
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

3 tháng 8 2018

đề bài ??

4 tháng 8 2018


1 today

2 OK

3 not

4 do

5 are

6 OK

7 to

8 OK

9 be

10 it

11 by

12 be

13 OK

14 is

15 is
Fill in the blanK: living in a modern World may have its advantages but it(1)............. has its disadvantages that one disadvantages of the modern way of life which stands(2)............. from the rest is the negative influence cars have(3)............. The environment. Today, all developed societies face a(4)........... range of problems Caused by cars and(5).........vehicles. These include air and noise pollution,(6)...........traffic and the ever growing numbers in f roads in our cities....
Đọc tiếp

Fill in the blanK: living in a modern World may have its advantages but it(1)............. has its disadvantages that one disadvantages of the modern way of life which stands(2)............. from the rest is the negative influence cars have(3)............. The environment. Today, all developed societies face a(4)........... range of problems Caused by cars and(5).........vehicles. These include air and noise pollution,(6)...........traffic and the ever growing numbers in f roads in our cities. Major cities around the world face considerable environmental damage (7)............ of this and are in need of serious measures to reverse this trend.

How did we end (8)..........with such a problem? There are no simple answers(9)............. this question and no serious effort has been made to find either.it is about (10)...........,however, that our generation got serious (11)...........this issue. People must be willing to stand (12).......... environmental groups and make any effort necessary to change the situation. Many Environmentalists Believe that we could help by using our(13)......sense. Car poolling for instance could be a solution to the problem.this simple program calls for people to share their cars with fellow workers to and from work got a lot of interest has been shown (14).......car poolling and other more ambitious programmes are plan for the future

10 tháng 6 2018
  1. also
  2. out
  3. on
  4. wide
  5. other
  6. congested / heavy / busy
  7. a result / a rule
  8. up
  9. to
  10. time
  11. about
  12. support / join
  13. good
  14. over
10 tháng 6 2018

Giup mik voi!!! Can gap

Dịch hộ mình bài này nhé! Cám ơn trước. P/s: Không dùng Google Translate nhé UN Reports See a Lonelier Planet With Fewer Plants, Animals Earth is losing plants, animals and clean water at a dramatic rate, according to four new U.N. scientific reports that provide the most comprehensive and localized look at the state of biodiversity. Scientists meeting in Colombia issued four regional reports Friday on how well animals and plants are doing in the Americas; Europe and Central Asia;...
Đọc tiếp
Dịch hộ mình bài này nhé! Cám ơn trước. P/s: Không dùng Google Translate nhé UN Reports See a Lonelier Planet With Fewer Plants, Animals

Earth is losing plants, animals and clean water at a dramatic rate, according to four new U.N. scientific reports that provide the most comprehensive and localized look at the state of biodiversity. Scientists meeting in Colombia issued four regional reports Friday on how well animals and plants are doing in the Americas; Europe and Central Asia; Africa; and the Asia-Pacific area. Their conclusion after three years of study: Nowhere is doing well.

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem was about more than just critters, said study team chairman Robert Watson. It is about keeping Earth livable for humans, because we rely on biodiversity for food, clean water and public health, the prominent British and U.S. scientist said. "This is undermining well-being across the planet, threatening us long term on food and water," Watson said in an interview. Scientists pointed to this week's death of the last male northern white rhino in Africa and severe declines in the numbers of elephants, tigers and pangolins, but said those are only the most visible and charismatic of species that are in trouble.

What's happening is a side effect of the world getting wealthier and more crowded with people, Watson said. Humans need more food, more clean water, more energy and more land. And the way society has tried to achieve that has cut down on biodiversity, he said. Crucial habitat has been cut apart; alien species have invaded places; chemicals have hurt plants and animals; wetlands and mangroves that clean up pollution are disappearing; and the world's waters are overfished, he said. Man-made climate change is getting worse, and global warming will soon hurt biodiversity as much as all the other problems combined, Watson said.

