
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

10 tháng 1 2020

chờ tôi tầm 25 phút nữa tôi làm cho nhé

10 tháng 1 2020

Imagine that your group is entering a competition to lead the Green Club in your school. You are asked the question: What would you do to reduce pollution in our country if you were the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment?

Give a presentation about it.

- Topic sentence: If i were the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, i would do these things to reduce pollution in my country

- Supporting ideas:

+ Firstly: I would prioritise raising awareness about waste and littering by keep putting the message across that it is not acceptable to litter.

+ Secondly: I would extend the use of free public transport and encourage people to use it more often as it can help to decrease the amount of private transport on the road

+ Finally: ............

lười quá thế thôi

26 tháng 2 2022

đây là câu hỏi tiếng anh hả bạn

tôi sống hết 14 cái mùa xuân xanh rồi chưa thấy câu tiếng anh nào như này

gặp ny ko bít câu nói tình cảm tiếng việt ko sao hay nói tiếng anh tôi sẽ giúpAn angel asked me a reason why I care for you so much. I told her I care for you so much coz there’s no reason not to. – (Một thiên thần hỏi anh tại sao anh lại yêu em nhiều đến thế. Anh đã nói rằng anh rất yêu em bởi vì chả có lí do nào để không làm như thế cả.)Love and a cough cannot be hid. – (Tình yêu cũng như cơn ho không thể dấu kín...
Đọc tiếp

