
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these following questions

According to futurist Ray Kurzweil human civilisation will be unavoidably transformed in the year 2045 by an event that he call The Singularity. He suggests that exponential technological development will lead to the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.). Such advanced technology may make humanity insignificant.

Kurzweil says that technologies are double-edged swords and envisions the possibility that an artificial intelligence might decde to put an end to humanity simply because it surpasses human intelligence. Kurzweil does have faith in mankind, however. He suggests that people are wise to accept that technological progress is unavoidable and that such acceptance will make the process of transition easier.

Kurzweil has personal reasons to hope for the coming of The Singularity, because he wants his life to be extended by it. Kurzweil envisions that future medical advances could invent tiny computerised machines, or nanobots, which operate inside the body to enhance the immune system. In addition ne believes that future technology might be able to resurrect his deceased father.

Looking at the state of current technological advances in many fields such as medicine, navigation and communication, Kurzweil's visions may not be unbelievable.The critical issue, however, is whether genuine artificial intelligence can ever be truly realised. Kurzweil suggests that critics of his theories, who believe that the human brain is too complex to duplicate, are underestimating what the exponential growth in technology can eventually accomplish.

Question 11: What is The Singularity?

A. An event giving rise to future human beings.

B. An event giving rise to future artificial intelligence.

C. An event giving rise to future alien civilisation.


Question 12: Why could The Singularity put an end to humans?

A. Because A.I. might imitate human intelligence.

B. Because A.I. is similar to human intelligence.

C. Because A.I. will exceed human intelligence.


Question 13: What does Kurzweil say about technologies?

A. Technologies are avoidable.

B. Technologies are safe and friendly.

C. Technologies are double-edged swords.


Question 14: Why does Kurzweil hope for the coming of The Singularity?

A. Because it would have economic advantages.

B. Because life could be extended

C. Because human would have virtual entertainment.


Question 15: How does Kurzweil respond to critics of his theories

A. He thinks that they do not evaluate correctly the rapid growth of technology.

B. He thinks that the realisation of genuine artificial intelligence is a challenge.

C. He thinks that future events cannot be predicted with our current mean.

22 tháng 12 2021

Question 11: What is The Singularity?

A. An event giving rise to future human beings.

B. An event giving rise to future artificial intelligence.

C. An event giving rise to future alien civilisation.


Question 12: Why could The Singularity put an end to humans?

A. Because A.I. might imitate human intelligence.

B. Because A.I. is similar to human intelligence.

C. Because A.I. will exceed human intelligence.


Question 13: What does Kurzweil say about technologies?

A. Technologies are avoidable.

B. Technologies are safe and friendly.

C. Technologies are double-edged swords.


Question 14: Why does Kurzweil hope for the coming of The Singularity?

A. Because it would have economic advantages.

B. Because life could be extended

C. Because human would have virtual entertainment.


Question 15: How does Kurzweil respond to critics of his theories

A. He thinks that they do not evaluate correctly the rapid growth of technology.

B. He thinks that the realisation of genuine artificial intelligence is a challenge.


C. He thinks that future events cannot be predicted with our current mean.


22 tháng 12 2021

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these following questions

According to futurist Ray Kurzweil human civilisation will be unavoidably transformed in the year 2045 by an event that he call The Singularity. He suggests that exponential technological development will lead to the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.). Such advanced technology may make humanity insignificant.


Kurzweil says that technologies are double-edged swords and envisions the possibility that an artificial intelligence might decde to put an end to humanity simply because it surpasses human intelligence. Kurzweil does have faith in mankind, however. He suggests that people are wise to accept that technological progress is unavoidable and that such acceptance will make the process of transition easier.

Kurzweil has personal reasons to hope for the coming of The Singularity, because he wants his life to be extended by it. Kurzweil envisions that future medical advances could invent tiny computerised machines, or nanobots, which operate inside the body to enhance the immune system. In addition ne believes that future technology might be able to resurrect his deceased father.

Looking at the state of current technological advances in many fields such as medicine, navigation and communication, Kurzweil's visions may not be unbelievable.The critical issue, however, is whether genuine artificial intelligence can ever be truly realised. Kurzweil suggests that critics of his theories, who believe that the human brain is too complex to duplicate, are underestimating what the exponential growth in technology can eventually accomplish.

