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11 tháng 7 2017

Of all the subjects taught in school, I like Geography best. It is the only subject which teaches me everything I need to know about the world we live in, for example, vegetation, way of life of people, climate, agriculture and economy.

I learn about the countries around Malaysia and in other parts of the world and, since I cannot visit and see for myself every country in the world, I get at least a good picture of these countries by studying Geography. I am very interested in finding out more about other countries especially those that experience snow when winter comes. I often wonder about the life of the people in these countries. What would it be like to be dressed in thick clothes and boots and living in snow-covered houses amidst fir trees? Then, there are the hot desert lands that stretch for miles and miles without a tree in sight. They, too, fascinate me. I marvel at the inhabitants who are able to tolerate the intense heat of the burning sun, traveling along miles of barren, hot land on camels where the only vegetation found would be the few palm trees growing at an oasis. The wide range of food which we enjoy daily such as butter, cheese, fruits, bread that comes from wheat and many others lead me on to find out how they are processed and imported into Malaysia and finally make their appearance in our homes.

As I study more in Geography, I understand better the changes in weather conditions, for example, why there are hot and dry seasons or cool rainy days during the monsoon season and how deserts are caused.

Dịch :

Trong tất cả các môn học được giảng dạy trong nhà trường, tôi thích môn Địa lý nhất. Bởi vì đó là chủ đề duy nhất mà dạy cho tôi tất cả những gì cần biết về thế giới chúng ta đang sống, ví dụ như thực vật, cách sống của con người, khí hậu, nông nghiệp và nền kinh tế , ...
Tôi tìm hiểu về các quốc gia trên toàn Malaysia và ở những nơi khác trên thế giới và, vì tôi không thể xem tận mắt tất cả các nước trên thế giới, tôi nhận được ít nhất một vài hình ảnh tốt của các nước này bằng cách nghiên cứu Địa lý. Tôi rất quan tâm đến việc tìm hiểu thêm về các nước khác đặc biệt là những trải nghiệm tuyết khi mùa đông đến. Tôi thường tự hỏi về cuộc sống của người dân ở các nước này. Nó sẽ như thế nào khi được mặc quần áo dày , làm việc và sinh sống trong những ngôi nhà phủ đầy tuyết giữa cây linh sam? Sau đó, có các vùng đất sa mạc nóng trải dài hàng dặm mà không cần cây cối trong tầm nhìn. Nó cũng mê hoặc tôi. Tôi ngạc nhiên trước những cư dân người có thể chịu đựng được nóng dữ dội của mặt trời như lửa đốt, đi du lịch cùng dặm cằn cỗi, đất nóng trên lạc đà nơi thảm thực vật chỉ tìm thấy sẽ là vài cây cọ phát triển tại một ốc đảo. Sự đa dạng của thực phẩm mà chúng ta được hưởng hàng ngày như bơ, pho mát, trái cây, bánh mì mà tạo ra từ lúa mì và nhiều người khác dẫn tôi để tìm hiểu cách thức chúng được xử lý và nhập khẩu vào Malaysia và cuối cùng là làm cho sự xuất hiện sản phẩm của họ trong nhà của chúng tôi.
Như tôi đã nghiên cứu nhiều hơn trong môn Địa lý, tôi hiểu rõ hơn về những thay đổi trong điều kiện thời tiết, ví dụ, tại sao có những mùa nóng và khô hoặc những ngày mưa mát mẻ trong mùa gió mùa và cách sa mạc đang gây ra .

