
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

11. A. hea
r B. fea
r C. bea
r D. nea
12. A. na
ture B. pla
y C.va
cation D.a
13. A.catches
14. A. traveled
B. listened
C. collapsed
D. lived
15. A.pi
ty B.mi
nd C. pi
lot D. di
I. (Questions 16-30):Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A,
B, C or D(3pts).
16. My dad likes _________ gardening every weekend, so we always have fresh
vegetables to eat.
A. making B. doing C. planting D. growing
17.We need some pork, it is the reason we go to the _________and buy some.
A. drug store B. butcher’s C. wet market D. tailor’s
18.The durians are rarely ripe._________are the apples.
A. Neither B. So C. Both D. Either
19.It’s a very busy airport. There are planes_________and landing every5minutes.
A. going up B. taking off C. getting up D. driving off
20.After using, you should_________the lamp to save energy.
A. take off B. go off C. turn off D. get off
21.In the past of 50 years ago,_________people didn’t have a TVset at home.
A. most of B. most C. most of the D.almost every
22.You’ve made a lot of mistakes in your work. You should never do it _________.
A. in a hurry B. in hurry C. hurried D. such hurrily
23. Before going on holiday, you should _________ a ticket for the flight in advance so
that you can buy a cheaper one.
A. book B. rent C. lend D. borrow
24.Neighbors don’t spend_________togetheras they used to do in the past.
A. more time B. as much time C. little time D. less time
25. Our school year usually starts in late August. It_________for almost 9 months.
A. wastes B. lasts C. lengthens D. takes
26. The weather is _________we can not go swimming today.
A. such hot day B. so hot that C. too hot to D. so hot a day
27. John:I am going on vacation in Da Lat tomorrow. -Marry:_________.
A. It’s my pleasure B. Have a good time
C. Thanks a lot D. Better luck
Page 4/9 28. VCD is an abbreviation. These letter VCD stand for_________.
A. video cassette display B. video cassette discs
C. visual compact discs D. video compact discs
29. Miss Black, my Englishteacher has _________.
A. a long dark straight hair B. long black straight hair
C. short curly blond D. wavy short blond hair
30. Synn is _________than her elder sister.
A. three years younger B. younger three years
C. three years old D. three years more
II.(Questions 31-35):Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets(1pt).
31.Do you want to read comics?. No, thanks. I like (watch)_________films now.
32. I hope you (visit)_________Hanoinext summer vacation.
33.As soon as I arrive home, I (help)_________my mom cook dinner.
34.Listen! There are many birds (sing)_________a distance from here.
35. The snow prevented the train from (move)_________forward.
31. _________________________ 32. _________________________ 33. _________________________
34. _________________________ 35. _________________________
III.(Questions 36-42):Give the correct forms of words in the bracket (1,4 pts).
36.Would you please give me some_________about the train, please? (INFORM)
37.I want to know what the_________of this lake is. (DEEP)
38.Mr. Anderson is my_________he has a lot of factories. (EMPLOY)
39.Thisknife is _________. I can’t cut anything with it. (USE)
40._________are one of the animals which are harmful to our crops. (MOUSE)
41.During his_________the family used to live in the country side. (CHILD)
42.On a _________day, wehave to learn 4 hour with different subjects.(TYPE)
36. _________________________ 37. _________________________ 38. _________________________
39. _________________________ 40. _________________________ 41. _________________________
42. _________________________
IV.(Questions43-47):Fill in each gap with one suitable preposition(1pt).
43.Would you like a cup of tea, sir?.No, thanks. I am_________duty.
44.Her son almost takes_________her husband. Sometimes I can’t distinguishbetweenthem.
45.The boylooked _________his dictionary to get the meaning of the word “Luckiness”.
46.Are there any interesting programs _________at the moment?
47.The plane is flying_________the storm in order to get out of the rain.
43. _________________________ 44. _________________________ 45. _________________________
46. _________________________ 47. _________________________
V. (Questions 48-52): Find out one mistake in each sentence by circling the
letter A,B,C or D(1pt).
48. Measles are
of theinfectiousdiseases
that childrenget
49.Nam looked
becausehis friends
saidno words.
my classmates normy teacher are
51.Last night,Alicetook
he had to
see the
52. There areless
TV programsfor
teenagers than
there are foradults
I. (Questions 53-58): Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the
I only have half the weekend off, so I have very little (53) _______time. Sunday is
a wonderful day for me to (54) _______ time with my friends and family. One of the
things I really enjoy doing on Sunday morning is to go out with my friends, although I
am not always successful (55) _______ catching fish. It is a time to relax and talk about
the previous week’s events and future plans. I usually go (56) _______ late in the
afternoon. My family sometimes (57) _______my relatives on Sunday evening at a
karaoke restaurant and we all have a good time together. It is especially fun when my
father gets up to sing. Please don’t tell him I said this, but he is a very bad singer.
Once in a while I go to the movies with my friends or my brother. Sometimes, I just
stay at home, listening to music,(58)_______videos or reading novels.
53. _________________________ 54. _________________________ 55. _________________________
56. _________________________ 57. _________________________ 58. _________________________
II. (Questions 59-63): Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the
passage(1 pt).
The biggest carnival (59) _______ the world is the annual Carnival in Brazil,
which usually (60) _______ place in February when the whole country stops work for
four days while everybody enjoys parties. There are (61) _______ of street parades
which amazingly decorated trucks and people dressed in colourful costumes.
Everywhere you (62) _______, there are samba bands playing and people dancing.
Right through the night the festivities continue with more dancing and music and
firework displays which light in the night(63)_______.
59. _________________________ 60. _________________________ 61. _________________________
62. _________________________ 63. _________________________
III. (Questions 64-68): Read and circle A, B, C or D before the correct answer to
fill each gap in the passage(1pt).
Doing regular exercise or playing sports can be dangerous, especially if you are
over 40. (64)_______, it is a very good idea to see your doctor before starting if you think
you are not very fit. Some people try to do exercise or play sports too hard too soon, and
as a result they cause themselves injuries that can take a long (65)_______to heal.
However, it is not only older people who should (66)_______care. Doctors report
that many injuries such as backaches, sprained ankles (67)_______ pulled muscles,
which can all be avoided if a little care is taken. If you do injure yourself, rest for a
(68)_______to allow your body to recover naturally. Above all, don’t push yourself
because you think it is doing you good. On the contrary, you could do yourself
permanent damage.
64. A. But B. So C. However D. If
65. A. a B. day C. time D. way
66. A. take B. have C. use D. make
67. A. as B. or C. with D. and
68. A.once B.rest C.period D.while
64. _________________________ 65. _________________________ 66. _________________________
67. _________________________ 68. _________________________
IV. (Questions 64-68): Read and circle A, B, C or D before the correct answer to
fill each gap in the passage(1pt).
The Rocky Mountains run almost the length of North America. They start in the
North-west, but lie only a (69) _______ hundred miles from the the centre in more
sourthern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (70) _______ the Alps, they are no
less wonderfull.
There are many roads across the Rockies, but the best way to see them is to
pass by train. You start from Vancouver, (71) _______ most attractive of Canada’s big
cities. Standing with its feet in water and its head in the mountains, this cityallows its
residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (72)_______.
Thirty passenger trains a day used to set off from Vancouver on the cross-
continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great
adventure. You sleep on board,which is fun, but travel through some of the best (73)
_______at night.
69. A. many B. lot C. few D. couple
70. A. from B. to C. as D. than
Page 7/9 71. A. a B. one C. the D. its
72. A.circle B.center C. middle D. heart
73. A. scenery B. view C. site D. beauty
69. _________________________ 70. _________________________ 71. _________________________
72. _________________________ 73. _________________________
V.(Questions 74-80):Choose the words givenin the box to complete the passage
(1,4 pts).
for something about films make
important eyes watch go instrument
Many parents are worried (74) _______________ the bad effects of television on
their children. Firstly, there are a lot of violent (75) _______________which may lead to
crimes. Secondly, advertisingis not always good (76)_______________children. They see
such many advertisements for sweets, ice creams and toys that these make them
want to (77)_______________ somewhere and buy unnecessary things at once. Thirdly,
sitting in front of a television set for a long time is bad for your (78) _______________.
About one third of children wear glasses. Finally, watching television is not creative.
It is very (79) _______________ for children to do something creative and athletic like
playing some musical(80)_______________, painting pictures, orplayingfootball.
74. _________________ 75. ___________________ 76. ___________________ 77. _______________
78. _________________ 79. ___________________ 80. ___________________
VI. (Questions81-85):Read the following passage andcirclethe letter A, B, C, or D to
indicate the best answerforthe following questions(1 pt).
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. Istudied
the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the
University. As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy. After studying a
language, practice is very necessary and useful. Traveling to the country where the
target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well
enough you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the movies, watch
movies on television, and listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn.
Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think
newspapers and magazines are better. However, getting some knowledge of the
language is the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered
before learning anything then.
81. How many languages can the writer speak?
A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
82. The writer has learnt Spanish_______________.
A. in Spain B. at high school C. at University D. B and C
Page 8/9 83. Traveling may cause troubles if_______________.
A. you cannot speak the language fluentlyenough.
B. you can speak the language well enough.
C. you can speak the language bad enough.
D. you can communicate in the target language.
84. Some useful ways to practice your target language are_______________.
A.reading books in the language.
B. listening to the radio and watching TV in the language.
C. seeing films in the language.
D. all are correct.
85. According to the writer, what should be mastered first?
A. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary and grammar
C. Writing skill D. Reading skill
I. (Questions 86-90): Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words
givenso that the meaning stays the same(1 pt).
86. Listening to English songs is very interesting to me.
→I find it _____________________________________________________________________________________________
87. They are not old enough to drive.
→They are too _____________________________________________________________________________________________
88. Nobody in the class plays chess better than Christina.
→Christina _____________________________________________________________________________________________
89. They took away his passport so that he wouldn’t leave the country.
→They prevented ________________________________________________________________________________________
90. It takes me an hour to do my homework every evening.
→I spend ______________________________________________________________________________________________
II. (Questions 86-90): Use the suggested words and phrases to write com