31 tháng 3 2018

Báo cáo của Liên Hiệp Quốc nhìn một hành tinh cô đơn hơn với ít cây cối, động vật hơn
Trái đất đang mất dần các thực vật, động vật và nước sạch với tốc độ đáng kể, theo bốn báo cáo khoa học mới của Liên Hiệp Quốc. đưa ra cách nhìn toàn diện và địa phương về tình trạng đa dạng sinh học. Các cuộc họp của các nhà khoa học ở Colombia đã đưa ra 4 báo cáo về tình trạng động vật và thực vật ở châu Mỹ; Châu Âu và Trung Á; Châu phi; và khu vực Châu Á Thái Bình Dương. Kết luận của họ sau ba năm nghiên cứu: Không nơi nào làm tốt.

Chủ tịch nhóm nghiên cứu, ông Robert Watson, cho biết nền tảng chính sách khoa học-chính phủ về đa dạng sinh học và hệ sinh thái không chỉ là những con vật. Đó là việc giữ cho trái đất có thể sống được cho con người, bởi vì chúng ta dựa vào đa dạng sinh học đối với thực phẩm, nước sạch và sức khoẻ cộng đồng, nhà khoa học Anh và Mỹ nổi tiếng nói. "Điều này đang làm suy yếu sự thịnh vượng của chúng ta, đe dọa chúng ta lâu dài về thức ăn và nước," Watson nói trong một cuộc phỏng vấn. Các nhà khoa học đã chỉ ra cái chết cuối cùng của con tê giác trắng cuối cùng ở châu Phi và sự sụt giảm nghiêm trọng về số lượng con voi, hổ và tê tê, nhưng nói rằng đây chỉ là loài có khả năng nhìn thấy và hấp dẫn nhất đối với các loài đang gặp rắc rối.

Điều gì đang xảy ra là một ảnh hưởng phụ của thế giới ngày càng giàu có và đông đúc hơn với người dân, Watson nói. Con người cần nhiều thức ăn, nước sạch hơn, năng lượng và nhiều đất hơn. Và cách mà xã hội đã cố gắng đạt được đã làm giảm sự đa dạng sinh học, ông nói. Môi trường sống chủ yếu đã bị cắt đứt; các loài ngoại lai xâm lăng; hóa chất đã gây hại cho thực vật và động vật; vùng đất ngập nước và rừng ngập mặn làm sạch ô nhiễm đang biến mất; và vùng biển của thế giới bị đánh bắt quá mức, ông nói. Theo Watson, biến đổi khí hậu do con người gây ra ngày càng tồi tệ hơn và sự ấm lên toàn cầu sẽ sớm ảnh hưởng đến đa dạng sinh học cũng như tất cả các vấn đề khác

Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. ...
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Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. When you are drinking a cold beer on a hot day, or eating a delicious cheese sandwich, you can thank biotechnology for the pleasure you are experiencing. That’s right! Beer, bread and cheese are all produced using biotechnology. Perhaps a definition will be useful to understand how. A standard definition is that biotechnology (or biotech for short) is the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms. And as you know, the food and drink above are all produced by the fermentation of micro-organisms. In beer, the yeast multiplies as it eats the sugars in the mixture and turns them into alcohol and CO2. This ancient technique was first used in Egypt to make bread and wine around 4000BC! Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases, especially those caused by bacteria. They are natural substances that are created by bacteria and fungi. The first antibiotic was made in China in about 500BC – to cure boils. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and it was considered a medical miracle. Modern research is looking at the creation of super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. Our modern consumer society produces a lot of waste which needs to be disposed of safely and without harmful end products. Environmental biotechnology can help. Indeed, the use of bacteria to treat sewage was first practiced in 1914 in Manchester, England. Vermiculture or using worms to treat waste is another environmentally-friendly practice and the end product is a natural fertiliser. Bacteria have even been developed to help with problems such as oil spills. They convert crude oil and gasoline into non-toxic substances such as carbon dioxide, water and oxygen and help create a cleaner, healthier environment. These examples of biotechnology are accepted by most people. However, the discovery of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the beginning of the modern era of genetics and the following areas of biotech are very controversial. Read on… The genetic modification of plants and crops has been in practice for many years. This involves changing the genetic code of these plants so that they are more resistant to bad conditions like drought, floods and frost. Supporters of GM food say that it can offer the consumer better quality, safety and taste and for over a decade Americans have been eating GM food. However, things are very different in Europe where genetically modified food is very strictly regulated and regarded with deep suspicion by the public. GM food has even been called “Frankenfood” in the press, a term inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. There is a great cultural divide between America and Europe over whether such food is safe to eat and will not harm the environment and the discussion is still in progress. 1997 saw the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult cell. This was a remarkable achievement which created world-wide debate on the ethical issues surrounding cloning. International organisations such as the European parliament, UNESCO and WHO all declared that human cloning is both morally and legally wrong. However, we need to make a distinction between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Nowadays the idea of reproductive cloning – creating a copy of another person - is no longer interesting for researchers. Instead therapeutic cloning is creating excitement in the biotech world. Key to this technique is stem cells, which are master cells that have the potential to become any other kind of cell in the body e.g. nerve cells, blood, heart muscle or even brain cells. Stem cells themselves have generated a lot of controversy as it was believed that only human embryos could provide them. However, it now appears that adult stem cells offer the same possibility. This would mean that a patient who suffered a heart attack could provide doctors with his adult stem cells which could then be implanted back into his heart and used to create heart muscle, replacing the muscle that was damaged. As the genetic code is identical, there would be no problem of the body rejecting the implant as, unfortunately, happens with organ transplants. In the future, biotechnologists hope that stem cells could be used to grow entire organs. In this way biotechnology offers the hope of revolutionising medical treatment. In this brief overview of the history of biotechnology we have jumped from making bread to making human organs - an enormous leap- and it is clear that these modern practices raise many controversial issues. However, despite the debate, we can imagine that as biotechnology has been around for many years, it will still be around for some time to come - but who knows where it will take us? Questions: After reading, choose the best answer for the following questions 1. What is the main topic of the article? Brief history and modern developments of biotechnology Benefit of biotechnology Modern research in biotechnology 2. What does the pronoun "IT" in the first paragraph refer to? Biotechnology The article The word "Biotechnology" 3. Which products were first made with fermentation of micro-organisms? Beer, bread and cheese Bread and wine Beer and cheese Decide whether the statement below is True or False. 4. Alexander Fleming discovered super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. TrueFalse 5. GM food is easily available in the U.S. and Europe. TrueFalse 6.Researchers believe that adult stem cells could be used to create body parts. TrueFalse
28 tháng 7 2017

