
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Orbis is an organisation which helps blind people of everywhere. It has built an eye hospital inside an acroplane and flown in all over the world with an international medical team. Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England went with the plane to Mongolia. Samantha tells the story of the Eukhtuul) a young Mongolian girl.

“Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home school, she was attacked by boys with sticks and her eyes were badly damaged. Dr. Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an operation she would never see again. I thought about all the things I do that she couldn’t, things like reading schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I realised how lucky I am.”

“The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with some Mongolian medical student, I prayed the operation would be successful. The next day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr. Duffey removed her bandagers. “In six months your sight will be back to normal,” he said. Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried, and I had to wipe away some tears, too!”

“Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed, thanks to a simple operation. We should all think more about how much our sight means to us.”

1. What information can be learned from this passage?

A. the best way of studying medicine

B. the international work of some eye doctors

C. the difficulties for blind travellers

D. the life of schoolchildren in Mongolia

2. The word “she” in the passage refers to _________.

A. the writer

B. the nurse

C. Eukhtuul

D. the medical student

3. After meeting Eukhtuul, Samantha felt _________.

A. angry about Eukhtuul’s experience

B. grateful for her own sight

C. proud of the doctor’s skill

D. surprised by Eukhtuul’s ability

4. What the result of Eukhtuul’s operation ?

A. After some time she will see an well as before

B. Before she recovers, she needs another operation

C. She can see better but can never have normal eyes

D. She can’t see perfectly again

5. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A. To describe a dangerous trip

B. To explain how sight can be lost

C. To report a patient’s cure

D. To warn against playing with sticks

31 tháng 8 2021

1 B

2 C

3 B

4 A

5 C

Supply the correct verb forms. 1. After (leave) school when she was 18, Laura (go) to Bristol university for three years. While she (be) at university, Laura (join) a university folk group and started singing. It was at this time that she (write) her famous song "The Price of Peace". 2. One of the first novels in history of literature (be) written in England in 1719. It (be) Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear) in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be) a schoolboy, he (begin) to write...
Đọc tiếp

Supply the correct verb forms.

1. After (leave) school when she was 18, Laura (go) to Bristol university for three years. While she (be) at university, Laura (join) a university folk group and started singing. It was at this time that she (write) her famous song "The Price of Peace".
2. One of the first novels in history of literature (be) written in England in 1719. It (be) Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear) in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be) a schoolboy, he (begin) to write sstories. After (leave) school he (work) in his father's shop and (write) articles for newspapers. Dofoe (visit) many countries and (meet) many people. That helped him much in his writings.
3. A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, (presently, work) in theinternational sales division at an electronics firm. She (just, return) from a trip to Japan. She (be) asked to go there because she can speak Japanese. For four years, she (never have) the opportunity to use her Japanese until she (go) to Tokyo last month. While she (be) there, she (speak) Japanese everyday and (enjoy) very much of it.
4. Ever since the day i (decided) to move to London, I (worry) whether the decisior. I (take) was the right one. As I (already sell) my house and (arrange) a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However, since then I (hear) a lot of negative things about living in the Capital and lately some of them (begin) to bother me. I (grow) up in a small town and have spent all my life there.
5. Mary (have) to go to New York last week, but she almost (miss) the plane. She (stand) in the queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly (realize) that she (leave) her passport at home. Fortunately, she (not live) very far from the airport so she (have) time to go back home to get the passport. She (get) back to the airport just in time for her flight.
6. Rob Fellow (come) from England. He (come) to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (start) learning French at school in England when she was eleven so he (learn) it for nearly 10 years. He just (take) an exam. If he passes, he ( move) into the next class. He (be) excited today because his parents (come) tommorow to stay with him for a few days.
7. (Bear) in Scotland in 1847, Alexander Bell (become) interested very early in the methods of human communication. He (influence) by his father and grandfather, who (spend) years working with deaf people and those with faulty speech. Bell's father even (go) so far as to develop as system of so-called"visible speech" for the deaf. He (use) sketches of the different positions of the lips and tongue. This science of visible speech (form) the foundation of young Bell's knowledge of the mechanics of human speech. But the young boy's knowledge of other subjects (not/advance) quite as rapidly.

12 tháng 7 2019

Supply the correct verb forms.

