
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

giúp mình dịch đoạn tiếng anh này nhé Modern society with a fast pace of life makes it easy to generate bad habits that repeat over and over in everyday life, such as unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, psychological imbalance… This is a common cause of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Therefore, the secret of Japanese healthy life is to change bad habits every day. Let’s follow the basic rules of Japanese people to improve your health every...
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giúp mình dịch đoạn tiếng anh này nhé 

Modern society with a fast pace of life makes it easy to generate bad habits that repeat over and over in everyday life, such as unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, psychological imbalance… This is a common cause of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Therefore, the secret of Japanese healthy life is to change bad habits every day. Let’s follow the basic rules of Japanese people to improve your health every day.

Diverse dishes

One of the secrets of healthy Japanese people is a scientific diet that helps the human’s body develops balance, preventing many dangerous diseases and increasing life expectancy. Their scientific diet is the diversity of foods that contain high nutritional contents, such as green vegetables, fruits, beans, fishes…

Japanese especially like eating fish. Every year, they consume nearly 10% of the world’s fish food, although their population is only 2%, that statistic means that every Japanese citizen eats five times more fish than other people in the world. Fish is rich in protein, without excess energy to help avoid the risk of cardiovascular disease and is rich in Omega 3- very good for the skin.

Japanese use almost all of the fresh ingredients in food processing. This also often uses simple methods, such as steaming, sautéing, stewing, baking to keep the fresh taste and nutrients. Remember to limit fat absorption from the food into the body.

Cảm ơn các bạn nhiều


Xã hội hiện đại với nhịp sống nhanh dễ phát sinh những thói quen xấu lặp đi lặp lại trong cuộc sống hàng ngày như chế độ ăn uống không cân đối, lười vận động, tâm lý mất cân bằng… Đây là nguyên nhân phổ biến dẫn đến tăng huyết áp, rối loạn mỡ máu, đái tháo đường, béo phì, và thậm chí cả ung thư. Vì vậy, bí quyết sống khỏe của người Nhật là thay đổi những thói quen xấu mỗi ngày. Hãy cùng tuân thủ những quy tắc cơ bản của người Nhật để nâng cao sức khỏe mỗi ngày. Món ăn đa dạng Một trong những bí quyết sống khỏe của người Nhật là chế độ ăn uống khoa học giúp cơ thể con người phát triển cân đối, ngăn ngừa nhiều bệnh tật nguy hiểm và tăng tuổi thọ. Chế độ ăn uống khoa học của họ là đa dạng các loại thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao như rau xanh, củ quả, đậu, cá… Người Nhật đặc biệt thích ăn cá. Hàng năm, họ tiêu thụ gần 10% lượng thức ăn cho cá trên thế giới, mặc dù dân số của họ chỉ chiếm 2%, nhưng con số thống kê đó có nghĩa là mỗi người dân Nhật Bản ăn cá nhiều hơn 5 lần so với những người khác trên thế giới. Cá rất giàu đạm, không dư thừa năng lượng giúp tránh nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch và giàu Omega 3- rất tốt cho da. Người Nhật sử dụng hầu hết các nguyên liệu tươi sống trong chế biến thực phẩm. Cách này cũng thường sử dụng các phương pháp đơn giản như hấp, áp chảo, hầm, nướng để giữ được hương vị tươi ngon và chất dinh dưỡng. Nhớ hạn chế hấp thụ chất béo từ thức ăn vào cơ thể. 

6 tháng 1 2022

Xã hội hiện đại với nhịp sống nhanh dễ phát sinh những thói quen xấu lặp đi lặp lại trong cuộc sống hàng ngày như chế độ ăn uống không cân đối, lười vận động, tâm lý mất cân bằng… Đây là nguyên nhân phổ biến dẫn đến tăng huyết áp, rối loạn mỡ máu, đái tháo đường, béo phì, và thậm chí cả ung thư. Vì vậy, bí quyết sống khỏe của người Nhật là thay đổi những thói quen xấu mỗi ngày. Hãy cùng tuân thủ những quy tắc cơ bản của người Nhật để nâng cao sức khỏe mỗi ngày. Món ăn đa dạng Một trong những bí quyết sống khỏe của người Nhật là chế độ ăn uống khoa học giúp cơ thể con người phát triển cân đối, ngăn ngừa nhiều bệnh tật nguy hiểm và tăng tuổi thọ. Chế độ ăn uống khoa học của họ là đa dạng các loại thực phẩm chứa hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao như rau xanh, củ quả, đậu, cá… Người Nhật đặc biệt thích ăn cá. Hàng năm, họ tiêu thụ gần 10% lượng thức ăn cho cá của thế giới, mặc dù dân số của họ chỉ chiếm 2%, nhưng con số thống kê đó có nghĩa là mỗi người dân Nhật Bản ăn cá nhiều hơn 5 lần so với những người khác trên thế giới. Cá rất giàu đạm, không dư thừa năng lượng giúp tránh nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch và giàu Omega 3- rất tốt cho da. Người Nhật sử dụng hầu hết các nguyên liệu tươi sống trong chế biến thực phẩm. Cách này cũng thường sử dụng các phương pháp đơn giản như hấp, áp chảo, hầm, nướng để giữ được hương vị tươi ngon và chất dinh dưỡng. Nhớ hạn chế hấp thụ chất béo từ thức ăn vào cơ thể.

