
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

7 tháng 3 2022

6B 7C

7 tháng 3 2022

6. B 

7. C 

1 tháng 4 2022

Tuan has never seen a giraffe.

Lan has never stayed in a hotel.

10 tháng 5 2019

Ancient Aliens’ was one of most popular television series and it appeared interesting to me on some specific grounds. I loved watching the episodes. Thanks for the question and I will now describe it in brief here.

This was the documentary that dealt with the extraterrestrial contact with the human. It is believed that the ancient humans came in touch with aliens long ago. In fact, it is all about the speculations that the extraterrestrial beings have wandered on the planet and gained knowledge about many things that they wanted to know. It was also about the discussion of their existence. The documentary also publicised ideas about aliens, monster and many other conspiracies related to them. However, most of the theories presented at the show contained some logic while the modernism is against the view.

I had an interest in aliens. So, it was a great chance for me to know about them and clear my conceptions. Besides, I also was interested to know about if aliens are real or not. I tried to gather knowledge about them but there were no reliable sources that could confirm me about the existence of the aliens. The videos available on youtube and other websites failed to make me satisfied with the matter. So, I decided to watch the documentary. It was really helpful for me to many extents. I was entertained with the episodes and developed an idea of the reality.

I came to know about many interesting facts about aliens, monsters and other extraterrestrial beings. The show mostly focused on some hypothesis. The hypothesis reported that the ancient people had their contacts with the extraterrestrial beings. The show exhibited some evidence against its claims. But the modern scientists are against this belief. They do not comply with the evidence showed in the television documentary. Rather they criticised the show for exhibiting pseudoscience. I also learnt that the advanced beings visited the earth in ancient time and gathered knowledge about the people living on this planet.

I know all the facts shown in the documentary is not real. But the documentary makers have made it in a striking way that it has become attractive. It has been on the air since 2010 and despite negative remarks from different quarters, the popularity of the show did not fall. It was interesting to me as the hypothesis was presented in a realistic manner. Further, the documentary has taken interviews of various people who are engaged in extraterrestrial research. It tried to prove the existence of the aliens and that they visited the earth long ago. Besides, the evidence against the claims also drew attention from my part. So, based on all the grounds, the documentary appeared interesting to me.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:

"Describe a TV documentary you watched that was particularly interesting."

1. Flint Town is all about police investigations and how they dealt with a community where violence prevailed. The locality was also dealing with the water crisis. I decided to watch the documentary as one of my friends recommended it to me. It was a wonderful documentary. In fact, dealing with a community issue for police often becomes difficult. And when there are less infrastructure and resources, it becomes harder to battle the dilemma. I found the documentary interesting for its thrilling nature and the way the plot advanced.

11 tháng 5 2018

1. will-help

2. doesn't-won't help

3. will-do-doesn't help

Tick cho mik nha

12 tháng 5 2018

1. She (help) ..will help.. if I (help) ..help.. her

2. If she (not help) ..doesn't help.. me I (not help) ..won't help.. her

3. What ..will.. you ..do.. if she (not help) ..doesn't help.. you?

17 tháng 1 2019

Đáp án C

Giải thích: Cấu trúc “It’s + adj + of sb + to v”: ai đó thật là như thế nào khi làm gì

Dịch: Bạn thật tốt khi giúp mình.

16 tháng 5 2018


18 tháng 5 2018


17 tháng 3 2018

I dont like

25 tháng 12 2018

I DO NOT LIKE ...........

Trong tiếng Anh có tới hơn 600 động từ bất quy tắc, nhưng 2/3 trong số đó lại là những từ được thêm tiền tố hoặc hậu tố vào. Vì vậy, chỉ có khoảng hơn 200 động từ bất quy tắc phải học.