4 tháng 10 2018

I. (Questions 53-58): Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the passage(1,2pts).

I only have half the weekend off, so I have very little (53) __of_____time. Sunday is a wonderful day for me to (54) ___spend____ time with my friends and family. One of the things I really enjoy doing on Sunday morning is to go out with my friends, although I am not always successful (55) __in_____ catching fish. It is a time to relax and talk about the previous week’s events and future plans. I usually go (56) ___home____ late in the afternoon. My family sometimes (57) _______my relatives on Sunday evening at a karaoke restaurant and we all have a good time together. It is especially fun when myfather gets up to sing. Please don’t tell him I said this, but he is a very bad singer. Once in a while I go to the movies with my friends or my brother. Sometimes, I just stay at home, listening to music,(58)___watching____videos or reading novels.

II. (Questions 59-63): Fill in each gap with one suitable word to complete the passage(1 pt).
The biggest carnival (59) ___of____ the world is the annual Carnival in Brazil, which usually (60) ___takes____ place in February when the whole country stops work for four days while everybody enjoys parties. There are (61) ___lots____ of street parades which amazingly decorated trucks and people dressed in colourful costumes. Everywhere you (62) ___see____, there are samba bands playing and people dancing. Right through the night the festivities continue with more dancing and music and firework displays which light in the night(63)_______.

III. (Questions 64-68): Read and circle A, B, C or D before the correct answer to fill each gap in the passage(1pt).
Doing regular exercise or playing sports can be dangerous, especially if you are over 40. (64)_______, it is a very good idea to see your doctor before starting if you think you are not very fit. Some people try to do exercise or play sports too hard too soon, and as a result they cause themselves injuries that can take a long (65)_______to heal. However, it is not only older people who should (66)_______care. Doctors report
that many injuries such as backaches, sprained ankles (67)_______ pulled muscles, which can all be avoided if a little care is taken. If you do injure yourself, rest for a (68)_______to allow your body to recover naturally. Above all, don’t push yourself because you think it is doing you good. On the contrary, you could do yourself permanent damage.
64. A. But B. So C. However D. If
65. A. a B. day C. time D. way
66. A. take B. have C. use D. make
67. A. as B. or C. with D. and
68. A.once B.rest C.period D.while

