D. industry 3. A. compose B. return C. forget D. forecast 4. A. instruction B. establish C. experience D. entertain 5. A. population B. continental C. original D. university PART III. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY IV. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct answer among four options (A, B, C or...
Đọc tiếp

III. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words in each group.

1. A. cinema B. celebrate C. generous D. discover

2. A. endanger B. natural C. habitat D. industry

3. A. compose B. return C. forget D. forecast

4. A. instruction B. establish C. experience D. entertain

5. A. population B. continental C. original D. university


IV. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct answer among four options (A, B, C or D).

1. As the President was absent, I was asked to ______ the meeting.
A. officiate B. chair C. govern D. regulate

2. No, it’s no good. I’ve ______ my time in trying to make it work.
A. spent B. spoiled C. wasted D. consumed

3. I’m really looking forward ______ to university.
A. to go B. going C. to going D. go

4. A walnut tree ______ us from the sun on hot days.
A. fences B. warns C. prevents D. shelters

5. Hoa failed her math test. ______, she has to do the test again.
A. Therefore B. However C. Because D. So

6. “______ the TV for me, will you? I want to watch the weather forecast.”
A. Turn off B. Turn down C. Turn on D. Turn over

7. ______ smoking is a causative factor of many diseases, there is not ban on tobacco advertising.
A. However B. Although C. In spite of D. Therefore

8. The bill came ______$ 1000.
A. at B. for C. to D. as

9. This is ______ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.
A. by far B. by chance C. by heart D. by myself

10. “______ you treat him, he’ll help you. He’s so tolerant.”
A. No matter how B. In addition to C. Even though D. As if

11. - Alfonso: “I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening.” - Maria: “______.”
A. I’m glad you enjoyed it B. Yes, it’s really good
C. Oh, that’s right D. No, it’s very kind of you

12. Having opened the bottle, ______ for everyone.
A. the drink was poured B. Tom poured the drink
C. Tom pouring the drink D. Tom drink was being poured

13. You cannot see the doctor ______ you have made an appointment with him.
A. without B. unless C. however D. even

14. If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you ________ sleepy now.
A. wouldn’t have been B. might not have been
C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been being

15. He arrived late, ______ was annoying.
A. it B. that C. what D. which

16. I'm sorry I opened your handbag, but I _______ it for mine.
A. confused B. imagined C. recognized D. mistook

17. They are ________ their house because they need more bedrooms.
A. increasing B. extending C. adding D. growing

18. The job was more difficult than I _______ it to be.
A. expect B. have expected C. would expect D. had expected

19. ________, he could not lift the trap door.
A. As he was strong B. Strong as was he C. As strong he was D. Strong as he was

20. My father sometimes _______ the washing up after dinner.
A. washes B. takes C. makes D. does

V. Use the words given in capital to form a word that fits in the gap in the sentences.

1. You can save energy and money and increase your comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your ______.EQUIP

2. She gave the child a ______ of sweets. HAND

3. This word is very difficult to say. I always ______ it. PRONUNCIATION

4. She divorced him because of his ______ to the children. KIND

5. The Internet is not only _____ and costly but also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. CONSUME

6. In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are ______. NECESSITY

7. It is becoming ______ difficult to find a job nowadays. INCREASE

8. She upset him with a ______ remark about his big nose. TACT

9. Thousands of people are living in ______ after the earthquake. MISERABLE

10. He became more and more ______ as time went by. ANXIETY

VI. Identify one mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
Example: Q: My father asked me what I think of the film.
A: think --> thought

1. It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assur e a successful cure.

2. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable.

3. On her mother’s birthday, Lan did a beautiful cake to celebrate.

4. One of the best collection of paintings can be found in that famous museum of arts.

5. Hot in the summer causes a lot of problems for people who live in this part of the country

6. The most calories a person eats, the less likely he is to lose weight.

7. The threat of being dismissed do not worry me any more because I have started my own business.

8. I expect it will rain again when we are on holiday this year, but at least we are properly prepared about it this time.

9. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few buttons.

10. Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.


VII. Read the following passage and fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word to complete it.

Children are (1) _______ up with love and (2) ______ in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. They enjoy every (3) ______ to get a good education and to acquire a useful trade. Our country is now (4) ______ its way to Socialist construction. We need people with fully-developed (5) ______ and mental abilities. It is for this reason (6) ______ labour training is introduced in all Vietnamese schools. The develo pment of good working habits (7) ______ our children will undoubtedly help them (8) ______ life as useful members of a socialist society. (9) ______, while still at school, they learn a useful trade and upon graduation they may effectively work in (10) ______ and agriculture.