gặp ny ko bít câu nói tình cảm tiếng việt ko sao hay nói tiếng anh tôi sẽ giúp

    1. An angel asked me a reason why I care for you so much. I told her I care for you so much coz there’s no reason not to. – (Một thiên thần hỏi anh tại sao anh lại yêu em nhiều đến thế. Anh đã nói rằng anh rất yêu em bởi vì chả có lí do nào để không làm như thế cả.)
    2. Love and a cough cannot be hid. – (Tình yêu cũng như cơn ho không thể dấu kín đuợc.)
    3. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile – (Đừng bao giờ tiết kiệm nụ cười ngay cả khi bạn buồn, vì không bao giờ bạn biết được có thể có ai đó sẽ yêu bạn vì nụ cười đó.)
    4. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry – (Không có ai xứng đáng với những giọt nước mắt của bạn. Người xứng đáng với chúng thì chắc chắn không để bạn phải khóc)
    5. You may only be one person to the world but you may be the world to one person. – (Đối với thế giới này bạn chỉ là một người nhưng đối với ai đó bạn là cả một thế giới.)
    6. A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won”t start or end without me thinking of you. – (Một ngày anh có thể không gọi điện và nhắn tin cho em lúc thức dậy và trước khi đi ngủ. Nhưng hãy tin rằng không ngày nào là không mở đầu và kết thúc với ý nghĩ về em.)
    7. I’d give up my life if I could command one smile of your eyes, one touch of your hand. – (Anh sẽ cho em tất cả cuộc đời này để đổi lại được nhìn em cười, được nắm tay em.)
    8. I looked at your fare… my heart jumped all over the place. – (Khi nhìn em, anh cảm giác tim anh như loạn nhịp.)
    9. I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you. – (Anh từng nghĩ giấc mơ không bao giờ trở thành sự thật. Nhưng ý nghĩ đó đã thay đổi nhanh chóng kể từ khoảnh khắc anh nhìn thấy em.)
    10. My world becomes heavenly when I spend those magical moments with you. – (Thế giới của anh trở thành thiên đường khi anh có những khoảnh khắc kì diệu bên em.)
    11. By miles, you are far from me. By thoughts, you are close to me. By hearts, you are in me. – (Về mặt khoảng cách, em đang ở xa anh. Về ý nghĩ, em đang rất gần anh. Còn về tình cảm thì trái tim em đã ở trong anh rồi.)
    12. If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means. I would lean my head on your shoulder and hold you close to me and answer with a smile: “Like this!” – (Nếu ai đó hỏi anh cuộc sống tươi đẹp nghĩa là gì. Anh sẽ dựa vào vai em, ôm em thật chặt và nói: “Như thế này đó!”)
    13. There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. -(Chỉ có một điều hạnh phúc duy nhất trên thế gian này, đó là yêu và được yêu.)
    14. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. –(Được yêu thương sâu sắc bởi ai đó mang lại cho bạn sức mạnh, trong khi yêu một ai đó sâu sắc sẽ cho bạn sự can đảm.)
    15. Love has no age, no limit; and no death. -(Tình yêu không có tuổi tác, không có giới hạn, và không có chết chóc)
    16. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. -(Bóng tối không thể xua tan bóng tối, chỉ có ánh sáng mới làm được điều đó. Sự ghen ghét không thể bị xóa bỏ bởi ghen ghét, chỉ có tình yêu mới làm được điều đó.
    17. There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. -(Tình yêu không thể thiếu đi sự tha thứ, và cũng sẽ không có sự tha thứ nếu không có tình yêu)
    18. We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone. -(Chúng ta sinh ra một mình, sống một mình, chết cũng một mình. Nhờ có tình yêu và tình bạn, chúng ta mới có thể tạo ra những giây phút mà chúng ta không cô đơn)
  1. A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. -(Một bông hoa không thể nở nếu không có ánh nắng mặt trời, và một con người không thể sống mà không có tình yêu)
  2. Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me, I will always be in your heart, and if you hate me, I will be in your mind. -(Ghét anh hay yêu anh cũng được. Nếu em yêu anh, anh sẽ luôn ở trong trái tim em, còn nếu em ghét anh, anh sẽ luôn ở trong tâm trí em.)
  3. Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow. -(Tình yêu là một bông hoa mà bạn phải để cho nó lớn dần)
  4. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. -(yêu là khi niềm hạnh phúc của một ai đó quan trọng hơn hạnh phúc của chính mình)
  5. Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.’ -(Tình yêu chưa trưởng thành nói: “Tôi yêu em bởi vì tôi cần em.” Tình yêu trưởng thành nói rằng ‘Tôi cần em bởi vì tôi yêu em.’)
  6. .Don’t stop giving love even if you don’t receive it. Smile anf have patience.– (Đừng từ bỏ tình yêu cho dù bạn không nhận được nó. Hãy mỉm cười và kiên nhẫn.)
  7. Frendship often ends in love, but love in frendship-never – (Tình bạn có thể đi đến tình yêu, và không có điều ngược lại.)
  8. I would rather be poor and in love with you, than being rich and not having anyone. -(Thà nghèo mà yêu còn hơn giàu có mà cô độc)
  9. I looked at your fare… my heart jumped all over the place – (Khi nhìn em, anh cảm giác tim anh như loạn nhịp.)
  10. In lover’s sky, all stars are eclipsed by the eyes of the one you love. -(Dưới bầu trời tình yêu, tất cả những ngôi sao đều bị che khuất bởi con mắt của người bạn yêu.)
  11. How can you love another if you don’t love yourself? – (Làm sao có thể yêu người khác. Nếu bạn không yêu chính mình.)
  12. Hate has a reason for everithing bot love is unreasonable. – (Ghét ai có thể nêu được lý do, nhưng yêu ai thì không thể.)
  13. I’d give up my life if I could command one smille of your eyes, one touch of your hand. – (Anh sẽ cho em tất cả cuộc đời này để đổi lại được nhìn em cười, được nắm tay em)
  14. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. – (Hãy đừng khóc khi một điều gì đó kết thúc, hãy mỉm cười vì điều đó đến)
  15. All the wealth of the world could not buy you a frend, not pay you for the loss of one. – (Tất cả của cải trên thế gian này không mua nổi một người bạn cũng như không thể trả lại cho bạn những gì đã mất )
  16. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. – (Bạn hãy nhận biết chính bản thân mình và làm một người tốt hơn trước khi làm quen với một ai đó, và mong muốn người đó biết đến bạn. )
  17. Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. – (Đừng vội vã đi qua cuộc đời vì những điều tốt đẹp nhất sẽ đến với bạn đúng vào lúc mà bạn ít ngờ tới nhất.)
  18. You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you feel. – (Khi yêu ai ta không thể diễn tả được cảm giác khi ở bên cô ta thì mới gọi là yêu.)
  19. Don’t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you. – (Đừng lãng phí thời gian với những người không có thời gian dành cho bạn.)
  20. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. – (Có thể với thế giới, bạn chỉ là một người. Nhưng với một người nào đó, bạn là cả thế giới. )
  21. If you be with the one you love, love the one you are with. – (Yêu người yêu mình hơn yêu người mình yêu)
  22. It only takes a second to say I love you, but it will take a lifetime to show you how much. – (Tôi chỉ mất 1 giây để nói tôi yêu bạn nhưng phải mất cả cuộc đời để chứng tỏ điều đó.)
  23. Love means you never have to say you’re sorry – (Tình yêu có nghĩa là bạn không bao giờ phải nói rất tiếc)
  24. In this life we can no do great things. We can only do small things with great love. – (Trong cuộc đời này nếu không thể thực hiện những điều lớn lao thì chúng ta vẫn có thể làm những việc nhỏ với một tình yêu lớn.)

