
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

23 tháng 12 2016

If you're always honest, a parent will be likely to believe what you say. If you sometimes hide the truth or add too much drama, parents will have a harder time believing what you tell them. If you lie, they'll find it hard to trust you.

My mother , she is the best woman in my life. I love her . I please her very much _because she create me and grow me up. She teach me how to become a good person. She always yell me(and that is the only thing i hate her ). But u know , she just take care of me. Every day , she always tell me that words :" Did you take your medicine ? Did you drink milk? Do you know what time is it now?..........." Yah ! If you are me , i think you 'll very tired. But i studied a lesson from a story that :" You are a happy child if you have mother and sad for who don't have mọther "
You'll tired when you listen to her words everyday.But please image one day you don't see her , dónt listen all her words.What will you feel.Yes you feel : I never love her than now.

I love my mother very much too. But I can't stand her when she gets angry. And the reasons were so stupid. It makes me angry too. Such as yesterday, she had me iron her clothes for her to work, and I did it. I played game and studied english late at night - about 11h30 or 12h30. She only see me when I play but she don't see me study, and she shout at me. At that time I knew my mistake so I didn't answer anything. But this morning, she shout at me that I had not iron the clothes well, and some of them were not ironed. I got angry soon because it took me more than 10 mins yesterday to iron them. there r five shirts, but I only ironed 4 'cos she had brought one downstair before I take them to iron. And it was not all my mistake, I answered angrily and went to school quickly after 5s. And she always shouts at me 'cos I'm not wake up by myself but in fact, I always wake up by myself because I always set up the clock before going to bed. Just sometimes I'm too tired and I want to have more 5mins to sleep....
But she is still my mother and I still love her.

16 tháng 12 2016

các bạn viết ngắn thôi để mình học thuộc nhanh để thi tiếng anh nói các bạn nhé


28 tháng 11 2021

Dài lắm  mk ko viết được

26 tháng 10 2021

Hôm nay, trời oi ả rồi chuyển đông. Từng mảng mây đen kéo đến che kín mặt trời. Không gian một màu xám xịt. Thế rồi, cơn mưa rào ập đến.

Một làn gió mạnh thổi qua. Cây côi ngả nghiêng, lay chuyển. Mặt đất như rùng mình bởi những cơn gió lốc, cát bụi bay mù mịt. Trời như giận dữ, sấm chớp nhóa nhòa. Sau đó là những tiếng sét dữ dội như muốn xé nát bầu trời. Một vài giọt nước lăn xuống từ những mái hiên, những cành cây, kẽ lá. Rồi một hồi, hạt mưa nặng dần ùn ùn lao xuống, xối xả trên sân nhà, mái ngói, ngọn cây... Những chiếc lá lúc đầu còn hớn hở nhưng sau đó lại run rẩy, sợ sệt. Chúng ủ rủ bàn chuyện sắp phải lìa cành, phải chênh chếch bay nghiêng. Những chú chim ngật ngưỡng bay đi tìm chỗ trú. Mặc sức, mưa vẫn ào ào trút xuống, giọt ngả, giọt bay. Nước đọng từng vũng trắng xóa rồi ào ào kéo nhau đổ vào rãnh công. Ngoài đường đã vắng người qua lại, chỉ có những mái hiên hai bên đường là đông đúc người. Kẻ ngồi, người đứng, có người thì khúm núm trong bộ quần áo ướt lỗ chỗ. Mọi người trú mưa có vẻ nôn nao, mắt đăm đăm nhìn ra đường và như thầm mong mưa ngớt hạt. Cũng có người rạp mình trên xe vun vút phóng qua, quần áo ướt sũng. Hai bên lề đường, trẻ em chạy nhảy tung tăng, chúng đá bóng, tắm mưa mới đầu mùa.

Thế rồi, màn mây xám xịt trên cao cũng phải trôi dạt về một phương, những mảng trời xanh thấp thoáng lộ ra. Mưa ngớt dần rồi tạnh hẳn. Những tia nắng mừng rỡ rọi xuống vạn vật. Hoa lá lại vươn lên đón ánh mặt trời. Từ những chỗ trú mưa, mọi người lại đố’ ra đường. Tiếng "leng keng" của những người đi bán hàng rong lại khua lên giòn giã.

Ôi! Cơn mưa mùa hạ đã giúp cho cảnh vật tươi mát. Hoa lá, cây cỏ như vừa được tắm gội và được ánh mặt trời sưởi ấm. Chúng tràn ngập niềm hạnh phúc sau cơn mưa đầu mùa. Mưa giúp ích cho mọi người, giúp ích cho nhà nông.

