
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
16 tháng 10 2023

1 All visitors must follow the rules at the sportscentre. This is very important.

(Tất cả du khách phải tuân theo các quy định tại trung tâm thể thao. Điều này là rất quan trọng.)

Giải thích: ‘the rules at sports centre’ là những điều luật bắt buộc phải tuân theo → must 

2 You shouldn’t bring expensive watches or jewelry to the sports centre. It isn’t a good idea.

(Bạn không nên mang đồng hồ hoặc đồ trang sức đắt tiền đến trung tâm thể thao. Đó không phải là một ý kiến hay.)

Giải thích: là câu mang tính khuyên không nên làm gì, không mang tính bắt buộc → shouldn’t

3 In the swimming pool, parents must watch their children at all times. This is an important rule.

(Trong bể bơi, cha mẹ phải quan sát con cái của họ mọi lúc. Đây là một quy tắc quan trọng.)

Giải thích: ‘this is an important rule’ đây là điều luật bắt buộc phải tuân theo → must 

4 You mustn’t run near the swimming pool. This is forbidden.

(Bạn không được chạy gần hồ bơi. Điều này bị cấm.)

Giải thích: ‘this is forbiden’ đây là hành động bị cấm làm, không được làm → mustn’t

5 You should walk or cycle to the sports centre if possible, because the car park isn’t very big.

(Bạn nên đi bộ hoặc đạp xe đến trung tâm thể thao nếu có thể, vì bãi đậu xe không lớn lắm.)

Giải thích: là câu mang tính khuyên nên làm gì, không mang tính bắt buộc → should

6 Children under the age of 12 mustn’t come to the sports centre without an adult. This is against the rules.

(Trẻ em dưới 12 tuổi không được đến trung tâm thể thao mà không có người lớn. Điều này là trái với các quy tắc.)

Giải thích: ‘this is against the rules’ đây là hành động không được làm, chống lại các luật lệ→ mustn’t

7 Visitors should look at the information about our cheaper tickets in the holidays.

(Du khách nên xem thông tin về vé rẻ hơn của chúng tôi trong những ngày lễ.)

Giải thích: là câu mang tính khuyên nên làm gì, không mang tính bắt buộc → should

8 The sports centre doors always close at 7:00. Everybody must leave by this time.

(Cửa trung tâm thể thao luôn đóng lúc 7:00. Mọi người phải rời đi vào lúc này.)

Giải thích: đây là điều mang tính tần suất cao nhất là luôn luôn, và người đọc phải thực hiện hành động trước khi điều này xảy ra → must

People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too...
Đọc tiếp

People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and playing with others. However, playing sports can have negative effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been yelled at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad impression of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main cause of too much aggression in children's sports. They believe children copy aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that winning is everything. At children's sporting events, parents may yell insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves aggressively. As well, children may be taught that hurting other players is acceptable or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

As a society, we really need to face up to this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better values. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not. It's not necessary to knock yourselt out to enjoys sports. Winning isn't everything. In addition, children shouldn't be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. Sending a child with an injury into a game gives the child the message that health isn't as important as winning. If we make some basic changes, children might learn to enjoy sports agian.



1. What is the main idea of the reading?
a. Children often become like their parents
b. Children need to play sports in school
c. Playing sports may have negative results
d. Some sports can cause health
2. How may children said they had some negative experience when playing sports?
a. All of the children
b. More than half of the children
c. Less than half of the children
d. About ten perfcent of the children
3. Which is described as the main cause of more aggressive playing?
a. Adults
b. Children with low grades in school
c. New rules in sports
d. Other players
4. What does the writter suggest?
a. Aggressive sports shouldn't be shown on television
b. Children shouldn't play sports intil high school
c. Coaches should be required to study child psychology
d. Parents should teach children to play sports for fun and exercise
5. What would probably NOT be done when "facing up to a problem"?
a. Ignoring the problem
b. Finding the reason
c. Admitting there is a problem
d. Looking for a solution