11 tháng 12 2017

V. Use the words given in capital to form a word that fits in the gap in the sentences.

1. You can save energy and money and increase your comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment .EQUIP

2. She gave the child a handful of sweets. HAND

3. This word is very difficult to say. I always mispronounce it. PRONUNCIATION

4. She divorced him because of his unkindness to the children. KIND

5. The Internet is not only time- consuming and costly but also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. CONSUME

6. In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are necessities. NECESSITY

7. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a job nowadays. INCREASE

8. She upset him with a tactless remark about his big nose. TACT

9. Thousands of people are living in misery after the earthquake. MISERABLE

10. He became more and more anxious as time went by. ANXIETY

VI. Identify one mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.
Example: Q: My father asked me what I think of the film.
A: think --> thought

1. It is important that cancer is => should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assur e a successful cure.

2. The progress made in space travel for => sincethe early 1960s is remarkable.

3. On her mother’s birthday, Lan did => made a beautiful cake to celebrate.

4. One of the best collection => collections of paintings can be found in that famous museum of arts.

5. Hot => Heat in the summer causes a lot of problems for people who live in this part of the country

6. The most => more calories a person eats, the less likely he is to lose weight.

7. The threat of being dismissed do => does not worry me any more because I have started my own business.

8. I expect it will rain again when we are on holiday this year, but at least we are properly prepared about => for it this time.

9. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push => pushing a few buttons.

10. Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those => that of other liquids.


VII. Read the following passage and fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word to complete it.

Children are (1) brought up with love and (2) care in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. They enjoy every (3) opportunity to get a good education and to acquire a useful trade. Our country is now (4) on its way to Socialist construction. We need people with fully-developed (5) physical and mental abilities. It is for this reason (6) that labour training is introduced in all Vietnamese schools. The develo pment of good working habits (7) in our children will undoubtedly help them (8) enter life as useful members of a socialist society. (9) Therefore, while still at school, they learn a useful trade and upon graduation they may effectively work in (10) industry and agriculture.

VI/ Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only (1)________place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had ever seen. There (2)________thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national (3)________. I was really impressed...
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VI/ Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space

Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only (1)________place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had ever seen. There (2)________thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national (3)________. I was really impressed (4)________the Cobb salad. It is an American garden salad made form chopped salad greens, tomato, bacon, chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs, avocado, cheese, and red-wine vinaigrette. (5)________the salad requires quite a few ingredients, it is quick to make. The American chef at the festival (6)________me the way to make the salad and it took me only 15 minutes to complete. How amazing! The next day I made Cobb salad (7)________my mum for lunch, and she loved it right away. (8)________good dish is steak pie, a traditional British meat pie made from stewing steak and beef gravy, enclosed in a pastry shell. Unfortunately, I did not have (9)________ time to listen to the chef give instructions on how to make this dish. However, I tried it and it was brilliant. Next year (10)________there is another food festival, I will definitely join in

