
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 8 2021

1. As you knew everything about the deep government, you __should tell the truth__ before that TV programme. (1. Như bạn đã biết mọi thứ về chính phủ sâu sắc, bạn __nên nói sự thật _ trước chương trình truyền hình đó.)

2. He is known to __have been working__ for mafia for a long time. 2. Anh ta được biết là __ đã làm việc _ cho mafia trong một thời gian dài

3. There are no English books on the shelves now. They____ all have been sent ____ to the new library. 3. Không có sách tiếng Anh nào trên kệ bây giờ. ____ tất cả đều đã được gửi ____ đến thư viện mới

4. He is known to __be one of the__ five people in the war four years ago. 4. Anh ta được biết đến __ là một trong _ năm người trong cuộc chiến bốn năm trước

5. Have you reminded the receptionist that you want__to reserve a table__ at 7 o'clock? 5. Bạn đã nhắc nhân viên lễ tân rằng bạn muốn__đặt bàn__ lúc 7 giờ chưa?

6. You said you went to the office last Thursday but I found out that you __were__ at the cinema. 6. Bạn nói rằng bạn đã đến văn phòng vào thứ Năm tuần trước nhưng tôi phát hiện ra rằng bạn __đã ở__ tại rạp chiếu phim.

7. I want the reports __to be hand__ in by tomorrow morning. 7. Tôi muốn các báo cáo __ sẽ được gửi _ vào sáng mai.

8. The number of universities ____ to which students go to have risen ____ 8. Số lượng trường đại học ____ mà sinh viên theo học đã tăng ____

9. The impact of the bomb explosion ____ by many people who lived around. (câu này có vấn đề gì không vậy Hoàng?)

10. Find the sentence with the same meaning.

It is said that the government has introduced a new working.

The government is said to have introduced a new working.

17 tháng 8 2021

bạn ơi, cái phần này mình thấy chưa có đề bài nha

17 tháng 8 2021

ok bạn


III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences. 1. Charlie said, "I', thinking of going to live in Canada". A. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada. B. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada. C. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada. D. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada. 2. Charlie said, "My father is in hospital". A. Charlie said that my father is in hospital. B. Charlie said...
Đọc tiếp
III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences. 1. Charlie said, "I', thinking of going to live in Canada". A. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada. B. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada. C. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada. D. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada. 2. Charlie said, "My father is in hospital". A. Charlie said that my father is in hospital. B. Charlie said that his father was in hospital. C. Charlie said that his father is in hospital. D. Charlie said that my father was in hospital. 3. Charlie said, "Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow A. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow B. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day. C. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow. D. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day. 4. Charlie said, "I haven't seen Bill for a while". A. He said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while. B. He said that I haven't seen Bill for a while. C. He said that he hasn't seen Bill for a while. D. He said that I hadn't seen Bill for a while. 5. Charlie said, "I've been playing tennis a lot recently" A. Charlie said that I've been playing tennis recently. B. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently. C. Charlie said that he had bee playing tennis recetly. D. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently 6. The land and the people______ I have met are nice. A. who B. whom C. that D. which 7. Did you ever find out______ penetrated in your house last month? A. who B. whom C. that D. which 8. The year______ the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten. A. which B. that C. when D. where 9. I cannot tell you all______ I heard. A. Which B. that C. as D. because 10. I can answer the question______ you day is very difficult. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 11. We saw the girl______ you say is beautiful. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 12. This is the place______ the battle took place ten years ago. A. which B. in where C. where D. from where 13. Sunday is the day______ which we usually go fishing. A. during B. at C. in D. on 14. The person______ you want to see is not her. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 15. This is the last time______ I speak to you A. of which B. that C. who D. whose 16. He talked about the books and the authors______ interested him. A. who B. that C. which D. whom 17. He talked about the books and the authors______ interested him. A. who B. that C. which D. whom 18. You know your lesson______ surprises me. A. who B. which C. that D. no word is needed 19. Bondi is the beautiful beach______ I used to sunbathe. A. when B. where C. which D. why 20. Dec 26th, 2005 was the day______ the terrible tsunami happened A. when B. where C. why D. which 21. Charlie said, "You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London". A. He said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London. B. He said I could come and stay with him if I were ever in London. C. He said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London. D. He said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London. 22. Charlie said, "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured". A. He said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured. B. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn't injured. C. He said Tom had had a accident last week but he hadn't bee injured. D. He said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured. 23. Charlie said, "I saw jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine". A. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine B. He said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine C. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine D. He said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine 24. To said, "New York is bigger than London". A. He said that New York was bigger than London. B. He says that New York is bigger than London. C. He says that New York was bigger than London. D. He said that New York is bigger than London. 25. "Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me. A. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days. B. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days. C. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days. D. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days. 26. Charlie said, "Margaret has had a baby". A. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby. B. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby. C. Charlie said Margaret had a baby. D. Charlie said Margaret has a baby. 27. Charlie said, "I don’t know what Fred is doing". A. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing. B. He said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing. C. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing. D. He said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing. 28. Charlie said, "I hardly ever go out these days". A. He said that he hardly ever went out these days. B. He said that I hardly ever go out these days. C. He said that I hardly ever went out these days. D. He said that he hardly ever goes out these days. 29. Charlie said, '"I work 14 hours a day". A. He said that he works 14 hours a day. B. He said that he worked 14 hours a day. C. He said that I work 14 hours a day. D. He said that I worked 14 hours a day. 30. Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you" A. He said he'll tell Jim he saw me. B. He said I would tell Jim I had seen you. C. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me. D. He said I would tell Jim he had seen me. 31. "Don’t shout", I said to Jim. A. I told Jim don't shout B. I told to Jim not to shout C. I told Jim not to shout D. I said to Jim don't shout. 32. "Please don’t tell anyone what happened", Ann said to me A. Ann asked me don't tell anyone what happened. B. Ann told me don't tell anyone what happened. C. Ann said to me don't tell anyone what happened. D. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what happened. 33. "Can you open the door for me, Tom?" Ann asked. A. Ann asked to open the door for her, Tom. B. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her. C. Ann asked Tom open the door for her. D. Ann asked Tom to open the door for me. 34. "Listen carefully", he said to us. A. He told us listen carefully B. He told to us to listen carefully C. He told us to listen carefully D. He said us to listen carefully 35. "Don’t wait for me if I'm late", Ann said. A. Ann said don't wait for her if she was late. B. Ann said not to wait for me if I was late. C. Ann said not to wait for her if she was late. D. Ann said don't wait for me if I'm late 36. What was the name of the horse _________ ? A. it won the race. B. which won the race. C. who won the race. D. whom won the race. 37. Is that the reason why I should come ___________? A. on times. B. at time. C. in times. D. on time. 38. The man _________________________ , is the secretary. A. which you have just spoken B. whose you have just spoken C. to whom you have just spoken D. to who you have just spoken 39. It is the village where you ______________________, isn’t it ? A. used to living B. used to live C. use to live D. use living 40. The police have caught the man __________ . A. who stole my motorbike. B. whose stole my motorbike. C. whom stole my motorbike. D. which stole my motorbike. 41. A(n)______ is a very heavy fall of snow, usually with a strong wind. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 42. A(n) ______ is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 43. A(n) ______ is a mountain with a large opening at the top of through which gases and lava are forced out into the air, or have been in the past. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 44. A(n) ______ is a violent tropical storm with very strong wind. A. snowstorm B. earthquake C. volcano D. typhoon 45. ______ is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, such as the temperature, and if there is wind, rain, sun, etc. A. Climate B. Temperature C . Degree D. Weather 46. ______ is the regular pattern of the weather conditions of a particular place. A. Climate B. Temperature C . Degree D. Weather 47. A ______ is a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. A. tidal wave B. tornado C. famine D. flood 48. A ______ is a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. A. tidal wave B. tornado C. famine D. flood 49. A ______ is a very large ocean wave that is caused by a storm or an earthquake, and that destroys things when it reaches the land. A. tidal wave B. tornado C. famine D. flood 50. The report ______ that prices will rise by 3% next month. A. tells B. speaks C. talks D. forecasts 51. The old man ______you wanted to see was away on holiday yesterday. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 52. Miss Lien, ______ sings very well, is my English teacher. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 53. Everything ______ he said was true. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 54. Where is the cheese ______ was in the fridge? A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 55. We’d like to travel to a city ______ there is a lot of sightseeing. A. whose B. when C. where D. why 56. It is some months ___ the tsunami happened. A. on B. in C. at D. since 57. Mr. Long, ___ has just talked to you, is my uncle. A.who B. which C. whom D. whose 58. A tropical storm which reaches 120 km per hour is called a ___ in North and South America. A. typhoon B. cyclone C. hurricane D. tornado 59. Yesterday a hurricane ___ the coast of Vung Tau City. A. suck B. hit C. carried D. forecast 60. Many houses were ___ by the earthquake last year. A. destroy B. destroying C. destroyed D. to destroy IV. Give right word formation for these following words 1. If you are struck by ______________ , you will die. (light) 2. "You look nervous." - "Thunder makes me ______________." (terrify) 3. _________has become one of the fastest growing industries in recent year. (tour) 4. The hurricane brought total _____________to the city. (destroy) 5. Because of the flooding, the whole village was __________to relief workers except by 6. boat. (access) 7. The weather is so __________that I don't know if I should take an umbrella or sun-tan 8. lotion. (predict) 9. _________ never strikes in the same place twice. (Light) 10. The wind has _______ changed the direction. (abrupt) 11. Last summer they enjoyed the ________ scenery in Phan Thiet. (coast) 12. _____________ (Volcano) ash is very ______________ (harm) to people ‘s health. V. Each line has a mistake try to find and correct it 1. Have you already prepared to the disasters ? 2. Bring with the raincoat in case it rains. 3. Can disasters be predictably for long ? 4. We should warn them for the coming storm. 5. Pompeii was complete destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 6. Have you seen the place which the military parade will be held? 7. This novel, which written by a well – known writer, should be read. 8. This kind of behavior is to be expecting from a two – year – old. 9. According to the weather forecast, it will be sun tomorrow. 10. Because my illness, I couldn’t work for six months, so I lost my job. 11. Lam said that he was leaving for the capital tomorrow. 12. If I were three inches taller, I will apply for that job. 13. I can’t find the book which Lan lent it to me last week. 14. How about to use public buses instead of cars? 15. We should prepare food careful before turning on the stove. VI. read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. A UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) is any object flying in the sky which cannot be identified by the person who sees it. Sometimes the object is investigated. If people can still not figure out what the object is after an investigation, it is called a UFO. If they figure out what the object is, it can no longer be called a UFO because it has been identified. Even though UFOs can be anything, people often use the word UFO when they are talking about alien spacecraft. Flying saucer is another word that is often used to describe an unidentified flying object. Studies estimate that 50%-90% of all reported UFO sightings are identified later. Usually 10%-20% are never identified. Studies also show that very few UFO sightings are hoaxes (people trying to trick other people). Most UFOs are actually natural or man-made objects that looked strange. *)%-90% UFOs are identified as one of three different things: astronomical causes (for example: planets, stars, or meteors); aircraft; balloons 10%-20% of UFOs are other causes (such as birds, clouds, mirages, searchlights, etc.) 1. What does the word “figure out” in paragraph 1 mean? A. observe B. explain C. calculate D. require 2. Another word used to describe a UFO is _________. A. spacecraft B. astronaut C. flying saucer D. cooking oil 3. How many percents of all reported UFO sightings are not identified? A. 10%-20% B. 20%-30% C. 30%-50% D. 80%-90% 4. Most of UFOs are identified as one of the following things except _________. A. stars B. balloons C. clouds D. rains 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. B. UFO is often used to talk about alien spaceships. C. Many UFO sightings are hoaxes. D. Over half of all reported UFO sightings are identified. VII- Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning with the first one : 1- Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car. In spite.............................................................................................................................. 2- It may rain on your way home, so take a raincoat with you. In case ............................................................................................................................ 3- That man used to work with me when I lived in New York. That’s a man .................................................................................................................. 4- The storm destroyed the town completely. The town ........................................................................................................................ 5- Despite his age, Mr. Thanh runs five kilometers every morning. Even ............................................................................................................................... XI- Use the suggested words to write full sentences : 1- I / have / rest / when / volcano / erupt. ............................................................................................................................................... 2- The majority / earthquake / occur / around / pacific Rim / which / know / “Ring of Fire”. ............................................................................................................................................... 3- What / you / do / next / when / you / get / caught / thunderstorm / last night ? ............................................................................................................................................... 4- Many / house / damage / typhoon / yesterday ? ............................................................................................................................................... 5- About 40 / per cent / children / affect / tsunami / last December. ...............................................................................................................................................
Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.6. We want (pay) better wages.7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to...
Đọc tiếp