Cùng học thêm một số bài giảng về những câu giao tiếp thông dụng thường ngày ở đây nhé:

26 tháng 2 2022

ko nhìn rõ bn

26 tháng 2 2022

Bôi đen là thấy nè

Dear Mom I'm happy to tell you that I'm going to join in the Green Group of my school. The Green Group is holding an environment month. We are going to clean the banks of the lake on weekends.We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class.We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools. We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for school Y&Y. The program is really interesting and...
Đọc tiếp

Dear Mom

I'm happy to tell you that I'm going to join in the Green Group of my school.

The Green Group is holding an environment month. We are going to clean the banks of the lake on weekends.We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class.We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools.

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for school Y&Y. The program is really interesting and useful , isn’t it?

I'll tell you more about group activities later.



A.Choose True or False.

1.Hoa is going to join the Y&Y Green Group of her school

2.The Green Group is holding a camping trip

3.Hoa thinks the program is uninteresting

4.Hoa and her friends are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

5.They want to earn money for themselves

B.Answer the question

1.What is the Green Group holding?
2.What are they going to do in the school garden?
3.What are they going to do in the school garden?
4.Do you want to join in these activities of the Y&Y Green Group of Hoa's school?

5.What do you do protect the environment?

27 tháng 6 2020

Dear Mom

I'm happy to tell you that I'm going to join in the Green Group of my school.

The Green Group is holding We are going to clean the banks of the lake on weekends.We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class.We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools.

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for school Y&Y. The program is really interesting and useful , isn’t it?

I'll tell you more about group activities later.



A.Choose True or False.

1.Hoa is going to join the Y&Y Green Group of her school _T_

2.The Green Group is holding a camping trip _F_

3.Hoa thinks the program is uninteresting _F_

4.Hoa and her friends are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools _T_

5.They want to earn money for themselves _F_

B.Answer the question

1.What is the Green Group holding?

-> The Green Group is holding an environment month.
2.What are they going to do in the school garden?

-> They are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden, water them every afternoon after class.
3.What are they going to do in the school garden? (Câu này với câu trên giống nhau mà)
4.Do you want to join in these activities of the Y&Y Green Group of Hoa's school?

-> Yes, I do

5.What do you do protect the environment?

-> I plant a lot of flowers, trees and put garbage in the right place.

17 tháng 3 2019

Dear ___

How are you? As you know, last week I travelled to HoChiMinh City by plane with my parents. Before I arrived there, I had seen it on Internet. I think it's the most exciting, amazing place I've seen before. When I arrived, the sky changed into black with fewer stars than my city. But it was bright without stars. Do you know why ? Of course that's the light from the lights. The next day, I went to Duc Ba Cathedral which is the symbol of the city and it was constructed by French.Actually, it wasn't the only that I met. But I think I should tell you some place where is really well-known. Oh, I also had a great moments in Ben Thanh market. Although I hadn't known anything about that, when I arrrived at Ben Thanh market, I think it's quite attractive. The days after I only prepared to come back.And I think it's the experiment that I had after the trip.

That's what I felt and I knew about that city when I was there.

Do you have any trip like that ? And what did you feel about the trip ?

I hope you will send me a letter about what I said on the letter soon !

