Chuyển những động từ bất quy tắc sau sang dạng quá khứ
1. Be
2. Become
3. Begin
4. Break
5. Bring
6. Build
7. Buy
8. Choose
9. Come
10. Cost
11. Cut
12. Do
13. Dream
14. Drink
15. Eat
16. Feel
17. Find
18. Forget
19. Get
20. Give
21. Go
22. Have
23. Hear
24. Hold
25. Keep
26. Know
27. Learn
28. Let
29. Make
30. Mean
31. Meet
32. Pay
33. Put
34. Read
35. Rise
36. Run
37. Say
38. See
39. Send
40. Set
41. Shake
42. Shut
43. Sing
44. Sit
45. Sleep
46. Stand
47. Swim
48. Take
49. Teach
50. Tell
51. Think
52. Wear
53. win
54. write
1. Be -> was/were
2. Become -> became
3. Begin -> began
4. Break -> broke
5. Bring -> brought
6. Build -> built
7. Buy -> bought
8. Choose -> chose
9. Come -> came
10. Cost -> cost
11. Cut -> cut
12. Do -> did
13. Dream -> dreamt
14. Drink -> drank
15. Eat -> ate
16. Feel -> felt
17. Find -> found
18. Forget -> forgot
19. Get -> got
20. Give -> gave
21. Go -> went
22. Have -> had
23. Hear -> heard
24. Hold -> held
25. Keep -> kept
26. Know -> knew
27. Learn -> learnt
28. Let -> let
29. Make -> made
30. Mean -> meant
31. Meet -> met
32. Pay -> paid
33. Put -> put
34. Read -> read
35. Rise -> rose
36. Run -> ran
37. Say -> said
38. See -> saw
39. Send -> sent
40. Set -> set
41. Shake -> shook
42. Shut -> shut
43. Sing -> sang
44. Sit -> sat
45. Sleep -> slept
46. Stand -> stood
47. Swim -> swam
48. Take -> took
49. Teach -> taught
50. Tell -> told
51. Think -> thought
52. Wear -> wore
53. win -> won
54. write -> wrote
Kẻm ơn nhiều nhe !!!! ;))