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21 tháng 2 2018

Amidst the immense mountains and forests of Lam Dong province, Dalat, a beautiful town, captivates all those who have been there once. I am one of those.

Dalat is often called the City of Eternal Spring. Flowers of all colors, with many species, the most numerous of which are orchids. More than anywhere else in Vietnam, Dalat sees flowers vie with one another in blossoming in spring. I used to get up early in the morning on fine days to welcome dawn on the highlands. Opening the windows, I had a breath-taking view of nature, and enjoyed the fragrance of wild flowers carried by the clouds, I felt relieved in my heart.

In the late afternoons, I often reserved for visits to the Valley of Love and Sigh Lake covered with quiet pine forests. Twilight on Dalat also brought many pictures and sensations. As a certain poet said, “Dalat is the city of honeymoon, the city of love”.

After two week is rest in Dalat, my health improved a lot. I think in the very near future Dalat will be Switzerland in the South-East Asia. The wind rustling through the pine forests, the roar of waterfalls, the chirping of birds and the clatter of horse ‘s hooves…all of these unforgettable memories always remain with me.


Giữa rừng núi trùng điệp của tỉnh Lâm Đồng, Đà Lạt, thành phố xinh đẹp, quyến rũ tất cả những ai đã từng một lần đến nơi này. Tôi là một trong số đó.

Đà Lạt được mệnh danh là thành phố của mùa xuân vĩnh cửu. Hoa đủ màu sắc, hoa nhiều chủng loại và nhiều nhất là phong lan. Hơn bất cứ nơi đâu ở Việt Nam, Đà Lạt bốn mùa hoa thi nhau nở, nở rộ nhất là vào mùa xuân. Những ngày đẹp trời, tôi thường dạy sớm để đón bình minh trên cao nguyên. Mở cửa sổ phòng ra, nhắm nhìn bức tranh thiên nhiên ngoạn mục và hít thở mùi hương của những bông hoa rừng do mây chở đến, tôi cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm trong lòng.

Vào những buổi chiều tà, tôi thương dành thời gian cho thung lũng Tình Yêu và hồ Than Thở chìm sâu trong sướn đồi của rừng thông tĩnh mịch. Hoàng hôn Đà Lạt mang đến nhiều vẻ và cảm giác. Nói theo một nhà thơ nào đó, ” Đà Lạy là thành phố của tuần trăng mật, thành phố của tình yêu”.

Sau hai tuần nghỉ ở Đà Lạt, sức khỏe tôi tăng lên rõ rệt. Tôi nghĩ trong tương lai không xa, Đà Lạt sẽ là một Thụy Sĩ của vùng Đông Nam châu Á. Tiếng thông reo vi vút, tiếng thác nước, tiếng chim ca, tiếng vó ngựa gõ nhịp đều đều…Tất cả để lại trong tôi những kỉ niệm khó quên.

21 tháng 2 2018

kinh kinh

14 tháng 3 2018

Bài 1:

In my summer holiday, I did not do something special and did not go somewhere special except Chamonix and Venice. Most of my holiday was showing friends of my parents and my grandparents the most important and the most beautiful places of Geneva and its surroundings.

I started the summer holiday before everyone (6 days before). That was because of my grandparents. Well, it first started off when my grand parents came. We were going by car where my grandmother wouldn't walk and I was walking with my grandfather. Because my grandfather s walking and my grandmother doesn't. Well they stayed for 1 month and went back to Turkey. The next visitors were my mother's schoolmates (can you believe it!!). They stayed one month as well. We kind of went to same places, when they were gone that was the fun. We went to Chamonix and Venice.

The best thing there was the Jacuzzi and the pool. In Chamonix, the mountains haven. The highest there was Mont-Blanc and Auguille du Midi. We climbed with a cable car; it was totally amazing and extremely cold. This point was 3842 meters high. And, of course, I should not forget Venice, it was also a haven but I didn't see much because we had small amount of time. The most amazing thing was the square of San Marco Polo and then the gondolas.

The thing I really d about my holiday was getting a brand new VW Passat and seeing my grandparents (first time in two years).

