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26 tháng 4 2022
1. pollution 2. dangerous 3. sunny 4. naturally 5. environmentally 6. global 7. harmful 8. lower
Dịch:Some theories of the purpose of dreamsFreud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We...
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Some theories of the purpose of dreams

Freud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?

Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the answer. This may be more of a way to ‘use’ our dreams than a ‘purpose’ of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important then analysing them may help you to focus your mind on the problem and help you to find the solution.

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk, organizing the events of the day into folders and deleting the rubbish that it doesn’t want to keep. But we all know that very little of what we dream every night is concerned with what happened to us that day.

Another idea is that dreams are the brain’s way of practising the behaviour that we need to survive. So we dream about being chased by a monster because one day it might happen! It’s a bit like a pianist practising her scales every day even though she doesn’t need to use them at that moment.

Others believe that dreaming is the brain’s way of exercising the pathways between the brain cells. This may be an important element in why we sleep rather than why we dream. We die if we don’t sleep but we can live without dreaming. Some patients with brain injuries lose the ability to dream but don’t seem to suffer any ill-effects.

REM and dreaming

Scientists used to think that dreaming only happened during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM). REM sleep is essential for all mammals. We all become irritable and depressed without it. If we don’t have enough REM one night, we will compensate by having more the next. REM is generated by the brainstem – the oldest and most primitive part of the brain. So scientists used to believe that dreaming was also caused by activity in the brainstem. We now know that dreaming can happen at any time during sleep. The only difference seems to be that it’s easier to remember dreams that happen during REM.

Babies have a lot more REM activity than adults, but research shows that they dream less. The same may be true of animals. We know that they have REM activity but that doesn’t mean they dream.

It also seems that dreaming is a skill that develops as you get older, like language for example. Young children’s dreams are very different from older children’s or adult’s dreams.

New research

Modern technology has allowed scientists to map the parts of the brain that are active when we dream. The primitive brainstem is very active, but so are other important areas at the front of the brain. These are the frontal lobes that control emotion, memory, and experiences that come through the senses like hearing and vision. If these areas are injured, the person stops dreaming. On the other hand, the areas that control rational, logical thought are not active at all. This could explain why dreams are so strange. They have no logical sequence or time, which makes them very difficult to explain to other people when we wake up. Dreams combine recent events with long past events and our emotions while we are dreaming are often very strong.

Psychologists have also done studies on people who kept dream diaries for long periods of time (up to fifty years in some cases) and have found that what we dream is very much connected with how we think and behave when we are awake. So an extrovert, adventurous person will have extrovert, adventurous dreams. A shy person will be a shy person in her dreams. People who are important to us will often be in our dreams and so will things that worry us or make us happy.

So what’s the conclusion?

Well, nobody really knows. But scientists are now suggesting that dreams have absolutely no purpose at all. When we are awake we are ‘thinking’ all the time. Some of this thinking is useful and has a purpose. But we often just ‘think’ about nothing in particular while we’re waiting for the bus or walking to work. And that’s what the brain is doing when we are asleep - just thinking. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s boring.

Doing the research for this article has made me more interested in my dreams rather than less. I might even start a dream diary! But nothing that I’ve read explains why I sometimes have an embarrassing dream about finding myself standing completely naked at a bus stop. Fortunately, this has never happened to me in real life, and it isn’t something that I think about when I’m awake. I’m told that it’s an example of a ‘universal dream’ – a dream that is common to people all over the world. Dreaming about flying is another example. So what’s the explanation? We can’t all be ‘just thinking’ about the same thing, can we?

Find the new words and translate it

1 tháng 2 2018

Một số lý thuyết về mục đích của những giấc mơ

Freud tin rằng chúng ta mơ ước để chúng ta có thể giải toả những ham muốn sâu, bí mật mà chúng ta không được phép diễn đạt trong cuộc sống thực bởi vì các quy tắc của xã hội lịch sự. Hầu hết mọi người đều biết về phân tích giấc mơ của Freud - giấc mơ về một con tàu đi vào đường hầm là một giấc mơ về quan hệ tình dục. Nhưng liệu đó có phải chỉ là một giấc mơ khi du hành trên tàu?

Một lý thuyết khác là những giấc mơ cho phép chúng ta giải quyết những vấn đề mà chúng ta không thể giải quyết trong cuộc sống thực. Chúng tôi đi ngủ với một vấn đề và thức dậy với câu trả lời. Đây có thể là một cách để "sử dụng" ước mơ của chúng ta hơn là một mục đích "của mơ ước. Nếu bạn tin rằng giấc mơ của bạn là quan trọng thì việc phân tích chúng có thể giúp bạn tập trung suy nghĩ về vấn đề và giúp bạn tìm ra giải pháp.

Hình ảnh hiện đại là giấc mơ là cách để làm sạch ổ cứng của máy tính, tổ chức các sự kiện trong ngày vào các thư mục và xóa các rác mà nó không muốn giữ. Nhưng tất cả chúng ta đều biết rằng rất ít những gì chúng tôi mơ ước mỗi tối liên quan đến những gì đã xảy ra với chúng tôi ngày hôm đó.

Một ý tưởng khác là giấc mơ là cách hành xử của não đối với hành vi mà chúng ta cần phải tồn tại. Vì vậy, chúng tôi mơ ước được bị đuổi bởi một con quái vật bởi vì một ngày nào đó có thể xảy ra! Nó giống như một nghệ sĩ piano thực hành quy mô của cô ấy mỗi ngày mặc dù cô ấy không cần sử dụng chúng vào lúc đó.

Những người khác tin rằng giấc mơ là cách não thực hiện các con đường giữa các tế bào não. Đây có thể là một yếu tố quan trọng tại sao chúng ta ngủ nhiều hơn là tại sao chúng ta mơ ước. Chúng ta chết nếu chúng ta không ngủ nhưng chúng ta có thể sống mà không mơ mộng. Một số bệnh nhân bị thương não mất khả năng mơ ước nhưng dường như không bị ảnh hưởng xấu.

REM và mơ ước

Các nhà khoa học từng nghĩ rằng giấc mơ chỉ xảy ra trong giấc ngủ Mắt nhanh (REM). Giấc ngủ REM là điều cần thiết cho tất cả các động vật có vú. Tất cả chúng ta trở nên cáu kỉnh và chán nản nếu không có nó. Nếu chúng ta không có đủ giấc ngủ đêm REM, chúng tôi sẽ đền bù bằng cách có thêm thời gian tiếp theo. REM được tạo ra bởi bộ não - phần lâu đời nhất và nguyên thủy nhất của bộ não. Vì vậy, các nhà khoa học từng tin rằng giấc mơ cũng là do hoạt động trong não. Bây giờ chúng ta biết rằng giấc mơ có thể xảy ra bất cứ lúc nào trong suốt giấc ngủ. Sự khác biệt duy nhất có thể là dễ nhớ hơn những giấc mơ xảy ra trong REM.

Trẻ sơ sinh có nhiều hoạt động REM hơn người lớn, nhưng nghiên cứu cho thấy họ mơ ước ít hơn. Điều này cũng có thể đúng với động vật. Chúng tôi biết rằng họ có hoạt động REM nhưng điều đó không có nghĩa là họ mơ ước.

Nó cũng có vẻ như là mơ ước là một kỹ năng phát triển khi bạn lớn lên, chẳng hạn như ngôn ngữ ví dụ. Ước mơ của trẻ nhỏ rất khác so với giấc mơ của những đứa trẻ lớn tuổi hơn và người lớn.

Nghiên cứu mới

Công nghệ hiện đại đã cho phép các nhà khoa học lập bản đồ các bộ phận của não hoạt động khi chúng ta mơ ước. Giun sơ khai rất năng động, nhưng cũng là những khu vực quan trọng khác ở phía trước của não. Đây là những thùy trán điều khiển cảm xúc, trí nhớ và kinh nghiệm đi qua các giác quan như nghe và nhìn. Nếu những khu vực này bị thương, người đó ngừng mơ. Mặt khác, các lĩnh vực kiểm soát suy nghĩ hợp lý, hợp lý không hoạt động chút nào. Điều này có thể giải thích tại sao những giấc mơ thật kỳ lạ. Họ không có trình tự hoặc thời gian hợp lý, điều này khiến họ rất khó giải thích cho người khác khi chúng tôi thức dậy. Giấc mơ kết hợp các sự kiện gần đây với những sự kiện trong quá khứ và cảm xúc của chúng ta trong khi chúng ta đang mơ ước thường rất mạnh.

Các nhà tâm lý học cũng đã thực hiện các nghiên cứu về những người giữ nhật ký trong một thời gian dài (đến 50 năm trong một số trường hợp) và nhận thấy rằng những gì chúng ta mơ ước có liên quan rất nhiều đến cách chúng ta suy nghĩ và hành xử khi chúng ta tỉnh táo. Vì vậy, một người hướng ngoại, mạo hiểm sẽ có những giấc mơ hướng ngoại, mạo hiểm. Một người nhút nhát sẽ là một người nhút nhát trong những giấc mơ của mình. Những người quan trọng đối với chúng ta thường có trong giấc mơ của chúng ta và những điều đó sẽ làm chúng ta lo lắng hoặc làm cho chúng ta hạnh phúc.

Vậy kết luận là gì?

Vâng, không ai thực sự biết. Nhưng các nhà khoa học hiện đang cho thấy những giấc mơ hoàn toàn không có mục đích. Khi chúng ta tỉnh dậy chúng ta đang 'suy nghĩ' mọi lúc. Một số suy nghĩ này là hữu ích và có một mục đích. Nhưng chúng ta thường chỉ "nghĩ" về không có gì đặc biệt trong khi chúng ta chờ xe buýt hoặc đi bộ để làm việc. Và đó là những gì mà bộ não đang làm khi chúng ta đang ngủ - chỉ cần suy nghĩ. Đôi khi nó thú vị và đôi khi nó là nhàm chán.

Làm nghiên cứu cho bài viết này đã làm tôi quan tâm nhiều hơn đến ước mơ của tôi chứ không phải là ít hơn. Tôi thậm chí có thể bắt đầu một nhật ký trong giấc mơ! Nhưng không có gì tôi đã đọc giải thích tại sao đôi khi tôi có một giấc mơ xấu hổ vì thấy mình đang đứng khỏa thân hoàn toàn tại bến xe buýt. May mắn thay, điều này đã không bao giờ xảy ra với tôi trong cuộc sống thực, và nó không phải là điều mà tôi nghĩ về khi tôi thức. Tôi được nói rằng đó là một ví dụ về 'giấc mơ phổ quát' - một giấc mơ phổ biến cho mọi người trên thế giới. Giấc mơ bay là một ví dụ khác. Vậy giải thích là gì? Chúng ta không thể chỉ "suy nghĩ" về cùng một điều, phải không?

1 tháng 2 2018

Some theories of the purpose of dreams

Freud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?

Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the answer. This may be more of a way to ‘use’ our dreams than a ‘purpose’ of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important then analysing them may help you to focus your mind on the problem and help you to find the solution.

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk, organizing the events of the day into folders and deleting the rubbish that it doesn’t want to keep. But we all know that very little of what we dream every night is concerned with what happened to us that day.

Another idea is that dreams are the brain’s way of practising the behaviour that we need to survive. So we dream about being chased by a monster because one day it might happen! It’s a bit a pianist practising her scales every day even though she doesn’t need to use them at that moment.

Others believe that dreaming is the brain’s way of exercising the pathways between the brain cells. This may be an important element in why we sleep rather than why we dream. We die if we don’t sleep but we can live without dreaming. Some patients with brain injuries lose the ability to dream but don’t seem to suffer any ill-effects.

REM and dreaming

Scientists used to think that dreaming only happened during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM). REM sleep is essential for all mammals. We all become irritable and depressed without it. If we don’t have enough REM one night, we will compensate by having more the next. REM is generated by the brainstem – the oldest and most primitive part of the brain. So scientists used to believe that dreaming was also caused by activity in the brainstem. We now know that dreaming can happen at any time during sleep. The only difference seems to be that it’s easier to remember dreams that happen during REM.

Babies have a lot more REM activity than adults, but research shows that they dream less. The same may be true of animals. We know that they have REM activity but that doesn’t mean they dream.

It also seems that dreaming is a skill that develops as you get older, language for example. Young children’s dreams are very different from older children’s or adult’s dreams.

New research

Modern technology has allowed scientists to map the parts of the brain that are active when we dream. The primitive brainstem is very active, but so are other important areas at the front of the brain. These are the frontal lobes that control emotion, memory, and experiences that come through the senses hearing and vision. If these areas are injured, the person stops dreaming. On the other hand, the areas that control rational, logical thought are not active at all. This could explain why dreams are so strange. They have no logical sequence or time, which makes them very difficult to explain to other people when we wake up. Dreams combine recent events with long past events and our emotions while we are dreaming are often very strong.

Psychologists have also done studies on people who kept dream diaries for long periods of time (up to fifty years in some cases) and have found that what we dream is very much connected with how we think and behave when we are awake. So an extrovert, adventurous person will have extrovert, adventurous dreams. A shy person will be a shy person in her dreams. People who are important to us will often be in our dreams and so will things that worry us or make us happy.

So what’s the conclusion?

Well, nobody really knows. But scientists are now suggesting that dreams have absolutely no purpose at all. When we are awake we are ‘thinking’ all the time. Some of this thinking is useful and has a purpose. But we often just ‘think’ about nothing in parular while we’re waiting for the bus or walking to work. And that’s what the brain is doing when we are asleep - just thinking. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s boring.

Doing the research for this arle has made me more interested in my dreams rather than less. I might even start a dream diary! But nothing that I’ve read explains why I sometimes have an embarrassing dream about finding myself standing completely naked at a bus stop. Fortunately, this has never happened to me in real life, and it isn’t something that I think about when I’m awake. I’m told that it’s an example of a ‘universal dream’ – a dream that is common to people all over the world. Dreaming about flying is another example. So what’s the explanation? We can’t all be ‘just thinking’ about the same thing, can we?

10 tháng 6 2019

Ex1 : Read the passage and answer the questions

My name is Peter , and this is my story. Last year just before Chirstmas my family and our cousins and relatives decided to go to Hawaii for holiday . We went in two cars but when we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back . He said it was too far , and it was terribly hot , too . Even at night it was really hot . Anyway , what we decided to do was to drive back about 150km to a place where the train went through . Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Hawaii by train . That was fun .

1 : When did Peter ‘s family go to Hawaii ?

=>Last year just before Chirstmas

2 : How did they go to Hawaii ?

=>by train

3 : Why did Peter ‘s uncle decide to come back ?

=>Because He said it was too far , and it was terribly hot , too

4 : What was the weather like ?

=>it was terribly hot

5 : How did they feel about the holiday ?

=>They felt funny about the holiday

10 tháng 6 2019

Ex1 : Read the passage and answer the questions

My name is Peter , and this is my story. Last year just before Chirstmas my family and our cousins and relatives decided to go to Hawaii for holiday . We went in two cars but when we were about halfway there my uncle wanted to turn round and come back . He said it was too far , and it was terribly hot , too . Even at night it was really hot . Anyway , what we decided to do was to drive back about 150km to a place where the train went through . Then we put both cars on the train and we all went to Hawaii by train . That was fun .

1 : When did Peter ‘s family go to Hawaii ?

Last year just before Chirstmas

2 : How did they go to Hawaii ?

By train

3 : Why did Peter ‘s uncle decide to come back ?

Hawaii was too far

4 : What was the weather like ?

It was terribly hot

5 : How did they feel about the holiday ?


This is just a quick letter to let you know that . I’m fine . We are all working quite hard because the exams are only a few-weeks away , but our teacher(1)………. he thinks we’ll do well . Anyway , we(2)…………. a wonderful time at half term . We went off to the Paris for a (3)………. days with my friends and we went on a guided tour . We saw most of the famous sights (4)……….. the louver , here they have an amazing collections of paintings , and the Eiffel Tower . Then we went down to the South of...
Đọc tiếp

This is just a quick letter to let you know that . I’m fine . We are all working quite hard because the exams are only a few-weeks away , but our teacher(1)………. he thinks we’ll do well .

Anyway , we(2)…………. a wonderful time at half term . We went off to the Paris for a (3)………. days with my friends and we went on a guided tour . We saw most of the famous sights (4)……….. the louver , here they have an amazing collections of paintings , and the Eiffel Tower . Then we went down to the South of France (5)……….. train . It was so (6)……… the whole journey was only about four hours . We (7)……… a little time in Nice and in Cannes as well , and we all (8)……….. enjoyed it . On our last day we went to a small island (9)………. the llea des Pelerins , and we saw the castle where they (10)……… to keep the ‘ Man in the Iron Mask’ . All in all , we had a great time and the weather was really good as well .

Anyway, I must go now as I’ve got to do a lot of homework for tomorrow . Will you write soom ?

28 tháng 5 2017

his Is Just A Quick Letter To Let You Know That I’m Fine. We’re All Working Quite Hard Because The Exams Are Only A Few Weeks Away, But Our Teacher (1) ______says______ He Thinks We’ll Do Well. (my Landlady’s Not So Sure - She Keeps (2) ______telling______ Me I Should Stop (3) _____watching_______ So Much Tv And Do A Bit More Reading!)
anyway, We Had A Wonderful Time At Half-term. I Went Off To Paris For (4) ______a Few______ Days With Some Of The Others From The School, And We Went On A Guided (5) _____tour_______ Of The City. We Saw Most Of The Famous (6) ______sights______ Like The Louvre, Where They Have An Amazing (7) ______gallery______ Of Paintings, And The Eiffel Tower. Then, We Went Down To The South Of France (8) ______by______ Train. It Was So Fast – The Whole (9) ______drive______ Was Only About Four Hours. We Spent (10) _______a Little_____ Time In Nice And In Cannes As Well, And We All Really Enjoyed It. On Our Last Day, We Went To A Small Island (11) _______called_____ The Ile Des Pelerines, And We Saw The Castle Where They Used To Keep The “man In The Iron Mask”. All In All, We Had A Great Time And (12) _______the_____ Weather Was Really Good As Well. The Only Thing I Felt (13) ______regretful______ About Was That We Didn’t Have Enough Time To (14) ______spare______ To Go Swimming – Maybe Next Time.
anyway, I Must Go Now As I’ve Got To (15) _______do_____ A Bit Of Homework For Tomorrow.
love, Janie

28 tháng 5 2017

This is just a quick letter to let you know that . I’m fine . We are all working quite hard because the exams are only a few-weeks away , but our teacher(1) SAYS he thinks we’ll do well .

