
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

20 tháng 10 2016

We all know the popular saying “Health is Wealth”. By health we do not mean the absence of physical troubles only. But it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The loss of health is a loss of all happiness. Mahatma Gandhi also says, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.

Health is more important than wealth. A rich person can afford various luxuries of life such as a big car, large house, costly accessories, air-conditioners, etc. But, he can enjoy these luxuries only if his health is good.

Good health depends on several things. Fresh air and sunlight are very important for our health. Fresh air helps us to improve our immune system and overall health. So a morning walk is very useful for health.

Sunlight helps our body to produce vitamin-D. A dirty and damp atmosphere causes lots of diseases. Fresh and pure drinking water is also necessary for good health. Impure drinking- water is the cause of several diseases. So, we must take care of these things.

Food is another necessary thing for the body. Nutritious foods helps us to maintain good health. Consumption of healthy foods helps us to minimize any health related problems. We all should know, how, when and what to eat.

We should always include a portion of green vegetables, fruits or salads in our meal. Green vegetables are sources of vital nutrients. Our digestive system plays a key role in our overall health. Fiber rich foods such as whole grain wheat, bran rice, etc. help us improve our digestive system.

A balanced and nutritious diet helps the proper growth of the body. But we must remember that we eat to live and not that we live to eat. In India, over-eating causes a large number of deaths. If we eat less, we may live more.

Health is a great treasure. It is the highest blessing. It is the source of all happiness. Money can’t buy happiness. Happiness is priceless and not dependent upon the wealth of a person. Good health, however, contribute to the emotional well-being and happiness of a person. Even with limited income, a person with sound health can lead a happy and enjoyable life.

20 tháng 10 2016

Food poisoning is a very big problem which we can't dissemble now. It causes by dirty food so how can we know what fresh food like. First, we need to know where is it comes from and is it a famed place. The second, the color of fresh food look very natural and bright. The last, fresh food tastes very good and delicious.

- mk không chắc là đúng nên bạn có thể chỉnh sửa thêm, chúc bạn học tốt.

18 tháng 12 2016

People said that: ''Health is better than wealth'' so having a good health is really important for everyone, so what should we do to keep healthy, there are a lot of ways to keep fit if we really pay attention to them.

First of all, we should have 3 meals a day and enjoy a lot of good foods like vegetables or fruit instead of eating junk food. Secondly, we should drink enough water a day. Thirdly, in order to do more exercises and play more sports, we should get up early as usual. Fourthly, we should spend more time enjoying outdoor activities instead of playing computer games or watching TV, because they can hurt our eyes. Finally, we should go to see the doctor regularly to check our health.

In conclusion, we should find many good ways to keep healthy and just remember that ''Health is better than wealth''.

Bài trên là hoàn toàn do tớ viết nên trong quá trình làm bài không tránh khỏi những sai sót, mong bạn thông cảm cho, cảm ơn ạ.

(Tớ viết xong nhưng chưa check lại vì lười)

Chúc bạn học tốt!

19 tháng 12 2016

mơn pn nha

11 tháng 12 2021

My favorite sport is volleyball. I have been passionate about this sport since I was a boy. Growing up, I used to play with my friends after school every hour. We got together on the volleyball court in the school, then split into two teams to play. Every team tries to score points by hitting the ball over the net, and the ball must touch inside the field. If the team bounces off the pitch, the score belongs to the other team. Additionally, each team can get points when their opponent makes a mistake. I can name a few common mistakes when playing this sport such as: the ball hits the outside of the bounds, the ball hits the arm or the net, throws the ball away or catches the ball, … Volleyball’s intentions seem quite complicated, but we still love to play the sport. It has helped me improve and exercise my own health. Besides, it also helps me feel more at ease after every stressful class in class. I love playing volleyball because it gave me a lot of fun and memories with my friends. I hope in the future I can join the competitive school club and win lots of awards. I love volleyball. cho mik một đúng nha bạn

11 tháng 12 2021

đó bạn ơi

27 tháng 3 2020

Some remedies to prevent the flu essay (Một vài biện pháp để phòng tránh bệnh cúm bằng tiếng anh

I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu.