*khuyễn mãi cho bạn 100 từ nha*

Động từ nguyên mẫu Quá khứ đơn Quá khứ phân từ Nghĩa của động từ
1 abide abode/abided abode / abided lưu trú, lưu lại
2 arise arose arisen phát sinh
3 awake awoke awoken đánh thức, thức
4 be was/were been thì, là, bị. ở
5 bear bore borne mang, chịu dựng
6 become became become trở nên
7 befall befell befallen xảy đến
8 begin began begun bắt đầu
9 behold beheld beheld ngắm nhìn
10 bend bent bent bẻ cong
11 beset beset beset bao quanh
12 bespeak bespoke bespoken chứng tỏ
13 bid bid bid trả giá
14 bind bound bound buộc, trói
15 bleed bled bled chảy máu
16 blow blew blown thổi
17 break broke broken đập vỡ
18 breed bred bred nuôi, dạy dỗ
19 bring brought brought mang đến
20 broadcast broadcast broadcast phát thanh
21 build built built xây dựng
22 burn burnt/burned burnt/burned đốt, cháy
23 buy bought bought mua
24 cast cast cast ném, tung
25 catch caught caught bắt, chụp
26 chide chid/ chided chid/ chidden/ chided mắng chửi
27 choose chose chosen chọn, lựa
28 cleave clove/ cleft/ cleaved cloven/ cleft/ cleaved chẻ, tách hai
29 cleave clave cleaved dính chặt
30 come came come đến, đi đến
31 cost cost cost có giá là
32 crow crew/crewed crowed gáy (gà)
33 cut cut cut cắt, chặt
34 deal dealt dealt giao thiệp
35 dig dug dug dào
36 dive dove/ dived dived lặn; lao xuống
37 draw drew drawn vẽ; kéo
38 dream dreamt/ dreamed dreamt/ dreamed mơ thấy
39 drink drank drunk uống
40 drive drove driven lái xe
41 dwell dwelt dwelt trú ngụ, ở
42 eat ate eaten ăn
43 fall fell fallen ngã; rơi
44 feed fed fed cho ăn; ăn; nuôi;
45 feel felt felt cảm thấy
46 fight fought fought chiến đấu
47 find found found tìm thấy; thấy
48 flee fled fled chạy trốn
49 fling flung flung tung; quang
50 fly flew flown bay
51 forbear forbore forborne nhịn
52 forbid forbade/ forbad forbidden cấm đoán; cấm
53 forecast forecast/ forecasted forecast/ forecasted tiên đoán
54 foresee foresaw forseen thấy trước
55 foretell foretold foretold đoán trước
56 forget forgot forgotten quên
57 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ
58 forsake forsook forsaken ruồng bỏ
59 freeze froze frozen (làm) đông lại
60 get got got/ gotten có được
61 gild gilt/ gilded gilt/ gilded mạ vàng
62 gird girt/ girded girt/ girded đeo vào
63 give gave given cho
64 go went gone đi
65 grind ground ground nghiền; xay
66 grow grew grown mọc; trồng
67 hang hung hung móc lên; treo lên
68 hear heard heard nghe
69 heave hove/ heaved hove/ heaved trục lên
70 hide hid hidden giấu; trốn; nấp
71 hit hit hit đụng
72 hurt hurt hurt làm đau
73 inlay inlaid inlaid cẩn; khảm
74 input input input đưa vào (máy điện toán)
75 inset inset inset dát; ghép
76 keep kept kept giữ
77 kneel knelt/ kneeled knelt/ kneeled quỳ
78 knit knit/ knitted knit/ knitted đan
79 know knew known biết; quen biết
80 lay laid laid đặt; để
81 lead led led dẫn dắt; lãnh đạo
82 leap leapt leapt nhảy; nhảy qua
83 learn learnt/ learned learnt/ learned học; được biết
84 leave left left ra đi; để lại
85 lend lent lent cho mượn (vay)
86 let let let cho phép; để cho
87 lie lay lain nằm
88 light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thắp sáng
89 lose lost lost làm mất; mất
90 make made made chế tạo; sản xuất
91 mean meant meant có nghĩa là
92 meet met met gặp mặt
93 mislay mislaid mislaid để lạc mất
94 misread misread misread đọc sai
95 misspell misspelt misspelt viết sai chính tả
96 mistake mistook mistaken phạm lỗi, lầm lẫn
97 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood hiểu lầm
98 mow mowed mown/ mowed cắt cỏ
99 outbid outbid outbid trả hơn giá
100 outdo outdid outdone làm giỏi hơn
101 outgrow outgrew outgrown lớn nhanh hơn
102 output output output cho ra (dữ kiện)
103 outrun outran outrun chạy nhanh hơn; vượt quá
104 outsell outsold outsold bán nhanh hơn
105 overcome overcame overcome khắc phục
106 overeat overate overeaten ăn quá nhiều
107 overfly overflew overflown bay qua
108 overhang overhung overhung nhô lên trên, treo lơ lửng
109 overhear overheard overheard nghe trộm
110 overlay overlaid overlaid phủ lên
111 overpay overpaid overpaid trả quá tiền
112 overrun overran overrun tràn ngập
113 oversee oversaw overseen trông nom