1. A. ran B. took C. went D. found

2. A. are B. is C. was D. were

3. A. cooking B. food C. foods D. cuisine

4. A. by B. at C. in D. on

A. But B. Although C. Because D. So

6. A. said B. asked C. gave D. showed

7. A. for B. with C. together D. like

8. A. One B. Another C. Second D. Next

9. A. little B. many C. enough D. few

10. A. while B if C. as D. because

Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia that is available on the Internet and what people love about it is that it can be edited by absolutely everybody . When and how did it start ? It was founded in 2001 by a guy called Jimmy Wales . It started as a fancy idea , a kind of a hobby and everybody is surprised how popular it has become and how many computer scientists it has attracted . It has got a collection of about 1.8 mln articals , the majority of which are in English ; however , one can find some...
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Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia that is available on the Internet and what people love about it is that it can be edited by absolutely everybody . When and how did it start ? It was founded in 2001 by a guy called Jimmy Wales . It started as a fancy idea , a kind of a hobby and everybody is surprised how popular it has become and how many computer scientists it has attracted . It has got a collection of about 1.8 mln articals , the majority of which are in English ; however , one can find some articles in over 200 languages . If it aws a business , it would earn lots of money .
How is it possible that articlest hat can be changed by anyone are correct ? The Wikipedia is based on wikis – a special software which lets everyone modify a wbpage and it is true that anyone can change the information on the page if they think it is incorrect . But , the Wikipedia has a team of over 13,000 people who are experts in different fields and who correct any accurate information sent by people . Is it error – free ? One may say so . Rcently , for example , the Bristish journal Nature looked at the scientific information in Wikipedia and confirmed it was very reliable and that they did not find many errors . It was very good news for the founder as well as for all the users .
Why is it becoming so popular ? Like the whole idea of the Internet , it is also quick and available to everyone . The greatest thing of all is that it is free . Some people also stress that it’s fun to be able to add what you know to the information on the net . IT specialists believe it has a bright future and most claim it is the most brilliant invention ever .
Questions :
1. Wikipedia ___________ :
A. was created by a team of computer scientists .
B. began as a business idea
C. became popular as soon as it started
D. started as one man ‘s passion .
2. Articles in Wikipedia are ________ :
A. mostly about science
B. mostly in english
C. translate into 200 languages
D. very interesting
3. Wikipedia remains accurate as much as possible because _________ :
A. all people who write for it are experts
B. it has a special type of software programme
C. there are people who monitor it for mistakes
D. not everybody can change the information
4. the text comes from __________________ :
A. a leaflet
B. a speech
C. a magazine
D. a scientific article
5. The best advantages of Wikipedia is that...........
A. you don't have to pay for it.
B. everyone can use it
C. it is created bu ordinary people
D. is quick and reliable.
23 tháng 10 2018

Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia that is available on the Internet and what people love about it is that it can be edited by absolutely everybody . When and how did it start ? It was founded in 2001 by a guy called Jimmy Wales . It started as a fancy idea , a kind of a hobby and everybody is surprised how popular it has become and how many computer scientists it has attracted . It has got a collection of about 1.8 mln articals , the majority of which are in English ; however , one can find some articles in over 200 languages . If it aws a business , it would earn lots of money .
How is it possible that articlest hat can be changed by anyone are correct ? The Wikipedia is based on wikis – a special software which lets everyone modify a wbpage and it is true that anyone can change the information on the page if they think it is incorrect . But , the Wikipedia has a team of over 13,000 people who are experts in different fields and who correct any accurate information sent by people . Is it error – free ? One may say so . Rcently , for example , the Bristish journal Nature looked at the scientific information in Wikipedia and confirmed it was very reliable and that they did not find many errors . It was very good news for the founder as well as for all the users .
Why is it becoming so popular ? Like the whole idea of the Internet , it is also quick and available to everyone . The greatest thing of all is that it is free . Some people also stress that it’s fun to be able to add what you know to the information on the net . IT specialists believe it has a bright future and most claim it is the most brilliant invention ever .
Questions :
1. Wikipedia ___________ :
A. was created by a team of computer scientists .
B. began as a business idea
C. became popular as soon as it started
D. started as one man ‘s passion .
2. Articles in Wikipedia are ________ :
A. mostly about science
B. mostly in english
C. translate into 200 languages
D. very interesting
3. Wikipedia remains accurate as much as possible because _________ :
A. all people who write for it are experts
B. it has a special type of software programme
C. there are people who monitor it for mistakes
D. not everybody can change the information
4. the text comes from __________________ :
A. a leaflet
B. a speech
C. a magazine
D. a scientific article
5. The best advantages of Wikipedia is that...........
A. you don't have to pay for it.
B. everyone can use it
C. it is created bu ordinary people
D. is quick and reliable.

Đọc bài và khoanh trắc nghiệm Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in three basic patterns: direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion. In direct contact, elements of a society’s culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and then gradually spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive diffusion by direct contact. The invention of paper is attributed to the...
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Đọc bài và khoanh trắc nghiệm

