
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

19 tháng 8 2016
1.    The school library is open _______ all of the students and the teaching staff of the school.a. for             b. over             c. to             d. among 2.    I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL _______ short.a. of                 b. in             c. on             d. for 3.    The college offers both _______ and professional qualifications.a. government         b. experience         c. requirement     d. academic 4.    _______ music is _______ popular pastime at many schools.a. Ø / a             b. The / the         c. A / the             d. The / Ø 5.    To apply to _______ UK independent school, you'll need to have _______ good standard of education from your own countrya. a / a             b. the / a             c. an / the         d. the / the6.    More than ten victims _______ missing in the storm last week.a. are reported to be                      b. are reported to have beenc. are reporting to have been          d. are reporting to be 7.    Something _______ immediately to prevent teenagers from _______ in factories and mines.a. should be done / being exploited     b. we should do / exploiting


c. should do I be exploited             d. should have done / exploited


19 tháng 8 2016
1.    The school library is open _______ all of the students and the teaching staff of the school.a. for             b. over             c. to             d. among 2.    I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL _______ short.a. of                 b. in             c. on             d. for 3.    The college offers both _______ and professional qualifications.a. government         b. experience         c. requirement     d. academic 4.    _______ music is _______ popular pastime at many schools.a. Ø / a             b. The / the         c. A / the             d. The / Ø 5.    To apply to _______ UK independent school, you'll need to have _______ good standard of education from your own countrya. a / a             b. the / a             c. an / the         d. the / the6.    More than ten victims _______ missing in the storm last week.a. are reported to be                      b. are reported to have beenc. are reporting to have been          d. are reporting to be 7.    Something _______ immediately to prevent teenagers from _______ in factories and mines.a. should be done / being exploited     b. we should do / exploitingc. should do I be exploited             d. should have done / exploited
The discovery that language can be a barrier to communication is quickly made by all who travel, study, govern or sell. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing, business, or data dissemination, the lack of a common language can severely impede progress or can halt it altogether. 'Common language' here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle to any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language. 'They don't talk the...
Đọc tiếp

The discovery that language can be a barrier to communication is quickly made by all who travel, study, govern or sell. Whether the activity is tourism, research, government, policing, business, or data dissemination, the lack of a common language can severely impede progress or can halt it altogether. 'Common language' here usually means a foreign language, but the same point applies in principle to any encounter with unfamiliar dialects or styles within a single language. 'They don't talk the same language' has a major metaphorical meaning alongside its literal one.

Although communication problems of this kind must happen thousands of times each day, very few become public knowledge. Publicity comes only when a failure to communicate has major consequences, such as strikes, lost orders, legal problems, or fatal accidents — even, at times, war. One reported instance of communication failure took place in 1970, when several Americans ate a species of poisonous mushroom. No remedy was known, and two of the people died within days. A radio report of the case was heard by a chemist who knew of a treatment that had been successfully used in 1959 and published in 1963. Why had the American doctors not heard of it seven years later? Presumably, because the report of the treatment had been published only in journals written in European languages other than English.

Several comparable cases have been reported. But isolated examples do not give an impression of the size of the problem — something that can come only from studies of the use or avoidance of foreign-language materials and contacts in different communicative situations. In the English-speaking scientific world, for example, surveys of books and documents consulted in libraries and other information agencies have shown that very little foreign-language material is ever consulted. Library requests in the field of science and technology showed that only 13 per cent were for foreign language periodicals. Studies of the sources cited in publications lead to a similar conclusion: the use of foreign-language sources is often found to be as low as 10 per cent.

The language barrier presents itself in stark form to firms who wish to market their products in other countries. British industry, in particular, has in recent decades often been criticised for its linguistic insularity - for its assumption that foreign buyers will be happy to communicate in English, and that awareness of other languages is not therefore a priority. In the 1960s, over two-thirds of British firms dealing with non-English-speaking customers were using English for outgoing correspondence; many had their sales literature only in English; and as many as 40 per cent employed no-one able to communicate in the customers' languages. A similar problem was identified in other English-speaking countries, notably the USA, Australia and New Zealand. And non-English-speaking countries were by no means exempt - although the widespread use of English as an alternative language made them less open to the charge of insularity.

The criticism and publicity given to this problem since the 1960s seems to have greatly improved the situation. Industrial training schemes have promoted an increase in linguistic and cultural awareness. Many firms now have their own translation services; to take just one example in Britain, Rowntree Mackintosh now publish their documents in six languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Xhosa). Some firms run part-time language courses in the languages of the countries with which they are most involved; some produce their own technical glossaries, to ensure consistency when material is being translated. It is now much more readily appreciated that marketing efforts can be delayed, damaged, or disrupted by a failure to take account of the linguistic needs of the customer.