Bài 2: My Exciting Holiday

My unforgottable holiday was when I visited Jogjakarta. It was about a year ago we had a school holiday. Firstly, my best friends and I did not know where to spend our holiday. So, we tried to discuss to go some places that made us have some fun. Then, after a long discussion about the place, we all agreed to visit Jogjakarta. So, we prepared all the things that we needed for it, such as; checking our motorcycle and buying some snacks. The following day, in the sunny Sunday morning we started our trip to go to Jogjakarta. It just took about two hours from my hometown, Ngawi, by motorcycle. After two hours long driving, finally we arrived at the first destination, Borobudur temple. We were amazed with this tremendous temple. Also we wondered how come the ancient people could build this gigan temple without any modern tools. Then we climbed this temple up to the top. It was really exhausting. But when we reached the top, the scenery was incredibly magnificent. We could see Prambanan temple near Borobudur and other beautiful sceneries. Beside that, we were amazed with its carvings on the wall. My friend said that it represented the wealth of Mataram kingdom, but we could not understand it. Then we took many lovely pictures there. Next, we went to our next destination, that was Parangtritis beach. But on the way, we were lost. We did not arrive at Parangtritis beach but at another beach. We all did not know the name of this beach. We did not know either how come we arrived at this beach. We thought we were in the right direction. After exploring this beach we knew the name was Depok beach, near Parangtritis beach. Then we decided to spend our holiday there. This beach was so quiet. There were only few tourists that we met. They were all from Australia. So, we agreed to prace our English ability with them. Although we stuttered and stumbled in the conversation, we could still understand the points. They said they loved this beach. This beach was still natural and less pollution. After that, we were playing on the seashore till we were tired. Then in the evening we went home. At 8.00 p.m. we arrived at home safely. I got so many beautiful experiences there.

   Bài 3: My Favorite Holiday in My Country

My favorite holiday in the United States is Christmas. I have many good memories of Christmas when I was a boy growing up in Colorado. Every Christmas, our family would go to the mountains to find a nice, big evergreen tree and bring it home to decorate in our living room. I d to sit in the dark and watch the Christmas tree lights twinkle with the snow falling outside. Christmas was a time when our relatives got together and invited friends over for parties. We d to eat many holiday foods chocolate fudge, popcorn balls and pumpkin pie.   Sometimes a group of singers would come by our house and sing Christmas songs while we listened. On Christmas morning my family would enjoy exchanging Christmas gifts. It was a happy time for me.

Bài 4: My Trip to the Beach

A long time ago, I went to the beach. Before we left, we loaded all our beach gear into the car. Continuing down the road my sister and two brothers and I sang songs to keep from falling into the depths of boredom. Deciding where to stop for dinner was a real challenge. Everyone wanted to eat at a different restaurant. Finally Dad stopped at Cracker Barrel. I chose green beans, potatoes, and steak for my dinner. We all drank hot cocoa and whipped cream for dessert. Initially we had hoped to reach our destination, Pensacola, before midnight, but it seemed impossible. Just after we crossed the Georgia/Florida border my dad stopped at a hotel. Keeping quiet not to wake the others staying at the hotel, we tiptoed out at 6:00 A.M. Later the next morning, we arrived at the house in Pensacola. My mom’s friend and her family were staying with us. Never is there a dull moment when we are all together. Of course we were very tired from our trip, so we rested all day. Plenty of fun in the sun was in store for us the next day. Ready to get out on the beach I had forgotten something very important. Quite sunburned was I by the end of that day. Sunscreen had not been applied!

Too sunburned was I to go out and have fun. Unmovable, I lay on the couch, watching television. Very unhappy about this terrible mishap I whined and complained. While I rested, I dreamed of the fun I was missing. Extremely bored, with only one day left until we went home, I prayed I would get better. Yet I was already healed. Zooming off of the couch, I hopped into my suit and enjoyed my last day on the beach.

Bài 5: My trip to New York City

The summer before my junior year in high school, my family and I took a trip to a completely new world. Being from a small town, I had never really been exposed to the elements of a large city such as New York City. My trip there was discovering an entirely new way of life that I had only heard stories of previously.

For about the tenth time the morning of the flight, I checked my room to make sure I didn’t leave anything essential behind. My stomach was doing flips as we arrived at the airport and made our way to the gate. It didn’t get much better than this: I watched through the window as the runway zoomed by and the buildings and houses became smaller and smaller as the plane gained altitude. An exhilarating feeling overcame me as I realized that I would soon be in one of the most amazing cities of the United States.

As we stood waiting for a taxi outside of the airport, it was immediately apparent to me that New York City was not the same as New Caney, Texas. It seemed everyone there was in a hurry to get to another place. The loud and constant sound of cars honking was heard throughout the entire trip. As soon as a car seemed to be going slower than the person behind him d, he would hear the horn of that car to let him know that he was apparently holding everybody else up! When we found our hotel in Times Square, I noed that it wasn’t just the cars that were in a hurry. Everyone in the streets was walking at a brisk pace that indicated a rush to be somewhere. The transportation of the city was also far different than anything that I had ever been exposed to. In my little town, a bike, a car, or even walking was perfectly suitable for getting around town, but in this foreign land, there were many more ways for one to get to another destination. Everywhere you looked, there were people hailing taxis, waiting on buses, rushing underground to the subway stations, walking franally, or desperately trying to maneuver their own cars through the busy streets. Just standing and watching the many people rushing their own separate ways was an interesting observation.

In addition to the people and transportation, the buildings were also an incredible sight. Each street was crammed with buildings that were built side by side with no room in between them, and a number of skyscrapers were present throughout the city as well. I was awestruck again as we went inside some of these buildings such as the Empire State Building and made our way towards the top. Standing outside of one of the top stories of the Empire State Building was awesome. I could hold the entire city in my hand from this view. I could even see Ellis Island a distance away from there. The stores were also large compared to the ones of my little town. A small retail store in New Caney would be a huge store that took up an entire building in New York. This would make it seem logical that the prices of everything in New York were almost triple those back home. It was as if the little peaceful neighborhood where I lived was magnified by 100 to make up the wonder city of New York.

My visit to New York City was a life changing experience. For the first time in my life, I was exposed to a little taste of what the real world is . The incredible modes of transportation, the huge skyscrapers, and all of the thousands of people made me anxious to grow up and perhaps move to an incredible city such as this one. Either way, my first trip to New York was one of the most incredible experiences of my life, one I will always treasure.

Bài 6: My Trip to South Korea

I had always wanted to visit South Korea and I recently had the chance to spend a week in this amazing country. Un its northern neighbor which is pretty much closed to visitors, South Korea is a welcoming and hospitable country. It is an interesting place with a unique culture and a highly developing economy.

I flew into the capital Seoul. On arrival in the city, it was the marked contrast between modern skyscrapers and high design shopping malls and shanty towns that was immediately striking. Wide streets lined by fancy boutiques lead to a labyrinth of narrow alleyways with tiny traditional shops and eateries and there is a clutch of great tourist attractions.

My tour itinerary began on Seoul’s main boulevard, Sejongro, because I wanted to see the Royal Palace (Gyeongbok), the President’s residence, known as Cheongwadae or the Blue House, and the American Embassy. From here it’s a fairly short walk to Bukchon where there is the city’s largest collection of privately owned traditional wooden houses. It’s a charm with beautiful architecture and small courtyards, with the houses interspersed with quaint cafes and art galleries.

Taking the same route the next day, I took a trip into the mountains that peak behind the President’s House, and climbed the one known as Bugaksan. This affords the opportunity to pass through the Sukjeongmun Gate and through the city’s ancient fortress wall. From here the Seoul Fortress is easily accessible and there are also amazing views of Seoul.

Shopping in the Orient is an amazing experience so I made sure to pay a visit to the Shinsegae downtown department store. This huge emporium sells probably everything you can imagine and is a complete charm in the way the bottom floors sell all the basic staples of daily life - including the ubiquitous kimchee (fermented cabbage) and are frequented by Korean housewives while the upper floors cater to the well-heeled and brand conscious. As fascinating as it is, the new rooftop garden is a welcome respite. But, if you are going to shop in Seoul, it’s a must to visit the street stalls and hawkers of the Namdaemum Market where the wares seem to be spread out in a blanket of never-ending stalls. Be prepared to be seriously jostled by the crowds, but it’s also the chance to feast on the best street food.

One of the most surprising sights and a rue delight is the Cheonggyecheon Stream. Running for just under 4 miles through the city, the stream is remarkably quiet given its location, because it is 15 foot below street level. The serene setting, accentuated by waterfalls and bridge is a favorite strolling spot for roman couples.

With a flying visit to Itaewon, the popular ex-pat neighborhood near to the main US army base, my time in Seoul came to an end. I was enthralled and captivated and hope I get to return one day.

  Sorry bạn nha mik ko viết đc những địa điểm ở Việt Nam nên có j thì bạn chỉnh sửa đi xíu nha!

