
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE A. VOCABULARY AND PHONETICS brave /breɪv/ adj. can đảm syn. courageous n. bravery She passed away after a brave fight against cancer. bloom /bluːm/ v. nở hoa n. blossom Most roses begin to bloom from late May. collect /kəˈlekt/ v. thu gom, lấy syn. gather n. collection n. collector (person) We are collecting old bottles for our DIY project. convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ v. thuận tiện ant. inconvenient adv. conveniently n. convenience It is very convenient to go around the city by bus. disturb /dɪˈstɜːb/ v. làm phiền n. disturbance I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment? generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ v. hào phóng ant. mean adv. generously n. generosity It was generous of him to pay for the poor’s lunch yesterday. herd /hɜːd/ v. chăn dắt n. herder In the countryside, children learn to herd the cattle when they are small. nomadic /nəʊˈmædɪk/ adj. thuộc về du mục brave bloom collect convenient disturb generous herd nomadic opportunity safe n. nomad Nomadic life is hard because people have to move a lot. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ n. cơ hội This is the perfect opportunity to make a new start. safe /seɪf/ adj. an toàn ant. unsafe n. safety The children are quite safe here. There are policemen to protect them. B. GRAMMAR DẠNG SO SÁNH CỦA TÍNH TỪ VÀ TRẠNG TỪ 1. Tính từ ngắn và trạng từ ngắn – Tính từ/ trạng từ chỉ có 1 âm tiết Adj/adv Comparative form (adj/ adv + “er”) Superlative form (the adj/ adv + “est”) clean (adj) cleaner the cleanest cold (adj) colder the coldest small (adj) smaller the smallest tall (adj) taller the tallest young (adj) younger the youngest fast (adj/adv) faster the fastest hard (adj/adv) harder the hardest Lưu ý: o Nếu tính từ hoặc trạng từ kết thúc bằng một phụ âm mà trước phụ âm đó là 1 (và chỉ 1) nguyên âm, khi tạo dạng so sánh hơn và dạng so sánh nhất, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối. E.g. wet → weƩer/ the weƩest big → bigger/ the biggest hot → hoƩer/ the hoƩest thin → thinner/ the thinnest o Nếu tính từ hoặc trạng từ kết thúc bằng “y”, ta chuyển “y” thành “i” rồi mới thêm “er” hoặc “est”. E.g. dry → drier/ the driesto Nếu tính từ hoặc trạng từ kết thúc bằng “e”, ta chỉ cần thêm “r” để tạo dạng so sánh hơn và “st” để tạo dạng so sánh nhất. E.g. nice → nicer/ the nicest large → larger/ the largest 2. Tính từ dài và trạng từ dài – Tính từ /trạng từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên adj/adv comparative form (more + adj) superlative form (the most + adj) beautiful (adj) more beautiful the most beautiful boring (adj) more boring the most boring expensive (adj) more expensive the most expensive quickly (adv) more quickly the most quickly confidently (adv) more confidently the most confidently Lưu ý: o Tính từ dài kết thúc bằng “y” thường biến đối giống tính từ ngắn khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất. (Trường hợp này KHÔNG áp dụng với trạng từ.) E.g. dirty → dirƟer/ the dirƟest pretty → preƫer/ the preƫest happy → happier/ the happiest ugly → uglier/ the ugliest o Một số tính từ dài đặc biệt, có thể biến đổi giống tính từ ngắn khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất. E.g. clever → cleverer/ the cleverest simple → simpler/ the simplest narrow → narrower/ the narrowest quiet → quieter/ the quietest 3. Một số tính từ/ trạng từ bất quy tắc E.g. good/ well → beƩer/ the best bad/ badly → worse/ the worst a little/ little → less/ the least much/ many → more/ the most far → further/ the furthest C. EXERCISE Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. adore B. addict C. bracelet D. leisure 2. A. event B. weird C. netlingo D. detest 3. A. virtual B. unique C. steal D. waterwheel Exercise 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. speciality B. activity C. satisfactory D. creativity 5. A. Internet B. cultural C. socialise D. communicate Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 6. Collecting honey from __________ requires a lot of skills. A. beehives B. beenests C. beehouses D. beehomes 7. We are very sorry for any __________ caused by our late delivery. A. convenient B. convenience C. inconvenient D. inconvenience 8. In some rural areas, it’s difficult to find __________ in a house. A. electrify appliances B. electrical appliances C. electricity appliances D. electrician appliances 9. The villagers’ __________ saved the travellers from starving. A. generosity B. generousity C. generosy D. generousness 10. Do not __________! They are doing a very important project. A. disturb B. annoy C. play D. make fun 11. People living a __________ life have to move a lot. A. moving B. stable C. nomadic D. commuting 12. __________ fruits on a farm is one of the most popular part-time jobs among students studying abroad. A. Picking B. Doing C. Making D. Finding 13. Children in the countryside are used to __________ cattle in the field. A. walking B. herding C. following D. rising 14. A/An ___________ area of that forest – about more than 1,000 hectares – was destroyed in the fire. A. vast B. tiny C. small D. inconsiderable 15. __________ kites is one of the most popular outdoor activities among children in the countryside. A. Doing B. Singing C. Flying D. Using Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the part in each of the following sentences. 16. It is easy to get on well with neighbours in the countryside. People are all friendly and willing to help each other. A. to work together with B. to be a helpful friend of C. to have a friendly relationship with D. to exchange goods with 17. The baby is sleeping sound in her mother’s arms. A. deeply and peacefully B. easily to wake up C. sensibly D. safely 18. People in this village are all skilful craftsmen. Their products are qualified for the European market. A. competent B. amateur C. intelligent D. fast Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences. 