
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

3 tháng 5 2019
1. Cách viết thư hồi âm bằng tiếng Anh

          Cấu trúc thư gồm các phần sau:

1.1. Heading

Heading hay còn gọi là tiêu đề. Phần này sẽ là tên của bức thư mà bạn muốn gửi. Viết về chủ đề nào thì tên tiêu đề theo chủ đề đó.

1.2. Inside address

- Thông tin người viết: Địa chỉ, điện thoại, fax hay địa chỉ hòm thư (e-mail) được đặt đầu thư, ở chính giữa hoặc bên phải bức thư.Tránh dùng tên riêng của bạn trừ khi đây là thư từ cá nhân vì khi viết thư giao dịch, người viết thường dùng tên công ty.

- Ngày tháng: Trong tiếng Anh bạn nên chú ý khi viết ngày tháng. Người Anh sẽ viết ngày trước tháng sau (04/ 02/ 2000) còn người Mỹ lại viết tháng trước ngày sau (02/ 04/ 2000). Để tránh hiểu nhầm bạn nên viết đầy đủ thứ ngày tháng năm như: 4 February 2000 hoặc February 2nd, 2000). Cách viết này không chỉ tránh nhầm lẫn mà còn lịch sự hơn cách chỉ dùng số.

- Tên và địa chỉ người nhận: Cách trình bày tên, chức danh, tên công ty, và địa chỉ giao dịch của đối tác (người nhận) giống như cách bạn trình bầy tên công ty của bạn và các thông tin liên quan ở đầu thư. Chỉ có một điểm khác là những thông tin về người nhận được đặt ở bên trái thư hay vì bên phải hay chính giữa.

- Cách xưng hô đầu thư: Ví dụ: Dear Mr. Smith Dear Mrs. Smith Dear Miss Smith Dear Ms. Smith Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sirs Dear Gentlemen

1.3. Body

- Phần thân của bức thư được trình bày thành khối với những đoạn văn mạch lạc , rõ ràng trình bày thông tin mà bạn muốn chuyển tới người đọc. Đầu dòng sẽ bắt đầu từ lề trái, không thụt vào như cách viết thư trước đây.

- Đây là phần nội dung chính, nói chi tiết theo chủ đề mà bạn viết.

1.4. Complimentary close

- Phần cuối thư nếu giao dịch với những người bạn không quen, người Anh thường dùng những cụm như: Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly.

- Kèm thêm chữ ký và họ tên đầy đủ của người viết.

- Trong trường hợp có tài liệu gửi kèm theo thư, bạn có thể viết cuối thư ghi chú về số lượng tài liệu gửi kèm. Ví dụ: Enc: 2..

2. Một số lưu ý khi viết thư hồi âm bằng tiếng Anh

- Không viết tắt: Phải viết đầy đủ I am, I will, I have seen, I do not, … không được viết I’am, I’ll, I don’t, I’ve seen.

- Không sử dụng từ thông tục, tiếng lóng, các từ thân mật ví dụ như: wanna, kid, dad, mate… trừ các bức thư đã quá thân mật.

- Hãy lễ độ dù cho đang bực tức: dùng Dear ở đầu thư, và dùng please khi muốn yêu cầu.

- Hãy viết cho ngắn gọn, nhưng đủ ý. Câu văn cũng vậy, ngắn, không dùng câu phức với 3, 4 mệnh đề (complex sentense). Câu phải có đầy đủ subject, verb, direct object và indirect object nếu có.

- Hãy nhớ dùng và dùng chính xác các dấu chấm câu: chấm, chấm phẩy, phẩy, dấu hai chấm. nếu 1 ý chính có nhiều ý phụ, dùng dấu gạch đầu dòng. Hạn chế dùng hoặc tuyệt đối không dùng dấu chấm than (!).

- Cuối thư: Regards, Best Regards, Hai cách này dùng thông dụng trong nhiều tình huống. Sincerely Yours, Dùng trong thư xin việc, thư khiếu nại, thư mời vì mang nghĩa “chân thành”. Faithfully Yours, Dùng trong thư trả lời của nhà cung cấp cho khách hàng, vì mang nghĩa “trung thành”.