The changes in awareness have been most marked in English-speaking countries, where the realisation has gradually dawned that by no means everyone in the world knows English well enough to negotiate in it. This is especially a problem when English is not an official language of public administration, as in most parts of the Far East, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Arab world, Latin America and French-speaking Africa. Even in cases where foreign customers can speak English quite well, it is often forgotten that they may not be able to understand it to the required level - bearing in mind the regional and social variation which permeates speech and which can cause major problems of listening comprehension. In securing understanding, how 'we' speak to 'them' is just as important, it appears, as how 'they' speak to 'us'.

Questions 14-17
Complete each of the following statements (Questions 14-17) with words taken from Reading Passage 133

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

14 Language problems may come to the attention of the public when they have ........................... such as fatal accidents or social problems.

15 Evidence of the extent of the language barrier has been gained from ............................ of materials used by scientists such as books and periodicals.

16 An example of British linguistic insularity is the use of English for materials such as ...........................

17 An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty in negotiating English is ........................... .

Questions 18-20
Choose the appropriate letters A-D

18 According to the passage, ‘They don't talk the same language' (paragraph 1), can refer to problems in...
A understanding metaphor.
B learning foreign languages.
C understanding dialect or style.
D dealing with technological change.

19 The case of the poisonous mushrooms (paragraph 2) suggests that American doctors …
A should pay more attention to radio reports.
B only read medical articles if they are in English.
C are sometimes unwilling to try foreign treatments.
D do not always communicate effectively with their patients.

20 According to the writer, the linguistic insularity of British businesses...
A later spread to other countries.
B had a negative effect on their business.
C is not as bad now as it used to be in the past.
D made non-English-speaking companies turn to other markets.

Questions 21-24
List the FOUR main ways in which British companies have tried to solve the problem of the language barrier since the 1960s.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

21 ......................................
22 ......................................
23 ......................................
24 ......................................

Questions 25 and 26
Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet

25 According to the writer, English-speaking people need to be aware that...
A some foreigners have never met an English-speaking person.
B many foreigners have no desire to learn English.
C foreign languages may pose a greater problem in the future.
D English-speaking foreigners may have difficulty understanding English.

26 A suitable title for this passage would be .......
A Overcoming the language barrier
B How to survive an English-speaking world
C Global understanding - the key to personal progress
D The need for a common language

Read the following passage and choose the best answer . ( 2,0 ms) Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children . Others are teenagers . Many are adults ( người lớn) . Some learn at school , others study by themselves . A few learn English just by hearing the language , in film , on television , in the office , or among their friends . But not many are lucky enough to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another language . ...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and choose the best answer . ( 2,0 ms)

Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children . Others are teenagers . Many are adults ( người lớn) . Some learn at school , others study by themselves . A few learn English just by hearing the language , in film , on television , in the office , or among their friends . But not many are lucky enough to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another language .

Learning another language ! Learning English ! Why do all these people want to learn English ? It is difficult to answer that quetion . Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects . They study their own language , and mathematics .... and English . ( In England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics .... and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spainish )

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work . Teenagers often learn English for their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university . Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English .

1. According to the writer ,

A. only adults learn English . B. no children like learning English

C. English is only useful to teenagers . D. English is popular in much of the world .

2. Many people learn English by

A. watching videos only . B. hearing the language in the office .

C. talking with the film star D. working hard on their lesson.

3. Many boys and girls learn English because

A. English can give them a job. B. it's included in their study courses.

C.their parents make them . D.they have to study their own language .

4. In America or Australia many school children study

A. English as a foreign language . B. English and Mathematics only .

C. such foreign languages as French , German , and Spainish .

D. their own language and no foreign language .

5. Many adults leanr English because

A. their work is useful . B. they want to go abroad .

C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work .

8 tháng 7 2017

Read the following passage and choose the best answer . ( 2,0 ms)

Every year students in many countries learn Enghlish . Some of these students are young children . Others are teenagers . Many are adults ( người lớn) . Some learn at school , others study by themselves . A few learn English just by hearing the language , in film , on television , in the office , or among their friends . But not many are lucky enough to do that . Most people must work hard to learn another language .

Learning another language ! Learning English ! Why do all these people want to learn English ? It is difficult to answer that quetion . Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects . They study their own language , and mathematics .... and English . ( In England , or America , or Australia , many boys and girls study their own language , which is English and mathematics .... and another language , perhaps French , or German , or Spainish )

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work . Teenagers often learn English for their high studies , because some of their books are in English at the college or university . Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English .

