
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1 Complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap. 

1   The library is a quiet area. Please switch ____________ your mobile phones.

2   Dan! I’m on the phone! Turn ____________ the music, please! It doesn’t have to be so loud!

3   I need to charge my battery. Can I plug ____________ my phone at your house?

4   Wait! Don’t pull ____________ the plug! I haven’t finished my essay.

5   If you put ____________ the headphones, you can listen to your music in the car.

6   It’s the end of the lesson, so you can put ____________ your books now.


2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1   Next weekend we _______ (play) in a tournament against other schools.

2   _______________ (she / often / go) to fencing classes at the sports centre?

3   I hope _________ (move) to the city next year. The countryside is boring.

4   Lisa! ________ (you / listen) to me?

5   The department store _______________ (open) at eleven o’clock on a Sunday.

6   _______________ (you / fancy / see) that new Bond film with me on Friday? 


3 Match the technology below to the descriptions. There are two words you do not need.

digital radio      games console      HD TV      satellite TV      satnav      smartphone      tablet PC

1  You can use it listen to lots of stations. It tells you the name of the song that’s playing. _______

2   You can use it to receive hundreds of channels of your choice. ­­­­_______

3   It’s a small a computer that fits in your bag, but not in your pocket!  _______

4   You can use it to help you find the way when you’re driving. ________

5   You can use it to send text messages, make calls and surf the Internet. ________


4 Complete the sentences with the words/phrases below. There is one word/phrase you do not need.

create      deactivate      log on      post      update      upload

1    You need to _______ an account to buy things from that website.

2   Can you help me _______ my holiday photos to my web page?

3   I can’t _______ to this website. It keeps blocking my password.

4   Mum told me to _______ my social networking profiles because I was using them too much.

5   I’m going to _______ a message on my blog and see if any friends can help me organise my party.


5 Complete the text with the correct word from the three options.

An auction can be a great place to get a bargain / discount / reduction 1. You can find some really interesting old things for buy / offer / sale 2. You have lots of time to decide which things you want to exchange / purchase / sell 3, and then you can make bids / goods / lots 4 to buy them. Remember to bring a credit card or banknotes / receipt / wallet 5. And if you come to the auction by bike, don’t buy a grand piano!


6 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

Martin Blane is a farmer in Cornwall, in England. One summer, Martin noticed that something strange was happening on his land. He was standing on a bridge and looking at the wheat in his fields when he realised there was a strange picture in the wheat.

‘I looked and saw lots of circles in the wheat. The line of circles went across the field from the gate all the way to the end by the stream. They were very big. Other circles made a kind of picture in the wheat. I thought aliens had come from space.’

During that summer, and all through the 1970s, more strange pictures appeared in wheat fields on farms in the south of England. Nobody knew what these ‘crop circles’ were. Photographs of them appeared in all the newspapers and people thought the subject was gripping. Many thought that aliens had come to Earth and made the pictures.

But then in the 1990s two men admitted to making the crop circles. They made a plan for a picture and then they went out secretly in the night to make their picture in the fields. Some people think they were creative and the crop circles were entertaining, but their actions were illegal. The men were on land that didn’t belong to them. Farmers were angry because their crops were damaged. The two men promised to stop.

However, the crop circles are still appearing. On the Internet, you will find photographs of crop circles on farms in different countries around the world. Some people believe the two men were lying, and the crop circles are really made by aliens.

1   Martin Blane noticed that the animals in his fields were behaving strangely.   ____

2   The big circles went from one end of the field to the other.      _____

3   The media weren’t interested in the crop circles.  _____                                         

4   Everyone was angry because the men damaged farmers’ crops.   ____             

5   People disagree about who makes the crop circles.     _____


7 You have just bought a new MP3 player from an online shop called CheapMP3.com. Unfortunately, the MP3 player doesn't work properly. Write a formal letter of complaint.

·        Explain what you bought, and when and where you bought it.

·        Say why you are sending it back.

·        Explain the problem and give details.

Giúp mik với mụa ngừi ưiiiii! vui



9 tháng 9 2018

complete each sentence with one of these verbs :

answer apply be listen make see try use wash work write

1, he tried to avoid ...answering... my question

2, could you please stop .making... so much noise ?

3, i enjoy .listening... to music

4, i considered ..applying.. for the job but in the end i decided against it

5, have you finished ...to wash. your hair yet ?