。◕‿◕。 ☂ Sailor ♫๖ۣۜ Moon ≧❂◡❂≦。◕‿◕。 ☂ Sailor ♫๖ۣۜ Moon ≧❂◡❂≦

When I was in High school, my favorite subject was the Korean Literature. Most friends of mine used to fall asleep in the class because they felt the subject was boring and old-fashioned. However, my eyes were widened and I felt excited as the Literature class has started. I thought the subject was leading me to the new world that I had never experienced before in my life.
Through the reading of variety genre of the Literature, I could feel my ancestor's life and culture in the specific era. Especially in old poem, I noticed their values such as loyalty to the nation, religious attitudes influenced by shamanism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Moreover, people started to write an essay which is more narrative and descriptive based on their usual life. Through the reading, I could feel their sorrow, happiness and depicted love of nature and man. For me, it was fascinated to find out someone's feeling through out the short piece of the Literature.
As well as reading and analyzing others' masterpieces, my teacher, Mrs. Lee asked us to create some of the writing based on the characters of the Literature that we learned in the class. Sometime, I pretended to be a soldier who was filled with loyalty towards the Kingdom and described my emotions in the short poem. In addition, she made us to write a love letter to the main characters in the Literature. At the first time, students including me complained to the teacher because we were not familiar with the work. However, through the writing processing, I learned and practiced how to imagine other people's status and emotions.
Reading and writing process in the Korean Literature subject was one of my communication way to the world and history. I could access to various styles of Literature in different ages from old times to the modern ages. It always refreshed my thoughts and feelings during the school years.
Bài 5:
Of all the subjects taught in school, I like Geography best. It is the only subject which teaches me everything I need to know about the world we live in, for example, vegetation, way of life of people, climate, agriculture and economy.
I learn about the countries around Malaysia and in other parts of the world and, since I cannot visit and see for myself every country in the world, I get at least a good picture of these countries by studying Geography. I am very interested in finding out more about other countries especially those that experience snow when winter comes. I often wonder about the life of the people in these countries. What would it be like to be dressed in thick clothes and boots and living in snow-covered houses amidst fir trees? Then, there are the hot desert lands that stretch for miles and miles without a tree in sight. They, too, fascinate me. I marvel at the inhabitants who are able to tolerate the intense heat of the burning sun, traveling along miles of barren, hot land on camels where the only vegetation found would be the few palm trees growing at an oasis. The wide range of food which we enjoy daily such as butter, cheese, fruits, bread that comes from wheat and many others lead me on to find out how they are processed and imported into Malaysia and finally make their appearance in our homes.
As I study more in Geography, I understand better the changes in weather conditions, for example, why there are hot and dry seasons or cool rainy days during the monsoon season and how deserts are caused.

Dịch :

