
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

This is Nunavika beautiful landscape of the wind carries them thousands of forests, blue skies and crystal clear waters. kilometres. When they reach a cold It's a huge territory with fourteen Inuit environment, the gas becomes a liquid, villages in the Arctic area of Canada. like water. So when the wind carries POPS

into the Arctic cold temperatures make There are wild animals such as bears

them stick to plants and fall into the and wolves everywhere. There are also

oceans, where they remain and build up caribou - a kind of reindeer. Fish fill the

over time. POPs also collect inside the fat rivers, lakes and sea. In summer, the sun

of people and animals, and since they shines day and night. This is when the

can't be digested, they stay there forever. people fish, hunt and pick berries. Winter

The biggest animals like seals and whales, is cold and dark, but at night, stars fill the

have the most POPs in their bodies. These clear, dark sky and the Northern Lights

are the animals that Inuit people have swirl above in a symphony of colour.

been eating for thousands of years. You might think that Nunavik's

POPs can cause cancer and allergies, geographical position at the ends of

as well as damage to the nervous and the Earth keeps it safe from big city

immune systems. They can also cause problems like air and water pollution

developmental problems in babies Unfortunately, the pretty villages of

and children. Clearly, something had Nunavik have not escaped the problems

to be done about the problem and so that the rest of the world face too.

in the 1990s, the United Nations held a Some years ago, scientists made a

meeting called the Stockholm Convention worrying discovery. An extremely dangerous group of chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants' (or POPs) were attacking the Arctic environment. There are few factories in the region and not many cars, so where was the pollution coming from? It turns out that it was coming from factories and cities thousands of kilometres away. But how? POPs are used everywhere - in electronic appliances like TVs, in the lights and electrical wiring of buildings and in

Inuit people paint. They are also sprayed onto crops

of Nunavik as pesticides. Over time, they evaporate, become gas and go into the air, and

to discuss banning lots of the POP chemicals. Since then, many countries have agreed to start producing fewer POP chemicals and as a result, levels of POPs in the Arctic are falling It will take many years for the problem to go away. For one thing, buildings around the world still contain many tons of POPs in their paint and wiring. Every day, those chemicals turn into gas and enter the atmosphere, eventually reaching the Arctic For the Inuit people, and all the people and animals in the arctic regions, their only hope is the work of scientists and the cooperation of the rest of the world in putting an end to POPs once and for all.

1 Which description best fits Nunavik?

a It's a small village. b It's a place of natural beauty

It's close to big cities. d It's dark in summer.

2 What is true about the Inuit people according to

the article? a They all have health problems. b Many of them drive cars. c They find their food in nature.

d They eat a lot of fat.

3 How do POPs get to the Arctic?

a Other countries send them there. b They are in the oceans. C Factories in the Arctic produce them. d They are carried in the atmosphere.

4 What does 'the problem in paragraph 6 refer to?

a POPs in the environment b cancer and allergies in children c Inuit people eating whales and seals

d producing fewer POPs 5 What is the article mainly about?

a problems faced by animals in the arctic benvironmental problems caused by POPS

the decisions of the Stockholm Convention d how the United Nations can help the environment

18 tháng 2 2022

dịch :

Đây là Nunavika có phong cảnh đẹp của gió mang họ ngàn cánh rừng, bầu trời xanh và làn nước trong vắt. km. Khi chúng chạm tới giá lạnh Đó là một vùng lãnh thổ rộng lớn với môi trường 14 người Inuit, khí trở thành chất lỏng, những ngôi làng ở khu vực Bắc Cực của Canada. thích nước. Vì vậy, khi gió mang POPS

vào Bắc Cực nhiệt độ lạnh giá làm cho Động vật hoang dã như gấu

chúng dính vào thực vật và rơi vào và sói ở khắp mọi nơi. Cũng có

đại dương, nơi chúng tồn tại và hình thành nên tuần lộc - một loại tuần lộc. Cá lấp đầy

tăng ca. POP cũng tích tụ bên trong các sông, hồ và biển nhiều chất béo. Vào mùa hè, mặt trời

của con người và động vật, và vì chúng chiếu sáng cả ngày lẫn đêm. Đây là khi

không thể tiêu hóa được, chúng ở đó mãi mãi. người dân đánh cá, săn bắt và hái quả. Mùa đông

Các loài động vật lớn nhất như hải cẩu và cá voi, lạnh và tối, nhưng vào ban đêm, các ngôi sao lấp đầy

có nhiều POP nhất trong cơ thể của họ. Những bầu trời trong, tối và những ngọn đèn phương Bắc

là những động vật mà người Inuit đã xoáy ở trên trong một bản giao hưởng của màu sắc.