19. It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both. A. kind B. mean C. brave D. skilful 20. The King was not brave enough to protect his kingdom and let the monster take the Princess away. A. courageous B. confident C. strong D. coward Exercise 4: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 21. Sunny sings the song __________ than Jessie does. A. the most beautifully B. more beautifully C. the most beautiful D. more beautiful 22. Today, Ly came to class __________ than she did yesterday. A. earlier B. more earlily C. more early D. too earlier 23. Is living in the countryside __________ than in the city? A. much convenient B. more convenient C. most convenient D. too convenient 24. The storm is becoming __________ than it was yesterday. A. severe B. severely C. more severe D. more severely 25. The cake tastes __________ than we expected. A. delicious B. more delicious B. deliciously D. more deliciously 26. She is trying to work __________ for her upcoming exam. A. more hardly B. hardly C. hardlier D. harder 27. It seems to be __________ idea so far. A. most brilliant B. more brilliant C. the most brilliant D. the more brilliant 28. Tiffany dances so __________ that nobody thinks that started learning to dance only half a month ago. A. well B. good C. bad D. badly 29. Girls’ Generation is considered one of the __________ Asian girl groups in the 21st century. A. successful B. more successful C. most successful D. the most successful 30. Goldfish band looks cute, but they sing live much __________ than I thought. A. bad B. badly B. worse C. more badly Exercise 5: Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below. 31. The stage was lit (A) brighter (B)than it was (C) according (D)to the plan. 32. Farmers nowadays apply (A) more (B) modern techniques on the farm so that their work becomes less (C) harder (D) than before. 33. My dad has been (A) a (B) stamp collection (C) for more (D) than 20 years. 34. Traditional (A), people in this mountainous (B) area live (C)a nomadic (D) life. 35. After the harvesting (A)time, the farmers load (B) the drawn-buffalo (C) cart with (D) hay. IV. READING Exercise 6: Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F) City life has its advantages and disadvantages and so does country life; however, there seems to be an increased interest in the country, especially among young families. If you are thinking about moving to the country as well but are not sure if it is a good idea, it may help to look at the benefits of country life. In the country, you are woken up by the singing of the birds rather than by the noise from the traffic. Homes in the countryside are surrounded by nature which has a soothing effect on both the mind and the body. Due to virtual absence of cars and factories, you will not be breathing any potentially toxic fumes in the country. Clean air is one of the main advantages of country life over city dwelling. In the country, everyone knows everyone and people actually say ‘hello’. Communities in the countryside are much smaller but they are more connected and open. People in the countryside are really friendlier and are prepared to help without asking anything in return. (Source: Adapted from Country life) T F 36. More and more young families like living in the countryside. 37. Communities in the city are much smaller than those in the countryside. 38. In the countryside, bird singing is very noisy. 39. There are not many cars and factories in the countryside. 40. In the countryside, you should pay money when being helped. Exercise 7: Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each of the questions below. With the habit of working in teams and being helpful to one another, villagers usually earn their living from farming, raising livestock and making handicrafts. They live in a small community with a temple or a communal cultural house where great events, such as festivals worshipping the village god and traditional games are organized. Villagers in the Southern usually live in houses lined up along central road and built on stilts to keep above flood waters. Along the coastal lines, fishermen depend on the sea as a means of livelihood. In the Central of Vietnam, a place suffering lots of natural disasters all the year round, citizens tend to be more studious and hard-working than those in regions with favourable conditions. People in the central highlands and the northern mountains live by growing rice, rubber trees, coffee and tea as well as hunting. 41. Which can be the topic of the passage? A. Villagers across the country B. Villagers around the world C. Vietnamese life in the countryside D. Vietnamese life in the city 42. Which activity is NOT mentioned as a way for villagers to earn their livings? A. farming B. fishing C. studying D. hunting 43. Why do Southern villagers need to build their houses on stilt? A. To protect their houses from being attacked by wild animals B. To protect their houses from being flooded C. To protect their houses from earthquakes D. To protect their houses from evil things 44. Which sentence is NOT true according to the passage? A. There are many natural disasters in the Central part of Vietnam. B. Houses in the Southern part of Vietnam often situate along the coastal line. C. People in the Northern Mountains earn their livings by hunting. D. Villagers often work individually. 45. Which explanation has the closest meaning to the word “studious” in the passage? A. spending a lot of time studying B. lacking academic knowledge C. being lazy in studying D. being very intelligent Exercise 8: Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence. 46. Have you got any better hat than this one? A. Is this one the worse hat you’ve got? B. Is this one the best hat you’ve got? C. Is this one the better hat than that one? D. Is this one the worst hat you’ve got? 47. This is the most luxurious house I’ve ever seen. A. I’ve never seen a more luxurious house than this. B. I’ve never seen the most luxurious house than this. C. I’ve seen a more luxurious house than this. D. I’ve seen a more luxurious house than this. 48. He was the cleverest thief of all times. A. All thieves are cleverer than him. B. No thieves are cleverer than him. C. All thieves are less cleverer than him. D. No thieves are less clever than him. 49. Nam is a more attractive story teller than Mai. A. Nam tells stories attractively than Mai does. B. Nam tells more attractive stories than Mai does. C. Mai tells more attractive stories than Nam does. D. Mai doesn’t tell stories as attractively as Nam does. 50. Ronaldo plays better than anybody in the team. A. Ronaldo is good at playing in team. B. Ronaldo is the best player in the team. C. No one plays worse than Ronaldo in the team. D. Everyone plays better than Ronaldo in the team. Exercise 9: Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently in each line: Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with a suitable comparative form of the words provided: Exercise 11: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box: Exercise 12: Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adjective in box: Exercise 5: Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of word in the brackets: Exercise 13: Use the adjectives in the brackets in their correct form of comparison to complete the sentences:

16 tháng 8 2018

Sometimes I hear adults around me say that it is (0. good) better for children to grow up in the city than in the countryside. They say that the city offers a child more opportunities for (1. high)__higher____ education, and (2. easy)___easier___ access to (3. good) ____better___ facilities. Life there is and (5. convenient)__more convenient____ .

They may be right, but there's one thing they might not know. I feel (6. happy) ___happier___ here than in a crowded and noisy city. Country folk are (7. friendly)___more friendly___ than city folk. I know every boy in my village. Life here is not as (8. fast)__fast____ as that in the city and I feel (9. safe)__safer ____ . Perhaps the (10. good) __best____ place to grow up is the place where you feel at home.

18 tháng 2 2020

thieu so 4( exciting) kia

II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn 1, Children, has, help, important, interesting, learn, libraries, problems, see, use Books play a very ........................ part in our life. It’s true that every family ........................ books. We can ........................ books everywhere. We can ........................ many things from books. Books ........................ us in self- education and deciding ........................ in...
Đọc tiếp
II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn 1, Children, has, help, important, interesting, learn, libraries, problems, see, use Books play a very ........................ part in our life. It’s true that every family ........................ books. We can ........................ books everywhere. We can ........................ many things from books. Books ........................ us in self- education and deciding ........................ in life. Today, there are a lot of public ........................ in our country and all people have the right to go to ........................ them. Each year hundreds of new books for ........................ appear in Vietnam. The books are very ........................ and children like reading them very much. 2, geography, lessons, on, each, have, subject, school, tired, begins, from Today is the first day of the .................. term. I have just got my new timetable. The first lesson is English. This lesson .................. at nine o’clock and finishes at ten to ten. The next lesson is .................. and then we have a break. The break lasts .................. ten forty to eleven fifty-five. The two .................. after the break are Spanish and Math. Tomorrow we .................. Physics before the break and then History and English. .................. Thursday we have my favourite .................. between ten fifty-five and twelve thirty-five. There are twenty lessons .................. week but they all take place in the morning. We are very .................. by lunchtime
13 tháng 7 2017

II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn

1, Children, has, help, important, interesting, learn, libraries, problems, see, use

Books play a very important part in our life. It’s true that every family has books. We can see books everywhere. We can learn many things from books. Books help us in self- education and deciding problems in life. Today, there are a lot of public libraries in our country and all people have the right to go to use them. Each year hundreds of new books for children appear in Vietnam. The books are very interesting and children like reading them very much.

2, geography, lessons, on, each, have, subject, school, tired, begins, from

Today is the first day of the school term. I have just got my new timetable. The first lesson is English. This lesson beings at nine o’clock and finishes at ten to ten. The next lesson is geography and then we have a break. The break lasts from ten forty to eleven fifty-five. The two lessons . after the break are Spanish and Math. Tomorrow we have Physics before the break and then History and English. On Thursday we have my favourite subject between ten fifty-five and twelve thirty-five. There are twenty lessons each week but they all take place in the morning. We are very tired by lunchtime.

CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL IN JAPAN Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossom. This kind of flower blossoms across Japan between March and May each year, beginning with Okinawa in the far south in February to northern Hokkaido in May. In ancient Japan, cherry blossom had great importance because it announced the rice – planting season and was used to divine the year’s harvest. Many factors can effect when the cherry blossom comes in to bloom. A particularly cold winter can make the flowers...
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Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossom. This kind of flower blossoms across Japan between March and May each year, beginning with Okinawa in the far south in February to northern Hokkaido in May. In ancient Japan, cherry blossom had great importance because it announced the rice – planting season and was used to divine the year’s harvest.

Many factors can effect when the cherry blossom comes in to bloom. A particularly cold winter can make the flowers come out late. Mild weather can allow them blossom sooner. Heavy rain can mean that the trees drop their petals much quicker than otherwise.

If you are lucky enough to visit Japan during cherry blossom season, you should go to the local parks and gardens, bring some picnic food and drinks and join the Cherry Blossom Festival (or hanami in Japanese). It is one of the traditional customs of Japan and it is very famous. During this period, the Japanese are very relaxed,, and everyone enjoys the pleasant atmosphere.

1. When does sakura blossom?

2. Why was cherry blossom very important in ancient Japan?

3. What can make cherry blossom trees drop their petals much quicker?

4. What are you recommended if you visit Japan during cherry blossom season?

5. What is hanami?

30 tháng 4 2018

Scientist say life started in the ocean. However, humans aren't natural swimmers. We can swim as babies, but we forget and then we must learn to swim again.

We must not forget that our world is mainly water. So we should all learn to swim. We ought to try to stay from water, but it is very diffcult. The time always comes when we need to cross water.

We should learn to swim when we are young. It is easier to learn then. Our parents can help. They can give us the opportunity to learn to swim

a) What do scientists say?

=>Scientist say life started in the ocean

b) What can we do as babies?

=>We can swim as babies

c) Can we still remember how to swim when we have grown up?

=>No,we can't

d) Is our world mainly water?Why do you know?

=>Yes,it is. Because the paragraph was written''We must not forget that our world is mainly water.''

e) Is it easy for us to try to stay away from water?

