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14 tháng 8 2019

 Học cách phát âm

During the last summer vacation, my father let me go to Dalat for a week. It was the third prize for me because I tried to study and achieve the title of excellent student. My father prepared very well for this trip. From the previous day, he bought a ket at the Fire Viet Tourist Center. On Friday morning, she went to the car parked and saw her father and son off. On the car that was nearly enough, the driver pressed the horn to signal to the tourists that the car was about to arrive. At exactly 5:30 am, the car left. The early morning city is so clear and cool. On roads, people and vehicles are sparse. Out of the city, the car turns to highway I and starts to accelerate. I sat close to the window so spoiled for watching the scenery on both sides of the road. Soon, the car arrived at the fork to Da Lat. From here, Highway 20 bends and runs between a rich green of rubber trees. Scenes are different from time to time. The car went uphill, down the hill continuously. There are very high passes and tens of kilometers long. He drove calmly and skillfully to drive through dangerous and dangerous roads, one side was high mountains, one was deep. Passengers seemed very reassured, relying entirely on his skilled driver. Some people lean their heads into good sleeping chairs.Three o'clock in the afternoon, the car arrived at the territory of Da Lat city, a famous tourist destination in the country. From a distance, I saw the pine hills in succession. The driver stops for visitors to admire the beauty of Pren waterfall. Water from above rained down a giant white curtain. The waterfall poured evenly, millions of tiny, sparkling water. The closer to the city, the more attractive the scenery. Oh! What a strange sight presented before the eyes in a fairy tale. In the middle of the pine forest, there are gleaming roof houses, bright red bricks that look mysterious castles. Half an hour later, the car parked in front of the Cherry Hotel's door. Small but beautiful hotel and fully equipped. The first meal, the children and grandchildren enjoyed the delicious highland dishes. That night, she pulled the quilt to her neck and slept soundly. During these few days, I visited many beautiful scenes of Da Lat such as Xuan Huong Lake, Cam Ly Waterfall, Cu, Doi Hill, two graves, Tinh Yeu, Da Thien Lake, Truc Lam Monastery ...Three shots for me a lot of photos. I the type of horse riding on top of the hill, under the ancient pine. Arriving at the city park, she happily grabbed the giant stuffed black bear near the gate to take three photos. I love watching birds, watching animals, watching flowers forget time. Then he took me to Dalat market. I was stunned by the richness and beauty of the cold flowers: pink velvet, yellow rose, gladiolus, dahlia, carnation, orchid, orchid, ... and many different types of daisies. Fruits are also attractive: plum, peach, strawberry, orange, avocado, grape, apple, ... everything is delicious, also cheap. My father bought some boxes of strawberry jam and a bag full of ripe avocados. Probably, mother and baby Hong enjoyed it. A week of sightseeing passed by. It was time to say goodbye to Da Lat, returning to the family home. When the car left, I poked my head out the window, waving to the pine forests, mountains, roads, misty valleys, lovely roofs and brilliant flower gardens ... Goodbye, Da Lat ! Next year and year, I'll come back! Exciting trip has opened up my understanding of the country and people. Everywhere my country is beautiful and the people are kind and hospitable!

14 tháng 8 2019

For a long time, I have longed to look at Nha Trang beach, the most scenic place in Vietnam. And finally, that dream became a reality, thanks to the summer activities of the children organized by the commune to praise the students with outstanding achievements in the school year so I had a trip to the sea. this poe. Her visit has left me unforgettable memories of the sunny and windy Nha Trang beach. That day, there was no need for a clock, but I also got up early, did personal hygiene, had a light breakfast and prepared with my mother for the excursion. At exactly 6 o'clock, the bus started to depart, I said goodbye to my mother and joined you on the road. After walking for a while, I caught sight of Vong Phu island from a distance. As everyone said, Vong Phu is a standing figure of a wife holding her baby, tired of waiting for her husband. Then there are the mountains with smooth pebbles, miraculous dreaming. Unfortunately, I can't stop to visit them. In the end, it's here! Nha Trang sea appeared briefly and made us feel happy, waves gently patted white sand. In the distance, there are sailboats of all colors that travel slowly because they are far away from me.