đã ăn hàng ngàn năm. Bạn có thể nghĩ rằng Nunavik của

POP có thể gây ung thư và dị ứng, vị trí địa lý ở cuối

cũng như thiệt hại cho thần kinh và Trái đất giữ cho nó an toàn khỏi thành phố lớn

hệ thống miễn dịch. Chúng cũng có thể gây ra các vấn đề như ô nhiễm không khí và nước

các vấn đề phát triển ở trẻ sơ sinh Thật không may, những ngôi làng xinh đẹp của

và những đứa trẻ. Rõ ràng, có điều gì đó đã khiến Nunavik không thoát khỏi những vấn đề

để giải quyết vấn đề và để phần còn lại của thế giới cũng phải đối mặt.

vào những năm 1990, Liên hợp quốc đã tổ chức Cách đây vài năm, các nhà khoa học đã

cuộc họp được gọi là khám phá đáng lo ngại của Công ước Stockholm. Một nhóm hóa chất cực kỳ nguy hiểm được gọi là chất ô nhiễm hữu cơ khó phân hủy (hay POP) đang tấn công môi trường Bắc Cực. Trong khu vực có ít nhà máy và không có nhiều ô tô, vậy ô nhiễm do đâu? Hóa ra nó đến từ các nhà máy và thành phố cách xa hàng nghìn km. Nhưng bằng cách nào? POP được sử dụng ở mọi nơi - trong các thiết bị điện tử như TV, trong đèn và hệ thống dây điện của các tòa nhà và trong

Người Inuit vẽ tranh. Chúng cũng được phun lên cây trồng

của Nunavik như thuốc trừ sâu. Theo thời gian, chúng bay hơi, trở thành khí và đi vào không khí, và

thảo luận về việc cấm rất nhiều hóa chất POP. Kể từ đó, nhiều quốc gia đã đồng ý bắt đầu sản xuất ít hóa chất POP hơn và do đó, mức độ POP ở Bắc Cực đang giảm xuống. Phải mất nhiều năm nữa vấn đề này mới có thể biến mất. Có điều, các tòa nhà trên khắp thế giới vẫn chứa rất nhiều POP trong sơn và hệ thống dây điện của chúng. Hàng ngày, những chất hóa học đó biến thành khí và đi vào bầu khí quyển, cuối cùng đến được Bắc Cực Đối với người Inuit, và tất cả những người và động vật ở các vùng Bắc Cực, hy vọng duy nhất của họ là công việc của các nhà khoa học và sự hợp tác của phần còn lại của thế giới trong việc chấm dứt POP một lần và mãi mãi.

1 Mô tả nào phù hợp nhất với Nunavik?

a Đó là một ngôi làng nhỏ. b Đó là một nơi có vẻ đẹp tự nhiên

Nó gần với các thành phố lớn. d Trời tối vào mùa hè.

2 Điều gì đúng về người Inuit theo

bài viết? a Họ đều có vấn đề về sức khỏe. b Nhiều người trong số họ lái ô tô. c Chúng tìm thức ăn của chúng trong tự nhiên.

d Họ ăn nhiều chất béo.

3 Làm thế nào để POP đến Bắc Cực?

a Các quốc gia khác gửi chúng đến đó. b Chúng ở trong đại dương. C Các nhà máy ở Bắc Cực sản xuất chúng. d Chúng được mang trong khí quyển.

4 Vấn đề trong đoạn 6 đề cập đến điều gì?

a POPs trong môi trường b ung thư và dị ứng ở trẻ em c Người Inuit ăn cá voi và hải cẩu

d sản xuất ít POP hơn 5 Bài báo chủ yếu nói về điều gì?

các vấn đề mà động vật phải đối mặt với các vấn đề môi trường bắc cực do POPS gây ra

các quyết định của Công ước Stockholm d cách Liên hợp quốc có thể giúp đỡ môi trường

18 tháng 2 2022


Task 10: Read and do the tasks followed.1. Read and complete the text with available words.different, department, quiet, stores, lots of, restaurant, children, shows, late, areaI live in the city. The place I live is (1) ___________, but it depends on the time of the day, and there is a small (2) ___________ in the area, and people tend to go there. So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it’s really (3) ___________, but it’s not noisy all the time. It’s OK. There are (4)...
Đọc tiếp

Task 10: Read and do the tasks followed.