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.

2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out

3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.

4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.

5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.

6. We want (pay) better wages.

7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the .............. (1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of ............ (2-communiate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise .............. (3 - pollute). Every evening, the ........... (4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (5 - neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what ............ (6 - act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any ............ (7 - suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them .......

............. (8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be ............ (9 - succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the .............. (10 - advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word "bank", what do you think of ? A ......... (1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of .....

............ (2) things, you're right. Why ? because words often have ............. (3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out ........... (4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on ............. (5) things. First, it depends on the words and ............ (6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues. ................. (7), the meaning depends on how the word is ............ (8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb, ................ (9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word's part of speech will .............. (10) you discover the word's precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn't enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has throughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 5: a/ Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.


The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to for travel . The first 0/ .......for...........
bicycle was made in about one hundred and fifty years ago. At 1/ .......................
first, bicycles were much expensive. Only rich people could 2/ .......................
buy one. These early time bicycles looked very different from 3/ .......................
the ones we have them today. Later, when bicycles became 4/.......................
cheaper, many lot people bought one. People started riding 5/ .......................
bicycles to work and in their with free time. Today, people use 6/ .......................
cars more than bicycles; cars are much more faster and you 7/ .......................
don’t get wet when it start rains! But some people still prefer to 8/ .......................
cycle to work . They say that there have are too many cars in 9/ .......................
town centers and you can't able find anywhere to park! 10/ .....................

b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions.

1. George fell .............the bladder while he was painting the ceiling.

2. We stopped everyone .................leaving the building.

3. Admision .................university depends .....................examination results.

4. Don`t use that dictionary. It is .............date. Find one that is ...................date.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job,too.

(join into one sentence, using not only.....but...as well)

2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.

(join into one sentence, using : neither...............nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)

4. He asked me: "When will you give this book back to me?" (change into Reported speech)

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago. (Use the ordinary word order)

6. He was given a gift. So were you. (Join into one sentence, using "as well")

7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with "No matter........"

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it. (Combine into one sentence)

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)

10.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to ...........which............)

21 tháng 4 2020

hoi cham

21 tháng 4 2020

cac bn tra loi dc cau nao thi ghi cau day

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.6. We want (pay) better wages.7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to...
Đọc tiếp

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.

2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out

3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.

4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.

5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.

6. We want (pay) better wages.

7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the .............. (1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of ............ (2-communiate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise .............. (3 - pollute). Every evening, the ........... (4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (5 - neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what ............ (6 - act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any ............ (7 - suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them .......

............. (8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be ............ (9 - succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the .............. (10 - advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word "bank", what do you think of ? A ......... (1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of .....

............ (2) things, you're right. Why ? because words often have ............. (3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out ........... (4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on ............. (5) things. First, it depends on the words and ............ (6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues. ................. (7), the meaning depends on how the word is ............ (8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb, ................ (9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word's part of speech will .............. (10) you discover the word's precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn't enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has throughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 5: a/ Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.


The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to for travel . The first 0/ .......for...........
bicycle was made in about one hundred and fifty years ago. At 1/ .......................
first, bicycles were much expensive. Only rich people could 2/ .......................
buy one. These early time bicycles looked very different from 3/ .......................
the ones we have them today. Later, when bicycles became 4/.......................
cheaper, many lot people bought one. People started riding 5/ .......................
bicycles to work and in their with free time. Today, people use 6/ .......................
cars more than bicycles; cars are much more faster and you 7/ .......................
don’t get wet when it start rains! But some people still prefer to 8/ .......................
cycle to work . They say that there have are too many cars in 9/ .......................
town centers and you can't able find anywhere to park! 10/ .....................

b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions.

1. George fell .............the bladder while he was painting the ceiling.

2. We stopped everyone .................leaving the building.

3. Admision .................university depends .....................examination results.

4. Don`t use that dictionary. It is .............date. Find one that is ...................date.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job,too.