_ Cần gấp

_ Hứa tick

13 tháng 9 2018

1. What is the main idea of the reading?
a. Children often become like their parents
b. Children need to play sports in school
c. Playing sports may have negative results
d. Some sports can cause health
2. How may children said they had some negative experience when playing sports?
a. All of the children
b. More than half of the children
c. Less than half of the children
d. About ten perfcent of the children
3. Which is described as the main cause of more aggressive playing?
a. Adults
b. Children with low grades in school
c. New rules in sports
d. Other players
4. What does the writter suggest?
a. Aggressive sports shouldn't be shown on television
b. Children shouldn't play sports intil high school
c. Coaches should be required to study child psychology
d. Parents should teach children to play sports for fun and exercise
5. What would probably NOT be done when "facing up to a problem"?
a. Ignoring the problem
b. Finding the reason
c. Admitting there is a problem
d. Looking for a solution

(Đề thi thử HSG 11, mới làm hồi chiều, chưa check đáp án)

14 tháng 9 2018

. có là OK :)

_thks ạ ")

12 tháng 2 2023

A: Student go to this place.
B: Is it a school?
A: This is the place where you can swim.
B: Is it a swimming pool?
A: This is the place where you can see many animals.
B: Is it a zoo?
A: This is where you watch movies.
B: A cinema?
A: This is the place where you can see the things in the past.
B: A museum?
A: A large area of land with grass and trees, usually surrounded by fences.
B: Is it a park?

I. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters. In some cases you may have to make a negative form by using the prefix dis-, in-, or un- 1. HONEST a. It was very __________ of him to steal that money .b. I _________ think that this is the best thing to do .c. They praised her for her ___________. 2. IDENTIFY a. Have you got some kind of _____________ on you? b. UFO means ____________ Flying Object. 3. IMAGINE a. They said my illness was __________. Don’t they...
Đọc tiếp

I. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capital letters. In some cases you may have to make a negative form by using the prefix dis-, in-, or un- 1. HONEST a. It was very __________ of him to steal that money .b. I _________ think that this is the best thing to do .c. They praised her for her ___________. 2. IDENTIFY a. Have you got some kind of _____________ on you? b. UFO means ____________ Flying Object. 3. IMAGINE a. They said my illness was __________. Don’t they realize I’m in a lot of pain? b. He hasn’t got the ___________ to think up such a clever plan .4. INDUSTRY a. I’m afraid ___________ relations aren’t very good in this company .b. She was a much less _________ student than her sister .c. He’s a leading __________, with factories all over the country.d. In the past few years this area has become heavily _____________. 5MANAGE a. The __________ said he wouldn’t change the radio without a receipt .b. They are taking over the ________ of the company next week .c. Only the __________ Director can make that decision.d. She’s got a job as the _____________ of a dress shop. 6. NATION a. If he isn’t Spanish, what ___________ is he? b. The coal industry was originally private but was _________in the 1940’s c. There is no _________ service in the United Kingdom .7. OBSERVE a. It was very ___________ of you to notice that. b. This _____________ houses the largest telescope in the country. c. He’s under _____________ all the time. 8. SATISFY a. He couldn’t give a ___________ explanation for his actions .b. I get no ____________ from doing this .c. I’m afraid I was very ________with the travel arrangements. 9. SCIENCE a. She’s a top ________ working on our space project .b. There is no _________ explanation for what happened. c. The connection hasn’t been _________ proved yet 10. SHORT a. Mrs. Bailey will be with you ___________ b. I had to __________ my speech as we had started late .c. There is a _________ of carrots because of the bad weather.11. VARYa. The temperature is very ________ at this time of the year. b. Do you like this new ___________ of apple? c. There are ___________ desserts to choose from. 12. CONVENIENCE a. I’m afraid it won’t be _____________ for me to see you tomorrow .b. The house is ____________ situate near the centre of town. c. This is very _________! Can’t you practice your violin somewhere else? 13. CREATE a. I would like to show you my latest ________, which I have called ‘Boats on a Lake’ .b. The chameleon is a very strange _____________. c. Conan Doyle was famous as the ________ of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes. 14. CRITIC a. Why does everybody __________ him all the time? b. After so much ____________ he felt he had to resign .c. They were very ______________ of his efforts to improve services. 15. DECIDE a. They’re going to announce their _________ tomorrow b. He’s so ___________! He just can’t make up his mind! 16. DECORATE a. The __________ said he would charge me $ 1,000 a room. b. During the festival _________ were hanging from every tree .17. DEMONSTRATE a. The _______ all sat down in the middle of the road. b. He offered to give me a _____________ of how the machine worked .18. DEPEND a. We are _________ on other countries for most of our food .b. Every year we celebrate our _________. 19. DICTATE a. The boss wants you to take some _____________ .b. He acted in an extremely ________ manner, which made him very unpopular. 20. DIRECT a. Are you sure we’re going in the right __________? b. She looked _________ at me as she said it. c. I had to look up number in telephone _______________. d Hitchcock is one of my favorite film. 21. ECONOMY a. My new car is more ______ than the one I had before. b. She studied __________ at university .c. On my salary we have to live as _________ as possible.d. If we don’t ________ on electricity, there will be power cuts. 22. ELECTRIC a. He works as an __________ for a local firm. b. The price of ___________ has gone up again. c. The fire was caused by an __________ fault in the television .d. He is an _________ engineer. 23. EMPLOY a. Last December the boss gave all his __________ a bonus. b. I’ve been ___________ since June. I must find work soon .c. Her _________ was so angry at her attitude that he fired her .d. He hoped the __________ agency would find him a job. 24. ENTHUSIASM a. They all cheered __________ as their team came out. b. I’m afraid they weren’t very ________ about your idea of going out this evening. 25. ACT a. We must take _________ before things get worse. b. There are a lot of _________ outside the stadium. c. Don’t worry about the volcano. It’s been __________ for years .d. She said she wanted to be television _____________ .26. ADD a. Are all those ___________ they put in food really necessary? b. In _______ to doing the cleaning, I make the coffee.

