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Sustainable living has certainly become a buzz phrase. More and more people are looking at ways to reduce their ecological footprint: driving less, eating less meat, wearing sustainable fashions. As individuals, we are increasingly aware of the impact we have on the planet and our fellow humans. But is greening our own lifestyle enough?

By taking the concept of sustainable living beyond the narrow, individualis approach, we can learn to see our interconnectedness to our environment and its inhabitants. By getting involved in our communities, by talking to our neighbors, by supporting local groups, and by re-imagining where we live, we can green not only our own lifestyles, but our streets, neighborhoods, towns, cities and, ultimately, our societies. Who knows, we may even make friends doing it.\

  1. Reconnect
    To help green your community, you first need to be part of it. Start talking to your neighbors, find out what's going on around you, and get involved. It sounds obvious, but busy days often don't include time for keeping in touch with the community.

  2. Buy local
    Not only does shopping locally reduce food miles, it also keeps resources circulating in the community. Plus, it's a great way to get to know your neighbors. When did you last chat with the person who grew your tomatoes? Sites  Local Harvest in the US or Big Barn in the UK can help you locate suppliers, and farmers markets are increasing in number all the time. There may even be a city farm or community garden in your neighborhood. If there isn't, you might consider sparking one.

  3. Rethink travel
    Limiting car use can be an great way of reducing your individual carbon footprint, but it doesn't end there. When we walk, cycle, or take the train or bus, we also help make it easier for others to do the same, and it can be a great way of meeting people. It's much easier to catch a stranger's eye and say "hey" when you are not surrounded by a ton of metal and moving at 70 mph. More tips on redefining travel can be found here. You can even help others by setting up projects that support alternatives -- could you set up a car club or a walking bus to get the kids to school?

  4. Spread the word
    People are increasingly curious about living 'green.' If you bike to work, compost, or buy organic, tell people why. If people are interested in trying it themselves, show them how. You could even take it a step further and organize educational evenings such as film screenings, workshops, or discussion groups. Or follow the lead of this project and start asking questions in your town -- if you can get people thinking about their impact, they're more ly to start looking for answers. Remember though, there's a fine line between talking and preaching, so know when it's time to drop it and get back to talking about baseball.

  5. Join in
    It can be lonely going it alone. Why not find out about environmental groups in your area? Many national conservation groups have local chapters -- the Sierra Club's website offers a local 'zoomer' for US residents to find out what's going on in their area. Increasingly, there are specialist local groups dedicating themselves to specific aspects of sustainability,  this owner's club for electric vehicles in Bristol, UK . But you shouldn't just think in terms of green clubs. As sustainability goes mainstream, more and more local organizations are including environmentalism as part of their focus. TheEvangelical Climate Initiative is a prime example. So if you're a member of a faith group, a parent-teacher committee, or even a sports club, why not look at steps that you can take together. From energy efficiency measures to local community action, there are countless ways to get your fellow club or congregation members involved.

  6. Plan for change
    We are never going to achieve our goals if we don't know what they are. If you can create an alternative vision or plan for your community it becomes much easier to inspire action. Check out these UK villagers' 25 year plan to reforest their valley to protect against future flooding, this North Carolina project offering collaborative planning for walkable communities, or this community's attempts to become the greenest village in Britain.

  7. Get polial
    National and international polis can be frustrating. How can you influence the massive institutions that wield the power? Local polis can be much less intimidating. It's a whole lot easier to make connections, exert pressure, and get involved when you live among the people you are trying to influence. Whether you're campaigning against unwelcome development,  these LA residentscampaigning to save their city farm, or seeking to influence local policy in a more positive direction,  these Portland citizens helping their city government plan for an oil-free future, it is vital that you make your voice heard. And don't forget that environmental ills often fall disproportionately on the poor and marginalized. Check out environmental juse organizations  Environmental Community Action for ways to make your community better, greener, and fairer.

  8. Spread the love (and unwanted electronics)
    So you don't want that item of clothing, record, book, or printer anymore? The chances are good that someone else does. Obviously there is the usual route of donating items to your local thrift store or charity shop, but there are also resources the trusty Freecycle, Craigslist, or Really, Really Free Markets that help match demand with the supply. If there isn't such a group in your community, there should be.

