
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

2 tháng 4 2022

English is an important language for all kinds of (31) __professional_____ and personal goals. Whether you’re just starting out in English, or you need some (32) _motivation____ to keep going, understanding the importance of the language will help you reach fluency and change your life. Learning English can help you pursue and (33) _achieve____ more career opportunities. These days, the job market is global - many companies need employees who can (34) __communicate_____ with partners and clients all over the world. Very often, that means finding (35) __candidates___ who speak English.

About the ESL ProgramThe University English as a Second Language (UESL) Program provides challenging language learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it is to prepare students for admission to American colleges or universities, to improve English language skills, or to further one's professional career, students at UESL will receive high quality, caring instruction from professional English instructors. Students can take part in many interesting trips organized...
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  • About the ESL Program
  • The University English as a Second Language (UESL) Program provides challenging language learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it is to prepare students for admission to American colleges or universities, to improve English language skills, or to further one's professional career, students at UESL will receive high quality, caring instruction from professional English instructors. Students can take part in many interesting trips organized by the UESL Program. In the past, favorite trips included visiting cosmopolitan Seattle, scenic Leavenworth, local museums, the nearby mountains for hiking and skiing, and the Columbia River for sightseeing. Students have full access to CWU's campus facilities and can take advantage of the University's well-equipped Student Union and Recreation Center known as “the SURC” which includes a fifty-foot rock wall, an indoor jogging track, a four-court gymnasium, strength training and cardio vascular areas. You'll find a market-style dining area with flexible meal programs and a wide variety of food choices. You can shop at the Wildcat Shop, find an ATM, and take in a movie. CWU is completely wireless, making your connection to the Internet easy. The UESL Program is a proud member of English USA, the American Association of Intensive English Programs promoting professional standards and high-quality English programs.
  • Dịch hộ nhá m.n!~
7 tháng 6 2016

Giới thiệu về Chương trình ESL
Đại học tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ thứ hai chương trình (UESL) cung cấp cơ hội học tập ngôn ngữ thách thức cả trong và ngoài lớp học. Cho dù đó là để chuẩn bị cho sinh viên nhập học vào các trường cao đẳng hoặc đại học Mỹ, để cải thiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh, hoặc để tiếp tục sự nghiệp chuyên nghiệp của một người, học sinh tại UESL sẽ nhận được chất lượng cao, chăm sóc hướng dẫn từ các giảng viên tiếng Anh chuyên nghiệp. Học sinh có thể tham gia nhiều chuyến đi thú vị bởi những chương trình UESL tổ chức. Trong quá khứ, các chuyến đi yêu thích bao gồm khách quốc tế Seattle, danh lam thắng cảnh Leavenworth, bảo tàng địa phương, vùng núi gần đó để đi bộ và trượt tuyết, và sông Columbia cho tham quan. Học sinh có thể truy cập vào cơ sở vật chất trường CWU và có thể tận dụng lợi thế của các trường Đại học được trang bị tốt Hội Sinh viên và Trung tâm giải trí được gọi là "SURC" trong đó có một bức tường đá năm mươi chân, một đường chạy trong nhà, phòng tập thể dục bốn sân, sức mạnh đào tạo và các lĩnh vực tim mạch. Bạn sẽ tìm thấy một khu vực ăn uống thị trường-phong cách với chương trình bữa ăn linh hoạt và một loạt các lựa chọn thực phẩm. Bạn có thể mua sắm tại các Wildcat Shop, tìm máy ATM, và mất trong một bộ phim. CWU là hoàn toàn không dây, làm cho kết nối của bạn với Internet dễ dàng. Chương trình UESL là một thành viên tự hào của tiếng Anh Mỹ, Hiệp hội các Chương trình Anh ngữ Chuyên sâu Hoa Kỳ thúc đẩy các tiêu chuẩn chuyên nghiệp và các chương trình tiếng Anh chất lượng cao.

7 tháng 6 2016

Thời đại ngày nay mún làm j chả đc!!!! Mấy kiểu này là k phải tự dịch đâu!!!!

Dịch:Some theories of the purpose of dreamsFreud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We...
Đọc tiếp


Some theories of the purpose of dreams

Freud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?

Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the answer. This may be more of a way to ‘use’ our dreams than a ‘purpose’ of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important then analysing them may help you to focus your mind on the problem and help you to find the solution.

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk, organizing the events of the day into folders and deleting the rubbish that it doesn’t want to keep. But we all know that very little of what we dream every night is concerned with what happened to us that day.

Another idea is that dreams are the brain’s way of practising the behaviour that we need to survive. So we dream about being chased by a monster because one day it might happen! It’s a bit like a pianist practising her scales every day even though she doesn’t need to use them at that moment.

Others believe that dreaming is the brain’s way of exercising the pathways between the brain cells. This may be an important element in why we sleep rather than why we dream. We die if we don’t sleep but we can live without dreaming. Some patients with brain injuries lose the ability to dream but don’t seem to suffer any ill-effects.

REM and dreaming

Scientists used to think that dreaming only happened during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM). REM sleep is essential for all mammals. We all become irritable and depressed without it. If we don’t have enough REM one night, we will compensate by having more the next. REM is generated by the brainstem – the oldest and most primitive part of the brain. So scientists used to believe that dreaming was also caused by activity in the brainstem. We now know that dreaming can happen at any time during sleep. The only difference seems to be that it’s easier to remember dreams that happen during REM.

Babies have a lot more REM activity than adults, but research shows that they dream less. The same may be true of animals. We know that they have REM activity but that doesn’t mean they dream.

It also seems that dreaming is a skill that develops as you get older, like language for example. Young children’s dreams are very different from older children’s or adult’s dreams.

New research

Modern technology has allowed scientists to map the parts of the brain that are active when we dream. The primitive brainstem is very active, but so are other important areas at the front of the brain. These are the frontal lobes that control emotion, memory, and experiences that come through the senses like hearing and vision. If these areas are injured, the person stops dreaming. On the other hand, the areas that control rational, logical thought are not active at all. This could explain why dreams are so strange. They have no logical sequence or time, which makes them very difficult to explain to other people when we wake up. Dreams combine recent events with long past events and our emotions while we are dreaming are often very strong.

Psychologists have also done studies on people who kept dream diaries for long periods of time (up to fifty years in some cases) and have found that what we dream is very much connected with how we think and behave when we are awake. So an extrovert, adventurous person will have extrovert, adventurous dreams. A shy person will be a shy person in her dreams. People who are important to us will often be in our dreams and so will things that worry us or make us happy.

So what’s the conclusion?

Well, nobody really knows. But scientists are now suggesting that dreams have absolutely no purpose at all. When we are awake we are ‘thinking’ all the time. Some of this thinking is useful and has a purpose. But we often just ‘think’ about nothing in particular while we’re waiting for the bus or walking to work. And that’s what the brain is doing when we are asleep - just thinking. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s boring.

Doing the research for this article has made me more interested in my dreams rather than less. I might even start a dream diary! But nothing that I’ve read explains why I sometimes have an embarrassing dream about finding myself standing completely naked at a bus stop. Fortunately, this has never happened to me in real life, and it isn’t something that I think about when I’m awake. I’m told that it’s an example of a ‘universal dream’ – a dream that is common to people all over the world. Dreaming about flying is another example. So what’s the explanation? We can’t all be ‘just thinking’ about the same thing, can we?

Find the new words and translate it

1 tháng 2 2018

Một số lý thuyết về mục đích của những giấc mơ

Freud tin rằng chúng ta mơ ước để chúng ta có thể giải toả những ham muốn sâu, bí mật mà chúng ta không được phép diễn đạt trong cuộc sống thực bởi vì các quy tắc của xã hội lịch sự. Hầu hết mọi người đều biết về phân tích giấc mơ của Freud - giấc mơ về một con tàu đi vào đường hầm là một giấc mơ về quan hệ tình dục. Nhưng liệu đó có phải chỉ là một giấc mơ khi du hành trên tàu?

Một lý thuyết khác là những giấc mơ cho phép chúng ta giải quyết những vấn đề mà chúng ta không thể giải quyết trong cuộc sống thực. Chúng tôi đi ngủ với một vấn đề và thức dậy với câu trả lời. Đây có thể là một cách để "sử dụng" ước mơ của chúng ta hơn là một mục đích "của mơ ước. Nếu bạn tin rằng giấc mơ của bạn là quan trọng thì việc phân tích chúng có thể giúp bạn tập trung suy nghĩ về vấn đề và giúp bạn tìm ra giải pháp.