Anyway , we(2) HAD a wonderful time at half term . We went off to the Paris for a (3) FEW days with my friends and we went on a guided tour . We saw most of the famous sights (4) LIKE the louver , here they have an amazing collections of paintings , and the Eiffel Tower . Then we went down to the South of France (5) BY train . It was so (6) FAST the whole journey was only about four hours . We (7) SPENT a little time in Nice and in Cannes as well , and we all (8) REALLY enjoyed it . On our last day we went to a small island (9) CALLED the llea des Pelerins , and we saw the castle where they (10) USED to keep the ‘ Man in the Iron Mask’ . All in all , we had a great time and the weather was really good as well .

Anyway, I must go now as I’ve got to do a lot of homework for tomorrow . Will you write soom ?

Dịch đoạn văn sau đây:Football is such a popular game that it is played even in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances to watch a football match. Even old people enjoy watching this game.To play this most interesting, I go to the field near my house where my friends wait for me every late afternoon. My friends also love this game very much. We play until dark.But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot of strength to kick the ball. They must also be skillful...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch đoạn văn sau đây:

Football is such a popular game that it is played even in the most remote corner of my country. People walk long distances to watch a football match. Even old people enjoy watching this game.

To play this most interesting, I go to the field near my house where my friends wait for me every late afternoon. My friends also love this game very much. We play until dark.

But it is a very hard game. It requires a lot of strength to kick the ball. They must also be skillful in controlling the ball. All this makes the game a difficult game indeed. Playing football however Giúp us healthy and active.

I shall always love this game.

Essay topic: Talk about your favorite sport (Essay 2)

I like swimming. It is my favorite sport, for I know that it is healthy as well as a good chance for a person to exercise his or her body.

Last Sunday morning, as the weather was fine, I went to Vung Tau with my family. It took us about two hours by car to arrive at our destination, and I felt very excited about it.

When our car reached the top of the cliff overlooking the Bay, I admired the golden sand of the long beach, the blue sky and water, and the splendid country surroundings which looked like an artist’s painting.

We put on our bathing-suits and ran into the water. It was a very happy swim for me. We played ball, challenged each other in swimming a certain distance. Of course, I was always beaten by my bigger brothers but I was satisfied with my good effort. When we felt tired, we lay down on the beach to rest and to have some sunbath. At about noon, we returned to our tent and had lunch.

About 3 p.m. we went once more into the water and swam till 5 p.m. Finally, we got ready to start for home. Everyone was delighted to have spent such a wonderful swim. I really enjoyed swimming very much that day.

11 tháng 6 2016

Bóng đá là như một trò chơi phổ biến mà nó được chơi ngay cả trong những góc xa xôi nhất của đất nước tôi. Người đi bộ quãng đường dài để xem một trận đấu bóng đá. Ngay cả những người già thích xem trò chơi này.

Để chơi này thú vị nhất, tôi đi đến cánh đồng gần nhà tôi, nơi bạn bè của tôi chờ đợi cho tôi mỗi buổi chiều muộn. Bạn bè tôi cũng thích trò chơi này rất nhiều. Chúng tôi chơi cho đến tối.

Nhưng nó là một trò chơi rất khó. Nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sức lực để đá bóng. Họ cũng phải khéo léo trong việc kiểm soát bóng. Tất cả điều này làm cho các trò chơi một trận đấu khó khăn thực sự. Chơi bóng tuy nhiên giúp chúng ta khỏe mạnh và năng động.

Tôi sẽ luôn luôn yêu thích trò chơi này.

Tiểu luận chủ đề: Nói về môn thể thao yêu thích của bạn (tiểu luận 2)

Tôi thích bơi lội. Nó là môn thể thao yêu thích của tôi, vì tôi biết rằng nó được khỏe mạnh cũng như một cơ hội tốt cho một người để tập thể dục cơ thể của mình.

Cuối buổi sáng chủ nhật, khi thời tiết tốt, tôi đã đi đến Vũng Tàu với gia đình tôi. Chúng tôi đã mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ bằng xe hơi để đi đến đích của chúng tôi, và tôi cảm thấy rất vui mừng về nó.

Khi xe của chúng tôi lên đến đỉnh của vách đá nhìn ra Vịnh, tôi ngưỡng mộ những bãi cát vàng của bãi biển dài, bầu trời xanh và nước, và môi trường xung quanh đất nước lộng lẫy mà trông giống như bức tranh của một nghệ sĩ.

Chúng tôi đưa vào tắm-phù hợp với chúng tôi và chạy vào trong nước. Đó là một bơi rất hạnh phúc đối với tôi. Chúng tôi chơi bóng, thách thức nhau trong bơi một khoảng cách nhất định. Tất nhiên, tôi luôn bị đánh đập bởi anh lớn hơn tôi, nhưng tôi hài lòng với nỗ lực tốt của tôi. Khi chúng ta cảm thấy mệt mỏi, chúng tôi nằm xuống trên bãi biển để nghỉ ngơi và có một số tắm nắng. Vào khoảng giữa trưa, chúng tôi trở về lều của chúng tôi và ăn trưa.

Về 3:00 chúng tôi đã đi một lần nữa xuống nước và bơi đến 05:00 Cuối cùng, chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để bắt đầu về nhà. Mọi người đều rất vui mừng đã dành một bơi tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi thật sự rất thích bơi lội rất nhiều ngày hôm đó.

