
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Đây là bản tiếng anh :

Flood is one of the most dangerous disasters in the world. It’s the fact that every flood causes damage not only on property but also on people. Vietnam, the country with S-shape mainland located at Southeast Asia is affected severely by floods, especially int the middle of Viet Nam. Every year, there are about 10-15 floods coming into Viet Nam. The main reason is heavy rain with average annual rainfall from 1500-2000 mm due to its location. The influence of monsoon is also a reason that Vietnam has to be affected by storms and tropical depressions. Furthermore, being next to the sea, tides create floods in lots of regions which have poor drainage systems. Additionally, earth’ warming leads to the rising of sea level and deforestation have made the problem more serious. Floods destroy lands, paddy fields, houses, damage the facilities of middle areas. People lose their home and even lives due to floods. Although Viet Nam always support the local but it take time and right after they reconstruct their life, floods will be going to come again. To stop this, government are finding new modern solutions and giving precautions with warnings as soon as possible. I hope that in the future the Viet Nam will have a more effective solution and the locals in the middle areas will have a better life.

Đây là bản dịch ạ :

Lũ lụt là một trong những thảm họa nguy hiểm nhất trên thế giới. Thực tế là mọi lũ lụt gây ra thiệt hại không chỉ tài sản mà còn con người. Việt Nam, mảnh đất chữ S nằm ở Đông Nam Á bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề do lũ lụt, đặc biệt là miền trung Việt Nam. Hàng năm có khoảng 10-15 trận lụt xảy ra tại Việt Nam. Lý do chính là mưa lớn với lượng mưa trung bình hàng năm từ 1500-2000mm do vị trí của nó. Ảnh hưởng của gió mùa cũng là một lý do khiến Việt Nam phải chịu ảnh hưởng của bão và áp thấp nhiệt đới. Hơn nữa, bên cạnh biển, thủy triều gây lũ lụt ở nhiều vùng có hệ thống thoát nước kém. Thêm vào đó, sự nóng lên của Trái Đất dẫn tới sự gia tăng mực nước biển và nạn phá rừng làm cho vấn đề nghiêm trọng hơn. Lũ lụt phá hủy đất đai, ruộng lúa, nhà cửa, làm hư hại các cơ sở vật chất vùng trung lưu. Mọi người mất nhà và thậm chí cả mạng sống do lũ lụt. Mặc dù Việt Nam luôn hỗ trợ các địa phương nhưng phải mất thời gian và ngay sau khi khôi phục lại cuộc sống, lũ sẽ lại xảy ra. Để ngăn chặn điều này, chính phủ đang tìm kiếm giải pháp mới hiện đại và đưa ra các biện pháp phòng ngừa với các cảnh báo càng sớm càng tốt. Tôi hy vọng rằng trong tương lai Việt Nam sẽ có một giải pháp hiệu quả hơn và người dân địa phương ở khu vực miền trung sẽ có một cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn.

# Chúc bạn học tốt


Every day, every day, the people in the Central region are suffering from the consequences of storms and floods. The flood of the year two thousand was one of the most destructive floods in the past decade. The sky was dark, the rain never stopped, surrounded by white water. It was a spectacle of places where the floods took place. Everything here covers something monotonous that hides danger with the white screen of water is the green of the treetops, the old trees daring to the flood water and the tiled roofs. protrusion - the only place for people to hang on. Everyone, from the elderly to the children, lives in a state of anxiety, confusion, fear, and graying of the skin due to the cold. There are babies born only a few months, their bodies no longer have any energy. They live in a situation where there is no electricity, no food or water. Many young men hopelessly left the rice plants that were left over by wandering through the sea. The government has called for the spirit of "good leaves protect torn leaves". Here, the orange relief boats beaming to the people.

10 tháng 5 2021

       It was April 30th, May 1st, and I did a lot of work at that time. Due to the complicated developments of the Co-vid 19 epidemic, I stayed at home, following what the Prime Minister said. Like home, I also did a lot of work. I worked with my parents to cook delicious food, having a great experience. After that, I played folk games with my brothers and sisters at home, it was very interesting. In addition, together with my father, I learned more about computers. Although during the Tet holiday, I couldn't go anywhere while at home, I also had a lot of fun. I am very happy that I have experienced such wonderful activities, and I feel even happier because I have fulfilled my obligations.