Nowadays in the news you can read a lot about biotechnology and the controversies about it and perhaps you ask yourself what it is exactly. Well, this article is going to give you a brief history of the field of biotechnology and show you that, although the word “biotechnology” was first used in 1919, we have been using biotechnology for many thousands of years in ways that are completely uncontroversial. It will also look at the more modern developments which have started intense debate. When you are drinking a cold beer on a hot day, or eating a delicious cheese sandwich, you can thank biotechnology for the pleasure you are experiencing. That’s right! Beer, bread and cheese are all produced using biotechnology. Perhaps a definition will be useful to understand how. A standard definition is that biotechnology (or biotech for short) is the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms. And as you know, the food and drink above are all produced by the fermentation of micro-organisms. In beer, the yeast multiplies as it eats the sugars in the mixture and turns them into alcohol and CO2. This ancient technique was first used in Egypt to make bread and wine around 4000BC! Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat diseases, especially those caused by bacteria. They are natural substances that are created by bacteria and fungi. The first antibiotic was made in China in about 500BC – to cure boils. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and it was considered a medical miracle. Modern research is looking at the creation of super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them. Our modern consumer society produces a lot of waste which needs to be disposed of safely and without harmful end products. Environmental biotechnology can help. Indeed, the use of bacteria to treat sewage was first practiced in 1914 in Manchester, England. Vermiculture or using worms to treat waste is another environmentally-friendly practice and the end product is a natural fertiliser. Bacteria have even been developed to help with problems such as oil spills. They convert crude oil and gasoline into non-toxic substances such as carbon dioxide, water and oxygen and help create a cleaner, healthier environment. These examples of biotechnology are accepted by most people. However, the discovery of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the beginning of the modern era of genetics and the following areas of biotech are very controversial. Read on… The genetic modification of plants and crops has been in practice for many years. This involves changing the genetic code of these plants so that they are more resistant to bad conditions like drought, floods and frost. Supporters of GM food say that it can offer the consumer better quality, safety and taste and for over a decade Americans have been eating GM food. However, things are very different in Europe where genetically modified food is very strictly regulated and regarded with deep suspicion by the public. GM food has even been called “Frankenfood” in the press, a term inspired by the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. There is a great cultural divide between America and Europe over whether such food is safe to eat and will not harm the environment and the discussion is still in progress. 1997 saw the birth of Dolly the sheep, the first animal cloned from an adult cell. This was a remarkable achievement which created world-wide debate on the ethical issues surrounding cloning. International organisations such as the European parliament, UNESCO and WHO all declared that human cloning is both morally and legally wrong. However, we need to make a distinction between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Nowadays the idea of reproductive cloning – creating a copy of another person - is no longer interesting for researchers. Instead therapeutic cloning is creating excitement in the biotech world. Key to this technique is stem cells, which are master cells that have the potential to become any other kind of cell in the body e.g. nerve cells, blood, heart muscle or even brain cells. Stem cells themselves have generated a lot of controversy as it was believed that only human embryos could provide them. However, it now appears that adult stem cells offer the same possibility. This would mean that a patient who suffered a heart attack could provide doctors with his adult stem cells which could then be implanted back into his heart and used to create heart muscle, replacing the muscle that was damaged. As the genetic code is identical, there would be no problem of the body rejecting the implant as, unfortunately, happens with organ transplants. In the future, biotechnologists hope that stem cells could be used to grow entire organs. In this way biotechnology offers the hope of revolutionising medical treatment. In this brief overview of the history of biotechnology we have jumped from making bread to making human organs - an enormous leap- and it is clear that these modern practices raise many controversial issues. However, despite the debate, we can imagine that as biotechnology has been around for many years, it will still be around for some time to come - but who knows where it will take us?


After reading, choose the best answer for the following questions

1. What is the main topic of the article?

Brief history and modern developments of biotechnology

Benefit of biotechnology

Modern research in biotechnology

2. What does the pronoun "IT" in the first paragraph refer to?


The article

The word "Biotechnology"

3. Which products were first made with fermentation of micro-organisms?

Beer, bread and cheese

Bread and wine

Beer and cheese

Decide whether the statement below is True or False.

4. Alexander Fleming discovered super-antibodies which can kill bacteria and viruses inside the cells that house them.


5. GM food is easily available in the U.S. and Europe.


6.Researchers believe that adult stem cells could be used to create body parts.


Every drop of water in the ocean, even in the deepest parts, responds to the forces that create the tides. No other force that affects the sea is so strong. Compared with the tides, the waves created by the wind are surface movements feltno more than a hundred fathoms below the surface. The currents also seldom involve more than the upper several hundred fathoms despite their impressive sweep. The tides are a response of the waters of the ocean to the pull of the Moon and the more distant Sun....
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Every drop of water in the ocean, even in the deepest parts, responds to the forces that create the tides. No other force that affects the sea is so strong. Compared with the tides, the waves created by the wind are surface movements feltno more than a hundred fathoms below the surface. The currents also seldom involve more than the upper several hundred fathoms despite their impressive sweep.

