
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

5 tháng 5 2022

Tham khảo

Firstly, new inventions in medicine now enable us to cure the most deadly diseases and people seem to live longer. Secondly, people don't know how to control the population, especially in the countryside. They don't use any method of birth control and they don't know how to use it. Thirdly, thanks to the development of science and the help of technology, the birth rate is increasing. This is certainly a reason to be proud and happy but it is also a cause of overpopulation. Due to overpopulation, there is a high level of human activity like more travel, more vehicles, more release of sewage, etc. These issues will lead to pollution. People live in overcrowded blocks of flats with noise and the shortage of water. Every day, they have to wait a long line at the bus stops but it is not easy to get a seat on overcrowded buses. The next disadvantage is overcrowded schools which don't have enough playing grounds or study aids for students. Moreover, the larger the population is, the higher the demand for natural resources like water, land, and forests, etc. is. I think the best way to solve overpopulation is through birth control. Birth control may be the policies that limit couples to only one or two children and encourage family planning. Vietnamese government has tried to change the culture of valuing boys over girls which is especially believed by the elderly in the countryside. Therefore, couples don't need to have more children when they don't have a son. There are also family planning classes for couples to raise awareness of family planning

5 tháng 5 2022

bạn tham khảo nha

It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to grow to 1 billion. However, in just another two centuries, it grew sevenfold. You know, in 2011, the total population of the world reached 7 billion. And today, it's about 7.5 billion. Tokyo, with 37.8 million residents, continues to be the largest city in the world in terms of populationAdvances in modern medicine are the main cause of this dramatic growth in the world population. It helps the birth rates increase and the death rates decline. The second contributor is the improvement in living standards. This leads to the rise of global lifespan, from 64.8 years in the early 1990s to 70.0 years today. Last but not least, the number of women of reproductive age is increasing day by day.However, the rapid population growth can lead to the shortage in medical and educational facilities and services. The population grows fast so the demand for energy also increases.Therefore, energy shortages are also a big problem. In addition, air, water and land pollution caused by growing population in big cities has bad effects on people's health.


Phải mất hàng trăm nghìn năm để dân số thế giới tăng lên 1 tỷ người. Tuy nhiên, chỉ trong hai thế kỷ nữa, nó đã tăng gấp bảy lần. Bạn biết đấy, năm 2011, tổng dân số thế giới đạt 7 tỷ người. Và ngày nay, nó là khoảng 7,5 tỷ. Tokyo, với 37,8 triệu dân, tiếp tục là thành phố lớn nhất thế giới về dân số Những tiến bộ của y học hiện đại là nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến sự gia tăng chóng mặt của dân số thế giới. Nó giúp tỷ lệ sinh tăng và tỷ lệ tử giảm. Yếu tố thứ hai là sự cải thiện về mức sống. Điều này dẫn đến sự gia tăng tuổi thọ toàn cầu, từ 64,8 năm vào đầu những năm 1990 lên 70,0 năm hiện nay. Cuối cùng nhưng không kém phần quan trọng, số lượng phụ nữ trong độ tuổi sinh đẻ đang tăng lên từng ngày, tuy nhiên, sự gia tăng dân số nhanh có thể dẫn đến sự thiếu hụt về cơ sở vật chất và dịch vụ y tế, giáo dục. Dân số tăng nhanh nên nhu cầu về năng lượng cũng tăng theo, do đó, thiếu hụt năng lượng cũng là một vấn đề lớn. Ngoài ra, ô nhiễm không khí, nước và đất đai do dân số ngày càng tăng ở các thành phố lớn đã ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe của người dân.

chúc bạn học tốt nha

It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to grow to 1 billion people . However, in just another two centuries, it grew sevenfold. You know, in 2011, the total population of the world reached 7 billion. And today, it's about 7.5 billion. Tokyo, with 37.8 million residents, continues to be the largest city in the world in terms of populationAdvances in modern medicine are the main cause of this drama growth in the world population. It helps the birth rates increase and the death rates decline. The second contributor is the improvement in living standards. This leads to the rise of global lifespan, from 64.8 years in the early 1990s to 70.0 years today. Last but not least, the number of women of reproductive age is increasing day by day.However, the rapid population growth can lead to the shortage in medical and educational facilities and services. The population grows fast so the demand for energy also increases.Therefore, energy shortages are also a big problem. In addition, air, water and land pollution caused by growing population in big cities has bad effects on people's health.

24 tháng 4 2022

It took hundreds of thousands of years for the world population to grow to 1 billion people . However, in just another two centuries, it grew sevenfold. You know, in 2011, the total population of the world reached 7 billion. And today, it's about 7.5 billion. Tokyo, with 37.8 million residents, continues to be the largest city in the world in terms of populationAdvances in modern medicine are the main cause of this drama growth in the world population. It helps the birth rates increase and the death rates decline. The second contributor is the improvement in living standards. This leads to the rise of global lifespan, from 64.8 years in the early 1990s to 70.0 years today. Last but not least, the number of women of reproductive age is increasing day by day.However, the rapid population growth can lead to the shortage in medical and educational facilities and services. The population grows fast so the demand for energy also increases.Therefore, energy shortages are also a big problem. In addition, air, water and land pollution caused by growing population in big cities has bad effects on people's health.