114 overshoot overshot overshot đi quá đích
115 oversleep overslept overslept ngủ quên
116 overtake overtook overtaken đuổi bắt kịp
117 overthrow overthrew overthrown lật đổ
118 pay paid paid trả (tiền)
119 prove proved proven/proved chứng minh(tỏ)
120 put put put đặt; để
121 read read read đọc
122 rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xây dựng lại
123 redo redid redone làm lại
124 remake remade remade làm lại; chế tạo lại
125 rend rent rent toạc ra; xé
126 repay repaid repaid hoàn tiền lại
127 resell retold retold bán lại
128 retake retook retaken chiếm lại; tái chiếm
129 rewrite rewrote rewritten viết lại
130 rid rid rid giải thoát
131 ride rode ridden cưỡi
132 ring rang rung rung chuông
133 rise rose risen đứng dậy; mọc
134 run ran run chạy
135 saw sawed sawn cưa
136 say said said nói
137 see saw seen nhìn thấy
138 seek sought sought tìm kiếm
139 sell sold sold bán
140 send sent sent gửi
141 sew sewed sewn/sewed may
142 shake shook shaken lay; lắc
143 shear sheared shorn xén lông cừu
144 shed shed shed rơi; rụng
145 shine shone shone chiếu sáng
146 shoot shot shot bắn
147 show showed shown/ showed cho xem
148 shrink shrank shrunk co rút
149 shut shut shut đóng lại
150 sing sang sung ca hát
151 sink sank sunk chìm; lặn
152 sit sat sat ngồi
153 slay slew slain sát hại; giết hại
154 sleep slept slept ngủ
155 slide slid slid trượt; lướt
156 sling slung slung ném mạnh
157 slink slunk slunk lẻn đi
158 smell smelt smelt ngửi
159 smite smote smitten đập mạnh
160 sow sowed sown/ sewed gieo; rải
161 speak spoke spoken nói
162 speed sped/ speeded sped/ speeded chạy vụt
163 spell spelt/ spelled spelt/ spelled đánh vần
164 spend spent spent tiêu sài
165 spill spilt/ spilled spilt/ spilled tràn đổ ra
166 spin spun/ span spun quay sợi
167 spit spat spat khạc nhổ
168 spoil spoilt/ spoiled spoilt/ spoiled làm hỏng
169 spread spread spread lan truyền
170 spring sprang sprung nhảy
171 stand stood stood đứng
172 stave stove/ staved stove/ staved đâm thủng
173 steal stole stolen đánh cắp
174 stick stuck stuck ghim vào; đính
175 sting stung stung châm ; chích; đốt
176 stink stunk/ stank stunk bốc muìi hôi
177 strew strewed strewn/ strewed rắc , rải
178 stride strode stridden bước sải
179 strike struck struck đánh đập
180 string strung strung gắn dây vào
181 strive strove striven cố sức
182 swear swore sworn tuyên thệ
183 sweep swept swept quét
184 swell swelled swollen/ swelled phồng ; sưng
185 swim swam swum bơi; lội
186 swing swung swung đong đưa
187 take took taken cầm ; lấy
188 teach taught taught dạy ; giảng dạy
189 tear tore torn xé; rách
190 tell told told kể ; bảo
191 think thought thought suy nghĩ
192 throw threw thrown ném ; liệng
193 thrust thrust thrust thọc ;nhấn
194 tread trod trodden/ trod giẫm ; đạp
195 unbend unbent unbent làm thẳng lại
196 undercut undercut undercut ra giá rẻ hơn
197 undergo underwent undergone kinh qua
198 underlie underlay underlain nằm dưới
199 underpay undercut undercut trả lương thấp
200 undersell undersold undersold bán rẻ hơn
201 understand understood understood hiểu
202 undertake undertook undertaken đảm nhận
203 underwrite underwrote underwritten bảo hiểm
204 undo undid undone tháo ra
205 unfreeze unfroze unfrozen làm tan đông
206 unwind unwound unwound tháo ra
207 uphold upheld upheld ủng hộ
208 upset upset upset đánh đổ; lật đổ
209 wake woke/ waked woken/ waked thức giấc
210 waylay waylaid waylaid mai phục
211 wear wore worn mặc
212 weave wove/ weaved woven/ weaved dệt
213 wed wed/ wedded wed/ wedded kết hôn
214 weep wept wept khóc
215 wet wet / wetted wet / wetted làm ướt
216 win won won thắng ; chiến thắng
217 wind wound wound quấn
218 withdraw withdrew withdrawn rút lui
219 withhold withheld withheld từ khước
220 withstand withstood withstood cầm cự
221 work wrought / worked wrought / worked rèn (sắt)
222 wring wrung wrung vặn ; siết chặt
223 write wrote written viết
7 tháng 2 2018

cảm ơn đã khuyến mãi cho thêm 100 từ

11 tháng 3 2018

My favourite meal is the breakfast. Almost everyday I wake up early, so I cook two eggs and prepare a delicious coffee black. I get my breakfast alone, but I don't matter with it.