1. According to the writer ,

A. only adults learn English . B. no children like learning English

C. English is only useful to teenagers . D. English is popular in much of the world .

2. Many people learn English by

A. watching videos only . B. hearing the language in the office .

C. talking with the film star D. working hard on their lesson.

3. Many boys and girls learn English because

A. English can give them a job. B. it's included in their study courses.

C.their parents make them . D.they have to study their own language .

4. In America or Australia many school children study

A. English as a foreign language . B. English and Mathematics only .

C. such foreign languages as French , German , and Spainish .

D. their own language and no foreign language .

5. Many adults leanr English because

A. their work is useful . B. they want to go abroad .

C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work .

14 Language problems may come to the attention of the public when they have ........................... such as fatal accidents or social problems. 15 Evidence of the extent of the language barrier has been gained from ............................ of materials used by scientists such as books and periodicals. 16 An example of British linguistic insularity is the use of English for materials such as ........................... 17 An example of a part of the world where people may have...
Đọc tiếp

14 Language problems may come to the attention of the public when they have ........................... such as fatal accidents or social problems.

15 Evidence of the extent of the language barrier has been gained from ............................ of materials used by scientists such as books and periodicals.

16 An example of British linguistic insularity is the use of English for materials such as ...........................

17 An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty in negotiating English is ........................... .

Questions 18-20
Choose the appropriate letters A-D

18 According to the passage, ‘They don't talk the same language' (paragraph 1), can refer to problems in...
A understanding metaphor.
B learning foreign languages.
C understanding dialect or style.
D dealing with technological change.

19 The case of the poisonous mushrooms (paragraph 2) suggests that American doctors …
A should pay more attention to radio reports.
B only read medical articles if they are in English.
C are sometimes unwilling to try foreign treatments.
D do not always communicate effectively with their patients.

20 According to the writer, the linguistic insularity of British businesses...
A later spread to other countries.
B had a negative effect on their business.
C is not as bad now as it used to be in the past.
D made non-English-speaking companies turn to other markets.

Questions 21-24
List the FOUR main ways in which British companies have tried to solve the problem of the language barrier since the 1960s.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

21 ......................................
22 ......................................
23 ......................................
24 ......................................

Questions 25 and 26
Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet

25 According to the writer, English-speaking people need to be aware that...
A some foreigners have never met an English-speaking person.
B many foreigners have no desire to learn English.
C foreign languages may pose a greater problem in the future.
D English-speaking foreigners may have difficulty understanding English.

26 A suitable title for this passage would be .......
A Overcoming the language barrier
B How to survive an English-speaking world
C Global understanding - the key to personal progress
D The need for a common language

Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a smilar way(1)............ a computer. A computer obey a program to carry out a particular task. Just(2)..............a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in line and dots, so a computer program is(3)................... in the form of programming language. Like the English language(or any other language), there are (4)................... of...
Đọc tiếp

Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a smilar way(1)............ a computer. A computer obey a program to carry out a particular task. Just(2)..............a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in line and dots, so a computer program is(3)................... in the form of programming language. Like the English language(or any other language), there are (4)................... of grammar, and a program must be correct in every way.

there are hundreds of programming languege, but only(5)............... are well-known and widely used. The most popular language which is used in offices(6)............ Cobol. This language is used for printing payrolls and keeoing records of goods. Engineers and scientists use Fortran(7)................. carry out calculations.(8)............ neither of these two programs is very popular with people working on home computers. Basis is the most popular language for home computera,chiefly(9)........... it is easy to learn and use.

(10)................. these language are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was devised. Such a prigram ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable.

1.a) to b)as c)so d)from

2.a)like b)by c)too d)as

3.a)expensive b)expresses c)xepressed d)expressing

4.a)rules b)laws c)regulations d)principles

5.a)a little b)a few c)much d)a lot of

6.a)called b)calling c)is called d)is calling

7.a)so as for b)in order that c)so as that d)in order to

8.a)In addition b)Therefore c)Consequently d)However

9.a)because b)if c)because of d)unless

10.a)Even b)Despite c)Althought d)In spite

31 tháng 1 2017

Have you ever followed instructions for knitting something or have you read a piece of music? If you have, you have behaved in a smilar way(1)............ a computer. A computer obey a program to carry out a particular task. Just(2)..............a knitting pattern is expressed in numbers and piece of music in line and dots, so a computer program is(3)................... in the form of programming language. Like the English language(or any other language), there are (4)................... of grammar, and a program must be correct in every way.

there are hundreds of programming languege, but only(5)............... are well-known and widely used. The most popular language which is used in offices(6)............ Cobol. This language is used for printing payrolls and keeoing records of goods. Engineers and scientists use Fortran(7)................. carry out calculations.(8)............ neither of these two programs is very popular with people working on home computers. Basis is the most popular language for home computera,chiefly(9)........... it is easy to learn and use.

