
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

I. Supply the correct word forms

1. He is a ___________ boy. He is always asking questions. (Curiosity)

2. All the pupils have done the exercises ___________. (easy)

3. Keep ________! The teacher is explaining the lesson.(silence)

4. Be __________ in your work. (care)

5. Time passes ____________ when you are alone (slow)

6. He drives _______________. He rarely has accident. (care)

7. Ho Chi Minh city is an important ______________ centre (commerce)

8. We have a __________ newspaper in this town (week)

9. This exercise seems _________ (difficulty)

10. Mrs Green can help Alice to make a good _____________ (choose)

11. He has _____________ bought a new car (recent)

12. How _____________the dress is! (expense)

13. How _________- those shopwindow are! (beauty)

14. She has finished her best ____________ (perform)

15. The cartoon last night was very ______________ (interest)

16. She _________________ goes to the movies with her younger sister (frequency)

17. Last night the singer sang very _______________ (good)

18. The story is about an ___________ trip (excite)

19. In May the days often _____________ (long)

20. He got rid of the _____________ by opening a window (smell)

21. Nobody shoed them to their ______________ (sit)

22. Helen speaks English very ______________ (fluent)

23. This is the most _______________ machine in our field (value)

24. We can keep the land in ___________ condition by killing weeds (well)

25. Jack plays footbal _________________ (splendid)

26. The ball was followed with great _______________ (excite)

27. That was an ______________ match, wasn’t it? I was ___________ to see it (excite)

28. _________ is a good career. I want to become a _____________ (teach)

29. Rubber trees are very _____________ (use)

30. Sports are very good for our _______________ (healthy)

31. Who will take _________ of the baby when you go away? (careful)

32. Don’t worry about her ___________ (complain)

33. What is the real ____________ of the house? (wide)

34. I want to make new dresses but I don’t have a ___________ machine. (sew)

35. She danced so __________ that the audience clapper their hands many times (beauty)

36. I’ll have Tom repair our electric _________ (cook)

37. Water has no colour. It is a ___________ liquid (colour)

38. Please don’t make _______________ (noisy)

39. Mr Green works in this factory as a shop __________ (keep)

40. Ky Hoa lake is one of the areas of ___________ (entertain)

41. Butter is one of the __________ of milk (produce)

42. He is a ___________ person. He often makes me laugh (fun)

43. I want to know how people ___________ New Year in your country. (celebration)

44. On Christmas day, I often send my close friends _________ cards (greet)

45. He is a famous __________ in this country. (act)

46. He often writes stories. He is a ___________ (write)

47. These flowers look __________ (nature)

48. It’s not ______________ to answer this question. (difficulty)

49. His play were ____________ on the stage in London (performance)

50. The film is __________ so I’m _____________ (bore)

51. The Sword lake is one of __________ places in Hanoi (history)

52. He devoted all his ______________ to writing (live)

53. How ___________ the street is (danger)

54. She lives ______________ although she is very poor (happy)

55. I’ll help you to ____________ some beautiful paintings (choice)

56. The love for book is _____________ in developing the pupils’ knowledge (help)

57. This public library is ________________ to all people (open)

58. Books help people to get more ____________ (know)

59. ___________ countries need help from _______________ ones (develop)

60. This stamp ____________ is valuable.

61. The person who takes care of books in the library is a ____________ (library)

62. He is very _________ (friend)

63. She smiles so _____________, doesn’t she? (attract)

64. My ____________ for your skill is great (admire)

65. We all held our breath because of that ________________ film (thrill)

66. I only had a day to visit all the tourist ___________ (attract)

67. They ride their bicycles to the countryside for _______________ (please)

68. Red ________ comunist countries (symbol)

69. May Day is celebrated regularly in ______________ countries (society)

70. He lost the game because of his ________ (care)

71. The teacher stressed the need for regular ________________ (attend)

72. The cost of __________ must be paid by the buyer (carry)

73. Our _________ from London to Sydney took 24 hours (fly)

74. The police are interested in the sudden __________ of the valuable painting (appear)

75. The master gave Oliver Twist a terrible _____________ (punish)

76. He gave no _____________ for his absence (explain)

77. They were happy because their work has finished ____________ (success)

78. To prepare his ____________ works, Karl Marx often spent whole days in the library of the British Museum (science)

79. He is respected for his ______________ (simple)

80. They had made a lot of ___________ before the game started (prepare)

81. Manchester players have been trying to score another goal, but their efforts are ________ (succeed)

82. We must make _______ for his youth.

83. An _________ man has stolen all our money (know)

84. Two of these tablets should be taken ____________ (day)

85. Dogs are very _____________ pets (faith)

86. The Thames flows _____________ through green meadows (gentle)

87. Relax in our ___________ chairs and enjoy our excellent tea and hot chocolate (comfort)

88. I’m so __________ you’re going to visit my country (please)

89. What a naughty boy! He always does things ____________ (noise)

90. There were ten _________ in the race (complete)

91. His ___________ makes his parents feel sad (lazy)

92. You should _________ to your teacher (apology)

93. Jack is _____________ of his essay on the Thames (pride)

94. Paris is ________________ for the Eiffel tower (fame)

95. He worked hard to _________ good crops from poor soil (product)

96. How ____________ of you to break that cup! (care)

97. His long ______________ made us bored and sleepy (speak)

98. He never takes his father’s ___________ (advise)

99. They sat ___________ by the stream (quiet)

100. To my __________, the monkey peeled a banana and offered it to me (amaze)

101. _____________ air and water are not good for our health (pollute)

102. Air ________ makes us unhealthy (pollute)

103. The ___________ of the people in our community with the government is very necessary (cooperate)

104. The paper mill _________ two tons of paper a day. Its ____________ is one of the highest in our province. (produce)

105. My new car is more ____________ than the one I had before (economy)

106. Nothing could ________ him (satisfaction)

107. She got great _______ of helping others (satisfy)

108. There have been many __________ developments in the field of science (wonder)

109. Many people say that _______ is the happiest time (child)

110. We didnn’t agree with his ___________ (decide)

111. Most orphans are bred in _____________ (orphan)

112. Thousands of people were made __________ by th war (home)

113. Mrs Brown lived lonely in her _____________ (poor)

114. He was ____________ because he could not pay his debts (sadness)

115. Dickens’ novels were first ___________ in 1838 (publish)

116. I really don’t think he has the _____________ to do this job (able)

117. They work ____________ (good)

118.  _________________ covers the sky at night (dark)

119. Hard work always brings ___________ (succeed)

120. He was very ___________. He was a ________________ (patriotism)

121. ______________ methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal (science)

