
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 11 2023

1. b

2. a

3. c

4. c

1 It is a fact, not an opinion, that the problem

(Đó là một thực tế, không phải là một ý kiến, rằng vấn đề)

=> b cannot be solved in the shop.

(không thể được giải quyết trong cửa hàng.)

Thông tin: 

I can’t help you. We can’t unlock phones here. You need to contact your phone network. They’re the only people who can unlock it. (Tôi không thể giúp bạn được. Chúng tôi không thể mở khoá điện thoại ở đây. Bạn cần liên hệ với hãng điẹne thoại của bạn. Họ là những người duy nhất có thể mở khoá nó.)

2 Where does the dialogue take place?

(Cuộc đối thoại diễn ra ở đâu?)

=> a Outside the man's house

(Bên ngoài ngôi nhà của người đàn ông)

Thông tin: 

M That’s my house! (Đó là nhà tôi!)

3 Why is the girl angry with the boy? 

(Tại sao cô gái giận chàng trai?)

=> c He accidentally deleted something that she wanted.

(Anh vô tình xóa một cái gì đó mà cô ấy muốn.)

Thông tin: 

You did erase them. Look – there are only ten songs on here now, and they’re yours. Mine aren’t here.

(Bạn đã xoá chúng còn gì. Nhìn này - ở đây chỉ có 10 bài hát thôi, và chúng đều là của bạn. Của tôi có đâu.)

4 The dialogue takes place a short while before

(Cuộc đối thoại diễn ra một lúc trước)

=> c a social event.

(một sự kiện xã hội.)

Thông tin: 

Nevermind. Actually, all the members of the castare getting together a bit later to celebrate the end of the show. I’ll talk to people there. (Không sao ạ. Thực ra thì, tất cả những thành viên của nhóm sẽ tụ tập muộn hơn chút để ăn mừng kết thúc chương trình. Con sẽ nói chuyện với mọi người ở đó.)

17 tháng 11 2023

Bài nghe: 


C = Customer

A = Assistant

Hi. I wonder if you can help me?

Sure. What’s the problem?

My smartphone is locked. If I put the passcode in, nothing happens.

Right. Can I see?

Yes. Look: 5-2-6-1. Nothing.

Hmm. This phone automatically locks if an incorrect passcode is entered three times. Are you sure you’ve got the right passcode?

Yes, I’m sure. But my three-year-old son was playing with it this morning...

Ah, well that could be the problem. I expect he’s pressed some keys and locked your phone. Anyway, I’m afraid I can’t help you. We can’t unlock phones here. You need to contact your phone network. They’re the only people who can unlock it.

How long does it take?

It’s hard to say. I reckon you should allow at least three or four days.

Oh dear! That’s quite a long time. Are you sure you can’t do anything to help me?

I’m afraid not.


M = Man

W = Woman

Can I help you?

Oh, yes. Do you live around here?

You could say that. That’s my house!

I’m trying to find the Victoria Hotel. My satnav says it’s up this road...

But this isn’t a road. You can see that! And you’re ruining my grass!

Are you sure this isn’t the Victoria Hotel?

Of course I’m sure! I live here!!

Oh, how annoying. All right, I’ll turn around.

Don’t turn around, you’ll ruin the plants. Just go backwards.

All right. Look, it isn’t my fault. I’m just following the satnav. Do you know where the hotel is?

I think there’s a hotel around the next corner. But it isn’t called the Victoria Hotel. It’s the Empire Hotel.

The Empire Hotel. That’s the one!

You said the Victoria.

I know, but I’m pretty sure it’s called the Empire. Thank you. Bye!

Don’t drive over my ... roses.


G = Girl

B = Boy

Have you been using my MP3 player?

Er ... no.

Yes, you have!

Well, maybe once or twice. How do you know?

Because all the songs are different!

I added a few songs, you’re right. Do you like them?

Not really. Why did you erase all my songs?

I didn’t erase anything. I just copied about ten new songs onto it.

You did erase them. Look – there are only ten songs on here now, and they’re yours. Mine aren’t here.

Oh, I’m sorry. Never mind – you’ve got a back-up of your songs on your computer, haven’t you?

No, I haven’t! I loaded them onto the MP3 player from a friend’s tablet.

That’s stealing.

It isn’t stealing. He said it was OK.

I don’t mean stealing from your friend. I mean stealing from the people who made the songs. It’s called copyright theft and it’s damaging...

Look, that isn’t the point! Don’t use my MP3 player without asking!


D = Dad

G = Girl

You were great. I didn’t know you could dance so well!

Thanks, Dad. Did you video any of it?

Yes, I did. I used my new camcorder.

Ooh. Let me see.

There should be four or five clips.

These are all clips of a football match!

Oh. I recorded those yesterday. I wonder what happened.

Basically, you didn’t record anything at all tonight.

I tried to! Actually, it did keep giving mea message - something about ‘memory full’. I wasn’t sure what it meant.

It means the memory is full.

So, what do I do about that?

Nevermind. Actually, all the members of the cast are getting together a bit later to celebrate the end of the show. I’ll talk to people there. Maybe somebody else videoed it.

I hope so. I think the man next to me had a camcorder too.

OK. Anyway... Thanks for coming. Glad you enjoyed it!

Tạm dịch: 


C = Khách hàng

A = Trợ lý

Xin chào. Tôi tự hỏi nếu bạn có thể giúp tôi chút không?

Chắc chắn rồi. Có vấn đề gì vậy ạ?

Điện thoại thông minh của tôi bị khóa. Tôi nhập mật mã vào, không có gì xảy ra.

A À vâng. Tôi xem được chứ?

C Được. Nhìn này: 5-2-6-1. Không có gì xảy ra cả.

A Hừm. Điện thoại này sẽ tự động khóa nếu nhập sai mật khẩu ba lần. Bạn có chắc mình đã nhập đúng mật khẩu không?

Vâng, tôi chắc chắn. Nhưng đứa con trai ba tuổi của tôi đã chơi với nó sáng nay...

A À, có thể đó chính là vấn đề đấy. Tôi cho rằng em bé đã nhấn một số phím và khóa điện thoại của bạn. Dù sao, tôi sợ rằng tôi không thể giúp bạn. Chúng tôi không thể mở khóa điện thoại ở đây. Bạn cần liên hệ với hãng điện thoại của mình. Họ là những người duy nhất có thể mở khóa nó.

C Mất bao lâu?

Thật khó để nói. Tôi nghĩ bạn nên cho phép ít nhất ba hoặc bốn ngày.

C Ôi! Lâu thật đấy. Bạn chắc là bạn không thể làm bất cứ điều gì để giúp tôi chứ?

Tôi e là không.


M = Người đàn ông

W = Người phụ nữ

M Tôi có thể giúp gì cho cô không?

W Ồ, vâng. Anh có sống quanh đây không?

Có đấy. Đó là nhà của tôi!

W Tôi đang cố tìm khách sạn Victoria. Định vị của tôi nói rằng nó ở trên con đường này...

Nhưng đây không phải là một con đường. Cô thấy đấy! Và cô đang làm hỏng cỏ của tôi!

W Anh có chắc đây không phải là khách sạn Victoria không?

M Tất nhiên tôi chắc chắn! Tôi sống ở đây mà!!

W Ôi phiền thật đấy. Được rồi, tôi sẽ quay lại.

Đừng quay lại, cô sẽ làm hỏng cây mất. Chỉ cần đi ngược lại thôi.

W Được rồi. Nghe này, đó không phải là lỗi của tôi. Tôi chỉ theo dõi định vị thôi. Anh có biết khách sạn ở đâu không?

Tôi nghĩ có một khách sạn ở góc phố tiếp theo. Nhưng nó không được gọi là khách sạn Victoria. Đó là khách sạn Empire.

W Khách sạn Empire. Chính nó.

Cô đã nói Victoria.

W Tôi biết, nhưng tôi khá chắc chắn rằng nó được gọi là Đế chế gì đấy. Cảm ơn nha. Tạm biệt!

M Đừng có mà lái xe qua ... hoa hồng của tôi. 


G = Bạn nữ

B = Bạn nam

G Bạn có dùng máy nghe nhạc MP3 của tôi không vậy?

B Ơ ... không.

Có mà!

B Ờ thì, có lẽ một hoặc hai lần. Làm sao bạn biết chứ?

Bởi vì tất cả các bài hát khác hẳn!

B Tôi đã thêm một vài bài hát, đúng rồi đấy. Bạn có thích chúng không?

Không thích lắm. Mà sao bạn xóa tất cả các bài hát của tôi?

B Tôi không xóa cái gì hết. Tôi chỉ sao chép khoảng mười bài hát mới vào đó thôi.

G Bạn đã xóa còn gì. Nhìn này - hiện tại chỉ có mười bài hát của bạn ở đây. Mấy bài hát của tôi không có ở đây.

B Ôi, tôi xin lỗi. Đừng giận mà - bạn đã sao lưu các bài hát của mình trên máy tính phải không?

G Không! Tôi đã tải chúng vào máy nghe nhạc MP3 từ máy tính bảng của một người bạn đấy

B Ủa đó là ăn cắp mà.

Không phải ăn cắp. Cấu ấy nói nó không sao.

Ý tôi không phải là ăn cắp từ bạn của bạn. Ý tôi là ăn cắp từ những người đã tạo ra các bài hát. Nó được gọi là hành vi trộm cắp bản quyền và nó gây tổn hại...

Nhưng mà, đó không phải là vấn đề! Đừng có mà sử dụng máy nghe nhạc MP3 của tôi mà không có sự cho phép nữa đi!


D = Bố

G = Con gái

D Con giỏi lắm. Bố không biết là con có thể nhảy tốt như vậy đấy!

Cảm ơn bố. Bố có quay lại video nào không ạ?

Có đấy. Bố đã sử dụng máy quay phim mới của bố.

Chà. Con xem với.

D Có bốn hoặc năm video gì đó.

G Nhưng đây đều là video của một trận đấu bóng đá mà bố!

G Ô. Hôm qua bố có quay video lại mà nhỉ. Không biết bị gì nữa.

G Về cơ bản, bố chả ghi lại bất cứ điều gì tối nay cả.

D Bố đã cố! Thực ra thì, nó đã liên tục hiện thông báo – cái gì mà 'bộ nhớ đầy'. Bố không chắc nó có nghĩa là gì.

Có nghĩa là bộ nhớ đầy.

D Vậy bố phải làm gì với nó?

G Không sao. Thực ra, tất cả các thành viên của nhóm sẽ tụ tập lại với nhau muộn hơn một chút để ăn mừng kết thúc chương trình. Con sẽ nói chuyện với mọi người ở đó. Có lẽ ai đó khác đã quay video lại.

D Bố mong là vậy. Bố nghĩ rằng người đàn ông bên cạnh bố cũng có một cái máy quay phim.

G Vâng. Dù sao... Cảm ơn vì bố đã đến. Con mừng vì bố thích nó! 

Choose the best answer : 1. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman .................... governor in the United States A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as 2. Pioneers , ....................... in isolated areas of the United States , were almost totally self - confident A. who living B. living C. lived D. that lived 3. Completed in 1756 , Nassau Hall is the oldest building now ............ on the campus of Princeton University A. standing B. it...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best answer :

1. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman .................... governor in the United States

A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as

2. Pioneers , ....................... in isolated areas of the United States , were almost totally self - confident

A. who living B. living C. lived D. that lived

3. Completed in 1756 , Nassau Hall is the oldest building now ............ on the campus of Princeton University

A. standing B. it stands C. has stood D. stood

4. Neil Armstrong , ....................... person to set foot on the moon , reported that the surface was fine and powdery

A. the first B. to be the first C. was the first D. as the first

5. The Massachusetts State House , ........................... in 1798 , was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time

A. completing B. which was completed C. was completed D. to be completed

6. Lady Astor was the first woman ............................. her seat in Parliament

A. take B. to take C. taking D. who takes

7. Norman Weiner , .......................... mathematiciann and logician , had an important role in the development of the computer

A. who as a B. was a C. whom a D. a

8. Coal was the first fuel ................... to power machinery

A. is used B. using C. to use D. to be used

9. She has always got on well with her colleagues

A. she has always had poor friendship with her colleagues

B. she has always been on good terms with her colleagues

C. her colleagues have always put up with her

D. She is trying to establish a good friendship with her colleagues

10. Julia didn't listen to what her doctor told her

A. What the doctor told Julia was not worth listening to

B. Julia couldn't hear what the doctor told her

C. the doctor told Julia to listen to what he said , but she didn't do so

D. Julia took no notice of what her doctor told her

11. John Smith is a farmer . I bought his land

A. John Smith , whose land I bought , is a farmer

B. John Smith , who is a farmer , whose land I bought

C. John Smith , whom I bought his land , is a farmer

D. John Smith , a farmer , bought his land

12. That's the man I told you about yesterday

A. That's the man about whom I told you yesterday

B. I told you about the man whom you met yesterday

C. That's the man about that I told you yesterday

D. That's the man about I told you yesterday

13. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us

A. the story he told us was magical

B. It's possible that he told an unreal story

C. It's possible that he told a real story

D. the story he told us was beyond our belief

14. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe ( Từ " infinite " đồng nghĩa với từ nào ? )

A. boundless B. unlimited C. uncountable D. inflexible


15 tháng 5 2020

Choose the best answer :

1. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman .................... governor in the United States

A. who elected B. to be elected C. was elected D. her election as

2. Pioneers , ....................... in isolated areas of the United States , were almost totally self - confident

A. who living B. living C. lived D. that lived

3. Completed in 1756 , Nassau Hall is the oldest building now ............ on the campus of Princeton University

A. standing B. it stands C. has stood D. stood

4. Neil Armstrong , ....................... person to set foot on the moon , reported that the surface was fine and powdery

A. the first B. to be the first C. was the first D. as the first

5. The Massachusetts State House , ........................... in 1798 , was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time

A. completing B. which was completed C. was completed D. to be completed

6. Lady Astor was the first woman ............................. her seat in Parliament

A. take B. to take C. taking D. who takes

7. Norman Weiner , .......................... mathematiciann and logician , had an important role in the development of the computer

A. who as a B. was a C. whom a D. a

8. Coal was the first fuel ................... to power machinery

A. is used B. using C. to use D. to be used

9. She has always got on well with her colleagues

A. she has always had poor friendship with her colleagues

B. she has always been on good terms with her colleagues

( get on well with sbd= be on good terms: hòa đồng thân thiện)

C. her colleagues have always put up with her

D. She is trying to establish a good friendship with her colleagues

10. Julia didn't listen to what her doctor told her

A. What the doctor told Julia was not worth listening to

B. Julia couldn't hear what the doctor told her

C. the doctor told Julia to listen to what he said , but she didn't do so

D. Julia took no notice of what her doctor told her

11. John Smith is a farmer . I bought his land

A. John Smith , whose land I bought , is a farmer

B. John Smith , who is a farmer , whose land I bought

C. John Smith , whom I bought his land , is a farmer

D. John Smith , a farmer , bought his land

12. That's the man I told you about yesterday

A. That's the man about whom I told you yesterday

B. I told you about the man whom you met yesterday

C. That's the man about that I told you yesterday

D. That's the man about I told you yesterday

13. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us

A. the story he told us was magical

B. It's possible that he told an unreal story

C. It's possible that he told a real story

D. the story he told us was beyond our belief

14. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe ( Từ " infinite " đồng nghĩa với từ nào ? )

A. boundless B. unlimited C. uncountable D. inflexible

infinite: vô hạn

Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a...
Đọc tiếp

Read the article about a type of art. Are the sentences true or false? Write T or F.

When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always been a type of art which doesn't last. This is often referred to as 'temporary' art. Sculptures which are made of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.

Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work. He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create. But they are mostly talked about because the final results are so impressive. For the past few years, Rodríguez-Gerada has been creating gigantic faces in empty spaces in cities. To people on the ground, it looks like a garden, and it is hard to see any kind of design in it. In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design. Then an army of workers use this master plan to create the image which the artist has planned.

In 2014, the artist created an astonishing face on the National Mall in Washington, DC. It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while. The portrait was of a young man of mixed race, and was called Of the Many, One. The artist says that it showed one of the millions of faces that represent the American people. After a while, the sand and soil of the portrait were mixed together, and new lawns were planted in its place. The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

4 His work is very quick to create.

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

19 tháng 11 2023

1 Temporary art is a new kind of art.

(Nghệ thuật tạm thời là một loại hình nghệ thuật mới.)

Thông tin: “There has always been a type of art which doesn't last.”

(Luôn có một loại hình nghệ thuật không trường tồn.)

=> Chọn False

2 Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.

(Các nghệ sĩ sử dụng cát hoặc phấn trong tác phẩm nghệ thuật của họ để tác phẩm tồn tại lâu dài.)

Thông tin: “it's not that these don't have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.”

(Không phải những thứ này không có giá trị nghệ thuật, nhưng chúng được thiết kế để biến mất.)

=> Chọn False

3 Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ quan trọng trong lĩnh vực nghệ thuật tạm thời.)

Thông tin: “Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada is a modern 'temporary' artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work.”

(Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada là một nghệ sĩ 'tạm thời' hiện đại, và là người được chú ý nhiều nhờ tác phẩm của mình.")

=> Chọn True

4 His work is very quick to create.

(Tác phẩm của anh ấy được tạo ra rất nhanh.)

Thông tin: “his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn False

5 He uses maps to plan his artwork.

(Anh ấy sử dụng bản đồ để lên kế hoạch cho tác phẩm nghệ thuật của mình.)

Thông tin: “"In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design.”

(Trên thực tế, bản đồ GPS được sử dụng để thiết kế.)

=> Chọn True

6 A lot of people help him to create his art.

(Rất nhiều người giúp anh ấy tạo ra tác phẩm nghệ thuật.)

Thông tin: “He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create.”

(Anh ấy sử dụng các nhóm tình nguyện viên để giúp đỡ anh ấy, và các tác phẩm của anh ấy mất nhiều thời gian để lên kế hoạch và sáng tạo.)

=> Chọn True

7 Jorge's artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật của Jorge có tên Of the Many, One là một phần của thiết kế sân vườn mới cho National Mall.)

Thông tin: “It covered an area of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn't going to be used for a while.”

(Nó có diện tích 25.000 mét vuông, và nó được tạo ra bởi vì trung tâm thương mại đang có những khu vườn mới và khu đất sẽ không được sử dụng trong một thời gian.)

=> Chọn True

8 The artwork does not exist anymore.

(Tác phẩm nghệ thuật không còn tồn tại nữa.)

Thông tin: “The portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.”

(Bức chân dung đã biến mất, nhưng nó sẽ không dễ bị lãng quên.)

=> Chọn True

1. If we(have) __________wings, we (not,have) _________ to take an airplane to fly home. 2. The statue (break) __________ while it (move) __________ to another room in the museum. 3. It was not until I (live) __________ with him that I (realize) _________ that he (cheat) __________ me and it was my terrible mistake to marry him. 4. I was considering (buy) ___________ a house nut now I (change) my mind. 5. The staff was made (lie) __________ down on the floor by the robbers. 6. The Swedish...
Đọc tiếp

1. If we(have) __________wings, we (not,have) _________ to take an airplane to fly home.

2. The statue (break) __________ while it (move) __________ to another room in the museum.

3. It was not until I (live) __________ with him that I (realize) _________ that he (cheat) __________ me and it was my terrible mistake to marry him.

4. I was considering (buy) ___________ a house nut now I (change) my mind.

5. The staff was made (lie) __________ down on the floor by the robbers.

6. The Swedish scientist, Alfred B.Nobel, left money to be awarded to people who have done something important (help) __________ humankind.

7. Sorry I didn't make the plan on Friday. I hope it didn't mess you around much. I know you (already, book) _______________ me a room hotel, but presumably you were able to cancel it. Unfortunately, my father (not, be) ___________ very well recently, and on Friday morning, while he (clean) ___________ the car, he fainted and (rush) ___________ into hospital. Luclily, the doctors say he's likely to be home in a few days.

8. Look! That man (run) ____________ our of the bank ! And he (carry) ___________ a large bag full of money.

9. He apologized for (not, write) ___________ to her for a month.

10. When we arrived at the meeting, the first speaker (just, finish) _____________ and the audience (clap) ___________

15 tháng 4 2020

1. If we(have) ___HAD____wings, we (not,have) ___WOULDN'T HAVE_____ to take an airplane to fly home.

2. The statue (break) ___BROKE_____ while it (move) ___WAS BEING MOVEED_____ to another room in the museum.

3. It was not until I (live) ____LIVED___ with him that I (realize) _____REALIZED___ that he (cheat) __HAD CHEATED_____ me and it was my terrible mistake to marry him.

4. I was considering (buy) _____BUYING___ a house but now I (change) CHANGED my mind.

5. The staff was made (lie) ____TO LIE____ down on the floor by the robbers.

6. The Swedish scientist, Alfred B.Nobel, left money to be awarded to people who have done something important (help) ___TO HELP_____ humankind.

7. Sorry I didn't make the plan on Friday. I hope it didn't mess you around much. I know you (already, book) ____HAD ALREADY BOOKED______ me a room hotel, but presumably you were able to cancel it. Unfortunately, my father (not, be) _____HAS NOT BEEN___ very well recently, and on Friday morning, while he (clean) ______WAS CLEANING__ the car, he fainted and (rush) ___RUSHED_____ into hospital. Luclily, the doctors say he's likely to be home in a few days.

8. Look! That man (run) ______IS RUNNING____ our of the bank ! And he (carry) _____IS CARRYING____ a large bag full of money.

9. He apologized for (not, write) ___NOT WRITING______ to her for a month.

10. When we arrived at the meeting, the first speaker (just, finish) _____HAD JUST FINISHED__ and the audience (clap) ___WAS CLAPPING____

SUPPLY THE COTTECT VERB FORM TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. 1.Many young people are fond of........(play) football and other kinds of sports 2.Your house needs.......(redecorate) 3.It was nasty memory.Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid....(recognize)by the supervisors. 4.we found it very difficult....(work) with gamma 5.I can't read when I am traveling It makes me....(feel) sick 6.I need.......(know) what's in the letter.why don't you let me....(read) it? 7.I...
Đọc tiếp


1.Many young people are fond of........(play) football and other kinds of sports

2.Your house needs.......(redecorate)

3.It was nasty memory.Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid....(recognize)by the supervisors.

4.we found it very difficult....(work) with gamma

5.I can't read when I am traveling It makes me....(feel) sick

6.I need.......(know) what's in the letter.why don't you let me....(read) it?

7.I have some exercises....(do)

8.Please wait a minute.My boss is busy....(write) something

9.I'm sure that the know how...(use) this new machine

10.I suggested...(go) go out for some fresh air

11.We finally decided..(stay) where we were

12.listen! I hear someone...(open) the gate

13.the small girl enjoys....(give) toys on her birthday

14.the schoolboy promised....(not,make) mistakes again

15. ..............(spend) all his money he decided to go home and ask his father for a job

16. ..............(see) photographs of the place I had no desire to go there

17.Althougt younger than the other children, she demanded....(include) in the game

18.he decided.....(take) an umberlla with him

19. ....(find) the money they began quarrelling about how to divide it

20. ....(take part in) this kind of campaign many times these volunteers are experienced

12 tháng 12 2018


1.Many young people are fond of....playing....(play) football and other kinds of sports

2.Your house needs....redecorating...(redecorate)

3.It was nasty memory.Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid..recognizing..(recognize)by the supervisors.

4.we found it very difficult..to work..(work) with gamma

5.I can't read when I am traveling It makes me..feel..(feel) sick

6.I need....to know...(know) what's in the letter.why don't you let me..read..(read) it?

7.I have some exercises..to do..(do)

8.Please wait a minute.My boss is busy..writing..(write) something

9.I'm sure that the know how..to use.(use) this new machine

10.I suggested.going..(go) go out for some fresh air

i/ choose the one word or phrase abc or d, that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase 4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable 5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners 6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part 7. they ____ a...
Đọc tiếp

i/ choose the one word or phrase abc or d, that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day
a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable
5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part
7. they ____ a close friendship at university
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
8. we stayed friends even after we ____ and left home
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
9. Sarah brightened ____ considerably as she thought of Emily's words
a. with b. on c. up d. for
10. does he tell you how he is getting ___ his new friend
a. on with b. on of c. away with d. out of
11. there is no truth in the ___ that Margaret has lost her job
a. rumour b. case c. instance d. news
12. friendship is a two side ____; it lives by give and take
a. affair b. event c. way d. aspect
13. Jen had confided her secret to Mark ; but he betrayed her _________-
a, loyalty b. trust c. constancy d. sympathy
14. it was so relaxing to be ___ old friend
a. in b. between c. among d. around
15. she's made friends ___ a little girl who lives next door
a. to b. of c.by d. with
16. the children seem to be totally capable _____ working by themselves
a. on b. of c. in d, for
17. they were extremely ____ to my plight
a. sympathyzed b. sympathetic c. sympathy d. sympathetical
18. the president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths
a. sadness b. anxiety c. disappointment d. interest

1. the aim of the culture festival is ___ friendship beween the two countries
a, promote b. promoting c. to promote d, being promoted
2. how can you let such a silly incident ____ your friendship
a. wreck b, to wreck c, wrecking d. that wrecks
3. i think your mother should let you ___ your own mind
a. make up b. to make up c. making up d. made up
4. do you know what made so many people ___ their home >
a. evacuate b. to evacuate c. evacuated d. be evacuated
5. it has become necessary ___ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought
a. rationing b. ration c. to ration d. to have rationed
6. ______ good ice cream, you need to use alot of cream
a. make b. making c. to make d. for make
7. i got my friend ___ her car for the weekend
a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow
c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow
8, he finds it ___ lasting friendships
a. difficuld to make b. difficulty in making c. is difficult to make d. difficult making
9. they ___ god friends but they've fallen out recently
a. used to be b. would be c. were d. are
10. how about going to the theater? ok but i would reather ___ a concert
a. attend b. to attend c, attending d. have attended
11. jim doesn't speak very clearly____
a. its difficult to understand him
b. its difficult for understanding him
c, he's difficult in understand him
d. its difficult to understand
12. last night we saw a meteor __ through the sky
a. streaked b. to streak c. streak d. to have streaked
13. the skiers would reather ___ through the mountains than go by bus
a. to travel on train b. traveled by train c. travel by train d. traveling by the train
14. ___bread, you usually need flour salt and yeast
a. make b. to make c. making d. for make
15. i was delighted ___ my old friend again
a. to see b. seeing c. seen d. to be seen
16. i'd rather __ to Elvis than the Beatles
a. listen b. to listen c. listening d. listened
17. of we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop ___ lunch
a. having b. to have c. having had d. for having
18. its possible ___ a train across Canada
a. take b. to take c. taking d. to be taken
19. before we leve, let's have Shelley ___ a map for us so we won't get lost
a. draw b. to draw c. drawing d. drawn

1. simon (finds) (it hard) (for making) friends (with) other children
2. whatever (happened) i (didn't want) (to lose) friendship (of) Vera
3. (during) a curfew it is not possible (walking) (on) the streets after (a specifield) hour
4. clay (that) (has been) heated or fried in a kiln cannot (to be) (softened) again
5. as they (grow older) children in many cultures (were taught) (not to rely) (on their parents)
6. the basic (aims of )science and magic are very (similar) (to understand) and (to control) nature

1. they arrived home late
-he saw
2. she didn't want to stay there for the weekend
-they made her
3. contacting her at work is quite easy
- she is quite easy
4. can you sign the papers please? they are ready now
- the papers are
5. dont lend Tom any money. that would be most unwise
- you would be
6. mr. pinchley doesn't allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings
- mr pinchley makes
7, harry couldn't get his parents permission to boy a motorboke
-harry's parents didn't
8, my sister asks me to iron some clothes for her
.- my sister has

27 tháng 8 2018

Câu hỏi của Sye - Tiếng anh lớp 11 | Học trực tuyến

27 tháng 8 2018

i/ choose the one word or phrase abc or d, that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day
a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable
5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part
7. they ____ a close friendship at university
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
8. we stayed friends even after we ____ and left home
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
9. Sarah brightened ____ considerably as she thought of Emily's words
a. with b. on c. up d. for
10. does he tell you how he is getting ___ his new friend
a. on with b. on of c. away with d. out of
11. there is no truth in the ___ that Margaret has lost her job
a. rumour b. case c. instance d. news
12. friendship is a two side ____; it lives by give and take
a. affair b. event c. way d. aspect
13. Jen had confided her secret to Mark ; but he betrayed her _________-
a, loyalty b. trust c. constancy d. sympathy
14. it was so relaxing to be ___ old friend
a. in b. between c. among d. around
15. she's made friends ___ a little girl who lives next door
a. to b. of c.by d. with
16. the children seem to be totally capable _____ working by themselves
a. on b. of c. in d, for
17. they were extremely ____ to my plight
a. sympathyzed b. sympathetic c. sympathy d. sympathetical

i/ choose the one word or phrase abc or d, that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase 4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable 5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners 6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part 7. they ____ a...
Đọc tiếp

i/ choose the one word or phrase abc or d, that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase
4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day
a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable
5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part
7. they ____ a close friendship at university
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
8. we stayed friends even after we ____ and left home
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
9. Sarah brightened ____ considerably as she thought of Emily's words
a. with b. on c. up d. for
10. does he tell you how he is getting ___ his new friend
a. on with b. on of c. away with d. out of
11. there is no truth in the ___ that Margaret has lost her job
a. rumour b. case c. instance d. news
12. friendship is a two side ____; it lives by give and take
a. affair b. event c. way d. aspect
13. Jen had confided her secret to Mark ; but he betrayed her _________-
a, loyalty b. trust c. constancy d. sympathy
14. it was so relaxing to be ___ old friend
a. in b. between c. among d. around
15. she's made friends ___ a little girl who lives next door
a. to b. of c.by d. with
16. the children seem to be totally capable _____ working by themselves
a. on b. of c. in d, for
17. they were extremely ____ to my plight
a. sympathyzed b. sympathetic c. sympathy d. sympathetical
18. the president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths
a. sadness b. anxiety c. disappointment d. interest

1. the aim of the culture festival is ___ friendship beween the two countries
a, promote b. promoting c. to promote d, being promoted
2. how can you let such a silly incident ____ your friendship
a. wreck b, to wreck c, wrecking d. that wrecks
3. i think your mother should let you ___ your own mind
a. make up b. to make up c. making up d. made up
4. do you know what made so many people ___ their home >
a. evacuate b. to evacuate c. evacuated d. be evacuated
5. it has become necessary ___ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought
a. rationing b. ration c. to ration d. to have rationed
6. ______ good ice cream, you need to use alot of cream
a. make b. making c. to make d. for make
7. i got my friend ___ her car for the weekend
a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow
c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow
8, he finds it ___ lasting friendships
a. difficuld to make b. difficulty in making c. is difficult to make d. difficult making
9. they ___ god friends but they've fallen out recently
a. used to be b. would be c. were d. are
10. how about going to the theater? ok but i would reather ___ a concert
a. attend b. to attend c, attending d. have attended
11. jim doesn't speak very clearly____
a. its difficult to understand him
b. its difficult for understanding him
c, he's difficult in understand him
d. its difficult to understand
12. last night we saw a meteor __ through the sky
a. streaked b. to streak c. streak d. to have streaked
13. the skiers would reather ___ through the mountains than go by bus
a. to travel on train b. traveled by train c. travel by train d. traveling by the train
14. ___bread, you usually need flour salt and yeast
a. make b. to make c. making d. for make
15. i was delighted ___ my old friend again
a. to see b. seeing c. seen d. to be seen
16. i'd rather __ to Elvis than the Beatles
a. listen b. to listen c. listening d. listened
17. of we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop ___ lunch
a. having b. to have c. having had d. for having
18. its possible ___ a train across Canada
a. take b. to take c. taking d. to be taken
19. before we leve, let's have Shelley ___ a map for us so we won't get lost
a. draw b. to draw c. drawing d. drawn

1. simon (finds) (it hard) (for making) friends (with) other children
2. whatever (happened) i (didn't want) (to lose) friendship (of) Vera
3. (during) a curfew it is not possible (walking) (on) the streets after (a specifield) hour
4. clay (that) (has been) heated or fried in a kiln cannot (to be) (softened) again
5. as they (grow older) children in many cultures (were taught) (not to rely) (on their parents)
6. the basic (aims of )science and magic are very (similar) (to understand) and (to control) nature

1. they arrived home late
-he saw
2. she didn't want to stay there for the weekend
-they made her
3. contacting her at work is quite easy
- she is quite easy
4. can you sign the papers please? they are ready now
- the papers are
5. dont lend Tom any money. that would be most unwise
- you would be
6. mr. pinchley doesn't allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings
- mr pinchley makes
7, harry couldn't get his parents permission to boy a motorboke
-harry's parents didn't
8, my sister asks me to iron some clothes for her
.- my sister has

27 tháng 8 2018

4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day
a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable
5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part
7. they ____ a close friendship at university
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
8. we stayed friends even after we ____ and left home
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
9. Sarah brightened ____ considerably as she thought of Emily's words
a. with b. on c. up d. for
10. does he tell you how he is getting ___ his new friend
a. on with b. on of c. away with d. out of
11. there is no truth in the ___ that Margaret has lost her job
a. rumour b. case c. instance d. news
12. friendship is a two side ____; it lives by give and take
a. affair b. event c. way d. aspect
13. Jen had confided her secret to Mark ; but he betrayed her _________-
a, loyalty b. trust c. constancy d. sympathy
14. it was so relaxing to be ___ old friend
a. in b. between c. among d. around
15. she's made friends ___ a little girl who lives next door
a. to b. of c.by d. with
16. the children seem to be totally capable _____ working by themselves
a. on b. of c. in d, for
17. they were extremely ____ to my plight
a. sympathyzed b. sympathetic c. sympathy d. sympathetical
18. the president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths
a. sadness b. anxiety c. disappointment d. interest

14 tháng 9 2019

4. the school appeared essentially ______ since my day
a, changed b. unchanged c. changeable d. unchangeable
5, i've got lots of_____ but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. accquaintances c. neighbors d. partners
6, unselfishness is the very essence of friendship
a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d, interesting part
7. they ____ a close friendship at university
a. created b. became c. promoted d. formed
8. we stayed friends even after we ____ and left home
a. brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up
9. Sarah brightened ____ considerably as she thought of Emily's words
a. with b. on c. up d. for
10. does he tell you how he is getting ___ his new friend
a. on with b. on of c. away with d. out of
11. there is no truth in the ___ that Margaret has lost her job
a. rumour b. case c. instance d. news
12. friendship is a two side ____; it lives by give and take
a. affair b. event c. way d. aspect
13. Jen had confided her secret to Mark ; but he betrayed her _________-
a, loyalty b. trust c. constancy d. sympathy
14. it was so relaxing to be ___ old friend
a. in b. between c. among d. around
15. she's made friends ___ a little girl who lives next door
a. to b. of c.by d. with
16. the children seem to be totally capable _____ working by themselves
a. on b. of c. in d, for
17. they were extremely ____ to my plight
a. sympathyzed b. sympathetic c. sympathy d. sympathetical
18. the president expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths
a. sadness b. anxiety c. disappointment d. interest

Read the three texts and choose the best answer (A-D).Back in timeAs she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back. The smell of wood smoke, damp stone and ancient paper brought the past back so powerfully that it nearly knocked her backwards. In an instant she felt like a young girl again, alone and frightened in the house. She remembered feeling very, very cold-not from the damp and the near-freezing temperature, but...
Đọc tiếp

Read the three texts and choose the best answer (A-D).

Back in time

As she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back. The smell of wood smoke, damp stone and ancient paper brought the past back so powerfully that it nearly knocked her backwards. In an instant she felt like a young girl again, alone and frightened in the house. She remembered feeling very, very cold-not from the damp and the near-freezing temperature, but because a terrible new life was beginning. And she could do nothing to stop it.

1 What is true about the woman's feelings when she entered the house?

A She realised that she had missed her old home.

B She was happy to return to the house

C She understood that coming back was a mistake.

D She was sad about the condition of the house.

Future home?

Every few years, trend-watchers tell us that the house of the future has arrived, and gadgets from science fiction films will soon be in every home in the country. So far they've been wrong-and after viewing the 'Home of the Future' exhibition, I suspect that they are still wrong. Why do I need a super-intelligent fridge or an internet- surfing mirror? I would much rather see my face clearly in an ordinary bathroom mirror than try to surf the Internet while I'm combing my hair! If only they could design a device to stop me killing all my houseplants. If they did that, then I might be interested!

2 What was the writer's reaction to the exhibition?

A He found it very interesting.

B It reminded him of a science fiction film.

C He wanted to buy the gadgets online.

D He didn't see the use of many of the inventions.

Ackerman dream homes

Since 1893, Ackerman homes have created some of the most charming neighbourhoods in the south of England. Our homes combine a sense of history with the most modern advances in home design and technology. Now you can have the opportunity to own a beautiful contemporary Ackerman home in our new development in Acreage Woods. Experience the quality, beauty and comfort of Ackerman homes, the most trusted name in home building. With spacious semi-detached and detached homes from £275,000 to £425,000, we are sure that you will find what you're looking for. So why not visit us today?

3 The purpose of the text is to

A describe a particular home.

B attract the interest of people who are looking for a new home.

C outline the history of a home builder.

D explain what makes a quality home.

17 tháng 11 2023

Lời giải:

1. C

2. D

3. B

1. C

Điều gì là đúng về cảm xúc của người phụ nữ khi bước vào nhà?

A. Cô nhận ra rằng cô đã nhớ nhà cũ của mình.

B. Cô ấy rất vui khi trở về nhà.

C. Cô ấy buồn về tình trạng của ngôi nhà. Ngôi nhà tương lai?

D. Cô ấy buồn về tình trạng của ngôi nhà.

Thông tin: As she stepped into the hall after nearly thirty years of absence, she realised at once that she shouldn't have come back.

(Khi bước vào sảnh sau gần ba mươi năm vắng bóng, cô ấy nhận ra ngay rằng mình không nên quay lại.)

2. D

Phản ứng của nhà văn đối với cuộc triển lãm là gì?

A. Anh ấy thấy nó rất thú vị.

B. Nó làm anh ấy nhớ đến một bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng.

C. Anh ấy muốn mua các tiện ích trực tuyến.

D. Anh ấy không thấy việc sử dụng của nhiều phát minh.

Thông tin: I suspect that they are still wrong. Why do I need a super-intelligent fridge or an internet- surfing mirror?

(Tôi nghi ngờ rằng chúng vẫn sai. Tại sao tôi cần một chiếc tủ lạnh siêu thông minh hay một chiếc gương lướt web?)

3. B

Mục đích của văn bản là để

A. mô tả một ngôi nhà cụ thể.

B. thu hút sự quan tâm của những người đang tìm kiếm một ngôi nhà mới.

C. sơ lược về lịch sử của người xây nhà.

D. giải thích điều gì tạo nên một ngôi nhà chất lượng.

Thông tin: With spacious semi-detached and detached homes from £275,000 to £425,000, we are sure that you will find what you're looking for.

(Với những ngôi nhà liền kề và liền kề rộng rãi từ £275.000 đến £425.000, chúng tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ tìm thấy những gì bạn đang tìm kiếm.)

17 tháng 11 2023

Tạm dịch:

Quay ngược thời gian

Khi bước vào hội trường sau gần ba mươi năm vắng bóng, cô nhận ra ngay rằng mình không nên quay lại. Mùi khói gỗ, đá ẩm và giấy cũ kỹ mang quá khứ trở lại mạnh mẽ đến nỗi nó gần như đánh bật cô ra sau. Ngay lập tức cô cảm thấy mình như một cô gái trẻ, cô đơn và sợ hãi trong nhà. Cô nhớ mình đã cảm thấy rất, rất lạnh - không phải vì ẩm ướt và nhiệt độ gần như đóng băng, mà vì một cuộc sống mới khủng khiếp đang bắt đầu. Và cô không thể làm gì để ngăn chặn nó.

Ngôi nhà tương lai?

Cứ sau vài năm, những người theo dõi xu hướng lại nói với chúng tôi rằng ngôi nhà của tương lai đã đến và các thiết bị từ các bộ phim khoa học viễn tưởng sẽ sớm có mặt trong mọi gia đình trên cả nước. Cho đến nay họ đã sai - và sau khi xem triển lãm 'Ngôi nhà của tương lai', tôi nghi ngờ rằng họ vẫn còn sai. Tại sao tôi cần một chiếc tủ lạnh siêu thông minh hay một chiếc gương lướt web? Tôi thà nhìn rõ mặt mình trong một chiếc gương phòng tắm thông thường còn hơn là cố gắng lướt Internet trong khi đang chải đầu! Giá như họ có thể thiết kế một thiết bị để ngăn tôi giết tất cả cây trồng trong nhà. Nếu họ đã làm điều đó, thì tôi có thể quan tâm!

Ackerman ngôi nhà mơ ước

Kể từ năm 1893, những ngôi nhà của Ackerman đã tạo ra một số khu dân cư duyên dáng nhất ở miền nam nước Anh. Những ngôi nhà của chúng tôi kết hợp cảm giác lịch sử với những tiến bộ hiện đại nhất trong thiết kế và công nghệ nhà ở. Giờ đây, bạn có thể có cơ hội sở hữu một ngôi nhà Ackerman hiện đại tuyệt đẹp trong khu phát triển mới của chúng tôi ở Acreage Woods. Trải nghiệm chất lượng, vẻ đẹp và sự thoải mái của những ngôi nhà Ackerman, cái tên đáng tin cậy nhất trong lĩnh vực xây dựng nhà ở. Với những ngôi nhà liền kề và liền kề rộng rãi từ £275.000 đến £425.000, chúng tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ tìm thấy những gì bạn đang tìm kiếm. Vậy tại sao không ghé thăm chúng tôi ngày hôm nay?

Read the passage and do the exercise below . Hachiko , an Akita dog , was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924 . His owner , Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start . Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner , a professor at the Imperial University , to Shibuya train station when he left for work . When he came back , the professor would always find the dog patiently waiting for him . Sadly , the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and do the exercise below .

Hachiko , an Akita dog , was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924 . His owner , Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start . Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner , a professor at the Imperial University , to Shibuya train station when he left for work . When he came back , the professor would always find the dog patiently waiting for him . Sadly , the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could return home .

Although Hachiko was still a young dog , the friendship between him and his owner was very strong and he continued to wait at the station every day . Sometimes , he would stay there for days at a time , though some believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors . He became a familiar sight to commuters over time . In 1934 , a statue of him was put outside the station . In 1935 , Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend alive .

* Write " T " before the number of the sentence if it is true .

Write " F " if the sentence is not true .

1/ The professor died at work .

2/ The dog waited every day at the station .

3/ Nobody gave the dog any food .

4/ The dog died before the statue was put outside the station .

HELP ME !!!!!!!

28 tháng 9 2019

Read the passage and do the exercise below .

Hachiko , an Akita dog , was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924 . His owner , Professor Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start . Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner , a professor at the Imperial University , to Shibuya train station when he left for work . When he came back , the professor would always find the dog patiently waiting for him . Sadly , the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could return home ( buồn thay giáo sư bất ngờ ra đi ở nơi làm việc năm 1925 trước khi ông ấy có thể trở về nhà (1)).

Although Hachiko was still a young dog , the friendship between him and his owner was very strong and he continued to wait at the station every day (2) . Sometimes , he would stay there for days at a time , though some believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors ( Mặc dù một số người cho rằng nó trở lại vì thức ăn mà nó được cho bởi người qua đường -> Tức là có người cho nớ thứ ăn (3)) . He became a familiar sight to commuters over time . In 1934 , a statue of him was put outside the station . In 1935 , Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend alive ( Vào năm 1934 một cái tượng đài của ông ấy được đặt ở ngoài trạm/ nhà ga. Đến năm 1935 thì con chó mới chết -> Con chó chết sau khi tượng đài đc đưa ra(4)) .

* Write " T " before the number of the sentence if it is true .

Write " F " if the sentence is not true .

1/ The professor died at work . T

2/ The dog waited every day at the station . T

3/ Nobody gave the dog any food . F

4/ The dog died before the statue was put outside the station F

* Trâm đã highlight một số key sentences để bt câu đó là đúng hay sai trên đoạn văn rồi nha.

1: when my farther was young , he ….... work in the garden for long hours A: can B: could C: will D: should 2: He ........ have comminitted the crime because he was with me that day A: must B: shouldn't C: won't D: couldn't 5: Since we have to there by 8.30 , we ........ take a taxi A: Had better B: May C: ought. D : are able to 6: It ...... rain this evening . Why don't you take an umbrelly ? A: could be B: must C: might. D : will 7: ....... you help me with the homework ?...
Đọc tiếp

1: when my farther was young , he ….... work in the garden for long hours

A: can B: could C: will D: should

2: He ........ have comminitted the crime because he was with me that day

A: must B: shouldn't C: won't D: couldn't

5: Since we have to there by 8.30 , we ........ take a taxi

A: Had better B: May C: ought. D : are able to

6: It ...... rain this evening . Why don't you take an umbrelly ?

A: could be B: must C: might. D : will

7: ....... you help me with the homework ?

A: may. B: shall. C: should. D: will

8: she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. She..... be really hungry

A: might. B: will. C: must. D : can

9: I put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone.....have taken it

A: may. B: had to. C: should. D: would rather

10: Daisy is reading her English test because she has a test tomorrow. She .....be studying

A: will. B: should. C: must. D: can

11: We ....... put the fish in the fridge before it spoils

A: had to B: may. C: can. D: had better

30 tháng 9 2017

1: when my farther was young , he ….... work in the garden for long hours

A: can B: could C: will D: should

2: He ........ have comminitted the crime because he was with me that day

A: must B: shouldn't C: won't D: couldn't

5: Since we have to there by 8.30 , we ........ take a taxi

A: Had better B: May C: ought. D : are able to

6: It ...... rain this evening . Why don't you take an umbrelly ?

A: could be B: must C: might. D : will

7: ....... you help me with the homework ?

A: may. B: shall. C: should. D: will

8: she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. She..... be really hungry

A: might. B: will. C: must. D : can

9: I put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone.....have taken it

A: may. B: had to. C: should. D: would rather

10: Daisy is reading her English test because she has a test tomorrow. She .....be studying

A: will. B: should. C: must. D: can

11: We ....... put the fish in the fridge before it spoils

A: had to B: may. C: can. D: had better

30 tháng 9 2017

1: when my farther was young , he ….... work in the garden for long hours

A: can B: could C: will D: should

2: He ........ have comminitted the crime because he was with me that day

A: must B: shouldn't C: won't D: couldn't

5: Since we have to there by 8.30 , we ........ take a taxi

A: Had better B: May C: ought. D : are able to

6: It ...... rain this evening . Why don't you take an umbrelly ?

A: could be B: must C: might. D : will

7: ....... you help me with the homework ?

A: may. B: shall. C: should. D: will

8: she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. She..... be really hungry

A: might. B: will. C: must. D : can

9: I put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone.....have taken it

A: may. B: had to. C: should. D: would rather

10: Daisy is reading her English test because she has a test tomorrow. She .....be studying

A: will. B: should. C: must. D: can

11: We ....... put the fish in the fridge before it spoils

A: had to B: may. C: can. D: had better