
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1. Read the text and complete each blank of the fact file about Earth Hour with ONE word.

(Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành từng ô trống của tệp thông tin thực tế về Giờ Trái đất bằng MỘT từ.)


Earth Hour is a global event organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Held every year, it encourages people and businesses to turn off their lights and other unnecessary electrical devices for one hour from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of March. Earth Hour was started as a lights-out event in Sydney, Australia, in 2007. Since then, it has grown to become an international movement for the environment, happening in more than 7,000 cities and towns across 187 countries and territories.

Earth Hour has created a positive environmental impact. It shows the public support for protecting the environment and saving the planet. It also draws attention to climate change and global energy issues, and promotes green activities worldwide.

Viet Nam joined the event in 2009 and has been an active and keen supporter since then. Besides switching off lights, people can take part in a number of activities to raise awareness of environmental problems and call for action for climate, people and nature.



Organsied by

World Wide Fund for Nature

Held from

8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the last (1) ________ of March

Started in

Sydney, Australia, in 2007


- to show the public (2) ________ for protecting the environment and saving the planet

- to draw attention to (3) ________ change and global energy issues

- to promote green (4) ________ worldwide

First held in Viet Nam in

(5) ________ with a variety of activities nationwide

6 tháng 2 2023

1. Saturday

2. support

3. climate

4. activities

5. 2009

9 tháng 4 2023

1. __ Diversed____ is important because plants and animals depend on each other to survive.

2. A new series of educational programs show the importance of __importanted____ to humans

3. earth hour has grown to become an international..move..... for the environment.

4. habitat ....destroys..... is the process by which a natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its native species. 

5. the protection and..preserve..... of the environment is one of the most important issues facing humankind today. 

6. Researchers are finding that sometimes a ...destroy...... to an environmental problem can cause trouble in another area.

2. Read the text about WWF and complete the table.(Đọc văn bản về WWF và hoàn thành bảng.)The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), originally called the World Wildlife Fund, is a non-governmental organisation. It was set up in 1961, and today it is the world's largest environmental organisation. It aims to stop the process of destroying the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans respect nature. Much of the work of WWF focuses on the survival of endangered...
Đọc tiếp

2. Read the text about WWF and complete the table.

(Đọc văn bản về WWF và hoàn thành bảng.)

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), originally called the World Wildlife Fund, is a non-governmental organisation. It was set up in 1961, and today it is the world's largest environmental organisation. It aims to stop the process of destroying the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans respect nature. Much of the work of WWF focuses on the survival of endangered animals and the protection of their natural habitats. These animals include the Indian elephant, the gorilla, the giant tortoise, and the giant panda. Currently, WWF has 5 million supporters worldwide. It works in more than 100 countries and supports around 1,300 environmental projects.


World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Kind of organisation


Set up in



- (3)_______

- to build a future in which humans respect nature

Focus of their work


Number of projects supported


6 tháng 2 2023

1. non-governmental organisation

2. 1961

3. to stop the process of destroying the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans respect nature

4. the survival of endangered animals and the protection of their natural habitats

5. 1,300 

2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)a. Environmental problems: What are they?b. Environmental protection: How important is it?c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest...
Đọc tiếp

2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

a. Environmental problems: What are they?

b. Environmental protection: How important is it?

c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?

The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.

A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest issues facing humans today. It can have serious consequences such as rising sea levels, polar ice melting, and extreme weather events like floods or heatwaves.

B. Another environmental problem is the cutting and clearing of natural forests. The loss of forests can have a negative impact on the environment. It can damage the natural habitats of many animals and put wildlife in danger. It can also destroy the natural soil and lead to climate change.

C. Air pollution is also a serious problem. It is mainly caused by waste gases that come out of vehicles, machines, or factories. When these harmful gases combine with the water in the air, they come down as rain or snow, which can damage all forms of life. In addition, this problem leads to global warming and climate change. It is also a major cause of respiratory diseases or even lung cancer.