3 tháng 5 2019

bn muốn viết thư hồi đáp như thế nào thi viết = tiếng việt trước 

sau đó lên gg dịch rồi chuyển thành tiếng anh 

vậy là viết đc rồi đó

Viết thư phản hồi:Dear Charles,You must be pretty excited to have your first book published within such a short time after finishing writing it. It is indeed such a great achievement of yours, and I surely would like to congratulate you on the occasion of such an amazing success. I also would like to thank you for sending me a copy of this book right away with your special signature on it.Anyway, I have already read your book, and I must tell you that I am truly impressed with your novel...
Đọc tiếp

Viết thư phản hồi:

Dear Charles,

You must be pretty excited to have your first book published within such a short time after finishing writing it. It is indeed such a great achievement of yours, and I surely would like to congratulate you on the occasion of such an amazing success. I also would like to thank you for sending me a copy of this book right away with your special signature on it.

Anyway, I have already read your book, and I must tell you that I am truly impressed with your novel writing skills and abilities. I knew that you were passionate about writing stories, but I just didn’t think that you would be able to write a novel with such ease and effect. The narrator (the main character) of your novel was very engaging while the other characters around it were as natural and lively as they could get. The caption of the book under the picture of a beautiful and playful rabbit is very illustrative, and the plot has just about enough twists and turns to engage the readers from start to end. All in all, it is a great book.

I am sure this is the first book of a series of marvelous writings that we will see in the future.

Warm wishes,

Adam Fuller.

12 tháng 7 2020

Dịch ra sẽ là:

Charles thân mến,

Bạn phải khá hào hứng khi có cuốn sách đầu tiên của bạn được xuất bản trong một thời gian ngắn như vậy sau khi viết xong. Đó thực sự là một thành tích tuyệt vời của bạn, và tôi chắc chắn muốn chúc mừng bạn nhân dịp thành công tuyệt vời như vậy. Tôi cũng muốn cảm ơn bạn đã gửi cho tôi một bản sao của cuốn sách này ngay lập tức với chữ ký đặc biệt của bạn trên đó.

Dù sao, tôi đã đọc cuốn sách của bạn, và tôi phải nói với bạn rằng tôi thực sự ấn tượng với kỹ năng và khả năng viết tiểu thuyết của bạn. Tôi biết rằng bạn đam mê viết truyện, nhưng tôi chỉ nghĩ rằng bạn sẽ có thể viết một cuốn tiểu thuyết dễ dàng và hiệu quả như vậy. Người kể chuyện (nhân vật chính) trong tiểu thuyết của bạn rất lôi cuốn trong khi các nhân vật khác xung quanh nó thì tự nhiên và sống động như họ có thể có được. Chú thích của cuốn sách dưới hình ảnh một chú thỏ xinh đẹp và tinh nghịch rất minh họa, và cốt truyện vừa đủ xoắn và quay để thu hút độc giả từ đầu đến cuối. Tất cả trong tất cả, nó là một cuốn sách tuyệt vời.

Tôi chắc chắn đây là cuốn sách đầu tiên của một loạt các tác phẩm tuyệt vời mà chúng ta sẽ thấy trong tương lai.

Lời chúc ấm áp,

Adam Fuller.

mình trả lời là:

Dear Adamfuller
Thank you for reading my story and thank you for rating my story
I will make many other stories

xin lỗi bạn là mình chỉ học giỏi toán còn tiếng việt thì ko giỏi cho lắm nên văn mình viết khá là ngắn

 And then motherfucking bad who’s day you met another Ông Tuế know that is Anna Nana she show me show me T I miss you and I understand and I love you I love making you say you are you pretty low poke you mommy you mommy you mommy I love you booty I love monkey and you act like you’re my sister I love Italian issue we swim say you making model in their Italian man I love you C Hằng I really amI don’t know say really anything on the screen printing me or do you not see all when your...
Đọc tiếp