Bye! Your best Friend


Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) work? If it is, as some people say, just a question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2) ______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3) ______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4) ______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the...
Đọc tiếp

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) work? If it is, as some people say, just a question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2) ______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3) ______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4) ______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the creation of a well-made product, or the clinching of an important deal, though this might not be the (6) ______________________ if you were serving in a shop or delivering letters. Still, as long as the customers are satisfied, then you can (7) ______________________ yourself on a job well done, and feel that you have (8) ______________________ to the success of the company that (9) ______________________ you. On the other hand, would you feel that your work was more worthwhile if you received more praise from your employers? Would you feel happier if they paid you a (10) ______________________ or sent you to a sales conference in Tahiti? Or is praise unnecessary, as long as the job (11) ______________________ you with the company of other people, and the feeling that you belong to the group? Most of us are probably too (12) ______________________ working to wonder too much about this. One day perhaps we'll find that ideal job which gives life meaning, but until then we'll just get up every morning and keep on working.
Bạn nào nhanh nhất mình tik nha! Cảm ơn!

Noise is constant and loud sound. To measure the loudness, or volume of sounds, people use a unit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or a motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours? The sounds of a concert are even more serious. They can reach as high as 130 decibels and may cause immediate and permanent hearing loss. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high...
Đọc tiếp

Noise is constant and loud sound. To measure the loudness, or volume of sounds, people use a unit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or a motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours? The sounds of a concert are even more serious. They can reach as high as 130 decibels and may cause immediate and permanent hearing loss. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high blood pressure. If you are listening to music through headphones, and other people can hear it. it means the music is too loud and unsafe. If there seems to be a ringing or buzzing in your ears, it means the noise is affecting you and damaging your hearing- Wearing earplugs when you go to concerts or other loud events, and listening to music through headphones or headsets at safe levels can help you reduce the effects of noise pollution.

1. What do people use to measure the loundness or volume of sounds ?


2. Does the noise from a vacuum cleaner result in pernament hearing loss after eight hours ?


3. What can noise pollution also lead to ?


4. Is the music safe when you listen to it through headphones , and other people can hear it as well ?


5. What can you do to help reduce the effects of noise pollution ?

21 tháng 1 2018

Noise is constant and loud sound. To measure the loudness, or volume of sounds, people use a unit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or a motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours? The sounds of a concert are even more serious. They can reach as high as 130 decibels and may cause immediate and permanent hearing loss. Noise pollution can also lead to headaches and high blood pressure. If you are listening to music through headphones, and other people can hear it. it means the music is too loud and unsafe. If there seems to be a ringing or buzzing in your ears, it means the noise is affecting you and damaging your hearing- Wearing earplugs when you go to concerts or other loud events, and listening to music through headphones or headsets at safe levels can help you reduce the effects of noise pollution.

1. What do people use to measure the loundness or volume of sounds ?

They use a unit called a decibel to measure the loundness or volume of sounds

2. Does the noise from a vacuum cleaner result in pernament hearing loss after eight hours ?

Yes, it does

3. What can noise pollution also lead to ?

It can also lead to headaches and high blood pressure

4. Is the music safe when you listen to it through headphones , and other people can hear it as well ?

No, it isn't

5. What can you do to help reduce the effects of noise pollution ?

I can wear earplugs when you go to concerts or other loud events, and listening to music through headphones or headsets at safe levels to help reduce the effects of noise pollution

2 tháng 5 2019

Keeping the school campus neat and clean is very important for all the students because a school is a place to study and learn. If the physical environment is not an attractive one, then studying and learning become less pleasant and the concentration of the students will be hampered. To keep the school campus neat and clean the students have to do some certain works. Firstly, in every class the students can make a class forum or group and the leader of the forum can divide the works. There are different works in the school campus. According to the instruction of the leader the students will continue the work. Some students of a forum can arrange of garbage and rubbish in waste disposal containers, take care of the gardens and trees. Similarly, another group can keep the plants well-trimmed, mow the lawn, and trim the grass around the borders. Other group can rake the fallen leaves, keep the statues well-polished, mop and vacuum the floors and carpets inside. Some can clean the walls, windows and other surfaces. To keep the campus always neat and clean the students can make some rules permanently both inside and outside of the classroom. Firstly, students should not spit in the class, drop litter in the class. Secondly, they have to use the bin for trash and keep the desks and chairs in place. At the time of performing the works they can get any help from their class teacher and other teachers. In this process the students can keep their school campus neat and clean.