Hình ảnh hiện đại là giấc mơ là cách để làm sạch ổ cứng của máy tính, tổ chức các sự kiện trong ngày vào các thư mục và xóa các rác mà nó không muốn giữ. Nhưng tất cả chúng ta đều biết rằng rất ít những gì chúng tôi mơ ước mỗi tối liên quan đến những gì đã xảy ra với chúng tôi ngày hôm đó.

Một ý tưởng khác là giấc mơ là cách hành xử của não đối với hành vi mà chúng ta cần phải tồn tại. Vì vậy, chúng tôi mơ ước được bị đuổi bởi một con quái vật bởi vì một ngày nào đó có thể xảy ra! Nó giống như một nghệ sĩ piano thực hành quy mô của cô ấy mỗi ngày mặc dù cô ấy không cần sử dụng chúng vào lúc đó.

Những người khác tin rằng giấc mơ là cách não thực hiện các con đường giữa các tế bào não. Đây có thể là một yếu tố quan trọng tại sao chúng ta ngủ nhiều hơn là tại sao chúng ta mơ ước. Chúng ta chết nếu chúng ta không ngủ nhưng chúng ta có thể sống mà không mơ mộng. Một số bệnh nhân bị thương não mất khả năng mơ ước nhưng dường như không bị ảnh hưởng xấu.

REM và mơ ước

Các nhà khoa học từng nghĩ rằng giấc mơ chỉ xảy ra trong giấc ngủ Mắt nhanh (REM). Giấc ngủ REM là điều cần thiết cho tất cả các động vật có vú. Tất cả chúng ta trở nên cáu kỉnh và chán nản nếu không có nó. Nếu chúng ta không có đủ giấc ngủ đêm REM, chúng tôi sẽ đền bù bằng cách có thêm thời gian tiếp theo. REM được tạo ra bởi bộ não - phần lâu đời nhất và nguyên thủy nhất của bộ não. Vì vậy, các nhà khoa học từng tin rằng giấc mơ cũng là do hoạt động trong não. Bây giờ chúng ta biết rằng giấc mơ có thể xảy ra bất cứ lúc nào trong suốt giấc ngủ. Sự khác biệt duy nhất có thể là dễ nhớ hơn những giấc mơ xảy ra trong REM.

Trẻ sơ sinh có nhiều hoạt động REM hơn người lớn, nhưng nghiên cứu cho thấy họ mơ ước ít hơn. Điều này cũng có thể đúng với động vật. Chúng tôi biết rằng họ có hoạt động REM nhưng điều đó không có nghĩa là họ mơ ước.

Nó cũng có vẻ như là mơ ước là một kỹ năng phát triển khi bạn lớn lên, chẳng hạn như ngôn ngữ ví dụ. Ước mơ của trẻ nhỏ rất khác so với giấc mơ của những đứa trẻ lớn tuổi hơn và người lớn.

Nghiên cứu mới

Công nghệ hiện đại đã cho phép các nhà khoa học lập bản đồ các bộ phận của não hoạt động khi chúng ta mơ ước. Giun sơ khai rất năng động, nhưng cũng là những khu vực quan trọng khác ở phía trước của não. Đây là những thùy trán điều khiển cảm xúc, trí nhớ và kinh nghiệm đi qua các giác quan như nghe và nhìn. Nếu những khu vực này bị thương, người đó ngừng mơ. Mặt khác, các lĩnh vực kiểm soát suy nghĩ hợp lý, hợp lý không hoạt động chút nào. Điều này có thể giải thích tại sao những giấc mơ thật kỳ lạ. Họ không có trình tự hoặc thời gian hợp lý, điều này khiến họ rất khó giải thích cho người khác khi chúng tôi thức dậy. Giấc mơ kết hợp các sự kiện gần đây với những sự kiện trong quá khứ và cảm xúc của chúng ta trong khi chúng ta đang mơ ước thường rất mạnh.