  9. Healthy competition
    Cooperation is great, but it's not the only way. A little friendly rivalry can get a lot done to spark community action. Sites  18Seconds.org are playing a key role in pitting town against town in the battle to get greener. If you can't get your neighbors to change in order to save the polar bears, maybe they'll change to "beat those losers from down the road!" Keep it legal though, please...

  10. The revolution will be televised
    Just as local polis can be easier to influence thân national, số căn the local media. Regional newspapers, radio, and TV are always looking for interesting community-related stories, and às wenoted here, it can be relatively easy to put a green spin on things. If local media outlets are unresponsive, it's no holds barred on the internet, so get cracking.
  11. Back To Top Λ
  12. Green Community: By the Numbers


5.5: The number of global hectares currently required to support the average resident of Solihull in the UK. This could be reduced to 3 if all the recommendations in this report [PDF] were followed through at the national, local, and individual level.

  • 25,000: The number of tons of garbage that is collected in the city of New York each day, and over 1.2 billion gallons of water are drawn daily from reservoirs that are over 100 miles from the city.

  • 101: The number of communities listed on the Transition Towns website as of November 2008. These groups are actively engaged in planning a future for their community beyond fossil fuels.

  • 40 percent: Percentage of members of Zipcar, a car sharing club, ultimately decide against owning a car. They also drive up to 50 percent less than they would otherwise.

  • 11,000: The number of sustainable villages in Sri Lanka that are joined together under the umbrella organization of Sarvodaya. These are in turn linked to thousands of others worldwide via the Global Ecovillage Network
  • Sources: World Wildlife Fund, Transition Towns, ZipCar, Sarvodaya


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Green Community: From the Archives
Dig deeper into these arles on green communities from the TreeHugger and Planet Green archives.

Joining a community-supported agriculture co-op is a great way to connect with your community, and learn more about where your food comes from.

Take the next step and start your own community garden.

Step out there and learn more about How to Go Green: Volunteerism. 

TreeHugger interviews Rob Hopkins of the Transition Towns movement.

Yet another town prepares for transition; this time it's Lampeter in Wales.

Re:Vision is launched -- a competition to re-imagine sustainable communities.

Israeli TreeHugger Karin shares news of her local community garden in Jerusalem.

Warren tells us about Australian Community Foods, a scheme to encourage more local eating.

We feature a video of Majora Carter's TED address, in which she lays out why environmental juse and community values must be at the very heart of our sustainable future.

Penny Eastwood of Treesponsibility outlines her group's vision for a reforested, re-localized community that is more resilient to the coming environmental challenges.

In a three-part series (part one, part two and part three), Lyle Estill of Piedmont Biofuels explains how this co-operative community group is moving beyond biodiesel manufacturing to include food-growing, environmental education, and a concerted effort to re-localize the surrounding economy.

Peak Moments TV offers public access documentaries on community solutions to peak oil and climate change.

Ian Roderick explains in this two-part interview (part one & part two) how the tiny village of Chew Magna has united behind a green vision for their valley.

Greg Searle, of One Planet Living North America tells TreeHugger about his organization's work to build flagship sustainable communities which make green living easy.

TreeHugger looks at why encouraging local ownership makes more sense than 'There Is No Alternative' big-box developments.

We announce the launch of Sustainable Community, a cohousing book that offers lessons learned from projects around the world about building integrated, co-operative residential developments.

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Green Community: From the Archives

Reader's Digest has a few tips on reconnecting to the neighborhood.

EPA's Green Communities program offers a step-by-step process for moving towards a greener future.

According to the BBC, villages and towns across Britain are aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and learn from each other.

Here, the BBC brings news of a German community embracing its local currency with open arms, and wallets.

The Smart Communities Network offers resources and advice on reducing energy consumption and improving your community's environment, economy and quality of life.

The Sustainable Communities Network also offers a similar range of resources on greening your surroundings, including a starter kit for city officials, community members, design professionals, and planners.

Transition Culture, Rob Hopkins' blog, offers news and views from around the world on the Transition Town movement, and on wider community-based sustainability efforts.

The Harrow Times brings us news of Britain in Bloom, a competition to encourage sustainable planting, enhanced biodiversity and increased recycling in communities around the country.

The ever informative Wikipedia offers an excellent primer on environmental juse, for those interested in the connection between sustainability and social juse issues, and why the poorest in society often suffer the most from pollution.