=>No,it isn't

f) Why should we learn to swim when we are young?

=>Because It is easier to learn then

g) Who should help and give us the opportunity to learn to swim when we are young?

=> Our parents can help and give us the opportunity to learn to swim when we are young

h) Should we learn to swim ourselves in the river or in the pond?Why not?

=>No,we shouldn't.Because these places are dangerous

Complete the passage:Do you want to be a fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1)................relaxed? Then try a (2)...............days at a healthy farm. Healthfarms are becoming (3)...............of the most popular places (4)....................a short break. I went to Halley Manor for a weekend. It's (5)...............largest health farm in the country (6)........it isn't the most expensive. After two exercise I (7)..........10 times better. But the...
Đọc tiếp

Complete the passage:

Do you want to be a fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1)................relaxed? Then try a (2)...............days at a healthy farm. Healthfarms are becoming (3)...............of the most popular places (4)....................a short break. I went to Halley Manor for a weekend. It's (5)...............largest health farm in the country (6)........it isn't the most expensive. After two exercise I (7)..........10 times better. But the best thing for me was the food. It was all very healthy of (8).....n......, but it was excellent, too. If you are looking for something a (9)............ cheaper, try a winter break. Winter is the darknest and coldest (10)..............of the year, and it can also be the worst time for your body. We all eat too (11)..............and we (12)..........take enough exercise. A lot of health farms offer lower prices from Monday (13).............Friday, from November to March.

13 tháng 11 2016

Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1) ....more.... relaxed?Then try a (2) ....few....days at a health farm. Health farms are becoming (3) ....one.... of the most popular places (4) ....for.... a short break. I went to Henley Manor for a weekend. It's (5)....the....largest health farm in the country (6) ....but.... it isn't the most expensive.After two days of exercise I (7) ....feel....10 times better. But the best thing for me was the food. It was all very healthy of (8)....course....,but it was excellent,too.
If you are looking for something a (9)....little.... cheaper, try a winter break. Winter is the darkest and the coldest (10) ....season.... of the year,and it can also be the worst time for your body. We all eat too (11) ....much.... and we (12) ....don't.... take enough exercise. A lot of health farms offer lower prices from Monday (13)....to....Friday, from November to March.

27 tháng 3 2017

huhu, hôm nay mk thi lm sai 3 câu rồi tiếc quá,huhu

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9....
Đọc tiếp
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9. A.singer B. actor C.film director D. film producer 10. A. canvas B. water puppet C. crayon D. pencil III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A. perform B. performed C. performing D. performance 12. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A. note B. notice C. time D. place 13. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours. A. tradition - nature B. traditional - natural C. traditional - nature D. tradition - natural 14. You can see many interesting in that art gallery. A. paints B. colours C. portraits D. paper 15. Water puppetry in the 11thcentury in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. A. start B. begin C. originated D. formed 16. The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages. A. country B. rural C. city D. urban 17. The group is for their albums and tours around the world. A. well-prepared B. well-known C. well-know D. know-how 18. The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and . A. everyday life - folk tales B. every day life - folk stories C. everyday life - folk rock D. every day lives - folk people 19. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t . A. too B. so C. either D. like that 20. Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films . A. too B. either C. so D. however 21. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam. A. school year B. subjects C. curriculum D. education 22. For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student. A. necessary B. need C. needs D. necessity 23. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children. A. important B. importance C. unimportant D. unimportance 24. Classical music is not as pop music. A. as exciting B. as excited C. exciting D. more excited 25. This film is not long as the film I watched last week. A. as B. but C. either D. too 26. My brother’s taste in art is quite different mine. A. than B. as C. to D. from 27. My village is not it was ten years ago. A. same as B. the same C. the same as D. the same like 28. The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all. A. as friend as B. as friendly as C. different from D. not as friendly as 29. This year’s musical festival is not it was last year. A. as good as B. as well as C. different from D. worse 30. My cousin, Mai, is the same age me . A. like B. to C. of D. as IV.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. My friends and I have written a (51) . We have decided to (52) it for our school. I have already built the set. Karen has just finished the (53) for us to wear. I haven’t learned the (54) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (55) . I haven’t been in a play before. I can’t wait! 51. A.film B. song C. play D. club 52. A.perform B. make C. take D. build 53. A.stage B. actors C.play D. costumes 54. A.script B. scripts C.play D. lessons 55. A. also B. then C. too D. either V . Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau. 1. It is easy for him ( go/ going / to go/ went ) abroad at the moment. 2. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to ( drive / drove / droven/ driving ) on the left. 3. He used to ( going/ went/ go / gone ) home late at night. 6. Would you mind if I ( use / using / used/ am using ) you computer ? 7. They can’t go home ( so/ although/ but / because ) it is very dark. 8. I suggest that you ( turning/ turned/ should turn / to turn ) off all lights when going out. 9. Do you mind ( helping/ help/ helped/ to help ) me with the housework ? 10. I suggest ( collect/ collected/ collecting/ to collect ) unused clothes for the poor children. 11. Do you like ( playing/ play/ to play/ plays ) the piano ? 12. Would you like ( drink/ to drink/ drinking/ drinks ) some milk ? 13. She studies well ( because/ although/ so/ however ) she is busy. 14. The child laughed ( happy/ happily/ happily/ happiness ) when playing with some toys. 15. Mary ( uses to / used to/ is used to / used to ) write to me last year. 16. ( Although / However / Because / But ) we are for away from each other, we still keep in touch. 17. Everyone must take part in ( prevent / preventing / to prevent/ prevented ) deforestation. 18. They made their living by ( catch/ to catch / catching/ caught ) fish in the ocean everyday. 19. She sings very ( beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully ). 20. It is ( danger/ dangerous/ dangerously/ endanger ) to go out alone at night. EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS) 1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock” 2. Thomas said “All the students will have a meeting next week” 3. She said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” 4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully” 5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” 6. She said “I may visit my parents in summer” 7. The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students” 8. She said “I don’t buy this book” 9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” 10. Her classmate said “Ha is the most intelligent girl in our class” EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: YES/NO QUESTIONS) 1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter 2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam 3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam 4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom 5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: WH-QUESTIONS) 1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me 2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John 3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?” 4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom 5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?” Giúp mik với cảm ơn mọi người nhiều ạ!!!
31 tháng 12 2021