ai cấm dùng gg dịch nhỉ?

Các bạn hãy giúp mình giải 1 bài văn này nhé:Since thousands of ancient times, women have been present with an important role in the life and the complete development of society as well as people. In build and develop life as well as labor, fight against the forces of evil and protect the country. That importance is affirmeddetermined through the capacity and moral qualities of women over time. From time immemorial, my father drew four words to the woman Vietnamese women "public,...
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Các bạn hãy giúp mình giải 1 bài văn này nhé:

Since thousands of ancient times, women have been present with an important role in the life and the complete development of society as well as people. In build and develop life as well as labor, fight against the forces of evil and protect the country. That importance is affirmed
determined through the capacity and moral qualities of women over time. From time immemorial, my father drew four words to the woman Vietnamese women "public, content, language, happiness".
Experiencing the history and general development of the world and Asian countries, moral standards as well as the concept of beauty in general and the beauty of women in particular also changes from time to time, each generation. The standard of women today has a bit of change to adapt more with practice, more in line with the development of society as well as the trend of integration with the whole world, with the pace of modernization. However, the
development and standards of Vietnamese women are always associated with the old substance, which is evident in the inheritance: faithful, generous, guaranteed, speechless. In ancient times, the part of women in feudal society was a topic chosen by many poets and writers. Through those That work, the woman shows up with beautiful images, along with the beautiful personality, but fate always depends on others. The binding of feudal society, the cruelty of the forces makes their lives full of thorns and waves. Social style
The most unjust and unjustly biased is the woman and society that people always become slaves of money, which makes women hard,
frequency of going to the market early in the day raising her husband and taking care of her children. Although there is suffering, they consider it a joy, a happiness, not a burden heavy. But we see, no matter how difficult the woman is, they always shine up noble personality, sacrifice, love, optimism, faith in fresh light of life. Although the self-contained woman is so, weak before binding
That's it, but "the enemy came home, the women also beat".
During the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans, the woman appeared and fought a heroic sacrifice such as: Mac Thi Buoi, Vo Thi Sau, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, Nguyen Thi Chien, Nguyen Thi Hang, Vo Thi Thang, Tran Thi Ly, Ut Tich, Mom Tu, Nguyen Thi Dinh and Nguyen Thi Binh, etc. They are determined to fight the enemy to the end, determined not to foreign invaders to steal home, rob of ... In any field, stage Any history we encounter is the name of a famous woman, national glorious. The whole world they honor women .. That beauty always shows present through ideals and life, wisdom and soul. In other words, it is a harmonious beauty between form and content. Today is not yet already out of prejudice, even stigma, but comprehensive in terms of both quantity and quality, contributions preserved and promoted Good role for social development practices in all areas. From taking on the domestic role "in the family, women today are important Foreign affairs, this is not just a career for men. They affirm the value, the ability to career and the rise. Aspiration not only As simple as escaping from the family framework, moreover, they affirmed their position as the leaders of corporations and companies. Corporate companies, even leaders in organizations in the government apparatus.In short, no matter what time, women always play an important role in life and work. Besides preserving products Traditional substance from thousands of ancient times, women today must always strive to become a good citizen, dream, living with ambition, living social and community responsibility. These are very basic elements, the original elements of Vietnamese women.

Life in the past and Life in the present Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we live. Obviously, it is hard to compare the life of the ancient people and the life of the people of the twenty first century because so many changes have occured. However, even the changes that have taken place over the last ten years are amazing. To start with, people were not able to travel such long distances in such short period of time. The planes were not that popular...
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Life in the past and Life in the present

Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we live. Obviously, it is hard to compare the life of the ancient people and the life of the people of the twenty first century because so many changes have occured. However, even the changes that have taken place over the last ten years are amazing.