Diffusion, the process of introducing cultural elements from one society into another, occurs in three basic patterns: direct contact, intermediate contact, and stimulus diffusion. In direct contact, elements of a society’s culture may be adopted first by neighboring societies and then gradually spread farther afield. The spread of the manufacture of paper is an example of extensive diffusion by direct contact. The invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese Ts’ai Lun in A.D. 105. Within fifty years, paper was being made in many places in central China. By 264 it was found in Chinese Turkmenistan, and from then on the successive places of manufacture were Samarkand (751), Baghdad (793), Egypt (about 900), Morocco (about 1100), and France (1189). In general, the pattern of accepting the borrowed invention was the same everywhere. Paper was first imported into each area as a luxury, then in ever-expanding quantities as a staple product. Finally, usually within one to three centuries, local manufacture started. Diffusion by intermediated contact occurs through the agency of third parties. Frequently, traders carry a cultural trait from the society that originated it to another group. As an example of diffusion through intermediaries, Phoenician traders spread the alphabet, which may have been invented by another Semitic group, to Greece. At times, soldiers serve as intermediaries in spreading a culture trait. During the Middle Ages, European soldiers acted as intermediaries in two ways: they carried European culture to Arab societies of North Africa and brought Arab culture back to Europe. In the nineteenth century Western missionaries brought Western-style clothing to such places as Africa and the Pacific islands. In stimulus diffusion, knowledge of a trait belonging to another culture stimulates the invention or development of a local equivalent. A classic example of stimulus diffusion is the creation of the Cherokee syllabic writing system by a Native American named Sequoya. Sequoya got the idea from his contact with the English; yet he did not adopt the writing system nor did he even learn to write English. He utilized some English alphabetic symbols, altered others, and invented new ones. All the symbols he used represented Cherokee syllables and had a distinctly Cherokee form.


A. cultures retain their unique characteristics

B. cultural elements transfer from one culture to another

C. paper came into general use

D. economies grew through trade and manufacturing

12. The word “attributed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to________________ .

A. credited

B. presented

C. promised

D. limited

13. The word “successive” in line 7 is closest in meaning to______________ .

A. specialized

B. principal

C. prosperous

D. subsequent

14. The word “it” in line 13 refers to_______________________ .

A. diffusion

B. contact

C. trait

D. society

15. According to the passage, a change that occurred in Africa and the

Pacific islands as a result of the arrival of missionaries was________ .

A. an increase in the presence of soldiers

B. variation in local style of dressing

C. the manufacture of paper

D. the introduction of new alphabetical systems

16. In stating that the Cherokee writing system is a classic example, the

author means that this example is especially____________________ .

A. representative

B. understandable

C. difficlut

D. old

17. What did Sequoya do?

A. Adopt the English writing system for use in Cherokee

B. Study English intensively in order to learn to write it

C. Teach English to Cherokee Native Americans

D. Create a Cherokee writing system based on elements of the

English alphabet

18. The origins of the Greek and Cherokee writing systems were discussed

in the passage because both systems___________________ .

A. underwent identical patterns of development in different parts of

the world

B. influenced the development of alphabets of other languages

C. represented distinct ways in which elements could be introduced

into a culture

D. were introduced by religious missionaries

19. Which of the following statements about direct contact, intermediate

contact, and stimulus diffusion is NOT true?

A. They all cause changes in culture.

B. They all occur in more than one culture.

C. They all involve the interaction of cultures.

D. They all require the trading of manufactured products.

20. The author organized the discussion in the passage by_______________ .

A. establishing a historical chronology from the past through the present

B. illustrating specific categories with examples

C. identifying important geographic regions

D. ranking categories from most to least significant

2 tháng 8 2018

1. I was surprised by the.formality..of the occasion. All the men wore dark suits and ties.( formal)

2. It is..inefficient..to write by hand instead of using a computer.( efficiency)

3. The unresponsive audience made lecture somewhat...disheartened..What a shame!(heart)

4. The tourists were impressed by the..splendour..of the jewelly in the museum.( splendish)

5. Any opposition to the rules is..intolerable..( tolerate)

6. Small children are very..imitative..in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.( imitate)

7. There was a sudden .outburst.of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.( burst)

8. Crimes of violence were .comparatively....rare until a few years ago.(compare)

9. He's just received ..compensatory..payments for the contract broken.( compensate)

10. He works for a .advisory.company for investment (advise)

Cry_Yui is backkk :))

2 tháng 8 2018

1. I was surprised by the...formality.....of the occasion. All the men wore dark suits and ties.( formal)

2. It is......efficient........to write by hand instead of using a computer.( efficiency)

3. The unresponsive audience made lecture somewhat.....disheartened........What a shame!(heart)

4. The tourists were impressed by the....splendour.......of the jewelly in the museum.( splendish)

5. Any opposition to the rules is.....intolerable.......( tolerate)

6. Small children are very....imitated.......in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.( imitate)

7. There was a sudden ....outburst...of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.( burst)

8. Crimes of violence were .....comparatively ........rare until a few years ago.(compare)

9. He's just received .......compensatory ....payments for the contract broken.( compensate)

10. He works for a ....advisory ......company for investment (advise)