dữ sợ nhỉ bạn

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9....
Đọc tiếp
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9. A.singer B. actor C.film director D. film producer 10. A. canvas B. water puppet C. crayon D. pencil III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A. perform B. performed C. performing D. performance 12. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A. note B. notice C. time D. place 13. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours. A. tradition - nature B. traditional - natural C. traditional - nature D. tradition - natural 14. You can see many interesting in that art gallery. A. paints B. colours C. portraits D. paper 15. Water puppetry in the 11thcentury in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. A. start B. begin C. originated D. formed 16. The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages. A. country B. rural C. city D. urban 17. The group is for their albums and tours around the world. A. well-prepared B. well-known C. well-know D. know-how 18. The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and . A. everyday life - folk tales B. every day life - folk stories C. everyday life - folk rock D. every day lives - folk people 19. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t . A. too B. so C. either D. like that 20. Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films . A. too B. either C. so D. however 21. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam. A. school year B. subjects C. curriculum D. education 22. For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student. A. necessary B. need C. needs D. necessity 23. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children. A. important B. importance C. unimportant D. unimportance 24. Classical music is not as pop music. A. as exciting B. as excited C. exciting D. more excited 25. This film is not long as the film I watched last week. A. as B. but C. either D. too 26. My brother’s taste in art is quite different mine. A. than B. as C. to D. from 27. My village is not it was ten years ago. A. same as B. the same C. the same as D. the same like 28. The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all. A. as friend as B. as friendly as C. different from D. not as friendly as 29. This year’s musical festival is not it was last year. A. as good as B. as well as C. different from D. worse 30. My cousin, Mai, is the same age me . A. like B. to C. of D. as IV.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. My friends and I have written a (51) . We have decided to (52) it for our school. I have already built the set. Karen has just finished the (53) for us to wear. I haven’t learned the (54) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (55) . I haven’t been in a play before. I can’t wait! 51. A.film B. song C. play D. club 52. A.perform B. make C. take D. build 53. A.stage B. actors C.play D. costumes 54. A.script B. scripts C.play D. lessons 55. A. also B. then C. too D. either V . Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau. 1. It is easy for him ( go/ going / to go/ went ) abroad at the moment. 2. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to ( drive / drove / droven/ driving ) on the left. 3. He used to ( going/ went/ go / gone ) home late at night. 6. Would you mind if I ( use / using / used/ am using ) you computer ? 7. They can’t go home ( so/ although/ but / because ) it is very dark. 8. I suggest that you ( turning/ turned/ should turn / to turn ) off all lights when going out. 9. Do you mind ( helping/ help/ helped/ to help ) me with the housework ? 10. I suggest ( collect/ collected/ collecting/ to collect ) unused clothes for the poor children. 11. Do you like ( playing/ play/ to play/ plays ) the piano ? 12. Would you like ( drink/ to drink/ drinking/ drinks ) some milk ? 13. She studies well ( because/ although/ so/ however ) she is busy. 14. The child laughed ( happy/ happily/ happily/ happiness ) when playing with some toys. 15. Mary ( uses to / used to/ is used to / used to ) write to me last year. 16. ( Although / However / Because / But ) we are for away from each other, we still keep in touch. 17. Everyone must take part in ( prevent / preventing / to prevent/ prevented ) deforestation. 18. They made their living by ( catch/ to catch / catching/ caught ) fish in the ocean everyday. 19. She sings very ( beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully ). 20. It is ( danger/ dangerous/ dangerously/ endanger ) to go out alone at night. EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS) 1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock” 2. Thomas said “All the students will have a meeting next week” 3. She said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” 4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully” 5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” 6. She said “I may visit my parents in summer” 7. The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students” 8. She said “I don’t buy this book” 9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” 10. Her classmate said “Ha is the most intelligent girl in our class” EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: YES/NO QUESTIONS) 1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter 2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam 3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam 4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom 5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: WH-QUESTIONS) 1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me 2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John 3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?” 4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom 5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?”
11 tháng 8 2020


1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter

=> Mike asked Peter if he enjoyed reading.

2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam

=> Hang asked Nam if he liked sports.

3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam

=> She asked Nam if his sister and brother went to the same school.

4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom

=> She asked her mom if there were some oranges in the fridge.

5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend

=> He asked his friend if it would rain the next morning.


1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me

=> The teacher asked me where my father worked.

2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John

=> She asked John how many people there were in his family.

3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?”

=> Tam's friend asked him how long he would stay in England.

4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom

=> She asked her mom what time the film began.

5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?”

=> The teacher said to Lien what her hobby was.