IV. (Questions 64-68): Read and circle A, B, C or D before the correct answer to fill each gap in the passage(1pt).
The Rocky Mountains run almost the length of North America. They start in the North-west, but lie only a (69) _______ hundred miles from the the centre in more sourthern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (70) _______ the Alps, they are no less wonderfull.
There are many roads across the Rockies, but the best way to see them is to pass by train. You start from Vancouver, (71) _______ most attractive of Canada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in water and its head in the mountains, this cityallows its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (72)_______. Thirty passenger trains a day used to set off from Vancouver on the cross- continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board,which is fun, but travel through some of the best (73) _______at night.
69. A. many B. lot C. few D. couple
70. A. from B. to C. as D. than
71. A. a B. one C. the D. its
72. A.circle B.center C. middle D. heart
73. A. scenery B. view C. site D. beauty
V.(Questions 74-80):Choose the words givenin the box to complete the
Many parents are worried (74) _______about ________ the bad effects of television on their children. Firstly, there are a lot of violent (75)________ films_______which may lead to crimes. Secondly, advertisingisnot always good (76)________for _______children. They see such many advertisements for sweets, ice creams and toys that these make them want to (77)________go _______ somewhere and buy unnecessary things at once. Thirdly, sitting in front of a television set for a long time is bad for your (78) ____eyes___________. About one third of children wear glasses. Finally, watching television is not creative.

It is very (79) ______important _________ for children to do something creative and athletic like playing some musical(80)______instrument _________, painting pictures, orplayingfootball.
VI. (Questions81-85):Read the following passage andcirclethe letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best answerforthe following questions(1 pt).
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. Istudied the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the University. As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy. After studying a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Traveling to the country where the target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well enough you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the movies, watch movies on television, and listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn.
Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are better. However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered before learning anything then.
81. How many languages can the writer speak?
A.1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
82. The writer has learnt Spanish_______________.
A. in Spain B. at high school C. at University D. B and C
83. Traveling may cause troubles if_______________.
A. you cannot speak the language fluentlyenough.
B. you can speak the language well enough.
C. you can speak the language bad enough.
D. you can communicate in the target language.
84. Some useful ways to practice your target language are_______________.
A.reading books in the language.
B. listening to the radio and watching TV in the language.
C. seeing films in the language.
D. all are correct.
85. According to the writer, what should be mastered first?
A. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary and grammar
C. Writing skill D. Reading skill

I. (Questions 86-90): Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words
givenso that the meaning stays the same(1 pt).

86. Listening to English songs is very interesting to me.
→I find it interesting to Listen to English
87. They are not old enough to drive.
→They are too young to drive.
88. Nobody in the class plays chess better than Christina.
→Christina is the best chessplayer in the class
89. They took away his passport so that he wouldn’t leave the country.
→They prevented him from leaving the country by taking away his passport
90. It takes me an hour to do my homework every evening.
→I spend an hour doing my homework every evening.

Choose one word or phrase marked A,B,C or D that best completes the sentences .Identify your answer by cricling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D. 1,She hasn't written to me ................ A, already B, yet C, never D, any longer 2,Would you be ............ to hold the door open ? A, kind enough B, too kind C,as kind D, so kind 3,Take the number 5 bus and get ...... at Forest Road. A,up B, down C, outside D, off 4,They have never come ................ such a beautiful village...
Đọc tiếp

Choose one word or phrase marked A,B,C or D that best completes the sentences .Identify your answer by cricling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D.

1,She hasn't written to me ................

A, already B, yet C, never D, any longer

2,Would you be ............ to hold the door open ?

A, kind enough B, too kind C,as kind D, so kind

3,Take the number 5 bus and get ...... at Forest Road.

A,up B, down C, outside D, off

4,They have never come ................ such a beautiful village before.

A, off B,along C,at D, across

5,They had a .............. time in Hanoi.

A, wonderful B, wonder C,wonderfully D,wondering

6,There's nothing wrong ............ her computer.

A, from B, in C, at D,with

7,Life in the city is different .............. life in the country.

A, with B, of C, from D, to

8,My family has decided ...............Ho Chi Minh City in the summer.

A, visit B,to visit C,visited D,visits

9,This cake tastes................

A,well B,terrible C,terribly D, badly

10,Let me .............. if for you.

A, to do B, doing C, do D, does

11,I put on one shoes and then ...................

A, other B, another C, others D,the other

12,He got the barber .......... his hair.

A, to cut B, cutting C, cut D, cuts

13,We ............ eating Vietnamese food.

A, used to B, get used to C, using to D, are getting used to

14,Tom doesn't know the answer and Jerry doesn't ..................

A, too B, neither C, either D, so

15,They took pride.......... being the best players of the school.

A, of B, in C, on D, at

16, I look forward ......... you soon.

A, seeing B, see C, to seeing D, to see

17,The .................. can't fix the washing machine until tomorrow.

A, postman B, walkman C, repairman D, chairman

18,You have to cook dinner .................

A, alone you B, youself C, yourself D, on you

19,I want to talk to the staff .Could you ............. a meeting?

A,arrange B, make C, tell D,call

20,He finally ........... the decision to go abroad.

A, came with B, came C, came up D, came up with

29 tháng 12 2017

Choose one word or phrase marked A,B,C or D that best completes the sentences .Identify your answer by cricling the corresponding letter A,B,C or D.

1,She hasn't written to me ................

A, already B, yet C, never D, any longer

2,Would you be ............ to hold the door open ?

A, kind enough B, too kind C,as kind D, so kind

3,Take the number 5 bus and get ...... at Forest Road.

A,up B, down C, outside D, off

4,They have never come ................ such a beautiful village before.

A, off B,along C,at D, across

5,They had a .............. time in Hanoi.

A, wonderful B, wonder C,wonderfully D,wondering

6,There's nothing wrong ............ her computer.

A, from B, in C, at D,with

7,Life in the city is different .............. life in the country.

A, with B, of C, from D, to

8,My family has decided ...............Ho Chi Minh City in the summer.

A, visit B,to visit C,visited D,visits

9,This cake tastes................

A,well B,terrible C,terribly D, badly

10,Let me .............. if for you.

A, to do B, doing C, do D, does

11,I put on one shoes and then ...................

A, other B, another C, others D,the other

12,He got the barber .......... his hair.

A, to cut B, cutting C, cut D, cuts

13,We ............ eating Vietnamese food.

A, used to B, get used to C, using to D, are getting used to

14,Tom doesn't know the answer and Jerry doesn't ..................

A, too B, neither C, either D, so

15,They took pride.......... being the best players of the school.