Khi tôi học trung học, chủ đề yêu thích của tôi là Văn học Hàn Quốc. Hầu hết những người bạn của tôi đã từng ngủ trong lớp bởi vì họ cảm thấy chủ đề là nhàm chán và lỗi thời. Tuy nhiên, mắt tôi mở to và tôi cảm thấy phấn khởi khi lớp Văn học bắt đầu. Tôi nghĩ chủ đề đó dẫn tôi đến thế giới mới mà tôi chưa bao giờ trải nghiệm trong cuộc đời mình.
Thông qua việc đọc các thể loại khác nhau của Văn học, tôi có thể cảm nhận cuộc sống và văn hoá của tổ tiên tôi trong thời đại cụ thể. Đặc biệt trong bài thơ cũ, tôi nhận thấy các giá trị của họ như lòng trung thành với đất nước, thái độ tôn giáo chịu ảnh hưởng của chủ nghĩa đế quốc, Phật giáo và Khổng giáo. Hơn nữa, mọi người bắt đầu viết một bài tiểu luận có tính mô tả và mô tả hơn dựa trên cuộc sống bình thường của họ. Thông qua việc đọc, tôi có thể cảm thấy nỗi buồn, hạnh phúc và miêu tả tình yêu của thiên nhiên và con người. Đối với tôi, nó đã được thu hút để tìm ra cảm giác của ai đó thông qua các đoạn văn ngắn của Văn học.
Cũng như đọc và phân tích những kiệt tác của người khác, giáo viên của tôi, bà Lee yêu cầu chúng tôi tạo ra một số bài viết dựa trên các nhân vật của Văn học mà chúng tôi đã học được trong lớp. Đôi khi, tôi giả vờ là một người lính đã tràn đầy lòng trung thành đối với Vương quốc và mô tả cảm xúc của tôi trong bài thơ ngắn. Thêm vào đó, cô làm cho chúng tôi viết một bức thư tình cho các nhân vật chính trong Văn chương. Lần đầu tiên, học sinh bao gồm cả tôi đã phàn nàn với giáo viên bởi vì chúng tôi không quen thuộc với công việc. Tuy nhiên, thông qua việc soạn thảo văn bản, tôi đã học và thực hành cách tưởng tượng tình trạng và cảm xúc của người khác.
Quá trình đọc và viết trong chủ đề Văn học Hàn Quốc là một trong những cách truyền thông của tôi đối với thế giới và lịch sử. Tôi có thể tiếp cận với các phong cách khác nhau của Văn học ở các độ tuổi khác nhau từ thời cổ đại đến thời đại hiện đại. Nó luôn luôn làm mới tư tưởng và cảm xúc của tôi trong những năm học.
Bài 5:
Trong tất cả các môn học được dạy ở trường, tôi thích Địa lý tốt nhất. Đây là chủ đề duy nhất dạy cho tôi mọi thứ tôi cần biết về thế giới chúng ta đang sống, ví dụ như thảm thực vật, lối sống của con người, khí hậu, nông nghiệp và kinh tế.
Tôi tìm hiểu về các quốc gia ở Malaysia và các nơi khác trên thế giới, và vì tôi không thể đến thăm và nhìn thấy bản thân mình trên mọi quốc gia trên thế giới, tôi ít nhất có được một bức tranh về những quốc gia này bằng cách nghiên cứu Địa lý. Tôi rất quan tâm đến việc tìm hiểu thêm về các quốc gia khác, đặc biệt là những người gặp tuyết vào mùa đông. Tôi thường tự hỏi về cuộc sống của người dân ở những nước này. Nó sẽ được mặc quần áo dày và giày dép và sống trong những căn nhà tuyết phủ giữa những cây linh sam? Sau đó, có các vùng đất sa mạc nóng trải dài hàng dặm và dặm mà không cần một cái cây trong tầm nhìn. Họ cũng vậy, mê hoặc tôi. Tôi ngạc nhiên trước những cư dân người có thể chịu đựng được nóng dữ dội của mặt trời đốt, đi du lịch cùng dặm cằn cỗi, đất nóng trên lạc đà nơi thảm thực vật chỉ tìm thấy sẽ là vài cây cọ phát triển tại một ốc đảo. Nhiều loại thực phẩm mà chúng ta thưởng thức hàng ngày như bơ, pho mát, trái cây, bánh mì từ lúa mỳ và nhiều người khác dẫn tôi tìm hiểu cách chế biến và nhập khẩu vào Malaysia và cuối cùng xuất hiện trong nhà của chúng tôi.
Khi tôi nghiên cứu nhiều hơn về Địa lý, tôi hiểu rõ hơn về những thay đổi về điều kiện thời tiết, ví dụ như tại sao có những mùa nóng và mùa khô hay những ngày mưa mát mẻ trong mùa mưa và mưa sa mạc.

9 tháng 10 2018

My favourite subject in school is English. It is quite easy and pleasant to study it. English is used in each field of life and it is useful to know it.

Most of web sides are in English. It is nice to be able to use such a sides yahoo, msn and english Wikipedia. I can get a lot of information and news, which are not available on polish sides.

I can use english books and magazines. Sometimes I to download e-books and magazines in pdf. It is effectively way to study English in home. Using English I can communicate with many peoples. I can use Skype and ICQ to talk and chat and get new contacts. I can use many applications and play games. I have used Windows XP and Office for two months and it was quite easy. Most of movies are in English. I to watch them without subtitles. If I can I always switch the polish dubbing off ? I hate it.

The last advantage to know English is I can talk with all people talking English. This holidays when I was in Gdańsk somebody asked all people: ?Do you speak English?? Everybody talked ?No? and ?Nie wiem o co chodzi.?. When she came to me and asked the question ?Do you speak English?? I could say ?Yes, how can I help you?? She told ?How can I get to the bus station?? I told ?Can you see this building? The station is behind it. Please go this way?. She smiled to me and walked away. I was happy that I could help.

As you can see English is useful in life. All of us study it in everyday situations and activities. The language is quite simple and logic. I use it all the time. This is why I English and it is my favourite subject in school

9 tháng 10 2018

Among many subjects student learns in school, I math the most. This is one of the compulsory subjects from primary to high school ad even university. Math teaches learner about numbers and operation. Being good at math brings us several advantages. Doing math exercise improves one’s brain and its brainstorm. Moreover, people learning math can think more logically and make up one mind. There are many subjects we can apply mathemas to solve the problem: economics, engineering and even business. Math is said to originate from ancient Greece and develop completely as today. In VN it’s an increasing number of mathemaal genius such as Ngo Bao Chau. Therefore, Vietnamese are very proud of it. In my opinion, every student should be good at math or at least learn it. Since human gain lots of achievement related to math, specifically in modern society.

