
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

17 tháng 8 2018


Kiến thức: So sánh hơn

Giải thích:

Phía sau đã có “the size” nên việc dùng “large” là không cần thiết, ngoài ra A, D cần phải có mệnh đề quan hệ thì mới đúng ngữ pháp => A, D loại

“than” không bao giờ đứng trước “more” => C loại

Tạm dịch: Lãnh thổ Louisiana, một khu vực rộng hơn bốn lần diện tích của Pháp, đã được mua bởi Hoa Kỳ từ Pháp với giá 15.000.000 đô la vào năm 1803.

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

Which of the following is NOT given in the passage as one of the provisions of the Great Compromise?

A. There would be only one national executive

B. The President would be elected by popular vote

C. Each state would have two senators

D. Congress would be divided into two bodies

21 tháng 2 2018

Đáp án là B

Ý nào không được đề cập trong bài đọc như là một trong những điều khoản của Thương thuyết lớn?

A.Sẽ chỉ có một lãnh đạo cấp cao quốc gia

B. Tổng thống sẽ được bầu chọn bằng bầu cử phổ thông.

C. Mỗi bang sẽ có hai thượng nghị sĩ

D. Quốc hội sẽ được chia thành hai phần.

Dẫn chứng: They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

According to the passage, in 1787 which of the following states had FEWEST people?

A. Virginia 

B. Delaware 

C. New York

D. New Jersey

14 tháng 1 2019

Đáp án là B

Theo bài đọc, năm 1787 bang nào có ít người nhất


B. Dealaware

C. New York

D. New Jersey

Dẫn chứng: Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43. Accidents do not occur at random. People eighty-five years of age and older are twenty-two times likely to die accidentally than are children five to nine years old. The risk for native Americans is four times that for Asian-Americans and twice that for white Americans or African-Americans. Males suffer accidents at more than twice the rate of...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

Accidents do not occur at random. People eighty-five years of age and older are twenty-two times likely to die accidentally than are children five to nine years old. The risk for native Americans is four times that for Asian-Americans and twice that for white Americans or African-Americans. Males suffer accidents at more than twice the rate of females, in part because they are more prone to risky behavior. Alaskans are more than three times as likely as Rhode Islanders to die in an accident. Texans are twenty-one times more likely than New Jerseyites to die in a natural disaster. Among the one hundred most populous counties, kern County, California (Bakersfield), has an accident fatality rate three times greater than Summit County, Ohio (Akron).

Accidents happens more often to poor people. Those living in poverty receive inferior medical care, are more apt to reside in houses with faulty heating and electrical systems, drive older cars with fewer safety features, and are less likely to use safety belts. People in rural areas have more accidents than city or suburban dwellers because farming is much riskier than working in a factory or office and because emergency medical services are less readily available. These two factors – low income and rural residence – may explain why the south has a higher accident rate than the north.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for a higher accident rate among the poor?

A. Little knowledge about safety

B. Inadequate medical services

C. Poor housing and working conditions

D. Use of cars which incorporate fewer safety features

13 tháng 11 2018

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

Giải thích:

Điều nào dưới đây KHÔNG được đề cập như là một lý do cho việc tỷ lệ gặp tai nạn cao hơn ở người nghèo?

A. Thiếu sự hiểu biết về an toàn

B. Thiếu các dịch vụ y tế

C. Điều kiện sinh hoạt và làm việc kém

D. Sử dụng những chiếc ô tô được tích hợp ít tính năng an toàn hơn

Thông tin: Those living in poverty receive inferior medical care (B. Inadequate medical services), are more apt to reside in houses with faulty heating and electrical systems (C. Poor housing and working conditions), drive older cars with fewer safety features (D. Use of cars which incorporate fewer safety features), and are less likely to use safety belts.

Tạm dịch: Những người sống nghèo khổ nhận được dịch vụ y tế kém, thường ở trong những ngôi nhà có lỗi về hệ thống sưởi hoặc điện, lái những chiếc xe cũ hơn với ít tính năng an toàn hơn, và ít dùng dây an toàn hơn.