4 tháng 5 2021

dài thế cậu


27 tháng 5 2018

Dear Tom,

I'm having a really good time in Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam. The people are hospitable and helpful and the weather has been wonderful: cool and sunny.

In Ha Noi, I visited some of my old friends, Ducky and Donal. It was very nice to see them. We visited The History Museum and some art galleries in Hang Bai street and had lunch together at a vegetarian restaurant.

I bought a lot of souvenirs and postcards for you and other friends.

See you soon.

With love,


18 tháng 5 2021

May 18th,
Dear Aki,
Long time no write to you. I don't know if you still remember me? I just had a vacation in the mountains and now I want to tell you about that exciting journey.
I went to Ham Rong mountain. On the way to the top of Ham Rong mountain, it seems that beautiful scenes that do not belong to the lower world appear before our eyes as if we were lost in the royal gardens and then set foot on the Cloud yard, Heaven's gate. At Ham Rong mountain, you will feel like you are lost in a fairyland. Ham Rong Mountain is one of the most attractive destinations in the foggy city. On the mountain, there are many miniatures and many flowers blooming. The wild beauty of Ham Rong mountain combined with human hand embellishment has created a harmonious and colorful space. The road leading to the top is stone steps, shading both sides of the road are luxuriant green trees. This will be an opportunity to explore the landscape picture and many beautiful and strange flowers of Sapa highland. Especially the orchid garden with countless rare orchid species. Those rare orchids are transplanted and nurtured, carefully cared for here. With just one visit, I can never forget the wonderful natural scenery. It is of plants and trees with wild winds and attached clouds. Indeed, this is one of the places to hunt clouds that make people nostalgic and can't leave.
If you have the opportunity to set foot here, do not forget to visit this wonderful mountain.
best wishes,
Lien Ai

17 tháng 3 2019

Dear ___

How are you? As you know, last week I travelled to HoChiMinh City by plane with my parents. Before I arrived there, I had seen it on Internet. I think it's the most exciting, amazing place I've seen before. When I arrived, the sky changed into black with fewer stars than my city. But it was bright without stars. Do you know why ? Of course that's the light from the lights. The next day, I went to Duc Ba Cathedral which is the symbol of the city and it was constructed by French.Actually, it wasn't the only that I met. But I think I should tell you some place where is really well-known. Oh, I also had a great moments in Ben Thanh market. Although I hadn't known anything about that, when I arrrived at Ben Thanh market, I think it's quite attractive. The days after I only prepared to come back.And I think it's the experiment that I had after the trip.

That's what I felt and I knew about that city when I was there.

Do you have any trip like that ? And what did you feel about the trip ?

I hope you will send me a letter about what I said on the letter soon !

Bye! Your best Friend


My parents gave me a trip to Sapa as a present for my effort in the previous school year and the trip was an unforgettable memory to me. My family got there in the morning when the weather was cool but it began to become warmer at noon and in the afternoon but in the evening, the outside was quite cold and even having snow at night. It was such an amazing experience that I really enjoyed it. We also went sightseeing and the natural beauty here took my breath away. The roman and peaceful atmosphere with ranges of mountains surrounded by fog soon made a strong impression on me. I also had an opportunity to try seating on a cable car and enjoyed how breathtaking the view was.That was the first time in my life that I could see mountain, forests and waterfalls with my own eyes.The next day, my mom and I spent time going to the market where many of activities took place and I bought some souvenirs as gifts for my close friend. Especially, I was totally surprised at the ability of speaking English of local residents, especially small children. Besides, I also had a chance to try local food such as Sapa Cap Nach Pork, bamboo sky rice, Tao Meo Wine… Each has its unique flavors that all satisfied my tastes. Finally my family had to say goodbye to Sapa but I still hope to come back here one day in a nearest future.