1. Read and complete the text with available words.

different, department, quiet, stores, lots of, restaurant, children, shows, late, area

I live in the city. The place I live is (1) ___________, but it depends on the time of the day, and there is a small (2) ___________ in the area, and people tend to go there. So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it’s really (3) ___________, but it’s not noisy all the time. It’s OK. There are (4) ____________ families, so there are lots of (5) _____________ there. It’s a very nice community. Other normal cities are like a mess, but my city is (6) ______________. It’s very clean, people there maintain it, and they keep it very nice. And there are lots of (7) ____________, such as bookstores, dress shops, (8) ____________ stores, and a small family theater where kids can go watch (9) ____________ with their family. It’s a very nice (10) _____________.

2. Read and decide if each statement is True or False.

1. ______ There is a large restaurant in the area.

2. ______ The area is always quiet.

3. ______ There are lots of kids because there are many families.

4. _____ This area is similar to normal cities.

5. _____ There are many stores in this area.

Shark Most people are afraid of sharks but some sharks are not dangerous. There are many different kinds of shark. All sharks eat fish and a few 1......(still ; also ; ;too) eat plants. The whale shark is biggest shark in the world 2.......( so ; but ; if ) it eats only the smallest fish and plants.Sharks 3.......(should ; can ; need) live in hot or cold water and they never 4.......( stop ; stopped ; stopping ) swimming-they sleepand swim at the same time! They swim very fast and they look...
Đọc tiếp


Most people are afraid of sharks but some sharks are not dangerous. There are many different kinds of shark. All sharks eat fish and a few 1......(still ; also ; ;too) eat plants. The whale shark is biggest shark in the world 2.......( so ; but ; if ) it eats only the smallest fish and plants.Sharks 3.......(should ; can ; need) live in hot or cold water and they never 4.......( stop ; stopped ; stopping ) swimming-they sleepand swim at the same time! They swim very fast and they look 5........(to ; after ; for) food in big groups. They can't see very 6.......( well ; good ; bettet ) so they use their noses to find food. If a shark is very hungry, it will eat any fish that swims 7........(across ; past ; before). Sometimes one shark will start eating 8..........( others ; other ; another ) shark that gets in 9........(its ; their ; another) way. Only a few kinds of sharks eat people, and this 10.........( has ; does ; is ) not happen very often. We should remember that the sharks in films are very different from the sharks that live in our seas !

ai còn thức thì giải hộ mik bài này với, cảm ơn trước !!!


k cho mình đi mình trả lời cho.

30 tháng 6 2021

Đây là ý kiến riêng của mk nhé !

Most people are afraid of sharks but ... some.... sharks are not dangerous. There are many different kinds of shark. All sharks eat fish and a few (1).....  eat plants. The whale shark is the biggest shark in the world (2)....   it eats only the smallest fish and plants.

Sharks (3)....  live in hot or cold water and they never (4).....   swimming — they sleep and swim at the same time! They swim very fast and they look (5)....   food in big groups. They can't see very (6).....  so they use their noses to find food. If a shark is very hungry, it will eat any fish that swims (7).....  Sometimes one shark will start eating (8).....  shark that gets in (9).....  way. Only a few kinds of sharks eat people, and this (10).....  not happen very often. We should remember that the sharks in films are very different from the sharks that live in our seas!

1. (1)




2. (2)


3. (3)




4. (4)




5. (5)




6. (6)




7. (7)




8. (8)




9. (9)




10. (10)




read and complete the text with available word.different          department          quiet         stores      lots of restaurant       children                slows        late         area  I live in a city . The place I live is....., but it depends on the time of the day , and there is a small..........in the area ,and people tend to go there .So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it's really...........,but it's not noisy all the time.It's OK.There are.........families , so...
Đọc tiếp

read and complete the text with available word.

different          department          quiet         stores      lots of 

restaurant       children                slows        late         area 

 I live in a city . The place I live is....., but it depends on the time of the day , and there is a small..........in the area ,and people tend to go there .So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it's really...........,but it's not noisy all the time.It's OK.

There are.........families , so there are lot of .........there.It's a very nice community . Other normal cities are like a mess , but my city is ........It's very cle9an, people there maintain it , and they keep it very nice.And there are lots of ........,such as bookstores ,dress shops,.......stores , and a small family theater where kids can go watch ........ with their family .It's a very nice .

2 read the passage again and decide if each statement is true or false 

1 there is a large restaurant in the area

2 the area is always quiet 

3 there are lots of kids because there are many families  

4 This area is similar to normal cities 

5 There are many stores in this area



12 tháng 6 2019

read and complete the text with available word.

children                late         

 I live in a city . The place I live is....., but it depends on the time of the day , and there is a small...department          .......in the area ,and people tend to go there .So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it's really.....quiet         ......,but it's not noisy all the time.It's OK.