A, of B, in C, on D, at

16, I look forward ......... you soon.

A, seeing B, see C, to seeing D, to see

17,The .................. can't fix the washing machine until tomorrow.

A, postman B, walkman C, repairman D, chairman

18,You have to cook dinner .................

A, alone you B, youself C, yourself D, on you

19,I want to talk to the staff .Could you ............. a meeting?

A,arrange B, make C, tell D,call

20,He finally ........... the decision to go abroad.

A, came with B, came C, came up D, came up with

I- Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence. 1. Your plan is similar........................ mine A. with B. to C. in D. of 2. Robots may be.....................the housework for us in the future. A. used to do B. used to going C. using to do D .using to doing 3. Are you saying you.............her again? A. never saw B. never will see C. will never see D. would ever see 4. Jane said she ...............18 years old the next week. A.was B. is C. will be D. would be 5....
Đọc tiếp

I- Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence.

1. Your plan is similar........................ mine

A. with B. to C. in D. of

2. Robots may be.....................the housework for us in the future.

A. used to do B. used to going C. using to do D .using to doing

3. Are you saying you.............her again?

A. never saw B. never will see C. will never see D. would ever see

4. Jane said she ...............18 years old the next week.

A.was B. is C. will be D. would be

5. I know him ................ sight but not to speak to.

A. at B. in C. by D. on

7. He's left his book at home; he's always so ..................

A.forgetting B. forgotten C. forgetable D. forgetful

8. I could not finish my work.................. the help he offered me.

A. although B. despite C. because D. because of

9. He forgot..................the letter for me this morning , so now I will have to do it.

A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted

10. Noone........................him could solve this problem.I really admired his intelligence.

A. except from B. apart for C. subtract D. but

11. I tried hard but I couldn't.................him.

A. take B. gain C. win D. beat

12. This soup tastes...................that I can't eat it.

A. so sweetly B. too sweetly C. so sweet D. very sweet

13. Let's go for a long walk,................?

A. will you B. do we C. shall we D. must you

14. Mr.Quang decided to continue with his studies for another ten months.

A. carry out B. turn off C. get on D. go up

15. It is raining dogs and cats outside.Don't go out,please!

A. hardly B. slightly C. heavily D. slowly

16. If only I......................in the countryside right now.

A. were B. am C. can be D. would

17. Does the grass need.......................

A. cutting B. cut C. be cut D. to cut

18. One of the......................of the job is the long hours I work.

A. advantage B. disadvantage C. advantages D. disadvantages

3/ All of us use energy every day - for transportation, cooking, (1) ............ and cooling rooms, manufacturing, lighting and entertainment. The choices we make about (2) ............... we use energy turning machines off when we're not using them or choosing to buy (3) .............. There are many things we can do to use less energy and use it more wisely. Two main wats to (4) ............. energy are energy conservation and energy efficiency. Turning lights off when you leave the room...
Đọc tiếp

3/ All of us use energy every day - for transportation, cooking, (1) ............ and cooling rooms, manufacturing, lighting and entertainment. The choices we make about (2) ............... we use energy turning machines off when we're not using them or choosing to buy (3) ..............

There are many things we can do to use less energy and use it more wisely. Two main wats to (4) ............. energy are energy conservation and energy efficiency. Turning lights off when you leave the room and (5) ............ aluminum cans are both ways of conserving energy. Energy efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy (6) .......... the same function. A compact fluorescent light bulb that uses less energy than an ordinary bulb to produce the same (7) ........... of light is an example of energy efficiency.

1. A. lighting B. heating C. hotting D. airing

2. A. when B. why C. how D. which

3. A. efficient B. efficiency C. efficiently D. effective

4. A. store B. produce C. use D. save

5. A. reusing B. returning C. recycling D. redoing

6. A. perform B. to perform C. performing D. to performing

7. A. number B. amount C. speed D. source

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! II. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following sentences. 4. We have written to each other_______ last Christmas. A. for B. since C. until D. before 5. They are ________ that people have spoiled this area. A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappointed 6. We should _______ all the lights before going out. A. turn on B. turn over C. turn off D. turn up 7. They decided to go...
Đọc tiếp

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

4. We have written to each other_______ last Christmas.

A. for B. since C. until D. before

5. They are ________ that people have spoiled this area.

A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappointed

6. We should _______ all the lights before going out.

A. turn on B. turn over C. turn off D. turn up

7. They decided to go _______ it was raining heavily.

A. and B. but C. though D. since

8. Three thousand cars _______ next year.

A. produced B. were produced C. will produce D. will be produced

9. I ______ to a party tonight. Would you like to come, too?

A. was going B. am going C. will go D. go

10. She failed her driving test ______ she didn’t have enough lessons.

A. because B. however C. and D. but

11. Although we live in a fairly ______ society, there’s still a lot of poverty.

A. wealth B. mean C. poor D. rich

12. If I were you, I ______ do that.

A. don’t B. can’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t

13. The guide walked so ______ that most of the party couldn’t keep up with him.

A. quick B. rapid C. lively D. fast

23 tháng 9 2020


Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

4. We have written to each other_______ last Christmas.

A. for B. since C. until D. before

5. They are ________ that people have spoiled this area.

A. disappoint B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappointed

6. We should _______ all the lights before going out.

A. turn on B. turn over C. turn off D. turn up

7. They decided to go _______ it was raining heavily.

A. and B. but C. though D. since

8. Three thousand cars _______ next year.

A. produced B. were produced C. will produce D. will be produced

9. I ______ to a party tonight. Would you like to come, too?

A. was going B. am going C. will go D. go

10. She failed her driving test ______ she didn’t have enough lessons.

A. because B. however C. and D. but

11. Although we live in a fairly ______ society, there’s still a lot of poverty.

A. wealth B. mean C. poor D. rich

12. If I were you, I ______ do that.

A. don’t B. can’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t

13. The guide walked so ______ that most of the party couldn’t keep up with him.

A. quick B. rapid C. lively D. fast

Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentences.1. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______?A. turn on   B. turn off  C. go on  D. look after2. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work? A. look for  B. look up  C. look after  D. look at3. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here. A. turn on  B. turn off  C. turn over  D. turn into4. The nurse has to _________  the patients at the midnight. A. look after   B. look up  C. look at  C. look for5. There is...
Đọc tiếp

Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentences.

1. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______?