11 tháng 6 2016

Bóng đá là như một trò chơi phổ biến mà nó được chơi ngay cả trong những góc xa xôi nhất của đất nước tôi. Người đi bộ quãng đường dài để xem một trận đấu bóng đá. Ngay cả những người già thích xem trò chơi này. Để chơi này thú vị nhất, tôi đi đến cánh đồng gần nhà tôi, nơi bạn bè của tôi chờ đợi cho tôi mỗi buổi chiều muộn. Bạn bè tôi cũng thích trò chơi này rất nhiều. Chúng tôi chơi cho đến tối. Nhưng nó là một trò chơi rất khó. Nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sức lực để đá bóng. Họ cũng phải khéo léo trong việc kiểm soát bóng. Tất cả điều này làm cho các trò chơi một trận đấu khó khăn thực sự. Chơi bóng tuy nhiên giúp chúng ta khỏe mạnh và năng động. Tôi sẽ luôn luôn yêu thích trò chơi này. Tiểu luận chủ đề: Nói về môn thể thao yêu thích của bạn (tiểu luận 2) Tôi thích bơi lội. Nó là môn thể thao yêu thích của tôi, vì tôi biết rằng nó được khỏe mạnh cũng như một cơ hội tốt cho một người để tập thể dục cơ thể của mình. Cuối buổi sáng chủ nhật, khi thời tiết tốt, tôi đã đi đến Vũng Tàu với gia đình tôi. Chúng tôi đã mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ bằng xe hơi để đi đến đích của chúng tôi, và tôi cảm thấy rất vui mừng về nó. Khi xe của chúng tôi lên đến đỉnh của vách đá nhìn ra Vịnh, tôi ngưỡng mộ những bãi cát vàng của bãi biển dài, bầu trời xanh và nước, và môi trường xung quanh đất nước lộng lẫy mà trông giống như bức tranh của một nghệ sĩ. Chúng tôi đưa vào tắm-phù hợp với chúng tôi và chạy vào trong nước. Đó là một bơi rất hạnh phúc đối với tôi. Chúng tôi chơi bóng, thách thức nhau trong bơi một khoảng cách nhất định. Tất nhiên, tôi luôn bị đánh đập bởi anh lớn hơn tôi, nhưng tôi hài lòng với nỗ lực tốt của tôi. Khi chúng ta cảm thấy mệt mỏi, chúng tôi nằm xuống trên bãi biển để nghỉ ngơi và có một số tắm nắng. Vào khoảng giữa trưa, chúng tôi trở về lều của chúng tôi và ăn trưa. Về 3:00 chúng tôi đã đi một lần nữa xuống nước và bơi đến 05:00 Cuối cùng, chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng để bắt đầu về nhà. Mọi người đều rất vui mừng đã dành một bơi tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi thật sự rất thích bơi lội rất nhiều ngày hôm đó.

Bài tập về mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả trong tiếng Anh1. The boy can’t wear the shirt because it’s very tight.--> The shirt is so…………………………………….-->The shirt is too…………………………………….2. This problem is very difficult. He can’t solve it.--> The problem is too……………………………--> It is such ……………………………………..3. The man was not able to go on an expedition to the Middle East...
Đọc tiếp
Bài tập về mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả trong tiếng Anh

1. The boy can’t wear the shirt because it’s very tight.
--> The shirt is so…………………………………….
-->The shirt is too…………………………………….
2. This problem is very difficult. He can’t solve it.
--> The problem is too……………………………
--> It is such ……………………………………..
3. The man was not able to go on an expedition to the Middle East because of his age.
--> The man was too ……………………………………………………………
4. Hoa is very sick. She can’t sit up.
--> Hoa is so……………………….
5. It was very dark, so she couldn’t go out.
--> It was too…………………………….
6. That car was too old for me to buy.
--> That car was so……………………
7. The movie was so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing.
--> It was such……………………………………………
8. No one could move the piano. It was very heavy.
--> The piano was too ……………………………..
9. We shouldn’t swim in this river. The water isn’t clean.
--> This river isn’t ………………………………………..
10. John couldn’t get to sleep last night. He was worried about exam.
--> John was so………………………………………………………..
11. It was a good book. I couldn’t put it down.
--> It was such………………………………………………………..
12. They were beautiful flowers. We took a photograph of them.
--> They were……………………………………………………
13. She speaks English well. You would think it was her native language.
--> She speaks……………………………………………………………..
14. A taxi would have been best. But I didn’t have enough money.
--> I didn’t have………………………………………………….
15. All my guests will need chairs. But I haven’t got very many.
--> I didn’t have………………………………………………….


1. The boy can’t wear the shirt because it’s very tight.
--> The shirt is so tight that the boy can’t wear it.
-->The shirt is too tight for the boy to wear.
2. This problem is very difficult. He can’t solve it.
--> The problem is too difficult for him to solve.
--> It is such a diffucult problem that he can\'t solve it.
3. The man wasn\'t able to go on an expedition to the Middle East because of his age.
--> The man was too old to go on an expedition to the Middle East.
4. Hoa is very sick. She can’t sit up.
--> Hoa is so sick that she can\'t sit up.
5. It was very dark, so she couldn’t go out.
--> It was too dark for her to go out.
6. That car was too old for me to buy.
--> That car was so old that I can\'t buy.

7. The movie was so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing.
--> It was such a funny movie that we couldn\'t stop laughing.

8. No one could move the piano. It was very heavy.
--> The piano was too heavy for eveyone to move.

9. We shouldn’t swim in this river. The water isn’t clean.
--> This river isn’t clean so we shouldn\'t swim in this river.
10. John couldn’t get to sleep last night. He was worried about exam.
--> John was so worried about exam that he couldn\'t get to sleep at night.
11. It was a good book. I couldn’t put it down.
--> It was such a good book for me to put it down.
12. They were beautiful flowers. We took a photograph of them.
--> They were beautiful flowers so we took a photograph of them.
13. She speaks English well. You would think it was her native language.
--> She speaks English well so you would think it was her native language.
14. A taxi would have been best. But I didn’t have enough money.
--> I didn’t have enough money although a taxi would have been best.
15. All my guests will need chairs. But I haven’t got very many.
--> I didn’t have many chairs although all my guests need it.