Chọn A

Dịch bài đọc:

Tai nạn không xảy ra ngẫu nhiên. Người từ 85 tuổi trở lên có khả năng chết do tai nạn cao hơn 21 lần so với trẻ em 5-9 tuổi. Nguy cơ cho người Mĩ bản địa gấp 4 lần người Mĩ gốc Á và 2 lần người Mĩ da trắng hoặc người Mĩ gốc Phi. Nam giới chịu tỉ lệ tai nạn cao hơn 2 lần nữ giới, một phần vì họ có xu hướng thực hiện các hành vi mang tính rủi ro nhiều hơn. Người Alaska có khả năng chết do tai nạn gấp 3 lần người ở Rhode Island. Người Texas có tỉ lệ chết trong thảm họa tự nhiên nhiều hơn người New Jersey 21 lần. Trong 100 hạt đông dân nhất, hạt Kern, California (Bakerfield) có tỉ lệ tử vong gấp 3 lần hạt Summit, Ohio (Akron).

Tai nạn xảy ra thường xuyên hơn đối với người nghèo. Những người sống nghèo khổ nhận được dịch vụ y tế kém, thường ở trong những ngôi nhà có lỗi về hệ thống sưởi hoặc điện, lái những chiếc xe cũ hơn với ít tính năng an toàn hơn, và ít dùng dây an toàn hơn. Người sống ở nông thôn gặp tai nạn nhiều hơn người thành phố hoặc người ở vùng ngoại ô vì việc đồng áng nhiều nguy cơ hơn hẳn làm việc trong một nhà máy hay văn phòng và bởi dịch vụ cấp cứu ít sẵn có hơn. Hai nhân tố này - thu nhập thấp và sinh sống ở vùng nông thôn - có thể giải thích được vì sao miền nam có tỉ lệ tai nạn cao hơn miền bắc.

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

The word “shrewd” is closest in meaning to

A. practical 

B. unfair 

C. important 

D. clever

18 tháng 6 2018

Đáp án là D

Từ “ shrewd” (thông minh, sáng suốt) gần nghĩa nhất với

Practical: thực tế

Unfair: không công bằng

Important: quan trọng

Clever: thông minh

Dẫn chứng: The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

What is the main topic of the passage?

A. James Madison’s plan to create a stable structure for the government of the United States 

B. A disagreement at the Constitutional Convention and a subsequent compromise

C. The differences in population and relative power between the original states

D. The most important points of the Small State Plan

8 tháng 4 2019

Đáp án là B

Chủ đề chính của bài đọc là gì?

A. Kế hoạch của James Madison’s tạo ra kết cấu bền vững cho chính phủ Mỹ.

B. Sự không thỏa hiệp tại hội nghị lập pháp và sự thương lượng sau đó.

C. Những sự khác biệt về dân số và quyền lực có liên quan giữa các bang.

D. Những điểm quan trọng nhất của kế hoạch tiểu bang. 

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

It can be inferred from the passage that the Articles of Confederation

A. were supported by a majority of the delegates at the Convention

B. were revised and presented as the Large State Plan

C. allowed small states to dominate large ones

D. provided for only a weak central government

17 tháng 3 2017

Đáp án là D

Có thể suy ra từ bài đọc rằng các điều khoản của Liên minh

A. được đa số các đoàn đại biểu tại hội nghị ủng hộ.

B. được xem xét và trình bày như kế hoạch bang rộng lớn.

C. cho phép các bang nhỏ thống trị các bang lớn.

D. cung cấp khoảng 1 tuần cho trung ương.

Dẫn chứng: The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

According to the passage, how many states were represented at the Constitutional Convention?

A. 12  

B. 13  

C. 14  

D. 15

9 tháng 8 2019

Đáp án là A

Theo bài đọc, có bao nhiêu bạn có mặt tại Hội nghi lập pháp?

Dẫn chứng: Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787.

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question.

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia from May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many as people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise- actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

The phrase “this plan” refers to

A. the Small State Plan 

B. a plan suggested by the national legislature

C. the Large State Plan 

D. a compromise plan

12 tháng 1 2019

Đáp án là C

Cụm từ “ kế hoạch này” ám chỉ đến

A. Kế hoạc bang nhỏ

B. Một kế hoạch được đề xuất bởi cơ quan lập pháp quốc gia

C. Kế hoạch bang rộng lớn

D.Kế hoạch thương thuyết

Dẫn chứng:The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest