
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

21 tháng 1 2018

Sender's Address

No. 16, Giang Van Minh Street, Ba Dinh District
Hanoi City, Vietnam


July 11, 2014

Recipient's Information

Customer Service Manager
ABC Hotel,
Da Nang City, Vietnam


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to complain of the poor service I received at your hotel on July 5, 2014.
I stayed at your hotel on that day. The weather unexpectedly turned bad with strong wind and heavy rain. The roof of my room was leaking rain water, and the heater was not working well. I reported the problem to your customer service officers at the front desk, but they just came, looked at the heater and the roof and said, “We’ll be working on them”. In fact, nothing was done at all. Then I asked them to change my room, but unfortunately there were no available rooms at that time. With two days and one night in very poor conditions, I soon got sick. Returning home, I had to ask my boss for two more days off and missed one important meeting.
I would suggest that you pay more attention to your service center and take better care of your customers to make sure that the same problem will not happen again.
Next time, I will not choose to stay at your hotel and tell my family and friends about my bad experience at your hotel if I see no improvement in your service.
I look forward to hearing from you!


Yours faithfully,


Nguyen Minh Hang
13 tháng 10 2019

                                                               Bn tham khảo nha

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with the quality of service from your company. I booked online a package tour on the website of your company but unfortunately, the trip did not live up to my expectations.

When it comes to my trip, I was deeply dissatisfied not only with delayed flight but also low- quality service from your company. As I booked all- inclusive vacation package, the accomodation at least should have provided necessities to satisfy my demands but it did not. For three days, I had to live cramped in a narrow and lightly furnished room. In addition to, the air conditioner and the shower were out of order, which really annoyed me. Moreover, a visit to the zoo was cancelled unwarrantedly only because of rainy weather.

In this worst case scenario, I expect to receive a refund from your company for all the charges I paid or any measures you could take to compensate for me. I look forward to a swift solution to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Sir,

My name is Adison who purchased online a dress from your shop and my order number is #26102001. However, against all my expectations, I was fairly dissatisfied with quality of the product and its delayed arrival.

Firstly, I placed the order online on 15th January. But not until two weeks had gone by did I receive this product while you promised to send it to me for around 6 days. Secondly, the product I got is faulty one and it is far different from what I saw on the website. The cloth material and patterns of the dress only have a few similarities in comparison with the product you suggested me. In addition to, you gave me a yellow one instead of sending me a white dress as I ordered.

I will not demand a refund but please arrange for a replacement of this product at the earliest. I hope that this problem will be solved promptly.

Yours faithfully,

Chúc cậu học tốt !!!

The world around us is growing rapidly. The job bridge and everything increases but one thing you don't know is that environmental pollution also increases every day. The day of tons of waste is poured out, High substances like mountains. The garbage mountain is also the lack of people's awareness. Everyone who often lacks consciousness and littering wildly. . The places we go almost also saw garbage. Is the presence of our consciousness. The more environmental infection. Fire is also due to the environmental pollution. So we need Contributing to each person a little, each one will have no environmental pollution.

Bạn tham khảo bài do mình tự viết nhé!

29 tháng 8 2021

Tham Khảo :

Tiếng Anh

Environmental pollution has become a controversial issue that puts severe pressure on our rhythm of life. The pollution on Earth has reached such an alarming level that immediate involvement from governments and individuals collaboration now are of great importance. First and foremost, industrial activities are considered to be the main cause for air pollution. Along with the global industrialization, the burning of fossil fuels, motor vehicles and factories are contaminating the air by their emission of harmful fumes. In the second place, pervasive deforestation for land use, overuse of fertilizers and the dumping pollutants such as plastic or non- biodegradable packing in the ground has affected the ecosystem and led to soil pollution. This puts bad long- term effects on vegetation and soil fertility. Serious attempt to relieve the effects of pollution and preserve the environment need to be made as soon as possible. Governments can monitor the exhaust purification process of large factories so that they can prevent dangerous exhaust from the environment. Moreover, stricter regulations and laws against forests exploitation can help preserve pristine environment. Individuals should be responsible and raise awareness for the protection of environment. In conclusion, pollution has increasingly become a threat to the globe, directly affects our life and for the sake of environment and all citizens around the world, we should work hand in hand to protect our friendly house- the earth.

Tiếng Việt

Ô nhiễm môi trường đã và đang trở thành vấn đề gây tranh cãi và nó đã gây ra nhiều khó khăn áp lực lên cuộc sống của chúng ta. Tình trạng ô nhiễm môi trường trên trái đất đã chạm đến mức báo động vì vậy hiện tại những giải pháp cấp thiết từ chính phủ cũng như sự hợp tác của mỗi cá nhân là vô cùng quan trọng. Điều đầu tiên nói đến, những hoạt động công nghiệp được coi là nguyên nhân chính cho việc ô nhiễm không khí. Cùng với sự nóng lên toàn cầu, sự đốt cháy những nhiên liệu hoá thạch, các phương tiện xe cộ và các nhà máy đang làm ô nhiễm không khí bằng sự thải ra những khí độc hại. Điều thứ hai, sự phá rừng bừa bãi cho việc sử dụng đất, lạm dụng phân bón và sự thải ra những chất gây ô nhiễm như túi bóng hoặc những túi không thể phân hủy xuống đất đã ảnh hưởng nhiều đến hệ sinh thái và dẫn đến sự ô nhiễm đất. Điều này đã để lại những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lâu dài lên hệ thực vật và sự phì nhiêu của đất. Những giải pháp cấp thiết để làm giảm tác hại của ô nhiễm môi trường và giữ gìn môi trường cần được đưa ra sớm nhất có thể. Chính phủ có thể quản lí quá trình xử lí các chất độc hại của các nhà máy lớn vì vậy họ có thể ngăn chặn những chất ô nhiễm ra ngoài môi trường. Hơn nữa, những quy định và luật lệ nghiêm khắc hơn đối với sự khai thác rừng có thể giúp bảo tồn môi trường tự nhiên. Các cá nhân cũng cần phải có trách nhiệm và nâng cao ý thức về việc bảo vệ môi trường. Kết lại, ô nhiễm môi trường đang nhanh chóng trở thành một mối nguy hiểm với toàn cầu, ảnh hưởng trực tiếp tới cuộc sống của chúng ta, và vì lợi ích của môi trường cũng như của công dân trên toàn thế giới, chúng ta cần chung tay bảo vệ ngôi nhà chung của chúng ta- trái đất.

24 tháng 2 2017

Enviroment is neccessary thing for this life. Enviroment is the air we breath, the water people drink and is everything they need for their life. But now the most important thing for the life is being polluted. This pollution affects the health of all living things. Air is damaged by lorry fumes and car, and power stations create acid rain which can destroys entire lakes and forests. When fossil fuels: gas, oil and coal are burned to provide energy for cooking, lighting etc. they form polluting gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from sewage works and factories, and artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, spreading disease, and killing wildlife. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans create rubbish! Each household produces about one tonne of rubbish each year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and burned in incinerators or buried in enormous landfill sites – both of these actions can be dangerous for our environment.

But only people can change and solve it. Pollution could be prevented by all thing we do each day. First people can use recycled paper to save trees. Second try to avoid using plastic. It is hard to recycle. People should refuse to use carrier bags. If people can not avoid buying plastic bags, they should use re-use plastic bags many times. Finally people must take their old clothes to charity shops. People also should save energy to protect environment. Switching off all electric things when they are not in use, walk or use a bicycle instead of car for short trips, keep healthy life and keep clean atmosphere.

Keep clean environment isn’t only all ways are mentioned before but also to protect natural resources. That is the way to conserver wild life. First we need to conserve the old forest, rainforest, build more safari and national park, and plant more trees to make place to live for wild animals. Second we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many out of the law allowance.

Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent and find more and more way to protect enviroment. I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.

15 tháng 1 2018

Environment is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But nowadays, our environment is disturbing in many different ways. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally. It does not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings. We can save our environment with the little step taken by everyone on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only…and many other simple ways. It is very important to save environment for human existence. When we protect the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well.

24 tháng 2 2018

Environment is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But nowadays, our environment is disturbing in many different ways. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally. It does not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings. We can save our environment with the little step taken by everyone on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only…and many other simple ways. It is very important to save environment for human existence. When we protect the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well.


Môi trường là một phần thiết yếu trong cuộc sống của chúng ta. Một môi trường sạch sẽ là điều cần thiết cho một cuộc sống thanh bình và lành mạnh. Một môi trường xung quanh tự nhiên giúp con người, động vật và các sinh vật khác phát triển và phát triển tự nhiên. Nhưng ngày nay, môi trường của chúng ta đang làm phiền nhiều cách khác nhau. Bất kỳ loại xáo trộn nào trong sự cân bằng của thiên nhiên đều ảnh hưởng đến môi trường. Nó không chỉ làm hỏng cuộc sống của con người mà còn ảnh hưởng đến tất cả chúng sinh. Chúng ta có thể cứu vãn môi trường của chúng ta với những bước đi nhỏ của mọi người trên trái đất. Chúng ta nên giảm bớt lượng rác thải, thải chất thải đúng chỗ của nó ... và nhiều cách đơn giản khác. Điều rất quan trọng là phải bảo vệ môi trường cho sự tồn tại của con người. Khi chúng ta bảo vệ môi trường, chúng ta cũng đang bảo vệ bản thân và tương lai của chúng ta.