4 tháng 2 2017

Do you want to be fitter and heathier ? Would you like to look younger ? Do you want to feel (1) more relaxed ? Then try a few days at a health farm . Health farms are becoming (2) one of the most popular places (3) for a short break . I went to Henley Manor for a weekend . It's (4) the largest health farm in the country (5) but it isn't the most expensive . After two days of exrcise I (6) felt ten times better . But the best thing for me was the food . It was all very healthy , of (7) course , but it was excellent , too !

If you're looking for something a (8) little cheaper , try a winter break . Winter in the darkest and the coldest (9) season of the year , and it can also be the worst time for your body . We all eat too (10) much and we don't take enough exrcise . A lot of health farms offer lower prices Monday to Friday from November to March .

I/ Combine each sentences into a new one,using “adj + enough + to.v”: 1. She is old. She can work by herself. 2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you. 3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination. 4. The girl is not clever. She cannot mend this shirt. 5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil. 6. Your sister was clever. She could do this exercise in a few minutes. 7. Peter is very ill. He must see the doctor. 8. Mary is not old. She cannot do that...
Đọc tiếp

I/ Combine each sentences into a new one,using “adj + enough + to.v”:

1. She is old. She can work by herself.

2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you.

3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination.

4. The girl is not clever. She cannot mend this shirt.

5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil.

6. Your sister was clever. She could do this exercise in a few minutes.

7. Peter is very ill. He must see the doctor.

8. Mary is not old. She cannot do that work.

9. We were not early. We could not see the first part of the play.

10. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

11. He is tall. He can play volleyball.

12. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

13. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.

14. Mr Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

15. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.

II/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + for + n/pro + to.v”:

1. The story is short. We can read it in one hour.

2. The film was very good. We saw it through.

3. The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it.

4. This song is very simple. Everybody can sing it.

5. This book is very interesting. You should read it.

6. Some of the books are important. I must read them.

7. He was kind. Everybody liked him.

8. The programme on TV was interesting. We followed it through.

9. This exercise is very easy. The pupils can finish it in five minutes.

10. The weather is very fine. We can go out for a walk.

11. The radio isn’t small. You cannot put it in your pocket.

12. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.

13. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

14. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them.

15. This book is long. I can read it.

III/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “enough + noun + to.v”:

1. We have money. We can buy that motorcycle.

2. She has a lot of free time. She can go to the movies with you.

3. Mr. Brown has experience. He can solve this problem.

4. There are enough knitting frames in the workshop. Student can practice knitting.

5. I haven’t got money. I can’t go away on holiday.

6. We have enough time. We can get to the airport on time.

7. She doesn’t know enough French. She cannot read a newspaper in French.

8. Lien has no friends. She cannot share this work.

9. There are a lot of books. He will stay at home to read them.

10. Tom bought many books. I could borrow him.

IV. Combine each sentences into a new one using “enough”

1. This soup is very hot. We can eat it.
2. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them.
3. This morning is very cold. We could go swimming.
4. She can carry the box; it’s very heavy.
5. The room was very dirty. Nobody can learn it.
6. It was very late. She could go home.
7. The class was very tired. The teacher could explain the lesson.
8. They can’t sleep. They aren’t tired.
9. She could see the film because it was very boring.
10. She is old, so she can drive a car.
11. All students had to stay at home because it rained heavily.
12. You can catch any taxi to the airport because it is very early.
13. The truck can go through the gate because it is very wide.
14. Tom was very brave boy, so all his friends admired him.
15. The room was very comfortable. We all fell asleep easily.
16. It was very cold. They could keep working in the field.
17. He spoke slowly. We could understand him.
18. The fair was very noisy. We could hear each other.
19. The soup is very excellent. We will have some.
20. They were very tired, so they stopped working.


(quaù ..... khoâng coù theå)



Thí duï: She is too young to do what she wants.

(Coâ ta quaù nhoû khoâng coù theå laøm nhöõng gì maø coâ ta muoán)

Those apples are too ripe to eat.
(Nhöõng quaû taùo ñoù quaù chín khoâng coù theå aên ñöôïc)

He is short . He cannot play volleyball. à He is too short to play volleyball.
(Anh aáy quas thaáp khoâng coù theå chôi boùng chuyeàn)



Thí duï: The weather is too bad for us to go camping.
(Thôøi tieát quaù xaáu ñeán möùc chuùng toâi khoâng coù theå ñi caém traïi)

The exercise is difficult.Students cann’t do them in one hour.
à The exercise is too difficult for students to do in one hour.
(Baøi taäp quaù khoù ñeán möùc hoïc sinh khoâng coù theå laøm trong 1 gioø)

3. TRANSFORMATION (Bieán ñoåi caâu)

TOO + ADJ1 + FOR ..... + TO.V à NOT + ADJ2 + ENOUGH + FOR ..... + TO.V

Note: ADJ1 ¹ ADJ2

Thí duï: These shoes are too small for me to wear. (Giaøy naøy quaù nhoû neân toâi mang khoâng vöøa)
à These shoes are not big enough for me to wear.(Giaøy naøy khoâng lôùn neân toâi mang khoâng vöøa)


I/ Combine each sentences into a new one,using “too + adj + to.V”:

1. The children were very late. They couldn’t see the display of fireworks.

2. Your brother is very young. He can’t go swimming.

3. He was very old. He couldn’t ride the bumper car.

4. Mary was tired. She didn’t go on with the work.

5. I am very anxious. I can’t wait for you any longer.

6. He is very proud. He cannot do that.

7. That piece of wood is very hard. It cannot be broken.

8. She is very eager. She cannot wait for you.

9. The tooth is very decayed. It can’t be kept.

10. The girl is very sick. She can’t do the work herself.

11. This boy is very sleepy. He cannot enjoy the display of fireworks.

12. The fruit is very green. It can’t be eaten.

13. Those bananas are very ripe. They can’t be kept for a long time

14. She is very old. She can’t work hard.

15. They are too old. They can’t enjoy it.

II/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “too + adj + for + pro/noun + to.V”:

16. The sound is very low. We can’t hear it.

17. This book is very difficult. I can’t read it.

18. This table is very heavy. He couldn’t move it.

19. The programme is very long. They can’t broadcast it.

20. This soup is very hot. I can’t eat it.

21. The story is very long. You cannot reat it in an hour.

22. You look very tired. I can’t let you stay here home.

23. The river is very cold. We can’t have a swim.

24. The suitcases were small. Peter couldn’t put all his clothes in them.

25. He was short. I couldn’t invite him a goalkeeper.

III/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “too ...” or “enough ...”:

26. It was very dark, so I couldn’t see the words.

27. It was early, so I couldn’t tell you once more story.

28. Dick is very clever; he can learn this in a short time.

29. My mother is very old. She cannot do that work.

30. That house isn’t large. We can’t stay there for the night.

31. Daisy was very short. She couldn’t reach the picture.

32. Jack is very clever. He can do this work.

33. Diana was very kind. She could help you with the work.

34. The little girl was so shy. She couldn’t tell me the story.

35. He was very sick. He had to see a doctor.

36. The driver was very hurried. He couldn’t wait for me.

37. The movie was so exciting. It attracted all the audience.

38. They are so busy. They can’t help you.

39. The lady was very old. She couldn’t live there by herself.

40. The children are early. They can have good seat.

IV. Rewrite, using “too .....”

41. This skirt is not big enough for her to wear.

42. That house is not large enough for us to stay there for the night.

43. Dick is not clever enough to learn this in a short time.

44. The movie is not exciting enough to attract all the audience.

45. They are not free enough to help you.

46. Jack is not clever enough to do this work.

47. He is not tall enough to reach the books on that shelf.

48. We are not enough strong to lift that heavy box.

49. It is not nice enough for us to go out for a walk.

50. The room is not clean for me to stay in.

51. The weather is so bad that we can’t go out.

52. The film was so boring that we couldn’t go on seeing it.

53. He was so old that he couldn’t run fast.

54. He spoke so fast that we couldn’t understand him.

55. The fair was so noisy that we couldn’t hear each other.

56. You speak so fast that I can’t catch up with your words.

57. It is so early that we can’t go out.

58. The water is so hot that I can’t drink it.

59. The restaurant is so expensive that we can’t eat in that restaurant.

60. He studied so badly that he couldn’t pass the exam.

V. Rewrite, using “enough …..”

61. The blouse is too small for her to wear.

62. It was too dark for me to see the words.

63. It was too early for me to tell you once more story.

64. My mother is too old to do that work.

65. Daisy is too short to reach the picture.

66. The little girl was too shy to tell me the story.

67. The lady was too old to live there by herself.

68. They are too busy to help you.

69. The children are too late to have good seat.

70. The film was too boring to attract us.

The end

11 tháng 11 2017

I/ Combine each sentences into a new one,using “adj + enough + to.v”:

1. She is old. She can work by herself.

=> She is old enough to work by herself.

2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you.

=> The boy is intelligent enough to understand you.

3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination.

=> Mai is good enough to pass the examination.

4. The girl is not clever. She cannot mend this shirt.

=> The girl is not clever enough to mend this shirt.

5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil.

=> This machine is not powerful enough to plough the hard soil.

6. Your sister was clever. She could do this exercise in a few minutes.

=> Your sister was clever enough to do this exercise in a few minutes.

7. Peter is very ill. He must see the doctor.

=> Peter is ill enough to see the doctor.

8. Mary is not old. She cannot do that work.

=> Mary is not old enough to do that work.

9. We were not early. We could not see the first part of the play.

=> We were not early enough to see the first part of the play.

10. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

=> The children were eager enough to play without me.

11. He is tall. He can play volleyball.

=> He is tall enough to play volleyball.

12. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

=> My sister is old enough to drive a car.

13. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.

=> She is beautiful and intelligent enough to become Miss World.

14. Mr Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

=> Mrr Robonson isn't rich enough to buy a house.

15. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.

=> The worker is clever enough to make fine things from wood.

II/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + for + n/pro + to.v”:

1. The story is short. We can read it in one hour.

=> The story is short enough for us to read in one hour.

2. The film was very good. We saw it through.

=> The film was good enough for us to see it through.

3. The play was very amusing. They enjoyed it.

=> The play was amusing enough for them to enjoy.

4. This song is very simple. Everybody can sing it.

=> This song is simple enough for everybody to sing.

5. This book is very interesting. You should read it.

=> This book is interesting enough for you to read.

6. Some of the books are important. I must read them.

=> Some of the books are important enough for me to read.

7. He was kind. Everybody liked him.

=> He was kind enough for everybody to like him.

8. The programme on TV was interesting. We followed it through.

=> The programme on TV was interesting enough for us to follow through.

9. This exercise is very easy. The pupils can finish it in five minutes.

=> This exercise is easy enough for the pupils to finish in five minutes.

10. The weather is very fine. We can go out for a walk.

=> The weather is fine enough for us to go out for a walk.

11. The radio isn’t small. You cannot put it in your pocket.

=> The radio isn't small enough for you to put in your pocket.

12. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.

=> This coat isn't warm for me to wear in winter.

13. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

=> The weather was fine enough for us to go camping.

14. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them.

= > Those apples aren't ripe enough for us to eat.

15. This book is long. I can read it.

=> This book is long enough for me to read.

III/ Combine each sentences into a new one, using “enough + noun + to.v”:

1. We have money. We can buy that motorcycle.

=> We have enough money to buy that motorbike.

2. She has a lot of free time. She can go to the movies with you.

=> She has enough free time to go to the movies with you.

3. Mr. Brown has experience. He can solve this problem.

=> Mr Brown has enough experience to solve this problem.

4. There are enough knitting frames in the workshop. Student can practice knitting.

=> There are enough knitting frames in the workshop for students to pratice knitting.

5. I haven’t got money. I can’t go away on holiday.

=> I haven't got enough money to go away on holiday.

6. We have enough time. We can get to the airport on time.

=> We have enough time to get to the airport on time.

7. She doesn’t know enough French. She cannot read a newspaper in French.

=> She doesn't know enough French to read a newspaper in French.

8. Lien has no friends. She cannot share this work.

=> Lien doesn't have enough friends to share this work.

9. There are a lot of books. He will stay at home to read them.

=> There are enough books for him to stay at home to read.

10. Tom bought many books. I could borrow him.

=> Tom bought enough books for me to borrow him.

IV. Combine each sentences into a new one using “enough”

1. This soup is very hot. We can eat it.

=> This soup isn't cool enough for us to eat.
2. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them.

=> These oranges are ripe enough for you to eat.
3. This morning is very cold. We could go swimming.

=> This morning is cold enough for us to go swimming.
4. She can carry the box; it’s very heavy.

=> She is heavy enough to carry the box.

X. Read the descriptions below of the various activities available around Hanoi. Then write A, B, C, D or E to show the most suitable activity for each of the people below. (5 pts) A. This Mystery Park is part of National Park. Sailing, swimming and other water sports are available at club, with professional teachers. Fishing is available for Mystery Park Club members only (minimum age 18). B. The City Farm is for everyone who loves animals and wants to learn more about trees and fruit. There...
Đọc tiếp

X. Read the descriptions below of the various activities available around Hanoi. Then write A, B, C, D or E to show the most suitable activity for each of the people below. (5 pts)

A. This Mystery Park is part of National Park. Sailing, swimming and other water sports are available at club, with professional teachers. Fishing is available for Mystery Park Club members only (minimum age 18).

B. The City Farm is for everyone who loves animals and wants to learn more about trees and fruit. There are horses, cows, and various kinds of children on the farm. There is also a large orchard with many kinds of fruit: oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, etc. Children under 14 must come with adults.

C. The Local Community Sports Center offers a variety of activities: table-tennis, badminton, indoor football and karate. It is open everyday except for Monday, open from 5p.m to 10p.m.

D. The Walking Club meets every Saturday morning. Club members take part in walks and discussion. Suitable for retired people.

E. The Play Center with a lot of activities for children is open everyday. There are different play areas for different ages. There are playground supervisors to take care of small children.

______ 1. Mr. Hung is retired but dislikes being with groups of elderly people. He doesn't like sports, either. An opportunity to get away from the noise of the city and to enjoy the nature is most suitable for him.

______ 2. Mrs. Ha wants someone to look after her children for an hour three times a week while she goes to an accounting class.

______ 3. Tuan wants to learn swimming in the afternoon after university.

______ 4. Mr. and Mrs. Binh are over 60 years old. They want to go out and meet people of the same age.

______ 5. Phuong and her friends want to play some sports together in the evenings, after classes.

______ 6. Hoa's classes are learning about animals. Her teacher wants to take them to some places where they can see animals to their eyes.

______ 7. This weekend, Mr and Mrs Quang want to take their 5-year-old and 12-year-old children to an out door area where they can have a lot of active games

2 tháng 3 2020

X. Read the descriptions below of the various activities available around Hanoi. Then write A, B, C, D or E to show the most suitable activity for each of the people below. (5 pts)

A. This Mystery Park is part of National Park. Sailing, swimming and other water sports are available at club, with professional teachers. Fishing is available for Mystery Park Club members only (minimum age 18).

B. The City Farm is for everyone who loves animals and wants to learn more about trees and fruit. There are horses, cows, and various kinds of children on the farm. There is also a large orchard with many kinds of fruit: oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, etc. Children under 14 must come with adults.

C. The Local Community Sports Center offers a variety of activities: table-tennis, badminton, indoor football and karate. It is open everyday except for Monday, open from 5p.m to 10p.m.

D. The Walking Club meets every Saturday morning. Club members take part in walks and discussion. Suitable for retired people.

E. The Play Center with a lot of activities for children is open everyday. There are different play areas for different ages. There are playground supervisors to take care of small children.

__B____ 1. Mr. Hung is retired but dislikes being with groups of elderly people. He doesn't like sports, either. An opportunity to get away from the noise of the city and to enjoy the nature is most suitable for him.

__E____ 2. Mrs. Ha wants someone to look after her children for an hour three times a week while she goes to an accounting class.

__A____ 3. Tuan wants to learn swimming in the afternoon after university.

___D___ 4. Mr. and Mrs. Binh are over 60 years old. They want to go out and meet people of the same age.

____C__ 5. Phuong and her friends want to play some sports together in the evenings, after classes.

__B____ 6. Hoa's classes are learning about animals. Her teacher wants to take them to some places where they can see animals to their eyes.

___E___ 7. This weekend, Mr and Mrs Quang want to take their 5-year-old and 12-year-old children to an out door area where they can have a lot of active games