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Vậy chủ đề là gì vậy bạn?

29 tháng 8 2021

- urban sprawl       - air pollution

- noise                   - bad weather

- high cost of living -crime

- traffic jams           overcrowding 

giúp mình với ạ !!

21 tháng 8 2021

Giúp với mình đang cần bài gấp TvT

21 tháng 8 2021

    Traffic congestion is the biggest problem in our city. As the number of private cars has increased recently, the city is becoming full of vehicles. . Congestion has many consequences including wasting people's time, frustrating them and seriously affecting the air, leading to reduced work quality and reduced labor productivity. So what can we do to solve this problem. First, the government should complete the transport system quickly to accommodate the increase in the number of cars and motorbikes. The public transport system needs to be upgraded to meet the needs of students, the elderly and low-income people. In short, congestion is a big problem, affecting people's lives, but this problem needs to be solved in the long run.

27 tháng 7 2019

Traffic jam is the biggest problem in our city now. Because the number of private vehicles have risen recently, the city is becoming full of transports. Besides, that the infrastructures have not been completed also makes people difficult to commute. For examples, roads are too small and the public transport system are not satisfying the citizens. Congestions cause many results including taking time of people, making them annoyed and affecting seriously on the air, which results in the quality of works and reduce the labor productivity. So what we can do to deal with this problem. First of all, government should complete the transport system quickly to adapt with the increasing number of cars and motorbikes. Public transport system should be upgraded to meet the demands of students, elderlies and low-income people. Additionally, laws can be passed to control the use of motorbikes or cars in rush hours, and find those who are not old enough to ride motorbikes and cars on the streets such as pupils. In conclusion, Congestion is a big problem, affects people’s life but this issue need to be dealt in long term.


Ách tắc giao thông là vấn đề lớn nhất trong thành phố của chúng ta. Vì số xe cá nhân đã tăng gần đây nên thành phố đang trở nên đầy các phương tiện. Bên cạnh đó, cơ sở hạ tầng chưa hoàn thành cũng làm cho người dân khó khăn để đi lại. Ví dụ, đường xá quá nhỏ và hệ thống giao thông công cộng không đáp ứng được công dân. Sự tắc nghẽn gây ra nhiều hậu quả bao gồm cả việc làm tốn thời gian của người dân, làm họ bực mình và ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến không khí, dẫn đến giảm chất lượng công việc và giảm năng suất lao động. Vì vậy, chúng ta có thể làm gì để giải quyết vấn đề này. Trước tiên, chính phủ nên hoàn thành hệ thống vận tải một cách nhanh chóng để thích ứng với sự gia tăng số lượng ô tô và xe máy. Hệ thống giao thông công cộng cần được nâng cấp để đáp ứng nhu cầu của sinh viên, người cao tuổi và người có thu nhập thấp. Ngoài ra, luật pháp có thể được thông qua để kiểm soát việc sử dụng xe máy hoặc xe hơi trong giờ cao điểm, và phạt những người không đủ tuổi để đi xe máy và xe hơi trên đường phố như học sinh. Tóm lại, tắc nghẽn là một vấn đề lớn, ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người dân nhưng vấn đề này cần được giải quyết lâu dài.

23 tháng 8 2023

Overcrowding is a pressing issue that affects many communities around the world. It refers to a situation where the number of people living in a particular area exceeds its capacity. This can occur due to rapid population growth, urbanization, and migration, coupled with insufficient housing infrastructure. The effects of overcrowding are far-reaching and detrimental. Firstly, it poses significant health risks as it increases the likelihood of the spread of diseases. Additionally, overcrowded areas often experience higher crime rates, as the lack of space and resources can lead to heightened tensions. Moreover, overcrowding puts a strain on public services and resources, such as schools, hospitals, and transportation systems. To address this issue, it is crucial to implement effective urban planning and development strategies, along with initiatives to provide affordable housing. Furthermore, improving transportation systems can help distribute the population more evenly. Lastly, population control measures should be considered to manage the growth rate. In conclusion, overcrowding is a complex problem that requires collective efforts from individuals and governments. By taking proactive steps, we can create healthier and more sustainable communities for future generations.


Question VIII. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - F  for each paragraph from 1 - 5 of the article. Write them in the numbered blanks. A. An easy lifeB. Less money; less wasteC. Home’s like peopleD. Not all good newsE. Starting to take controlF. Everything under control INTELLIGENT HOUSING1  Have you ever thought about how your body works? Everyday, you make your body do lots of different actions, such as when you walk, talk, or dance. But at the same time, your body...
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Question VIII. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - F  for each paragraph from 1 - 5 of the article. Write them in the numbered blanks.


A. An easy life

B. Less money; less waste

C. Home’s like people

D. Not all good news

E. Starting to take control

F. Everything under control




  Have you ever thought about how your body works? Everyday, you make your body do lots of different actions, such as when you walk, talk, or dance. But at the same time, your body automatically does many other things that are essential for everyday life. For instance, when you blink or yawn or breathe, you don’t have to think about what you doing; your body simply carries out these task for you. You might think this is strange, but the latest houses are like this, too.


Now, thanks to the work of some far- sighted architects and designers, houses have become “more intelligent”. It isn’t quite true to say that houses are starting to think for themselves, but some modern homes are now using sophisticated technology to control many of the routine jobs that up to now have always been our responsibility.


For years, architects and builders have been trying to find ways to make houses more economical and comfortable to live in, as well as trying to reduce the amount of damage that houses do to the environment. “Intelligent” houses seem to be the ideal solution. Clever use of building materials and techniques has brought us houses that are easier and cheaper to keep warm than traditional housing. Modern water systems, together with the recycling of washing water from bathrooms and kitchens, means that “intelligent” houses use 30% less water than convetional homes.


“Intelligent” homes might look a little unusual from the outside. This is because the builders use a lot of glass and wood to make the walls. Some of the houses even have a grass roof because it is kinder to the atmosphere! But, inside, they are comfortable and bright. The technology, which is similar to that of your TV remote control, makes sure of this. There are always enough lights on in every room and the windows close when it starts to rain. The water is always at the correct temperature whenever you want to have a shower and the house doesn’t allow you to use more water than you need. You can even watch TV in every room, or use the close- circuit cameras to see what’s happening in the garden.


Until recently, we have always had to think about everything we want our houses to do. If we have wanted it to be warmer or cooler, lighter or darker, we had to turn the heating or lighting on or off. However, for some families already live in “intelligent” houses, daily life has changed in many ways. They don’t worry about turning off the light or locking the door before they go out. The house does all this for them. Families in “intelligent” houses don’t have to do as much work to keep their home clean and comfortable- and the hi-tech kitchen means it isn’t difficult to prepare family meals.

IV. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable from A to G on the list and write it in each gap from 1 to 5. Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (10 pts)STAYING HEALTHY IN SPACEThe range of foods available to astronauts is vast, and great care is taken to ensure that it looks and smells appetizing. Meals are organized to provide an average of 3,000 calories a day, which seems high for living in an enclosed environment in which there is no gravity. But astronauts...
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IV. Read the following passage and choose the most suitable from A to G on the list and write it in each gap from 1 to 5. Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (10 pts)

The range of foods available to astronauts is vast, and great care is taken to ensure that it looks and smells appetizing. Meals are organized to provide an average of 3,000 calories a day, which seems high for living in an enclosed environment in which there is no gravity. But astronauts can expend a great deal of energy in doing the simplest things. For example, if they try to turn a handle, they turn themselves as well. If they bend down to do up a shoelace, (1) ________. Finding unusual ways of doing such ordinary things uses up the excess calories. The space diet is balanced rather differently from a terrestrial diet. This is to try and compensate for changes that take place in the body during space flight. Bodily changes begin as soon as astronauts go into space (2) _______________Among the most serious is calcium loss, which causes a marked reduction in the mass and strength of bones. There is also a progressive loss of red blood cells. What causes these effects is not known, (3)  ______________ The heart muscles, with no gravity to battle against, start to waste away. The leg muscles start to waste away too, since walking, as done on Earth, (4) _______________ Exercise also helps to reduce muscle wastage (5) _____________ No one yet knows the limit of human endurance in space. If astronauts can withstand two years or more of continuous weightlessness, the mankind’s dream of visiting other planets could become reality in the early decades of the next century.
A. can only be done if astronauts put on their heavy spacesuits
B. and will never be known
C. which is rather more than astronauts really need
D. and are quite noticeable after even a week
E. they start turning somersaults
F. and is vital on very long flights
G. and the question must be answered before long-duration space-flight is really safe

Read the text, and identify whether the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).On September 2, 1945, Viet Nam gained independence from France. President Ho Chi Minh decided that the three key priorities of the new, independent government would be: fighting against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders. His new driving philosophy for education was “an illiterate nation is a powerless one”, and in October 1945 he issued a “Call for anti-illiteracy”. The President’s call was a...
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Read the text, and identify whether the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG).

On September 2, 1945, Viet Nam gained independence from France. President Ho Chi Minh decided that the three key priorities of the new, independent government would be: fighting against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders. His new driving philosophy for education was “an illiterate nation is a powerless one”, and in October 1945 he issued a “Call for anti-illiteracy”. The President’s call was a success. Within one year, 75 thousand literacy classes were established with about 96 thousand teachers to help 2.5 million people learn to read and write.

During the years of French resistance (1946 -1954), schools operated in demilitarized areas. They stopped teaching in French and created curriculum in Vietnamese. The government passed an education reform in 1950 with the goal of reducing the years of general education and concentrating on reading, writing, and calculating skills.

One of the priorities was to make sure that people could read and write.

A. True

B. False

C. Not given

31 tháng 10 2017

Đáp án: A

Thông tin: President Ho Chi Minh decided that the three key priorities of the new, independent government would be: fighting against poverty, illiteracy, and invaders.

Dịch: Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh quyết định rằng ba ưu tiên chính của chính phủ mới, độc lập sẽ là: đấu tranh chống đói nghèo, mù chữ và xâm lược.