1. After (leave) leaving school when she was 18, Laura (go)has gone to Bristol university for three years. While she (be)was at university, Laura (join) joined a university folk group and started singing. It was at this time that she (write)wrote her famous song "The Price of Peace".
2. One of the first novels in history of literature (be)was written in England in 1719. It (be) was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear) beared in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be) was a schoolboy, he (begin)began to write sstories. After (leave) leavingschool he (work)worked in his father's shop and (write) articles for newspapers. Dofoe (visit)visited many countries and (meet) met many people. That helped him much in his writings.
3. A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, (presently, work)is working in the international sales division at an electronics firm. She (just, return) has just returned from a trip to Japan. She (be)was asked to go there because she can speak Japanese. For four years, she (never have) had never had the opportunity to use her Japanese until she (go) went to Tokyo last month. While she (be)was there, she (speak) spoke Japanese everyday and (enjoy) enjoyed very much of it.
4. Ever since the day i (decided)decided to move to London, I (worry) worried whether the decisior. I (take)took was the right one. As I (already sell) have already solden my house and (arrange)have arranged a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However, since then I (hear)heard a lot of negative things about living in the Capital and lately some of them (begin) began to bother me. I (grow) have grown up in a small town and have spent all my life there.
5. Mary (have)had to go to New York last week, but she almost (miss) missed the plane. She (stand)was standing in the queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly (realize) realized that she (leave)had left her passport at home. Fortunately, she (not live) doesn't live very far from the airport so she (have)had time to go back home to get the passport. She (get)has got back to the airport just in time for her flight.
6. Rob Fellow (come)comes from England. He (come)came to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (start) started learning French at school in England when she was eleven so he (learn)has learnt it for nearly 10 years. He just (take) has just taken an exam. If he passes, he ( move) will move into the next class. He (be) is excited today because his parents (come) will come tommorow to stay with him for a few days.
7. (Bear)Born in Scotland in 1847, Alexander Bell (become)became interested very early in the methods of human communication. He (influence) was influenced by his father and grandfather, who (spend) spent years working with deaf people and those with faulty speech. Bell's father even (go) went so far as to develop as system of so-called"visible speech" for the deaf. He (used) sketches of the different positions of the lips and tongue. This science of visible speech (formed) the foundation of young Bell's knowledge of the mechanics of human speech. But the young boy's knowledge of other subjects (not/advance) doesn't advance quite as rapidly.

Read the passage. Write T for true sentences, F for false sentences and N for the sentences containing no information. It is great to have pen pals. In my opinion, friendship is among the meaningful relations in our life. Many of my friends have pen pals and they correspond regularly. A friend of mine once got a letter from the school mailbox and told me a lot of interesting things about her pen pal. That made me excited and I was eager to have one. Therefore, I got online and did some...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage. Write T for true sentences, F for false sentences and N for the sentences containing no information.

It is great to have pen pals. In my opinion, friendship is among the meaningful relations in our life. Many of my friends have pen pals and they correspond regularly. A friend of mine once got a letter from the school mailbox and told me a lot of interesting things about her pen pal. That made me excited and I was eager to have one. Therefore, I got online and did some chatting. I was lucky to get to know a very nice Australian girl. Her name's Jenny. She and I are the same age and we have a lot of things in common.

Although my English was not very good at first, we were able to understand each other quite well. My English has improved a lot. Jenny has never been to Viet Nam. However, she thinks well of our country and our people. When she comes to Viet Nam, I will take her to some interesting places, especially our World Heritage Sites, such as Ha Long Bay, Hoi An Ancient Town, My- Son Tower. Through her mail, she tells me about her country. Thanks to Jenny, I know more and more about Australia. I hope to be an exchange student in Australia some day and we will be able to meet.

1. The writer's English is now better than before. _____

2. The writer has 'never been to Australia. _____

3. Australia doesn't have as many World Heritage Sites as Viet Nam. _____

4. The pen pal mentioned is as old as the writer. _____

5. They correspond in Vietnamese_______

3 tháng 12 2017

Read the passage. Write T for true sentences, F for false sentences and N for the sentences containing no information.

It is great to have pen pals. In my opinion, friendship is among the meaningful relations in our life. Many of my friends have pen pals and they correspond regularly. A friend of mine once got a letter from the school mailbox and told me a lot of interesting things about her pen pal. That made me excited and I was eager to have one. Therefore, I got online and did some chatting. I was lucky to get to know a very nice Australian girl. Her name's Jenny. She and I are the same age and we have a lot of things in common.