24 tháng 4 2022

bạn tham khảo nha

Firstly, new inventions in medicine now enable us to cure the most deadly diseases and people seem to live longer. Secondly, people don't know how to control the population, especially in the countryside. They don't use any method of birth control and they don't know how to use it. Thirdly, thanks to the development of science and the help of technology, the birth rate is increasing. This is certainly a reason to be proud and happy but it is also a cause of overpopulation. Due to overpopulation, there is a high level of human activity like more travel, more vehicles, more release of sewage, etc. These issues will lead to pollution. People live in overcrowded blocks of flats with noise and the shortage of water. Every day, they have to wait a long line at the bus stops but it is not easy to get a seat on overcrowded buses. The next disadvantage is overcrowded schools which don't have enough playing grounds or study aids for students. Moreover, the larger the population is, the higher the demand for natural resources like water, land, and forests, etc. is. I think the best way to solve overpopulation is through birth control. Birth control may be the policies that limit couples to only one or two children and encourage family planning. Vietnamese government has tried to change the culture of valuing boys over girls which is especially believed by the elderly in the countryside. Therefore, couples don't need to have more children when they don't have a son. There are also family planning classes for couples to raise awareness of family planning

chúc bạn học tốt nha

12 tháng 5 2018

The Tower of Pisa is the churches belltower. The city of Pisa was at the beginning a simple but important Italian seaport. With its growth, so did its religious buildings. 

Its fame and power grew gradually over the years, as the people of Pisa were involved in various military conflicts and trade agreements. 

The Pisans attacked the city of Palermo on the island of Sicily in 1063. The attack was successful and the conquerors returned to Pisa with a great deal of treasure. 

To show the world just how important the city was, the people of Pisa decided to build a great cathedral complex, the Field of Miracles. The plan included a cathedral, a baptistery, a bell tower (the Tower of Pisa) and a cemetery.

12 tháng 5 2018

nghĩa là:

Tháp Pisa là nhà thờ tháp chuông. Thành phố Pisa lúc đầu là một cảng biển Ý đơn giản nhưng quan trọng. Với sự tăng trưởng của nó, các tòa nhà tôn giáo cũng vậy. Danh tiếng và quyền lực của nó đã tăng dần qua nhiều năm, khi người dân Pisa tham gia vào các cuộc xung đột quân sự và các thỏa thuận thương mại. Người Pisans tấn công thành phố Palermo trên đảo Sicily vào năm 1063. Cuộc tấn công thành công và những kẻ chinh phục trở về Pisa với rất nhiều kho báu. Để cho thế giới biết tầm quan trọng của thành phố, người dân Pisa quyết định xây dựng một khu phức hợp nhà thờ lớn, Cánh đồng Phép lạ. Kế hoạch bao gồm một nhà thờ, một baptistery, một tháp chuông (Tower of Pisa) và một nghĩa trang.

khi đôi ta về 1 nhà ta chung nhau vui vui =))))

22 tháng 12 2018

Whenever having an intention of travelling, take Sapa into consideration! It is an outstanding beauty spot not only to domestic tourists but also to international ones. Sapa is a quiet frontier township known as a base for trekking in the Hoang Lien Son mountains. Because the town lies at approximately 1500 meters elevation and surrounded by ranges of mountains, it experiences enjoyable climate: moderate and rainy in summer; foggy and cold with occasional snow falls in winter, which turns it into an extremely romantic landscape. There are many ethnic minority groups living together in Sapa. Many years ago, the town's economy was mainly based on agriculture. However, in the recent years, local residents have taken advantage of tourism for greater income. Tourists tend to join town markets where various kinds of goods are sold. There are also many little children speaking English fluently trying to sell souvenirs to tourists. People also catch sight of many eye-catching ethnic customs in colorful decorations. There are many breathtaking views for sightseeing target of tourists, such as Ham Rong Mountain, Silver Waterfall, Bamboo Forest, Ta Phin Cave, Muong Hoa Valley,... They are all wonderful natural sites which are principle reasons for going to Sapa. Thanks to geographical features, Sapa has increasingly attracted more and more tourists. In summarization, at least one time in life, enjoy yourself in Sapa and you would never regret.