6, if you walk into the road without looking , you risk ...being.. knocked down

7, jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet . He wants to carry on ...writing..

8, i don't mind you .using.... the phone as long as you pay for all your calls

9,Hello! Fancy ....seeing.. you here! What a surprise !

10, i've put off..writing..... the letter so many times. I really must do it today

11, what a stupid thing to do! can you imagine anybody...being.... so stupid

12, Sarah gave up .......trying......... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad

Chúc bạn luôn thành công trong học tập! :)

11 tháng 12 2021

1, he tried to avoid ...answering... my question

2, could you please stop .making... so much noise ?

3, i enjoy .listening... to music

4, i considered ..applying.. for the job but in the end i decided against it

5, have you finished ...to wash. your hair yet ?

6, if you walk into the road without looking , you risk ...being.. knocked down

7, jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet . He wants to carry on ...writing..

8, i don't mind you .using.... the phone as long as you pay for all your calls

9,Hello! Fancy ....seeing.. you here! What a surprise !

10, i've put off..writing..... the letter so many times. I really must do it today

11, what a stupid thing to do! can you imagine anybody...being.... so stupid

12, Sarah gave up .......trying......... to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad

III.Put the verb in brackets into correct form: 1. Last year, we (live) in Nha Trang but now we (live) in Ha Noi with my uncle. 2. Last week I (send) my friend -Daisy a letter but she (not reply). I(be) very sad now. 3. My father (not like) drinking beer but yesterday he (have )two big glasses of beer. He (be) happy to receive my mother’s news. 4. What you (do) yesteday? –I (phone) you but you (not be) in. 5. Last month my brother (send) me his photographs. He (send) his photographs every...
Đọc tiếp

III.Put the verb in brackets into correct form:
1. Last year, we (live) in Nha Trang but now we (live) in Ha Noi with my uncle.
2. Last week I (send) my friend -Daisy a letter but she (not reply). I(be) very sad now. 3. My father (not like) drinking beer but yesterday he (have )two big glasses of beer. He (be) happy to receive my mother’s news.
4. What you (do) yesteday? –I (phone) you but you (not be) in.
5. Last month my brother (send) me his photographs. He (send) his photographs every year.
6. I (think) you (not like) chocolate but it was wrong.
7. Nam is a careful driver but yesterday he (drive) carelessly.
8. What time you (go )to the market yesterday?
9. I (not know) how to dance when I (be) six years old.
10. Do you like swimming Ba ? - I (do) it when I (be) a child but not now.
IV. Join these ideas using “adj. + too / enough + (for O) + to-inf .”:
1. I’m too tired. I can’t go to the cinema this evening.
2. The table was too heavy. I couldn’t move it.
3. The children aren’t tall enough. They can’t reach that shelf.
4. They arrived too late. They didn’t see the beginning of the film.
5. Our old flat was too small. We couldn’t live in it.
6. He spoke too quietly. The people at the back of the room couldn’t hear.
7. The girl is so beautiful and clever . She can be the Miss World.
8. Nam is not tall. He couldn’t play volleyball for the school team.
9. The gas leak was serious.The police evacuated the building.
10. The problem isn’t important. We won’t focus on it.
V.Use the present simple of verbs in brackets:
1. Jet engines (make) a lot of noise.
2. I (not live) in London. I (live ) in Paris.
3. The sea (cover) two-thirds of the world.
4. Loud music (give) me a headache.
5. We ( not come) from Canada. We come from the USA.
6. She (work) from Mondays to Fridays. She (not work) at weekends.
7. Andrew and Les (not go) to school by bus every day. Most morning, Andrew (go) by bike and Les (walk).
8.You(not write) to your penfriend very often, but he (write) to you every week.

B. Exercises:
I. Make request for each situation below:
1. You want to ask your friends to go to the cinema with you :
 .................................................................................
You see a person on the street with a heavy bag and you want to help her : ................................................................................
2. You want to go to a place at 7 o’clock and you want your friend agree with you.
II. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence:
a/ Would you like try some coffee?
b/ Is 9 o’clock is ok?
c/ Can I speak Lan, please.
d/ He’s going to leave for for Bangkok e/ What are you going to do yesterday. f/ Can you to do me a favor ?
g/ Wait a minutes. Hold on!
h/ Let’s us meet outside the cinema i/ I know where is it.
j/ What are you going do?
III- Match A with B:
1/ Shall we go out dinnet tonight?
2/ Is 8 o’clock, ok?
3/ Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 4/ Can I speak to Nam, please?
5/ Let me help you do the housework.
a/ Yes, that’s fine
b/ That’s a good idea
c/ Certainly
d/ That’s very kind of you. e/ Yes, I’d love to.