D. Around the world, the number of endangered animals is rising. Many of them disappear because of pollution and climate change. In addition, humans illegally hunt and kill animals, and catch too many fish at once. This is upsetting the natural balance of ecosystems, which can be harmful to all living and non-living things.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Đoạn A nói về vấn đề nóng lên toàn cầu, đoạn B nói về nạn chặn cây phá rừng tự nhiên, đoạn C nói về ô nhiễm không khí, đoạn D nói về sự tuyệt chủng loài. Đây đều là các vấn đề về môi trường => chọn a.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Tạm dịch:

a. Các vấn đề về môi trường: Chúng là gì?

b. Bảo vệ môi trường: Nó quan trọng như thế nào?

c. Các giải pháp môi trường: Chúng thực tế như thế nào?

Môi trường chúng ta sống đang phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Chúng ta cần nhận thức rõ những vấn đề này để có thể tìm cách bảo vệ thiên nhiên.

A. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu là sự gia tăng nhiệt độ trung bình của khí quyển trái đất. Đó là một trong những vấn đề lớn nhất mà con người phải đối mặt ngày nay. Nó có thể gây ra những hậu quả nghiêm trọng như mực nước biển dâng cao, băng tan ở hai cực và các hiện tượng thời tiết khắc nghiệt như lũ lụt hoặc sóng nhiệt.

B. Một vấn đề môi trường khác là chặt phá rừng tự nhiên. Việc mất rừng có thể có tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường. Nó có thể làm hư hại môi trường sống tự nhiên của nhiều loài động vật và khiến động vật hoang dã gặp nguy hiểm. Nó cũng có thể phá hủy đất tự nhiên và dẫn đến biến đổi khí hậu.

C. Ô nhiễm không khí cũng là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Nguyên nhân chủ yếu là do khí thải từ xe cộ, máy móc hoặc nhà máy. Khi những khí độc hại này kết hợp với nước trong không khí, chúng sẽ tạo thành mưa hoặc tuyết, có thể gây hại cho mọi dạng sống. Ngoài ra, vấn đề này còn dẫn đến hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu. Nó cũng là nguyên nhân chính gây ra các bệnh về đường hô hấp hay thậm chí là ung thư phổi.

D. Trên khắp thế giới, số lượng các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng đang tăng lên. Nhiều con trong số chúng biến mất vì ô nhiễm và biến đổi khí hậu. Ngoài ra, còn vì con người săn bắt và giết động vật một cách bất hợp pháp và đánh bắt quá nhiều cá cùng một lúc. Điều này đang làm đảo lộn sự cân bằng tự nhiên của các hệ sinh thái, có thể gây hại cho tất cả các sinh vật sống và không sống.

Giúp tớ với nhé London's cycle hire scheme A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently...
Đọc tiếp

Giúp tớ với nhé

London's cycle hire scheme

A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently rated as providing the most satisfying 'cultural experience' for visitors to any city.

B. One of the challenges involved in managing (and living in) such a huge city is the abity to mo ve people efficiently around it, for the purposes of work and leisure, and at reasonable cost. The London blackberry cab is one responese to this problem. The much quoted result of million of daily vehicle fondements is a very low average speed for traffic on London's roads and frequent suggestion problems.

C. Many cities have taken steps to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads by adopting a range of measures which can broadly be described as either 'carrots' or 'sticks': those which eigher promote, or discourage certain activity. London has already been forced into trying a number of measures to reduce traffic congestion. There have included:

.Traffic management systems which included the world's first traffic light. It was installed outside the Houses of Parliament in 1868 to reduce congestion in this area.

.An underground system which was the first in the world. The first section opened in 1863, and the network is still developing. Since 2003, it has been managed by Transport for London. The classic London Tube map forms part of city's cultural heritage, and has been much copied and adapted elsewhere.

• The Cross Rail development: due to provide high frequency
rail services through two new tunnels under Central London from 2017.

• The congestion charging system – introduced in 2003, and extended in 2007 - charges many motorists (there are some exemptions) £10 to enter the central charging zone between 7am-6pm Monday to Friday.

• The Oyster card – an automated charging system which speeds up the use of public transport using a specially chipped card, which can be pre-charged with ‘credit’.