I need to eat healthily. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, etc., are an important part of keeping my body nutrition at its optimum. Processing fatty and sugary foods don't give the immune-boosting protection that healthier food does. Sugary foods can decrease immune function.

Exercise regularly. Exercise has enhancing immune-system that can help ward off illness. Overdo too much strenuous or excessive can leave me prone to illness, too. I make sure to get adequate sleep every night, get at least seven to eight hours sleep nightly

          I need to reduce my stress too. Stress can harm the ability of my immune system to work optimally, and people who are stressed tend to catch colds more than less stressed people. Manage my stress is contributing to prevent the flu. Beside, Drinking water may also help wash cold and flu viruses from my throat to my stomach where they cannot survive. Although getting cold doesn't actually cause a cold or flu (the viruses do), but being cold can reduce my stamina and make me feel miserable and fatigued, so i need to stay warm.

In addition, i eat more fruits to get vitamin C that might help me prevent the common cold, and i will also drink more milk, this will be help me healthy and stronger to prevent the cold

27 tháng 3 2020

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth.

=> Bài dịch:

Tất cả chúng ta, ai ai cũng muốn có một sức khỏe tốt, bởi vì chúng ta, không ai là có thể mua được sức khỏe thậm chí khi chúng ta thực sự rất giàu có. Với quan điểm của cá nhân tôi, sức khỏe là thứ quý gia hơn rất nhiều so với tiền tài bởi vì nếu chúng ta có một sức khỏe tốt chúng ta có thể làm bất kỳ điều gì chúng ta muốn mặc dù chúng ta không giàu có, chúng ta có thể làm mọi công việc khó khăn nhất mà vẫn có thể vui vẻ với các hoạt động thường ngày khác. Bên cạnh đó, chúng ta có thể giúp đỡ người khác, mang lại niềm hạn phúc cho họ. Với một sức khỏe tốt, chúng ta luôn có niềm vui và sự thoải mái trong cuộc sống. Nếu sức khỏe chúng ta không được như ý, trong khi chúng ta lại rất giàu có, chúng ta sẽ bị phụ thuộc vào những người khác bởi vì chúng ta không thể hoạt động bình thường với những nhu cầu đơn giản nhất, chúng ta trở ên chán nản và luôn dễ nổi giận, buồn bực với mọi thứ xung quanh cuộc sống này. nói đến cùng thì có sức khỏe tốt có ý nghĩa hơn rất nhiều so với việc có nhiều tiền bạc.

Nguồn: https://lazi.vn/edu/exercise/viet-doan-van-ngan-ve-chu-de-my-hobbies-health-community-service-vietnamese-food-and-drink

11 tháng 12 2017

 Some remedies to prevent the flu essay (Một vài biện pháp để phòng tránh bệnh cúm bằng tiếng anh

I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu.

I need to eat healthily. Healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit, grains, etc., are an important part of keeping my body nutrition at its optimum. Processing fatty and sugary foods don't give the immune-boosting protection that healthier food does. Sugary foods can decrease immune function.

Exercise regularly. Exercise has enhancing immune-system that can help ward off illness. Overdo too much strenuous or excessive can leave me prone to illness, too. I make sure to get adequate sleep every night, get at least seven to eight hours sleep nightly

          I need to reduce my stress too. Stress can harm the ability of my immune system to work optimally, and people who are stressed tend to catch colds more than less stressed people. Manage my stress is contributing to prevent the flu. Beside, Drinking water may also help wash cold and flu viruses from my throat to my stomach where they cannot survive. Although getting cold doesn't actually cause a cold or flu (the viruses do), but being cold can reduce my stamina and make me feel miserable and fatigued, so i need to stay warm.