A. turn on   B. turn off  C. go on  D. look after

2. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work?

 A. look for  B. look up  C. look after  D. look at

3. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.

 A. turn on  B. turn off  C. turn over  D. turn into

4. The nurse has to _________  the patients at the midnight.

 A. look after   B. look up  C. look at  C. look for

5. There is an inflation. The prices __________.

 A. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up

6. Remember to _______ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.

 A. take care   B. take on  C. take over  D. take off

7. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.

 A. look for  B. look after  C. look up  D. look at

8. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat.

 A. Put on   B. Put down  C. Put off  D. Put into

9. If you want to be healthy, you should­­­­­­__________ your bad habits in your lifestyles.

    A give up   B call off   C break down  D get over

10. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

 A. do   B. let   C. delay  D. leave

11. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.

 A. looked after B. taken after  C. gone off  D. got over

12. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

 A. went on  B. went out  C. went off  D. went away

13. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.

 A. take part in  B. take over  C. take place  D. take care of

14. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.

 A. up to  B. on for  C. on well with D. in with

15.  Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?

 A. keep on  B. give up  C. take after  D. stop by

16. My father gave up smoking two years ago.

 A. liked  B. continued  C. stopped  D. enjoyed

17. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.

 A. turn out  B. carry out  C. carry on  D. keep on

18. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.

 A. cut down  B. cut out  C. cut off  D. cut up

19. Choose the underlined part need correcting:

 “Please turn up   the  radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”

                A    B          C            D

20. You go on ahead and then I’ll catch _____ you.

    A. along with  B. forward to  C. up with  D. on to

21. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland.

 A. grew up  B. raised  C. brought up  D. rose

22. How do you start the computer?

 A. How does the computer turn on?  

B. How do you turn on the computer?

 C. How do you turn the computer on?  

D.  Both B and C are correct

23. I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/

 A. I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him.

 B. I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down.

 C. I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down.

 D. I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down.

24. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.

    A. take after   B. take place  C. take away  D. take on

25. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder.

    A. resemble  B. test   C. arrive  D. buy

26. They are appealing ____ local business for sponsorship money.

   A. in    B. at   C. on   D. to

27. The Red Cross is aimed _____ providing medical aid and other help to victims of natural disasters.    

   A. in    B. at   C. to    D. for

28. WHO’s main activities are carrying _____ research on medical development and improving  health care.   

   A. out   B. in   C. for   D. of

29. Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based _______ love?

   A. to                                 B. on                         C. with                      D. about

30. The bomb went _________  with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

  A. out                                B. off                         C. after                      D. on

31. Whenever the problems come __________, we discussed them frankly and solved them quickly.

  A. up                                 B. for                         C. out                      D. on

32. Who looks __________ the children when you are going ________ from home?

   A. out of/ on                    B. up/ off                    C. for/ out               D. after/ away

33. The national curriculum is made _______of the following subject: English, Maths, Chemistry and so on... .

  A. from                      B. on                        C. up                        D. in

34. Shy people often find it difficult to ________ group discussions.

   A. take place in  B. take part in C. get on with D. get in touch with

35. “To give someone a ring” is to __________.

   A. call him up  B. marry him  C. admire him D. pick him up

36. Her life was devoted ______ the relief of suffering.

   A. for   B. in    C. on   D. to

37. Because of heavy rain, the game was ______ for a few days.

   A. taken out  B. put off  C. set up  D. gotten away

38. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along   B. count on   C. keep away  D. turn up

39. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.

A. calls on   B. keeps off   C. takes in   D. goes up

40. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.

A. take up   B. turn round  C. put off   D. do with

41. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.

A. get    B. fall    C throw   D. make

42. They were late for work because their car _______ down.

A. got    B. put    C. cut    D. broke

43. At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”.
      A. watch on  B. watch out  C. watch up  D. watch at

44. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _________ this morning.

A. come on  B. ring out  C. go off  D. turn on

45. UNESCO _____ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

A. stands for  B. brings about C. takes after  D. gets across

46. Don't forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.

A. let    B. make   C. put    D. fix

47. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late.

A. took    B. turned   C. cut    D. made

48. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.

A. put on    B. went off   C. got out   D. kept up

49. I can’t _____ walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?

A. go on   B. get on  C. go up  D. get up

50. You can look __________ these new words in the dictionary if you don't know their meanings.

A. up   B. after  C. for   D. out

20 tháng 6 2021

Bạn tham khảo bài mk nhé, bài trên mk thấy sai nhiều

1. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______?

A. turn on   B. turn off  C. go on  D. look after

2. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work?

 A. look for  B. look up  C. look after  D. look at

3. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.

 A. turn on  B. turn off  C. turn over  D. turn into

4. The nurse has to _________  the patients at the midnight.

 A. look after   B. look up  C. look at  C. look for

5. There is an inflation. The prices __________.

 A. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up

6. Remember to _______ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.

 A. take care   B. take on  C. take over  D. take off

7. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.

 A. look for  B. look after  C. look up  D. look at

8. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat.

 A. Put on   B. Put down  C. Put off  D. Put into

9. If you want to be healthy, you should­­­­­­__________ your bad habits in your lifestyles.

    A give up   B call off   C break down  D get over

10. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

 A. do   B. let   C. delay  D. leave

11. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.

 A. looked after B. taken after  C. gone off  D. got over

12. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

 A. went on  B. went out  C. went off  D. went away

13. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.

 A. take part in  B. take over  C. take place  D. take care of

14. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.

 A. up to  B. on for  C. on well with D. in with

15.  Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?

 A. keep on  B. give up  C. take after  D. stop by

16. My father gave up smoking two years ago.

 A. liked  B. continued  C. stopped  D. enjoyed

17. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.

 A. turn out  B. carry out  C. carry on  D. keep on

18. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.

 A. cut down  B. cut out  C. cut off  D. cut up

19. Choose the underlined part need correcting:

 “Please turn up   the  radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”

                A    B          C            D

20. You go on ahead and then I’ll catch _____ you.

    A. along with  B. forward to  C. up with  D. on to

21. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland.

 A. grew up  B. raised  C. brought up  D. rose

22. How do you start the computer?

 A. How does the computer turn on?  

B. How do you turn on the computer?

 C. How do you turn the computer on?  

D.  Both B and C are correct

23. I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/

 A. I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him.

 B. I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down.

 C. I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down.

 D. I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down.

24. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.