Bố mẹ đã tặng cho mình một chuyến đi tới Sapa như một món quà với những nỗ lực của mình trong năm học vừa qua và chuyến đi là một kỉ niệm đáng nhớ với mình. Gia đình mình tới đó vào buổi sáng khi trời khá mát mẻ và thời tiết trở nên ấm hơn vào buổi trưa và buổi chiều nhưng đến buổi tối thời tiết bên ngoài khá lạnh và có cả tuyết vào buổi tối. Đó là một kỉ niệm vô cùng đáng nhớ mà mình đã tận hưởng nó. Chúng tôi đã đi ngắm cảnh và mình đã vô cùng ngạc nhiên với vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên nơi đây. Khung cảnh yên bình và lãng mạn với những dãy núi bao quanh là sương đã để lại ấn tượng mạnh với mình. Mình cũng có cơ hội được ngồi trên cáp treo và tận hưởng vẻ đẹp đến nghẹt thở của khung cảnh nơi đây. Đó là lần đầu tiên trong cuộc đời mình được tận mắt nhìn thấy núi, rừng và thác nước. Ngày tiếp theo mẹ và mình đã dành thời gian đi chợ nơi có rất nhiều hoạt động diễn ra và mình đã mua đồ lưu niệm để làm quà cho bạn thân. Đặc biệt mình rất ngạc nhiên với khả năng nói tiếng anh của người dân nơi đây, đặc biệt là trẻ em nhỏ. Bên cạnh đó mình cũng có cơ hội được thưởng thức đồ ăn đặc sản nơi đây như là thịt lợn cạp nách sapa, cơm lam và rượu táo mèo...Mỗi món ăn có mùi vị riêng và chúng đều hợp với khẩu vị của mình. Cuối cùng gia đình mình phải nói lời chia tay với Sapa và mình có thể quay trở lại nơi đây một ngày nào đó trong một tương lai không xa.

I living in the countryside because of some reasons. Environmentally speaking, it is a peaceful place. The air is fresh. The space is quiet. We can enjoy healthy natural conditions without
worrying much about environmental pollution. 

As for social security, the countryside is a safer place than a city. While urban security situation is always complicated with all kinds of crimes, rural areas are much more secure because most of countrymen are friendly and ready to help one another. 

Moreover, rural life is also easier that in cities. People in cities are easy to get stressed because of pollution, job pressures, competitions, etc ... On the contrary, those bad things
are very rare in the countryside. To sum up, except income matters, the countryside is a better residence than cities.

27 tháng 2 2023

I always feel lucky and proud to be attached to the homeland where I live. My love for it is not only about natural beauty but also about people, cultural features and traditional values. I always wish to contribute to preserving and developing those values, so that my hometown becomes more and more developed and advanced.

My love for my homeland is not only love and gratitude, but also responsibility. I understand that each citizen has his or her responsibilities and obligations towards the homeland. We need to contribute together to build a better place to live, where everyone can be happy and thrive.

In my love for my homeland, I also see the value of solidarity and mutual assistance. Only when we unite and support each other can we overcome all difficulties and challenges to build a growing homeland. I believe that, if we clearly understand the value of love for our motherland, we will always have the responsibility and make efforts to preserve and develop it, until the next generations can also love and be self-sufficient. proud of his homeland.

1 tháng 5 2022

Dear Marry, 

I am having a wonderful time in Dalat

The people here are very friendly and helpful. The weather is cool and windy.

Yesterday I visited Bao Dai palace and Than Tho lake

Tomorrow I will buy lots of souvenirs for you and my family.

See you soon.


All of the special holidays in my country, I Tet the most. Tet is an occasion to everyone get together in warm atmosphere. Before Tet holiday, Everyone prepares many things and decorates their house. I plant a lot of flowers in front of my house and buy many things such as clothes, foods ...

Besides, most of the streets also are decorated beautifully with colorful lights and flowers. During Tet, I spends more time on visiting my relatives, friends and colleagues. Especially, I give to each other the best wishes for the new year. Tet is an opportunity for children receive lucky money. There is a funny thing that people try to avoid argument or saying any bad things at Tet. I love Tet holiday!

24 tháng 12 2020

First, everybody has to do their share of the household chores. For example, my mother cooks meals everyday, my father mends things around the house in his free time, my elder sister washes clothes and I usually clean the house. Second, I and my sister have to prepare meals. I think so. Because, my mother cooks meals and we should help her. It is a service which we express deep gratitute to mom. And my father will be happy if the meals are ready on the table by the time he gets home. During the school year, I'm not allowed to watch TV or talk on the phone. My parents don't allow me to access the internet for amusement. In fact, I miss them, but I know my parents want me to concentrate on studying. It's good for me. Next, whenever problems come up, we must discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly, or before making an important decision. I had to be allowed by my parents.The most important rule is frankness. All members have to speak honestly so that we can believe in each other. All in all, family rules are necessary.

Nhớ đúng !