122. Mr Hung went ______________ last Sunday (shop)

123. These abbreviations are ____________ used in writing letters (common)

124. I would recommend that you should be interested in reading ________ books and magazine (education)

125. John is old enough to be _____________ of his parents (depend)

126. It takes years of _________ to acquire the skill of a ballet dancer (practice)

127. These questions are _____________. John can _____________ answer them (ease)

128. A spaceman must learn to become accustomed to __________ in a spaceship (weight)

129. Make sure that your time is spent __________ (use)

130. I’m __________ in your project because it is ______________ interest.

131. The teacher often _________ the students to ask questions (courage)

132. I can’t jump any ___________ (height)

133. The new law will ________________ many women to return to work.

134. Many people think that Faraday is the greatest ___________ in history (invent)

135. It was one of his most important _____________(achieve)

136. _______________ is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words (illustrate)

137. The boy was given a prize for regular ________ (attend)

138. His discoveries had a great _______________ on workers (influential)

139. Where were the competitions _________ (organization)

140. The representatives joining the festival were different from ___________ (national)

141. They have a good ________ with their neight bours (relative)

142. He left for a ______________ of reason (vary)

143. You can bust him, He is always __________, and evevrything he says is ___________ (truth)

144. Many of buildings in the city were moved to make way for _________ (develop)

145. She has been very _______________ since her husband died (poverty)

146. We should learn all the new words by hear in order to _____________ our vocabulary (rich)

147. The little boy felt very _____________ because his parents didn’r let him go with them (disappoint)

148. She can’t go to school because of her _____________ (sick)

149. The _________ of that little girl makes the room more pleasant (present)

150. ____________ is a problem throughout the world (hungry)

151. Clever students ___________ knowledge easily (absorption)

152. With so many choices, it’s hard to __________ what to buy. (decision)

153. The village is very quiet and _______________ (peace)

154. All my efforts ended in _______________ (fail)

155. I was ___________ about the dates (confusion)

156. You should have a _______________ about scientific subjects if you want to be a scientist (curious)

157. Children need to have a good ______________ (educate)

158. __________ puzzles are funny (mathematics)

159. You don’t need to have a ___________ memory to be a scientist (mircle)

160. Our school team won three _________________ games (succession)

161. A scientist does not need a miraculous _____________ (memorize)

162. It will take a long time to find out a thorough ___________ to the problem of pollution (solve)

163. Traveling by train is very __________ (attract)

164. _______ have researched _________ subjects (science)

165. Countless _________ have been made in the textile industry (improve)

166. His father is an _______________ (architecture)

167. The _________ of world population is being studied (grow)

168. Japan is an ______________ country (industry)

169. She’s so busy with _____________ activities that she has no time for entertainment (society)

170. Every _____________ in science helps you gain new knowledge (succeed)

171. Coke is a __________ of cola flavour, water carbon dioxide and sugar (mix)

172. Some experts say cycling is one of the _____________ form of exercise. (safety)

173. Is there any ________ to treat her so badly? (necessary)

174. After the hot summer, there was a ___________ of water (short)

175. The _________ will make him a rich man (inherit)

176. The ______________ to the questions are at the back of the book (solve)

177. I’ll give you three sweets in ___________ for an apple (exchange)

178. In some countries, black people do not have ____________ with white people (equal)

179. Can you ____________ life withoout electricity and other modern conveniences? (imagination)

180. Mrs Tam has just bought a __________ object. It doesn’t cost even a pence. (value)

181. The United Nations _______ is an international one (organize)

182. Banks make loans to ______________ (borrow)

183. Banks provide _____________ which make it easier for us to pay bills and carry on business (serve)

184. The ___________ unit in France was the Fanc (money)

185. I’m worried about the _____________ of the children (safe)

186. What do you call the __________ relations among countries? (nation)

187. This restaurant is _______ for its western meals (fame)

188. They all passed their exams without the slightest ______________ (difficult)

189. Applied sciences have ____________ our homes (electrification)

190. The _____________ of a famous doctor was announced last night (die)

191. Don’t leave the lights on. It wastes __________  (electric)

192. These countries are ________ in imports of raw cotton (prefer)

193. The ___________ of the moon for the earth causes the tides (attract)

194. We ____________ go out for dinner but we cook our own meals most of the time (occasion)

195. Travelling a lot will __________ our minds (broad)

196. In some countries, _________________ has made young people buy thing they don’t need (advertise)

197. I can say with ____________ that you have made much progress in learning English (certain)

198. The company is very efficient and gives a ____________ service (speed)

199. You are very _________________ (intelligence)

200. People must have ______________ for the air pollution (responsible

201. Special drugs should be __________ and dispened carefully (manufacture)

202. Do you like _____________? (chemist)

203. We have some _______________ for typist (vacant)

204. He often went to work late, _____________ he was sacked (consequence)

205. He was __________ because of his illness (absence)

206. They looked at him in _____________ (astonish)

207. They live with a great ___________ belief (religion)

208. Please don’t ask such ______________ question (person)

209. He is __________ with his new job (satisfy)

210. This sun block lotion gives good ________ against harmful ultraviolet rays (protect)

211. She was too _________ to tell her teacher about the stupid mistakes (shame)

212. This photo has just been ______________ (large)

213. He always feels _______ in class because of his laziness (sleep)

214. She failed the driving test because she didn’t follow the guidance of driving ____________ (instruct)

215. He ______________ agreed to my suggestion (ready)

216. The island is _______________ only by boat (access)

217. They spent all their money and made no ______________ for their future (provide)

218. When foreigners ask him, he answers in English __________ (automatic)

219. What he has explained about that problem is _________________. (reason)

220. You must always tell the ______________ (true)

221. The girl looked __________ for a moment and then answered (think)

222. The country’s _______________ resources include forests, coal and oil (nature)

223. The agency offers practical _________ to people starting their own business (guide)

224. There is a __________ to overcome the problems (determined)

225. We were ______________ that she would be angry (fear)

226. These closures will mean _____________ for about 500 workers (employ)

227. The house was ______________ with people (crowd)

228. I’m ___________ sorry for the delay (extreme)

229. Because of his love for teaching, David would ___________ his teaching career (continuous)

230. It is often useful to make a ____________ between two things (compare)

231. He was __________ for the job by a committee (selection)

232. ___________ compounds are often used for fertilizers (chemist)