D. The latest solution is the Barclays London Cycle Hire Scheme. In 2010, London joined a growing list of cities that had turned to the bicycle for a possible solution to traffi c congestion. Cities like Amsterdam have long since been associated with bicycles. Other cities that already have cycle hire schemes include Paris, Copenhagen and Barcelona. In Paris, the system is known as the Velib scheme, a word which merges the word for bicycle with
freedom. It is funded by advertising. The London scheme was launched on the 30th July 2010 with an initial total of 5,000 bikes spread around 315 locations, with plans for further extensions. The bikes are fairly robust so that they can withstand the knocks of daily use. The are fitted with dyamo-powered LED lights, have three gears, achain guard and a bell. Each bike is also fitted with a Radio frequency Identification (RFID) chip, so that its location can be tracked. The bkes have puncture-proof tyres and are regularly checked over the mechanical faults.

E. It is hoped that people will experience London in a more direct way. Instead of descending into the earth, they will cycle the streets and thus gain “a different view” of London and improve their own mental maps of the city. They will also be getting exercise, which in an age of soaring obesity rates can only be a good thing, can’t it?
Enough reading, time for you to get out there and start pedalling!

Complete the summary below with ONE WORD from the passage

London, with a…………….of around eight million people and 20 visitors each year, has been facing the problem of reducing traffic…………… It has already been forced into finding a few……………. The Barclays London Cycle Hire System was……………in 2010 in the hope of providing a……………for the existing transport……………. The money that was necessary to have a scheme like this was sourced from…………..and allowed London to have 5000 bikes initially, but there are likely to be…………..to the scheme. The bikes have a tracking……………., are properly equipped and regularly…………..

Giúp tớ với nhé London's cycle hire scheme A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently...
Đọc tiếp

Giúp tớ với nhé

London's cycle hire scheme

A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently rated as providing the most satisfying 'cultural experience' for visitors to any city.

B. One of the challenges involved in managing (and living in) such a huge city is the abity to mo ve people efficiently around it, for the purposes of work and leisure, and at reasonable cost. The London blackberry cab is one responese to this problem. The much quoted result of million of daily vehicle fondements is a very low average speed for traffic on London's roads and frequent suggestion problems.

C. Many cities have taken steps to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads by adopting a range of measures which can broadly be described as either 'carrots' or 'sticks': those which eigher promote, or discourage certain activity. London has already been forced into trying a number of measures to reduce traffic congestion. There have included:

.Traffic management systems which included the world's first traffic light. It was installed outside the Houses of Parliament in 1868 to reduce congestion in this area.

.An underground system which was the first in the world. The first section opened in 1863, and the network is still developing. Since 2003, it has been managed by Transport for London. The classic London Tube map forms part of city's cultural heritage, and has been much copied and adapted elsewhere.

• The Cross Rail development: due to provide high frequency
rail services through two new tunnels under Central London from 2017.

• The congestion charging system – introduced in 2003, and extended in 2007 - charges many motorists (there are some exemptions) £10 to enter the central charging zone between 7am-6pm Monday to Friday.

• The Oyster card – an automated charging system which speeds up the use of public transport using a specially chipped card, which can be pre-charged with ‘credit’.

D. The latest solution is the Barclays London Cycle Hire Scheme. In 2010, London joined a growing list of cities that had turned to the bicycle for a possible solution to traffi c congestion. Cities like Amsterdam have long since been associated with bicycles. Other cities that already have cycle hire schemes include Paris, Copenhagen and Barcelona. In Paris, the system is known as the Velib scheme, a word which merges the word for bicycle with
freedom. It is funded by advertising. The London scheme was launched on the 30th July 2010 with an initial total of 5,000 bikes spread around 315 locations, with plans for further extensions. The bikes are fairly robust so that they can withstand the knocks of daily use. The are fitted with dyamo-powered LED lights, have three gears, achain guard and a bell. Each bike is also fitted with a Radio frequency Identification (RFID) chip, so that its location can be tracked. The bkes have puncture-proof tyres and are regularly checked over the mechanical faults.