2 tháng 3 2018

Enviroment is neccessary thing for this life. Enviroment is the air we breath, the water people drink and is everything they need for their life. But now the most important thing for the life is being polluted. This pollution affects the health of all living things. Air is damaged by lorry fumes and car, and power stations create acid rain which can destroys entire lakes and forests. When fossil fuels: gas, oil and coal are burned to provide energy for cooking, lighting etc. they form polluting gases. Not only on land but also in the sea, oils spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from sewage works and factories, and artificial fertilisers from farmland, pollute river water, spreading disease, and killing wildlife. Everything is being caused by human’s existence. Humans create rubbish! Each household produces about one tonne of rubbish each year! Most of this is taken away by dustmen and burned in incinerators or buried in enormous landfill sites – both of these actions can be dangerous for our environment.

But only people can change and solve it. Pollution could be prevented by all thing we do each day. First people can use recycled paper to save trees. Second try to avoid using plastic. It is hard to recycle. People should refuse to use carrier bags. If people can not avoid buying plastic bags, they should use re-use plastic bags many times. Finally people must take their old clothes to charity shops. People also should save energy to protect environment. Switching off all electric things when they are not in use, walk or use a bicycle instead of car for short trips, keep healthy life and keep clean atmosphere.

Keep clean environment isn’t only all ways are mentioned before but also to protect natural resources. That is the way to conserver wild life. First we need to conserve the old forest, rainforest, build more safari and national park, and plant more trees to make place to live for wild animals. Second we need to prohibit hunters who hunt animals too many out of the law allowance.

Finally, we now know that enviroment is the most important thing for life and we know how to protect and use it scientifically. Everyday we invent and find more and more way to protect enviroment. I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.

21 tháng 12 2023

Dear Lvamy,

I think you need to know about Tet and I also need, So, read it:

Vietnam is a country famous for its several holidays and festivals, especially Tet holiday. It takes place from the first day in the lunar calendar until the third day. Though occurring in a short period of time, Tet is believed to be the most significant and popular holiday in Vietnam. There are many special foods to prepare for Tet meals such as: banh chung, Vietnamese sausage, sticky rice and spring rolls. The food is thought to reflect Vietnamese people’s habit and custom as well as Vietnamese’s lifestyle. Besides, the meal has a variety of dishes such as fish, vegetable to show the hope for a lucky and prosperous new year. In terms of customs, children receiving red envelopes of money from the elderly and people visiting their relative’s houses and going to church are popular activities. Giving lucky money is believed to be able to bring children hope and health in the next year. Church and pagoda are the symbols of peace; therefore, individuals go there and pray for a lucky year. Traditionally, the house is decorated with peach flowers in the North and Ochna integerrima in the southern part of Vietnam. Moreover, the house as well as town are clear, decorative and beautiful as all of them are ready to start a new year. People have a cozy atmosphere and enjoy a happy time with their family’s members. It’s high time for people living in different parts of the country to gather and spend time together. Tet is an opportunity for everyone to come back home after much stress and pressure of studying and working. Tet is not just a holiday, it is a culture and habit of Vietnamese since its deep meaning is sacred and significant. In short, Tet includes not only happiness but also long-standing events in people’s souls.

Thank you for reading! A great and happy Tet!

                                                                                       Ha An


21 tháng 12 2023

Dear Lvamy,

I think you need to know about Tet and I also need, So, read it:

Vietnam is a country famous for its several holidays and festivals, especially Tet holiday. It takes place from the first day in the lunar calendar until the third day. Though occurring in a short period of time, Tet is believed to be the most significant and popular holiday in Vietnam. There are many special foods to prepare for Tet meals such as: banh chung, Vietnamese sausage, sticky rice and spring rolls. The food is thought to reflect Vietnamese people’s habit and custom as well as Vietnamese’s lifestyle. Besides, the meal has a variety of dishes such as fish, vegetable to show the hope for a lucky and prosperous new year. In terms of customs, children receiving red envelopes of money from the elderly and people visiting their relative’s houses and going to church are popular activities. Giving lucky money is believed to be able to bring children hope and health in the next year. Church and pagoda are the symbols of peace; therefore, individuals go there and pray for a lucky year. Traditionally, the house is decorated with peach flowers in the North and Ochna integerrima in the southern part of Vietnam. Moreover, the house as well as town are clear, decorative and beautiful as all of them are ready to start a new year. People have a cozy atmosphere and enjoy a happy time with their family’s members. It’s high time for people living in different parts of the country to gather and spend time together. Tet is an opportunity for everyone to come back home after much stress and pressure of studying and working. Tet is not just a holiday, it is a culture and habit of Vietnamese since its deep meaning is sacred and significant. In short, Tet includes not only happiness but also long-standing events in people’s souls.

Thank you for reading! A great and happy Tet!

                                                                                       Ha An