The tides are a response of the waters of the ocean to the pull of the Moon and the more distant Sun. In theory, there is a gravitational attraction between the water and even the outermost star of the universe. In reality, however, the pull of remote stars is so slight as to be obliterated by the control of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun. Just as the Moon rises later each day by fifty minutes, on the average, so, in most places, the time of high tide iscorrespondingly later each day. And as the Moon waxes and wanes in its monthly cycle, so the height of the tide varies. The tidal movements are strongest when the Moon is a sliver in the sky, and when it is full. These are the highest flood tides and the lowest ebb tides of the lunar month and are called the spring tides. At these times, the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in line and the pull of the two heavenly bodies is added together to bring the water high on the beaches, to send its surf upward against the sea cliffs, and to draw a high tide into the harbors. Twice each month, at the quarters of the Moon, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth lie at the apexes of a triangular configuration and the pull of the Sun and Moon are opposed, the moderate tidal movements called neap tides occur. Then the difference between high and low water is less than at any other time during the month.

Choose A, B, C, or D

1. The main point of the first paragraph is ...

A. The wave created by ocean currents are very large

B. Despite the strength of the wind, it only moves surface water

C. Deep ocean water is seldom affected by forces that move water

D. The tides are the most powerful force to affect the movement of ocean water

2. The word "In reality" in the third sentence of the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. Surprisingly

B. Actually

C. Characteristically

D. Similarly

3. According to the passage, the most vital factor in recognizing how much gravitational effect one object in space has on the tides is

A. Size

B. Distance

C. Temperature

D. Density

4. In the ninth sentence of the second paragraph, the word "configuration" is closest in meaning to

A. Unit

B. Center

C. Surface

D. Arrangement

5. Neap tides occur when

A. The sun counteracts the moon's gravitational attraction

B. The moon is full

C. The moon is farthest from the sun

D. Waves created by the wind combine with the moon's gravitational attraction

13 tháng 1 2019

1. The main point of the first paragraph is ...

A. The wave created by ocean currents are very large

B. Despite the strength of the wind, it only moves surface water

C. Deep ocean water is seldom affected by forces that move water

D. The tides are the most powerful force to affect the movement of ocean water

2. The word "In reality" in the third sentence of the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. Surprisingly

B. Actually

C. Characteristically

D. Similarly

3. According to the passage, the most vital factor in recognizing how much gravitational effect one object in space has on the tides is

A. Size

B. Distance

C. Temperature

D. Density

4. In the ninth sentence of the second paragraph, the word "configuration" is closest in meaning to

A. Unit

B. Center

C. Surface

D. Arrangement

5. Neap tides occur when

A. The sun counteracts the moon's gravitational attraction

B. The moon is full

C. The moon is farthest from the sun

D. Waves created by the wind combine with the moon's gravitational attraction

The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere (25) ________ heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse. First, sunlight shines onto the Earth's surface, (26) ______ it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, “greenhouse gases trap some of this heat, and the the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets...
Đọc tiếp

The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere (25) ________ heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse. First, sunlight shines onto the Earth's surface, (26) ______ it is absorbed and then radiates back into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere, “greenhouse gases trap some of this heat, and the the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the more heat gets trapped.

        Scientists have known about the greenhouse effect since 1824, when Joseph Fourier calculated that the Earth would be much colder if it had no atmosphere. This greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth's climate (27) _________. Without it, the Earth's surface would be an average of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit cooler. Scientists often use the term "climate change" instead of global warming. This is because as the Earth's average temperature climbs, winds and ocean currents move heat around the globe in ways that can cool some areas, warm (28) ___________ones, and change the amount of rain and snow falling. (29)_________, the climate changes differently in different areas.