Question 11: What is The Singularity?

A. An event giving rise to future human beings.

B. An event giving rise to future artificial intelligence.

C. An event giving rise to future alien civilisation.


Question 12: Why could The Singularity put an end to humans?

A. Because A.I. might imitate human intelligence.

B. Because A.I. is similar to human intelligence.

C. Because A.I. will exceed human intelligence.


Question 13: What does Kurzweil say about technologies?

A. Technologies are avoidable.

B. Technologies are safe and friendly.

C. Technologies are double-edged swords.


Question 14: Why does Kurzweil hope for the coming of The Singularity?

A. Because it would have economic advantages.

B. Because life could be extended

C. Because human would have virtual entertainment.


Question 15: How does Kurzweil respond to critics of his theories

A. He thinks that they do not evaluate correctly the rapid growth of technology.

B. He thinks that the realisation of genuine artificial intelligence is a challenge.

C. He thinks that future events cannot be predicted with our current mean.

Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. ...
Đọc tiếp
Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. When you are drinking a cold beer on a hot day, or eating a delicious cheese sandwich, you can thank biotechnology for the pleasure you are experiencing. That’s right! Beer, bread and cheese are all produced using biotechnology. Perhaps a definition will be useful to understand how. A standard definition is that biotechnology (or biotech for short) is the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms. And as you know, the food and drink above are all produced by the fermentation of micro-organisms. In beer, the yeast multiplies as it eats the sugars in the mixture and turns them into alcohol and CO2. This ancient technique was first used in Egypt to make bread and wine around 4000BC! Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases, especially those caused by bacteria. They are natural substances that are created by bacteria and fungi. The first antibiotic was made in China in about 500BC – to cure boils. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and it was considered a medical miracle. Modern research is looking at the creation of super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. Our modern consumer society produces a lot of waste which needs to be disposed of safely and without harmful end products. Environmental biotechnology can help. Indeed, the use of bacteria to treat sewage was first practiced in 1914 in Manchester, England. Vermiculture or using worms to treat waste is another environmentally-friendly practice and the end product is a natural fertiliser. Bacteria have even been developed to help with problems such as oil spills. They convert crude oil and gasoline into non-toxic substances such as carbon dioxide, water and oxygen and help create a cleaner, healthier environment. These examples of biotechnology are accepted by most people. However, the discovery of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the beginning of the modern era of genetics and the following areas of biotech are very controversial. Read on… The genetic modification of plants and crops has been in practice for many years. This involves changing the genetic code of these plants so that they are more resistant to bad conditions like drought, floods and frost. Supporters of GM food say that it can offer the consumer better quality, safety and taste and for over a decade Americans have been eating GM food. However, things are very different in Europe where genetically modified food is very strictly regulated and regarded with deep suspicion by the public. GM food has even been called “Frankenfood” in the press, a term inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. There is a great cultural divide between America and Europe over whether such food is safe to eat and will not harm the environment and the discussion is still in progress. 1997 saw the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult cell. This was a remarkable achievement which created world-wide debate on the ethical issues surrounding cloning. International organisations such as the European parliament, UNESCO and WHO all declared that human cloning is both morally and legally wrong. However, we need to make a distinction between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Nowadays the idea of reproductive cloning – creating a copy of another person - is no longer interesting for researchers. Instead therapeutic cloning is creating excitement in the biotech world. Key to this technique is stem cells, which are master cells that have the potential to become any other kind of cell in the body e.g. nerve cells, blood, heart muscle or even brain cells. Stem cells themselves have generated a lot of controversy as it was believed that only human embryos could provide them. However, it now appears that adult stem cells offer the same possibility. This would mean that a patient who suffered a heart attack could provide doctors with his adult stem cells which could then be implanted back into his heart and used to create heart muscle, replacing the muscle that was damaged. As the genetic code is identical, there would be no problem of the body rejecting the implant as, unfortunately, happens with organ transplants. In the future, biotechnologists hope that stem cells could be used to grow entire organs. In this way biotechnology offers the hope of revolutionising medical treatment. In this brief overview of the history of biotechnology we have jumped from making bread to making human organs - an enormous leap- and it is clear that these modern practices raise many controversial issues. However, despite the debate, we can imagine that as biotechnology has been around for many years, it will still be around for some time to come - but who knows where it will take us? Questions: After reading, choose the best answer for the following questions 1. What is the main topic of the article? Brief history and modern developments of biotechnology Benefit of biotechnology Modern research in biotechnology 2. What does the pronoun "IT" in the first paragraph refer to? Biotechnology The article The word "Biotechnology" 3. Which products were first made with fermentation of micro-organisms? Beer, bread and cheese Bread and wine Beer and cheese Decide whether the statement below is True or False. 4. Alexander Fleming discovered super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. TrueFalse 5. GM food is easily available in the U.S. and Europe. TrueFalse 6.Researchers believe that adult stem cells could be used to create body parts. TrueFalse
28 tháng 7 2017

Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. When you are drinking a cold beer on a hot day, or eating a delicious cheese sandwich, you can thank biotechnology for the pleasure you are experiencing. That’s right! Beer, bread and cheese are all produced using biotechnology. Perhaps a definition will be useful to understand how. A standard definition is that biotechnology (or biotech for short) is the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms. And as you know, the food and drink above are all produced by the fermentation of micro-organisms. In beer, the yeast multiplies as it eats the sugars in the mixture and turns them into alcohol and CO2. This ancient technique was first used in Egypt to make bread and wine around 4000BC! Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases, especially those caused by bacteria. They are natural substances that are created by bacteria and fungi. The first antibiotic was made in China in about 500BC – to cure boils. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and it was considered a medical miracle. Modern research is looking at the creation of super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. Our modern consumer society produces a lot of waste which needs to be disposed of safely and without harmful end products. Environmental biotechnology can help. Indeed, the use of bacteria to treat sewage was first practiced in 1914 in Manchester, England. Vermiculture or using worms to treat waste is another environmentally-friendly practice and the end product is a natural fertiliser. Bacteria have even been developed to help with problems such as oil spills. They convert crude oil and gasoline into non-toxic substances such as carbon dioxide, water and oxygen and help create a cleaner, healthier environment. These examples of biotechnology are accepted by most people. However, the discovery of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the beginning of the modern era of genetics and the following areas of biotech are very controversial. Read on… The genetic modification of plants and crops has been in practice for many years. This involves changing the genetic code of these plants so that they are more resistant to bad conditions like drought, floods and frost. Supporters of GM food say that it can offer the consumer better quality, safety and taste and for over a decade Americans have been eating GM food. However, things are very different in Europe where genetically modified food is very strictly regulated and regarded with deep suspicion by the public. GM food has even been called “Frankenfood” in the press, a term inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. There is a great cultural divide between America and Europe over whether such food is safe to eat and will not harm the environment and the discussion is still in progress. 1997 saw the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult cell. This was a remarkable achievement which created world-wide debate on the ethical issues surrounding cloning. International organisations such as the European parliament, UNESCO and WHO all declared that human cloning is both morally and legally wrong. However, we need to make a distinction between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Nowadays the idea of reproductive cloning – creating a copy of another person - is no longer interesting for researchers. Instead therapeutic cloning is creating excitement in the biotech world. Key to this technique is stem cells, which are master cells that have the potential to become any other kind of cell in the body e.g. nerve cells, blood, heart muscle or even brain cells. Stem cells themselves have generated a lot of controversy as it was believed that only human embryos could provide them. However, it now appears that adult stem cells offer the same possibility. This would mean that a patient who suffered a heart attack could provide doctors with his adult stem cells which could then be implanted back into his heart and used to create heart muscle, replacing the muscle that was damaged. As the genetic code is identical, there would be no problem of the body rejecting the implant as, unfortunately, happens with organ transplants. In the future, biotechnologists hope that stem cells could be used to grow entire organs. In this way biotechnology offers the hope of revolutionising medical treatment. In this brief overview of the history of biotechnology we have jumped from making bread to making human organs - an enormous leap- and it is clear that these modern practices raise many controversial issues. However, despite the debate, we can imagine that as biotechnology has been around for many years, it will still be around for some time to come - but who knows where it will take us?