Khi có ý định đi du lịch, hãy nghĩ tới Sapa! Đó là một cảnh đẹp nổi bật không chỉ với khách nội địa mà còn với cả du khách quốc tế. Sapa là một thị trấn biên giới yên bình được biết như là đường đi bộ leo núi Hoàng Liên Sơn. Bởi thị trấn nằm ở độ cao 1500m so với mực nước biển và được bao quanh bởi các dãy núi, nó có thời tiết ôn hoà: vừa phải và có mưa vào mùa hè, lạnh và sương mù với vài đợt tuyết rơi vào mùa đông, làm cho khung cảnh trở nên vô cùng lãng mạn. Có nhiều dân tộc thiểu số cùng sống ở Sapa. Nhiều năm trước, kinh tế của thị trấn chủ yếu phụ thuộc vào nông nghiệp. Nhưng những năm gần đây người dân đã biết tận dụng du lịch để kiếm thêm thu nhập. Du khách có xu hướng tham gia vào phiên chợ huyện nơi mà rất nhiều mặt hàng được bán ra. Có rất nhiều đứa trẻ nhỏ nói tiếng anh trôi chảy cố gắng bán quà lưu niệm cho khách. Mọi người cũng nhìn thấy cả những bộ trang phục dân tộc bắt mắt được trang trí sặc sỡ. Có rất nhiều cảnh đẹp cho mục đích ngắm cảnh của du khách, như là Núi Hàm Rồng, Thác Bạc, Rừng trúc, Hang Tả Phìn, Thung lũng Mường Hoa,.. Đó đều là những cảnh đẹp tự nhiên là lí do chính cho du khách đến với Sapa. Nhờ vào những đặc điểm địa lí mà Sapa ngày càng thu hút được nhiều khách du lịch hơn. Kết lại, ít nhất một lần trong đời, hãy tận hưởng ở Sapa và bạn sẽ không phải thất vọng.

16 tháng 5 2020

dzô đc chết luền á

15 tháng 5 2020

Nói về một thành phố nói tiếng anh mà bạn, có nghĩa là người dân của thành phố đó dùng tiếng anh làm ngôn ngữ chính í, cũng như kiểu ngôn ngữ chính của chúng ta là tiếng việt í

22 tháng 3 2022

tham khảo

Hello everyone! I am very happy and proud to introduce my family. My family consists of 3 members, that is my parents and me. I don’t have any siblings. I would be happy if I had an older sister. My father’s name is Phong, 45 years old. My dad loves reading and drinking coffee in the morning. My mother’s name is Bich. She is a nurse, 39 years old this year. My mom especially loves to cook and my mom cooks really well. Every Sunday, I and my parents go out to play. We eat together and play games at the theme park. I am very happy to be with my parents. I love my family very much.

22 tháng 3 2022


chờ tí 

tầm 15 pt để dịch ra đã

30 tháng 3 2018

Viết một đoạn văn về thành phố Đà Lạt bằng tiếng Anh

1. One more summer to come. It won't be the same as the year before I go home. This year will be an interesting break with those delivered from my friend. We have put together a schedule. The first destination is Da Nang. we will stay there for about 4 days. Go BA NA Hills and some other places. Then on to nha trang. And the last stop is in Dalat. I think it is interesting and will certainly have a lot of memories. We will take a lot of pictures, enjoy the many delicacies and buy lots of souvenirs.Just thought it was funny thíhc. I hope ngỉ will take place during the fun and convenient.

2. Da Lat city is located in the center of the southern highlands. Da Lat city is famous as a cool, verdant environment as a park. You can stroll through the old French villas with magnificent, visit Bao Dai palace - summer residence of the last emperor - are imposing on a hill or valley to explore the full poem Love dream within a 5km from the city center to the north. Dalat is famous for the unique cafe and is a special favorite with tourists in the country and the couple went on their honeymoon.

3. Dalat is being the flower city. There have many flowers and the weather is cool. Dalat is famous for many beauty sport and fog. When you visit to Dalat you will fell comfortable. You should get up early at 5.00am that can go for a walk along Xuan Huong lake, and enjoy fresh air. You can go to the market buy some special-food such as strowbery, atiso, tea, coffee, souvenir or go shopping. If you are interested sightseeing you can visit to vallay of love, Mong Mo hill, Tuyen Lam lake, Than tho lake, Datala fallwater….etc. At night, you can go drink coffe in center city.On night Saturday and Sunday, you can come Hoa binh street where you can enjoy the foods in night market bean milks, egg, arca and baked snail or buy something.

30 tháng 3 2018

Seoul is the capital of Korea, the largest city in Korea, and its population is one of the largest in all over the world. More than half of the Korean population is concentrated here, and it makes Seoul a cultural and polial center of Korea. When anyone mentions Korea, a lot people immediately think of the K-pop music market and the internationally popular artists. If you are a big fan of K-pop, some big entertainment companies are unmissable places to visit. By stopping by there, we can see and buy idol-related products; and if we are lucky enough, we can meet and get their autographs when they come by the company. After meeting famous people, we can visit the palace or the historical museum of Korea. Besides sightseeing, eating is also important thing that we should do in Seoul. Seoul is home to almost every traditional Korean food such as kimchi, sky rice cakes, rice wine, soju etc. It is nothing more interesting than eating steak with a bowl of hot boiling kimchi soup, and enjoying some glasses of soju in Korea's cold weather. Besides, Seoul is also a city of sport since it hosted the Asian Games 1986, the 1988 Summer Olympics, and this was also one of the host cities of the 2002 World Cup. There are a lot of special things about Seoul that have not been mentioned yet, but it is still enough to see that Seoul is a lovely and worth-living city.