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14 tháng 6 2021

 You did it wrong! You should write a paragraph of about 60 to 80 words, not list them out :v

14 tháng 6 2021

Ý này "Do not burn trees and do not kill trees " em nên viết thành " Do not cut down trees"

21 tháng 8 2019

Nowadays testing has an extremely prominent place in education. The preparation required for examinations places limits on teachers as well as considerable amounts of stress on students. While some testing may be necessary to gain a better understanding of what a child has learned, I completely agree that excessive testing is too restricting for teachers. Furthermore, it can actually inhibit students’ learning and potentially be damaging over the long term. Firstly, with the heavy emphasis placed on exams, teachers must teach only to the test. The result of this is that teachers cannot take the time to answer students’ questions about the content. This is because there is only time to teach what is going to be in the exam. This squashes children’s natural interest in subjects. Another point to consider is that studies have shown that any student, regardless of age or subject, needs time to consolidate learning before being tested. A student who is tested too soon may get a low mark which is actually not representative of this student’s learning. Continual testing, therefore, does not take in account students’ natural developmental stages. Finally, the amount of stress placed on students to pass all these exams is not healthy. The continual cycle of preparing for a test and taking a test can exhaust and burn out even the most motivated student. This is particularly dangerous when pupils are still young. It also removes the natural joy that comes from learning for both teachers and students when exams are constantly looming over their heads. In conclusion, although a certain amount of testing will always be required at schools, I firmly believe that the current emphasis placed on tests is unnecessary and could have longterm negative effects on students.


10 tháng 7 2021

"Education is not just about going to school and getting degree. it is about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life". In today's era the school system is over focused on testing. This results in stress on students about learning, and also teachers seem helpless, and are unable to adapt course to meet the needs of individuals. I am totally argue with the statement, and also give reasons as well as provide possible solutions for this.

To begin with, Teachers are unable to teach students with interest due to lack of timing. School Authorities will pressurize the teachers for completing their syllabus in a particular time. As a result of it, they are unable to give proper information to students. This results in bad performance of students in their exams. For instance, Delhi school community declared that there are still many schools; there intentions is only teach students no matter how much knowledge students gain from teachers. The solutions of this, could be limited test should conducted by school authorities to help teachers teaching the students with full knowledge and self-assureness


4 tháng 5 2019

I don't think that talent, wealth and attraction cannot bring happiness to people because they have these things but they don't have love, they don't care about others, how can they be called happiness? I think happy people will always think about others, think positively, always work hard, appreciate the smallest and most important things they know to give away without getting back.

13 tháng 7 2019

For centuries, deforestation, farming, urbanisation and other human activities have wreaked havoc with wild animal species and sent them to the verge of extinction. Regarding wildlife protection, awareness has been raised and attempts have been made. However, some hold the idea that the protection of endangered species has been given inordinate amount of attention and resources. Personally, I do not see eye to eye with this point of view.In the first place, wildlife protection has never taken centre stage on the media.Compared with celebrities, for example, the amount of coverage of wild animals isinfinitesimal. Clearly, the reason is profits. In other words, programs featuring wildanimals do not generate interest of the public and accordingly returns for theproducers. The absence of educational programs concerning the lives of wild animalshas blinded people to the reality that wild animals are dying and the ecological systemare being disrupted severely. In addition, governments around the world do not prioritise wildlife conservation in their agenda’s. As a matter of fact, laws to save wild animals have been introduced, but they are loosely enforced. Because of this, every man can freely exploit land, chop down forests, and divert the water sources, all of which combine to destroy the natural habitats of threatened animals. In every corners of the world, with or without intention, human are still causing changes in climatic and geopgraphical conditions, which accelerates of animal extinction. In light of this fact, I feel that not enough attention and resources are being given in the conservation of wild flora and fauna and stronger actions need to be taken to save them.

18 tháng 6 2021

Music is a great way to bring people of different cultures and ages together” -I totally agree with this point. I think EDM (Electronic Dance Music) is the best music that I've heard. people create. Music plays an important role in our modern world. It can eliminate cultural and generational differences. Music has the ability to broaden people's horizons and welcome different cultures from all over the world. Needless to say, each country has its own traditions to enforce their culture and norms. Music can bridge this cultural gap and is a great way to help individuals collaborate better with others. For example, music parties like Tomorrowland are held all over the world, giving citizens from all over the world the opportunity to get in touch with the national culture and gain a deeper understanding of it. Overall, we cannot deny the importance of music in our lives and its ability to connect people from different cultural backgrounds and ages.

13 tháng 7 2019

Some people believe that printed newspapers are becoming worthless in the contemporary life. While there are a variety of ground supporting this view, I would argue that printed newspapers continue to play an essential role in life.
Continuous advancement in technology provides people with more convenient options for gathering news which are alternatives for printed newspapers. First, an enormous number of articles or reports nowadays could be assessed merely via smartphones or computer with the internet connection, and not only does the news contain a broad spectrum of contents but it can also be updated by the minute. It is obviously more convenient than the traditional measure of reading news, for example, on daily newspapers with limited content in few pages. Second, the spread of alternative options namely the radio or the internet which reach almost every corner of the world has reduced the dependence on printed newspapers as a main source of information.
Despite such advantages of the news conveys by other faster means, I consider that there is still a continuing need for printed newspapers today. One reason is that reading a newspaper is a daily habit which many people, especially the elderly, still enjoy. They are really interested in the leisurely routine of reading newspapers over breakfast or drinking cups of coffee. Another consideration is people can share the newspapers with others since printed newspapers can simply be picked up or put down at a will. For example, I often read a newspaper on the train or bus and then leave the paper on the seat for other passengers if they wish.
In conclusion, albeit the increasing availability of other high-speed sources of news, newspapers still contribute a certain value to human life today.

1 tháng 1 2020

There is a common belief that in a family, men’s role is to work and women take a responsibility for home. While I agree with that notion, I also believe that today, the task of both genders are equal on the society and at home

At the outset, it will better for families if the task of earning money is for males and females take care of the family. It is true that maternal instincts is necessary for children. What mothers do is likely to more careful than that of fathers in terms of housework. Therefore, a house which is taken care by mothers would be cozy and happy that contributes to a sustainable society for a nation. A typical example is in Japan, a high proportion of women would stop their career path for spending more time on home. Moreover, these days, the pressure of work has been significantly increasing day by day. Females tend to be more negatively affected than males in life. As a result, more and more divorces have occurred which the primary reason is that women cannot obtain a balance between work and family.

Despite those above arguments, nowadays, gender role is equality which both men and women have the same responsibility for family. Children need to be educated and nurtured from fathers and mothers for full development. Without father’s attention, children might not learn strong characters. In term of financial issues, If men only make money for whole family, not only males will be under heavily burden of monetary but also the family tend to deal with the risk of finance in case of unemployment. Additionally, the awareness of people in gender issues has been raisen in societies recently. Hence, women have rights to have a job outside for broadening their mind and helping family.

In conclusion, although I argue that men’s role is to go to work and women’s main mission is to take care of family, I am of the opinion that females should obtain a job in a company.

22 tháng 2 2021

Earth where our human living on are the third planet in the Solar System. It carried almost 7 billions human beings, other billion life forms such as animal, trees or even bacteria. It was the best planet for human to live on where far enough to our Sun, so all life won't be frozen or close enough, so we won't be burned and dead. However, we are destroying it so badly and making it become difficult to live by releasing the harmful substances to environment. So far, Earth is still the best choice for human beings to live in this Milky Way.With the increasing of polution, food crisis, rising of Global Warming or any disarters which are out of human control,  it might be risky for the human life on Earth. Definitely it is necessary for human to find other planets to live in order to avoid human extinction which absolutely will be happening in the future.with the development of advanced technology, we might control the natural desarters. But, it will only happen in the future which we are unable to figure out. So, finding new planets for our next generation should be the first priority misson for current generation in order to keep the human values spreading endlessly.

It is true, that if present trends continue, it will become increasingly difficult to sustain human life on Earth. While I agree that it is vital to tackle this problem. I believe that expenditure on research for new planets to colonise should be given a low priority, and resources must be used to find other, more practical solutions.There are two major reasons why life on Earth is becoming more and more unsustainable. One obvious problem is the uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, which are being depleted as a result. For instance, the extraction of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil to satisfy growing energy demands has serious environmental impacts, and these resources will eventually run out. Another concern is the rising level of pollution worldwide, of the land, the oceans and the air that we breathe. In India, for example, thousands of tons of industrial rubbish have been released illegally into rivers, killing aquatic life and contaminating drinking water.However, I would argue that the search for a new planet on which humans could survive is a waste of valuable resources. Firstly, a vast amount of funding would be required to finance such space exploration, with no guarantee of success. This money is needed now to improve health services globally and to provide better education for all. Secondly, financial resources should be used to develop advanced technologies that would be more environmentally- friendly and provide renew able energy. In the field of transport, to take a simple example, vehicles can now be converted to run on hydrogen or even waste cooking oil – as McDonald’s have done with their trucks.

In conclusion, I consider that the search for new planets on which to settle is a waste of time and resources, and efforts should be concentrated on living more sustainably here on Earth.