
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

18 tháng 11 2023

Both writers covered all four points in the task.

(Cả hai người viết đều bao quát tất cả bốn điểm trong nhiệm vụ.)

• describe your experience of using the computer.

(mô tả trải nghiệm sử dụng máy tính của bạn.)

- Sam 245: “I use it every day for schoolwork and for accessing social media. It's also great for messaging my friends.”

(Tôi sử dụng nó hàng ngày để làm bài tập ở trường và truy cập mạng xã hội. Nó cũng tuyệt vời để nhắn tin cho bạn bè của tôi.)

- HollyXX: “It's an all-in-one desktop with a widescreen display. It's a really up-to-date model, . It's bright green with a black keyboard and a wireless mouse.”
(Đó là một máy tính để bàn tất cả trong một với màn hình rộng. Đó là một mô hình thực sự hiện đại. Nó có màu xanh sáng với bàn phím màu đen và chuột không dây.)

• compare it with another computer you have used.

(so sánh nó với một máy tính khác mà bạn đã sử dụng.)

- Sam 245: “Although it was powerful, it was very slow and it didn't have much storage. Despite its small size, the laptop is lightning-quick and has a massive 1TB hard drive.”

(Mặc dù nó rất mạnh nhưng nó rất chậm và không có nhiều dung lượng lưu trữ. Mặc dù có kích thước nhỏ nhưng chiếc máy tính xách tay này có tốc độ nhanh như chớp và có ổ cứng dung lượng lớn 1TB.)

- HollyXX: “The screen was much smaller and the operating system was old so it was often impossible to download new software.”
(Màn hình nhỏ hơn nhiều và hệ điều hành đã cũ nên thường không thể tải xuống phần mềm mới.)

• present the opinions of people who think teenagers rely too much on computers.

(trình bày ý kiến của những người cho rằng thanh thiếu niên phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào máy tính.)

- Sam 245: “They think that teenagers should spend less time interacting with people via a screen.”

(Họ nghĩ rằng thanh thiếu niên nên dành ít thời gian hơn để tương tác với mọi người qua màn hình.)

- HollyXX: “I agree that teenagers rely a lot on computers, although I don't really think it's a serious problem.”
(Tôi đồng ý rằng thanh thiếu niên phụ thuộc rất nhiều vào máy tính, mặc dù tôi không thực sự nghĩ rằng đó là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng.)

ask other contributors to react to your post.

(yêu cầu mọi người đóng góp để tương tác với bài đăng của bạn.)

- Sam 245: “I'd be interested to hear what you think about this. Should we spend less time at our computers?”

(Tôi muốn được nghe những gì bạn nghĩ về điều này. Chúng ta có nên dành ít thời gian hơn cho máy tính của mình không?)

- HollyXX: “What do you think? Do you agree with me?”
(Bạn nghĩ sao? Bạn có đồng ý với tôi không?)

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives. Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine 'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at...
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Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives.

Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine

'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at seven o'clock every morning, but I don't get quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the too and I brush my-teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I don'y eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, it's always the same.'

Routines are very useful. but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different route to work. Eat something different for brealfast. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life.

1. This passage is mainly concerned with...............................

a.our usual ways of doing things

b. our daily activities

c. Jo's timetable

d. changes in our lives

2. according to the passage, routines are useful because.........................

a. we can do them in the morning

b. they make a habit of never thinking

c. they save time and energy

d. we all have them in our lives

3. the word 'loo' in line 9 can best be replaced with.....................

a. balcony

b. bedroom

c. sink

d. toilet

4.what is the main disadvantage of routines?

a. Routines make us unable to create things or to have new ideas

b. Routines may change our life

c. Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing

d. Routines make us do the same things day after day

5. which of the sentences is true?

a. Routines make our brain creative

b.people who have routines are unable to think

c. we shouldn'r break our routines

d. our lives could be changed if we change our routines

Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a...
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Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.

Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work. He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create. But they are mostly talked about because the final results are so impressive. For the past few years, Rodríguez-Gerada has been creating gigantic faces in empty spaces in cities. To people on the ground, it looks like a garden, and it is hard to see any kind of design in it. In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design. Then an army of workers use this master plan to create the image which the artist has planned.

In 2014, the artist created an astonishing face on the National Mall in Washington, DC. It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while. The portrait was of a young man of mixed race, and was called Of the Many, One. The artist says that it showed one of the millions of faces that represent the American people. After a while, the sand and soil of the portrait were mixed together, and new lawns were planted in its place. The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

4 His work is very quick to create.

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

19 tháng 11 2023

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

(Nghệ thuật tạm thời là một loại hình nghệ thuật mới.)

Thông tin: “There has always been a type of art which doesn't last.”

(Luôn có một loại hình nghệ thuật không trường tồn.)

=> Chọn False

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

(Các nghệ sĩ sử dụng cát hoặc phấn trong tác phẩm nghệ thuật của họ để tác phẩm tồn tại lâu dài.)

Thông tin: “it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.”