Although my English was not very good at first, we were able to understand each other quite well. My English has improved a lot. Jenny has never been to Viet Nam. However, she thinks well of our country and our people. When she comes to Viet Nam, I will take her to some interesting places, especially our World Heritage Sites, such as Ha Long Bay, Hoi An Ancient Town, My- Son Tower. Through her mail, she tells me about her country. Thanks to Jenny, I know more and more about Australia. I hope to be an exchange student in Australia some day and we will be able to meet.

1. The writer's English is now better than before. ( T )

2. The writer has never been to Australia. ( T )

3. Australia doesn't have as many World Heritage Sites as Viet Nam. ( F )

4. The pen pal mentioned is as old as the writer. ( T )

5. They correspond in Vietnamese ( T )

3 tháng 12 2017

e cảm ơn

Part 2: You are going to read a magazine interview with a sportswoman. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered boxes. A. But the Championships are different because there's only one chance and you have to be ready to make the most of it. B. In fact, some of them help me with my speed and ball-skills training. C. But once...
Đọc tiếp

Part 2: You are going to read a magazine interview with a sportswoman. Seven sentences have
been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered
A. But the Championships are different because there's only one chance and you have to be
ready to make the most of it.
B. In fact, some of them help me with my speed and ball-skills training.
C. But once the final whistle blows, you become a different person.
D. So I took the decision some time ago that this competition would be the end of it as far as
playing is concerned.
E. I'm on a strict timetable to gain maximum fitness for them.
F. As far as I'm aware, we have always beaten them, but they'll be exciting to play.
G. As captain, I think it's important that I have a strong mental attitude and lead by example.
H. As a result of playing here, there will be more pressure than we're used to.
The Netball Captain
In our series on women in sport, Suzie Ellis went to meet England's netball captain.
Kendra Slawinski is captain of England's netball team. When I met her, she'd had a typical day
for the weeks leading up to next month's World Championships: a day's teaching at a local school
followed by a training session in the local supermarket car park.
I was surprised to hear about her training venue.
„Don't you get strange looks?‟ I asked her. „I'm too involved in what I'm doing - concentrating
on my movements and my feet - to see anything else,‟ she said. „I might notice cars slow down out
of the corner of my eye, but that's all.‟
Điểm bằng số Điểm bằng chữ Chữ ký G.khảo 1 Chữ ký G.khảo 2 Số phách Số T.tự bài thi
„My whole life now is all about making sure I'm at my absolute best for the Championships,‟
says Kendra.
„1.________‟ These are her fourth World Championships and they are guaranteed to be the
biggest ever, with 27 nations taking part.
„We'll have home support behind us, which is so special,‟ she says. „And it's important that the
reputation of netball in this country should be improved. 2.________ A home crowd will have
expectations and give more support. People will expect us to start t he tournament with a good
Their first game is against Barbados and it comes immediately after the opening ceremony.
3.________ They have lots of ability.‟
The England team are currently ranked fourth in the world. But, as Kendra points out, the
World Championships will be tough. „You have to push yourself to play each day, there's no rest
between games as in a series. And you can still win an international series if you lose the first game.
In the fifteen years since she has been playing at top level, the sport has become harder, faster.
On court, players are more aggressive. „You don't do all that training not to come out a winner,‟
says Kendra.
5.________ „We're all friendlier after the game.‟
Netball is also taking a far more scientific approach to fitness testing.
„It is essential that we all think and train like world -class players,‟ says Kendra.
6.________ I see my role as supporting and encouraging the rest of the team.‟
„From the very beginning, my netball career has always been carefully planned, ‟ she says.
Doubtless she will coach young players in the future, but at the moment her eyes are firmly set
on her last big event. As she leads out her team in the opening candlelight ceremony, she is more
than likely to have a tear in her eye. Her loyal supporters will be behind her every step of the way.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each sentence. 1. In some European countries, a barber used __________ teeth as well as cut hair. A. pull B. pulled C. pulling D. to pull 2. King Duc Duc __________ the country for only three days before he was overthrown. A. had ruled B. has ruled C. have ruled D. will rule 3. I suggest __________ these valuable things in high-security places. A. put B. puts C. putting D. to put 4. They wondered how __________ this support service. A. use...
Đọc tiếp

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each sentence.