IV- Supply verbs in the sentences:
1. Would you like (join) my class next Sunday? We (visit) the local museum.
2. My father likes (read) novel . He always ( read) books after dinner.
3. A friend of my brother (call) him last night, but he (not be) at home. So I (take) a message for him.
4. ( Be ) you busy this evening ?
Yes ,I (meet) Tuan at the library at seven. We (study) together. 5. Mai (telephone) you when she comes back.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of words:
1. Trung and his brother like ............ movies very much. (ACT)
2. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ............ over along distance. (SPEECH)
3. Bell ......... demonstrated his invention . (SUCCESS)
4. Mr Phong made an ........ to see us at two o’clock. (ARRANGE)
5. Thomas Watson was Bell’s ......... ,wasn’t he? (ASSIST)
VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
1. Alexander Graham Bell was born ......March 3nd, 1845 ........... Scotland. 2. He worked .............. deaf- mutes .............Boston University.
3. I’ll come ..............to pick her ..................8 o’clock.
4. Mrs Lam called ................her delivery service.
5. He worked very hard and finally come .......... .......... a very important invention.

20 tháng 2 2021

1. I wil be in Sapa tomorrow morning.

2. I don't want to discuss it over the telephone. I will tell you about it later.

3. I'm coming home now. When I get home, my dog will be waiting for me on the doorstep.

4. - You have just missed the bus. - All right. I will walk.

5.- Can you tell me about your school plan tomorrow? - We will visit the museum in the morning.


20 tháng 2 2021

6. You're too late. By the time you arrive, they will have finished their speeches and everyone have gone home.

7. - May I use your phone to call a taxi? - There's no need to do that. I will drive you home.

8. I suppose when I come back in two years' time they will have pulled down all these old houses.

9. I still will be here next summer but Tom will leave.

10. - I expect we will come at 5 o'clock-Good, I will wait for you then.



Sorry vì giờ cô mới trả lời em được. Mong rằng nó vẫn có thể giúp ích! 

Chúc em học vui vẻ nha!

2 hc nonhin the rishtende Th b. dollars /in /the /lamp /is/Japan /old /made /five. a healhy he Acneie onch sentence.so that the meaning stays the same a Neyple speak English all over the world. /so as to/morning exercise / does / be English THaveling around the world is interesting. It's e ls it all right ifI take a photo of your house?Would you d Please turn the music down. Do you e. The paintings that were stolen from the museum haven't been found yet. The paintings a. John / should go / Nha...
Đọc tiếp

2 hc nonhin the rishtende Th b. dollars /in /the /lamp /is/Japan /old /made /five. a healhy he Acneie onch sentence.so that the meaning stays the same a Neyple speak English all over the world. /so as to/morning exercise / does / be English THaveling around the world is interesting. It's e ls it all right ifI take a photo of your house?Would you d Please turn the music down. Do you e. The paintings that were stolen from the museum haven't been found yet. The paintings a. John / should go / Nha Rong Harbor/because /it/place/where /President Ho Chi Minh/leave/ Vietnam/1911 b. Ha Long Bay/is/recognize/World Heritage Site /UNESCO c. Father /just / buy /me/new bike/make /Japan. Write a thank-you note to your friend. Use the cues given Dear Hoa 1. Thank/very much /the gift/you/send/me/my birthday 2. It/ be/beautiful/and help/cheer me up. 3. Now/I/ be/very bored. 4. You/come over/my place/next week? I will phone you on Sunday morning Love, Lan. B I.Choose the best option to complete the following sentences 1. Nam should study hard in order high results. (to get/get/getting/got) 2. What time will Minh 3. They came early so asmeet their teacher 4. I promise I 5. Onions are 6. It's difficulta job now. (find/to find 7. I amt 8. When will the project be here? (came /come/coming /to give) (for/so/to/that) (can/could/would / will) wait for him. with potatoes. (mix / to mix / mixed/mixing) finding/found) on HWIH that you won the contest. (pleased/please/pleasing/pleases) 9, Do you mindnndIborrowed your bike (develop/developed/developing /develops (close/to close/closing /closed) the door? I borrowed your bike? (when/because/as /if) 10. Would you mind 11. This is an emergency. Please send to Tran Hung Dao Street (a tank/a cart /an ambulance/a car) 12. Do you mind if I 13. People use first-aid in order to... ease the victim's pain and anxiety. (to get/ get/ getting/gets) A 3H the car? (stopped/stop/stopping/to stop) .sudy harder, Mom.-Good. (can/will/would / should) to the house by the milkman every day.(brings/is bring/is brought /has brought) if I.. a photo? (takes/take/taking /took) 15. Milk​

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)......... Born in Edinburgh 2. Can I (speak) ............. To Mai , please? Sorry, she is out. Would you like ( leave) ............. A message? 3. I (buy)........... A ticket yesterday. My friends and I (be)......... Going to (see).......... A movie tomorrow 4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)................. The telephone in 1876 5. What are you doing? I (play)..........."hide and seek " with my cousin...
Đọc tiếp

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)......... Born in Edinburgh 2. Can I (speak) ............. To Mai , please? Sorry, she is out. Would you like ( leave) ............. A message? 3. I (buy)........... A ticket yesterday. My friends and I (be)......... Going to (see).......... A movie tomorrow 4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)................. The telephone in 1876 5. What are you doing? I (play)..........."hide and seek " with my cousin 6. Can we meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Yes, I (pick)........... You up then 7. She is going (stay)........... At home to do her homework tonight 8. My grandfather (die)........ When I (be).......... Still young II. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns: 1. Both boys taught ................. To swim 2. The children are amusing............... With the small cat 3. I enjoyed................. At the circus 4. The little girl hurt ....................... When she fell 5. She looked at............. In the mirror 6. Did you enjoy............. At the party last night? 7. She dressed................ 8. The children are not old enough to dress.............. 9. My father cut............. This morning when he was shaving 10. The boy taught............. To speak French III. Complete the sentences with "must/have to or had to " : 1. The teacher told us that he............ work harder 2. You............. Get up early tomorrow if you want to catch the first train 3. You............ Have a visa in order to come to the USA 4. You............. Be more careful in the future 5. I forgot to phone her yesterday. I............... Phone her later today 6. Tom .............. Go to the bank because he hasn't any money left 7. The pupils................ Listen to the teacher carefully 8. You........... Hurry or we'll miss the train 9. We ............. Go to the post office yesterday 10. Jane ................. Work late last night
16 tháng 7 2017

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)....was..... Born in Edinburgh

2. Can I (speak) .....speak........ To Mai , please?

Sorry, she is out. Would you like ( leave) .....to leave........ A message?

3. I (buy).........bought. A ticket yesterday.

My friends and I (be).....are.... Going to (see)......see.... A movie tomorrow

4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)........introduced......... The telephone in 1876

5. What are you doing? I (play).......am playing...."hide and seek " with my cousin

6. Can we meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Yes, I (pick).......will pick.... You up then

7. She is going (stay)......to stay..... At home to do her homework tonight

8. My grandfather (die).....died... When I (be)..was....... Still young

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns:

1. Both boys taught .......themselves.......... To swim

2. The children are amusing...themselves............ With the small cat

3. I enjoyed.........myself........ At the circus

4. The little girl hurt ............herself........... When she fell

5. She looked at........herself..... In the mirror

6. Did you enjoy.......yourself...... At the party last night?

7. She dressed......herself..........

8. The children are not old enough to dress.....themselves.........

9. My father cut....himself......... This morning when he was shaving

10. The boy taught........himself..... To speak French

III. Complete the sentences with "must/have to or had to " :

1. The teacher told us that he......had to...... work harder

2. You......must....... Get up early tomorrow if you want to catch the first train

3. You.......must..... Have a visa in order to come to the USA

4. You.....must........ Be more careful in the future

5. I forgot to phone her yesterday. I......have to......... Phone her later today

6. Tom ........must...... Go to the bank because he hasn't any money left

7. The pupils.........must....... Listen to the teacher carefully

8. You....must....... Hurry or we'll miss the train

9. We ....had to......... Go to the post office yesterday

10. Jane .....had to............ Work late last night

I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or False (F). In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and your social life. Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as eye-tiredness and obestity. Secondly, you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the computer too much, you will not have time for your family and friends. In short, computers should only be used for a...
Đọc tiếp