Question 25:  A. seize (túm lấy)        B. capture(bắt giữ)      C. trap (giữ lại)           D. grasp (ôm chặt)

Question 26:   A. which                     B. where                      C. that                         D. which

Question 27:  A. lively                       B. alive                        C. livable                    D. living

Question 28:   A. other                       B. another                   C. one                         D. the other

Question 29:   A. However                B. In addition              C. On the contrary      D. As a result

21 tháng 5 2021

1 C

2 D

3 C

4 A

5 D

THE NEED FOR SLEEP How much sleep (1) ………………….. we really need? This can vary quite a lot between individuals. However, it is widely believed that between 6-8 hours (2) ………………….. healthy. What is particularly important is that this sleep happens (3) ………………….. the right time: that it fits in with our body’s natural rhythm. If you suffer from sleepiness or dysfunction during (4) ………………….. day then you are probably not getting enough sleep when you most need it. Typical symptoms of a lack of...
Đọc tiếp


How much sleep (1) ………………….. we really need? This can vary quite a lot between individuals. However, it is widely believed that between 6-8 hours (2) ………………….. healthy. What is particularly important is that this sleep happens (3) ………………….. the right time: that it fits in with our body’s natural rhythm. If you suffer from sleepiness or dysfunction during (4) ………………….. day then you are probably not getting enough sleep when you most need it. Typical symptoms of a lack of sleep (5) ………………….. low concentration, poor memory and feeling irritable. Getting the right amount of sleep is not only important in terms of being able (6) ………………….. function properly on a day to day basis but it also (7) ………………….. an impact on your overall health. Research suggests that people (8) ………………….. sleep between 6 to 7 hours per night are likely to live longer (9) ………………….. those who sleep less than 6 or more than 8 hours per night. One reason (10) ………………….. this is because of the effect sleep has on our immune system. There is a belief that old people need less sleep than other adults, however, this is not in fact true. The elderly need (11) ………………….. much sleep as when they were younger but changes to their body’s rhythm and health problems might make it more difficult for (12) ………………….. to sleep through the night. As a result (13) ………………….. is common for old people to fall asleep during the day.

Read the passage, and then choose the correct answers. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the place where you want to come. People are very polite even when they often spend a long time on traffic jams. Tokyo is different from London when you want to walk to a place. During the day, most people travel to work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. Although they are us ually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage, and then choose the correct answers.

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the place where you want to come. People are very polite even when they often spend a long time on traffic jams. Tokyo is different from London when you want to walk to a place. During the day, most people travel to work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day. Although they are us ually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave and arrive on time. On a London train, everybody in a seat seems to be asleep whether the journey is long or short. The worst time to be in the street at night is about 11.30 when the nightclubs are closing and everybody wants to go home.

11.Tokyo is different from London because ………………………………………..

A. it has a larger population

B. it is a noisy city

C. it is more difficult to walk to somewhere

D. its people are friendly and more polite

12. When does the writer think the worst time to go into the street?

A. When the nightclubs are closing.

B. At 8.00 am.

C. When the trains are full.

D. At 11.30 am

13. What does the writer think of Japanese trains?

A. They are very nice and comfortable.

B. There are not enough trains.

C. They often run late.

D. They leave and arrive on time.

12 tháng 5 2020

11.D 12.A 13.D

The little chefs Hilary Rose travels to Dorset, in the south of England, to investigate a cookery course for children. There must be something in the air in Dorset, because the last place you’d expect to fi nd children during the summer holidays is in the kitchen. Yet in a farmhouse, deep in the English countryside, that’s exactly where they are – on a cookery course designed especially for children. It’s all the idea of Anna Wilson, who wants to educate young children about cooking and eating...
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The little chefs Hilary Rose travels to Dorset, in the south of England, to investigate a cookery course for children. There must be something in the air in Dorset, because the last place you’d expect to fi nd children during the summer holidays is in the kitchen. Yet in a farmhouse, deep in the English countryside, that’s exactly where they are – on a cookery course designed especially for children. It’s all the idea of Anna Wilson, who wants to educate young children about cooking and eating in a healthy way. ‘I’m very keen to plant the idea in their heads that food doesn’t grow on supermarket shelves,’ she explains. ‘The course is all about making food fun and enjoyable.’ She thinks that eight is the perfect age to start teaching children to cook, because at that age they are always hungry. 9() These children are certainly all smiles as they arrive at the country farmhouse. Three girls and four boys aged from ten to thirteen make up the group. They are immediately given a tour of what will be ‘home’ for the next 48 hours. 10 But one thing is quite clear – they all have a genuine interest in food and learning how to cook. Anna has worked as a chef in all sorts of situations and has even cooked for the crew of a racing yacht, in limited space and diffi cult weather conditions. 11 ‘Kids are easy to teach,’ she insists, ‘because they’re naturally curious and if you treat them like adults they listen to you.’ Back in the kitchen, Anna is giving the introductory talk, including advice on keeping hands clean, and being careful around hot ovens. 12 Judging by the eager looks on their young faces as they watch Anna’s demonstration, they are just keen to start cooking. The children learn the simplest way, by watching and then doing it themselves. They gather round as Anna chops an onion for the fi rst evening meal. Then the boys compete with each other to chop their onions as fast as possible, while the girls work carefully, concentrating on being neat. 13 When they learn to make bread, the girls knead the dough with their hands competently, while the boys punch it into the board, cheerfully hitting the table with their fi sts. The following morning, four boys with dark shadows under their eyes stumble into the kitchen at 8.30 a.m. to learn how to make breakfast (sausages and eggs, and fruit drinks made with yoghurt and honey). We learn later that they didn’t stop talking until 4.30 a.m. 14 Ignoring this, Anna brightly continues trying to persuade everyone that fruit drinks are just as interesting as sausages and eggs. Anna has great plans for the courses and is reluctant to lower her standards in any way, even though her students are so young. 15 ‘And I like to keep the course fees down,’ Anna adds, ‘because if the children enjoy it and go on to teach their own children to cook, I feel it’s worth it.’ If this course doesn’t inspire them to cook, nothing will.

A This is followed by a session on ‘knife skills’, which will be important later on.

B She always uses top- quality ingredients, such as the best cuts of meat and the fi nest cheeses, so there’s clearly no profi t motive in this operation.

C As they wander round, they argue lightheartedly about who has had the most experience in the kitchen.

D In the garden, they learn about the herbs that they will use in their cooking.

E Their obvious tiredness may explain why one of them goes about the task so carelessly that the ingredients end up on the fl oor.

F This is particularly true of young boys, who are happy to do anything that will end in a meal.

G As a result, she has a very relaxed attitude to cooking, constantly encouraging the children and never talking down to them.

H This contrast will become something of a theme during the course.