    A. take after   B. take place  C. take away  D. take on

25. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder.

    A. resemble  B. test   C. arrive  D. buy

26. They are appealing ____ local business for sponsorship money.

   A. in    B. at   C. on   D. to

27. The Red Cross is aimed _____ providing medical aid and other help to victims of natural disasters.    

   A. in    B. at   C. to    D. for

28. WHO’s main activities are carrying _____ research on medical development and improving  health care.   

   A. out   B. in   C. for   D. of

29. Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based _______ love?

   A. to                                 B. on                         C. with                      D. about

30. The bomb went _________  with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

  A. out                                B. off                         C. after                      D. on

31. Whenever the problems come __________, we discussed them frankly and solved them quickly.

  A. up                                 B. for                         C. out                      D. on

32. Who looks __________ the children when you are going ________ from home?

   A. out of/ on                    B. up/ off                    C. for/ out               D. after/ away

33. The national curriculum is made _______of the following subject: English, Maths, Chemistry and so on... .

  A. from                      B. on                        C. up                        D. in

34. Shy people often find it difficult to ________ group discussions.

   A. take place in  B. take part in C. get on with D. get in touch with

35. “To give someone a ring” is to __________.

   A. call him up  B. marry him  C. admire him D. pick him up

36. Her life was devoted ______ the relief of suffering.

   A. for   B. in    C. on   D. to

37. Because of heavy rain, the game was ______ for a few days.

   A. taken out  B. put off  C. set up  D. gotten away

38. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along   B. count on   C. keep away  D. turn up

39. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.

A. calls on   B. keeps off   C. takes in   D. goes up

40. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.

A. take up   B. turn round  C. put off   D. do with

41. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.

A. get    B. fall    C throw   D. make

42. They were late for work because their car _______ down.

A. got    B. put    C. cut    D. broke

43. At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”.
      A. watch on  B. watch out  C. watch up  D. watch at

44. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _________ this morning.

A. come on  B. ring out  C. go off  D. turn on

45. UNESCO _____ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

A. stands for  B. brings about C. takes after  D. gets across

46. Don't forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.

A. let    B. make   C. put    D. fix

47. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late.

A. took    B. turned   C. cut    D. made

48. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.

A. put on    B. went off   C. got out   D. kept up

49. I can’t _____ walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?

A. go on   B. get on  C. go up  D. get up

50. You can look __________ these new words in the dictionary if you don't know their meanings.

A. up   B. after  C. for   D. out

20 tháng 6 2021

Nhưnxg câu có dấu ? Nghĩa là e ko hiểu rõ đề ạundefined

Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.1 We can save natural _________ by using so far energy.A, products b, forest c, wildlife d, resources2 So many people nowadays are _____ computers and mobile phones, They use them a lot .A bored with b afraid of c, addicted d, worried about3 How much time do you spend ______ a wed a day?A surf b, to surf c, surfing d, to have surfed4 It’s too hot and my hair needs __________A, to cut b, cut c, being cut d, cutting5...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best option from A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1 We can save natural _________ by using so far energy.

A, products b, forest c, wildlife d, resources

2 So many people nowadays are _____ computers and mobile phones, They use them a lot .

A bored with b afraid of c, addicted d, worried about

3 How much time do you spend ______ a wed a day?

A surf b, to surf c, surfing d, to have surfed

4 It’s too hot and my hair needs __________

A, to cut b, cut c, being cut d, cutting

5 The policemen _______ him to go with them to the police station.

A, let b, caused c, made d, forced

6 My brother won’t come home _______ 10 p.m

A, until b, to c, on d,in

7 I was ________ in the countryside and went to a village school .

A, brought up b, carried on c, given up d, taken up

8 This is the first time I ___________ his mother. She is so kind.

A, meet b, met c, am meeting d, have met

9 Thank to the internet, people can get the ____________ information.

A, late b, later c, lately d, latest

10 Most of the flowers ____ in this area are exported to Eutopean countries.

A, growing b, grow c, grown d, to grow

11 He refused ________ with me.

A, go b, to go c, going d, having gone

12 Since the age of ten, he ___________ in this town with hid grandparents.

A, lives b, lived c, has lived c, is living

13 If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you try ___________ an aspirin?

A, to take b, taking c, to be taken d, being taken

14 The phone rang when I _______ a bath.

A, was having b, had c, have d, have had

15 Look at the big old tree at the ____ to the village, It is a banyann tree.

A, exit b, entrance c, way d, going

HELP ME !!!!!

3 tháng 2 2020

1, D    2,C   3,C   4,A   5,D    6,A    7,A    8, D  9,D   10,C   11,B  12,C   13,A   14,A    15,C.

Đúng không?