I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or False (F).
In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and your social life. Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as eye-tiredness and obestity. Secondly, you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the computer too much, you will not have time for your family and friends. In short, computers should only be used for a limited time.
1. Using the computer too much can make your eyes tired. 1. ______________
2. Using the computer too much is not good for you. 2. _____________
3. We still can spend a lot of time with our family and friends. 3. __________
4. According to the writer, we can use the computer for a long time. 4. __________
5. Computers should only be used for a limited time. 5. __________
II. Read the passage carefully.
My Village
I live in a village by Mekong River. Everyday, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is three kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and feed the chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there is a TV. The adults watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange news. The children run around, palying games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard everywhere.
My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our hone products like vegetables, fruits, eggs... He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the electric train in the town square. I love those trips.
On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the Milky Way. We dream of faraway places.
Answer the following questions.
1. Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?
2. What do the children do on starry nights?
3. Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?
III. Supply suitable words to complete the following passage.
Our classes take place for three hours every morning ________(1) Monday to Friday. The maximum class size _______(2) twenty and the average is ten. We use modern methods of ____(3) and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorder. You will only be successful _____(4) improving your English, however, if your work hard and ______(5) speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short _____(6) in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a ______(7) at the most suitable level.
There are two classes_____(8) the elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the_____(9) is for students who know a_____(10) English. In both classes, you will practise simple conversations.
IV. Use the words and phrases to write a passage.
1. In/ 1970s, skateboarding suddenly/ become very popular.
2. At first, skateboarders/ move slowly/ flat, smooth areas.
3. Then they/ begin/ ride quickly. This/ be called "freestyle" skateboarding.
V. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: "in, at, on, after, under, between, beside, out of, above, beneath".
1. There is a bus station................the end of this road.
2. Keep those medicines.........the children's reach.
3. I lost my keys somewhere............the car and the house.
4. Come...........and sit...........your sister.
5. D comes.............C in the alphabet.
6. The boat sank...........the waves.
7. Don't shelter.............the trees when it's raining.
8. Please put these books..........the bookshelf.........the desk.

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)......... Born in Edinburgh 2. Can I (speak) ............. To Mai , please? Sorry, she is out. Would you like ( leave) ............. A message? 3. I (buy)........... A ticket yesterday. My friends and I (be)......... Going to (see).......... A movie tomorrow 4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)................. The telephone in 1876 5. What are you doing? I (play)..........."hide and seek " with my cousin 6. Can...
Đọc tiếp

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)......... Born in Edinburgh 2. Can I (speak) ............. To Mai , please? Sorry, she is out. Would you like ( leave) ............. A message? 3. I (buy)........... A ticket yesterday. My friends and I (be)......... Going to (see).......... A movie tomorrow 4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)................. The telephone in 1876 5. What are you doing? I (play)..........."hide and seek " with my cousin 6. Can we meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Yes, I (pick)........... You up then 7. She is going (stay)........... At home to do her homework tonight 8. My grandfather (die)........ When I (be).......... Still young II. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns: 1. Both boys taught ................. To swim 2. The children are amusing............... With the small cat 3. I enjoyed................. At the circus 4. The little girl hurt ....................... When she fell 5. She looked at............. In the mirror 6. Did you enjoy............. At the party last night? 7. She dressed................ 8. The children are not old enough to dress.............. 9. My father cut............. This morning when he was shaving 10. The boy taught............. To speak French III. Complete the sentences with "must/have to or had to " : 1. The teacher told us that he............ work harder 2. You............. Get up early tomorrow if you want to catch the first train 3. You............ Have a visa in order to come to the USA 4. You............. Be more careful in the future 5. I forgot to phone her yesterday. I............... Phone her later today 6. Tom .............. Go to the bank because he hasn't any money left 7. The pupils................ Listen to the teacher carefully 8. You........... Hurry or we'll miss the train 9. We ............. Go to the post office yesterday 10. Jane ................. Work late last night


1. Alexander Graham Bell (be)....was..... Born in Edinburgh

2. Can I (speak) .....speak........ To Mai , please?

Sorry, she is out. Would you ( leave) .....to leave........ A message?