Các nhà tâm lý học cũng đã thực hiện các nghiên cứu về những người giữ nhật ký trong một thời gian dài (đến 50 năm trong một số trường hợp) và nhận thấy rằng những gì chúng ta mơ ước có liên quan rất nhiều đến cách chúng ta suy nghĩ và hành xử khi chúng ta tỉnh táo. Vì vậy, một người hướng ngoại, mạo hiểm sẽ có những giấc mơ hướng ngoại, mạo hiểm. Một người nhút nhát sẽ là một người nhút nhát trong những giấc mơ của mình. Những người quan trọng đối với chúng ta thường có trong giấc mơ của chúng ta và những điều đó sẽ làm chúng ta lo lắng hoặc làm cho chúng ta hạnh phúc.

Vậy kết luận là gì?

Vâng, không ai thực sự biết. Nhưng các nhà khoa học hiện đang cho thấy những giấc mơ hoàn toàn không có mục đích. Khi chúng ta tỉnh dậy chúng ta đang 'suy nghĩ' mọi lúc. Một số suy nghĩ này là hữu ích và có một mục đích. Nhưng chúng ta thường chỉ "nghĩ" về không có gì đặc biệt trong khi chúng ta chờ xe buýt hoặc đi bộ để làm việc. Và đó là những gì mà bộ não đang làm khi chúng ta đang ngủ - chỉ cần suy nghĩ. Đôi khi nó thú vị và đôi khi nó là nhàm chán.

Làm nghiên cứu cho bài viết này đã làm tôi quan tâm nhiều hơn đến ước mơ của tôi chứ không phải là ít hơn. Tôi thậm chí có thể bắt đầu một nhật ký trong giấc mơ! Nhưng không có gì tôi đã đọc giải thích tại sao đôi khi tôi có một giấc mơ xấu hổ vì thấy mình đang đứng khỏa thân hoàn toàn tại bến xe buýt. May mắn thay, điều này đã không bao giờ xảy ra với tôi trong cuộc sống thực, và nó không phải là điều mà tôi nghĩ về khi tôi thức. Tôi được nói rằng đó là một ví dụ về 'giấc mơ phổ quát' - một giấc mơ phổ biến cho mọi người trên thế giới. Giấc mơ bay là một ví dụ khác. Vậy giải thích là gì? Chúng ta không thể chỉ "suy nghĩ" về cùng một điều, phải không?

1 tháng 2 2018

Some theories of the purpose of dreams

Freud believed that we dream so that we can release the deep, secret desires that we are not allowed to express in real life because of the rules of polite society. Most people know about Freudian dream analysis – a dream about a train going into a tunnel is a dream about sexual intercourse. But couldn’t it just be a dream about travelling on a train?

Another theory is that dreams allow us to solve problems that we can’t solve in real life. We go to sleep with a problem and wake up with the answer. This may be more of a way to ‘use’ our dreams than a ‘purpose’ of dreaming. If you believe that your dreams are important then analysing them may help you to focus your mind on the problem and help you to find the solution.

The modern image is that dreams are the brain’s way of cleaning up the computer’s hard disk, organizing the events of the day into folders and deleting the rubbish that it doesn’t want to keep. But we all know that very little of what we dream every night is concerned with what happened to us that day.

Another idea is that dreams are the brain’s way of practising the behaviour that we need to survive. So we dream about being chased by a monster because one day it might happen! It’s a bit a pianist practising her scales every day even though she doesn’t need to use them at that moment.

Others believe that dreaming is the brain’s way of exercising the pathways between the brain cells. This may be an important element in why we sleep rather than why we dream. We die if we don’t sleep but we can live without dreaming. Some patients with brain injuries lose the ability to dream but don’t seem to suffer any ill-effects.

REM and dreaming

Scientists used to think that dreaming only happened during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM). REM sleep is essential for all mammals. We all become irritable and depressed without it. If we don’t have enough REM one night, we will compensate by having more the next. REM is generated by the brainstem – the oldest and most primitive part of the brain. So scientists used to believe that dreaming was also caused by activity in the brainstem. We now know that dreaming can happen at any time during sleep. The only difference seems to be that it’s easier to remember dreams that happen during REM.

Babies have a lot more REM activity than adults, but research shows that they dream less. The same may be true of animals. We know that they have REM activity but that doesn’t mean they dream.