1. In some European countries, a barber used __________ teeth as well as cut hair.

A. pull B. pulled C. pulling D. to pull

2. King Duc Duc __________ the country for only three days before he was overthrown.

A. had ruled B. has ruled C. have ruled D. will rule

3. I suggest __________ these valuable things in high-security places.

A. put B. puts C. putting D. to put

4. They wondered how __________ this support service.

A. use B. used C. using D. to use

5. It’s a tradition in Viet Nam that the juniors have to __________ the seniors.

A. obey B. disobey C. obedient D. disobedient

6. The living standards in the countryside have __________improved in the last ten years.

A. considerable B. considerably C. considerate D. consider

7. The two countries agreed to __________ fill diplomatic relations.

A. set in B. set out C. set up D. set off

8. I don’t think Fred __________ Daniel. They always argue.

A. gets out with B. gets over with C. gets through with D.gets on with

9. I couldn’t sleep last night __________ the bar nearby played music too loudly.

A. because B. although C. so that D. while

10. Sometimes I wish my parents could put themselves __________ my shoes.

A. at B. in C. on D. out

11. A: It is said that marriages used to be arranged by parents.

B: __________

A. Wow, I can’t imagine that. B. I wish I could go back to that time. C. How cool! D. Sure.

12. In order to learn how to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home, students need to have __________ skills.

A. housekeeping B. emotion control C. cognitive D. social

13. A __________ is a castle on high ground in or near a city where people could go when the city was being attacked.

citadel / cathedral / monument / centre

14. Which underlined word in this question is unstressed? “What are you looking for?”


II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.

I was a postman in a remote area of Myanmar. Once (1)______ month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village to village, (2)______ were far away from each other. In each village, I delivered (3)______ collected the post. I also used (4)______ and write letters for the villagers. Most of them were illiterate. I also passed (5)______ the news I (6)______ from the town and the other villages. The people treated me well. It was a hard job but I loved it.

U Sein Tun from Myanmar

1. A. a B. an C. the D. each

2. A. who B. where C. that D. which

3. A. and B. but C. so D. because

4. A. read B. to read C. to reading D. reading

5. A. on B. down C. up D. in

6. A. hear B. have heard C. had heard D. will hear

III. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

Chu Van An High School is one of the oldest and most prestigious state schools in Viet Nam. Established in 1908 by the French, the school was located beside the West Lake, and was originally named after the location it was in. It is a very pleasant, spacious school with great views of the lake from the classroom windows.

In 1943, the school was moved to Ninh Binh, and was not moved back to Ha Noi until 1945. In that year, the school was renamed Chu Van An, after a famous Vietnamese Confucianism teacher of the Tran Dynasty. Professor Nguyen GiaTuong became the first Vietnamese principal of the school. Many famous people like ex-Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, Doctor Ton That Tung, and poet Xuan Dieu used to be the school's students.

Today the school is still located in the same area, and has maintained its prestige, as well as its reputation as one of the top schools in Ha Noi. It is very difficult to be admitted to the school. Every year, there are around three thousand applicants but only about five hundred are admitted. Those applicants have to take an entrance examination conducted by the Department of Education and Training of Ha Noi.

1. The passage mainly discusses________.

A. Chu Van An, the teacher B. Chu Van An School in the future

C. Chu Van An School over time D. the difficulty of being admitted to Chu Van An School

2. Chu Van An High School was founded in ________.

A. the early 19th century B. the late 19th century

C. the early 20th century D. the late 20th century

3. All of the following are true about the school EXCEPT________.

A. the school was originally named after the location it is in

B. the school admits three thousand students every year

C. the school has a view of the West Lake

D. the school is large

4. It can be understood from the passage that________.

A. students of the school are very smart

B. the school fees are very high

C. only children from prestigious families can enter the school

D. the teachers at the school earn a lot of money

IV. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals.

1. My friend Veronica is now participating in an international summer camp in Brazil. I’d love to be with her. (WERE)

- I wish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in an international summer camp in Brazil.

2. It was confident of her to say that she would win the first prize.

- She was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. “Have you seen her recently?” asked Thanh.

- Thanh asked me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

4. Mai spent her childhood in a small town in the south. (UP)

- Mai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

V. Make meaningful sentences using the words or phrases given.

1. It / kind / her / lend / me / her book.

- It was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. That skyscraper / be / one of / tall buildings / the world.