3 tháng 8 2020

bạn ơi bạn cho mình ctlhn trên hoidap247 được không?

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors. 2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill. 3. My sister is old. She can drive a car. 4. The weather was fine. We could go camping. 5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter. 6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house. 7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job. 8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key. 9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it. 10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm...
Đọc tiếp

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors.

2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill.

3. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

4. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter.

6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job.

8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key.

9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it.

10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm you.

11. The ice is quite thick. We can’t walk on it.

12. The tea isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.

13. This novel is interesting. We can read it.

14. We thick you are strong enough. You can lift this table.

15. This kind of rubber is good. We can use it to make tiresfor car.

16. He has no time. He can’t finish this word.

17. My frind is quite well. She can do it again.

18. She doesn’t explain this exercise. He pupils can’t do it.

19. There isn’t enough time. This students can’t write this essay.

20. It’s warm tonight. We can go out.

21. These exercises are easy. You can do them.

22. Those oranges are ripe. We can eat them.

23. My sister wasn’t well. She didn’t go to work.

24. The book is small. I can put it in my pocket.

25. The boy is tall. He can reach the top shelf.

26. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.

27. Your brother was clever. He could do this exercise in a few minutes.

28. We weren’t early. We couldn’t see the first part of the play.

29. She has much money. She can buy that dictionary.

30. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

31. She isn’t old. She can’t get married yet.

32. That coat isn’t warm. I can’t stand on that chair.

33. That chair isn’t strong. He can’t wear it in winter.

34. Are you very tall? Can you reach the book on the top shelf?

35. This bed isn’t wide. Two people can’t sleep on this bed.

36. That box is light.I couldn’t eat breakfast this morning.

37. Three people can’t sit on this sofa. It isn’t wide enough.

38. The floor wasn’t strong. We couldn’t dance on it.

39. You aren’t very old. You can’t understand it.

40. He is sick. He needs a doctor.

41. The book is small. I can put it in my pocket.

42. Brown isn’t rich. He can’t buy a car.

43. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.

44. Your sister was clever.. She could do this exercise in a few minutes.

45. The air is fresh. We can have some holidays there.

46. Peter is very ill. He must see the docker.

47. Mary isn’t old. She can’t do that work.

48. We weren’t early. We couldn’t see the first part of the play.

49. She has much money. She can buy that dictionary.

50. The children were very eager.They started playing without me.

25 tháng 11 2018

Nhanh nhanh nha

25 tháng 11 2018

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors.