233. The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different _______ chemicals (poison)

234. Many ____________ developed countries spend much money preventing environmental pollution (industry)

235. Our atmosphere is becoming more and more ____________ (contaminate)

236. It is __________ to drive on the left in Vietnam (legal)

237. Can you ______________ what this word means? (explanation)

238. American women are used to being ____________ (independence)

239. We’d love to take up your ___________ to visit you some time. (invite)

240. You should spend your money __________  (economy)

241. The accident ________ him for life (deaf)

242. The workers have to know the ___________ of these devices (intense)

243. He has stood for two hors outside of the __________ room (surgery)

244. Skilled workers are ___________ admitted (prefer)

245. She’s conservative. She dowsn’t want any _____________ (transform)

246. A few diseases are still _________ in the world (treat)

247. Treating diseases by the laser is really a _________ (miraculously)

248. He always tells lies. His words are ______________ (value)

249. The dog took __________ in the fire (satisfy)

250. There was no keen _________ between the dog and the man (intimate)

251. Don’t ____________ bad habits in a child (courage)

252. Don’t be so ____________. We’ve only been waiting a few minutes (patient)

253. No one can measure the ______________ of this river (deep)

254. The town is _________ situated on the River Ouse (attract)

255. Playing the piano well is one of his greatest ___________ (satisfy)

256. The plane arrived __________ after a violent storm (safe)

257. When did __________ come to the village? (electric)

258. These snakes will not cause you any serious _________ enven if they bite you. They are ____________ (harm)

259. She is an ______________ mother in a few weeks more (expect)

260. He has no ______________ of leaving the city (intend)

261. Some children have to suffer from lifetime ________________ (abnormal)

262. Women nowadays have more _________ to participate in socia activities (free)

263. If you burn the garbage, it’ll give off __________ odour (poison)

264. We can prevent flood by ______________ the forests (preserve)

265. I like your new ____________ machine (calculate)

266. May I borrow your ___________? (calculate)

267. I’m ____________ money to buy a bicycle, so I’m a ______________ and my money ___________ (save)

268. ______________ is my hobby. I often have a __________ when I’m free (swim)

269. Farmers can help ________ the soil by adding fertilizers (rich)

270. Banking is the business of receiving ___________, and lending the money. (safeguard)

22 tháng 12 2021

1. He is a curious boy. He is always asking questions. (Curiosity)

2. All the pupils have done the exercises easily. (easy)

3. Keep silent! The teacher is explaining the lesson. (silence)

4. Be careful in your work. (care)

5. Time passes slowly when you are alone. (slow)

6. He drives carefully. He rarely has accident. (care)

7. Ho Chi Minh city is an important commercial centre. (commerce)

8. We have a weekly newspaper in this town. (week)

9. This exercise seems difficult. (difficulty)

10. Mrs. Green can help Alice to make a good choice. (choose)

11. He has recently bought a new car (recent)

12. How expensive the dress is! (expense)

13. How beautiful - those shopwindow are! (beauty)

14. She has finished her best performance. (perform)

15. The cartoon last night was very interesting. (interest)

16. She frequently goes to the movies with her younger sister. (frequency)

17. Last night the singer sang very well. (good)

18. The story is about an exciting trip. (excite)

19. In May the days often lengthen. (long)

20. He got rid of the smell by opening a window (smell)

21. Nobody shoed them to their seats. (sit)

22. Helen speaks English very fluently. (fluent)

23. This is the most valuable machine in our field (value)

24. We can keep the land in good condition by killing weeds. (well)

25. Jack plays football splendidly. (splendid)

26. The ball was followed with great excitement. (excite)

27. That was an exciting match, wasn’t it? I was excited to see it. (excite)

28. Teaching is a good career. I want to become a teacher. (teach)

29. Rubber trees are very useful. (use)

30. Sports are very good for our health. (healthy)

31. Who will take care of the baby when you go away? (careful)

32. Don’t worry about her complaint. (complain)

33. What is the real width of the house? (wide)

34. I want to make new dresses but I don’t have a sewing machine. (sew)

35. She danced so beautifully that the audience clapper their hands many times (beauty)

36. I’ll have Tom repair our electric cooker. (cook)

37. Water has no colour. It is a colourless liquid. (colour)

38. Please don’t make noise. (noisy)

39. Mr Green works in this factory as a shopkeeper. (keep)

40. Ky Hoa lake is one of the areas of entertainment. (entertain)

III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ________ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test ________ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful ________ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ________ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ________ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ________.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of...
Đọc tiếp
III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ________ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test ________ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful ________ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ________ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ________ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ________.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of ________ sports. (PLAY) 9. We are very ________ in listening to English songs. (INTEREST) 10. People in my country are very warm and ________. (FRIEND) 11. She looks more ________ than her sister. (BEAUTY) 12. Michael Faraday made a lot of ________ in the field of electric. (INVENT) 13. This river is very ________ for swimmers. ( DANGER) 14. My bag is ________ from yours. ( DIFFER) 15. Sapa is considered the most beautiful ________ resort in the north of carefully Vietnam. ( MOUNTAIN) 16. Last summer the Jones had a ________ vacation in SaPa.(WONDER) 17. At Christmas, millions of ________ cards are sent to friends and relatives. ( GREET) 18. The flowers you sent me were _____________ (BEAUTY) . 19. Bao is always _________ about the homework.(COMPLAIN) 20. Mr. John enjoys _________ to music when he is driving (LISTEN).
13 tháng 8 2018

III. Give the correct form of the words (thể bị động). 1. You must drive your car ____carefully____ (CARE) 2. He got bad marks because he did the test _____badly___ (BAD) 3. My younger brother has a beautiful _____collection___ of stamps.(COLLECT) 4. Hoa is so ____excited____ about the trip tomorrow that she can't sleep.(EXCITE) 5. The book is ____interesting____ enough for me to read. (INTEREST) 6. You must be ___careful_____ when you open the door. (CARE) 7. The village is very quite and ____peaceful____.(PEACE) 8. Are you fond of ____playing____ sports. (PLAY) 9. We are very ____interested____ in listening to English songs. (INTEREST) 10. People in my country are very warm and ____friendly____. (FRIEND) 11. She looks more ____beautiful____ than her sister. (BEAUTY) 12. Michael Faraday made a lot of _____inventions___ in the field of electric. (INVENT) 13. This river is very ____dangerous____ for swimmers. ( DANGER) 14. My bag is ____different____ from yours. ( DIFFER) 15. Sapa is considered the most beautiful ____moutainous____ resort in the north of carefully Vietnam. ( MOUNTAIN) 16. Last summer the Jones had a ____wonderful____ vacation in SaPa.(WONDER) 17. At Christmas, millions of ___greeting_____ cards are sent to friends and relatives. ( GREET) 18. The flowers you sent me were ______beautiful_______ (BEAUTY) . 19. Bao is always ____complaining_____ about the homework.(COMPLAIN) 20. Mr. John enjoys ___listening______ to music when he is driving (LISTEN).

13 tháng 8 2018

1. carefully

2. bad


4. excited

5. interesting

6. careful

7. peaceful

8. playing

9. interested

10. friendly

11. beautiful

12. inventions

13. dangerous

14. different

15. mountainous

16. wonderful

17. greeting

18. beautiful

19. complained

20. listening

Combime these pairs of sentences, using relative pronouns 1, Felipe bought a camera. The camera has three lenses2, The doctor is with a patient. The patient's leg was broken in an accident3, Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.4, James wrote an article. The article indicated that he disliked the president5, This is the book I have been looking for this book all year6, Alice is my friend. Alice's mother died last year7,  My sister wants to speak to you. You met my sister...
Đọc tiếp

Combime these pairs of sentences, using relative pronouns 

1, Felipe bought a camera. The camera has three lenses

2, The doctor is with a patient. The patient's leg was broken in an accident

3, Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.