Chúc bạn học tốt! Nhớ tk mình nhe!

31 tháng 12 2020

My favorite subject is the one that most students consider as boring, and it is History. A lot of my classmates even hate it since they have to remember a huge amount of information of people that they do not know. The textbooks are usually very thick, and they consist of events and people from a hundred or thousands of years from East to West. For me, those things are like the stories in the novels, but the difference is my textbooks are about true things. They tell me about the epic battles, the majestic kings and queens and their empires, the true meanings behind countless revolutions, the steps of humankind and many more. I feel like I am living the past just by reading books, and the textbooks are never enough for me. I love to collect historical books, and I always need to know a complete story about a certain event. For example, if I have a lesson about the discovery of America tomorrow, I will search online for more details that relating to it. It makes my teachers surprise sometimes, and most of them admit that it is very rare to meet a student who actually love and want to study History. People love to read fantasy books, but I choose to read about true events and characters. My friends learn the lessons by heart because they are forced to do that, but I remember them like my favorite stories. I want to be an archaeologist in the future, and my love for the past as well as History will company with me in that path.


31 tháng 12 2020

T​ham khảo

My favorite subject is Math, but people rarely believe that there is a student who actually loves Math. This is a quite easy subject at primary level, but I have to admit that it gets harder and harder through time. I had a struggling period with it before I could find the motivation and interest to study. I find it is not only useful, but it is like puzzles that I can find the joy once I solve them. Some students say that they cannot find any use of quadratic equation or complicated formulas in reality, but Math actually appears in many aspects in our life. It helps calculate and bring out the exact results, and we cannot construct anything without calculate the figures, or the amount of materials or the whole are. Besides, it also an useful assistant for some other subjects such as Physics and Chemical, and it helps us develop our logical thought. We can think faster and have better reaction with numbers thanks to Math. Whenever I go to the markets with my mom, I always help her to check whether the sellers take the right or wrong amount of money as well as the change. I meet it both in school and in my real life, so there is no wonder why I find it really necessary. In conclusion, I think Math is not just simply a subject that challenges the students, but it can actually help us in our daily life. I am so lucky to find this subject enjoyable, and I will always find joy in studying it.

10 tháng 2 2018

Playing exercise not only improves one health but also reduce stress. I choose to play badminton after a hard studying day. Badminton is a famous sport around the world. It is played by children, adult and even od people as it helps to exercise our muscles. Un football, badminton needs a smaller area of place to play. All the 2 players have to do is making the ball pass by a net until it drops on the ground. Although it seems to be easy, it requires lots of pracal skill and flexibility. Moreover, being good at badminton, one will be able to play other sport related to small ball such as table tennis. Nowadays, people tend to pay more attention to sports since it brings several physical and psychological benefits especially badminton. Besides, many high schools and universities teach badminton as a physical subject for students. In my opinion, everyone should take up badminton as a regular sports because of its advantages. Sport is necessary in modern society as human are going to be lazy.

Bản dịch
Tập luyện thể thao không những cải thiện sức khoẻ mà còn giảm căng thẳng. Tôi chọn cầu lông sau những ngày học tập mệt mỏi. Cầu lông là môn thể thao nổi tiếng toàn thế giới, nó được chơi bởi cả trẻ em, người lớn và kể cả người cao tuổi. bởi nó giúp rèn luyện cơ bắp. Không như bóng đá, cầu lông chỉ cần một khuôn viên nhỏ hơn để chơi. Hai người chơi phải lần lượt đưa cầu qua lưới cho đến khi cầu rơi xuống đất. Mặc dù khá dễ nhưng cũng cần nhiều kĩ năng thực hành và sự mềm dẻo. hơn nữa, giỏi cầu long chúng ta có thể dễ dàng chơi những trò chơi khác lien quan đến bóng như bóng bàn. Ngày nay người ta chú trọng nhiều đến thể thao hơn vì nó đem lại nhiều lợi ích về thể chất và tinh thần đqwjc biệt là cầu lông. Hơn nữa, nhiều trường học và đại học cũng dạy cầu lông cho học sinh. Theo tôi, mọi người nên chơi cầu lông thường xuyên bởi vì những lợi ích của nó. Thể thao rất cần thiết trong ã hội hiện đại bởi vì con người đang dần trở nên lười biếng hơn.