(10)................. these language are useful for many purposes, it is time that a new simple program was devised. Such a prigram ought to be not only easy to use but also completely reliable.

1.a) to b)as c)so d)from

2.a)like b)by c)too d)as

3.a)expensive b)expresses c)xepressed d)expressing

4.a)rules b)laws c)regulations d)principles

5.a)a little b)a few c)much d)a lot of

6.a)called b)calling c)is called d)is calling

7.a)so as for b)in order that c)so as that d)in order to

8.a)In addition b)Therefore c)Consequently d)However

9.a)because b)if c)because of d)unless

10.a)Even b)Despite c)Althought d)In spite

Exercise 1: Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. 1. All the food in the refrigerator _______ eaten, and it is empty now. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been 2. The Vietnamese people ____________ a heroic people. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. That the committee members cannot agree with each other about solving that crisis ___________ caused a serious problem. A. is B. was C. has D. have 4. "Who has been planning tee dance?” “Everyone in the class...
Đọc tiếp
Exercise 1: Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. 1. All the food in the refrigerator _______ eaten, and it is empty now. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been 2. The Vietnamese people ____________ a heroic people. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. That the committee members cannot agree with each other about solving that crisis ___________ caused a serious problem. A. is B. was C. has D. have 4. "Who has been planning tee dance?” “Everyone in the class ____________” A. is B. has C. are D. have 5. The elderly in my country ___________by their children and grandchildren. A. is cared for B. care for C. cares for D. are cared for 6. The actor and the circus performer ___________ to the party tonight. A. is going B. are going c. goes D. go 7. The grey and blue blanket __________ yesterday. A. was washed B. was washing c. were washed D. were washing 8. Two hours’ study _________ enough for him to prepare a quiz. A. is B. are c. has D. have 9. I no less than he ________ blissful to see her. A. are B. is c. am D. be 10. It ___________ these questions that ___________ difficult. A. are - are B. is-are c. are - is D. is – is 11. Mumps __________ usually caught by children. A. are B. was c. is D. were 12. Seven twelfths of the men __________ another language. A. speak B. speaks C. is spoken D. are spoken 13. Two kilos _________ pretty small for a newborn baby. A. makes B. make c. are D. is 14. A basket of apples, oranges, and bananas _________ sent to my husband by his grandparents last Christmas. A. has been B. have been c. was D. were 15. The Dean and Lexicology lecturer _______ in the lecture theatre then. A. were B. was c. have been D. has been Giúp mk với!!!!! Thảo Anh
15. A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16. English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade. A. to B. for C. like D. as 17. There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------. A. up B. out C. after D. along 18. The police went -------------- the burglars. A. after B. over C. down D. up 19. We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out 20. The...
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15. A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16. English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade. A. to B. for C. like D. as 17. There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------. A. up B. out C. after D. along 18. The police went -------------- the burglars. A. after B. over C. down D. up 19. We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out 20. The dog wants to go -------------- towards the fire. A. away B. back C. after D. along 21. The prize of petrol is going -------------- because the cost of the exploitation is too high. A. down B. up C. along D. on 22. Go -------------- your work carefully before you hand it in. A. over B. up C. back D. into 23. As time goes -------------- my memory seems to get worse. A. down B. by C. out D. away 24. You should try to study hard to -------------- your classmates. A. make fun of B. keep pace with C. lose track of D. pay attention to 25. The man whom you -------------- on the bus yesterday is my father. A. took notice of B. made fuss over C. put a stop to D. made room for 26. He was very angry because they -------------- him. A. took account of B. set fire to C. made fun of D. lost touch with 27. The teacher made allowance -------------- his marks because his father was in hospital. A. up B. for C. to D. of 28. Write your name -------------- the top of the page. A. in B. at C. to D. with 29. Mozart was born in Salzburg -------------- 1756. A. at B. on C. in D. from 30. -------------- Saturday night I went to bed -------------- 11 o’clock. A. At/ on B. In/ at C. On/ at D. At/ to 31. These days everybody is aware -------------- the dangers of smoking. A. up b. of C. to D. with 32. Many young people want to be independent -------------- their parents nowadays. A. on B. up C. from D. of 33. Why are two schools so -------------- from each other. A. similar B. same C. different D. afraid 34. The child is very -------------- at arithmetic. A. quick B. prefect C. sad D. rich 35. Could I speak…… Tom, please?