E. It is hoped that people will experience London in a more direct way. Instead of descending into the earth, they will cycle the streets and thus gain “a different view” of London and improve their own mental maps of the city. They will also be getting exercise, which in an age of soaring obesity rates can only be a good thing, can’t it?
Enough reading, time for you to get out there and start pedalling!

Complete the summary below with ONE WORD from the passage

London, with a…………….of around eight million people and 20 visitors each year, has been facing the problem of reducing traffic…………… It has already been forced into finding a few……………. The Barclays London Cycle Hire System was……………in 2010 in the hope of providing a……………for the existing transport……………. The money that was necessary to have a scheme like this was sourced from…………..and allowed London to have 5000 bikes initially, but there are likely to be…………..to the scheme. The bikes have a tracking……………., are properly equipped and regularly…………..

2. Read the text and choose the main idea.(Đọc văn bản và chọn ý chính.)A. The writer's secondary school has a long and interesting history.B. The Volunteer Club was set up 15 years ago to help teens gain work experience.C. The club organises many volunteering activities that benefit both the community and the students.I joined the Volunteer Club when I started secondary school. The club was formed fifteen years ago, shortly after the school was set up. Since then, it has...
Đọc tiếp

2. Read the text and choose the main idea.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn ý chính.)

A. The writer's secondary school has a long and interesting history.

B. The Volunteer Club was set up 15 years ago to help teens gain work experience.

C. The club organises many volunteering activities that benefit both the community and the students.

I joined the Volunteer Club when I started secondary school. The club was formed fifteen years ago, shortly after the school was set up. Since then, it has organised various volunteering activities for all students to participate.

One of the most popular activities of our club is selling handmade items to raise money for the local orphanage and homeless old people. Last year, we also raised over one hundred million VND to help people in flooded areas. The money was used to buy warm clothes, blankets, food, and clean water.

Our club welcomes different types of donations: clothes, picture books, unused notebooks, and other unwanted items. At the end of each month, we take the donations to the community centre. Our club also organises afterschool games for the children at the orphanage and concerts for the old people at the centre. In addition, it offers other volunteering activities, such as helping at a food bank or delivering free meals to poor families.

Volunteering has helped me gain life experiences and find my sense of purpose in life. When I see suffering and hardships, I feel thankful for what I have. What is more, these activities provide opportunities for me to meet other teenagers with similar interests and help me build essential life skills.

5 tháng 2 2023


1. Read the text below and fill in each gap in the table below with ONE of the highlighted words from the text.(Đọc văn bản dưới đây và điền vào mỗi khoảng trống trong bảng bên dưới bằng MỘT trong các từ được đánh dấu từ văn bản.)Environmental Impact of TourismAlthough tourism is often called 'the smokeless industry', or an environmentally-friendly industry, it can actually damage nature. However, different kinds of tourism may have different effects on...
Đọc tiếp

1. Read the text below and fill in each gap in the table below with ONE of the highlighted words from the text.

(Đọc văn bản dưới đây và điền vào mỗi khoảng trống trong bảng bên dưới bằng MỘT trong các từ được đánh dấu từ văn bản.)

Environmental Impact of Tourism

Although tourism is often called 'the smokeless industry', or an environmentally-friendly industry, it can actually damage nature. However, different kinds of tourism may have different effects on the environment.

• Mass tourism is a kind of tourism which involves tens of thousands of people crowding the same places at the same time of year. It often has a lot of negative impact on the local area, such as litter from tourists and pollution from traffic.

• Ecotourism provides tourists with opportunities to explore nature, and at the same time helps protect the environment and educates travellers on local environmental issues. It also promotes tourists' respect for local communities.

• Sustainable tourism involves not only environmental protection and cultural respect, but also efforts to keep profits local. It often refers to actions of the tourist industry as a whole.

• Responsible tourism encourages tourists to be more than visitors. Responsible tourists should not only be aware of their role, but also take part in protecting the environment, culture and improving the profits for local people. Responsible tourism often relates to specific actions of individuals, businesses, and communities.

