
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Program Piano; uses crt,graph; const SoPhim = 14; Phim: array[1..SoPhim] of char = ('a','s','d','f','g','h','j', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); TenNot: array[1..SoPhim] of string[3] = ('Do','Re','Mi','Fa', 'Sol','La','Si','Do"','Re"','Mi"','Fa"','Sol"','La"','Si"'); AmThanh: array[1..SoPhim] of integer = (131,147,165,175,196,220, 247,262,294,330,349,392,440,494); CRong = 30; Cdai = 100; KCNgang = 80; KCDoc = 150; _MauPhim = LightGreen; var gd,gm: integer; MauPhim: array[1..SoPhim] of...
Đọc tiếp
Program Piano; uses crt,graph; const SoPhim = 14; Phim: array[1..SoPhim] of char = ('a','s','d','f','g','h','j', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); TenNot: array[1..SoPhim] of string[3] = ('Do','Re','Mi','Fa', 'Sol','La','Si','Do"','Re"','Mi"','Fa"','Sol"','La"','Si"'); AmThanh: array[1..SoPhim] of integer = (131,147,165,175,196,220, 247,262,294,330,349,392,440,494); CRong = 30; Cdai = 100; KCNgang = 80; KCDoc = 150; _MauPhim = LightGreen; var gd,gm: integer; MauPhim: array[1..SoPhim] of integer; k: char; TgPhat: integer; f: text; GA,Playing: Boolean; Procedure InPhimDan(i: integer); Begin if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then SetFillStyle(1,_MauPhim) else SetFillStyle(1,White); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai); SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 5); SetFillStyle(1,LightGray); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai+5,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 10); SetColor(Black); Rectangle(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai+10); SetColor(Blue); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+15,KCDoc+70,Phim[i]); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+5,KCDoc+20,TenNot[i]); End; Procedure TaoDan; var i: integer; Begin SetFillStyle(1,Cyan); Bar(KCNgang + CRong - 10,KCDoc - 10,KCNgang + CRong*(SoPhim+1)+10,KCDoc+CDai+20); for i := 1 to SoPhim do InPhimDan(i); Setcolor(Brown); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,3); OutTextXy(200,100,'P I A N O'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,1); OutTextXy(200,320,'Turn off VietKey before hitting.'); End; Procedure ShowDan; var trdo: string; Begin SetfillStyle(1,LightGreen); Bar(KCNgang+CRong,KCDoc+Cdai+20,KCNgang + (SoPhim+1)*Crong,KCDoc+CDai+60); {--Record--} SetFillStyle(1,Red); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+20,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+80,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not GA then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Record') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Rec...'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+30,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( R )'); {--Truong Do--} SetFillStyle(1,Blue); Bar(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-80,KCdoc + CDai+25, KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-10,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-70,KCdoc + CDai+35,'T: '); Str(TgPhat,trDo); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-50,KCdoc + CDai+35,trdo); {--Play--} SetFillStyle(1,Yellow); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+170,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+230,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not Playing then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Play') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Stop'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+180,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( P )'); End; Procedure GhiAm(kt:string;Am: integer); var s: array[1..3000] of string[4]; i,j: integer; Begin reset(f); i := 0; repeat inc(i); Readln(f,s[i]); until s[i] = ''; rewrite(f); for j := 1 to i-1 do writeln(f,s[j]); if kt = '' then Writeln(f,Am) else Writeln(f,kt,Am); Close(f); End; Procedure Play; var s: string; i,c,j:integer; Begin reset(f); repeat readln(f,s); Val(s,i,c); if c = 0 then begin Sound(AmThanh[i]); for j := 1 to SoPhim do if i = j then begin MauPhim[j] := _MauPhim; InPhimDan(j); end else if MauPhim[j] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[j] := White; InPhimDan(j); end; end else begin Val(Copy(s,2,Length(s)),i,c); Delay(i); NoSound; end; k := #0; if keypressed then k := readkey; until (s = '') or (k = 'p'); Playing := False; ShowDan; End; Procedure TruongDo; Begin if (k = #72) or (k = #80) then begin if (k = #72) and (TgPhat < 400) then inc(TgPhat,50) else if (k = #80) and (TgPhat > 50) then inc(TgPhat,-50); ShowDan; end; End; Procedure BatGhiAm; Begin if k = 'r' then begin if not GA then ReWrite(f); GA := not GA; ShowDan; end else if k = 'p' then begin Playing := True;ShowDan;Play;end; End; Procedure DanhDan; var i: integer; Begin k := #0; if keypressed then begin k := readkey;TruongDo;BatGhiAm;end; for i := 1 to SoPhim do begin if k = Phim[i] then begin MauPhim[i] := _MauPhim; Sound(AmThanh[i]); InPhimDan(i); if GA then begin GhiAm('',i); GhiAm('d',tgPhat); end; end else if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[i] := White; InPhimDan(i); end; end; if k <> #0 then delay(tgPhat); NoSound; End; BEGIN gd := EGA; gm := EGAHI; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); SetBkColor(Black); Assign(f,'GhiAm.txt'); {ReWrite(f);} { Bo dau ngoac trong lan chay dau tien, sau do dong lai} TaoDan; TgPhat := 200; GA := False; Playing := False; ShowDan; repeat DanhDan; if GA then ghiAm('d',23); until k = #27; CloseGraph; END.Program Piano; uses crt,graph; const SoPhim = 14; Phim: array[1..SoPhim] of char = ('a','s','d','f','g','h','j', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); TenNot: array[1..SoPhim] of string[3] = ('Do','Re','Mi','Fa', 'Sol','La','Si','Do"','Re"','Mi"','Fa"','Sol"','La"','Si"'); AmThanh: array[1..SoPhim] of integer = (131,147,165,175,196,220, 247,262,294,330,349,392,440,494); CRong = 30; Cdai = 100; KCNgang = 80; KCDoc = 150; _MauPhim = LightGreen; var gd,gm: integer; MauPhim: array[1..SoPhim] of integer; k: char; TgPhat: integer; f: text; GA,Playing: Boolean; Procedure InPhimDan(i: integer); Begin if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then SetFillStyle(1,_MauPhim) else SetFillStyle(1,White); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai); SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 5); SetFillStyle(1,LightGray); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai+5,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 10); SetColor(Black); Rectangle(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai+10); SetColor(Blue); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+15,KCDoc+70,Phim[i]); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+5,KCDoc+20,TenNot[i]); End; Procedure TaoDan; var i: integer; Begin SetFillStyle(1,Cyan); Bar(KCNgang + CRong - 10,KCDoc - 10,KCNgang + CRong*(SoPhim+1)+10,KCDoc+CDai+20); for i := 1 to SoPhim do InPhimDan(i); Setcolor(Brown); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,3); OutTextXy(200,100,'P I A N O'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,1); OutTextXy(200,320,'Turn off VietKey before hitting.'); End; Procedure ShowDan; var trdo: string; Begin SetfillStyle(1,LightGreen); Bar(KCNgang+CRong,KCDoc+Cdai+20,KCNgang + (SoPhim+1)*Crong,KCDoc+CDai+60); {--Record--} SetFillStyle(1,Red); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+20,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+80,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not GA then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Record') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Rec...'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+30,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( R )'); {--Truong Do--} SetFillStyle(1,Blue); Bar(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-80,KCdoc + CDai+25, KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-10,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-70,KCdoc + CDai+35,'T: '); Str(TgPhat,trDo); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-50,KCdoc + CDai+35,trdo); {--Play--} SetFillStyle(1,Yellow); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+170,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+230,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not Playing then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Play') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Stop'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+180,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( P )'); End; Procedure GhiAm(kt:string;Am: integer); var s: array[1..3000] of string[4]; i,j: integer; Begin reset(f); i := 0; repeat inc(i); Readln(f,s[i]); until s[i] = ''; rewrite(f); for j := 1 to i-1 do writeln(f,s[j]); if kt = '' then Writeln(f,Am) else Writeln(f,kt,Am); Close(f); End; Procedure Play; var s: string; i,c,j:integer; Begin reset(f); repeat readln(f,s); Val(s,i,c); if c = 0 then begin Sound(AmThanh[i]); for j := 1 to SoPhim do if i = j then begin MauPhim[j] := _MauPhim; InPhimDan(j); end else if MauPhim[j] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[j] := White; InPhimDan(j); end; end else begin Val(Copy(s,2,Length(s)),i,c); Delay(i); NoSound; end; k := #0; if keypressed then k := readkey; until (s = '') or (k = 'p'); Playing := False; ShowDan; End; Procedure TruongDo; Begin if (k = #72) or (k = #80) then begin if (k = #72) and (TgPhat < 400) then inc(TgPhat,50) else if (k = #80) and (TgPhat > 50) then inc(TgPhat,-50); ShowDan; end; End; Procedure BatGhiAm; Begin if k = 'r' then begin if not GA then ReWrite(f); GA := not GA; ShowDan; end else if k = 'p' then begin Playing := True;ShowDan;Play;end; End; Procedure DanhDan; var i: integer; Begin k := #0; if keypressed then begin k := readkey;TruongDo;BatGhiAm;end; for i := 1 to SoPhim do begin if k = Phim[i] then begin MauPhim[i] := _MauPhim; Sound(AmThanh[i]); InPhimDan(i); if GA then begin GhiAm('',i); GhiAm('d',tgPhat); end; end else if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[i] := White; InPhimDan(i); end; end; if k <> #0 then delay(tgPhat); NoSound; End; BEGIN gd := EGA; gm := EGAHI; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); SetBkColor(Black); Assign(f,'GhiAm.txt'); {ReWrite(f);} { Bo dau ngoac trong lan chay dau tien, sau do dong lai} TaoDan; TgPhat := 200; GA := False; Playing := False; ShowDan; repeat DanhDan; if GA then ghiAm('d',23); until k = #27; CloseGraph; END.
18 tháng 12 2020