The sea water is really cool and cool, I want to run right down to the beach but not allowed by my brother to take charge. On the white sandy beach, the girls, the boy happily built his sand castles. Cars drove us along the coast for a long time, we enjoyed watching the stretch of white sand and clear waters. Goodbye beautiful Nha Trang sea. Next journey, we go to Monkey Island. And this time, we have to go through a small train. Sitting on the train, looking at the sea and watching, Monkey Island gradually shows up with the high coconut trees, a small sign with a mischievous monkey image and a line saying: guest". We visited the place to rest under a dense canopy to eat lunch. After finishing lunch, we visited a group of monkeys on the island, it seemed there were hundreds of children, how smart and mischievous they were. We have fun with monkeys, feeding you fruits, bread, ...After playing for a while, the tour guide took us to the circus to see the circus performances of the smart, lovely dogs and monkeys. You and your favorite guys are the monkey circus, a monkey who works as a cyclo driver and of course there must be another monkey with luxurious clothes to sit and hold, holding the umbrella as a guest. Everyone was eager and enthusias. When the circus group's performances ended, we left the island to go to the Oceanographic Institute. Here I have seen countless coral species, large and small, many rare fish species and also witnessed sharks swimming in the water. We were able to touch our giant whale skeleton and meet a species of fish known as the fairy of the sea. The sky has begun to darken, my tour is gradually closing, goodbye to the poe Nha Trang city to return to the family! The rows of lights in Nha Trang city began to light up pale purple round fruits, gradually turning green and finally blossoming in white, reflecting the faces of passersby. At this time, Nha Trang City is wearing a new wing.

The city at night with colorful lights of restaurants, hotels, high-rise buildings makes the city more gorgeous. Finally, we also have to leave those beautiful images, away from Nha Trang city with great regret, going for a long time, many friends after a trip fell asleep in the car seat, The men and women in charge saw so many interesting games, singing children's songs until the distant one stopped at the starting point. How wonderful this trip is! I secretly promised that I will try my best to study well so that in the following years I will visit other beautiful landscapes of the country. The tour has left great feelings in you and you guys. Hopefully we will have many more tours to expand our view of Vietnam's resorts.

11 tháng 9 2019

Tham khảo:

I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu.

I need to eat healthily. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, etc., are an important part of keeping my body nutrition at its optimum. Processing fatty and sugary foods don't give the immune-boosting protection that healthier food does. Sugary foods can decrease immune function.

Exercise regularly. Exercise has enhancing immune-system that can help ward off illness. Overdo too much strenuous or excessive can leave me prone to illness, too. I make sure to get adequate sleep every night, get at least seven to eight hours sleep nightly

I need to reduce my stress too. Stress can harm the ability of my immune system to work optimally, and people who are stressed tend to catch colds more than less stressed people. Manage my stress is contributing to prevent the flu. Beside, Drinking water may also help wash cold and flu viruses from my throat to my stomach where they cannot survive. Although getting cold doesn't actually cause a cold or flu (the viruses do), but being cold can reduce my stamina and make me feel miserable and fatigued, so i need to stay warm.

In addition, I eat more fruits to get vitamin C that might help me prevent the common cold, and i will also drink more milk, this will be help me healthy and stronger to prevent the cold

Bài dịch sang tiếng việt:

Tôi nghĩ rằng chúng ta cần phải giữ sức khỏe để phòng ngừa bệnh cúm, Giữ sức khỏe khi tôi có thể bằng cách chăm sóc tốt bản thân mình. Giấc ngủ và chế độ dinh dưỡng cũng giúp ngăn chặn sự tấn công của cảm lạnh hoặc cúm, một lối sống lành mạnh sẽ giúp hệ thống miễn dịch của tôi luôn trong tình trạng tốt nhất có thể, cho tôi cơ hội tốt nhất để chống lại sự tấn công của cảm lạnh hoặc cúm.