24 tháng 3 2018

The little chefs Hilary Rose travels to Dorset, in the south of England, to investigate a cookery course for children. There must be something in the air in Dorset, because the last place you’d expect to fi nd children during the summer holidays is in the kitchen. Yet in a farmhouse, deep in the English countryside, that’s exactly where they are – on a cookery course designed especially for children. It’s all the idea of Anna Wilson, who wants to educate young children about cooking and eating in a healthy way. ‘I’m very keen to plant the idea in their heads that food doesn’t grow on supermarket shelves,’ she explains. ‘The course is all about making food fun and enjoyable.’ She thinks that eight is the perfect age to start teaching children to cook, because at that age they are always hungry. 9() These children are certainly all smiles as they arrive at the country farmhouse. Three girls and four boys aged from ten to thirteen make up the group. They are immediately given a tour of what will be ‘home’ for the next 48 hours. 10 But one thing is quite clear – they all have a genuine interest in food and learning how to cook. Anna has worked as a chef in all sorts of situations and has even cooked for the crew of a racing yacht, in limited space and diffi cult weather conditions. 11 ‘Kids are easy to teach,’ she insists, ‘because they’re naturally curious and if you treat them like adults they listen to you.’ Back in the kitchen, Anna is giving the introductory talk, including advice on keeping hands clean, and being careful around hot ovens. 12 Judging by the eager looks on their young faces as they watch Anna’s demonstration, they are just keen to start cooking. The children learn the simplest way, by watching and then doing it themselves. They gather round as Anna chops an onion for the fi rst evening meal. Then the boys compete with each other to chop their onions as fast as possible, while the girls work carefully, concentrating on being neat. 13 When they learn to make bread, the girls knead the dough with their hands competently, while the boys punch it into the board, cheerfully hitting the table with their fi sts. The following morning, four boys with dark shadows under their eyes stumble into the kitchen at 8.30 a.m. to learn how to make breakfast (sausages and eggs, and fruit drinks made with yoghurt and honey). We learn later that they didn’t stop talking until 4.30 a.m. 14 Ignoring this, Anna brightly continues trying to persuade everyone that fruit drinks are just as interesting as sausages and eggs. Anna has great plans for the courses and is reluctant to lower her standards in any way, even though her students are so young. 15 ‘And I like to keep the course fees down,’ Anna adds, ‘because if the children enjoy it and go on to teach their own children to cook, I feel it’s worth it.’ If this course doesn’t inspire them to cook, nothing will.

A This is followed by a session on ‘knife skills’, which will be important later on. T

B She always uses top- quality ingredients, such as the best cuts of meat and the fi nest cheeses, so there’s clearly no profi t motive in this operation.F

C As they wander round, they argue lightheartedly about who has had the most experience in the kitchen.T

D In the garden, they learn about the herbs that they will use in their cooking.T

E Their obvious tiredness may explain why one of them goes about the task so carelessly that the ingredients end up on the fl oor.F

F This is particularly true of young boys, who are happy to do anything that will end in a meal T

G As a result, she has a very relaxed attitude to cooking, constantly encouraging the children and never talking down to them.F

H This contrast will become something of a theme during the course.F

24 tháng 3 2018

woa,kiên trì thật Nguyễn Công Tỉnh

I. Put one suitable word in each gap in the following text.Enjoyment is what drinking wine is all about. However, the more you know, …………… (1) easier it becomes to select the right wines for you or your guests. Wine is basically grape juice to …………… (2) yeast has been added causing it to ferment and produce alcohol. Alcohol is flavourless, so there must be something more …………… (3) wine than this. Many of the secrets of wine lie within the grape. Its pulp is a sugar...
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I. Put one suitable word in each gap in the following text.

Enjoyment is what drinking wine is all about. However, the more you know, …………… (1) easier it becomes to select the right wines for you or your guests. Wine is basically grape juice to …………… (2) yeast has been added causing it to ferment and produce alcohol. Alcohol is flavourless, so there must be something more …………… (3) wine than this. Many of the secrets of wine lie within the grape. Its pulp is a sugar solution which contains the things that give a wine its fruity flavour. In a dry wine, most of a grape’s sugar has been converted …………… (4) alcohol. In a sweet one, more sugar is left. This can be felt on the …………… (5) of the tongue. The pulp also contains acidity which gives the wine ‘’crispness’’ that makes the mouth water. Too much …………… (6) it can make you wince, too little and the wine could taste dull. The skin contains flavour and tannin. Tannin produces a tingling sensation in the gums and gives a wine firmness. White grapes have their skins removed before fermentation so tannin is only really found in red wines. The pulp of black and white grapes is …………… (7) same pale colour. The fact that the skins of black grapes are left on …………… (8) the wine is fermented gives red wine its colour. The wines which are often considered to be the best are …………… (9) where all the elements balance one another. There are many grape varieties grown in many climates which influence the emphasis given to these features and this is …………… (10) wines can be so wonderfully different.  

22 tháng 5 2016

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