3 tháng 1 2019

Being a summer volunteer is one of the good things we can do in our student time. Instead of wasting our time playing games or wandering with our friends, we can join the Blue Summer campaign at schools. By doing so, we can become young volunteers to help people who are in need. I always remember last summer when our volunteer team had been to a poor countryside. That place even lacked of clean water and electricity, while in many other places people are wasting them. After a day of resting, we started to clean up the old school together, attended in the project of reconstructing a number of local bridges which funded by donors. We lived in some of the houses of the local people, and we spent time doing house chores, playing, and eating together. Although their lives are lacking of materials, their hearts are full of love and kindness. We helped them with our strength and the ebullient spirit of youth, and in return they took care of us so we could be safe and happy while we were away from home. After a month and a half, we successfully restored an old school and one bridge, and we built one more small new bridge. These things really helped children at that place had a better educational environment, and people had an easier road to go to work. Local people were very excited with those new constructions, and we promised to come back next summer to bring better things. When the volunteer trip ended, my parents were very happy when I came back home safely. I felt so proud of myself because I could prove that I was a mature person by helping other people. Summer is coming soon, and I cannot wait to be on my next volunteer trip together with my friends.

tk cho mk nha

26 tháng 11 2016

Every spring comes, diplomats close to the lake filled with lotus flowers pretty cute. Floral foam body, long, his research into the water as a young girl what had looked into the mirror. Now there bud, bud like a big pink buds blooming blink. Traditional jacket petal pink, pure white. When blooming flowers, each petal knitting put together, sheltered bright yellow pistil. Sen each to roughly mirror the bath taps, are scattered inside the yellow lotus seed as the morning light is the mother sheltered pharmacist. La lotus is very special, it is just like the fans of the market in the provision banning women. Occasionally, she diligently gentle wind flies to chat with her shower. Summer, enjoy the laugh lotus, each petal fall to the lake as the boat drifted tiny gently in the wind, revealing the showers are slowly replacing dark green shirt. These her bees, butterflies fly around the flowers you like frolicking. These rays light playfully helped soothe, cool for flowers. All create a truly flawless picture.

Every spare time, I went a round the lake enjoying special faint scent very attractive. Sometimes, I'm left wondering: Sao between black mud to grow a beautiful white flower and smells so much? Perhaps colored lotus symbolizes graciousness! My grandmother used to take lotus seeds and cook marinated lotus tea or taking tea to combat insomnia.

I love lotus plant much! Every time we look at the tree, I felt serene, gentle soul, pleasant.

Bạn phải tự lm chứ! Nộp bài thì phải nộp bài trung thực, không nên lấy đi công sức của người khác.

23 tháng 3 2017

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth.

23 tháng 3 2017

thông cảm không biết tiếng anh

Bài 1

Vietnam is famous for its several holiday and festival, especially Tet holiday. It takes place from the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar until at least the third day. Although occurring in short period of time, it is believed to be the most important and popular holiday in Vietnam. There are many special food are made so as to prepare for Tet meal such as: sky square cake, Vietnamese sausage, sky rice and jam. The food is thought to reflect Vietnam’s habit and custom as well as Vietnamese’s lifestyle. Besides, the meal has other dishes fish, vegetable to show the hope for a successful and prosperous new year. In term of customs, children’s receiving red envelop from the elder, visiting relative’s houses and going to church are popular activities. Giving lucky money is thought to bring children hope and health. Church is the symbol of peace; therefore, individual go there and pray for successive year. Traditionally, the house is designed with peach flower in the North and Ochna integerrima in the south part of Vietnam. Besides, the house as well as town are clear, decorative and beautiful as all are ready to start a new year. People have cozy atmosphere and enjoy joyful time with their family’s members. It’s high time for people living at different parts of country gathering and spending time together. Tet is a chance for one to come back home after many stress and pressure of studying and working environment. Tet is not simply a holiday, it is culture and habit of Vietnamese since its deep meaning is sacred and important. All in all, Tet includes not only joy but also long-standing event in people’s soul as it helps one grow up through experience.

~ học tốt ~

Bài 2:

Tet is a national and family festival. It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to have a good time while thinking about the last year and the next year. At Tet, spring fairs are organized, streets and public buildings are brightly decorated and almost all shops are crowded with people shopping for Tet. At home, every is tidied, special food is cooked,offerings of food, fresh water, flowers and betel are made on the family altar with burning joss- sks scenting the air. First-footing is made when the lucky visitor comes and children are given lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also a time for peace and love. During Tet, children often behave well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year.