Tôi cần phải ăn uống lành mạnh. Các loại thực phẩm lành mạnh như rau, trái cây, ngũ cốc, vv, là một phần quan trọng của việc giữ dinh dưỡng trong cơ thể của tôi tại mức tối ưu của nó. Việc chế biến chất béo và các loại thực phẩm ngọt không cung cấp cho việc bảo vệ tăng cường miễn dịch bằng các thực phẩm lành mạnh. Thực phẩm ngọt có thể làm giảm chức năng miễn dịch.

Tập thể dục thường xuyên. Tập thể dục làm tăng cường hệ thống miễn dịch giúp tránh bệnh tật. Việc lạm dụng việc thể dục quá nhiều hoặc quá mức có thể cũng làm tôi bị bệnh. Tôi chắc chắn có giấc ngủ đủ mỗi đêm, ngủ ít nhất là bảy đến tám giờ hàng đêm.

Tôi cũng cần phải giảm căng thẳng. Căng thẳng có thể gây hại khả năng hệ thống miễn dịch của tôi làm việc tối ưu, những người căng thẳng thì có xu hướng dễ bị cảm lạnh hơn là những người ít bị căng thẳng. Việc quản lý căng thẳng góp phần trong việc phòng ngừa bệnh cúm. Bên cạnh đó, việc uống nước cũng có thể giúp rửa sạch virus cảm lạnh và cúm từ cổ họng đến dạ dày của tôi khiến chúng không thể tồn tại.Mặc dù bị lạnh không thực sự gây cảm lạnh hoặc cúm (mà virus mới gây ra điều này), nhưng bị lạnh có thể làm giảm khả năng chịu đựng của tôi và làm cho tôi cảm thấy khổ sở và mệt mỏi, vì thế tôi cần phải giữ ấm.

Ngoài ra, tôi ăn nhiều trái cây để có được vitamin C có thể giúp tôi ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh thông thường, và tôi cũng sẽ uống sữa nhiều hơn, điều này sẽ giúp tôi khỏe mạnh và mạnh mẽ hơn để ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh.

Chúc bạn học tốt!

11 tháng 9 2019

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everythingg So you should relax more, eat more to supplement vitamins. In summary, healthis better than wealth.

1 tháng 9 2021


I have lots of childhood memories that I can’t forget at all. Memories are really valuable for everyone. Our memories inspire us to live and keep us motivated. I think it’s a good thing to remember you’re good memories. Today, I will share the most important memory from my childhood that I won’t forget anytime.

This is the first day of school. I was spending my childhood in Delhi with my parents. My father was my best friend and he used to spend most of his time with me. He taught me basic letters and a few poems that I still can recite. One day he took me to the nearest school.

I knew about that and I was ready mentally, but I was so much excited because I had no idea about what was going on there. He took me to a room where few teachers were sitting and they asked me a few questions. I was feeling awkward, but I answered all the questions.

Then he notes my name and admitted me to the school. I went to the class then and I enjoyed a lot. This day is the best day of my childhood, I can’t forget that day. I will remember this special day always, my whole life.  

Tham Khảo:

There are many sports, which are good for our health and popular over the world. Soccer is one of my favorite sports. It is played by two teams consisting of 11 people each team. The general rule is that the ball is kicked by leg and the players get score when having the ball in their goal post. Football is known as “king” among other sports. First, it improves integrity when applying several techniques to create strong power. Second, it not only reduces stress and bad cholesterol of body but also relaxes out spirit after a hard working day. My brother usually plays football every afternoon after work as he is in a local sport club. Moreover, football is not simply one kind of sport, it is an art because of the popularity. Since there is an increasing number of football team over the world such as: Manchester United, Barcelona, Arsenal with professional players. Although I am not able to play well, I love watching football matches as they are interesting and we can also learn from their technique. Furthermore, football is public concern as well as heated debate. Football is now popular through women, who are thought not able to play this kind of sport.