12 tháng 5 2016

dài quá bạn ơi, bạn ghi ngắn lại đi, ghi một lần khoảng 5 câu thôi

IV, Write a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage. Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse, and recycle! When people reduce it means they are using (1)……………. of something. This allows us to create less waste. Turning off the (2)………………. when we brush our teeth is a simple way to reduce. This is a small action that prevents us from wasting water. Another small action people can take is to reuse things we already have....
Đọc tiếp

IV, Write a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage. Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse, and recycle! When people reduce it means they are using (1)……………. of something. This allows us to create less waste. Turning off the (2)………………. when we brush our teeth is a simple way to reduce. This is a small action that prevents us from wasting water. Another small action people can take is to reuse things we already have. Taking bags to the store when we shop for food is one way to reuse them. Using both (3)…………….. of piece of paper before getting a new one is another way to reuse. (4)………………. is when new materials are created from old ones. Paper, plastic, and metalare all materials that can be recycled. Things like newspapers, soda cans, and plastic bags can all be turned into new objects if we take the time to recycle them!

5 tháng 8 2021

IV, Write a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage.

Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse, and recycle! When people reduce it means they are using (1)……less………. of something. This allows us to create less waste. Turning off the (2)……faucet…………. when we brush our teeth is a simple way to reduce. This is a small action that prevents us from wasting water. Another small action people can take is to reuse things we already have. Taking bags to the store when we shop for food is one way to reuse them. Using both (3)………sides…….. of piece of paper before getting a new one is another way to reuse. (4)………Recycling………. is when new materials are created from old ones. Paper, plas, and metalare all materials that can be recycled. Things newspapers, soda cans, and plas bags can all be turned into new objects if we take the time to recycle them!

5 tháng 8 2021

IV, Write a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage.

Three ways everyone can help make the Earth a greener place is to reduce, reuse, and recycle! When people reduce it means they are using (1) little  of something. This allows us to create less waste. Turning off the (2) water when we brush our teeth is a simple way to reduce. This is a small action that prevents us from wasting water. Another small action people can take is to reuse things we already have. Taking bags to the store when we shop for food is one way to reuse them. Using both (3) when of piece of paper before getting a new one is another way to reuse. (4) recycling is when new materials are created from old ones. Paper, plas, and metalare all materials that can be recycled. Things newspapers, soda cans, and plas bags can all be turned into new objects if we take the time to recycle them!

IV. Re-arrange the words to make meaningful sentences. 1. housework. / help/ Robots/ do/ the/ will/ me/ 2. library/ last night. / She/ the/ worked/ in/ 3.will /There/ robots /the future./in /our hi-tech /be /some /house /in 4. an/ on/ There/ TV/ tonight. / is/ interesting film 5. cold. / has/ The/ been/ weather 6. i/ write / 4 years/ could/ when / I was/ old. II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before. 1. My favourite programme on TV is...
Đọc tiếp
IV. Re-arrange the words to make meaningful sentences. 1. housework. / help/ Robots/ do/ the/ will/ me/ 2. library/ last night. / She/ the/ worked/ in/ 3.will /There/ robots /the future./in /our hi-tech /be /some /house /in 4. an/ on/ There/ TV/ tonight. / is/ interesting film 5. cold. / has/ The/ been/ weather 6. i/ write / 4 years/ could/ when / I was/ old. II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before. 1. My favourite programme on TV is cartoons. =>I like______________ 2. There are four interesting films on VTV3 today. =>Today VTV3 has________ 3. She likes watching television. -> She is interested …… 4. They wanted to go fishing, but they had too much work.=>Although they wanted _____ 5. This book is cheaper than that book. => That book is ______ 6. I last saw my pen pal two months ago. => I haven’t _______ 7. we will be able to live on the mars in the future. We might _______ 8. You work hard and you will pass your exam. If you _____ 9.I like music. I don’t like films( but) 10. We began to go to Nha trang since last Tuesday. We have ____

mik cần gấp

20 tháng 6 2020

IV. Re-arrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

1. housework. / help/ Robots/ do/ the/ will/ me/

Robots will help me do the homework

2. library/ last night. / She/ the/ worked/ in/

She worked in the library last night

3.will /There/ robots /the future./in /our hi-tech /be /some /house /in

There will be some robots in our hi-tech house in the future.

4. an/ on/ There/ TV/ tonight. / is/ interesting film

There is an interesting film on TV last night

5. cold. / has/ The/ been/ weather

The weather has been cold

6. i/ write / 4 years/ could/ when / I was/ old.

I could write when I was 4 years old

II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.

1. My favourite programme on TV is cartoons.

=>I like cartoons the most

2. There are four interesting films on VTV3 today.

=>Today VTV3 has 4 interesting films

3. She likes watching television.

-> She is interested in watching TV

4. They wanted to go fishing, but they had too much work.

=>Although they wanted to go fishing, they had too much work

5. This book is cheaper than that book.

=> That book is not as cheap as this one

6. I last saw my pen pal two months ago.

=> I haven’t seen my pen pal for 2 months

7. we will be able to live on the mars in the future.

We might live on the Mars in the future

8. You work hard and you will pass your exam.

If you work hard, you will pass your exam

9.I like music. I don’t like films( but)

I like music but I don;t like films

10. We began to go to Nha trang since last Tuesday.

We have gone to Nha Trang since last Tuesday


20 tháng 6 2020

bạn ơi nếu bỏ từ since ở câu cuối bài cuối thì vẫn làm vậy

hả bạn.