3. I (buy).........bought. A ket yesterday.

My friends and I (be).....are.... Going to (see)......see.... A movie tomorrow

4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce)........introduced......... The telephone in 1876

5. What are you doing? I (play).......am playing...."hide and seek " with my cousin

6. Can we meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Yes, I (pick).......will pick.... You up then

7. She is going (stay)......to stay..... At home to do her homework tonight

8. My grandfather (die).....died... When I (be)..was....... Still young

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns:

1. Both boys taught .......themselves.......... To swim

2. The children are amusing...themselves............ With the small cat

3. I enjoyed.........myself........ At the circus

4. The little girl hurt ............herself........... When she fell

5. She looked at........herself..... In the mirror

6. Did you enjoy.......yourself...... At the party last night?

7. She dressed......herself..........

8. The children are not old enough to dress.....themselves.........

9. My father cut....himself......... This morning when he was shaving

10. The boy taught........himself..... To speak French

III. Complete the sentences with "must/have to or had to " :

1. The teacher told us that he......had to...... work harder

2. You......must....... Get up early tomorrow if you want to catch the first train

3. You.......must..... Have a visa in order to come to the USA

4. You.....must........ Be more careful in the future

5. I forgot to phone her yesterday. I......have to......... Phone her later today

6. Tom ........must...... Go to the bank because he hasn't any money left

7. The pupils.........must....... Listen to the teacher carefully

8. You....must....... Hurry or we'll miss the train

9. We ....had to......... Go to the post office yesterday

10. Jane .....had to............ Work late last night

21 tháng 7 2018

I.Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

1. Alexander Graham Bell (be).....was... Born in Edinburgh

2. Can I (speak) .......speak...... To Mai , please? Sorry, she is out. Would you ( leave) ....to leave......... A message?

3. I (buy)...bought........ A ket yesterday.

My friends and I (be)........are. Going to (see)...see....... A movie tomorrow

4. Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce).......introduced.......... The telephone in 1876

5. What are you doing? I (play)......am playing....."hide and seek " with my cousin

6. Can we meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning? Yes, I (pick).......will pick.. You up then

7. She is going (stay).......to stay.... At home to do her homework tonight

8. My grandfather (die)........ died When I (be)...was....... Still young

10. She (buy).................................. a new ruler yesterday? 11. He ( talk)................................. with his parents about his vacation in Da Lat since last year.? 12. Lan and Hoa (be).................................... your school two years ago? 13. What they (play) ...............................last week? 14. What the student (wear)...................................... at school for two years? 15. Where you (put) the cake every day? 16. He (visit)...
Đọc tiếp
10. She (buy).................................. a new ruler yesterday? 11. He ( talk)................................. with his parents about his vacation in Da Lat since last year.? 12. Lan and Hoa (be).................................... your school two years ago? 13. What they (play) ...............................last week? 14. What the student (wear)...................................... at school for two years? 15. Where you (put) the cake every day? 16. He (visit) ...................................a lot of friends in Ho Chi Minh city at the moment? 17. His uncle (take).............................him to see Tri Nguyen aquarium until present? 18. Liz (buy)........................... a lot of souvenirs yesterday? 19. They (put) ...........................the fish in the big bag since last Sunday? 20. Tam (be)...................................... at home last night? – Yes, he (be). 21. I _________________________ your brother recently (not/see) 22. John _______________________ his assignment (just/finish) 24. We (visit ) _____________the museum at the moment. 25. My children (be)_____ upstairs now. They (play)______ games. 26. Listen! The teacher ( explain) ______________a new lesson to us. 27. At present, the social networks ______________ (become) more popular among young generation. 28. I ______________ (not listen) to their new CD yet. Is it any good? 29. When I was a student, I ______________ (not like) doing homework. 30. Facebook ______________ (found) in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. 31. The American ______________ (spend) 34 hours a week watching television. 32. ______________ (you/ ever/ make) origami cranes? 33. Do you adore ______________ (lie) in a hot bath? 34. Please try ______________ (arrive) punctually at 8.30. 35 Many teenagers prefer ______________ (watch) TV to ______________ (read) books Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Some people think that health is _____________ than money. (important) 2. The pollution in our city is much _____________ than it used to be. (bad) 3. My new teacher explained the lessons _____________ than my old teacher. (clearly) 4. He doesn’t play volleyball as _____________ as his brother. (good) 5. Get rid of the sorrow! You will do it _____________ next time. (good) 6. Communication is a lot _____________ than it was 50 years ago. (easy) 7. People in rural areas wear _____________ than those in cities. (simply) 8. Robert arrived at the meeting _____________ than Francis. (lately) 9. These trousers are too wide. Do you have any that are _____________? (narrow) 10. My mother always gets up _____________ than everybody else in the house. (early) 11. Rene speaks _____________ than the other ESL students in the class. (fluently) 12. Can’t you think of anything _____________ to say? (intelligent) 13. I think his new book is much _____________ than his last one. (boring) 14. Max finished the homework _____________ than anyone else in the class. (fast) 15. He doesn’t look as _____________ as he used to. (happy) I. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one Giup mình với!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 tháng 2