- I’m afraid Tom is ……work. Would you like to speak…….him ? A. up/at/to B. to/at/to C. with/in/with D. on/in/of 36. He started going……..school …….the age of five. So now he’s been………. school for ten years . He’s leaving………the end of this year. A. to/at/in/in B. to/with/on/out C. for/about/in/of D. off/up/upon/above 37. He goes….his office every day, except Sunday. On Sundays he stays ….home and works…..the garden. A. for/on/in B. to/up/with C. to/at/in D. for/at/under 38. I think I left my umbrella….. the bus . I’d better write ….. the lost property office. A. in/for B. at/to C. up/with D. on/to 39. We arrived …. the airport…… good time for the plane. A. in/for B. at/at C. up/about D. on/to 40. Can I look up a word …your dictionary? I left mine……. home. A. from/at B. at/from C. up/to D. on/within 41. I went……bed early but I couldn’t get …….sleep because the people………. the next room were talking so loudly. A. in/forward B. at/into/at C. to/into/in D. for/to/with 42. ………..first, I found the work very tiring, but…..a few weeks I got used…..it. A. in/for/to B. at/in/to C. up/behind/with D. on/to/in 43. There was an accident ……the crossroads….. midnight last night. Two men were taken ……hospital. I believe one of them is still…… the hospital. A. at/at/to/in B. in/for/of/out C. up/about/for/off D. on/out/up/to 44. …….. the daytime the streets are crowded but ………night they are quite deserted. A. to/for B. up/about C. in/at D. out/to 45. ……… first her father refused to allow her to go back …. work , but ……..the end he agreed. A. in/for/at B. to/on/of C. up/out/off D. at/to/in 46. ………. the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and ……..the end there is an index. A. at/at B. with/to C. up/out D. in/behind 47. I’ll leave some sandwiches……. the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in. A. in B. up C. with D. under 48. He is always ……. a hurry . He drives …….a tremendous speed. A. on/out B. with/from C. in/at D. onto/upto 49. When he began speaking ……English, she looked ……. him……..amazement 50. A. in/for/to B. at/out/up C. in/at/with D. on/of/off 51. Write ….ink and put your name …….the top of the page. A. in/at B. of/in C. with/for D. under/above III. Choose the best answer: 52. Attending all the lectures is important -------------- us. A. for B. to C. at D. on 53. Smoking is -------------- to your health. A. good B. serious C. accustomed D. harmful 54. I am sorry -------------- the noise last night. We were having a party. A. in B. at C. about D. with 55. I am sure you are capable -------------- guiding the tourists. A. of B. on C. for D. about 56. It’s very kind -------------- him to do it for us. A. about B. of C. to D. with 57. He is very keen -------------- English, but he is not good -------------- listening. A. at/ on B. on/ at C. at/ at D. to/ of 58. Your hairstyle is quite similar -------------- me. A. of B. to C. from D. with 59. Hurry up or you will be late -------------- school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 60. What he said was contrary -------------- common sense. A. for B. about C. of D. to 61. I don’t think he was present -------------- the meeting yesterday. A. about B. in C. at D. on 62. Are you serious -------------- learning to be an architect? A. for B. about C. with D. at 63. She has become very famous -------------- her novels. A. for B. about C. on D. in 64. What is the difference -------------- a boat and a ship? A. between B. from C. under D. with 65. We are all bored -------------- this game. A. about B. at C. for D. with 66. The cameras prevent motorists -------------- speed. A. by B. from C. for D with
15. A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16. English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade. A. to B. for C. like D. as 17. There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------. A. up B. out C. after D. along 18. The police went -------------- the burglars. A. after B. over C. down D. up 19. We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out 20. The...
Đọc tiếp
15. A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English. A. in B. on C. at D. to 16. English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade. A. to B. for C. like D. as 17. There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------. A. up B. out C. after D. along 18. The police went -------------- the burglars. A. after B. over C. down D. up 19. We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out 20. The dog wants to go -------------- towards the fire. A. away B. back C. after D. along 21. The prize of petrol is going -------------- because the cost of the exploitation is too high. A. down B. up C. along D. on 22. Go -------------- your work carefully before you hand it in. A. over B. up C. back D. into 23. As time goes -------------- my memory seems to get worse. A. down B. by C. out D. away 24. You should try to study hard to -------------- your classmates. A. make fun of B. keep pace with C. lose track of D. pay attention to 25. The man whom you -------------- on the bus yesterday is my father. A. took notice of