10 tháng 2 2020

1 We can save natural _________ by using so far energy.

A, products b, forest c, wildlife d, resources

2 So many people nowadays are _____ computers and mobile phones, They use them a lot .

A bored with b afraid of c, addicted d, worried about

3 How much time do you spend ______ a wed a day?

A surf b, to surf c, surfing d, to have surfed

4 It’s too hot and my hair needs __________

A, to cut b, cut c, being cut d, cutting

5 The policemen _______ him to go with them to the police station.

A, let b, caused c, made d, forced

6 My brother won’t come home _______ 10 p.m

A, until b, to c, on d,in

7 I was ________ in the countryside and went to a village school .

A, brought up b, carried on c, given up d, taken up

8 This is the first time I ___________ his mother. She is so kind.

A, meet b, met c, am meeting d, have met

9 Thank to the internet, people can get the ____________ information.

A, late b, later c, lately d, latest

10 Most of the flowers ____ in this area are exported to Eutopean countries.

A, growing b, grow c, grown d, to grow

11 He refused ________ with me.

A, go b, to go c, going d, having gone

12 Since the age of ten, he ___________ in this town with hid grandparents.

A, lives b, lived c, has lived c, is living

13 If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you try ___________ an aspirin?

A, to take b, taking c, to be taken d, being taken

14 The phone rang when I _______ a bath.

A, was having b, had c, have d, have had

15 Look at the big old tree at the ____ to the village, It is a banyann tree.

A, exit b, entrance c, way d, going

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or do as directed. 1. Nga looked _________this morning, didn’t she? A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. happier 2. They are used _________outdoors and under pressure. A. to work B. to be working C. to working D. worked 3. It’s hot here. Open the window, _________? A. shall you B. will you C. shall we D. don’t you 4. _________newspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most readers in the world. A. Economical B. Electricity C....
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or do as directed.
1. Nga looked _________this morning, didn’t she?
A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. happier
2. They are used _________outdoors and under pressure.
A. to work B. to be working C. to working D. worked
3. It’s hot here. Open the window, _________?
A. shall you B. will you C. shall we D. don’t you
4. _________newspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most readers in the world.
A. Economical B. Electricity C. Economic D. Electronic
5. We should practice _________conversations if we want to improve our speaking skill.
A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. day
6. They suggested that we _________to the gym after work.
A. should go B. going C. go D. A & C
7. It’s very noisy here. I cannot concentrate _________my lesson.
A. in B. for C. by D. on
8. _________poverty, he always helps children in need.
A. Despite of B. Though C. In spite of D. Because of
9. _________him this book if he comes.
A. Gave B. Give C. Giving D. Given
10. Choose the world whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
A. them B. think C. though D. with
11. Choose the word which has different stress pattern from the rest:
A. increase B. bamboo C. follow D. goodbye
12. We cannot swim in this part of the river _________the water is highly polluted.
A. because of B. though C. since D. so
13. I was very surprised _________the information about the strange alien.
A. for B. at C. with D. to
14. How are you getting on? - _________.
A. I am getting on well B. I am getting well
C. Great D. I am stronger
15. She asked me what _________.
A. is my name B. my name is C. my name was D. my name
16. I have two brothers, one of _________is a teacher.
A. them B. who C. that D. whom
Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentences.
17. Ba can draw well. He wants to be a famous __________________. (ART)
18. Where can I sign up for a __________________card? (MEMBER)
19. Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant __________________. (MATH)
20. He is very __________________to those who are less fortune than him. (HELP)
21. There are many __________________in exhaust of cars. (POLLUTE)
22. Terrible rainstorms cause floods in the South American _________countries. (COAST)
Complete the following sentences with correct tenses of the verbs.
23. Thousands of people (save) __________________because scientists had warned them about the volcanic eruption.
24. Tet is a festival which (occur) _________in late January or early February.
25. Recently, there (be) __________________a lot of changes in our city.
26. All buildings in Sweden (heat) __________________by solar energy in 2015.
27. If the weather were better today, we (go) __________________on a picnic.

22 tháng 2 2020

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or do as directed.
1. Nga looked _________this morning, didn’t she?
A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. happier
2. They are used _________outdoors and under pressure.
A. to work B. to be working C. to working D. worked
3. It’s hot here. Open the window, _________?
A. shall you B. will you C. shall we D. don’t you
4. _________newspapers are cheap, up-to-date, and convenient for most readers in the world.
A. Economical B. Electricity C. Economic D. Electronic
5. We should practice _________conversations if we want to improve our speaking skill.
A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. day
6. They suggested that we _________to the gym after work.
A. should go B. going C. go D. A & C
7. It’s very noisy here. I cannot concentrate _________my lesson.
A. in B. for C. by D. on
8. _________poverty, he always helps children in need.
A. Despite of B. Though C. In spite of D. Because of
9. _________him this book if he comes.
A. Gave B. Give C. Giving D. Given
10. Choose the world whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
A. them B. think C. though D. with
11. Choose the word which has different stress pattern from the rest:
A. increase B. bamboo C. follow D. goodbye
12. We cannot swim in this part of the river _________the water is highly polluted.
A. because of B. though C. since D. so
13. I was very surprised _________the information about the strange alien.
A. for B. at C. with D. to
14. How are you getting on? - _________.
A. I am getting on well B. I am getting well
C. Great D. I am stronger
15. She asked me what _________.
A. is my name B. my name is C. my name was D. my name
16. I have two brothers, one of _________is a teacher.
A. them B. who C. that D. whom
Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentences.
17. Ba can draw well. He wants to be a famous ___artist_____. (ART)
18. Where can I sign up for a ___membership____card? (MEMBER)
19. Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant __mathematician___. (MATH)
20. He is very ___helpful____to those who are less fortune than him. (HELP)
21. There are many _pollution_____in exhaust of cars. (POLLUTE)
22. Terrible rainstorms cause floods in the South American ___coastal__countries. (COAST)
Complete the following sentences with correct tenses of the verbs.
23. Thousands of people (save) __were saved______because scientists had warned them about the volcanic eruption.
24. Tet is a festival which (occur) ___occurs______in late January or early February.
25. Recently, there (be) __have been____a lot of changes in our city.
26. All buildings in Sweden (heat) __were heated_____by solar energy in 2015.
27. If the weather were better today, we (go) __would go_______on a picnic

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences. 1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now. 2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes. 3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet. 4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week. 5. (A....
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences.

1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now.

2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes.

3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet.

4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week.

5. (A. Have you ever tried/ B. Are you ever trying/ C. Do you ever try/ D. Did you ever try) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time.

6. At present, my father (A. have/ B. is having/ C.has/ D. has had) a car and a motorbike.

7. You should arrive at the airport before &:30 because the plane (A. takes off/ B. are taking off/ C. have taken off/ D. took off) at sharp 8.

8. Who (A. do/ B. does/ C. is/D. are) James talking to?

9. I (A. am reading/ B. am read/C. read/ D. have read) five science books so far.

10. Coffee (A. is always been/ B. has always been/ C. is always/ D. has always being) my favorite drink since I was 20.

11. Why (A. are you always talking/ B. do you always talk/ C. have you always talked/ does you always talk) with your mouth full?

12. What (A. are you do/ B. have you done/ C. are you doing/D. do you do) now? I am a linguist.

13. Look! It (A. is pouring/ B. pours/ C. is poursed/ D. has poured) with rain.

14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (A. worked/ B. am work/ C. am working/ D. work) on it.

15. Mr. Brown (A. sleeps/ B. is sleeping/ C. has slept/ D. is sleep). I can hear his loud snoring.

16. Tomorrow the sun (A. rises/ B. is rising/ C. is rise/ D. does rises) at 6.44 and it sets at 18.33.

17. I (A. don’t do anything/ B. am not doing anything/ C. haven’t done anything/ D. am not do anything) tonight. I want to relax.