It also seems that dreaming is a skill that develops as you get older, language for example. Young children’s dreams are very different from older children’s or adult’s dreams.

New research

Modern technology has allowed scientists to map the parts of the brain that are active when we dream. The primitive brainstem is very active, but so are other important areas at the front of the brain. These are the frontal lobes that control emotion, memory, and experiences that come through the senses hearing and vision. If these areas are injured, the person stops dreaming. On the other hand, the areas that control rational, logical thought are not active at all. This could explain why dreams are so strange. They have no logical sequence or time, which makes them very difficult to explain to other people when we wake up. Dreams combine recent events with long past events and our emotions while we are dreaming are often very strong.

Psychologists have also done studies on people who kept dream diaries for long periods of time (up to fifty years in some cases) and have found that what we dream is very much connected with how we think and behave when we are awake. So an extrovert, adventurous person will have extrovert, adventurous dreams. A shy person will be a shy person in her dreams. People who are important to us will often be in our dreams and so will things that worry us or make us happy.

So what’s the conclusion?

Well, nobody really knows. But scientists are now suggesting that dreams have absolutely no purpose at all. When we are awake we are ‘thinking’ all the time. Some of this thinking is useful and has a purpose. But we often just ‘think’ about nothing in parular while we’re waiting for the bus or walking to work. And that’s what the brain is doing when we are asleep - just thinking. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s boring.

Doing the research for this arle has made me more interested in my dreams rather than less. I might even start a dream diary! But nothing that I’ve read explains why I sometimes have an embarrassing dream about finding myself standing completely naked at a bus stop. Fortunately, this has never happened to me in real life, and it isn’t something that I think about when I’m awake. I’m told that it’s an example of a ‘universal dream’ – a dream that is common to people all over the world. Dreaming about flying is another example. So what’s the explanation? We can’t all be ‘just thinking’ about the same thing, can we?

Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the unfinished statements or best answers the questions about the letter. English is very interesting. It is not difficult to learn English well. However, it is important to find the most effective way to learn the language. I rarely look up new words in the dictionary, but I often try to guess their meanings in the reading. At first, I found it a little difficult because I could hardly understand everything that I read. But gradually...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the item (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each of the unfinished statements or best answers the questions about the letter.

English is very interesting. It is not difficult to learn English well. However, it is important to find the most effective way to learn the language. I rarely look up new words in the dictionary, but I often try to guess their meanings in the reading. At first, I found it a little difficult because I could hardly understand everything that I read. But gradually I could get the general idea of th reading or the main information the reading passage gave. I never use an English-Vietnamese dictionary, instead I used an English-English dictionary, and this helps me a lot. In this way, I can use the new vocabulary correctly and naturally. I also keep my diary, and write short stories in English to improve my writing skill. As for listening, I listen to music and news programs boardcast in English on TV and on the radio. It is an interesting way to pratice listening. Modern equipment can help a lot in listening. For example, I use an iPod to record the news so that I can listen to it again and then I record voice and correct myself. I've joined an English-speaking club to better my speaking. I can make myself well understood when I speak to native speakers. I think in the future everybody in Vietnam can communicate with each other well in English.

1. What is the text mainly about?

A. Learning English is fun B. Speaking is more important than reading

C. Everyone has a way to learn English D. English plays an important role in life

2. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. To inform B. To complain

C. To criticize D. To teach

3. The writer improves his writing by __________.

A. writing for a newspaper B. writing novels

C. writing about his daily activities D. reading as much as possible

4. According to the writer, using a dictionary is __________.

A. a waste of time B. a waste of money

C. necessary all the time D. quite useful

5. The writer thinks that his English is __________.

A. very bad B. average

C. just OK D. quite good

6 tháng 6 2018

1. What is the text mainly about?
A. Learning English is fun B. Speaking is more important than reading
C. Everyone has a way to learn English D. English plays an important role in life
2. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. To inform B. To complain
C. To criticize D. To teach
3. The writer improves his writing by __________.
A. writing for a newspaper B. writing novels
C. writing about his daily activities D. reading as much as possible
4. According to the writer, using a dictionary is __________.
A. a waste of time B. a waste of money
C. necessary all the time D. quite useful
5. The writer thinks that his English is __________.
A. very bad B. average
C. just OK D. quite good

6 tháng 6 2018

1. What is the text mainly about?
A. Learning English is fun B. Speaking is more important than reading
C. Everyone has a way to learn English D. English plays an important role in life
2. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. To inform B. To complain
C. To criticize D. To teach
3. The writer improves his writing by __________.
A. writing for a newspaper B. writing novels
C. writing about his daily activities D. reading as much as possible
4. According to the writer, using a dictionary is __________.
A. a waste of time B. a waste of money
C. necessary all the time D. quite useful
5. The writer thinks that his English is __________.
A. very bad B. average
C. just OK D. quite good

Dịch sang Tiếng Việt:At each period of age I have a different habit, and now I have the habit of listening to English music every day. This started since I was learning English at the age of 12, and my teacher encouraged us to listen to appropriate English songs to improve our listening skill and vocabulary. At first I just listened to them as homework, but gradually I fell in love with the melodies and lyrics of the songs. I listen to music in all of my spare time, and people easily find...
Đọc tiếp

Dịch sang Tiếng Việt:

At each period of age I have a different habit, and now I have the habit of listening to English music every day. This started since I was learning English at the age of 12, and my teacher encouraged us to listen to appropriate English songs to improve our listening skill and vocabulary. At first I just listened to them as homework, but gradually I fell in love with the melodies and lyrics of the songs. I listen to music in all of my spare time, and people easily find me wearing headphones everywhere. I listen to many different types of music, and my list of music now is up to a few hundred songs. In the morning I like to listen to Pop and Dance while preparing to go to school because they keep me awake and give me energy for the day. At noon I listen to the gentle country music to relax, and classical music is the first choice at bedtime so I can fall asleep easily. Some of my favorite singers are Adele, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, etc. They also help me read more in English about international music news. My sister is also learning another language, and I encourage her to develop a listening habit so that she can improve her listening skill and vocabulary. Music is such a useful tool for entertaining, and I will maintain this daily routine as a way to both learn relax.

24 tháng 11 2019

At each period of age I have a different habit, and now I have the habit of listening to English music every day. This started since I was learning English at the age of 12, and my teacher encouraged us to listen to appropriate English songs to improve our listening skill and vocabulary. At first I just listened to them as homework, but gradually I fell in love with the melodies and lyrics of the songs. I listen to music in all of my spare time, and people easily find me wearing headphones everywhere. I listen to many different types of music, and my list of music now is up to a few hundred songs. In the morning I to listen to Pop and Dance while preparing to go to school because they keep me awake and give me energy for the day. At noon I listen to the gentle country music to relax, and classical music is the first choice at bedtime so I can fall asleep easily. Some of my favorite singers are Adele, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, etc. They also help me read more in English about international music news. My sister is also learning another language, and I encourage her to develop a listening habit so that she can improve her listening skill and vocabulary. Music is such a useful tool for entertaining, and I will maintain this daily routine as a way to both learn relax.


Ở mỗi độ tuổi tôi có một thói quen khác nhau, và bây giờ tôi có thói quen nghe nhạc tiếng Anh mỗi ngày. Điều này bắt đầu từ khi tôi học tiếng Anh từ năm 12 tuổi và giáo viên của tôi khuyến khích chúng tôi nghe các bài hát tiếng Anh phù hợp để cải thiện kỹ năng nghe và từ vựng. Lúc đầu tôi chỉ nghe họ làm bài tập về nhà, nhưng dần dần tôi đã yêu những giai điệu và lời của các bài hát. Tôi nghe nhạc trong tất cả thời gian rảnh rỗi và mọi người dễ dàng thấy tôi đeo tai nghe ở mọi nơi. Tôi nghe nhiều loại nhạc khác nhau và danh sách nhạc của tôi hiện lên tới vài trăm bài hát. Vào buổi sáng, tôi thích nghe nhạc Pop và Dance khi chuẩn bị đi học vì chúng giúp tôi tỉnh táo và cho tôi năng lượng cho cả ngày. Vào buổi trưa, tôi nghe nhạc đồng quê nhẹ nhàng để thư giãn, và nhạc cổ điển là lựa chọn đầu tiên khi đi ngủ để tôi có thể dễ dàng chìm vào giấc ngủ. Một số ca sĩ yêu thích của tôi là Adele, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, v.v ... Họ cũng giúp tôi đọc thêm bằng tiếng Anh về tin tức âm nhạc quốc tế. Chị tôi cũng đang học một ngôn ngữ khác, và tôi khuyến khích cô ấy phát triển thói quen nghe để cô ấy có thể cải thiện kỹ năng nghe và từ vựng. Âm nhạc là một công cụ hữu ích để giải trí và tôi sẽ duy trì thói quen hàng ngày này như một cách để vừa học thư giãn.