4, James wrote an article. The article indicated that he disliked the president

5, This is the book I have been looking for this book all year

6, Alice is my friend. Alice's mother died last year

7,  My sister wants to speak to you. You met my sister yesterday

8, the flowers are roses. I bought the flowers for my sister.

9, Do you know the boy. He Sat next to me at the dinner party

10, swimming makes people strong. Swimming is a good sport

11, the woman is a nurse. We saw the woman's daughter last week

12, the man is a doctor. My parents bought the man's house

13, the car was very modern. Mr. Green was driving the car

14,  the man is a secretary. You saw the man at the desk 

15, the house was built twenty years ago. We are living in the house 

16, the girl is very beautiful. Her dress is red

17,  last week I went to see the house. I used to live in it.

18 the girl is my cousin. The girl's photograph appeared on the newspaper last Sunday 

19, here comes the lady. Her house was robbed

20, the house was destroyed during the last bombing. It used to stand this corner 

21, I don't know the girl's name. She's just gone into the ball

22, baseball is the only sport. I am interested in it.


Help me



III. supply the correct form of word in bracket 1.she's beautiful with a....... smile (love) 2.Each of my friends has.... character(differ) 3.Bell successfully demonstrated his ....(invent) 4.You must read the following safety precaution....(careful) 5.She's always worried about the....(safe) 6.Last year we had an.....summer holliday(enjoy) 7.Children need to have a good....(educate) 8.Don't leave the light on.It wastes....(electric) 9.Vietnam has many....resources...
Đọc tiếp

III. supply the correct form of word in bracket

1.she's beautiful with a....... smile (love)

2.Each of my friends has.... character(differ)

3.Bell successfully demonstrated his ....(invent)

4.You must read the following safety precaution....(careful)

5.She's always worried about the....(safe)

6.Last year we had an.....summer holliday(enjoy)

7.Children need to have a good....(educate)

8.Don't leave the light on.It wastes....(electric)

9.Vietnam has many....resources (nature)

10.Everyone was....after hearing that news (excite)

11.Don't be...and greedy.Please happy with what we have (fool)

12.The...program is very useful(recycle)

13.The Scouting Association is the largest...youth organization in the world(volunteer)

14.We...the Lunar New Year Festival next month (celebration)

Bell...demonstrated his invention (success)

15."The Lost Shoe" is one of the... stories I like best (tradition)

16.What is ..... in learning words?( need)

17.I'll try my best to improve my English...(pronounce)

18.The town is becoming....(noise)

19.I like Lan very much because she's always....(society)

20.Bao and Khai take part in.... activities after school hours(difference)

21.Children need to have a good...(educate)

22.He did very.... in his study(good)

23.His parents are very.....of hisintelligence(pride)

24.Fishing is an...my father enjoys best(act)

25.Children need to have a good....(aducate)

26.Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is......(taste)

27.Surface mail is much...than airmail(cheap)

IV.Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

1.he can touch the light because he is very tall He is tall enough................ 2."Please stopnmaking noise",said Mrs.Lan Mrs.Lan told me....... 3.Peter is tall.He can play volleyball(enough) Peter is........................ 4."Can you carry my heavy bags,please?" She asked me.................... 5.I'm tall but you are taller(as...as) I'm not........................... 6.The mother said to her son"Don't cry" The mother told............................ 7.These were a lot of flowers in front of my house These used.................... 8.Mr Pike isn't healthy.He can't travel around the world Mr Pike isn't..................... 9."You should go to bed early,Tom."Tom's mother said to him Tom's mother said......................... 10.I knew him last year I have...... 11.Lan loves to play badminton Lan enjoys....... 12."Please, help me with my exercise."Mai said to Lan Mai asked Lan........................ 13.He's too young to go to school He is not........................ 14.We started living here fifteen year ago We have........................ 15.He often went swimming in the river when he was a boy He used...................... 16.She said to him,"Will you please open the window?" She asked...................... 17.She started learning English three years ago She has.......................

1 tháng 11 2017

III. supply the correct form of word in bracket

1.she's beautiful with a....lovely... smile (love)

2.Each of my friends has..different.. character(differ)

3.Bell successfully demonstrated his ..invention..(invent)

4.You must read the following safety precaution..carefully..(careful)

5.She's always worried about the..safety..(safe)

6.Last year we had an..enjoyable...summer holliday(enjoy)

7.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

8.Don't leave the light on.It wastes..electricity..(electric)

9.Vietnam has many..natural..resources (nature)

10.Everyone was..excited..after hearing that news (excite)

11.Don't be..foolish..and greedy.Please happy with what we have (fool)

12.The..recycling..program is very useful(recycle)

13.The Scouting Association is the largest..voluntary..youth organization in the world(volunteer)

14.We..will celebrate..the Lunar New Year Festival next month (celebration)

Bell..successfully..demonstrated his invention (success)

15."The Lost Shoe" is one of the..traditional.. stories I like best (tradition)

16.What is ..necessary... in learning words?( need)

17.I'll try my best to improve my English..pronunciation..(pronounce)

18.The town is becoming..noisy..(noise)

19.I like Lan very much because she's always..sociable..(society)

20.Bao and Khai take part in..different.. activities after school hours(difference)

21.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

22.He did very..well.. in his study(good)

23.His parents are very..proud...of his intelligence(pride)

24.Fishing is an..activity..my father enjoys best(act)

25.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

26.Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is...tasty...(taste)

27.Surface mail is much..cheaper..than airmail(cheap)

IV.Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

1.he can touch the light because he is very tall

He is tall enough........to touch the light........

2."Please stop making noise",said Mrs.Lan

Mrs.Lan told me...to stop making noise....

3.Peter is tall.He can play volleyball(enough)

Peter is............tall enough to play volleyball............

4."Can you carry my heavy bags,please?"

She asked me..........to carry her heavy bags..........

5.I'm tall but you are taller(as...as)

I'm not..............as tall as you.............

6.The mother said to her son"Don't cry"

The mother told...........her son not to cry.................

7.There were a lot of flowers in front of my house

There used.........to be a lot of flowers in front of my house...........

8.Mr Pike isn't healthy.He can't travel around the world

Mr Pike isn't...........healthy enough to travel around the world..........

9."You should go to bed early,Tom.", Tom's mother said to him

Tom's mother said............to Tom he should go to bed early.............

10.I knew him last year

I have...known him for a year...

11.Lan loves to play badminton

Lan enjoys....playing badminton...

12."Please, help me with my exercise."Mai said to Lan

Mai asked Lan............to help her with her exercise............

13.He's too young to go to school

He is not............old enough to go to school............

14.We started living here fifteen year ago

We have.............lived here for fifteen years...........

15.He often went swimming in the river when he was a boy

He used..........to go swimming in the river when he was a boy............

16.She said to him,"Will you please open the window?"

She asked............him to open the window..........

17.She started learning English three years ago

She has............learnt English for three years...........

28 tháng 12 2017

III. supply the correct form of word in bracket

1.she's beautiful with a....lovely... smile (love)

2.Each of my friends has..different.. character(differ)

3.Bell successfully demonstrated his ..invention..(invent)

4.You must read the following safety precaution..carefully..(careful)

5.She's always worried about the..safety..(safe)

6.Last year we had an..enjoyable...summer holliday(enjoy)

7.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

8.Don't leave the light on.It wastes..electricity..(electric)

9.Vietnam has many..natural..resources (nature)

10.Everyone was..excited..after hearing that news (excite)

11.Don't be..foolish..and greedy.Please happy with what we have (fool)

12.The..recycling..program is very useful(recycle)

13.The Scouting Association is the largest..voluntary..youth organization in the world(volunteer)

14.We..will celebrate..the Lunar New Year Festival next month (celebration)

Bell..successfully..demonstrated his invention (success)

15."The Lost Shoe" is one of the..traditional.. stories I like best (tradition)

16.What is ..necessary... in learning words?( need)

17.I'll try my best to improve my English..pronunciation..(pronounce)

18.The town is becoming..noisy..(noise)

19.I like Lan very much because she's always..sociable..(society)

20.Bao and Khai take part in..different.. activities after school hours(difference)

21.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

22.He did very..well.. in his study(good)

23.His parents are very..proud...of his intelligence(pride)

24.Fishing is an..activity..my father enjoys best(act)

25.Children need to have a good..education..(educate)

26.Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is...tasty...(taste)

27.Surface mail is much..cheaper..than airmail(cheap)

IV.Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

1.he can touch the light because he is very tall

He is tall enough........to touch the light........

2."Please stop making noise",said Mrs.Lan

Mrs.Lan told me...to stop making noise....

3.Peter is tall.He can play volleyball(enough)

Peter is............tall enough to play volleyball............

4."Can you carry my heavy bags,please?"

She asked me..........to carry her heavy bags..........

5.I'm tall but you are taller(as...as)

I'm not..............as tall as you.............

6.The mother said to her son"Don't cry"

The mother told...........her son not to cry.................

7.There were a lot of flowers in front of my house

There used.........to be a lot of flowers in front of my house...........

8.Mr Pike isn't healthy.He can't travel around the world

Mr Pike isn't...........healthy enough to travel around the world..........

9."You should go to bed early,Tom.", Tom's mother said to him

Tom's mother said............to Tom he should go to bed early.............

10.I knew him last year

I have...known him for a year...

11.Lan loves to play badminton

Lan enjoys....playing badminton...

12."Please, help me with my exercise."Mai said to Lan

Mai asked Lan............to help her with her exercise............

13.He's too young to go to school

He is not............old enough to go to school............

14.We started living here fifteen year ago

We have.............lived here for fifteen years...........

15.He often went swimming in the river when he was a boy

He used..........to go swimming in the river when he was a boy............

16.She said to him,"Will you please open the window?"

She asked............him to open the window..........

17.She started learning English three years ago

She has............learnt English for three years...........

Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank. 1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves/ them). 2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) you like to come? – I’d love to. 3. We must be there (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15. 4. When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well. 5. Don’t go (outside/ inside/ into/ away). It’s too cold. 6. Our team played well (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the...
Đọc tiếp
Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank. 1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves/ them). 2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) you like to come? – I’d love to. 3. We must be there (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15. 4. When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well. 5. Don’t go (outside/ inside/ into/ away). It’s too cold. 6. Our team played well (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the gold medal. 7. Don’t let your child (play/ to play/ playing/ plays) with matches. 8. How long will he (must/ should/ have to/ has to) stay there? 9. Our team won the game because we played very (good/ well). 10. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me (perfect/ perfectly). 11. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly). 12. Tom is a driver (careful/ carefully). He is driving along the narrow road. (careful/ carefully) 13. Do you usually feel (nervous/ nervously) before examination? 14. She speaks English (fluent/fluently). 15. He hurt himself (bad/badly). 16. He looked me when I interrupted him. (angry/ angrily) 17. I always feel when the sun is shining. (happy/ happily) 18. Lan worked very for the exam. (hard/ hardly) 19. I am not at Math. (good/ well) 20. My aunt speaks English very (good/ well/ goodly/ best). 21. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; it means we have math (once/ twice/ three times/ four times) a week. 22. Lan promises to (try/ make/ work/ learn) her best in learning English.
26 tháng 3 2020

Choose the right word in brackets to fill in the blank.

1. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves/ them).

2. (What/ Do/ Would/ Will) you like to come? – I’d love to.

3. We must be there (at/ before/ between/ after) 7.30 and 8.15.

4. When my grandmother was young, she used (sing/ to sing/ sang/ sung) very well.

5. Don’t go (outside/ inside/ into/ away). It’s too cold.

6. Our team played well (too/ that/ so/ enough) to win the gold medal. 7. Don’t let your child (play/ to play/ playing/ plays) with matches.

8. How long will he (must/ should/ have to/ has to) stay there?

9. Our team won the game because we played very (good/ well).

10. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me (perfect/ perfectly).

11. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly).

12. Tom is a driver (careful/ carefully). He is driving along the narrow road. (careful/ carefully)

13. Do you usually feel (nervous/ nervously) before examination?

14. She speaks English (fluent/fluently).

15. He hurt himself (bad/badly).

16. He looked me when I interrupted him. (angry/ angrily)

17. I always feel when the sun is shining. (happy/ happily)

18. Lan worked very for the exam. (hard/ hardly)

19. I am not at Math. (good/ well)

20. My aunt speaks English very (good/ well/ goodly/ best).

21. We have math on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; it means we have math (once/ twice/ three times/ four times) a week.

22. Lan promises to (try/ make/ work/ learn) her best in learning English.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj). 2. You should do these exercises _____________. (quick) 3. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop) 4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. (pollute) 5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. (invite) 6. The...
Đọc tiếp

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N
Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj).
2. You should do these exercises _____________. (quick)
3. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop)
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. (pollute)
5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. (invite)
6. The ___________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die) 7. This company offered a lot of __________ jobs. (attract)
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for ____________. (entertain)
9. He is a famous......................... (act)
10. You must ................................. the answer you choose. (dark)
11. We have a lot of ............................................. in learning English. (difficult)
12. I felt very ................................... when I was a member of our school team. (excite) 13. He speaks English ..................................... (fluency)
14. We are very proud of our................................. (friend)
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very.............................................
16. Her parents’ ............................................. makes her very sad. (ill)
17. News on TV is very ...................... (inform)
18. What is his ............................? (nation)
19. Everybody loves ................................ beauty. (nature)
20. It is cloudy and .......................... today. (rain)

29 tháng 4 2020

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N
Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj).
2. You should do these exercises ______quickly_______. (quick)
3. The industrial _____development_____ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop)
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air _____pollution_______. (pollute)
5. I will come to the party because I accept the ________invitation_______. (invite)
6. The _____death______ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die)

7. This company offered a lot of _____attractive_____ jobs. (attract)
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for _____entertainment_______. (entertain)
9. He is a famous..............actor........... (act)
10. You must ................darken................. the answer you choose. (dark)
11. We have a lot of .....................difficulties........................ in learning English. (difficult)
12. I felt very ..................excited................. when I was a member of our school team. (excite)

13. He speaks English .................fluently.................... (fluency)
14. We are very proud of our................friendship................. (friend)
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very.....................healthy........................
16. Her parents’ .......................illness...................... makes her very sad. (ill)
17. News on TV is very ............informative.......... (inform)
18. What is his ............nationality................? (nation)
19. Everybody loves ................natural................ beauty. (nature)
20. It is cloudy and ............rainy.............. today. (rain)

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj). 2. You should do these exercises _____________. (quick) 3. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop) 4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. (pollute) 5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. (invite) 6. The...
Đọc tiếp

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N
Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj).
2. You should do these exercises _____________. (quick)
3. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop)
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ____________. (pollute)
5. I will come to the party because I accept the _______________. (invite)
6. The ___________ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die) 7. This company offered a lot of __________ jobs. (attract)
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for ____________. (entertain)
9. He is a famous......................... (act)
10. You must ................................. the answer you choose. (dark)
11. We have a lot of ............................................. in learning English. (difficult)
12. I felt very ................................... when I was a member of our school team. (excite) 13. He speaks English ..................................... (fluency)
14. We are very proud of our................................. (friend)
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very.............................................
16. Her parents’ ............................................. makes her very sad. (ill)
17. News on TV is very ...................... (inform)
18. What is his ............................? (nation)
19. Everybody loves ................................ beauty. (nature)
20. It is cloudy and .......................... today. (rain)

29 tháng 4 2020

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Your new dress makes you more ______Adj_______. (beauty): N
Sau more là Adj (hoặc Adj + N) nên Beauty (N) => Beautiful (Adj).
2. You should do these exercises _____quickly________. (quick)
3. The industrial ____development______ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop)
4. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air ______pollution______. (pollute)
5. I will come to the party because I accept the ______invention_________. (invite)
6. The _____death______ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced last night. (die)

7. This company offered a lot of ____attractive______ jobs. (attract)
8. We often go to the theater at weekends for ______entertainment______. (entertain)
9. He is a famous.............actor............ (act)
10. You must ................darker................. the answer you choose. (dark)
11. We have a lot of ..................difficulty........................... in learning English. (difficult)
12. I felt very ...............excited.................... when I was a member of our school team. (excite) 13. He speaks English ............fluently......................... (fluency)
14. We are very proud of our.................friendship................ (friend)
15. He does exercise every morning, so he is very.............................................
16. Her parents’ .......................illness...................... makes her very sad. (ill)
17. News on TV is very .........informative............. (inform)
18. What is his .............national...............? (nation)
19. Everybody loves ................natural................ beauty. (nature)
20. It is cloudy and .............rainy............. today. (rain)

Correct grammar mistakes: 1. Her mother explained to her how cookies to make 2. He didn't know what umbrella was his 3. There are three thousands pupils in our school 4. The pupils were busily with their work all day 5. They will tell you about ourselves in two weeks 6. What a naughty boy. He always does thing noisy 7. I am sorry I don't know What is his name 8. Most of they enjoy this activity 9. He is tired. he stops to work 10. It is interesting talk to work 11. He would rather doesn't come...
Đọc tiếp

Correct grammar mistakes:
1. Her mother explained to her how cookies to make
2. He didn't know what umbrella was his
3. There are three thousands pupils in our school
4. The pupils were busily with their work all day
5. They will tell you about ourselves in two weeks
6. What a naughty boy. He always does thing noisy
7. I am sorry I don't know What is his name
8. Most of they enjoy this activity
9. He is tired. he stops to work
10. It is interesting talk to work
11. He would rather doesn't come there by himself
12. I haven't seen my grandparents since a uarter of a year
13. a new shop was opening on Main street last week
14. Your friends went to your native village last weekend, weren't they?
15. I'd like to go out for dinner, but I don't feel like to eat out tonight
16. Nam asked Mai what can he do to help her
17. all the main streets in this city will be widening
18. Christ has hurt his hand, but it's OK now
19. When she came, I read her letter
20. Vicky has only had that camera three days ago.
21. It is very nice meeting you again
22. We wish today was Sunday
23. I will have Mary to look after the garden
24. Keep your book open wide
25. We can speak and eat by our mouths
26. They have known each other since 3 years
27. Since he's been young, he learnt to play tennis
28. Have they worked in this factory five years ago
29. You had not better go out when it is dark
30. Come here and sit down besides me
31. She is very busy. She often has her clothes wash at the laundry
32. Most of their farm work used to do by hand
33. She wishes she is the most beautiful girl in the world
34. Sally said she will be a teacher someday
35. She wanted to know how long did it take to get there
36. My home village is on the west of the city
37. I have passed my driving test six months ago
38. She told me to shut the door but don't lock it
39. He believes thet there shouldn't be any wrong thing with the video
40. Study is not longer restricted to one location as it was before

9 tháng 11 2018

Correct grammar mistakes:
1. Her mother explained to her how cookies to make=> to make cookies
2. He didn't know what umbrella was his->his umbrella was
3. There are three thousands->thousands of pupils in our school
4. The pupils were busily->busy with their work all day
5. They will tell you about ourselves->themselves in two weeks
6. What a naughty boy. He always does thing noisy->noisily
7. I am sorry I don't know What is his name->his name is
8. Most of they->them enjoy this activity
9. He is tired. he stops to work->working
10. It is interesting talk->to talk to work

9 tháng 11 2018

1.cookies to make->to make cookies

2. umbrella was his->his umbrella was

3. thousands->thousands of

4. busily->busy

5. ourselves->themselves

6. noisy->noisily

7.is his name->his name is


9.to work->working

10. talk->to talk

11.doesn't->not to


13. opening->opened



16.can he->he could


18.has hurt->has been hurting

19.read->was reading

20.three days ago->for three days

21.meeting->to meet


23.to look->looking



26.have known->have been knowing

27. 's been->has been

28.five years ago->for five years

29.go->to go

30. besides->beside


32.to do=>to be done



35. did it take=>it took

36.on=> in

37.have passed=>passed

38. don't=>not to



VI.Use the correct formf of the word given in each sentence. 1. The teacher was very __________________________with his student's result.(satisfy) 2. My younger sister __________________________herself on being a member of the school band. (proud) 3. It's__________ to take part in youth activities. (interest) 4. All _______________must be interviewed for a position. (apply) 5. Among the ______________ in Vietnam, Tet is the most important. (celebrate) 6. His words had a_____________...
Đọc tiếp

VI.Use the correct formf of the word given in each sentence.