sửa lỗi giúp mình nhé


18 tháng 12 2020

dễ ấy mà :))

19 tháng 5 2016

1. you/feel/hungry/you/gives/and/sugar/less/energy

=> Sugar gives you energy and you feel less hungry.

2.eat/enjoy/you shouldn't/you/much/can/you/the food/but/too/have

=> You can eat the food you enjoy but you shouldn't eat too much.

3. can't/the piano/Nhung/sister/play/and/her/either/can't

=> Nhung can't play the piano and and her sister can't either.


=> My brother prefers watching TV to reading books.

5.daughter/best/kinds/does/like/what/TV program/your/of?

=> What kind of programme does your daughter like best?

6.showing/local cinema/is/horror film/the/a/there/next week/at

=> There is a horror film showing at the local cinema next week.

1. you/feel/hungry/you/gives/and/sugar/less/energy

=> Sugar gives you energy and you feel less hungry.

2.eat/enjoy/you shouldn't/you/much/can/you/the food/but/too/have

=> You can eat the food you enjoy but you shouldn't eat too much.

3. can't/the piano/Nhung/sister/play/and/her/either/can't

=> Nhung can't play the piano and her sister can't either.


=> My brother prefers watching TV to reading books.

5.daughter/best/kinds/does/like/what/TV program/your/of?

=> What kind of TV program does your daughter like best?

6.showing/local cinema/is/horror film/the/a/there/next week/at

=> There is a horror film showing at the local cinema next week.

Phương An sai mất mấy câu rồi

11 tháng 7 2018

1/Hoa is play (a)the piano (b) in her (c) room at (d) the moment

a. Hoa is playing

2/What kind (a) for (b) program do (c) you  ?(d)

b. of

3/After their visit for(a) the aquarium ,they went (b) to(c) a food stall (d) lunch

a. After they visited for

4/His (a) tooth hurts (b) so (c) sometimes he forgest to (d) brush his teeth


21 tháng 11 2017

1,she is not enough money to buy this book

2,it was enjoy by we

3,she lived far her house'grandmother so she doesn't visit her grandmother often

4,has lan played the piano since you ever

6, i have staeted collectng stemp since 2015

6 tháng 11 2021


6 tháng 11 2021


13 tháng 12 2018

Đáp án D

Giải thích: cấu trúc so sánh hơn: “be more + tính từ dài + than”

Dịch: Chương trình này hài hước hơn chương trình kia.

Question 2 : Choose the correct answer

a. We often playes piano in the evening.

b. We often plays piano in the evening.

c. We often play piano in the evening.

d. We often playing piano in the evening.

Question 3:

........ she a teacher?





Question 4 :

Thời hiện tại đơn, chủ ngữ "They, We, You, I và số nhiều" phải được theo sau bởi động từ....

A.thêm -ing

B.nguyên thể

C.thêm s,es

D.Không có đáp án nào đúng

1 tháng 12 2021





28 tháng 4 2022

Tham khảo nha:
Nowadays TV is one of the most popular means of entertainment and relaxation. We can see many programs on the TV: educational programs, films, cartoons, news, and so on. Some programs on TV that I have watched are Tom and Jerry, Pokemon, BBC news, etc. My favorite TV program is "The road to Olympia" :). It's a competition between geniuses, watching them answer many interesting questions fastly makes me admire them. Depending on my spare time, I watch TV. To me, watching TV is a way to relax my mind.

28 tháng 4 2022

Em cảm ơn ạvui

18 tháng 3 2020

Từ nào là các từ khóa trong chương trình:

A. Begin, Program, Write, Uses, Read

B. Program, Var, Begin, Uses, Const, End

C. End, Read, Var, Const, program

D. Program, Begin, End, Uses, integer

18 tháng 3 2020


30 tháng 6 2017

Bạn tham khảo ở link này : Câu hỏi của Kiều Bích Ngọc - Tiếng anh lớp 6 | Học trực tuyến