- That skyscraper is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Although / she / be tired / last night / she / finish / knit the scarf for her dad.

- Although she was. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. It / known / that / Ha Long Bay / be recognised as a World Heritage Site / UNESCO / 1994.

- It is known that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


19 tháng 12 2017

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each sentence.

1. In some European countries, a barber used __________ teeth as well as cut hair.

A. pull B. pulled C. pulling D. to pull

2. King Duc Duc __________ the country for only three days before he was overthrown.

A. had ruled B. has ruled C. have ruled D. will rule

3. I suggest __________ these valuable things in high-security places.

A. put B. puts C. putting D. to put

4. They wondered how __________ this support service.

A. use B. used C. using D. to use

5. It’s a tradition in Viet Nam that the juniors have to __________ the seniors.

A. obey B. disobey C. obedient D. disobedient

6. The living standards in the countryside have __________improved in the last ten years.

A. considerable B. considerably C. considerate D. consider

7. The two countries agreed to __________ fill diplomatic relations.

A. set in B. set out C. set up D. set off

8. I don’t think Fred __________ Daniel. They always argue.

A. gets out with B. gets over with C. gets through with D.gets on with

9. I couldn’t sleep last night __________ the bar nearby played music too loudly.

A. because B. although C. so that D. while

10. Sometimes I wish my parents could put themselves __________ my shoes.

A. at B. in C. on D. out

11. A: It is said that marriages used to be arranged by parents.

B: __________

A. Wow, I can’t imagine that. B. I wish I could go back to that time. C. How cool! D. Sure.

12. In order to learn how to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home, students need to have __________ skills.

A. housekeeping B. emotion control C. cognitive D. social

13. A __________ is a castle on high ground in or near a city where people could go when the city was being attacked.

citadel / cathedral / monument / centre

14. Which underlined word in this question is unstressed? “What are you looking for?”

(những từ in đậm là từ không được nhấn)


II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.

I was a postman in a remote area of Myanmar. Once (1)______ month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village to village, (2)______ were far away from each other. In each village, I delivered (3)______ collected the post. I also used (4)______ and write letters for the villagers. Most of them were illiterate. I also passed (5)______ the news I (6)______ from the town and the other villages. The people treated me well. It was a hard job but I loved it.

U Sein Tun from Myanmar

1. A. a B. an C. the D. each

2. A. who B. where C. that D. which

3. A. and B. but C. so D. because

4. A. read B. to read C. to reading D. reading

5. A. on B. down C. up D. in

6. A. hear B. have heard C. had heard D. will hear

III. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

Chu Van An High School is one of the oldest and most prestigious state schools in Viet Nam. Established in 1908 by the French, the school was located beside the West Lake, and was originally named after the location it was in. It is a very pleasant, spacious school with great views of the lake from the classroom windows.

In 1943, the school was moved to Ninh Binh, and was not moved back to Ha Noi until 1945. In that year, the school was renamed Chu Van An, after a famous Vietnamese Confucianism teacher of the Tran Dynasty. Professor Nguyen GiaTuong became the first Vietnamese principal of the school. Many famous people like ex-Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, Doctor Ton That Tung, and poet Xuan Dieu used to be the school's students.

Today the school is still located in the same area, and has maintained its prestige, as well as its reputation as one of the top schools in Ha Noi. It is very difficult to be admitted to the school. Every year, there are around three thousand applicants but only about five hundred are admitted. Those applicants have to take an entrance examination conducted by the Department of Education and Training of Ha Noi.

1. The passage mainly discusses________.

A. Chu Van An, the teacher B. Chu Van An School in the future

C. Chu Van An School over time D. the difficulty of being admitted to Chu Van An School

2. Chu Van An High School was founded in ________.

A. the early 19th century B. the late 19th century

C. the early 20th century D. the late 20th century

3. All of the following are true about the school EXCEPT________.

A. the school was originally named after the location it is in

B. the school admits three thousand students every year

C. the school has a view of the West Lake

D. the school is large

4. It can be understood from the passage that________.

A. students of the school are very smart

B. the school fees are very high

C. only children from prestigious families can enter the school

D. the teachers at the school earn a lot of money

IV. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals.

1. My friend Veronica is now participating in an international summer camp in Brazil. I’d love to be with her. (WERE)

- I wish. . . . . . . . . . . I were to participate with Veronica. . . . . . . . . . in an international summer camp in Brazil.