Negative impact

Positive impact

(1) __________

(2) __________

(3) __________

(4) __________

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
11 tháng 9 2023

Tác động đến môi trường của du lịch

Mặc dù du lịch thường được gọi là 'ngành công nghiệp không khói', hoặc một ngành công nghiệp thân thiện với môi trường, nó thực sự có thể gây hại cho thiên nhiên. Tuy nhiên, các loại hình du lịch khác nhau có thể có những tác động khác nhau đến môi trường.

• Du lịch đại chúng là loại hình du lịch bao gồm hàng chục nghìn người tập trung ở cùng một địa điểm vào cùng một thời điểm trong năm. Nó thường có nhiều tác động tiêu cực đến khu vực địa phương, chẳng hạn như xả rác từ khách du lịch và ô nhiễm giao thông.

• Du lịch sinh thái cung cấp cho khách du lịch cơ hội khám phá thiên nhiên, đồng thời giúp bảo vệ môi trường và giáo dục du khách về các vấn đề môi trường tại địa phương. Nó cũng thúc đẩy sự tôn trọng của khách du lịch đối với cộng đồng địa phương.

• Du lịch bền vững không chỉ liên quan đến việc bảo vệ môi trường và tôn trọng văn hóa mà còn phải nỗ lực giữ lợi nhuận cho địa phương. Nó thường đề cập đến các hành động của ngành du lịch nói chung.

• Du lịch có trách nhiệm khuyến khích khách du lịch nhiều hơn là khách vãng lai. Khách du lịch có trách nhiệm không chỉ nhận thức được vai trò của mình mà còn phải tham gia vào việc bảo vệ môi trường, văn hóa và nâng cao lợi nhuận cho người dân địa phương. Du lịch có trách nhiệm thường liên quan đến các hành động cụ thể của cá nhân, doanh nghiệp và cộng đồng.

Giúp mình với ạ!! London's cycle hire scheme A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently...
Đọc tiếp

Giúp mình với ạ!!

London's cycle hire scheme

A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently rated as providing the most satisfying 'cultural experience' for visitors to any city.

B. One of the challenges involved in managing (and living in) such a huge city is the abity to mo ve people efficiently around it, for the purposes of work and leisure, and at reasonable cost. The London blackberry cab is one responese to this problem. The much quoted result of million of daily vehicle fondements is a very low average speed for traffic on London's roads and frequent suggestion problems.

C. Many cities have taken steps to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads by adopting a range of measures which can broadly be described as either 'carrots' or 'sticks': those which eigher promote, or discourage certain activity. London has already been forced into trying a number of measures to reduce traffic congestion. There have included:

.Traffic management systems which included the world's first traffic light. It was installed outside the Houses of Parliament in 1868 to reduce congestion in this area.

.An underground system which was the first in the world. The first section opened in 1863, and the network is still developing. Since 2003, it has been managed by Transport for London. The classic London Tube map forms part of city's cultural heritage, and has been much copied and adapted elsewhere.

• The Cross Rail development: http://www.crossrail.co.uk due to provide high frequency
rail services through two new tunnels under Central London from 2017.

• The congestion charging system – introduced in 2003, and extended in 2007 - charges many motorists (there are some exemptions) £10 to enter the central charging zone between 7am-6pm Monday to Friday.

• The Oyster card – an automated charging system which speeds up the use of public transport using a specially chipped card, which can be pre-charged with ‘credit’.

D. The latest solution is the Barclays London Cycle Hire Scheme. In 2010, London joined a growing list of cities that had turned to the bicycle for a possible solution to traffi c congestion. Cities like Amsterdam have long since been associated with bicycles. Other cities that already have cycle hire schemes include Paris, Copenhagen and Barcelona. In Paris, the system is known as the Velib scheme, a word which merges the word for bicycle with
freedom. It is funded by advertising. The London scheme was launched on the 30th July 2010 with an initial total of 5,000 bikes spread around 315 locations, with plans for further extensions. The bikes are fairly robust so that they can withstand the knocks of daily use. The are fitted with dyamo-powered LED lights, have three gears, achain guard and a bell. Each bike is also fitted with a Radio frequency Identification (RFID) chip, so that its location can be tracked. The bkes have puncture-proof tyres and are regularly checked over the mechanical faults.

