I. Use the words in the box to describe the people below.
absent-minded | bossy | generous | impulsive | indecisive |
laid-back | punctual | reliable | shy | witty |
47. Andrew can never make up his mind about anything. Just don’t offer him a choice! ……………………….
48. Carlos is not rich, but he always buys us drinks. ……………………….
49. Claudia has never been late for a class - not once in seven months! ……………………….
50. I can’t believe that guy Klaus. One day he just walked out of the class and went to Peru. …………………
51. Jana doesn’t seem to worry about anything. I wish I was more like her! ……………………….
52. Millie tries to dominate the class. She really pushes everyone around. ……………………….
53. Poor Sandra! Recently she left her laptop computer at a bus stop. ……………………….
54. Ruth is very sweet, but she never speaks unless you speak to her first. ……………………….
55. When the teacher asks questions, Naseem always has a funny answer. ……………………….
56. You can always depend on Ashok. ……………………….