27 tháng 2 2019

I don't play badminton

25 tháng 2 2021

1Badminton is a racquet sport. People play it by using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. The most common forms of badminton are singles (with one player per side) or doubles (with two players per side). So there are two or four players. There are three games in a badminton match. A player wins a game when he/she scores 21 points first. A badminton match lasts for 45 to 75 minutes. To play badminton, people need racquets, a shuttlecock and a net.  Nhưng giờ tui mới viết thì bạn hc qua r :)

10 tháng 1 2022


My favorite sport is badminton. It is an individual and team sport. It can last about an hour and a half. It needs at least two players, maybe more. Unlike football, badminton just needs a smaller campus to play, it needs tools like rackets, balls, nets. The two players have to take turns sending the bridge over the network until it hits the ground. Although quite easy, it also takes a lot of practical and flexible skill. In addition, badminton also helps us to be healthy and train our muscles. I love it so much, I often play it on holidays because it makes me feel more at ease after hard study days.

10 tháng 1 2022

tick hộ mik nha

Olympia is one of my favorite TV show. This is a television knowledge contest for high school students. It is always shown on VTV 3 at 13 o'clock every Sunday. Candidates are the best students in the country. MC is quite charming and beautiful lady. The program also has a team of consultants who are experienced teachers. In the program, there are 4 competitions, which in turn is the start, the obstacle, accelerate and the goal. Every competition is very interesting and exciting, it requires students not only knowledge from books but also social knowledge. Contestants do not only have knowledge but also must have both brave and self-confidence. The students, parents go cheer for the contestants are very enthusias. In the contestants, competitor that I most is Lam Vu Tuan, he is very talented and funny. My biggest dream is to study well and paripate in the program compete for knowledge.

There are many sports, which are good for our health and popular over the world. Soccer is one of my favorite sports. It is played by two teams consisting of 11 people each team. The general rule is that the ball is kicked by leg and the players get score when having the ball in their goal post. Football is known as “king” among other sports. First, it improves integrity when applying several techniques to create strong power. Second, it not only reduces stress and bad cholesterol of body but also relaxes out spirit after a hard working day. My brother usually plays football every afternoon after work as he is in a local sport club. Moreover, football is not simply one kind of sport, it is an art because of the popularity. Since there is an increasing number of football team over the world such as: Manchester United, Barcelona, Arsenal with professional players. Although I am not able to play well, I love watching football matches as they are interesting and we can also learn from their technique. Furthermore, football is public concern as well as heated debate. Football is now popular through women, who are thought not able to play this kind of sport.

31 tháng 5 2019

 Bài làm 

My favorite sports is badminton .  I playing it because I think it is a good sport. I usually play badminton on Sunday.I always play with my friend, Ngoc. She is good at badminton.But I am not very good at this sport so when we play badminton  she hits the ball on my both sides. She makes me run and run, and I feel very tired. Sometimes I must jump high to hit the ball to the opposite side.Although this makes me tired, I still always practise because I will be healthier and fitter than before. Anyway, I think badminton is the best sport.

k cho mk nha !


                                                                                    Bài làm                                                                                                                         With English, I can understand more about different cultures. I love traveling and my dream is to visit England. That’s why I think it’s essential to master  English if I want to communicate with the local people. In many cities, parularly in Europe, English is almost an unofficial second language where expats and tourists make up a significant portion of the community.

Dịch : Nhờ Tiếng Anh, tôi có thể hiểu thêm về các nền văn hoá khác nhau. Tôi yêu thích du lịch và ước mơ của tôi là được đến thăm nước Anh. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi nghĩ cần phải thành thục tiếng Anh nếu bạn muốn giao tiếp với người dân địa phương. Ở nhiều thành phố, đặc biệt là ở châu Âu, tiếng Anh gần như là ngôn ngữ thứ hai không chính thức, nơi người nước ngoài và khách du lịch chiếm tỷ trọng đáng kể trong cộng đồng.              