There are....lots of.....families , so there are lot of ..slows        .....there.It's a very nice community . Other normal cities are a mess , but my city is .....different...It's very cle9an, people there maintain it , and they keep it very nice.And there are lots of .....stores...,such as bookstores ,dress shops,....restaurant ...stores , and a small family theater where kids can go watch ........ with their family .It's a very nice .

Tớ chuẩn bị làm bài nói Tiếng Anh. Đề Bài : What is the most important characteristic in a person? Các bạn đọc và tìm giúp mình có chỗ nào sai hay không phù hợp thì chỉ mình nha! Mình cám ơn các bạn rất nhiều.We live in a world of peace without war. The Vietnamese people have gone through painful historical pages and have spent thousands of years developing. And if Vietnam wants to develop like other countries, there must be people who are genius....
Đọc tiếp

Tớ chuẩn bị làm bài nói Tiếng Anh. Đề Bài : What is the most important characteristic in a person? Các bạn đọc và tìm giúp mình có chỗ nào sai hay không phù hợp thì chỉ mình nha! Mình cám ơn các bạn rất nhiều.

We live in a world of peace without war. The Vietnamese people have gone through painful historical pages and have spent thousands of years developing. And if Vietnam wants to develop like other countries, there must be people who are genius. I have read a newspaper about people in Japan. Japan is one of the most developed countries. Because people there are economic and life characteristics. Japanese people are always afraid of backward against the world so they always exchange knowledge even when they are on the road they also hold books to learn. They are also very good: do not squeeze in line, do not steal. Therefore, if Vietnam wants to develop, then there must be people who have characteristics like Japanese people. And in my opinion people need these traits:
1. Patriotism:
- Patriotism is one of the most important characteristics in people. Because patriotism is a driving force behind our development goals.
2. Have virtue:
- virtue is important in people because it is applied to life and economy. Being an honest person, knowing how to help others, giving in to the economy is not easy.
3. Benefit:
- Do people need to be grateful, kind. If you are honest, people around you will respect you.
4. Honestly:
- The lie is something that is being condemned in today's society. Lies in work and in life will cause others to lose faith in you. So honesty is always good quality. Because honesty will help you succeed and develop the virtues of the Vietnamese people.
5. Humble:
At work, when a project succeeds we will be excited. Success not only brings joy to us but also motivates us to work harder. But not because of that success, I am subjective, always bragging. Therefore, human beings need to have humility, always for their success must be lower than others. Typically, President Ho Chi Minh always has a humble heart that everyone admire.
6. Powerful:
- In addition to success, there is a failure in life. An Australian president said: "Failure is the opportunity to start the success again." Yes, failure helps us to grow. Not because of a failure that you give up. You must always have a strong, energetic spirit.
7. Unity:
- Finally is unity. Unity has been a tradition since the war. Thanks to that unity, the Vietnamese have expelled the enemy, unified the country. Today, that unity is also applied in economics. If the Vietnamese people are united together, they can create a new phenomenon that will bring Vietnam to the top of the world. And no one else is the Vietnamese U23 football team, which has made 90 million Vietnamese people proud of their unity and love of the country.

26 tháng 1 2019

My name is Jimmy. Last year I visted Sapa, a beautiful Vietnamese town on the mountain. It is in the north of the Vietnam. The weather is fun there. You can feel four seasons in a day: cool winter in early morning, spring after sunrise, summer in the afternoon and cold winter at night.

    The best time to visit Sapa is from March to May, it's spring time; and September to November, it's autumn time. All these months, the weather is good with sunny days and cool nights. The summers are usually cool with a temperature from 15*C to 29*C. But it is very rainy in July and August. The winters are not very cold, always wet and foggy. They last from November to February. Some years it is snowy, last year when we were there.

26 tháng 1 2019

My name is Jimmy. Last year I visited Sapa, a beautiful Vietnamese town on the moutain. It is in the north of the Vietnam. The weather is fun there. You can feel four seasons in a day: cool winter in early morning, spring after sunrise, summer in the afternoon and cold winter at night.