24 tháng 11 2019

Ở mỗi độ tuổi tôi có một thói quen khác nhau, và bây giờ tôi có thói quen nghe nhạc tiếng Anh mỗi ngày. Điều này bắt đầu từ khi tôi học tiếng Anh từ năm 12 tuổi và giáo viên của tôi khuyến khích chúng tôi nghe các bài hát tiếng Anh phù hợp để cải thiện kỹ năng nghe và từ vựng. Lúc đầu tôi chỉ nghe họ làm bài tập về nhà, nhưng đa dạng tôi đã yêu những giai điệu và lời của các bài hát. Tôi nghe nhạc trong tất cả thời gian rảnh rỗi và mọi người dễ dàng thấy tôi đeo tai nghe ở mọi nơi. Tôi nghe nhiều loại nhạc khác nhau và danh sách nhạc của tôi hiện lên tới vài trăm bài hát. Vào buổi sáng, tôi thích nghe nhạc Pop và Dance khi chuẩn bị đi học vì chúng giúp tôi tỉnh táo và cho tôi năng lượng cho cả ngày. Vào buổi trưa, tôi nghe nhạc đồng quê nhẹ nhàng để thư giãn, và nhạc cổ điển là lựa chọn đầu tiên khi đi ngủ để tôi có thể dễ dàng chìm vào giấc ngủ. Một số ca sĩ yêu thích của tôi là Adele, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, v.v ... Họ cũng giúp tôi đọc thêm bằng tiếng Anh về tin tức âm nhạc quốc tế. Chị tôi cũng đang học một ngôn ngữ khác, và tôi khuyến khích cô ấy phát triển thói quen nghe để cô ấy có thể cải thiện kỹ năng nghe và từ vựng. Âm nhạc là một công cụ hữu ích để giải trí và tôi sẽ duy trì thói quen hàng ngày này như một cách để vừa học thư giãn.

Learning English Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard on their lessons to learn another language. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their...
Đọc tiếp

Learning English

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard on their lessons to learn another language.

Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics and English. In England, America or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language, which is English and another language, perhaps French, German or Spanish.

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

1.According to the writer:

A.English is useful only to adults

B.only teenagers learn English

C.no children like learning English

D.English is learnt by many generations

2.Most people learn English by __________.

A.watching videos only

B.talking with the film stars

C.hearing the language in the office

D.working hard on their lessons

3.Many boys and girls learn English because __________.

A.English can give them a job

B.they have to study their own language

C.it is included in their study courses

D.their parents make them do it

4.In America and Australia, many school children study __________.

A.their own language and no foreign language

B.such foreign languages as French, German or Spanish

C.English and mathematics only

D.English as a foreign language

5.Many adults learn English because __________.

A.they want to go abroad

B.it is useful for their work

C.most of their books are in English

D.they want to read newspapers in English

30 tháng 12 2016

Learning English

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard on their lessons to learn another language.

Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, mathematics and English. In England, America or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language, which is English and another language, perhaps French, German or Spanish.

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

1.According to the writer:

A.English is useful only to adults

B.only teenagers learn English

C.no children like learning English

D.English is learnt by many generations

2.Most people learn English by __________.

A.watching videos only

B.talking with the film stars

C.hearing the language in the office

D.working hard on their lessons

3.Many boys and girls learn English because __________.

A.English can give them a job

B.they have to study their own language

C.it is included in their study courses

D.their parents make them do it

4.In America and Australia, many school children study __________.

A.their own language and no foreign language

B.such foreign languages as French, German or Spanish

C.English and mathematics only

D.English as a foreign language

5.Many adults learn English because __________.