The moon is very bright,so We can play outdoors.

2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill.

I have enough money to pay this bill.

3. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

My sister is old enough to drive a car.

4. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

The weather was fine, so We could go camping.

5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter.

This coat isn’t rich, so I don’t wear it in winter.

6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

Robinson isn’t rich enough to buy a house.

7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job.

He wasn’t very experienced, so He couldn't do the job.

8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key.

You aren’t old enough to have a front– door key.

9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it.

He didn’t have much money, so He couldn’t live on it.

10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm you.

. The buffalo isn’t big, so He can’t harm you.

Các câu còn lại làm tương tự

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors. 2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill. 3. My sister is old. She can drive a car. 4. The weather was fine. We could go camping. 5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter. 6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house. 7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job. 8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key. 9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it. 10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm...
Đọc tiếp

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors.

2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill.

3. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

4. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter.

6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job.

8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key.

9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it.

10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm you.

11. The ice is quite thick. We can’t walk on it.

12. The tea isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.

13. This novel is interesting. We can read it.

14. We thick you are strong enough. You can lift this table.

15. This kind of rubber is good. We can use it to make tiresfor car.

16. He has no time. He can’t finish this word.

17. My frind is quite well. She can do it again.

18. She doesn’t explain this exercise. He pupils can’t do it.

19. There isn’t enough time. This students can’t write this essay.

20. It’s warm tonight. We can go out.

21. These exercises are easy. You can do them.

22. Those oranges are ripe. We can eat them.

23. My sister wasn’t well. She didn’t go to work.

24. The book is small. I can put it in my pocket.

25. The boy is tall. He can reach the top shelf.

26. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.

27. Your brother was clever. He could do this exercise in a few minutes.

28. We weren’t early. We couldn’t see the first part of the play.

29. She has much money. She can buy that dictionary.

30. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

31. She isn’t old. She can’t get married yet.

32. That coat isn’t warm. I can’t stand on that chair.

33. That chair isn’t strong. He can’t wear it in winter.

34. Are you very tall? Can you reach the book on the top shelf?

35. This bed isn’t wide. Two people can’t sleep on this bed.

36. That box is light.I couldn’t eat breakfast this morning.

37. Three people can’t sit on this sofa. It isn’t wide enough.

38. The floor wasn’t strong. We couldn’t dance on it.

39. You aren’t very old. You can’t understand it.

40. He is sick. He needs a doctor.

41. The book is small. I can put it in my pocket.

42. Brown isn’t rich. He can’t buy a car.

43. Those shoes are large. You can wear them.

44. Your sister was clever.. She could do this exercise in a few minutes.

45. The air is fresh. We can have some holidays there.

46. Peter is very ill. He must see the docker.

47. Mary isn’t old. She can’t do that work.

48. We weren’t early. We couldn’t see the first part of the play.

49. She has much money. She can buy that dictionary.

50. The children were very eager.They started playing without me.

11 tháng 7 2020

1. The moon is very bright. We can play outdoors.

The moon is bright enough for us to play outdoors.

2. I have enough money. I can pay this bill.

I have enough money to pay this bill

3. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

My sister is old enough to drive a car.

4. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

The weather was fine enough to go camping

5. This coat isn’t rich. I don’t wear it in winter.

This coat isn't rich enough for me to wear it in win ter

6. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house. Robinson isn't rich enough to buy a house.

7. He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn't do the job.

He wasn't very experienced enough to do the job.

8. You aren’t old. You can’t have a front– door key.

You are not old enough to have a front - door key

9. He didn’t have much money. He couldn’t live on it. He didn't have enough money to live on it. 10. The buffalo isn’t big. He can’t harm you. The buffalo isn't big enough to harm you

11. The ice is quite thick. We can’t walk on it.

The ice is thick enough for us to walk on.

