
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
16 tháng 9 2023

1. Should we report bullying to teachers  or speak to our parents first? 

(Chúng ta nên báo cáo hành vi bắt nạt với giáo viên hay nói chuyện với cha mẹ trước?)

2. Is this social awareness campaign about poverty  or crime? 

(Đây có phải là chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức xã hội về nghèo đói hay tội phạm không?)

3. Have you ever experienced any physical , verbal , or social bullying? 

(Bạn đã bao giờ bị bắt nạt về thể chất, lời nói hoặc xã hội chưa?)

4. Do you worry about peer pressure , body shaming , or bullying? 

(Bạn có lo lắng về áp lực của bạn bè, sự xấu hổ về cơ thể hoặc bắt nạt không?)

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives. Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine 'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at...
Đọc tiếp

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives.

Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine

'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at seven o'clock every morning, but I don't get quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the too and I brush my-teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I don'y eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, it's always the same.'

Routines are very useful. but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different route to work. Eat something different for brealfast. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life.

1. This passage is mainly concerned with...............................

a.our usual ways of doing things

b. our daily activities

c. Jo's timetable

d. changes in our lives

2. according to the passage, routines are useful because.........................

a. we can do them in the morning

b. they make a habit of never thinking

c. they save time and energy

d. we all have them in our lives

3. the word 'loo' in line 9 can best be replaced with.....................

a. balcony

b. bedroom

c. sink

d. toilet

4.what is the main disadvantage of routines?

a. Routines make us unable to create things or to have new ideas

b. Routines may change our life

c. Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing

d. Routines make us do the same things day after day

5. which of the sentences is true?

a. Routines make our brain creative

b.people who have routines are unable to think

c. we shouldn'r break our routines

d. our lives could be changed if we change our routines

7 tháng 9 2023

1. up

2. down

3. up

4. down

16 tháng 9 2023

1. Is this an example of negative peer pressure  or bad decision-making? 

(Đây có phải là một ví dụ về áp lực tiêu cực từ bạn bè hoặc việc ra quyết định tồi không?)

2. Have you ever experienced physical  or verbal bullying? 

(Bạn đã bao giờ bị bạo lực ngôn từ hoặc thể xác chưa?)

3. Is the most serious issue cutting down trees , hunting wild animals , or littering? 

(Vấn đề nghiêm trọng nhất là chặt cây, săn bắt động vật hoang dã hay xả rác?)

4. ls your awareness campaign going to focus on social issues , environmental problems, or educational themes? 

(Chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức của bạn có tập trung vào các vấn đề xã hội, vấn đề môi trường hay chủ đề giáo dục không?)

5. Cutting down forests is destroying the earth's ecosystems, isn‘t it?  Governments should stop deforestation.

(Chặt phá rừng đang phá hủy hệ sinh thái của trái đất phải không? Các chính phủ nên chấm dứt nạn phá rừng.)

6. You have been to Cuc Phuong National Park, haven’t you?  - No, I haven't. 

(Bạn đã từng đến vườn quốc gia Cúc Phương phải không? - Chưa, tôi chưa từng đến.)

7. Buying products made from wild animals ls not good, isn’t it?  We shouldn’t do it.

(Mua các sản phẩm làm từ động vật hoang dã là không tốt phải không? Chúng ta không nên làm điều đó.)

8. People don’t want to harm the environment, do they?  But they do so little to protect it, don’t they? 

(Mọi người không muốn làm hại môi trường phải không? Nhưng họ làm quá ít để bảo vệ nó phải không?)

16 tháng 9 2023

1. I can’t find my key. You will helo me find it, won't you?  

(Tôi không thể tìm thấy chìa khóa của mình. Bạn sẽ giúp tôi tìm nó, phải không?)

2. People have destroyed so many forests, haven’t they? 

(Con người đã phá hoại nhiều rừng quá phải không?)

3. I haven't been to Yellowstone. I think it’s a farnous natural park in the USA, isn’t it? 

(Tôi chưa từng đến Yellowstone. Tôi nghĩ rằng đó là một công viên tự nhiên xa xôi ở Hoa Kỳ, phải không?)

4. I don‘t know much about Sam. He didn't graduate from university, did he? 

(Tôi không biết nhiều về Sam. Anh ấy không tốt nghiệp đại học phải không?)

10 tháng 9 2023

1. I can’t find my key. You will helo me find it, won't you?  

2. People have destroyed so many forests, haven’t they? 

3. I haven't been to Yellowstone. I think it’s a farnous natural park in the USA, isn’t it? 

4. I don‘t know much about Sam. He didn't graduate from university, did he? 

I. Circle the word that is pronounced differently from the others. 1. bear leave peace cheap 2. near here ear meat 3. hair chair rain air 4. tour pour four thought 5. gulf hunt sure current II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. challenged discoveries overcome investigating contribution covered conservation entrapment maintained migrate 1. Scientists have made many important new.......... of the depth by using modern devices. 2. Community police have made a very positive...
Đọc tiếp

I. Circle the word that is pronounced differently from the others.
1. bear leave peace cheap
2. near here ear meat
3. hair chair rain air
4. tour pour four thought
5. gulf hunt sure current
II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
challenged discoveries overcome investigating contribution
covered conservation entrapment maintained migrate
1. Scientists have made many important new.......... of the depth by using modern devices.
2. Community police have made a very positive ................to crime prevention.
3. This new discovery traditional beliefs. Some whales are known to.............into warm
waters to bear their calves.
5. Seventy-five percent of the earth surface is .............by water.
6. Unless the biodiversity were.............marine life would be at stake.
7. Scientists are.....................how the crash occurred.
8. Sperm whale populations are at risk due to hunting and their accidental in
..............fishing nets.
9. What can I do to.................my fear of flying?
10. The government has just set up a wildlife....................project.
III. Choose the word or phrase that could best explain the underlined word or phrase
in each sentence.
1. If modern technology did not exist, we would never have such precious information.
A. valuable B. precise C. confidential D. detailed
2. Some marine animals are dangerous to humans.
A. living in the mountain B. living in the ocean
C. living in the forest D. living in the house
3. The floor was covered in tiny pieces of paper.
A. unimportant B. many C. very large D. extremely small
4. Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores.
A. animals that live in the sea B. animals that only eat plants
C. fish that aren't born from eggs D. animals that eat meat
5. We enjoyed the warm water of the Gulf of Thailand.
A. a small sea
B. a large area of ocean almost surrounded by land
C. a part of the sea enclosed by a wide curve of the shore
D. a large area of water surrounded by land
IV. Complete these sentences with should/ shouldn't + infinitive (or a passive form)
using one of these verbs: include, keep, meet, refrigerate-ate, stay, break, tell, warn,
take, play.
1. Those boys ................... football on the street. It's very dangerous.
2. This medicine ................... in a cool place.
3. You...............him about this deal. It's supposed to be absolutely confidential.
4. Here's someone you really .....................

5. She................. in bed all day unless she's ill.
6. According to the label, the jam................ after opening.
7. You'll catch cold if you go out like that. I think you ...........a hat.
8. People ................of the danger of swimming off this beach.
9. This information you send ............. details of courses taken at university.
10. People ....................their promises.
V. Give advice to the following people. Use I think ... should or I don't think ... should
and one of these phrases.
go to the dentist take them back to the shop
tell your bank wait
go to work tell them to buy fruit
drive be more careful
write to people work so hard
1. Kate is crying because I knocked her over. We were playing a game.
2. Peter's got a very bad colD.
3. Ann's phone bill was enormous! Three hundred pounds!
4. Keith wants to drive home, but he hasn't got his glasses.
5. I've lost my cheque book and credit cards.
6. My children spend all their pocket money on sweets.
VI. Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional.
1. Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast.
If Alan cite breakfast, he wouldn't overeat at lunch.
2. I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself.
3. I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded.
4. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
5. The wind is blowing harD. so I won't take the boat out for a ride.
6. Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map.
7. I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary.
8. Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems.
VII. Choose the correct completion.
1. I'm not an astronaut. If I...........an astronaut, I ................. my camera with me on the
rocket ship.


A. am/ will take B. was/ would take
C. were/ had taken D. was/ would have taken
2. Don't throw aerosol into a fire. An aerosol .......... if you ................ it into a fire.
A. will be exploded/ throw B. would explode/ threw
C. explodes/ will .throw D. can explode/ throw
3. That sounds like a good offer. I.................it if I................you.
A. had accepted/ were B. will accept/ am
C. would accept/ were D. accepted' were
4. Nora is using my car right now. If she................ it back in time. Your welcome to
borrow it.
A. brought .B. would bring C. will bring D. brings
3. If energy ......................inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be
A. is B. was C. had been D. would be
5. If you ............... all of my questions, I ...................... anything to help you.
A. don't answer/ can't do B. didn't answer/ won't do
C. wouldn't answer/ can't do B. wouldn't answer/ couldn't do
4. If I ................... wings,....................... take an airplane to fly home.
A. have/ won't have to B. had/ wouldn't have
C. have/ will have to D. had/ didn't have to
5. 'Here's my phone' number.
'Thanks, I ................you a call if I .................... some help.
A. will give/ will need B. would give/ needed
C. give/ need D. will give/ need
6. If we .......................serious about pollution, we ...................... more money on research.
A. had been/ spent B. were/ had spent
C. were/ would spend D. are/ will spend
7. Sea water is salty. If the oceans.................of fresh water, there ............. plenty of water
to irrigate all of the deserts in the worlD.
A. consisted/ would be B. consisted/ were
C. would consist/ could be D. consist/ will be

23 tháng 4 2020

bạn làm bài II đi

23 tháng 4 2020

mình đã tách từng bài ra rồi á~

8 tháng 9 2023

1. Could you show me the way to the Museum of History? 

2. What do you want to see during the festival? 

3. How about going on a boat trip this weekend? 

4. I want to go to a vocational school after finishing secondary school. 

5. Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 

6. Why don’t you join the cooking classes? 

7. During my trip, I visited a historic monument, an ancient pagoda, and an old village. 

8. Are you good at time management? 


Pronunciation 1. A. machine B.shrill C.sugar D.slide 2. A.splt B.splay C.splash D.splatter 3. A.sprite B.spring C.sprint D.sprinkle 4. A.shrill B.shrimp C.shrine D.shrink 5. A.split B.splinter C.splint D.splice 6. A. primitive B. particular C. continuous D. connected 7. A. amount B. mental C. dependence D. opinion 8. A. section B. grammar C. unsuccessful D. demonstrate 9. A. harvest B. circumstances C. produce D. ceremony 10. A. research B. ability C....
Đọc tiếp
Pronunciation 1. A. machine B.shrill C.sugar D.slide 2. A.splt B.splay C.splash D.splatter 3. A.sprite B.spring C.sprint D.sprinkle 4. A.shrill B.shrimp C.shrine D.shrink 5. A.split B.splinter C.splint D.splice 6. A. primitive B. particular C. continuous D. connected 7. A. amount B. mental C. dependence D. opinion 8. A. section B. grammar C. unsuccessful D. demonstrate 9. A. harvest B. circumstances C. produce D. ceremony 10. A. research B. ability C. companion D. understand Multiple choice 1. She was the last applicant_______. A. to interview B. to be interviewing C. to be interviewed D. to have interviewed 2. I'm hungry. Is there any food_______? A. to be eaten B. for me eating C. eating D. to eat 3. English is an important language_______. A. to master B. for us to master C. which we have to master D. All are correct 4. "What's all that noise about?" "We had a bad accident_______at the factory." A. happening B. happened C. happen D. has happened 5. I wrote to the company_______the them for a catalogue. A. asking B. demanding C. enquiring D. applying 6. I have heard nothing from him since_______. A. he had left B. he leaves C. he has left D. he left 7. Lack of rain early in the season means that the field_______a poor crop. A. surrendered B. yielded C. generated D. suffered 8. Can you find any_______equipment in this department? A. electric B. electrified C. electrical D. electricity 9. You cannot grow crops on_______land. A. exhaustion B. exhaust C. exhausting D. exhausted Error Identification 1. The world's rain forests are being cut down at the rate on 3,000 acres per hour. A B C D 2. Many scientists fear that the earth will run out essential natural resources before the end of the 20th century. A B C D 3. Because much species of plants and animals in Hawaii are threatened withe xtinction within a short period of time, scientists are A B C tryingdesperately to rescue them. D 4. Her many friends,among who I like to be considered, gave her encouragement .A B C D Gap filling There is now increasing concern about the world's energy_______(1), particularly about those involving fossil_______(2). In less than a hundred years we shall probably_______(3) all the present_______(4) of oil and gas. The world's coal_______(5) should last longer but,once used, these cannot be_______(6). It isimportant, therefore, that we should develop such_______(7) sources of energy as solar energy as well as water and wind_______(8), (classed as_______(9) energy). Until these energy_______(10) are widely used, itis important for developed countries to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. 1. A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials 2. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies 3. A. end B. compete C. total D. exhaust 4. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources 5. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents 6. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced 7. A. traditional B. alternative C. revolutionary D. surprising 8. A. force B. strength C. power D. motion 9. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous 10. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials Word forms 1. He's just bought a car with_____________________operated windows. (electric) 2. The railway line was_____________________in the 1950s. (electric) 3.___________________is the process of changing something so that it worksby______________. (electric) 4. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly, those are thetow______________. (alter) 5. Gas and oil_________________always increases in cold weather. (consume) 6. Health-concious________________want more information about the food they buy.(consume) 7. We should pay more attention to renewable sources of energy such as wind and___________power. (sun) 8. We are doing our best with the_________________resources available. (limit) 9. ___________________damage threatens the whole of civilization. (environment) 10. The weather_____________________improved. (gradual) Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition 1. Zoology is more closely related___________biology than it is to botany. 2. Are you interested___________working with them? 3. I certainly hope that David is aware___________all the problems imvolved. 4. Mr. Minh is responsible___________hiring and firing employees. 5. Bred is capable___________doing better work than he's doing at the present. Reduce the relative clauses to participle phrases 1. I don't like people who arrive late. I........................................................................................................................................................ 2. I live in the house which was built a century ago. I......................................................................................................................................................... 3.The people who work here are very interesting. The..................................................................................................................................................... 4. The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful. The..................................................................................................................................................... 5. I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive. I......................................................................................................................................................... 6. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? Do....................................................................................................................................................... Rewrite the following sentences,using infinitive phrase 1. We had a river in which we could swim. We...................................................................................................................................................... 2. My brother is the only one that realized the danger. My...................................................................................................................................................... 3. He is always the first that comes and the last that goes. He....................................................................................................................................................... 4. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the island. The..................................................................................................................................................... Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clause 1. The last person to be interviewed yesterday was Jack. The............................................................................................................................................... 2. Valentine was the first woman to fly into space. Valentine...................................................................................................................................... 3. The only person to remain in the classroom was Peter. The............................................................................................................................................... 4. Is there any place for us to stay tonight? Is................................................................................................................................................... 5. This is the second person to be killed in that way. This......................................................................................................................................