 And then motherfucking bad who’s day you met another Ông Tuế know that is Anna Nana she show me show me T I miss you and I understand and I love you I love making you say you are you pretty low poke you mommy you mommy you mommy I love you booty I love monkey and you act like you’re my sister I love Italian issue we swim say you making model in their Italian man I love you C Hằng I really amI don’t know say really anything on the screen printing me or do you not see all when your name is Miss TWWTFO wanna see you there then I’m missing you still in the rain murder me baby shocking and tell you missed a naturalI like you say I am very tired I know you must write you a letter but do you want to see you American families pay Oley and is the New York when is the game as new when I am not America I like English I hate to see good I bury Mount Mercy’s for me anyways saying missing you say so say so say soYou and I don’t know and you see me you can show me say you miss me you Em Hiền and me and C Duyên is you you me to send youYou and I don’t know and you see me you can show me say you miss me you Em Hiền and me and C Duyên is in you can sing to see me no I wish they would give me a standalone is saying oh OK I love you mom I sing me you didn’t tell me so I am braced you I love foodYou are you are you are you are you are you are you know me Josie and Barry mass say I don’t sweat the amren and miss you I am very much a say you know the one where is mama is using any dinner I don’t go to swimming pool and soon I will give you a supermarket I love my family my family is fine pupilChange your message you need to give me only Samantha Facebook jail now on my using me so much see you in the Seiter I will I be seeing me in a week and I yelled KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYNZ again I’ll be see meI am BCDEWXYZ you win OK Miss Newman I sold OK I’ll call me once why humans of May show is this and what measurements off again I hope your memorandum missing you and working and C Xoan is missing you know what I love me some C Xoan says you love me do something well if you say no say no say you know me I love me a soon as you say to move to measure measure are you sneaky miss you all so much and I miss you so much thank you message your message to myself in the session from associate with presentation from the station message and I Seshan mission so muchOK missy Missy are you and Sam can you send me C Duyên and Ninh Hàng Ngang in this message is a message and I see your niece and your nephew missing you I wish you were here miss you see you are you missing me using using young cranking think you sleep are you saying you are you so mean to me a soon as you receive the shoes sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarket a Christmas list for things to teach English yes it is missing yes and you since you’re saying is making sense to me toAre you saying you’re saving me was wrong with you miss you miss you have a

16 tháng 2 2021

you stupid motherfuc**** son of a bi***

27 tháng 11 2021

dịch nghĩa à

Điền một tu thich hop vào mỗi cho trông Dear Tim , Thank you very much for your letter of May 29.I am very glad to hear that you ........going to visit Ha Noi next year.It will be great to meet you ! I'm looking ..................to your visit.I'd like to invite you to my house so we can talk and get to know each..........better.I am sure we'll have lots of fun! I think you will need ................information about the weather in Vietnam.This will help you decide .......to come...
Đọc tiếp

Điền một tu thich hop vào mỗi cho trông

Dear Tim ,

Thank you very much for your letter of May 29.I am very glad to hear that you ........going to visit Ha Noi next year.It will be great to meet you ! I'm looking ..................to your visit.I'd like to invite you to my house so we can talk and get to know each..........better.I am sure we'll have lots of fun!

I think you will need ................information about the weather in Vietnam.This will help you decide .......to come here.Ha noi has 4 seasons:spring,summer,autumn and winter.In spring,it's cool,wet,and humid.In summer,it.............a lot and it's very hot and humid too.The average temperature in Ha noi is 28C,............sometimes it reaches 35C .Autumn is the.......beautiful season in my opinion.The sun shines almost everyday,but it's not very hot and..........are often blue sites .It's great time to go out and explore,maybe this would be the best time.............your trip

help me mk dag can gap

22 tháng 3 2017

Dear Tim ,

Thank you very much for your letter of May 29.I am very glad to hear that you are going to visit Ha Noi next year. It will be great to meet you! I'm looking forward to your visit .I'd like to invite you to my house so we can talk and get to know each other better. I am sure we'll have lots of fun!

I think you will need some information about the weather in Vietnam.This will help you decide whether to come here. Ha noi has 4 seasons:spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, it's cool, wet, and humid. In summer,it rains a lot and it's very hot and humid too.The average temperature in Ha noi is 28oC, but sometimes it reaches 35oC. Autumn is the most beautiful season in my opinion.The sun shines almost everyday, but it's not very hot and they are often blue sites. It's great time to go out and explore, maybe this would be the best time in your trip.

13 tháng 1 2019

If a line is correct, put a tick next to the number.

Being an only child

1...im an only child. People often say to me: wouldn't you be a lot

2...happier if you have had -> had brothers and sisters? But I don't see it like that.

3... it's true that if I had had -> had a brother or sister, I would have someone closer

4.√..to my own age to talk to and play with at home, but I don't think that is

5..√. very important provided for you have close friends, which I do. if my

6...parents would had -> had more children, they wouldn't be able to spend so much -> much

7...time with me. And we have -> would have great fun together! Also, except if I had a

8... brother or sister, I 'd have it -> X to share a bedroom with them. That might be

9...fun, but what would happen if I wanted to play my CDs and -> but he or she had

10... to study? No- I don't want a brother or sister, unless it will happens -> happens, of course. In that case,i'll think it's the best thing in the world!

1 There are twelve mistakes in the following passage, underline and corect them Dear Mr and Mrs Wilcox, I'm very happy that you can come to visit us in August, but I would like to tell you something in my town. The weather here in August is usually very good, and bring a warm jumper or jacket with you because it is sometimes cool in the evenings. I know if you like going to the theatre and to the opera, then I have booked tickets for the performance of 'Aida' in August 4th. An opera will...
Đọc tiếp

1 There are twelve mistakes in the following passage, underline and corect them

Dear Mr and Mrs Wilcox,

I'm very happy that you can come to visit us in August, but I would like to tell you something in my town.
The weather here in August is usually very good, and bring a warm jumper or jacket with you because it is sometimes cool in the evenings.
I know if you like going to the theatre and to the opera, then I have booked tickets for the performance of 'Aida' in August 4th. An opera will start at 9.00 in the evening. Because there are lots of people when the seats do not have numbers we must arrive very early.
I know that you will like the monuments in Verona, especially the Arena and the Roman theatre.
There is a lot of good restaurants and cafés in Verona and we can try some of the local dishes. I'm sure you like our food, especially the pasta and the fruit ice-cream.
Please write to me early and tell me early what time you are arriving in Verona.
With best wishes,

31 tháng 1 2017

Dear Mr and Mrs Wilcox,

I'm very happy that you can come to visit us in August, but (and) I would like to tell you something in (about) my town.
The weather here in August is usually very good, and (but) bring a warm jumper or jacket with you because it is sometimes cool in the evenings.
I know if (that) you like going to the theatre and to the opera, then (so) I have booked tickets for the performance of 'Aida' in (on) August 4th. An (The) opera will start at 9.00 in the evening. Because there are lots of people when the seats do not have numbers we must arrive very early.
I know that you will like the monuments in Verona, especially the Arena and the Roman theatre.
There is a lot of good restaurants and cafés in Verona and (where) we can try some of the local dishes. I'm sure you (will) like our food, especially the pasta and the fruit ice-cream.
Please write to me early and tell me early (soon) what time you are arriving in Verona.
With best wishes,

31 tháng 1 2017

siêu yeu

Read the following letter, then choose the best sentences from below to fit the spaces. The first one, '0', has been completed for you. Dear Jane, Thank you for your last letter ____0____. I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. If you want, we can go on holiday together next summer to France and then ____1____. When I come to visit you in London in the spring, we can talk together in French if you want. Yesterday, I returned from my short holiday camping in...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following letter, then choose the best sentences from below to fit the spaces. The first one, '0', has been completed for you.

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your last letter ____0____. I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. If you want, we can go on holiday together next summer to France and then ____1____. When I come to visit you in London in the spring, we can talk together in French if you want.

Yesterday, I returned from my short holiday camping in Scotland. I went with Melissa, my friend that you met ____2____. Do you remember her? We stayed in her tent in a campsite near Edinburgh but the weather was terrible for ____3____ we were there. It rained every day and everything was so wet and ____4____. But while I was there I saw a lot of interesting places and we visited a lot of castles ____5____. One day, we hired a boat and went out onto a lake which was near the campsite. It rained all day ____6____ decided to go for a swim in the lake and that was wonderful.

I am starting my new job tomorrow in the library near my house. ____7____ and he helped me to find a job for every Saturday morning. I work from nine o´clock in the morning until one o´clock in the afternoon. It is very useful for me ____8____ in a library when I finish university. How is your job at the supermarket? Please tell me what you are ____9____.

I am going to do my French homework now!

Au revoir


Choose a number for each sentence. Number '0' is written as an example.

and other historical places

we can practice our French together

the whole four days

doing this month

but me and Melissa

which I received last Saturday 0

we were so cold

My uncle works there

the last time you were here

because I want to work

4 tháng 8 2017

Read the following letter, then choose the best sentences from below to fit the spaces. The first one, '0', has been completed for you.

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your last letter ____which I received last Saturday ____. I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. If you want, we can go on holiday together next summer to France and then ____we can practice our French together____. When I come to visit you in London in the spring, we can talk together in French if you want.

Yesterday, I returned from my short holiday camping in Scotland. I went with Melissa, my friend that you met ____the last time you were here____. Do you remember her? We stayed in her tent in a campsite near Edinburgh but the weather was terrible for ____the whole four days____ we were there. It rained every day and everything was so wet and ____we were so cold____. But while I was there I saw a lot of interesting places and we visited a lot of castles ____and other historical places____. One day, we hired a boat and went out onto a lake which was near the campsite. It rained all day ____but me and Melissa____ decided to go for a swim in the lake and that was wonderful.

I am starting my new job tomorrow in the library near my house. ____My uncle works there____ and he helped me to find a job for every Saturday morning. I work from nine o´clock in the morning until one o´clock in the afternoon. It is very useful for me ____because I want to work____ in a library when I finish university. How is your job at the supermarket? Please tell me what you are ____doing this month____.

I am going to do my French homework now!

Au revoir


4 tháng 8 2017

Read the following letter, then choose the best sentences from below to fit the spaces. The first one, '0', has been completed for you.

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your last letter ____0____. I am happy that you have decided to start learning French like me. If you want, we can go on holiday together next summer to France and then ____1_we can practice our French together___. When I come to visit you in London in the spring, we can talk together in French if you want.

Yesterday, I returned from my short holiday camping in Scotland. I went with Melissa, my friend that you met __the last time you were here.__2____. Do you remember her? We stayed in her tent in a campsite near Edinburgh but the weather was terrible for ____3__the whole four days.__ we were there. It rained every day and everything was so wet and __ we were so cold.__4____. But while I was there I saw a lot of interesting places and we visited a lot of castles _and other historical places.___5____. One day, we hired a boat and went out onto a lake which was near the campsite. It rained all day ___but me and Melissa_6____ decided to go for a swim in the lake and that was wonderful.

I am starting my new job tomorrow in the library near my house. __My uncle works there__7____ and he helped me to find a job for every Saturday morning. I work from nine o´clock in the morning until one o´clock in the afternoon. It is very useful for me ____8_because I want to work___ in a library when I finish university. How is your job at the supermarket? Please tell me what you are __doing this month.__9____.

I am going to do my French homework now!

Au revoir


Choose a number for each sentence. Number '0' is written as an example.

and other historical places

we can practice our French together

the whole four days

doing this month

but me and Melissa

which I received last Saturday 0

we were so cold

My uncle works there

the last time you were here

because I want to work

Mn sửa giup mình ngữ pháp bài này xem chỗ nào còn sai ko nhé, mai mình kt rồi: 1. I have many hobbies, but i love listening to music the most, especially English songs. My hobbies started when i was at fourth grade. I really love this hobby because it makes me feel relaxed and i can also learn English vocabulary when listening to English songs. I spend much time on it. I can listen when i'm doing my housework or when i'm sleeping. I love Camila Cabello, Selena Gomez,... they are great...
Đọc tiếp

Mn sửa giup mình ngữ pháp bài này xem chỗ nào còn sai ko nhé, mai mình kt rồi:
1. I have many hobbies, but i love listening to music the most, especially English songs. My hobbies started when i was at fourth grade. I really love this hobby because it makes me feel relaxed and i can also learn English vocabulary when listening to English songs. I spend much time on it. I can listen when i'm doing my housework or when i'm sleeping. I love Camila Cabello, Selena Gomez,... they are great singers. I think this is a good hobby and i'll never quit it.

2. There are many delicious dishes in Viet Nam and Banh Mi is the one i like the most. It's a very popular street food in Viet Nam and it very tasty. It's has a lot of taste but the one with fried egg, cucumbers and tomatos is my most favourite. To make this dish, you'll need a loaf of bread, 2 eggs, a half of a cucumber, 1 tomato, a pinch of salt and chili sauce. First, beat the eggs together with salt, then fry that mixture in a pan. Next, cut the cucumber and tomato into thin slices. Then, add the fried egg, cucumber and tomato into the bread. After that, server it with some chili sauce if you like. Finally, enjoy! This dish is really easy to make so i always make it by myself. I often have this dish for my breakfast because it contains a lots of calories. I really love this dish

13 tháng 12 2018

1. I have many hobbies, but i love listening to music the most, especially English songs. My hobbies started (cái này nghe hơi kì, theo mình nên viết là i started my hobby)when i was at->in fourth grade. I really love this hobby->it because it makes me feel relaxed and i can also learn English vocabulary when listening to English songs. I spend much time on it. I can listen when i'm doing my housework or when i'm sleeping. I love Camila Cabello, Selena Gomez,... they are great singers. I think this is a good hobby and i'll never quit it.