1. The teacher was very __________________________with his student's result.(satisfy)

2. My younger sister __________________________herself on being a member of the school band. (proud)

3. It's__________ to take part in youth activities. (interest)

4. All _______________must be interviewed for a position. (apply)

5. Among the ______________ in Vietnam, Tet is the most important. (celebrate) 6. His words had a_____________ effect on us. (magic) 7.We _______________ do that work. (eager) 8. Jack was very _____________with his good marks in his test. (please) 9.There were 200________________ in the meeting. (participate) 10.My uncle is an ____________engineer.(electricity) 11.Tam Cam is____________ in this story.(interesting) 12.Let me get an _____________ form and we can fill it out.(applicant) 13.Hard work always brings ___________.(succeed) 14.Some student's _______________ is very good.(pronounce) 15.She is much______________ in history.(interest) 14.The _____________ in this discussion had an opportunity to speak. (participate) 15.How do you ___________ this word?(pronunciation) 16.My friends take _____________ in their talent. (proud) 17.She is putting her ______________ to her letter.(sign) 18.She actively________________ in social work. (participation)
2 tháng 11 2018

VI.Use the correct formf of the word given in each sentence.

1. The teacher was very __________________________with his student's result.(satisfied)

2. My younger sister __________________________herself on being a member of the school band. (prides)

3. It's__________ to take part in youth activities. (interesting)

4. All _______________must be interviewed for a position. (application)

5. Among the ______________ in Vietnam, Tet is the most important. (celebrations)

6. His words had a_____________ effect on us. (magical)

7.We _______________ do that work. (eagerly)

8. Jack was very _____________with his good marks in his test. (pleased)

9.There were 200________________ in the meeting. (participants)

10.My uncle is an ____________engineer.(electrical)

11.Tam Cam is____________ in this story.(interested)

12.Let me get an _____________ form and we can fill it out.(applicantion)

13.Hard work always brings ___________.(success)

14.Some student's _______________ is very good.(pronunciation)

15.She is much______________ in history.(interested)

14.The _____________ in this discussion had an opportunity to speak. (participants)

15.How do you ___________ this word?(pronunce)

16.My friends take _____________ in their talent. (pride)

17.She is putting her ______________ to her letter.(signature)

18.She actively________________ in social work. (participate)

2 tháng 11 2018

4. applicants :>

jup minh vs word fomation FORM OF THE WORD 1) Their........lasts forever(friend) 2) They behave in a........way( friend) 3) We dont like him because he is..........(friend) 4) Although they are rich, they are .........(happy) 5) Describe your .........(neighbor) 6) She was impressed by the citys.........(beautiful) 7) My father is a.........(photograph) 8) What is a........house!(love) 9) They are in the same class.They are .............(class) 10) In my .......,she is the person...
Đọc tiếp

jup minh vs

word fomation


1) Their........lasts forever(friend)

2) They behave in a........way( friend)

3) We dont like him because he is..........(friend)

4) Although they are rich, they are .........(happy)

5) Describe your .........(neighbor)

6) She was impressed by the citys.........(beautiful)

7) My father is a.........(photograph)

8) What is a........house!(love)

9) They are in the same class.They are .............(class)

10) In my .......,she is the person I like best(live)

11) She has a good ..........of English(know)

12) Please give your.............information(person)

13) There is a ..........of water in the city(short)

14) What is the ........of the river(long)

15) What are the ..........between the two books(different)

16) She is very...........(social)

17) Quang is ..............kind(extreme)

18) I want to do some ..............work(volunteer)

19) My mother works at the............(orphan)

20) It is an...........vacation(enjoy)

21) The village is very.........(peace)

22) Lan is a.........person(humor)

23) He is a............person(help)

24) She is making some ..........(introduce)

25) It is in the ............Vietnam(east)

26) He is making a .........in the public(speak)

27) They are the .............(emigrate)

28) He is an ..............of the telephone(invent)

29) This led to..........of the telephone(invent)

30) Mrs Hoa is his .........(assist)

31) He went to ..........exhibittion(count)

32) It is in the ...........use(commerce)

33) You should cook the meal.........(you)

34) The ............are dagerous for childrent(chemistry)

35) I cant find the rice.........(cook)

36) The kitchen is a.........place to play(danger)

37) It is an ............socket(electricity)

38) We take part in the ..........organization(you)

39) We need some more.........(equip)

40) They like the.........clothes(tradition)

41) ..........a prinnce married apoor girl(one)

42) He had a son .......Van Sy (name)

43) Finally, all the chickens were.........(die)

44) .........,we miss the bus(fortune)

45) ........,we were not early enough to arrive home(lucky)

46) ........, he passed the exam(happy)

47) He was very ...........(set)

1) He died of a............heart(break)

2) We are .........about the new year(excite)

3) I feel very .........(bore)

4) The film is very........(interest)

5) This is the the best.........(choose)

6) Suddently I woke up and the thief (appear)

7) Describe his..........(appear)

8) She......... changed my old clothes into the new ones(magic)

9) My.......is not very good(decide)

10) It is my ........and I am its........(serve/own)

11) I ...fell in love with her( immediate)

12) I admire her ......(wise)

13) I am........................of you(pride)

14) They work....... hard(real)

15) Your ........is not good(pronounce)

16) We need the ........(improve)

17) I dont like her...........( behave)

18) The ..........in the club is not very often(participate)

19) His..........is very good(co-operate)

20) He got 2 marks in test.It is .........(satisfy)

21) Please give me your...............(sign)

22) there are 20 ......in the class(learn)

23) Do you know the ...........of water(important)

24) We need some ........(revise)

25) It is .........for you to do morning exercise(need)

26) I think smoking is ........for everyone(need)

27) I am ..............to meet you(please)

28) There are many ............in Vietnam(celebrate)

29) Please fill the..........form out(apply)

30) He .........me a lot in my studying(courage)

31) My father is a .......(business)

32) His.............is not clear(explain)

33) It is a good....................(organize)

34) He does not like this .....................system(educate)

35) He is famous................(world)

36) The two books...........slightly(different)

37) We should protect the ...........resources(nature)

38) I will go to the photo............(exhibit)

39) I dont like this room because it is..............(comfort)

40) It is expensive but it is.................(comfort)

41) The company has many good............(produce)

42) There are many................in the city(entertain)

43) I hate the..........on the street(noisy)

44) T.V and internet bring us the .............(inform)

45) Hoa went to a........check-up(medicine)

46) Jobs are ..........in the city (plenty)

47) The ........is increasing nowadays (pollute)

48) He is always making noise and I feel.........(please)

1) They live with their ...........(relate)

2) They are the ..................here(migrate)

3) ................will provide us with the food(govern)

4) they are .........in the country(access)

5) It is........ now.(blood)

6) This is an ..............(emergent)

7) She fell off the bike and was..............(conscious)

8) Put............ on the wound(press)

9) She felt ..........when watching the film(sleep)

10) please keep me........at six(wake)

11) You should ......the pain with ice(easy)

12) We recycle garbage to make.........(fertilize)

13) She is a.........of the organization(represent)

14) The result is very..........(woder)

15) ...........She met her husband(final)