(Không phải những thứ này không có giá trị nghệ thuật, nhưng chúng được thiết kế để biến mất.)

=> Chọn False

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ quan trọng trong lĩnh vực nghệ thuật tạm thời.)

Thông tin: “Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work.”

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ 'tạm thời' hiện đại, và là người được chú ý nhiều nhờ tác phẩm của mình.")

=> Chọn True

4 His work is very quick to create.

(Tác phẩm của anh ấy được tạo ra rất nhanh.)

Thông tin: “his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn False

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

(Anh ấy sử dụng bản đồ để lên kế hoạch cho tác phẩm nghệ thuật của mình.)

Thông tin: “"In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design.”

(Trên thực tế, bản đồ GPS được sử dụng để thiết kế.)

=> Chọn True

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

(Rất nhiều người giúp anh ấy tạo ra tác phẩm nghệ thuật.)

Thông tin: “He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(Anh ấy sử dụng các nhóm tình nguyện viên để giúp đỡ anh ấy, và các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn True

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật của Jorge có tên Of the Many, One là một phần của thiết kế sân vườn mới cho National Mall.)

Thông tin: “It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while.”

(Nó có diện tích 25.000 mét vuông, và nó được tạo ra bởi vì trung tâm thương mại đang có những khu vườn mới và khu đất sẽ không được sử dụng trong một thời gian.)

=> Chọn True

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật không còn tồn tại nữa.)

Thông tin: “The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.”

(Bức chân dung đã biến mất, nhưng nó sẽ không dễ bị lãng quên.)

=> Chọn True

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: What happened when he saw the jumbo jet for the first time?

A. He felt much safer.

B. He liked the shape of it.

C. He couldn’t believe how big it was.

D. He thought the wings were very small.

9 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: C

18 tháng 4 2022

Đáp án : C

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: How did John feel when the aeroplane was taking off?

A. excited

B. happy

C. sad

D. frightened

18 tháng 8 2018

Đáp án: D

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: Why did John read about aeroplane?

A. He wanted to know how they work.

B. It was his hobby.

C. It made him feel safer.

D. He had found a book on them.

21 tháng 10 2019

Đáp án: A

18 tháng 4 2022

Đáp án : A

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: How did John feel about his fears in the end?

A. He thought he had wasted time being afraid

B. He realized it was okay to be afraid.

C. He hoped his grandchildren weren‟t afraid of flying.

D. He realized that being afraid kept him safe.

30 tháng 9 2018

Đáp án: A

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: Why did John Mills fly in an aeroplane?

A. He wanted to go on holiday

B. He wanted to try it.

C. He wanted to see his family

D. He had to travel on business.

16 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án: C

18 tháng 4 2022

Đáp án : C

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.FIRST TIME IN THE AIRWhen John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives...
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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


When John Mills was going to fly in an aeroplane for the first time, he was frightened. He did not like the idea of being thousands of feet up in the air. “I also didn’t like the fact that I wouldn’t be in control,” says John. “I’m a terrible passenger in the car. When somebody else is driving, I tell them what to so. It drives everybody crazy.”

However John couldn’t avoid flying any longer. It was the only way he could visit his grandchildren in Canada.

“I had made up my mind that I was going to do it, I couldn’t let my son, his wife and their three children travel all the way here to visit me. It would be so expensive for them and I know Tom’s business isn‟t doing so well at the moment – it would also be tiring for the children – it’s a nine-hour flight!” he says.

To get ready for the flight John did lots of reading about aeroplanes. When he booked his seat, he was told that he would be flying on a Boeing 747, which is better known as a jumbo jet. “I needed to know as much as possible before getting in that plane. I suppose it was a way of making myself feel better. The Boeing 747 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world at the moment. The first one flew on February 9th 1969 in the USA. It can carry up to 524 passengers and 3.400 pieces of luggage. The fuel for aeroplanes is kept in the wings and the 747’s wings are so big that they can carry enough fuel for an average car to be able to travel 16,000 kilometres a year for 70 years. Isn‟t that unbelievable? Even though I had discovered all this very interesting information about the jumbo, when I saw it for the first time, just before I was going to travel to Canada, I still couldn‟t believe that something so enormous was going to get up in the air and fly. I was even more impressed when I saw how big it was inside with hundreds of people!”

The biggest surprise of all for John was the flight itself. “The take-off itself was much smoother than I expected although I was still quite scared until we were in the air. In the end, I managed to relax, enjoy the food and watch one of the movies and the view from the window was spectacular. I even managed to sleep for a while!

Of course,” continues John, “the best reward of all was when I arrived in Canada and saw my son and his family, particularly my beautiful grandchildren. Suddenly, I felt so silly about all the years when I couldn‟t even think of getting on a plane. I had let my fear of living stop me from seeing the people I love most in the world. I can visit my son and family as often as I like now!”

Question: What surprised John most about the flight?

A. that he liked the food.

B. that he was able to sleep

C. that there was a movie being shown

D. that the view was good

27 tháng 10 2018

Đáp án: B

18 tháng 4 2022

Đáp án : B