2. There are many delicious dishes in Viet Nam and Banh Mi is the one i like the most->one of them i like banh mi most. It's a very popular street food in Viet Nam and it is very tasty. It's->it has a lot of taste but the one with fried egg, cucumbers and tomatos->tomatoes is my most favourite->favorite food. To make this dish, you'll need a loaf of bread, 2 eggs, a half of a cucumber, 1 tomato, a pinch of salt and chili sauce. First->firstly, beat the eggs together with salt, then fry that mixture in a pan. Next, cut the cucumber and tomato into thin slices. Then, add the fried egg, cucumber and tomato into the bread. After that, server it with some chili sauce if you like. Finally, enjoy! This dish is really easy to make so i always make it by myself. I often have this dish for my breakfast because it contains a lots->lots of calories. I really love this dish

The simple past and the past continuous 25. I just ( write ) a cheque when i (remember) that i (have) nothing in the bank 26. I (find) this ring as i (dig) in the garden. It looks very old. I Wonder who it (belong) to? 27. When i last (see) her she (hurry) along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), london but i don't think she ( speak) the truth because there(not be) any train for london at that time 28. The tailor said you suit will be ready on monday. But...
Đọc tiếp

The simple past and the past continuous

25. I just ( write ) a cheque when i (remember) that i (have) nothing in the bank

26. I (find) this ring as i (dig) in the garden. It looks very old. I Wonder who it (belong) to?

27. When i last (see) her she (hurry) along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), london but i don't think she ( speak) the truth because there(not be) any train for london at that time

28. The tailor said you suit will be ready on monday. But when i(call) on monday he still(work) on it.

29. Thr Teacher (come) into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys, who(smoke) a cigarette, (have) no time to put it out. So he (throw) it into the desk and ( hope) for the best

30. A little later teacher (notice) that smoke (rise) from this desk. You (smoke) when i (come) in hin he(ask)

31. While i ( swim) someone (steal) my clothes and i (have to) walk home in min my swimsuit

32. The men (say) that they (work) on the road outside my house and that they (want) some water to make tea

33. He (say) that he(build) himself a house and that he (think) it would be ready in two years

34. At 3a.m. Mrs pitt (wake) her husband and (say) that she (think) that someone (try) to get into the house

35. Why you (lend) him that book? I still (read) it

I'm sorry. I (not know) that you still (read) it

36. I (come) in very late last night and unfortunately the dog (wake) up and( start) to bank. This (wake) my mother who (come) to the top of the stairs and(say), who is there ?

I (say). It is me. But she (not hear) me because the dog (bank) so loudly , so she ( go) back to her room and ( telephone) the police.

1 tháng 10 2018

The simple past and the past continuous

25. I just ( write ) wrote a cheque when i (remember)remember that i (have)had nothing in the bank

26. I (find)found this ring as i (dig)dug in the garden. It looks very old. I Wonder who it (belong)belonged to?

27. When i last (see)saw her she (hurry)was hurrying along the road to the station. I (ask)asked her where she (go)was going and she (say)said, london but i don't think she ( speak) spoke the truth because there(not be)wasn't any train for london at that time

28. The tailor said you suit will be ready on monday. But when i(call)called on monday he was still(work)working on it.

29. Thr Teacher (come)came into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys, who(smoke) was smoking a cigarette, (have)had no time to put it out. So he (throw)threw it into the desk and ( hope)hoped for the best

30. A little later teacher (notice)noticed that smoke (rise) was rising from this desk. You (smoke) smoked when i (come) came in hin he(ask)asked

C Write one word in each gap Anti- fashion by Lisa Wilkinson If you ask me, it's high time they (i) ......................... away with fashion. I've had enough of it. Just when I think I've finally got it right, I pop (2) ......................... a clothes shop to find that they've changed all the rules! One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff, and the next you have to take all that (3) ......................... and wear clothes that look as if they've been handed (4)...
Đọc tiếp