After reading, choose the best answer for the following questions

1. What is the main topic of the article?

Brief history and modern developments of biotechnology

Benefit of biotechnology

Modern research in biotechnology

2. What does the pronoun "IT" in the first paragraph refer to?


The article

The word "Biotechnology"

3. Which products were first made with fermentation of micro-organisms?

Beer, bread and cheese

Bread and wine

Beer and cheese

Decide whether the statement below is True or False.

4. Alexander Fleming discovered super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them.


5. GM food is easily available in the U.S. and Europe.


6.Researchers believe that adult stem cells could be used to create body parts.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 9: It is stated in the passage that _______.

A. homes for the aged don’t have music therapy programs

B. in music therapy some people sing or even compose music

C. Trevor Gibbons hurt himself when he fell off the fifth floor

D. listening and dancing to music are not included in music therapy

30 tháng 5 2019

Đáp án B.

Choose the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. 1. I see that Tom (writes/ is writing) his composition. 2. He says that he (looks/ will look) for a job next week. 3. They think he (was/ would be) here last night. 4. He tells us that he (was/have been) to the mountains before. 5. I hope that he (will be/ would be) able to attend. 6. H wants to do it before his father (will come/comes). 7. People have sad that the sun (rise) in the East. 8. He says he (does/will do) it some time. 9. He...
Đọc tiếp

Choose the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I see that Tom (writes/ is writing) his composition.
2. He says that he (looks/ will look) for a job next week.
3. They think he (was/ would be) here last night.
4. He tells us that he (was/have been) to the mountains before.
5. I hope that he (will be/ would be) able to attend.
6. H wants to do it before his father (will come/comes).
7. People have sad that the sun (rise) in the East.
8. He says he (does/will do) it some time.
9. He asked the guard what time the train usually (starts/started).
10. He told me the morning that he (is going/was going) with us the following day.
11. He says that he (finished/will finish) the project by May.
12. I realized that they (are/were) older than they looked.
13. I hear that Kate (accepted/has accepted) a new position.
14. They told me they (have never seen/ had never seen) her before.
15. We know that you (move/will move) to France next year.
16. In Britain, the weather ks is very varied. People (never know/ has never known) what it (is/will be) like the next day.
17. He (is/had been) I'll for a long time before he died.
18. She didn't tell me the reason why she (didn't come/ hadn't come) to school the day before.
19. I had no map, that's why I (got/get) lost.
20. I hope it (does not rain/ will not rain) when we start early tomorrow.

11 tháng 7 2019

1. I see that Tom (writes/ is writing) his composition.
2. He says that he (looks/ will look) for a job next week.
3. They think he (was/ would be) here last night.
4. He tells us that he (was/has been) to the mountains before.
5. I hope that he (will be/ would be) able to attend.
6. H wants to do it before his father (will come/comes).
7. People have said that the sun (rises) in the East.
8. He says he (does/will do) it some time.
9. He asked the guard what time the train usually (starts/started).
10. He told me the morning that he (is going/was going) with us the following day.
11. He says that he (finished/will finish) the project by May.
12. I realized that they (are/were) older than they looked.
13. I hear that Kate (accepted/has accepted) a new position.
14. They told me they (have never seen/ had never seen) her before.
15. We know that you (move/will move) to France next year.
16. In Britain, the weather ks is very varied. People (never know/ has never known) what it (is/will be) like the next day.
17. He (is/had been) I'll for a long time before he died.
18. She didn't tell me the reason why she (didn't come/ hadn't come) to school the day before.
19. I had no map, that's why I (got/get) lost.
20. I hope it (does not rain/ will not rain) when we start early tomorrow.

24 tháng 7 2021

1. I see that Tom (writes/ is writing) his composition.
2. He says that he (looks/ will look) for a job next week.
3. They think he (was/ would be) here last night.
4. He tells us that he (was/has been) to the mountains before.
5. I hope that he (will be/ would be) able to attend.
6. H wants to do it before his father (will come/comes).
7. People have said that the sun (rises) in the East.
8. He says he (does/will do) it some time.
9. He asked the guard what time the train usually (starts/started).
10. He told me the morning that he (is going/was going) with us the following day.
11. He says that he (finished/will finish) the project by May.
12. I realized that they (are/were) older than they looked.
13. I hear that Kate (accepted/has accepted) a new position.
14. They told me they (have never seen/ had never seen) her before.
15. We know that you (move/will move) to France next year.
16. In Britain, the weather ks is very varied. People (never know/ has never known) what it (is/will be) like the next day.
17. He (is/had been) I'll for a long time before he died.
18. She didn't tell me the reason why she (didn't come/ hadn't come) to school the day before.
19. I had no map, that's why I (got/get) lost.
20. I hope it (does not rain/ will not rain) when we start early tomorrow.