10. Did she buy a new ruler yesterday
11. Has he talked with his parents about his vacation in Da Lat since last year
12. Were Lan and Hoa at your school two years ago
13. What did they play last week
14. What was the student wearing at school for two years
15. Where do you put the cake every day
16. Is he visiting a lot of friends in Ho Chi Minh City at the moment
17. Has his uncle taken him to see Tri Nguyen Aquarium until present
18. Did Liz buy a lot of souvenirs yesterday
19. Have they put the fish in the big bag since last Sunday
20. Was Tam at home last night? – Yes, he was
21. I haven't seen your brother recently (not/see)
22. John has just finished his assignment
24. We are visiting the museum at the moment
25. My children are upstairs now. They are playing games
26. Listen! The teacher is explaining a new lesson to us
27. At present, the social networks are becoming more popular among young generation
28. I haven't listened to their new CD yet. Is it any good
29. When I was a student, I didn't like doing homewor
30. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin
31, The Americans spend 34 hours a week watching television
32. Have you ever made origami cranes
33. Do you adore lying in a hot bath
34. Please try to arrive punctually at 8:30
35. Many teenagers prefer watching TV to reading books

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets
1. Some people think that health is more important than money
2. The pollution in our city is much worse than it used to be
3. My new teacher explained the lessons more clearly than my old teacher
4. He doesn’t play volleyball as well as his brother
5. Get rid of the sorrow! You will do it better next time
6. Communication is a lot easier than it was 50 years ago
7. People in rural areas wear more simply than those in cities
8. Robert arrived at the meeting later than Francis
9. These trousers are too wide. Do you have any that are narrower
10. My mother always gets up earlier than everybody else in the house
11. Rene speaks more fluently than the other ESL students in the class
12. Can’t you think of anything more intelligent to say
13. I think his new book is much more boring than his last one
14. Max finished the homework faster than anyone else in the class
15. He doesn’t look as happy as he used to

I. Choose the word whose UNDERLINED part is pronounced differently from the others. (2 points) 1. A. equipment B. upset C. end D. help 2. A. folk B. hold C. photo D. neighbor 3. A. fairy B. train C. afraid D. wait 4. A. excited B. prince C. once D. escape 5. A. how B. now C. know D. cow 6. A. what B. where C. when D. who 7. A. please B. teach C. head D. meat 8. A. talked B. stopped C....
Đọc tiếp
I. Choose the word whose UNDERLINED part is pronounced differently from the others. (2 points) 1. A. equipment B. upset C. end D. help 2. A. folk B. hold C. photo D. neighbor 3. A. fairy B. train C. afraid D. wait 4. A. excited B. prince C. once D. escape 5. A. how B. now C. know D. cow 6. A. what B. where C. when D. who 7. A. please B. teach C. head D. meat 8. A. talked B. stopped C. noted D. laughed 9. A. books B. cats C. stamps D. weeds 10. A. enough B. young C. cousin D. mountain II. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs. (2 points) 1. Would you like (listen) to some music? 2. Yesterday, Ba (go) to Da Nang by car. 3. Nam enjoys (play) soccer after school. 4. Lan asked me (go) to the supermarket. 5. Mai is (buy) a new bicycle next week. 6. I think you should (do) the morning exercise. 7. They used (go) to work by train. 8. Don’t let children (play) alone. 9. You ought to (do) the homework yourself. 10. My father stopped (smoke) . III. Complete the sentences with right prepositions. (2 points) 1. What did you do the ninth of April, 2002? (April 9th , 2002) 2. Are you interested studying English? 3. Does it rain spring? 4. I am different my sister. 5. I don’t know what he is doing the moment. 6. That’s very kind you to help me. 7. I’ll be home 7.00 because I want to see the seven o’clock news. 8. I go to school Monday Saturday. 9. We’ve not seen her 2006. IV. Arrange these words to make sentences. (2 points) 1. homework/ The/ to/ students/ ought/ their/ carefully/ do/ . 2. has/ the/ chores/ to/ today/ Mai/ do/ herself/ . 3. clean/ The/ teacher/ me/ told/ to/ blackboard/ the/ . 4. She/ my class/ is/ enough/ old/ in/ not/ to be/ . 5. how/ English/ to/ me/ tell/ study/ you/ Could/ ? 6. them/ Their/ told/ last year/ lot of/ grandmother/ stories/ a/ . 7. next week/ class/ going/ Our/ is/ zoo/ the/ to/ . 8. I/ Nha Trang/ old/ ten/ been/ was/ since/ have/ years/ to/ I/ . 9. some/ buy/ I/ to/ notebooks/ need/ . 10. should/ My/ said/ teacher/ my/ I/ time/ English/ on/ spend/ more/ . Va. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the gap to complete the passage. (1 point)