C Write one word in each gap

Anti- fashion by Lisa Wilkinson

If you ask me, it's high time they (i) ......................... away with fashion. I've had enough of it. Just when I think I've finally got it right, I pop (2) ......................... a clothes shop to find that they've changed all the rules! One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff, and the next you have to take all that (3) ......................... and wear clothes that look as if they've been handed (4) ......................... by your grandma. You can't win! Well, I've torn (5) ......................... my fashion magazines and adopted anti-fashion. It's an idea that has grown (6) .................... of frustration and, to be honest, a lack of money to spend on yet another dress that I only wear once. I started by drawing (7) ......................... a plan. I decided to line all my clothes (8) ......................... together, try them all (9) ......................... and give to charity anything that either didn't fit or suit me. Then, I wouldn't buy any more new clothes until something wore (io) ......................... . I went (ii) ......................... my plan again, and knew that I would have to be tough with myself. After all, I'd spent a lot of money on some of that stuff. Finally, I plucked up the courage to do it. It felt a little bit like being a child again, dressing (12) ......................... in your mum's clothes, but I also felt a great sense of freedom. That was a year ago and, although I occasionally see something and think, 'Oh, that's gorgeous!', I haven't bought any clothes. If you ever come over to my house and I (13) ......................... you around my bedroom, you might see last season's fashions, but you'll also see a woman who feels free. And that's anti-fashion. Do you think it'll catch (14) ......................... ?

7 tháng 11 2018

C Write one word in each gap

Anti- fashion by Lisa Wilkinson

If you ask me, it's high time they (i) ..........did............... away with fashion. I've had enough of it. Just when I think I've finally got it right, I pop (2) ...........in.............. a clothes shop to find that they've changed all the rules! One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff, and the next you have to take all that (3) ..........take off............... and wear clothes that look as if they've been handed (4) .........down................ by your grandma. You can't win! Well, I've torn (5) ..............up........... my fashion magazines and adopted anti-fashion. It's an idea that has grown (6) .......out............. of frustration and, to be honest, a lack of money to spend on yet another dress that I only wear once. I started by drawing (7) .............up............ a plan. I decided to line all my clothes (8) .............up............ together, try them all (9) ............on............. and give to charity anything that either didn't fit or suit me. Then, I wouldn't buy any more new clothes until something wore (io) ..........out............... . I went (ii) ..........over............... my plan again, and knew that I would have to be tough with myself. After all, I'd spent a lot of money on some of that stuff. Finally, I plucked up the courage to do it. It felt a little bit like being a child again, dressing (12) ............up............. in your mum's clothes, but I also felt a great sense of freedom. That was a year ago and, although I occasionally see something and think, 'Oh, that's gorgeous!', I haven't bought any clothes. If you ever come over to my house and I (13) ................show......... you around my bedroom, you might see last season's fashions, but you'll also see a woman who feels free. And that's anti-fashion. Do you think it'll catch (14) .....on.................... ?

7 tháng 11 2018

Write one word in each gap

Anti- fashion by Lisa Wilkinson

If you ask me, it's high time they (i) ..........did............... away with fashion. I've had enough of it. Just when I think I've finally got it right, I pop (2) ...........in.............. a clothes shop to find that they've changed all the rules! One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff, and the next you have to take all that (3) ..........take off............... and wear clothes that look as if they've been handed (4) .........down................ by your grandma. You can't win! Well, I've torn (5) ..............up........... my fashion magazines and adopted anti-fashion. It's an idea that has grown (6) .......out............. of frustration and, to be honest, a lack of money to spend on yet another dress that I only wear once. I started by drawing (7) .............up............ a plan. I decided to line all my clothes (8) .............up............ together, try them all (9) ............on............. and give to charity anything that either didn't fit or suit me. Then, I wouldn't buy any more new clothes until something wore (io) ..........out............... . I went (ii) ..........over............... my plan again, and knew that I would have to be tough with myself. After all, I'd spent a lot of money on some of that stuff. Finally, I plucked up the courage to do it. It felt a little bit like being a child again, dressing (12) ............up............. in your mum's clothes, but I also felt a great sense of freedom. That was a year ago and, although I occasionally see something and think, 'Oh, that's gorgeous!', I haven't bought any clothes. If you ever come over to my house and I (13) ................show......... you around my bedroom, you might see last season's fashions, but you'll also see a woman who feels free. And that's anti-fashion. Do you think it'll catch (14) .....on.................... ?