12. The tea isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.

The tea isn't strong enough to keep us awake

13. This novel is interesting. We can read it.

This novel is interesting enough for us to read it

14. We thick you are strong enough. You can lift this table.

We thick you are strong enough to lift this table

15. This kind of rubber is good. We can use it to make tiresfor car.

this kind of rubber is good enough to use it to make tires for car

16. He has no time. He can’t finish this word.

he doesn't have enough time to finish this word

17. My frind is quite well. She can do it again.

my friend is well enough to do it again

II. Em hãy đọc bài hội thoại sau rồi chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi. Nam : Hello, Viet. Do you hear about the new sports centre ? Viet : No, Nam. Where is it? Nam : On Thang Long Road. You know, near Xuan Thuy Street, behind the station. Viet : Oh, Is it good? Nam : Yes, it’s great ? You can do a lot of sports. I played table tennis and volleyball last week. Viet : What about tennis ? Nam : Not yet. They’re going to build some tennis courts next year. Viet : Is it...
Đọc tiếp

II. Em hãy đọc bài hội thoại sau rồi chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.

Nam : Hello, Viet. Do you hear about the new sports centre ?

Viet : No, Nam. Where is it? Nam : On Thang Long Road. You know, near Xuan Thuy Street, behind the station.

Viet : Oh, Is it good?

Nam : Yes, it’s great ? You can do a lot of sports. I played table tennis and volleyball last week.

Viet : What about tennis ?

Nam : Not yet. They’re going to build some tennis courts next year.

Viet : Is it expensive ?

Nam : Not really,

Viet. It’s 50,000 dong a month if you’re 15 to 18, and 30,000 dong if you’re under 15.

Viet : Oh, that’s good because I’m still 14.

Nam : And on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday it stays open late – till 10 o’clock.

Viet : Oh, great. How did you get there ?

Nam : I got the number 16 bus. It’s only minutes from the bus station. Do you want to go next week?

Viet : Ok. Any day except Thursday.

Nam : Well, why don’t we go on Friday ? Then we can stay late.

Viet : Yes, OK. Let’s meet after school. 1. What sport CAN’T you do at the sports centre ?

A. tennis B. table tennis C. volleyball D. football

2. How much must Viet pay ?

A. 14,000 dong a month B. 25,000 dong a month C. 30,000dong a month D. 50,000 dong a month

3. How many days a week does the sports centre open late ?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

4. Which bus goes to the sports centre?

A. number 6 B. number 10 C. number 16 D. number 60

5. When will Viet and Nam go to the sports centre?

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

12 tháng 8 2017

II. Em hãy đọc bài hội thoại sau rồi chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.

Nam : Hello, Viet. Do you hear about the new sports centre ?

Viet : No, Nam. Where is it? Nam : On Thang Long Road. You know, near Xuan Thuy Street, behind the station.

Viet : Oh, Is it good?

Nam : Yes, it’s great ? You can do a lot of sports. I played table tennis and volleyball last week.

Viet : What about tennis ?

Nam : Not yet. They’re going to build some tennis courts next year.

Viet : Is it expensive ?

Nam : Not really,

Viet. It’s 50,000 dong a month if you’re 15 to 18, and 30,000 dong if you’re under 15.

Viet : Oh, that’s good because I’m still 14.

Nam : And on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday it stays open late – till 10 o’clock.

Viet : Oh, great. How did you get there ?

Nam : I got the number 16 bus. It’s only minutes from the bus station. Do you want to go next week?

Viet : Ok. Any day except Thursday.

Nam : Well, why don’t we go on Friday ? Then we can stay late.

Viet : Yes, OK. Let’s meet after school. 1. What sport CAN’T you do at the sports centre ?

A. tennis B. table tennis C. volleyball D. football

2. How much must Viet pay ?

A. 14,000 dong a month B. 25,000 dong a month C. 30,000dong a month D. 50,000 dong a month

3. How many days a week does the sports centre open late ?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

4. Which bus goes to the sports centre?

A. number 6 B. number 10 C. number 16 D. number 60

5. When will Viet and Nam go to the sports centre?

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

23 tháng 6 2020

Kết bn ko

Dear Fred, I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city. First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________. As this is the beginning of the...
Đọc tiếp

Dear Fred,

I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city.

First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________.