16) We can visit the......istitute in Nha Trang(ocean)

17) There is a small.........of hotels(select)

18) They are the..................newspapers(day)

19) There are two..........to Ho chi Minh city(fly)

20) He went to Hanoi........... a week(two)

21) It is difficult to find a..............here (accommodate)

22) On............., she laughed very happily

23) This is a...........resort(mountain)

24) There are ...........islands(vary)

25) Mrs Loan is a..........(flower)

26) I like the ...........weather(sun)

27) She is a............. writer(fame)

28) She went to the rice ...........festival(cook)

29) There are two .........in the contest(run)

30) He is my ...............in the contest(team)

31) We are the ........in the game(win)

32) Who is the ............in your team(lead)

33) She has a good..............at Tet(decorate)

34) She is a stamp...........(collect)

35) They are two...............(song)

36) The clothes are beautiful but they are..................(suit)

37) Please write a .............of your room(describe)

38) I like reading this .............(poet)

39) How many...........are there in this country?(woderful)

40) It is a famous tourist..............(attract)

41) This ...........is unsuitable(require)

42) Dont eat this kind of food .It is .............(health)

18 tháng 2

1. Their friendship lasts forever(friend)
2. They behave in a friendly way(friend)
3 We don't like him because he is unfriendly(friend)
4 Although they are rich, they are unhappy(happy)
5 Describe your neighborhood(neighbor)
6 She was impressed by the city's beauty(beautiful)
7 My father is a photographer(photograph)
8 What is a lovely house!(love)
9 They are in the same class. They are classmates(class)
10 In my opinion, she is the person I like best(live)
11 She has a good knowledge of English(know)
12 Please give your personal information(person)
13 There is a shortage of water in the city(short)
14 What is the length of the river(long)
15 What are the differences between the two books(different)
16 She is very sociable(social)
17 Quang is extremely kind(extreme)
18 I want to do some volunteer work(volunteer)
19 My mother works at the orphanage(orphan)
20 It is an enjoyable vacation(enjoy)
21 The village is very peaceful(peace)
22 Lan is a humorous person(humor)
23 He is a helpful person(help)
24 She is making some introductions(introduce)
25 It is in the eastern Vietnam(east)
26 He is making a speech in the public(speak)
27 They are the emigrants(emigrate)
28 He is an inventor of the telephone(invent)
29 This led to the invention of the telephone(invent)
30 Mrs. Hoa is his assistant(assist)
31 He went to count the exhibition(count)
32 It is in the commercial use(commerce)
33 You should cook the meal yourselves(you)
34 The chemicals are dangerous for children(chemistry)
35 I can't find the rice cooker(cook)
36 The kitchen is a dangerous place to play(danger)
37 It is an electrical socket(electricity)
38 We take part in the youth organization(you)
39 We need some more equipment(equip)
40 They like the traditional clothes(tradition)
41 Once a prince married a poor girl(one)
42 He had a son named Van Sy (name)
43 Finally, all the chickens were dead(die)
44 Unfortunately, we missed the bus(fortune)
45 Fortunately, we were not early enough to arrive home(lucky)
46 Happily, he passed the exam(happy)
47 He was very upset(set)
48 He died of a broken heart(break)
49 We are excited about the new year(excite)
50 I feel very bored(bore)
51 The film is very interesting(interest)
52This is the best choice(choose)
53 Suddenly I woke up and the thief disappeared(appear)
54 Describe his appearance(appear)
55 She magically changed my old clothes into the new ones(magic)
56 My decision is not very good(decide)
57 It is my servant and I am its owner(serve/own)
58 I immediately fell in love with her(immediate)
59 I admire her wisdom(wise)
60 I am proud of you(pride)
61 They work really hard(real)
62 Your pronunciation is not good(pronounce)
63 We need the improvement(improve)
64 I don't like her behavior(behave)
65 The participation in the club is not very often(participate)
66 His cooperation is very good(co-operate)
67 He got 2 marks in the test. It is satisfactory(satisfy)
68 Please give me your signature(sign)
69 There are 20 learners in the class(learn)
70 Do you know the importance of water(important)
71 We need some revision(revise)
72 It is necessary for you to do morning exercise(need)
73 I think smoking is necessary for everyone(need)
74 I am pleased to meet you(please)
75 There are many celebrations in Vietnam(celebrate)
76 Please fill the application form out(apply)
77 He encourages me a lot in my studying(courage)
78 My father is a businessman(business)
79 His explanation is not clear(explain)
80 It is a good organization(organize)
81 He does not like this educational system(educate)
82 He is famous(world)
83 The two books are slightly different(different)
84 We should protect the natural resources(nature)
85 I will go to the photo exhibition(exhibit)
86 I don't like this room because it is uncomfortable(comfort)
87 It is expensive but it is comfortable(comfort)
88 The company has many good products(produce)
89 There are many entertainments in the city(entertain)
90 I hate the noise on the street(noisy)
91 T.V and the internet bring us the information(inform)
92 Hoa went to a medical check-up(medicine)
93 Jobs are plentiful in the city (plenty)
94 The pollution is increasing nowadays (pollute)
95 He is always making noise and I feel unpleased(please)
96 They live with their relatives(relate)
97 They are the migrants here(migrate)
98 Government will provide us with the food(govern)
99 They are accessible in the country(access)
100 It is bloody now.(blood)
101 This is an emergency(emergent)
102 She fell off the bike and was unconscious(conscious)
103 Put pressure on the wound(press)
104 She felt sleepy when watching the film(sleep)
105 Please keep me awake at six(wake)
106 You should ease the pain with ice(easy)
107 We recycle garbage to make fertilizer(fertilize)
108 She is a representative of the organization(represent)
109 The result is very wonderful(woder)
110 Finally, she met her husband(final)
111 We can visit the oceanographic institute in Nha Trang(ocean)
112 There is a small selection of hotels(select)
113 They are the day newspapers(day)
114There are two flights to Ho Chi Minh City(fly)
115 He went to Hanoi twice a week(two)
116 It is difficult to find an accommodation here (accommodate)
117 On Saturdays, she laughed very happily
118 This is a mountainous resort(mountain)
119 There are various islands(vary)
120 Mrs. Loan is a florist(flower)
121 I like the sunny weather(sun)
122 She is a famous writer(fame)
123 She went to the rice cooking festival(cook)
124 There are two runners in the contest(run)
125 He is my teammate in the contest(team)
126 We are the winners in the game(win)
127 Who is the leader in your team(lead)
128 She has a good decorating at Tet(decorate)
129 She is a stamp collector(collect)
130 They are two songwriters(song)
131 The clothes are beautiful but they are unsuitable(suit)
132 Please write a description of your room(describe)
133I like reading this poetry(poet)
134 How many wonderfuls are there in this country?(wonderful)
135 It is a famous tourist attraction(attract)
136 This requirement is unsuitable(require)
137 Don't eat this kind of food. It is unhealthy(health)