Ko chép mạng nha

6 tháng 12 2017

1 )

I have an unusual hobby: carving eggshells. I started this hobby four years ago after getting a carved egg from my dad when he came back from Japan. It's amazing that something as fragile as an empty eggshell can be made into such a beautiful piece of art. I was so amazed that I learned how to carve them myself from the internet. I find carving eggshells a little difficult but so interesting and useful. The feeling of accomplishment when I finish a piece is absolutely awesome. This hobby also helps me be more patient and careful.

6 tháng 12 2017


Van Mieu (The Temple of Literature) was constructed in 1070 during Ly Thanh Tong's dynasty. Its original purpose was to honor Confucius. In 1076, the first university of Vietnam called Quoc Tu Giam (The Imperial Academy), was established within this temple by Emperor Ly Nhan Tong. That's the reason why the complex has the name of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam up to now. Initially, Quoc Tu Giam was the school for princes and children of royal families and then expanded in the following year to admit top students from around the country.

Nowadays, Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam is one of the most famous tourist destinations for both Vietnamese people and foreigners. It's also a place to celebrate doctorates and high ranking scholars of Vietnam. One special thing about this place is that there are 82 Doctors' stone tablets. They are tombstones with names and origins of 1304 doctors placed on the backs of stone tortoises. If you come here at the beginning of the year or in May, when many important examinations take place, you will catch sights of numerous families and students who come and pray for luck.

Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam opens daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the entrance fee for each adult is 30,000 VND.

21 tháng 10 2016

1. I will sweep the streets, planting trees, to actively participate in local activities, comply with local rules.

2. I will study hard, to comply with the school's activities, hygiene, save water.

3. learn well, keeping the classroom clean, to comply with class rules.

4. Share with my friends when having encountered sadness, help my friends when necessary, remind the errors when my friends encounter.

5. Helping others when in trouble, charity, helping the poor, disadvantaged encounter, unfortunate.


12 tháng 10 2016

sách lớp mấy (thí điểm à)

20 tháng 10 2016

My local area has a lot of rubbish and very dirty, so I want to clean up my local area. I think if my clean it, it will be better. I will ask the people in my local area put the rubbish in the recycled bins.

20 tháng 10 2016

The things we need to be done to make things better are: helping the homeless or the elderly people, opening the evening classes for the poor children, do hoursework for the people in the nursing home, helping the disabled people, and many ways to do or help the poor people, .....

But i can do some small things to help them, there are: helping the elderly people, helping the disabled, ...

Topic1:Talk about your hobbies -Name of the hobby -When you started the hobby -Who you share it with -To do this hobby you have to -Feelings about the hobby -Future Topic2:SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH -Talk about your health -Talk about 3 or 4 things to improve your health -Your feelings and future Topic3:WHAT DO THE PEOPLE IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY NEED?WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? -Talk something about the people in your local community(life,need,..) -Talk about 3 or 4...
Đọc tiếp

Topic1:Talk about your hobbies

-Name of the hobby

-When you started the hobby

-Who you share it with

-To do this hobby you have to

-Feelings about the hobby



-Talk about your health

-Talk about 3 or 4 things to improve your health

-Your feelings and future


-Talk something about the people in your local community(life,need,..)

-Talk about 3 or 4 volunteer activities you or your friends can do to help them

-Talk about your feelings and future


-Talk about the importance of music and art in your life

-Talk about 3 or 4 things music and art helping you

-Your feelings and future


-Name your favorite food and drink

-Talk about the appearance,taste and ingredients

-Your feelings and future


-Talk about the name,address and surroundings

-Talk about its history

-Talk about facilities or scenery in it

-Your feelings and future


19 tháng 12 2019

Topic 1 :

My favorite hobby is listening to music . I first started my hobby since the first time I have listened to US-UK music . I really love music because music helps me relax when I'm tired . I usually share my hobby to my best friend and my family . To do this hobby I have to finish my homework and make sure that there is enough time for me to listen to music . I hoped that may be one day I would be a famous singer .

19 tháng 12 2019

Topic 2 :

I am a student and I always care about my health and my learning journey. To make sure that I'm fine, anyway I have to protect my health by eating vegetables and fish because these food always have nutritive which is for us . I'll share things that help us protect our health : food , water , inviroment ,I think so . Protecting my health gives me a good life and also may be I live till 100 years in the future .