chúc bạn học tốt

Artificial intelligence is the technology that allows machines to possess human-like intelligence. It means creating intelligence (34) __________. The machines or robots are programmed (35) __________ they think like humans and act like them. It is believed that machines can be programmed to possess cognitive abilities. AI robots can think, make the most appropriate decisions and learn from past experiences without any human intervention. This concept is called machine learning (36) ________ is...
Đọc tiếp

Artificial intelligence is the technology that allows machines to possess human-like intelligence. It means creating intelligence (34) __________. The machines or robots are programmed (35) __________ they think like humans and act like them. It is believed that machines can be programmed to possess cognitive abilities. AI robots can think, make the most appropriate decisions and learn from past experiences without any human intervention. This concept is called machine learning (36) ________ is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence can be (37) __________ into two different types, namely - weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI involves performing some tasks like answering questions and performing basic tasks like setting the alarm, playing music, or making a call. Strong AI refers to performing (38) __________ that involve problem-solving and decision-making without human intervention. This type of AI is found in smart robots, self-driving cars.

Câu 37 

A) controlled

B) classifed

C) generated

D) analyzed

18 tháng 5 2023


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 10: It can be inferred from the last paragraph that a rehabilitation center is _______.

A. a center for people to recover from injuries

B. a center for poor or homeless people

C. a center for disabled or disadvantaged children

D. a center for victims of natural disasters

18 tháng 10 2017

Đáp án A.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 6: According to paragraph 1, music can be helpful for all of the following people EXCEPT _______.

A. people with communication and speech problems

B. people with bad pain

C. people with memory problems

D. people with good stress management

25 tháng 7 2018

Đáp án D.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 11: Which of the following statements is TRUE about music therapy?

A. A music therapist always works with one person each time.

B. A person must know about music to be helped by music therapy.

C. Music can reduce pain by affecting a part of the brain.

D. Trevor Gibbons was not helped by music therapy.

26 tháng 3 2018

Đáp án C.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 7: According to the passage, the kind of music therapy is chosen by _______.

A. the patient

B. the therapist

C. the singer

D. the composer

12 tháng 7 2018

Đáp án B.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.   In...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

   Music therapy is using music to help people with a variety of problems. For example, it can help people with communication and speech problems speak better. It can help people with memory problems remember things from their past. Music therapy can also help people manage stress and be more relaxed. It can even make people with bad pain feel better.

   In music therapy, a music therapist works with one person alone or with small groups. The therapist meets with the person and does tests to find out what the problem is and what the person can do with music. Then the therapist decides what kind of music therapy to use. Some people sing, and others might compose music, but a person doesn't need to know about music to be helped by music therapy. There are options such as listening to music and dancing to music. Research shows that these activities are good for the body and for the mind.

   Homes that take care of elderly people often have music therapy programs. The programs help the elderly be more energetic and also help with memory problems. Some hospitals have music therapy for patients who are in a lot of pain. Music can affect a part of the brain that reduces pain.

   Trevor Gibbons is one example of a person who was helped by music therapy. In 2000, he was putting in windows on the fourth floor of a building when he fell. He was in the hospital for over a year. He was in a lot of pain, and he couldn’t talk. He went from the hospital to a rehabilitation center that has a music therapy program, and a music therapist worked with him for several years. He could sing more easily than he could talk. Trevor says that music also helped him manage loneliness, sadness, and pain after he was hurt. Music and the music therapist inspired him, and he has written and sung many songs. He has even recorded CDs and performed at Lincoln Center in New York.

Question 5: Which is the main idea of the passage?

A. the life of a music therapist

B. other uses of music

C. music for the elderly

D. the history of music therapy

8 tháng 11 2017

Đáp án B.