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Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
13 tháng 10 2023

- took (take): chụp

- grew (grow): lớn lên

- changed (change): thay đổi

- collected (collect): sưu tập

- made (make): tạo ra

- gave (give): tặng

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
14 tháng 10 2023

I think another type of robot is entertainment robots. These robots can sing, dance and tell stories to make me happy.

(Tôi nghĩ một loại robot khác là robot giải trí. Những con robot này có thể hát, nhảy và kể chuyện để làm tôi vui.)

1 tháng 9 2023

Tham khảo:

There are several farming activities in Vietnam that can have a negative impact on the global temperature, including:

1. Rice cultivation: Rice cultivation is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to the production of methane during the decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies.

2. Livestock production: Livestock production, particularly from cattle and buffalo, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions through the production of methane from enteric fermentation and manure management.

3. Pesticide use: Pesticide use in agriculture can lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly nitrous oxide, as well as contribute to soil degradation.

4. Deforestation: Deforestation for agriculture, particularly for expanding rice paddies or livestock grazing areas, can contribute to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


To address these negative impacts, some alternatives that can be considered include:

1. Sustainable rice cultivation: Alternative rice cultivation methods, such as aerobic rice cultivation or the use of alternate wetting and drying methods, can significantly reduce methane emissions from rice paddies.

2. Improved livestock management: Improved livestock management practices, such as better feeding and manure management, can reduce the emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases.

3. Organic farming: Organic farming practices, including the use of natural pest control methods and composting, can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, as well as promote soil health.

4. Forest conservation and reforestation: Conservation and reforestation efforts can help to reduce the release of carbon dioxide from deforestation and promote carbon sequestration in new forest areas.

Overall, a shift towards sustainable agriculture practices and land use management can help to mitigate the negative impacts of farming activities on the global temperature.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

I think the most interesting school is the boat school in Bangladesh because I have never studied on the school like this before. It’s a lot of fun when I’m a a boat and go around the village. I go to a boarding school because my house is very far from the school I can’t go to school and get home within a day.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

Tạm dịch:

Tôi nghĩ ngôi trường thú vị nhất là trường học trên thuyền ở Bangladesh vì tôi chưa bao giờ học trên trường như thế này trước đây. Thật là vui khi tôi được trên thuyền và đi quanh làng. Tôi học trường nội trú vì nhà tôi rất xa trường tôi không thể đến trường và về nhà trong ngày.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

A list of characteristics of independent learners for discussion purposes:

Self-motivated: Independent learners are motivated by their own interests and goals, not just external rewards or pressures.
Self-directed: They take responsibility for their own learning and actively seek out resources and opportunities to improve their knowledge and skills.
Self-aware: They understand their own strengths and weaknesses, learning style, and preferences, and use that knowledge to guide their learning process.
Goal-oriented: They set clear and specific learning goals and regularly assess their progress toward achieving them.
Persistent: They persevere through challenges and setbacks and keep working toward their goals.
Reflective: They regularly reflect on their learning experiences and use that feedback to improve their learning strategies.
Resourceful: They know how to find and use a variety of learning resources, including books, online courses, mentors, and peers.
Curious: They have a strong desire to learn and explore new ideas and topics.
Creative: They think outside the box and find innovative ways to solve problems and achieve their goals.
Collaborative: They work well with others and are open to learning from different perspectives and experiences.

9 tháng 9 2023

Tham khảo:

                                Skills studying abroad will give you

1. Intercultural communication and language

While you’re studying abroad, you will gain intercultural communication skills from interacting with people from different cultures.

2. Cultural awareness

Cultural awareness is a skill achieved from studying abroad when you really make an effort to understand the new country and its culture that you’re living in. Being culturally sensitive is a crucial part to being able to adapt to, or being flexible with, foreign surroundings.

3. Self-awareness

A more heightened self-awareness can be triggered while studying abroad as you begin to settle into your new home. When you find yourself in situations that are unfamiliar to you, you become more vulnerable. This vulnerability forces you to assess who you are and will maybe even make it more clear who or what you want to be.

4. Adaptability

Learning the local language, trying cultural dishes, understanding laws, customs, learning how to use money and how to use different transportation systems, are just a few things you’ll have to learn and to which you’ll have to adapt.

5. Empathy

Visiting historical sites, walking along ancient roads, and (most importantly) talking and connecting with people of different cultures all teach you empathy. When you get to interact with others and hear their stories, you will find that humans share much more in common than you thought—even if you grew up on literal opposite sides of the world.

6. Confidence

Your confidence can come from a lot of things, but it all comes down to challenging yourself and learning new things while abroad. Something as simple as learning to navigate the local transportation system, or how to order food in another language will make you more confident in yourself and your capability.

7. Problem solving and a sense of responsibility

Maybe you got lost walking to class or had a set back trying to learn the local transportation system. You will be responsible for thinking out of the box through these challenges, and oftentimes on your own. Being responsible for managing things on your own is an important skill you’ll gain (and practice) from studying abroad.

8. Independence

Living abroad in a different country with unfamiliar cultural norms can be daunting. But, you will learn how to be independent by facing and working through challenges (and life) on your own, and you’ll become more comfortable with your potential.

9. Maturity

The more you experience, learn, and grow throughout life (and accept the fact that it’s necessary), the more mature you will become. All of the skills learned from studying abroad can be used together in any combination to show you’re mature.

When returning home from studying abroad, you may feel different, changed. You may even learn more about yourself and see your own culture and home in a different light. Plus, the experiences and skills gained from study abroad can be used to your advantage in terms of your future career.

17 tháng 3 2017

I might live on the Moon in the future. [ tôi có thể sống trên mặt trăng trong tương lai.]

I might live in a UFO.[ tôi có thể sống trong đĩa bay]

I might have a wireless TV to watch programmes from space.[ tôi có thể có TV không dây để xem chương trình TV từ không gian.]

I might have some robots to help me with my housework.[ tôi có thể có vài con người máy để giúp tôi làm việc nhà]

đấy...bạn tham khảo đi nhé. chắc chắn 100% đó :)))

17 tháng 3 2017

In the future , I might go on holiday to the Moon , take pictures with our watches , watch fimls on smart phones and study on computer at home

19 tháng 8 2023

In my opinion, the crazes mentioned in the interview are quite interesting. Pole-sitting seems to be the strangest craze as it involves sitting on a pole for an extended period, which may seem unusual to many people. Pet rocks, on the other hand, appear to be the silliest craze because it involves keeping rocks as pets, which might be seen as odd or unnecessary.

As for the most fun craze, it's subjective and can vary from person to person. Some may find the current online crazes, where people share funny ideas for photos or videos on social media, to be the most enjoyable. Others might prefer the traditional crazes like toys and card-collecting that were popular in the past.

To determine the silliest, strangest, and most fun craze among the group, we can take a vote and see which one receives the most support.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
19 tháng 10 2023

The crazes in the interview bring joy to people and help them connect with like-minded friends. On the other hand, it can cause negative consequences, such as wasting time and affecting health by pole-sitting or spending too much money on buying pet rocks. In my opinion, pole-sitting is the craze that is the silliest as well as the strangest, toys and card-collecting is the most fun.

(Những cơn sốt trong bài phỏng vấn có mang lại niềm vui cho mọi người, cũng như giúp họ kết nối với những người bạn cùng sở thích. Nhưng mặt khác, nó có thể gây ra những hậu quả tiêu cực, chẳng hạn như lãng phí thời gian và ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe bởi “pole – sitting” hoặc tiêu xài quá nhiều tiền để mua đá thú cưng. Theo tôi, “Pole – sitting” là cơn sốt ngớ ngẩn và kỳ lạ nhất, còn sưu tập đồ chơi và thẻ bài là điều thú vị nhất.)

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023


Future cities are likely to be more technologically advanced and densely populated than they are today.

(Các thành phố trong tương lai có thể sẽ có công nghệ tiên tiến hơn và đông dân cư hơn so với hiện nay.)

They may also be more sustainable, with green spaces and renewable energy sources.

(Chúng cũng có thể bền vững hơn, với không gian xanh và các nguồn năng lượng có thể tái tạo.)

There may be a greater focus on public transportation and walkability, rather than car-centric design.

(Có thể có sự tập trung nhiều hơn vào giao thông công cộng và khả năng đi bộ hơn là thiết kế tập trung vào ô tô.)


Yes, I think future cities will be smarter and more sustainable.

(Vâng, tôi nghĩ các thành phố trong tương lai sẽ thông minh hơn và bền vững hơn.)

Technology will play a key role in optimizing resource usage, reducing waste, and improving efficiency.

(Công nghệ sẽ đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc tối ưu hóa việc sử dụng tài nguyên, giảm lãng phí và nâng cao hiệu quả.)

There is also a growing awareness of the need to reduce our impact on the environment, and sustainability will be a key consideration in urban planning and development.

(Ngoài ra còn có nhận thức ngày càng tăng về nhu cầu giảm tác động của chúng ta đối với môi trường và tính bền vững sẽ là yếu tố chính được xem xét trong quy hoạch và phát triển đô thị.)

7 tháng 9 2023

Vietnam has several methods of preserving heritage. One of the most common methods is through government funding. The government invests money in preserving heritage sites and objects, and it has been successful in many cases. Another way is through public-private partnerships, where companies provide funding for heritage preservation in exchange for advertising or other benefits.

Vietnam has also used UNESCO funding for the preservation of its cultural heritage. Additionally, the country has implemented strict heritage laws to protect its heritage sites and objects. For example, in 2016, Vietnam passed a law on cultural heritage, which regulates the protection, preservation, and promotion of the country's heritage. 

As for which method works best in Vietnam, it depends on the specific context and situation. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and a combination of different methods may be the most effective way to preserve heritage in Vietnam.