 Write the correct form of words:1. Use (refill)……………….. pens and pencils2. Our school will have a small garden. There ( be )…………….. many flowers in it.3. If we don’t do something about …………., we will destroy the planet. (pollute)1. Use (refill)……………….. pens and pencils7. Remember to switch off the ……….such as TV or air- conditioners when they are not in use.( apply)8. Home robots are very useful…….today- they can do many things (use)8. They...
Đọc tiếp

 Write the correct form of words:

1. Use (refill)……………….. pens and pencils
2. Our school will have a small garden. There ( be )…………….. many flowers in it.

3. If we don’t do something about …………., we will destroy the planet. (pollute)1. Use (refill)……………….. pens and pencils

7. Remember to switch off the ……….such as TV or air- conditioners when they are not in use.( apply)

8. Home robots are very useful…….today- they can do many things (use)

8. They had a ……….about the best way to learn English. ( agree)

9. The long journey in an old bus with hard seats was very …….(comfortable)

10. Our plan to save the trees was very ………………..and we can now enjoy the shape. (success)

11. The loss of so much rainforest will have a terrible ……….on the climate .( affect)

12. The most ……….countryside here is in the river valley. It is beautiful. ( attract)

12 tháng 6 2019

 Write the correct form of words:

1. Use (refill)………refilling……….. pens and pencils
2. Our school will have a small garden. There ( be )……are……….. many flowers in it.

3. If we don’t do something about …pollution…., we will destroy the planet. (pollute

7. Remember to switch off the ……application….such as TV or air- conditioners when they are not in use.( apply)

8. Home robots are very useful…….today- they can do many things (use)

8. They had a …agreement…….about the best way to learn English. ( agree)

9. The long journey in an old bus with hard seats was very …uncomfortable….(comfortable)

10. Our plan to save the trees was very …………successful……..and we can now enjoy the shape. (success)

11. The loss of so much rainforest will have a terrible ……affection….on the climate .( affect)

12. The most …attractive…….countryside here is in the river valley. It is beautiful. ( attract)

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.1. A. nearest​​​B. head​​​C. bread​​​D. health 2. A. traffic​​​B. station​​​C. safety​​​D. plane 3. A. enter​​​B. vehicle​​​C. helicopter​​ D. mention 4. A. hey​​​B. obey​​​C. grey​​​D. honey 5. A. ahead​​​B. healthy​​​C. seatbelt​​​D. bread 6. A. traffic​​​B. pavement​​​C. plane​​​D. station 7. A. recycle​​​B....
Đọc tiếp

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. nearest​​​B. head​​​C. bread​​​D. health 2. A. traffic​​​B. station​​​C. safety​​​D. plane 3. A. enter​​​B. vehicle​​​C. helicopter​​ D. mention 4. A. hey​​​B. obey​​​C. grey​​​D. honey 5. A. ahead​​​B. healthy​​​C. seatbelt​​​D. bread 6. A. traffic​​​B. pavement​​​C. plane​​​D. station 7. A. recycle​​​B. vehicle​​​C. helicopter​​ D. reverse 8. A. sign​​​B. mistake​​​C triangle​​​.D. drive III. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. Minh used to __does_______his homework late in the evening. ( does/ do / doing / did) 2. If people _________the rules, there are no more accidents. ( follow / take care of / obey / remember) 3. You should _________right and left when you go across the roads.( see / look / be / take) 4. Hurry up or we can’t _________the last bus home. ( keep / follow / go / catch) 5. Public _________in my town is good and cheap. ( transport / tour / journey / travel) 6. _________is not very far from here to the city centre. ( That​/ This / It / There) 7. When there is a traffic jam, it _________me a very long time to go home.( costs/ takes​/ lasts​/ spends) 8. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school __her school is very far from her house.( but / though/ because / or) 9. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people _______ the rules ( remember / obey / go after / take care of) 10. Hurry up, or we'll _______ the last bus. (lose / avoid / miss / drop) 11. Does your bike ever __________ down on the way to school? ( break​/ take / do / turn) 12. Give a __________ before you turn left or right. ( sign / turn / sound / signal) IV. Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative form 1. Mount Everest is (high) ............................................................ mountain in the world. 2. Winter is (cold) ........................................................... season in the year. 3. Going by car is (convenient) .................................................... going by bicycle in this area. 4. The Sahara is (hot) .......................... ................................. desert in the world. 5. This building is (modern) .............. ............................................. that one. 6. The boat trip is (good) ................... ........................................ experience of my life. 7. Are your streets (narrow) .............. ............................................. our streets . 8. It’s (beautiful) .............................. ............................. mountain in Australia. 9. This park is (beautiful) ................ ........................................... that park. 10. The weather in Cua Lo Beach is (hot) .... .................................................... that in Ha Noi . V. Rewrite these sentences. 1. Lan learns Math very well. à Lan is very …………………………………. 2. Why don’t we go swimming? à What about………………………………………? ​3. The birthday cake is very delicious. à What …………………………………. 4. Tom will visit his parents next month. à Tom’s parents ……………………………………​ ? 5. Nam works more hours than Lan. à Lan works ………………………………………​ 6.My father waters this flower every morning. à This flower…………………………………….. 7.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. à Fiona ………………………………………………….. REVISION UNIT 8 : FILMS Question 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 6. A. played​​B. frightened​​C. excited​​D. bored 7. A. hand​​B. transport​​C. character​​D. celebration 8. A. washed​ B. attended​​C. decided​​D. disappointed Question 2: Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others. 9. A. traffic​​B. agree​​​C. noisy​​D. father 10. A. listen​​B. visit​​​C. attend​​D. enter Question 3: Choose the correct answer to complete each following sentence by circling A, B, C or D. 1. I was __________ to learn that the director of that gripping film has won the first prize. A. interest ​​​B. interests ​​​C. interested ​D. interesting 2. The film was so __________. However, my father saw it from beginning to end. A. interesting ​​B. exciting ​​​C. boring ​​D. fascinating 3. We were __________ with the latest film of that director. A. satisfied ​​​B. satisfactory ​​C. satisfying ​D. satisfy 4. It is a __________ game. It makes me bored. A. boring​​​B. bored​​​C. bore ​​D. boredom 5. I have never felt as __________ as I did when I watched that horror film. A. terrify ​​​B. terrified ​​​C. terrifying ​D. terrible 6. Not many people went to see the film; __________, it received good reviews from critics. A. although ​​​B. but ​​​C. despite ​​D. however 7. Let’s go to the Victor Cinema. I’m sure you’ll find the film __________. A. excites ​​​B. excite ​​​C. excited ​​D. exciting 8. Last night, I didn’t go to bed early ___________ being very tired. A. because of ​​B. although ​​​C. despite of ​D. in spite of 9. ____________ they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big success. A. Nevertheless ​​B. However ​​​C. When ​​D. Although 10. Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a _____________ film – I was laughing from beginning to the end. A. moving ​​​B. scary ​​​C. violent ​​D. hilarious 11. Linda used to ________ morning exercise when she got up early. A. did​​​​B. does​​​C. doing​​D. do 12. My father __________the bus to work every day, but I cycle. A. catches​​​B. drives​​​C. goes​​D. runs 13. You should look right and left when you go ________the road. A. down​​​B. across​​​C. up​​​D. along 14. Bus is the main Public ________in Viet Nam. A.travel​​​B. tricycle​​​C. transport​​D. vehicle 15. The play was so boring. ________, An saw it from beginning to end. A. Therefore​​B. Despite​​​C. However​​D. Although 16. She’s sure that they will find the film_________. A. entertaining​​B. entertain​​​C. entertainment​D. entertained 17. – “ Do you like seeing a film?” – “_________________” A. No, I like it at all​​B. Sure. What film shall we see?​ C. Who is in it?​​​D. I’m sorry, I can’t. Question 4: Put a qusetion tag at the end of these statements. 1,Listen……….? 2,He won’t mind if I use his car,………? 3,You like watching TV,………..? 4,They can hardly do their homework,……….? 5,There aren’t any apples,………….? 6,Ben hasn’t had lunch,………………? 7,It never works well,………? 8,He needn’t say anything,……………? 9,She’d like some sugar,…………? 10,People shouldn’t drink when driving,………….? 11,He ought to finish this work,…………….? 12,Nothing went wrong,……………? 13,That isn’t Nam,………………? 14,Neither of them help you,…………..? 15,I’m fat,……….? Question 5: Correct mistakes. 1,This will fit in pockets,wouldn’t it? A B C D 2,He did not tell you about his trip ,didn’t he? A B C D 3,Many people lost their families during the storm,do they? A B C D 4,Tom goes to the cinema quite often ,didn’t he? A B C D 5,I am 10 years old,am not I? A B C D