To start with, people were not able to travel such long distances in such short period of time. The planes were not that popular then because they used to be a very expensive means of transport. Nowadays, we have become very mobile. We have fast and comfortable cars and more and more people also travels by plane. Moreover, in the past people had to work much harder as they did not have tools which made their work easier. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is done by computers and other machines. In the past the conditions of living were not as comfortable as they are now. There were not bathrooms and running water in many houses, besides many people could not afford household appliances like fridge, TV set or vacuum cleaner because they used to be luxurious goods. Another difference between living now and in the past is the fact that nowadays the access to education is much easier. In the past, there were fewer schools and the quality of the education they provided was much poorer. Besides, nowadays it is much easier to find the educational materials that you need thanks to the Internet. Another difference is that in the past there were not that many sources of entertainment. Therefore people used to spend more time with their friends.

All things considering, it is an obvious conclusion that life has changed significantly in the last couple of years. It is definitely much easier now however, it is not easy to decide whether it is also better. The scientific achievements and technological progress are amazing. We still create new inventions which simplify our lives. On the other hand, however, life now is much faster and more busy than it used to be in the past. Moreover, it has also become more dangerous. The standard of living has definitely improved but it can be discussed whether the quality of our lives is also better.

* T/F:

1. Life nowadays is the same as life of our ancestors.

2. Technology has made our lives easier.

3. In the past, household appliances were very expensive.

4. Public schools allowed females and males to be educated in the same schools.

5. We can use the internet to communicate with people around the world.

* Answer Question:

1. Is life today faster or slower than life in the past?

2. What has happend to the standard of living?

3. What makes it easy to access information?

4. Who or what does some difficult jobs for us?

5. What makes our lives easier at home?

@Hoàng Minh Nguyệt, ...

11 tháng 11 2018

* T/F:

1. Life nowadays is the same as life of our ancestors.


2. Technology has made our lives easier.


3. In the past, household appliances were very expensive.


4. Public schools allowed females and males to be educated in the same schools.

=>T 5. We can use the internet to communicate with people around the world. =>T

* Answer Question:

1. Is life today faster or slower than life in the past?

=>It's faster than life in the past

2. What has happend to the standard of living?

=>The standard of living has definitely improved

3. What makes it easy to access information?

=>We use the Internet

4. Who or what does some difficult jobs for us?

=>Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is done by computers and other machines

5. What makes our lives easier at home?


11 tháng 11 2018

Mk làm gần xong còn 1 câu thì pạn mới trả lời!!! Hoàng Minh Nguyệt

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

The passage mainly discusses _______

A. The definition of life expectancy 

B. The comparison of life expectancy between women and men

C. The importance of a successful career 

D. The effects of a career on one’s life expectancy

18 tháng 7 2019

Đáp án : D

Đoạn 2 đã bắt đầu đi vào phân tích các yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới tuổi thọ, mà chủ yếu là yếu tố công việc (career). Sự ảnh hưởng của công việc tới tuổi thọ được phân tích về cả hướng tích cực và tiêu cực

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

It can be inferred from the paragraph 3 that the disadvantage of a successful career is that _______.

A. You won’t have to take a job on the “dangerous jobs” list 

B. You are at the greater risk of being a victim of crime 

C.  There is a high number of work – related injuries 

D.  You are more likely to be under stress.

8 tháng 9 2017

Đáp án : D

Cuối đoạn 3, đầu đoạn 4: Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress. Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders ... These conditions may result … serious injuries at work. -> Sự nghiệp thành công có thể kèm theo áp lực cao, dẫn đến rối loạn thần kinh, gây nên những chấn thương nghiêm trọng

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

Why does the author think that you should remember to relax?

A. Because stress can decrease your life expectancy 

B. Because relaxing will make you feel better 

C. Because relaxing will improve your career 

D. Because you have completed the reading

20 tháng 3 2017

Đáp án : A

Cả đoạn 4 nói về tác hại của stress,và cuối cùng, tác hại mạnh nhất là:They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy-> dẫn đến cao huyết áp, đau tim và ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng tới tuổi thọ

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

          Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25 – 30 years.

          In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

          If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That’s right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work its stress.

          Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

          If you are worried that your job might decrease your  life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on “dangerous jobs” list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

          So if you don’t want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

The average life expectancy is 32,6 years in _______.

A. Swaziland

B. France

C. Australia

D. England

11 tháng 12 2019

Đáp án : A

Câu đầu đoạn 2: In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32,6 years -> ở các đất nước đang phát triển như Swaziland … tuổi thọ chỉ ở mức 32.6 năm

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42. Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years.

In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/ AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32.6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates are as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That's right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work is stress.

Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

If you are worried that your job might decrease your life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on "dangerous jobs" list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

So if you don't want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

Question 36: According to the passage, which of following is true if you have a successful career?

A. Your life expectancy increases by a decade.

B.You can afford to exercise and eat well.

C. You can buy an expensive car.

D. You can spend most of your day in an office.

8 tháng 7 2019

Đáp án A

Dịch bài: Theo bài, điều gì là đúng nếu bạn có một sự nghiệp thành công?

A. Tuổi thọ của bạn tăng theo từng thập kỉ.

B. Bạn có thể tập luyện và ăn ngon.

C. Bạn có thể mua một chiếc ô tô đắt tiền.

D. Bạn có thể dành phần lớn thời gian ở văn phòng.

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 3 “If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money”
Thực tế thì sự nghiệp thành công đều có thể ăn ngon, mua xe đẹp nhưng điều đó không được đề cập trong bài nên ta không chọn.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years.

In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/ AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32.6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates are as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That's right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work is stress.

Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

If you are worried that your job might decrease your life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on "dangerous jobs" list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

So if you don't want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

According to the passage, which of following is true if you have a successful career?

A. Your life expectancy increases by a decade

B.You can afford to exercise and eat well

C. You can buy an expensive car

D. You can spend most of your day in an office

16 tháng 2 2017

Đáp án A

Dịch bài: Theo bài, điều gì là đúng nếu bạn có một sự nghiệp thành công?

A. Tuổi thọ của bạn tăng theo từng thập kỉ.

B. Bạn có thể tập luyện và ăn ngon.

C. Bạn có thể mua một chiếc ô tô đắt tiền.

D. Bạn có thể dành phần lớn thời gian ở văn phòng.

Giải thích: Thông tin nằm ở đoạn 3 “If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money”

Thực tế thì sự nghiệp thành công đều có thể ăn ngon, mua xe đẹp nhưng điều đó không được đề cập trong bài nên ta không chọn

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42. Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Life expectancy is the period of time that a person can expect to live. Life expectancy varies greatly between genders and cultures. It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men (1 in every 4 women died in childbirth), but now they live an average of four to five years longer than men. Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries. With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years.

In developing countries like Swaziland, where there is a high HIV/ AIDS rate, life expectancy is as low as 32.6 years. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy rates are as high as 81 years. There are an increasing number of factors which can cancel out the disadvantages you have. The one that we are looking at now is how your career can affect your life expectancy. Choosing the wrong career can result in a shorter life!

If you want your career to positively influence your life expectancy, you have to be made of money. That's right. Rich people in wealthy areas of England and France live 10 years longer than the people in poorer areas. Having a successful career has its drawbacks, too if the result of hard work is stress.

Stress can lead to a number of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, tension and aggression. These conditions may result in a lack of concentration and an increase in serious injuries at work. They can also lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks which seriously affect life expectancy.

If you are worried that your job might decrease your life expectancy, you probably need to avoid careers on "dangerous jobs" list such as timber cutters, pilots, construction workers, roofer, truck drivers.

So if you don't want to kick the bucket at an early age, choose a career in something other than timber cutting, but above all, remember to relax.

From Pre-Essence Reading by Rachel Lee, Longman

Question 38: According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT

A. our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years because there are fewer wars nowadays.

B. in the past, women's life expectancy was lower than that of men.

C. life expectancy varies greatly depending on genders and cultures.

D. there has been a dramatic increase in average life expectancy over the last centuries.

22 tháng 6 2017

Đáp án A

Dịch nghĩa: Theo bài, tất cả các thông tin sau đều đúng, trừ ____________.

A. tuổi thọ tăng từ 25-30 năm vì bây giờ có ít chiến tranh hơn.

B. ngày trước tuổi thọ của phụ nữ thấp hơn đàn ông

C. tuổi thọ thay đổi nhiều phụ thuộc vào giới tính và văn hóa

D. có một sự tăng đáng kể tuổi thọ trung bình trong vòng thế kỉ trước.

Giải thích: B đúng vì trong đoạn 1 “It used to be that women had a lower life expectancy than men”

C. đúng vì trong đoạn 1 có nói về khác biệt về tuổi thọ qua giới tính, đoạn 2 nói về văn hóa như Australia và Swaziland.

D. đúng vì trong đoạn 1 “Life expectancy has been increasing rapidly over the last centuries”

Như vậy, chỉ có phương án A không đúng. Thực tế tuổi thọ tăng 25-30 năm, nhưng là do tiến bộ y học, không phải do ít chiến tranh hơn “With the advent of such modern miracles as sewers, medicine and a greater understanding of how diseases are spread, our life expectancy has increased by 25-30 years”