B. made fuss over C. put a stop to D. made room for 26. He was very angry because they -------------- him. A. took account of B. set fire to C. made fun of D. lost touch with 27. The teacher made allowance -------------- his marks because his father was in hospital. A. up B. for C. to D. of 28. Write your name -------------- the top of the page. A. in B. at C. to D. with 29. Mozart was born in Salzburg -------------- 1756. A. at B. on C. in D. from 30. -------------- Saturday night I went to bed -------------- 11 o’clock. A. At/ on B. In/ at C. On/ at D. At/ to 31. These days everybody is aware -------------- the dangers of smoking. A. up b. of C. to D. with 32. Many young people want to be independent -------------- their parents nowadays. A. on B. up C. from D. of 33. Why are two schools so -------------- from each other. A. similar B. same C. different D. afraid 34. The child is very -------------- at arithmetic. A. quick B. prefect C. sad D. rich 35. Could I speak…… Tom, please?- I’m afraid Tom is ……work. Would you like to speak…….him ? A. up/at/to B. to/at/to C. with/in/with D. on/in/of 36. He started going……..school …….the age of five. So now he’s been………. school for ten years . He’s leaving………the end of this year. A. to/at/in/in B. to/with/on/out C. for/about/in/of D. off/up/upon/above 37. He goes….his office every day, except Sunday. On Sundays he stays ….home and works…..the garden. A. for/on/in B. to/up/with C. to/at/in D. for/at/under 38. I think I left my umbrella….. the bus . I’d better write ….. the lost property office. A. in/for B. at/to C. up/with D. on/to 39. We arrived …. the airport…… good time for the plane. A. in/for B. at/at C. up/about D. on/to 40. Can I look up a word …your dictionary? I left mine……. home. A. from/at B. at/from C. up/to D. on/within 41. I went……bed early but I couldn’t get …….sleep because the people………. the next room were talking so loudly. A. in/forward B. at/into/at C. to/into/in D. for/to/with 42. ………..first, I found the work very tiring, but…..a few weeks I got used…..it. A. in/for/to B. at/in/to C. up/behind/with D. on/to/in 43. There was an accident ……the crossroads….. midnight last night. Two men were taken ……hospital. I believe one of them is still…… the hospital. A. at/at/to/in B. in/for/of/out C. up/about/for/off D. on/out/up/to 44. …….. the daytime the streets are crowded but ………night they are quite deserted. A. to/for B. up/about C. in/at D. out/to 45. ……… first her father refused to allow her to go back …. work , but ……..the end he agreed. A. in/for/at B. to/on/of C. up/out/off D. at/to/in 46. ………. the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and ……..the end there is an index. A. at/at B. with/to C. up/out D. in/behind 47. I’ll leave some sandwiches……. the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in. A. in B. up C. with D. under 48. He is always ……. a hurry . He drives …….a tremendous speed. A. on/out B. with/from C. in/at D. onto/upto 49. When he began speaking ……English, she looked ……. him……..amazement 50. A. in/for/to B. at/out/up C. in/at/with D. on/of/off 51. Write ….ink and put your name …….the top of the page. A. in/at B. of/in C. with/for D. under/above III. Choose the best answer: 52. Attending all the lectures is important -------------- us. A. for B. to C. at D. on 53. Smoking is -------------- to your health. A. good B. serious C. accustomed D. harmful 54. I am sorry -------------- the noise last night. We were having a party. A. in B. at C. about D. with 55. I am sure you are capable -------------- guiding the tourists. A. of B. on C. for D. about 56. It’s very kind -------------- him to do it for us. A. about B. of C. to D. with 57. He is very keen -------------- English, but he is not good -------------- listening. A. at/ on B. on/ at C. at/ at D. to/ of 58. Your hairstyle is quite similar -------------- me. A. of B. to C. from D. with 59. Hurry up or you will be late -------------- school. A. on B. in C. to D. for 60. What he said was contrary -------------- common sense. A. for B. about C. of D. to 61. I don’t think he was present -------------- the meeting yesterday. A. about B. in C. at D. on 62. Are you serious -------------- learning to be an architect? A. for B. about C. with D. at 63. She has become very famous -------------- her novels. A. for B. about C. on D. in 64. What is the difference -------------- a boat and a ship? A. between B. from C. under D. with 65. We are all bored -------------- this game. A. about B. at C. for D. with 66. The cameras prevent motorists -------------- speed. A. by B. from C. for D with
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9....
Đọc tiếp
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9. A.singer B. actor C.film director D. film producer 10. A. canvas B. water puppet C. crayon D. pencil III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A. perform B. performed C. performing D. performance 12. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A. note B. notice C. time D. place 13. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours. A. tradition - nature B. traditional - natural C. traditional - nature D. tradition - natural 14. You can see many interesting in that art gallery. A. paints B. colours C. portraits D. paper 15. Water puppetry in the 11thcentury in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. A. start B. begin C. originated D. formed 16. The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages. A. country B. rural C. city D. urban 17. The group is for their albums and tours around the world. A. well-prepared B. well-known C. well-know D. know-how 18. The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and . A. everyday life - folk tales B. every day life - folk stories C. everyday life - folk rock D. every day lives - folk people 19. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t . A. too B. so C. either D. like that 20. Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films . A. too B. either C. so D. however 21. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam. A. school year B. subjects C. curriculum D. education 22. For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student. A. necessary B. need C. needs D. necessity 23. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children. A. important B. importance C. unimportant D. unimportance 24. Classical music is not as pop music. A. as exciting B. as excited C. exciting D. more excited 25. This film is not long as the film I watched last week. A. as B. but C. either D. too 26. My brother’s taste in art is quite different mine. A. than B. as C. to D. from 27. My village is not it was ten years ago. A. same as B. the same C. the same as D. the same like 28. The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all. A. as friend as B. as friendly as C. different from D. not as friendly as 29. This year’s musical festival is not it was last year. A. as good as B. as well as C. different from D. worse 30. My cousin, Mai, is the same age me . A. like B. to C. of D. as IV.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. My friends and I have written a (51) . We have decided to (52) it for our school. I have already built the set. Karen has just finished the (53) for us to wear. I haven’t learned the (54) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (55) . I haven’t been in a play before. I can’t wait! 51. A.film B. song C. play D. club 52. A.perform B. make C. take D. build 53. A.stage B. actors C.play D. costumes 54. A.script B. scripts C.play D. lessons 55. A. also B. then C. too D. either V . Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau. 1. It is easy for him ( go/ going / to go/ went ) abroad at the moment. 2. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to ( drive / drove / droven/ driving ) on the left. 3. He used to ( going/ went/ go / gone ) home late at night. 6. Would you mind if I ( use / using / used/ am using ) you computer ? 7. They can’t go home ( so/ although/ but / because ) it is very dark. 8. I suggest that you ( turning/ turned/ should turn / to turn ) off all lights when going out. 9. Do you mind ( helping/ help/ helped/ to help ) me with the housework ? 10. I suggest ( collect/ collected/ collecting/ to collect ) unused clothes for the poor children. 11. Do you like ( playing/ play/ to play/ plays ) the piano ? 12. Would you like ( drink/ to drink/ drinking/ drinks ) some milk ? 13. She studies well ( because/ although/ so/ however ) she is busy. 14. The child laughed ( happy/ happily/ happily/ happiness ) when playing with some toys. 15. Mary ( uses to / used to/ is used to / used to ) write to me last year. 16. ( Although / However / Because / But ) we are for away from each other, we still keep in touch. 17. Everyone must take part in ( prevent / preventing / to prevent/ prevented ) deforestation. 18. They made their living by ( catch/ to catch / catching/ caught ) fish in the ocean everyday. 19. She sings very ( beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully ). 20. It is ( danger/ dangerous/ dangerously/ endanger ) to go out alone at night. EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS) 1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock” 2. Thomas said “All the students will have a meeting next week” 3. She said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” 4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully” 5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” 6. She said “I may visit my parents in summer” 7. The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students” 8. She said “I don’t buy this book” 9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” 10. Her classmate said “Ha is the most intelligent girl in our class” EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: YES/NO QUESTIONS) 1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter 2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam 3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam 4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom 5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: WH-QUESTIONS) 1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me 2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John 3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?” 4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom 5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?” Giúp mik với cảm ơn mọi người nhiều ạ!!!
31 tháng 12 2021