A.they want to go abroad

B.it is useful for their work

C.most of their books are in English

D.they want to read newspapers in English

30 tháng 12 2016

1.According to the writer:

A.English is useful only to adults

B.only teenagers learn English

C.no children like learning English

D.English is learnt by many generations

2.Most people learn English by __________.

A.watching videos only

B.talking with the film stars

C.hearing the language in the office

D.working hard on their lessons

3.Many boys and girls learn English because __________.

A.English can give them a job

B.they have to study their own language

C.it is included in their study courses

D.their parents make them do it

4.In America and Australia, many school children study __________.

A.their own language and no foreign language

B.such foreign languages as French, German or Spanish

C.English and mathematics only

D.English as a foreign language

5.Many adults learn English because __________.

A.they want to go abroad

B.it is useful for their work

C.most of their books are in English

D.they want to read newspapers in English

Hãy bắt đầu bằng một bài "nhẹ nhàng, tình cảm" Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 1 đến 5. For many people the language of the Internet is English. “World, Wide, Web: Three English Words” was the name of an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went on to say: “If you want to take full advantage of the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn...
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Hãy bắt đầu bằng một bài "nhẹ nhàng, tình cảm"

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 1 đến 5.

For many people the language of the Internet is English. “World, Wide, Web: Three English Words” was the name of an article by Michael Specter in the New York Times a few years ago. The article went on to say: “If you want to take full advantage of the Internet, there is only one real way to do it: learn English.”

In general, it is not difficult to learn to use Internet services. But although Internet services are rather easy to use, you will have considerable difficulties if you are not familiar with English. In fact, a good knowledge of English is one of the most important aspects that help you use the Internet.

Learning to use a new Internet service may take a few hours, a few days or some weeks, but it takes years to learn a language so that you can use it fluently and confidently. Of course, when you know some English, you can learn more just by using it on the Internet. But at least your English should be good enough to understand commonly used words and to know what to do on the Internet.

1.this passage talks about

A. using in the Internet B. the role of english on the internet

C. learning English D. services of the internet

2. the opposite of the word advantage in the passage is

A. unadvantage B. inalvantage C. disadvantage D. imadvantage

3. The word it the passage refers to

A. english B. the internet C. the servise D. a ;language

4. Which of the following is not true

A. internet is servise widely B. english is very necessay on the internet

C. We learn English by using the internet D. Using a language fluetly will not take you seceral years

5. the word commonly in the passage is colsest in meaning to

A. widely B. successfully C. necessarily D.normally



10 tháng 8 2018

1.this passage talks about

A. using in the Internet B. the role of english on the internet

C. learning English D. services of the internet

2. the opposite of the word advantage in the passage is

A. unadvantage B. inalvantage C. disadvantage D. imadvantage

3. The word it the passage refers to

A. english B. the internet C. the servise D. a ;language

4. Which of the following is not true

A. internet is servise widely B. english is very necessay on the internet

C. We learn English by using the internet D. Using a language fluetly will not take you seceral years

5. the word commonly in the passage is colsest in meaning to

A. widely B. successfully C. necessarily D.normally

Đăng muộn thế bạn ơihihi

10 tháng 8 2018

mn làm nhanh giúp mik nhé!!

READING Read the passage and answers to the questions WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last...
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Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
2. How many ways can you get help?
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

25 tháng 2 2020

Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
_____________________The quizmaster in Britian is Chris Tarrant_________________________________________________________
2. How many ways can you get help?
___________________Three ways___________________________________________________________
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
______________________Fifteen questions________________________________________________________
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?
_____________________More than 100 countries_______________________________________________________

READING Read the passage and answers to the questions WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage and answers to the questions
One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you can answer the fourteenth question, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, the last question is very difficult.
All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take away two wrong answers: you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started.
Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? can be seen in more than 100 countries and is now the world's most popular quiz programme.

Answer the questions.
1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?
2. How many ways can you get help?
3. How many questions do you have to answer?
4. In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

25 tháng 2 2020

1.Who is the quizmaster in Britain?

⇒ The quizmaster in Britain is Chris Tarrant.

2.How many ways can you get help?

⇒ There are 3 ways you can get help.

3.How many questions do you have to answer?

⇒ I have to answer 15 questions.

4.In how many countries can you watch the quiz show?

⇒ I can watch the quiz show show in more than 100 countries.