My favorite subject is Math, but people rarely believe that there is a student who actually loves Math. This is a quite easy subject at primary level, but I have to admit that it gets harder and harder through time. I had a struggling period with it before I could find the motivation and interest to study. I find it is not only useful, but it is puzzles that I can find the joy once I solve them. Some students say that they cannot find any use of quadra equation or complicated formulas in reality, but Math actually appears in many aspects in our life. It helps calculate and bring out the exact results, and we cannot construct anything without calculate the figures,or the amount of materials or the whole are. Besides, it also an useful assistant for some other subjects such as Physics and Chemical, and it helps us develop our logical thought. We can think faster and have better reaction with numbers thanks to Math. Whenever I go to the markets with my mom, I always help her to check whether the sellers take the right or wrong amount of money as well as the change. I meet it both in school and in my real life, so there is no wonder why I find it really necessary. In conclusion, I think Math is not just simply a subject that challenges the students, but it can actually help us in our daily life. I am so lucky to find this subject enjoyable, and I will always find joy in studying it.

I love sports . I play sports at school and at home . I often go cycling with my friends at the weekend , I sometimes go swiming with my bother when the weather is warm . But my favourite sport is badminton . It is an individual sport or a team sport . It may last about 1:30 hours . There are two or four players . It must need some equipment such as rackets , shuttlecock  and net . I pratise playing badminton at the school club three times a week . At home when I have free time I often play badminton with my mother . I hope I will be a good badminton player in the future and I hope my dream will come true


Bài 1 : 

I badminton very much Every day I play badminton with my father and brother. I want to become a famous badminton player and play for my hometeam.And now, I am a badminton player for my school. We will have a contest with other school. I always pracites more and more to win and to be a player.

Bài 2 :

I love sports . I play sports at school and at home . I often go cycling with my friends at the weekend , I sometimes go swiming with my bother when the weather is warm . But my favourite sport is badminton . It is an individual sport or a team sport . It may last about 1:30 hours . There are two or four players . It must need some equipment such as rackets , shuttlecock  and net . I pratise playing badminton at the school club three times a week . At home when I have free time I often play badminton with my mother . I hope I will be a good badminton player in the future and I hope my dream will come true

Bài 3 :

Swimming has been my favourite sport since I was very small. I learnt to swim when I was just 5 years old. Swimming is a very popular sport; furthermore, it provides individuals with several physical and mental benefits. 

There are some reasons why swimming is popular. Firstly, swimming is a sport for all age groups; besides, it is a lifetime activity. People can learn to swim as young as 4 or 5 years old or as old as 60 or 70. All it takes is the right instruction and desire to get in the pool. Secondly, swimming is cheap. You don't have to spend much money on it. All you need is just a swimsuit that makes you feel comfortable and a goggle that keeps water from your eyes. Even though you have to buy an admission ket, it is not so expensive. Anyone can afford to go to swim. Finally, swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world.Besides its popularity, swimming is a good activity that provides individuals with several physical benefits. First of all, swimming is a movement through water using one's legs and arms that provides an all body workout. As all of your muscles are used during swimming, it is an excellent form of exercise. Moreover, swimming can also be very beneficial to your heart and lungs. After a few laps, swimming can Giúp you cool-down, move blood through your muscles to Giúp them recover. Swimming builds up muscle strength , so your body is kept in perfect shape.In addition to its physical benefits, swimming is also an effective way to relax. Swim with a very low effort, let your mind wander, focus on nothing but the rhythm of your stroke. This form of meditation can Giúp you gain a feeling of well-being. Furthermore, swimming is a wonderful recreational activity for you and your family. Swimming gives you a chance to be with your family or with some friends at the pool, or just to dip yourself in cool water. Spending hours at the pool on hot summer days is always my favourite pastime.In conclusion, swimming is not only popular, but it is also one of the best all body workout a person can do. Besides its physical benefits, swimming is also a great recreational sport giving you peace of mind to continue with your day. Swimming has numerous advantages over other exercises and if done consistently will keep you in shape for the long period of time.  

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