E. It is hoped that people will experience London in a more direct way. Instead of descending into the earth, they will cycle the streets and thus gain “a different view” of London and improve their own mental maps of the city. They will also be getting exercise, which in an age of soaring obesity rates can only be a good thing, can’t it?
Enough reading, time for you to get out there and start pedalling!

Choose the most summary below with ONE WORD from the passage.

i. Current and past actions.

ii. Congestion and population.

iii. Problems on the roads.

iv. The best city in the word.

v. A center of activity.

vi. The many benefits of cyclings

vii. Cycling in European cities.

viii. A new initiative

ix. Rail systems.

1. Section A:..................

2. Section B:..................

3.Section C:...................

4. Section D:.................

5. Section E:..................

Em làm rồi cho em thêm ý kiến đi ạ! London's cycle hire scheme A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central...
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London's cycle hire scheme

A. London is a 'world city': one of the most important economic and financial hubs in the world. It has a population of around eight million people and contains hundreds of iconic buildings which are recognized over the world. London receives around 20 million visitors each year, a large proportion from overseas, who mingle with further millions of people who travel into the city from a wide area to work in the central area. It is frequently rated as providing the most satisfying 'cultural experience' for visitors to any city.

B. One of the challenges involved in managing (and living in) such a huge city is the abity to mo ve people efficiently around it, for the purposes of work and leisure, and at reasonable cost. The London blackberry cab is one responese to this problem. The much quoted result of million of daily vehicle fondements is a very low average speed for traffic on London's roads and frequent suggestion problems.

C. Many cities have taken steps to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads by adopting a range of measures which can broadly be described as either 'carrots' or 'sticks': those which eigher promote, or discourage certain activity. London has already been forced into trying a number of measures to reduce traffic congestion. There have included:

.Traffic management systems which included the world's first traffic light. It was installed outside the Houses of Parliament in 1868 to reduce congestion in this area.

.An underground system which was the first in the world. The first section opened in 1863, and the network is still developing. Since 2003, it has been managed by Transport for London. The classic London Tube map forms part of city's cultural heritage, and has been much copied and adapted elsewhere.

• The Cross Rail development: due to provide high frequency
rail services through two new tunnels under Central London from 2017.

• The congestion charging system – introduced in 2003, and extended in 2007 - charges many motorists (there are some exemptions) £10 to enter the central charging zone between 7am-6pm Monday to Friday.

• The Oyster card – an automated charging system which speeds up the use of public transport using a specially chipped card, which can be pre-charged with ‘credit’.

D. The latest solution is the Barclays London Cycle Hire Scheme. In 2010, London joined a growing list of cities that had turned to the bicycle for a possible solution to traffi c congestion. Cities like Amsterdam have long since been associated with bicycles. Other cities that already have cycle hire schemes include Paris, Copenhagen and Barcelona. In Paris, the system is known as the Velib scheme, a word which merges the word for bicycle with
freedom. It is funded by advertising. The London scheme was launched on the 30th July 2010 with an initial total of 5,000 bikes spread around 315 locations, with plans for further extensions. The bikes are fairly robust so that they can withstand the knocks of daily use. The are fitted with dyamo-powered LED lights, have three gears, achain guard and a bell. Each bike is also fitted with a Radio frequency Identification (RFID) chip, so that its location can be tracked. The bkes have puncture-proof tyres and are regularly checked over the mechanical faults.

E. It is hoped that people will experience London in a more direct way. Instead of descending into the earth, they will cycle the streets and thus gain “a different view” of London and improve their own mental maps of the city. They will also be getting exercise, which in an age of soaring obesity rates can only be a good thing, can’t it?
Enough reading, time for you to get out there and start pedalling!

Choose the most summary below with ONE WORD from the passage.

i. Current and past actions.

ii. Congestion and population.

iii. Problems on the roads.

iv. The best city in the world.

v. A center of activity.

vi. The many benefits of cyclings

vii. Cycling in European cities.

viii. A new initiative

ix. Rail systems.

1. Section A:............iv......

2. Section B:.........iii.........

3.Section C:.........ii..........

4. Section D:......vi...........

5. Section E:.........viii.........