2. It was confident of her to say that she would win the first prize.

- She was . . . . . . . . .. . . . . so confident as to say that she would win the first prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. “Have you seen her recently?” asked Thanh.

- Thanh asked me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if I had seen her recently. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

4. Mai spent her childhood in a small town in the south. (UP)

- Mai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .grew up in a small town in the south . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

V. Make meaningful sentences using the words or phrases given.

1. It / kind / her / lend / me / her book.

- It was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kind of her to lend me her book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. That skyscraper / be / one of / tall buildings / the world.

- That skyscraper is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one of the tallest buildings in the world. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Although / she / be tired / last night / she / finish / knit the scarf for her dad.

- Although she was. . . . . tired last night, she finished knitting the scarf for her dad. . . . . . . . .

4. It / known / that / Ha Long Bay / be recognised as a World Heritage Site / UNESCO / 1994.

- It is known that Ha Long Bay was recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994.

1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on) 2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ u p his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give) 6. When I saw...
Đọc tiếp
1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on) 2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for) 3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to) 4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for) 5. He said that John ______ u p his job. (has given / have given / had given / had to give) 6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow) 7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired / was repaired / will be repaired) 8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would / has) 9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn) 10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose) 11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today) 12. The astronauts have alrea dy been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to) 13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on ______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till) 14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive. (is going / go / goes / was going) 15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when) 16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall) 17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1 998 / since 1998 / tomorrow) 18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to) 19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at) 20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / fo r / on / in) 21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t) 22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of) 23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to / might / have / may) 24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy some aspirins. (must / might / may / should to) 25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to) 26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have / have) 27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since) 28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years) 29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on) 30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to) 31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / si nce / from / for) 32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came) 33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do) 34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day) 35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought) 36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not) 37. She wishes she __ ____ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have) 38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes ... didn’t / wish ... didn’t / wished ... don’t / wish ... don’t) 39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ou ght) 40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do ... could / Do ... can / Did ... can) 41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might) 42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying) 43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately) 44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish ... can / wish ... would / wi shes ... can / wishes ... would) 45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may) 46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive) 47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it
1 tháng 2 2018

1.Children get present ______ Christmas and ______ their birthday. (at ... at / on ... on / on ... at / at ... on)

2. If you are going to the post off ice, would you post a letter ______ me? (to / at / on / for)

3. The windows haven’t been cleaned ______ weeks. (ago / since / for / to)

4. We usually go to our home village at least once ______ the summer. (in / on / to / for)

5. He said that John ______ u p his job.

(has given / have given / had given / had to give)

6. When I saw Susan, she said she was taking her driving test ______. (today / the next day / tomorrow / the tomorrow)

7. My TV is broken. I wish it ______ soon. (would be repaired / is repaired / was repaired / will be repaired)

8. I have lived with my parents. I wish I ______ an apartment. (will have / had / would have / has)

9. Have you ever wished you ______ to ski when you were younger? (will learn / could learn / learn / can learn)

10. Sometimes he wishes he ______ a different career when he graduates. (can choose / choose / will choose / could choose)

11. Matthew said he was meeting a friend at the station later ______. (that day / yesterday / tomorrow / this today)

12. The astronauts have alrea dy been in orbit ______ two days. (since / for / till / to)

13. We have lunch from 12.00 ______ 1.00. Then we start again go on ______ 5.30. (to ... at / from ... to / to ... to / to ... till)

14. She said that she ______ to learn to drive.

(is going / go / goes / was going)

15. She asked me ______ I liked pop music. (if / that / what / when)

16. She said that she was going away for a few days and ______ phone me when she got back. (will / must / would / shall)

17. I’ve lived in this street ______. (in 1998 / for 1 998 / since 1998 / tomorrow)

18. I want two seats for Romeo and Juliet ______ Friday night. (on / in / at / to)

19. Our train arrived in York ______ 6.00. (in / for / on / at)

20. There was an accident at the crossroads ______ midnight last night. (at / fo r / on / in)

21. She said she ______ come to the party on Friday. (won’t / doesn’t / can’t / couldn’t)

22. I’m going to swim ______ Monday with Tom. (at / on / for / of)

23. If my watch is broken, I ______ buy a new one because I always need one. (have to / might / have / may)

24. I have got an awful headache. If I see a chemist’s, I ______ buy some aspirins. (must / might / may / should to)

25. I plan to travel around the world. If I don’t visit my father in Japan this year, I ______ go to the USA. (must / have / may / ought to)

26. If you want to get good grades, you ______ study hard. (must / ought / have to/ have)

27. Let’s wait ______ it stops raining. (until / for / to / since)

28. I have lived in this house ______. (ago six years / in six years / since six years / for six years)

29. Columbus discovered America ______ the 15th century. (in / since / for / on)

30. The course begins ______ 8 am ______ 5 pm. (from ... during / from ... since / from ... to / in ... to)

31. I fell asleep ______ the movie. (during / si nce / from / for)

32. Bill asked where ______ from. (do I come / did I come / I come / I came)

33. He wonders what ______ with my heavy luggage. (I will do / I would do / will I do / I do)

34. He said that he was coming ______. (tomorrow after / yesterday / the next day / following day)

35. You ______ go to university if you want to study medicine. (has to / will / must / ought)

36. If you want to loose weight, you ______ eat too many sweets. (might not / mustn’t / shouldn’t / may not)

37. She wishes she __ ____ a new bicycle. (can have / will have / has / could have)

38. I ______ it ______ rain so much in this city. (wishes ... didn’t / wish ... didn’t / wished ... don’t / wish ... don’t)

39. If you want to get well, you ______ see a doctor. (must / might / may / ou ght)

40. ______ you ever wish you ______ fly? (Did ... could / Do ... could / Do ... can / Did ... can)

41. If he doesn’t come soon, he ______ be late. (has / ought to / ought / might)

42. I wish I ______ on a beautiful sunny beach now. (would be lying / can be lying / can be lied / could be lying)

43. ______ he will change his job if he go to the USA. (Perhaps / Since / Recently / Lately)

44. He ______ someone ______ answer that telephone. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. (wish ... can / wish ... would / wi shes ... can / wishes ... would)

45. If the kitchen is in a mess, you ______ clean it. (will / might / ought to / may)

46. I wish you ______ so fast. It makes me nervous. (weren’t driving / can’t drive / won’t drive / will not drive)

47. The music next door is very loud. I wish they ______. (would turn it down / can turn down it / will turn it down / turn down it

Complete the story with So, Because, or Although. One night in Rio. Julian Blackbwas a very famous singer,..........he was also very lonely. In the evenings, if he wasn't playing a correct, he was usually at home alone, watching televisionand reading. ..........he knew a lot of people, he didn't have any friends. Everybody knew Julian Black the singer,.........nobdy knew the real man. It was November and Julian was on a world tour with his band. They were in Rio de Janeiro. After the concert,...
Đọc tiếp

Complete the story with So, Because, or Although. One night in Rio. Julian Blackbwas a very famous singer,..........he was also very lonely. In the evenings, if he wasn't playing a correct, he was usually at home alone, watching televisionand reading. ..........he knew a lot of people, he didn't have any friends. Everybody knew Julian Black the singer,.........nobdy knew the real man. It was November and Julian was on a world tour with his band. They were in Rio de Janeiro. After the concert, Julian felt very tired,........he went back to his hotel. He was wearing his sunglasses and hat..........he didn't want people to recognize him. He got into the elevator with a young woman. She looked at him,.........she didn't say anything. The elevator started going up. A moment later the elevator stopped. Julian and the woman waited,.....nothing happened. Julian pressed the emergened button,.......it didn't work. Julian looked at the woman."What were both very worry. Julian took off his hat andsunglasses. They began to talk while they were waiting. "What is your name?" asked the woman. "Julian ", answered Julian. He was surprised.........she didn't know who he was. It was a nice feeling. They talked about books and television shows. An hour later, the elevator started working again. Julian got off at his floor."maybe I can see you again?" he asked."That would be nice ", said the woman. Julian went back to his room.........he was very tired, he couldn't sleep. He felt very happy. His life was about to cchange.

Bài 1: Use the infinitives given in the correct form to finish the sentences: 1. The plant (to run).............. by the head engineer for a fortnight before a new director (appoint)................. 2. Here you (to be) ............ at last! I (to wait)...............for you for twenty minutes. 3. He hated (to brother )...............with trifling matters when he had many more important things (to deal)..................with. 4. She would never miss a chance (to show)................... her...
Đọc tiếp

Bài 1: Use the infinitives given in the correct form to finish the sentences:

1. The plant (to run).............. by the head engineer for a fortnight before a new director (appoint).................