English is (1) ______ language all over the world. Many countries, such as: the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa use English as the first language, many others use it as the second language. If you speak (2) _____ well, you can talk with many people of different nationalities. Besides, a lot of the magazines and newspapers are published in English .Therefore, if you can read English, you can get useful knowledge of tradition, culture, custom of other countries.

In order to (3) _____ your English, you should make good preparation for the next lesson, and do all the exercises given by the teachers. In class, be ready to answer your (4) ______ and take important notes. You can also enrich your English vocabulary by reading English books, looking up any new words that you come across. Some beginners even write the words many times and try to learn them by heart. Whenever possible, you can speak English to the teachers, to friends or foreigners. Listening to the tapes is the good way to improve your English. And remember that revision is important. You should revise what you have learnt so as to practice the words or sentence structures well. Mastering the four language skills is not easy. An English proverb says: “Everything is difficult before it is easy”. Try your best so that English can become easy for you.

1. A. more difficult B. the most popular C. the most interesting D.more popular 2. A. Japanese B. French C. English D. Spanish 3. A. understand B. know C. study D. improve 4. A. parents’questions B. teacher’s questions C. teacher’s answers D. teacher’s lessons Vb. Read the passage again and choose the right answer for each question below. (1 point) 1. Is listening to the tapes is the good way to learn English? A. Yes, he is. B. No, there isn’t. C. Yes, it is. D. No,it isn’t. 2. Name some countries use English as the first language. A. England, Rusia, China B. Viet Nam, India, Japanese C. The USA, Australia, Canada D. England, Laos, France 3. Why can you get useful knowlegde of tradition, culture of other countries if you can read English? A. Because a lot of the magazines and newspapers are published in English. B. Because many countries speak English. C. Because English is very popular. D. Because English is very important. 4. Who can a student speak English to? A. He can speak English to his grandparents. B.He can speak English to famers. C. He can speak English to his English teachers or his friends. D.He can speak English to his neighbors.
28 tháng 12 2017

I. Choose the word whose UNDERLINED part is pronounced differently from the others. (2 points)

1. A. equipment B. upset C. end D. help

2. A. folk B. hold C. photo D. neighbor

3. A. fairy B. train C. afraid D. wait

4. A. excited B. prince C. once D. escape

5. A. how B. now C. know D. cow

6. A. what B. where C. when D. who

7. A. please B. teach C. head D. meat

8. A. talked B. stopped C. noted D. laughed

9. A. books B. cats C. stamps D. weeds

10. A. enough B. young C. cousin D. mountain

28 tháng 12 2017

II. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs. (2 points)

1. Would you like (listen) to listen to some music?

2. Yesterday, Ba (go) went to Da Nang by car.

3. Nam enjoys (play) playing soccer after school.

4. Lan asked me (go) to go to the supermarket.

5. Mai is (buy) going to buy a new bicycle next week.

6. I think you should (do) do the morning exercise.

7. They used (go) to go to work by train.

8. Don’t let children (play) play alone.

9. You ought to (do) do the homework yourself.

10. My father stopped (smoke) smoking.