As this is the beginning of the summer, you shouldn’t fill your bags and suitcases with your warm (7) ______, just bring light and convenient clothes. Remember to bring a (8) _______with you because you’ll be able to (9) __________a lot of photos. There are a lot of famous tourist (10) __________in my city, you can certainly visit them when you are here. I’ll take you out at the weekend.

1. A. go B. travel C. visit D. know

2. A. hotel B. theater C. restaurant D. park

3. A. expensive B. fast C. near D. delicious

4. A. do B. come C. visit D. travel

5. A. expensive B. convenient C. near D. good

6. A. hat B. camera C. motorbike D. map

7. A. clothes B. trousers C. shirts D. T-shirt

8. A. bag B. hat C. camera D. umbrella

9. A. bring B. take C. do D. see

10.A. attractions B. attract C. attractive D. areas

Dear Fred, I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city. First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________. As this is the beginning of the...
Đọc tiếp

Dear Fred,

I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city.

First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________.

As this is the beginning of the summer, you shouldn’t fill your bags and suitcases with your warm (7) ______, just bring light and convenient clothes. Remember to bring a (8) _______with you because you’ll be able to (9) __________a lot of photos. There are a lot of famous tourist (10) __________in my city, you can certainly visit them when you are here. I’ll take you out at the weekend.

1. A. go B. travel C. visit D. know

2. A. hotel B. theater C. restaurant D. park

3. A. expensive B. fast C. near D. delicious

4. A. do B. come C. visit D. travel

5. A. expensive B. convenient C. near D. good

6. A. hat B. camera C. motorbike D. map

7. A. clothes B. trousers C. shirts D. T-shirt

8. A. bag B. hat C. camera D. umbrella

9. A. bring B. take C. do D. see

10.A. attractions B. attract C. attractive D. areas

15 tháng 4 2020

Dear Fred,

I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city.

First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________.

As this is the beginning of the summer, you shouldn’t fill your bags and suitcases with your warm (7) ______, just bring light and convenient clothes. Remember to bring a (8) _______with you because you’ll be able to (9) __________a lot of photos. There are a lot of famous tourist (10) __________in my city, you can certainly visit them when you are here. I’ll take you out at the weekend.

1. A. go B. travel C. visit D. know

2. A. hotel B. theater C. restaurant D. park

3. A. expensive B. fast C. near D. delicious

4. A. do B. come C. visit D. travel

5. A. expensive B. convenient C. near D. good

6. A. hat B. camera C. motorbike D. map

7. A. clothes B. trousers C. shirts D. T-shirt

8. A. bag B. hat C. camera D. umbrella

9. A. bring B. take C. do D. see

10.A. attractions B. attract C. attractive D. areas

17 tháng 2 2021

bài này trong sách gì thế bạn?

Dear Fred, I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city. First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________. As this is the beginning of the...
Đọc tiếp

Dear Fred,

I’m so pleased when you are going to (1)_______my country. I‘ll try to give you as much information as I can about my city.

First of all, you can stay at a small (2)________near my house. It’s not very (3) _______and it’s located near the city center. If you want to (4) _______round the town, a taxi is the most (5) ________means of transportation, but it’s also the most expensive. If you want a cheap means, hire a bicycle and buy a (6) ________.

As this is the beginning of the summer, you shouldn’t fill your bags and suitcases with your warm (7) ______, just bring light and convenient clothes. Remember to bring a (8) _______with you because you’ll be able to (9) __________a lot of photos. There are a lot of famous tourist (10) __________in my city, you can certainly visit them when you are here. I’ll take you out at the weekend.

1. A. go B. travel C. visit D. know

2. A. hotel B. theater C. restaurant D. park

3. A. expensive B. fast C. near D. delicious

4. A. do B. come C. visit D. travel

5. A. expensive B. convenient C. near D. good

6. A. hat B. camera C. motorbike D. map

7. A. clothes B. trousers C. shirts D. T-shirt

8. A. bag B. hat C. camera D. umbrella

9. A. bring B. take C. do D. see

10.A. attractions B. attract C. attractive D. areas

24 tháng 2 2021

1.      C

2.      A

3.      A

4.      D

5.      B

6.      D

7.      A

8.      C

9.      B

10. A