In addition, i eat more fruits to get vitamin C that might help me prevent the common cold, and i will also drink more milk, this will be help me healthy and stronger to prevent the cold

=> Bài dịch:

Tôi nghĩ rằng chúng ta cần phải giữ sức khỏe để phòng ngừa bệnh cúm, Giữ sức khỏe khi tôi có thể bằng cách chăm sóc tốt bản thân mình. Giấc ngủ và chế độ dinh dưỡng cũng giúp ngăn chặn sự tấn công của cảm lạnh hoặc cúm, một lối sống lành mạnh sẽ giúp hệ thống miễn dịch của tôi luôn trong tình trạng tốt nhất có thể, cho tôi cơ hội tốt nhất để chống lại sự tấn công của cảm lạnh hoặc cúm.

Tôi cần phải ăn uống lành mạnh. Các loại thực phẩm lành mạnh như rau, trái cây, ngũ cốc, vv, là một phần quan trọng của việc giữ dinh dưỡng trong cơ thể của tôi tại mức tối ưu của nó. Việc chế biến chất béo và các loại thực phẩm ngọt không cung cấp cho việc bảo vệ tăng cường miễn dịch bằng các thực phẩm lành mạnh. Thực phẩm ngọt có thể làm giảm chức năng miễn dịch.

Tập thể dục thường xuyên. Tập thể dục làm tăng cường hệ thống miễn dịch giúp tránh bệnh tật. Việc lạm dụng việc thể dục quá nhiều hoặc quá mức có thể cũng làm tôi bị bệnh. Tôi chắc chắn có giấc ngủ đủ mỗi đêm, ngủ ít nhất là bảy đến tám giờ hàng đêm.

Tôi cũng cần phải giảm căng thẳng. Căng thẳng có thể gây hại khả năng hệ thống miễn dịch của tôi làm việc tối ưu, những người căng thẳng thì có xu hướng dễ bị cảm lạnh hơn là những người ít bị căng thẳng. Việc quản lý căng thẳng góp phần trong việc phòng ngừa bệnh cúm. Bên cạnh đó, việc uống nước cũng có thể giúp rửa sạch virus cảm lạnh và cúm từ cổ họng đến dạ dày của tôi khiến chúng không thể tồn tại.Mặc dù bị lạnh không thực sự gây cảm lạnh hoặc cúm (mà virus mới gây ra điều này), nhưng bị lạnh có thể làm giảm khả năng chịu đựng của tôi và làm cho tôi cảm thấy khổ sở và mệt mỏi, vì thế tôi cần phải giữ ấm.

Ngoài ra, tôi ăn nhiều trái cây để có được vitamin C có thể giúp tôi ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh thông thường, và tôi cũng sẽ uống sữa nhiều hơn, điều này sẽ giúp tôi khỏe mạnh và mạnh mẽ hơn để ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh.

11 tháng 12 2017

lên google dịch mà làm

7 tháng 8 2021

Câu ghép?

Trước diễn biến phức tạp của tình hình và hậu quả tiêu cực do dịch COVID-19 (bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do chủng mới của virus corona gây ra), ngày 11/3, tổ chức Y tế thế giới (WHO) đã tuyên bố dịch bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp COVID-19 do chủng mới của virus corona (SARS-CoV-2) là một đại dịch toàn cầu và ở Việt Nam. Thủ tướng Chính phủ vừa ký Quyết định 447/QĐ-TTg ngày 1/4/2020 về việc công bố dịch COVID-19 trên toàn quốc. Thời gian xảy ra dịch được xác định từ ngày 23/1/2020 (thời điểm xác định trường hợp đầu tiên mắc ca bệnh viêm đường hô hấp cấp do chủng mới của vi rút Corona gây ra). Từ đây, toàn Đảng, toàn dân, toàn quân ta lại bước vào “cuộc chiến đấu trong thời bình” - Cuộc chiến phòng, chống dịch COVID-19 với  tư tưởng chỉ đạo và phương châm hành động là“Chống dịch như chống giặc”.