23 tháng 11 2021

bạn ơi đoạn văn chứ không phải bài văn nha!!

23 tháng 7 2018

School uniform is elegant clothes, polite and tidy. Uniforms usually consist of pants and shirt, or pants and skirts. Uniforms quite simple, it's just a white shirt, the contour may be checkerboard motifs to make the shirt is not too simple. As for the pants, the black or dark blue jeans. If the dress will be mini-skirts to the knee, checkerboard patterns, horizontal, veral ... I love school uniforms because it is though simple but very elegant, suitable for any age. Uniform makes me feel I'm at home.

1 tiếng để nghĩ và viết k mk

bạn tham khảo nhé 

There are four people in my family – my parents, my little sister and I. I love them all, but my favorite one is my mother. Her name is Mai, and she is 42 years old at the moment. She works as a manager at a furniture store, therefore she is quite busy. She leaves home at 7 and a half in the morning after making breakfast for the whole family, and she usually comes home late in the evening. She is a beautiful woman with an ideal height, long curly hair and a pair of big round eyes. However, because she spends too much time and effort on her work, she starts to have some signs of old aging such as small wrinkles and freckles on her skin. Since she has to work with many employees, she usually has a serious look on her face, and her voice is a little bit loud. However, she is actually a very nice and outgoing person. She always tries to help the staffs with their work, and she is very devoted to her job. At home, she talks to us in a more gentle voice, and there are very few times when she scolds us. She rarely has time to relax and take care of herself, but some of her favorite things to do when she has any spare time are reading novels, watching roman movies, and chatting with us. I know she works under a lot of pressures, so I always talks to her about funny and interesting things at my school, and she seems to enjoy my stories very much. My mother is such a great woman when she can be both a good supervisor and a good mother. I love her a lot, and she is my goal to strive for my future.


I live in an extended family with a lot of people, and my mother has a big responsibility to take care of us. She is 39 years old, and she has medium height with short black hair. She is a little bit chubby, and her bright skin also makes her look younger than her real age. My father is too busy with his work, so my mother has to spend a lot of effort to make sure everything in the house is fine. Every morning, she wakes up at 6 and a half to prepare breakfast for the rest of us; and when we all leave for work or school; she starts to do the house chores as well as cooks lunch. Despite cooking while doing many other things, her food is always delicious and various, and we all come home to eat with her before leaving again. She loves to take a short nap in the afternoon, and this is some little time for her to relax and regain energy. She is a joyful and gentle person. When we gather at dinner, she is the one that brings the warm and happy atmosphere for all of us. My mother is the best mother that one can ever find, and I cannot imagine my life without her.

21 tháng 5 2021

à , nhỏ đó lớp 1 nhoa

21 tháng 5 2021

mihf bít nó con linh là bạn mình

16 tháng 9 2017




16 tháng 9 2021

                                                                                           bài làm

Nhìn từ xa, công viên như một khu vườn lớn chìm trong màn sương trắng. Công viên được bao bọc bởi những cây cao, vòm lá xum xuê, trồng thẳng tắp. Dưới gốc cây, những bồn hoa được cắt tỉa cẩn thận, chia công viên thành những ô bàn cờ với nhiều lối đi lát gạch men. Mặt trời bừng lên, chiếu những tia nắng hồng, xua tan màn sương, đểlại trên lá cây những hạt sương to long lanh như những hạt ngọc. Một chú chim chào mào có gù lông màu vàng nghệ, từ đâu bay đến, đậu trên cành hoa sứ hót lên một hồi lanh lảnh rồi vụt bay đi. Chim trong các vòm cây hoạ theo tiếng hót, công viên chợt rộn rã tiếng chim. Nghiêng mình nghe chim hót, những nàng hồng hé cánh hoa, phô sắc áo màu đỏ thẫm. Nụ hoa he hé toả hương dịu dàng. Công viên buổi sáng đẹp lung linh, diễm lệ.

hok tốt nha bạn

16 tháng 9 2021

Nhìn từ xa, công viên như một khu vườn lớn chìm trong màn sương trắng. Công viên được bao bọc bởi những cây cao, vòm lá xum xuê, trồng thẳng tắp. Dưới gốc cây, những bồn hoa được cắt tỉa cẩn thận, chia công viên thành những ô bàn cờ với nhiều lối đi lát gạch men. Mặt trời bừng lên, chiếu những tia nắng hồng, xua tan màn sương, đểlại trên lá cây những hạt sương to long lanh như những hạt ngọc. Một chú chim chào mào có gù lông màu vàng nghệ, từ đâu bay đến, đậu trên cành hoa sứ hót lên một hồi lanh lảnh rồi vụt bay đi. Chim trong các vòm cây hoạ theo tiếng hót, công viên chợt rộn rã tiếng chim. Nghiêng mình nghe chim hót, những nàng hồng hé cánh hoa, phô sắc áo màu đỏ thẫm. Nụ hoa he hé toả hương dịu dàng. Công viên buổi sáng đẹp lung linh, diễm lệ.

23 tháng 1 2019

In the life of every human being, we must always have friends who help us overcome difficulties and side by side when having fun and sad things. I am not an exception, there is also a close friend who always shares and helps me when I have difficulties. Kha - that's my best friend's name.

Kha this year is her age, also ten years old. Kha has white skin chicken eggs peeled and slim figure. When you come to class, you will be neatly dressed in a white uniform with black pants, and long hair will be neatly tied behind your neck. Kha has a plump face and talking eyes. Your eyes are big and sparkling with a smile always curved a crescent moon, it is knowing how to laugh, sharing every time you are sad and cheering whenever you have fun. The voice of Kha is as clear as the sound of a golden bird every morning, so don't assume that the voice will be sour. Because that voice is very inspiring and extremely attractive. Kha often tells us the ghost stories she knows, with an attractive thrilling voice, which always makes us scream every time we reach the climax. In exchange for a small laugh, it was the frightened face of our children.

Honestly, I did not Kha at first because people who were good at school and good at singing also sang well. Not only that, my parents are very arrogant in comparison with Kha, so I feel very frustrated and embarrassed because no child s to be compared to their friends by their parents, especially while the child He doesn't that girl anymore. And maybe I will still hate Kha so if it doesn't happen that time.

That day was a cold winter morning, every wind whistled in the window and made me tremble. Somehow, the afternoon before I was still healthy, I ran from the field to the end of the game playing a chase with my brother who got sick the next day. I was tired and opened my eyes wide, staring at the dark gray sky outside the doorway, thinking of a way to go to class without disturbing anyone. In the winter, I turned into a lazy sleeper, so I was always the one who woke up late. My parents often have breakfast with my brother and go to school and go to work as a child so I will have breakfast later and go to school myself. If not today, my brother's school will be volunteering, so I have to leave early, otherwise I will not let you go to school this. I was about to step down from the bed when I was headache, when I heard the sound of Hope coming from outside:
- Lan, you don't go now that you're late to learn!

I want to tell her loudly that I am sick but my words can't get out of my throat. Waiting for me to see no one responding, I saw that my house's light was on, and she entered the house curiously, not forgetting the sentence: "I beg your permission." Entering her room, she panicked and ran in, touching her face and touching her forehead:
- You have a fever, why don't you call me in, where are your parents, where is your brother?
- Dad ... mom ... I ... go to work. Also ... and my brother went to volunteer ... cough ..
- Have you eaten breakfast yet? Then there is a medicine in your house, so I'll just go and get it.

Looking at the form of its fever and anxiety, I was surprised, so long ago I thought that Kha did not me, but when I was sick, I was so worried. Naturally I feel I'm a bad friend, don't realize how good Kha is but just follow my own thoughts and hate you. I was embarrassed to receive help from you and was happy to have a good friend Kha. After cooking porridge for you to eat, you also help me take medicine and call for permission for both of us to take a break because taking care of you has made you late for school.

From that day on, Kha also went to the house to give lessons to me, so that I could catch up with my friends when I went back to school without the help of tutors or teachers. Although I used to play and neglect my homework but after the memory, I paid more attention and improved my score, so my teachers and my parents were very happy. It was all thanks to the devotion of Kha, the end of the first semester, and we were ranked in the top 10 of the class and praised by the teachers as a couple of friends!
I really love my best friend and hope that our friendship will also tighten over time so that I can save my childhood memories when I'm with friends and family.

k mình nha!!

23 tháng 1 2019

My best friend is Lan Anh.She is shoter than me. She has a long hair and beautiful.She is very beautiful,too.Her eyes is round and black .Her favourite subject is Art and her favourite sport is tennis. Every day, she is skipping with me and Ly.We are nine years old. Her birthday is on the third of November.Lan Anh is my best friend.