The best time to visit Sapa is from March to May, it's spring time; and September to November, it's autumn time. All these months, the weather is good with sunny days and cool nights. The summers are usually cool with a temperature from 15*C to 29*C. But it is very rainy in July and August. The winters are not very cold, always wet and foggy. They last from November to February. Some years it is snowy, last year when we were there 

Các bạn hãy giúp mình giải 1 bài văn này nhé:Since thousands of ancient times, women have been present with an important role in the life and the complete development of society as well as people. In build and develop life as well as labor, fight against the forces of evil and protect the country. That importance is affirmeddetermined through the capacity and moral qualities of women over time. From time immemorial, my father drew four words to the woman Vietnamese women "public,...
Đọc tiếp

Các bạn hãy giúp mình giải 1 bài văn này nhé:

Since thousands of ancient times, women have been present with an important role in the life and the complete development of society as well as people. In build and develop life as well as labor, fight against the forces of evil and protect the country. That importance is affirmed
determined through the capacity and moral qualities of women over time. From time immemorial, my father drew four words to the woman Vietnamese women "public, content, language, happiness".
Experiencing the history and general development of the world and Asian countries, moral standards as well as the concept of beauty in general and the beauty of women in particular also changes from time to time, each generation. The standard of women today has a bit of change to adapt more with practice, more in line with the development of society as well as the trend of integration with the whole world, with the pace of modernization. However, the
development and standards of Vietnamese women are always associated with the old substance, which is evident in the inheritance: faithful, generous, guaranteed, speechless. In ancient times, the part of women in feudal society was a topic chosen by many poets and writers. Through those That work, the woman shows up with beautiful images, along with the beautiful personality, but fate always depends on others. The binding of feudal society, the cruelty of the forces makes their lives full of thorns and waves. Social style
The most unjust and unjustly biased is the woman and society that people always become slaves of money, which makes women hard,
frequency of going to the market early in the day raising her husband and taking care of her children. Although there is suffering, they consider it a joy, a happiness, not a burden heavy. But we see, no matter how difficult the woman is, they always shine up noble personality, sacrifice, love, optimism, faith in fresh light of life. Although the self-contained woman is so, weak before binding
That's it, but "the enemy came home, the women also beat".
During the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans, the woman appeared and fought a heroic sacrifice such as: Mac Thi Buoi, Vo Thi Sau, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Nguyen Thi Chien, Nguyen Thi Hang, Vo Thi Thang, Tran Thi Ly, Ut Tich, Mom Tu, Nguyen Thi Dinh and Nguyen Thi Binh, etc. They are determined to fight the enemy to the end, determined not to foreign invaders to steal home, rob of ... In any field, stage Any history we encounter is the name of a famous woman, national glorious. The whole world they honor women .. That beauty always shows present through ideals and life, wisdom and soul. In other words, it is a harmonious beauty between form and content. Today is not yet already out of prejudice, even stigma, but comprehensive in terms of both quantity and quality, contributions preserved and promoted Good role for social development practices in all areas. From taking on the domestic role "in the family, women today are important Foreign affairs, this is not just a career for men. They affirm the value, the ability to career and the rise. Aspiration not only As simple as escaping from the family framework, moreover, they affirmed their position as the leaders of corporations and companies. Corporate companies, even leaders in organizations in the government apparatus.In short, no matter what time, women always play an important role in life and work. Besides preserving products Traditional substance from thousands of ancient times, women today must always strive to become a good citizen, dream, living with ambition, living social and community responsibility. These are very basic elements, the original elements of Vietnamese women.

27 tháng 12 2017

1. Cough

2. Cold

3. Common cold

4. Illness

5. Year


7. Less

8. Cure

9. Is

10. It

Chị k chắc chắn câu cuối nhưng các câu còn lại thì chị chắc chắn nhé ☺

Chúc em may mắn ...

18 tháng 8 2018

1 . a farm

2 . a mountain

3 . in the field

4 . city

5 . the Sahara desert 

6 . island

18 tháng 8 2018

1. a farm 

2. a mountain

3. in the field

4. city

5. the sahara desert

6. island

                                                 PANDAS Pandas are beautiful animals and people love them. They have white bodies , black legs and shoulders , black ears and round , black eyes. The panda's name is sometimes " panda bear " , but is it a bear ? (1)............... bears have short legs , big feet , round ears and black noses. Pandas have (2)............... Things , but they are a different kind of animal, some people (3).............. why ? because they (4).............eat meat,...
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Pandas are beautiful animals and people love them. They have white bodies , black legs and shoulders , black ears and round , black eyes. The panda's name is sometimes " panda bear " , but is it a bear ? (1)............... bears have short legs , big feet , round ears and black noses. Pandas have (2)............... Things , but they are a different kind of animal, some people (3).............. why ? because they (4).............eat meat, fish or fruit. Brown, black and white bears can eat those foods, but pandas (5)........... the world now

1              A.any                                B.every                           C.all

2              A.these                              B.that                              C.say

3              A.says                               B.saying                          C say

4             A don't                                 B didn't                           C doesn't

5             A.in                                       B by                                C at

13 tháng 5 2022

1. C

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. A

13 tháng 5 2022