2. Here you (to be) ............ at last! I (to wait)...............for you for twenty minutes.

3. He hated (to brother )...............with trifling matters when he had many more important things (to deal)..................with.

4. She would never miss a chance (to show)................... her efficiency, she was so anxious (to like)............... and ( to praise )...............

5. The idea was too complicated (to express)........... in just one paragraph.

Bài 2:Replace the underlined (mk thay bằng từ in nghiêng nhé...) phrasal verb in each sentence with a one-word verb:

1. You will soon pick up health when you get to the seaside.

2. He has laid aside some money so that he will be comfortable in his old age.

3. He told me that he would bring out a new album the next month.

4. We looked over the house again before we decided we would rent it.

5. The council has failed to deal with the problem of homelessness in the city.

6. Andrew Carnegie helped to set up about 3000 public library all over the United States, Canada, Britain, and others.

7. My old school has been pulled down to make room for a new and larger one.

8. Did you find out whether there are any seats left for the show?

9. I wonder who first came up with the idea of a supermaket.

10. As i kept my feet wet, I went down with a terrible cold last week.

17 tháng 10 2017

1. had been run/appointed

2.were/have been waiting

3.bothering/to deal

4.to show/to like/praise

5.to express












1.Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word I had a terrible experience last Saturday. This is what happened. I left my flat at 2 o’clock went into (36) to do some shopping. I go shopping most Saturday afternoon. (37) 4 o’clock, I had finished shopping and went into a (38) for a cup of coffee. While I was sitting in the café, I saw a friend called Julie Jones and she (39) me. At around 4:30 Julie and I paid the (40) and left the café. As we were leaving, I offered to...
Đọc tiếp

1.Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word
I had a terrible experience last Saturday. This is what happened. I left my flat at 2 o’clock went into (36) to do some shopping. I go shopping most Saturday afternoon. (37) 4 o’clock, I had finished shopping and went into a (38) for a cup of coffee. While I was sitting in the café, I saw a friend called Julie Jones and she (39) me. At around 4:30 Julie and I paid the (40) and left the café. As we were leaving, I offered to give her a (41) home in my car. She said she would like a lift so we walked to the car park together. I always put my (42) in the same car park near the town centre, but when we got to the park. I had a big (43) . My car was not there! Of course, I immediately thought that someone had (44) it. I was going to phone the police, but luckily I didn’t. I suddenly realised the truth. I had (45) driven into town that day! I had come on the bus instead. Imagine how stupid I felt.

24 tháng 2 2018

1.Read the passage and fill each numbered space with ONE suitable word
I had a terrible experience last Saturday. This is what happened. I left my flat at 2 o’clock went into shops (36) to do some shopping. I go shopping most Saturday afternoon. Before (37) 4 o’clock, I had finished shopping and went into a cafe (38) for a cup of coffee. While I was sitting in the café, I saw a friend called Julie Jones and she saw (39) me. At around 4:30 Julie and I paid the money (40) and left the café. As we were leaving, I offered to give her a key (41) home in my car. She said she would like a lift so we walked to the car park together. I always put my (42) car in the same car park near the town centre, but when we got to the park. I had a big shock (43) . My car was not there! Of course, I immediately thought that someone had stolen (44) it. I was going to phone the police, but luckily I didn’t. I suddenly realised the truth. I had not (45) driven into town that day! I had come on the bus instead. Imagine how stupid I felt.

19 tháng 7 2018

Read, choose and write. Use the past simple and past continuous

Arrive Examine Give Look

Love Not look Put (x2) See

I was shocked that I didn't know what to do. Then my friend had an idea. Why don't we just put the things back? Who will know the difference? So, while the judges were looking at the other works of art, my friend and I put everything back together again. We simply (1)..put..everything in a pile and decided that it (2)..didn't look..that bad. We (3)..had put...the last piece at the top of the pile when the judges (4)..arrived.. together with my brother. When he (5)..saw...the state of his work, his face became white with anger and mine red with embarrassment. While the judges (6)...examined..his work, he (7)..looked...at me with murder in his eyes. The only reason why I am here today to tell the story is because the judges really (8)..loved..his work, or should I say, our work? Actually, they thought it was so good that they (9)..gave..him the first prize