Tự dịch qua TA nha! 

27 tháng 7 2018

Today if there is any institution which has the greatest influence on us after the family, it is the school. The time that we spend in school are not only time spent in learning and filling our minds with knowledge, but also time spent forming our character, acquiring various attitudes and imbibing basic principles of life. The basic traits of our personality are formed during our school days.

The name of my school is Nguyen Binh Khiem High School. It is situated in the suburb of Hai Phong city. It is considered to be one of the finest schools in the city, highly acclaimed for its excellent for number of talented students. The school building is an impressive structure. It consists of four three – floor blocks and has about 36 classrooms. Classrooms are spacious and airy.

Two staircases at both ends lead to the floors. The school has a well-equipped library, a well- established science laboratory and two excellent computer room, all of which are situated on the a separate block.

There is an area for learning physical education and sports. Two cemented basketball courts stand in the right corner, while the school’s football field is in the center of the area. On the left center, there are two courts for badminton and volleyball. A small garden full of flower plants surrounds the school building adding to the charm and beauty of the entire complex.

My school has over 1200 students. Our headmaster is an experienced and efficient person who has been at his job for the last 10 years and more. Under his able direction, the school has been obtaining many good result and gain the dispute in the city. The teachers here are well-experienced and knowledgeable in their subjects.

A lot of emphasis are given to character formation, moral education and acquiring good values of life. Although the school environment is rather strict and time-table based, but there is lot of fun and joy in the school. Matches, tournaments, musical shows, competitions, events, etc. make my school life lively, interesting and enjoyable.

I am proud to be a student of Nguyen Binh Khiem High school.

27 tháng 7 2018

Today if there is any institution which has the greatest influence on us after the family, it is the school. The time that we spend in school are not only time spent in learning and filling our minds with knowledge, but also time spent forming our character, acquiring various attitudes and imbibing basic principles of life. The basic traits of our personality are formed during our school days.

The name of my school is Nguyen Binh Khiem High School. It is situated in the suburb of  Hai Phong city. It is considered to be one of the finest schools in the city, highly acclaimed for its excellent for number of talented students. The school building is an impressive structure. It consists of four three – floor blocks and has about 36 classrooms. Classrooms are spacious and airy.

Two staircases at both ends lead to the floors. The school has a well-equipped library, a well- established science laboratory and two excellent computer room, all of which are situated on the a separate block.

There is an area for learning physical education and sports. Two cemented basketball courts stand in the right corner, while the school’s football field is in the center of the area. On the left center, there are two courts for badminton and volleyball. A small garden full of flower plants surrounds the school building adding to the charm and beauty of the entire complex.

My school has over 1200 students. Our headmaster is an experienced and efficient person who has been at his job for the last 10 years and more. Under his able direction, the school has been obtaining many good result and gain the dispute in the city. The teachers here are well-experienced and knowledgeable in their subjects.

A lot of emphasis are given to character formation, moral education and acquiring good values of life. Although the school environment is rather strict and time-table based, but there is lot of fun and joy in the school. Matches, tournaments, musical shows, competitions, events, etc. make my school life lively, interesting and enjoyable.

I am proud to be a student of Nguyen Binh Khiem High school.

12 tháng 5 2017

Doctor ; What's the matter with you , Ba?

Ba: I feel terrible. I have an awful stomachache

Doctor; It must be something you ate. Are your Mum and Dad OK?

Ba; Yes. They're fine

Doctor; What Did you eat last night?

Ba: We ate fish,rice and soup. I also ate spinach, but my Mum and Dad didn't

Doctor; So it was probaly the spinach. Did your Mom wash it well?

Ba ; she didn't wash it. I did

Doctor; Spinach is very good for you, but you must wash it carefully. Vegetables often have dirt from the farm on them. That dirt can make you sick. I'll give you some medicine to make you feel better

Ba; Thank, Doctor.