18. What time (A. have you met/ B. are you meet/ C. do you meet/ D. are you meeting) John on this Sunday?

19. This year the school (A. is end/ B. has ended/ C. ends/ D. is ending) on 28 June.

20. I can’t help you. I (A. am see/ B. bave seen/ C. see/ D. am seeing) the doctor this afternoo

31 tháng 3 2020

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences.

1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now.

2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes.

3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet.

4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week.

5. (A. Have you ever tried/ B. Are you ever trying/ C. Do you ever try/ D. Did you ever try) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time.

6. At present, my father (A. have/ B. is having/ C.has/ D. has had) a car and a motorbike.

7. You should arrive at the airport before &:30 because the plane (A. takes off/ B. are taking off/ C. have taken off/ D. took off) at sharp 8.

8. Who (A. do/ B. does/ C. is/D. are) James talking to?

9. I (A. am reading/ B. am read/C. read/ D. have read) five science books so far.

10. Coffee (A. is always been/ B. has always been/ C. is always/ D. has always being) my favorite drink since I was 20.

11. Why (A. are you always talking/ B. do you always talk/ C. have you always talked/ does you always talk) with your mouth full?

12. What (A. are you do/ B. have you done/ C. are you doing/D. do you do) now? I am a linguist.

13. Look! It (A. is pouring/ B. pours/ C. is poursed/ D. has poured) with rain.

14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (A. worked/ B. am work/ C. am working/ D. work) on it.

15. Mr. Brown (A. sleeps/ B. is sleeping/ C. has slept/ D. is sleep). I can hear his loud snoring.

16. Tomorrow the sun (A. rises/ B. is rising/ C. is rise/ D. does rises) at 6.44 and it sets at 18.33.

17. I (A. don’t do anything/ B. am not doing anything/ C. haven’t done anything/ D. am not do anything) tonight. I want to relax.

18. What time (A. have you met/ B. are you meet/ C. do you meet/ D. are you meeting) John on this Sunday?

19. This year the school (A. is end/ B. has ended/ C. ends/ D. is ending) on 28 June.

20. I can’t help you. I (A. am see/ B. bave seen/ C. see/ D. am seeing) the doctor this afternoon

Chúc bạn hok tốt~~~~

31 tháng 3 2020

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences.

1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now.

2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes.

3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet.

4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week.

5. (A. Have you ever tried/ B. Are you ever trying/ C. Do you ever try/ D. Did you ever try) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time.

6. At present, my father (A. have/ B. is having/ C.has/ D. has had) a car and a motorbike.

7. You should arrive at the airport before &:30 because the plane (A. takes off/ B. are taking off/ C. have taken off/ D. took off) at sharp 8.

8. Who (A. do/ B. does/ C. is/D. are) James talking to?

9. I (A. am reading/ B. am read/C. read/ D. have read) five science books so far.

10. Coffee (A. is always been/ B. has always been/ C. is always/ D. has always being) my favorite drink since I was 20.

11. Why (A. are you always talking/ B. do you always talk/ C. have you always talked/ does you always talk) with your mouth full?

12. What (A. are you do/ B. have you done/ C. are you doing/D. do you do) now? I am a linguist.

13. Look! It (A. is pouring/ B. pours/ C. is poursed/ D. has poured) with rain.

14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (A. worked/ B. am work/ C. am working/ D. work) on it.

15. Mr. Brown (A. sleeps/ B. is sleeping/ C. has slept/ D. is sleep). I can hear his loud snoring.

16. Tomorrow the sun (A. rises/ B. is rising/ C. is rise/ D. does rises) at 6.44 and it sets at 18.33.

17. I (A. don’t do anything/ B. am not doing anything/ C. haven’t done anything/ D. am not do anything) tonight. I want to relax.

18. What time (A. have you met/ B. are you meet/ C. do you meet/ D. are you meeting) John on this Sunday?

19. This year the school (A. is end/ B. has ended/ C. ends/ D. is ending) on 28 June.

20. I can’t help you. I (A. am see/ B. bave seen/ C. see/ D. am seeing) the doctor this afternoo

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences. 1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now. 2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes. 3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet. 4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week. 5. (A....
Đọc tiếp

Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete these sentences.

1. The Smith (A. is having/ B. are having/ C. have/ D. had) a barbecue in the backyard right now.

2. The train (A. Left/ B. just leaves/C. has just left/ D. leaves) for 10 minutes.

3. The police (A. didn’t catch/ B. isn’t caught/C. hasn’t caught/ D. don’t catch) the burglars yet.

4. Jim (A. is still reading/ B. has still read/ C. did still read/ D. does still read) the book he borrowed from the local library last week.

5. (A. Have you ever tried/ B. Are you ever trying/ C. Do you ever try/ D. Did you ever try) Indian cuisine before? No, this is my first time.

6. At present, my father (A. have/ B. is having/ C.has/ D. has had) a car and a motorbike.

7. You should arrive at the airport before &:30 because the plane (A. takes off/ B. are taking off/ C. have taken off/ D. took off) at sharp 8.

8. Who (A. do/ B. does/ C. is/D. are) James talking to?

9. I (A. am reading/ B. am read/C. read/ D. have read) five science books so far.

10. Coffee (A. is always been/ B. has always been/ C. is always/ D. has always being) my favorite drink since I was 20.

11. Why (A. are you always talking/ B. do you always talk/ C. have you always talked/ does you always talk) with your mouth full?

12. What (A. are you do/ B. have you done/ C. are you doing/D. do you do) now? I am a linguist.

13. Look! It (A. is pouring/ B. pours/ C. is poursed/ D. has poured) with rain.

14. Have you finished your homework yet? No, actually I (A. worked/ B. am work/ C. am working/ D. work) on it.

15. Mr. Brown (A. sleeps/ B. is sleeping/ C. has slept/ D. is sleep). I can hear his loud snoring.

16. Tomorrow the sun (A. rises/ B. is rising/ C. is rise/ D. does rises) at 6.44 and it sets at 18.33.

17. I (A. don’t do anything/ B. am not doing anything/ C. haven’t done anything/ D. am not do anything) tonight. I want to relax.

18. What time (A. have you met/ B. are you meet/ C. do you meet/ D. are you meeting) John on this Sunday?

19. This year the school (A. is end/ B. has ended/ C. ends/ D. is ending) on 28 June.

20. I can’t help you. I (A. am see/ B. bave seen/ C. see/ D. am seeing) the doctor this afternoon.