(join into one sentence, using not only.....but...as well)

2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.

(join into one sentence, using : neither...............nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)

4. He asked me: "When will you give this book back to me?" (change into Reported speech)

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago. (Use the ordinary word order)

6. He was given a gift. So were you. (Join into one sentence, using "as well")

7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with "No matter........"

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it. (Combine into one sentence)

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)

10.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to ...........which............)

21 tháng 2

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. It is crucial that Dido stops using Quang Ha
2. I will ring the bell one more time. If he doesn't answer, I think he must have gone out
3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party
4. The man who was rescued had been in the sea for ten hours
5. A great deal of time is being spent on his exercis
6. We want to be paid better wages
7. People always blame their circumstances for what they are
8. You will be stopped by a policeman if you try to cross the road now

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.
1. refusal    2. communication    3. pollution    4. thoughtless    5. neighborhood 
6. action       7. suggestions       8. politely      9. successful    10. advice 

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word
1. place         2. these         3. more       4. which     5. several 
6. phrases     7. Second      8. used       9. an          10. help 

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer
1B     2C     3C      4D

Question 5: a/ Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.
0. for       1. for         2. much      3. time      4. today    5. lot
6. with     7. more     8. it            9. have      10. able
b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions
1. George fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling
2. We stopped everyone from leaving the building
3. Admission to university depends on examination results
4. Don't use that dictionary. It is out of date. Find one that is up to date

Question 6: Do as directed
1. Not only did my friend have excellent ideas, but he did a good job as well
2. Neither his explanation nor the examples he gives are clear
3. It is said that the price of gold is going up
4. He asked me when I would give that book back to him
5. Seldom years ago did people travel far from home
6. He was given a gift, and you were as well
7. No matter how intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this
8. He made a great discovery and was very proud of it
9. Lan found difficulty in accepting the situation
10. Thanks to the new technology applied in their fields, the farmers raised the output of rice

Ai vs giúp mik vs ạ!! Mai mik phải nộp bài test r mà k bk tl như nào I have Learned, often the hard way, that there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of All, always check and double-check departure times. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once i arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and i thought she said that the plane left at 10:50. I walked calmly to the...
Đọc tiếp

Ai vs giúp mik vs ạ!! Mai mik phải nộp bài test r mà k bk tl như nào

I have Learned, often the hard way, that there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of All, always check and double-check departure times. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once i arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and i thought she said that the plane left at 10:50. I walked calmly to the departure desk, thinking I still had a little time to spare. I didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket. The clerk at the desk told me politely but firmly that the departure time was 10:15 and that the flight was, according to international regulations, " now closed! ". I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting.

The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency with you when you arrive in a country. This can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago, I took a business trip to Oklahoma. I flew there from London via Dallas,with very little time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and since I had no Dollars, i offered to pay in Pounds instead." Listen, Buddy! I only take Real money! " the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was Embarrassing.

The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave, especially if you can take only a little baggage with you. I feel sorry for some of my colleagues who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day. Few people understand just how important it is to have the right sort of clothes with you in these days of rapid air travel.

I. Discuss these questions. Campare your answers.
1. Explain why the writer once arrived at the airport only a few minutes before the plane left.
2. Whose fault do you think it was? Thư writer's or his secretary's? Give reasons for your answer.
3. Explain why the writer think it is essential to have at least a little local currency when you arrive in a foreign country.
4. Describe some of the problems you could have if you ignore the advice in the last paragraph

5 tháng 8 2018

I have Learned, often the hard way, that there are a few simple rules about how to make life easier both before and after your journey. First of All, always check and double-check departure times. It is amazing how few people really do this carefully. Once i arrived at the airport a few minutes after ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and i thought she said that the plane left at 10:50. I walked calmly to the departure desk, thinking I still had a little time to spare. I didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket. The clerk at the desk told me politely but firmly that the departure time was 10:15 and that the flight was, according to international regulations, " now closed! ". I had to wait three hours for the next one and missed an important meeting.

The second rule is to remember that even in this age of credit cards, it is still important to have at least a little of the local currency with you when you arrive in a country. This can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit. A few years ago, I took a business trip to Oklahoma. I flew there from London via Dallas,with very little time to change planes in between. I arrived there at midnight and the bank at the airport was closed. The only way to get to my hotel was by taxi and since I had no Dollars, i offered to pay in Pounds instead." Listen, Buddy! I only take Real money! " the driver said angrily. Luckily I was able to borrow a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was Embarrassing.

The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your destination before you leave, especially if you can take only a little baggage with you. I feel sorry for some of my colleagues who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in May, when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day. Few people understand just how important it is to have the right sort of clothes with you in these days of rapid air travel.

I. Discuss these questions. Campare your answers.
1. Explain why the writer once arrived at the airport only a few minutes before the plane left.

=>Because his secretary had got the ticket for him and he thought she said that the plane left at 10:50.

2. Whose fault do you think it was? Thư writer's or his secretary's? Give reasons for your answer.

=>Thư writer's .Because he didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket.
3. Explain why the writer think it is essential to have at least a little local currency when you arrive in a foreign country.

=>Because this can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit.
4. Describe some of the problems you could have if you ignore the advice in the last paragraph

=>when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day.

giúp mình bài này gấp (3h chiều nay học rồi) Chia ở dạng chủ động và bị động adventurists are beginning to discover Caminilea, and the island is hard at work getting ready to welcome more visitors. A new airport (1)..........(build) last year, and at the moment, hotels (2)......... (construct) along the southern beaches. A new road (3) ............ (finish) next year so visitors will be able to reach the northern region. Five years ago, very little (4)......... (know)...
Đọc tiếp

giúp mình bài này gấp (3h chiều nay học rồi)

Chia ở dạng chủ động và bị động

adventurists are beginning to discover Caminilea, and the island is hard at work getting ready to welcome more visitors. A new airport (1)..........(build) last year, and at the moment, hotels (2)......... (construct) along the southern beaches. A new road (3) ............ (finish) next year so visitors will be able to reach the northern region. Five years ago, very little (4)......... (know) about

Campinilea; but last year, three books (5) ........... (write) about the island, and several books (6) ..............(publish). At the moment, these books (7) ........ (translate) into different languages. English (8) ........ (teach) is schools so many Campinileans know s little English, but not many other foreign (9) ........ (speak).

Tourism has brought many changes to this small island, and people are afraid that it will have a negative effect on the traditional customs and culture of the people. For example, last month in the capital, several young Campinileans (10) .......... (arrest) for being drunk publish, and some tourist (11) ........ (rob) near the beach. However, if you leave the tourist areas and go up to the mountains, you will find that life is still the same as it was hundreds of years ago. For exmple, since the sixteenth century, the same tribal dances (12) ......... (perform) to the celebrate the Campinilean new years, and the same type of food (13)............ (serve). For centuries, visitor (14)......... (invite) to join Campinileans in the celebration of festivals, and you will find traditional Campinilean hospitality in these regions has not changed at all.

8 tháng 8 2017

Chia ở dạng chủ động và bị động

adventurists are beginning to discover Caminilea, and the island is hard at work getting ready to welcome more visitors. A new airport (1)....was built......(build) last year, and at the moment, hotels (2)...are constructed...... (construct) along the southern beaches. A new road (3) .....will be finished....... (finish) next year so visitors will be able to reach the northern region. Five years ago, very little (4)....knew..... (know) about

Campinilea; but last year, three books (5) ....were written....... (write) about the island, and several books (6) ....were published.........(publish). At the moment, these books (7) ...are translated..... (translate) into different languages. English (8) ...is taught..... (teach) is schools so many Campinileans know s little English, but not many other foreign (9) ...speak..... (speak).

Tourism has brought many changes to this small island, and people are afraid that it will have a negative effect on the traditional customs and culture of the people. For example, last month in the capital, several young Campinileans (10) ....are arrested...... (arrest) for being drunk publish, and some tourist (11) ...robbed..... (rob) near the beach. However, if you leave the tourist areas and go up to the mountains, you will find that life is still the same as it was hundreds of years ago. For exmple, since the sixteenth century, the same tribal dances (12) ...have been performed...... (perform) to the celebrate the Campinilean new years, and the same type of food (13)....has been served........ (serve). For centuries, visitor (14)...is invited...... (invite) to join Campinileans in the celebration of festivals, and you will find traditional Campinilean hospitality in these regions has not changed at all.

TEST 3 Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise. We want (pay) better wages. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to...
Đọc tiếp


Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.
  2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out
  3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.
  4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.
  5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.
  6. We want (pay) better wages.
  7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.
  8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the..............(1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of............(2-communicate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise..............(3 - pollute). Every evening, the...........(4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (5 - neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what............(6 - act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any............(7 - suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them.............(8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be............(9 - succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the..............(10 - advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word "bank", what do you think of ? A.........(1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of.................(2) things, you're right. Why ? because words often have.............(3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out...........(4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on.............(5) things. First, it depends on the words and............(6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues..................(7), the meaning depends on how the word is............(8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb,................(9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word's part of speech will..............(10) you discover the word's precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn't enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has thoroughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 5:

a. Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.


The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to for travel. The first 0/.......for...........

Bicycle was made __ about one hundred and fifty years ago. At 1/.......................

First, bicycles were __ expensive. Only rich people could 2/.......................

buy one. These early __ bicycles looked very different from 3/.......................

the ones we have __ today. Later, when bicycles became 4/.......................

cheaper, many __ people bought one. People started riding 5/.......................

bicycles to work and in their __ free time. Today, people use 6/.......................

cars more than bicycles; cars are much __ faster and you 7/.......................

don’t get wet when it __ rains! But some people still prefer to 8/.......................

cycle to work. They say that there __ been too many cars in 9/.......................

town centers and you can't ___ find anywhere to park! 10/.....................

b. Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions.

1. George fell.............the bladder while he was painting the ceiling.

2. We stopped everyone.................leaving the building.

3. Admission.................university depends.....................examination results.

4. Don’t use that dictionary. It is.............date. Find one that is...................date.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job, too.

(join into one sentence, using not only.....but...as well)

2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.

(join into one sentence, using: neither...............nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)

4. He asked me: "When will you give this book back to me?"(change into Reported speech)

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago.(Use the ordinary word order)

6. He was given a gift. So were you.(Join into one sentence, using "as well")

7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with "No matter........"

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it.(Combine into one sentence)

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)

10. The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to...........which............)

28 tháng 10 2018

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

  1. It is crucial that Dido (stop)should stop using Quang Ha.
  2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer)doesn't answer,I think he must(go) have gone out
  3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have)were having a party.
  4. The man who (rescue)were rescured had been in the sea for ten hours.
  5. A great deal of time (be) is spent for his exercise.
  6. We want (pay)to be paid better wages.
  7. People are always (blame)blaming their circumstances for what they are.
  8. You (stop)will be stopped by a policeman if you (try) try to cross the road now.
28 tháng 10 2018

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the....REFUSAL.....(1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of.....COMMUNICATION....(2-communicate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise...POLLUTION.....(3 - pollute). Every evening, the......THOUGHTLESS...(4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the NEIGHBORHOOD (5 - neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what...ACTION...(6 - act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any....SUGGESTIONS.....(7 - suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them.....POLITELY....(8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be...SUCCESSFUL...(9 - succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the.....ADVICE.....(10 - advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word "bank", what do you think of ? A....PLACE....(1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of.....THESE.....(2) things, you're right. Why ? because words often have....MORE....(3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out...WHICH.(4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on.....TWO...(5) things. First, it depends on the words and...SENTENCES...(6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues...SECONDLY...(7), the meaning depends on how the word is...USED..(8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb,..AN.....(9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word's part of speech will...HELP..(10) you discover the word's precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn't enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has thoroughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job, too.

(join into one sentence, using not only.....but...as well)


2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.


(join into one sentence, using: neither...............nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)


4. He asked me: "When will you give this book back to me?"(change into Reported speech)

HE ASKED ME When I WOULD give THAT book back to HIM

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago.(Use the ordinary word order)

PEOPLE SELDOM TRAVELLED far from home years ago

6. He was given a gift. So were you.(Join into one sentence, using "as well")


7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with "No matter........"

No matter how intelligent you MAY BE, you should be careful about this

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it.(Combine into one sentence)

He was very proud of MAKING A GREAT DISCOVERY

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)


10. The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to...........which............)

THANKS TO NEW TECHNOLOGY WHICH The farmers had applied in their fields, The output of rice was raised.