dữ sợ nhỉ bạn

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9....
Đọc tiếp
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A.exhibition B. question C. collection D. tradition 2. A.pleasure B. leisure C. closure D. sure 3. A.discussion B. decision C. treasure D. vision 4. A. saxophone B. music C. so D. expensive 5. A. similarity B. talent C. happy D.hard II. Find which word does not belong to each group. 6. A.saxophone B. guitar C.violin D. artist 7. A.camera B. photograph C. portrait D. opera 8. A.ballet B. pop C. rock D. rap 9. A.singer B. actor C.film director D. film producer 10. A. canvas B. water puppet C. crayon D. pencil III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 11. The Brit School is the most famous arts school in Britain. A. perform B. performed C. performing D. performance 12. Since the 1970s, the festival in Glastonbury has taken almost every year and has grown in size. A. note B. notice C. time D. place 13. Dong Ho paintings are made on paper with beautiful colours. A. tradition - nature B. traditional - natural C. traditional - nature D. tradition - natural 14. You can see many interesting in that art gallery. A. paints B. colours C. portraits D. paper 15. Water puppetry in the 11thcentury in the villages of the Red River Delta of North Viet Nam. A. start B. begin C. originated D. formed 16. The puppet shows present themes of Vietnamese villages. A. country B. rural C. city D. urban 17. The group is for their albums and tours around the world. A. well-prepared B. well-known C. well-know D. know-how 18. The performances of puppetry show in the countryside and . A. everyday life - folk tales B. every day life - folk stories C. everyday life - folk rock D. every day lives - folk people 19. I never watch ballet, and my sister doesn’t . A. too B. so C. either D. like that 20. Teenagers in Viet Nam like K-pop, and they like Korean films . A. too B. either C. so D. however 21. Today, subjects like music and arts are put into the school in Viet Nam. A. school year B. subjects C. curriculum D. education 22. For many people, a good knowledge of music and arts is regarded as a for every student. A. necessary B. need C. needs D. necessity 23. Arts are of great in education, especially for young children. A. important B. importance C. unimportant D. unimportance 24. Classical music is not as pop music. A. as exciting B. as excited C. exciting D. more excited 25. This film is not long as the film I watched last week. A. as B. but C. either D. too 26. My brother’s taste in art is quite different mine. A. than B. as C. to D. from 27. My village is not it was ten years ago. A. same as B. the same C. the same as D. the same like 28. The villagers are they were years ago. There is no change at all. A. as friend as B. as friendly as C. different from D. not as friendly as 29. This year’s musical festival is not it was last year. A. as good as B. as well as C. different from D. worse 30. My cousin, Mai, is the same age me . A. like B. to C. of D. as IV.Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following text. My friends and I have written a (51) . We have decided to (52) it for our school. I have already built the set. Karen has just finished the (53) for us to wear. I haven’t learned the (54) yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I’m excited (55) . I haven’t been in a play before. I can’t wait! 51. A.film B. song C. play D. club 52. A.perform B. make C. take D. build 53. A.stage B. actors C.play D. costumes 54. A.script B. scripts C.play D. lessons 55. A. also B. then C. too D. either V . Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau. 1. It is easy for him ( go/ going / to go/ went ) abroad at the moment. 2. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to ( drive / drove / droven/ driving ) on the left. 3. He used to ( going/ went/ go / gone ) home late at night. 6. Would you mind if I ( use / using / used/ am using ) you computer ? 7. They can’t go home ( so/ although/ but / because ) it is very dark. 8. I suggest that you ( turning/ turned/ should turn / to turn ) off all lights when going out. 9. Do you mind ( helping/ help/ helped/ to help ) me with the housework ? 10. I suggest ( collect/ collected/ collecting/ to collect ) unused clothes for the poor children. 11. Do you like ( playing/ play/ to play/ plays ) the piano ? 12. Would you like ( drink/ to drink/ drinking/ drinks ) some milk ? 13. She studies well ( because/ although/ so/ however ) she is busy. 14. The child laughed ( happy/ happily/ happily/ happiness ) when playing with some toys. 15. Mary ( uses to / used to/ is used to / used to ) write to me last year. 16. ( Although / However / Because / But ) we are for away from each other, we still keep in touch. 17. Everyone must take part in ( prevent / preventing / to prevent/ prevented ) deforestation. 18. They made their living by ( catch/ to catch / catching/ caught ) fish in the ocean everyday. 19. She sings very ( beauty/ beautify/ beautiful/ beautifully ). 20. It is ( danger/ dangerous/ dangerously/ endanger ) to go out alone at night. EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS) 1. Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock” 2. Thomas said “All the students will have a meeting next week” 3. She said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” 4. The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully” 5. Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” 6. She said “I may visit my parents in summer” 7. The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students” 8. She said “I don’t buy this book” 9. The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” 10. Her classmate said “Ha is the most intelligent girl in our class” EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: YES/NO QUESTIONS) 1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter 2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam 3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam 4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom 5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: WH-QUESTIONS) 1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me 2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John 3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?” 4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom 5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?”
11 tháng 8 2020


1. “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter

=> Mike asked Peter if he enjoyed reading.

2. “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam

=> Hang asked Nam if he liked sports.

3. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam

=> She asked Nam if his sister and brother went to the same school.

4. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom

=> She asked her mom if there were some oranges in the fridge.

5. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend

=> He asked his friend if it would rain the next morning.


1. “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me

=> The teacher asked me where my father worked.

2. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John

=> She asked John how many people there were in his family.

3. Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?”

=> Tam's friend asked him how long he would stay in England.

4. “What time doesthe film begin?” She asked her mom

=> She asked her mom what time the film began.

5. The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?”

=> The teacher said to Lien what her hobby was.