2 tháng 7 2021

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the

1. A. nearest​​​     B. head​​​     C. bread     ​​​D. health

2. A. traffic​​​        B. station​​​    C. safety    ​​​D. plane

3. A. enter​​​    B. vehicle​​​       C. helicopter​​ D. mention

4. A. hey​​​       B.obey​​​        C. grey​​​   D. honey

5. A. ahead​​​   B. healthy    ​​​C. seatbelt​​​    D. bread

6. A. traffic​​​  B. pavement​​​  C. plane​​​     D. station

7. A. recycle ​​​B. vehicle​​​       C. helicopter​​    D. reverse

8. A. sign     B. mistake      ​​​C triangle​​​.     D. drive

2 tháng 7 2021

 III. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

1. Minh used to _________his homework late in the evening. ( does/ do / doing / did)

2. If people _________the rules, there are no more accidents. ( follow / take care of / obey / remember)

3. You should _________right and left when you go across the roads.( see / look / be / take)

4. Hurry up or we can’t _________the last bus home. ( keep / follow / go / catch)

5. Public _________in my town is good and cheap. ( transport / tour / journey / travel)

6. _________is not very far from here to the city centre. ( That​/ This / It / There)

7. When there is a traffic jam, it _________me a very long time to go home.( costs/ takes​/ lasts​/ spends)

8. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school __her school is very far from her house.( but / though/ because / or)

9. Traffic accidents can be prevented if people _______ the rules ( remember / obey / go after / take care of)

10. Hurry up, or we'll _______ the last bus. (lose / avoid / miss / drop)

11. Does your bike ever __________ down on the way to school? ( break​/ take / do / turn)

12. Give a __________ before you turn left or right. ( sign / turn / sound / signa)

1 . The police (probably , catch) ........... the bank robber 2 . Jane : Who is going to come to the party ? Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark (help)..................out with the cooking! VII . Use a correct form of word in bracket to complete the sentence 1. Jack is .......... has turned him into confident person (successful) 2. When I was in Thailand, I had only a day to visit all the tourist .................... (attract) 3. Boys and girls may...
Đọc tiếp

1 . The police (probably , catch) ........... the bank robber

2 . Jane : Who is going to come to the party ?

Martha: Well, a number of people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark (help)..................out with the cooking!

VII . Use a correct form of word in bracket to complete the sentence

1. Jack is .......... has turned him into confident person (successful)

2. When I was in Thailand, I had only a day to visit all the tourist .................... (attract)

3. Boys and girls may behave............... in this situation . (difference)

4. All of us were ................ that he was successful in the final exam (surprise)

5. Towns which attract ...................... are usually crowded in the summer (tour)

6. Ba was .............. ill right after eating those mushrooms (serious)

7. My sister speaks English ............... than I do (bad)

8. Hung and his brother oten teach English ........during summer vacation(they)

9. It is ...................in Britain to eat turkeys at Christmas

VII. writing

a) Rewrite the 13ollowing sentences, using words given :

1. Lan was sick, so she didn't go to school .


2. We started learning English when we were in grade 3


3. There is noise pollution. People and animals have hearing problems


4. How long is the road ? What............................................

5. The girls are beautiful

They are ...................................................

6. There is a lot of rain in Viet Nam

Viet Nam.........................................................................

7. Mr and Mrs Hung has a son , Nam

Mr and Mrs Hung are .........................................................

24 tháng 2 2017

VII. Writting.


1. Lan didn't go to school because she was sick.

2. We have learnt English since grade 3.

3. If there is moise problem, people and animals will have hearing problems.

4. What is the length of the road?

5. They are beautiful girls.

6. Viet Nam has a lot of rain.

7. Mr and Mrs Hung are nam's parents.