
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Our family has got many books. All the (22)_____ of our family buy books and read them. My mother says that books help us in self-education. In ancient times books (23)_____ written by hand. It was difficult to write a book (24)_____ a pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important (25)_____ in the development of literature and culture. Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are many books in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all books (26)_____ we want to...
Đọc tiếp

Our family has got many books. All the (22)_____ of our family buy books and read them. My mother says that books help us in self-education. In ancient times books (23)_____ written by hand. It was difficult to write a book (24)_____ a pen. Then printing came into our life. Printing played an important (25)_____ in the development of literature and culture. Now there are a lot of books in the shops, there are many books in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all books (26)_____ we want to read. That’s why we get books in public libraries. There are some problems in our life and sometimes it is difficult to (27)_____ them. I think that books can help us. Last year I read a very interesting book “ An American Tragedy” by Theodore Dreiser.
This novel was (28)_____ at the beginning of the 20th century. The novel describes the tragic fate of a boy and a girl, Clyde and Roberta by name. It is a sad story. This novel was written many years ago, but it is popular nowadays. Books must be our friends during our life.
Question 22: A. groups B. members C. partners D. relates
Question 23: A. had B. have C. are D. were
Question 24: A. at B. with C. in D. by
Question 25: A. chain B. step C. stage D. role
Question 26: A. when B. which C. who D. where
Question 27: A. create B. imagine C. solve D. deal
Question 28: A. presented B. published C. opened D. constructed

12 tháng 1 2020

22. B

23. D

24. B

25. D

26. B

27. C

28. B

25 tháng 6 2020

22a 23d 24d 25b 26b 27c 28b

2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)a. Environmental problems: What are they?b. Environmental protection: How important is it?c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest...
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2. Read the text and choose the best tittle for it.

(Đọc văn bản và chọn tiêu đề hay nhất.)

a. Environmental problems: What are they?

b. Environmental protection: How important is it?

c. Environmental solutions: How practical are they?

The environment we live in is facing many serious problems. We need to be aware of these problems so that we can find ways to protect nature.

A. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere. It is one of the biggest issues facing humans today. It can have serious consequences such as rising sea levels, polar ice melting, and extreme weather events like floods or heatwaves.

B. Another environmental problem is the cutting and clearing of natural forests. The loss of forests can have a negative impact on the environment. It can damage the natural habitats of many animals and put wildlife in danger. It can also destroy the natural soil and lead to climate change.

C. Air pollution is also a serious problem. It is mainly caused by waste gases that come out of vehicles, machines, or factories. When these harmful gases combine with the water in the air, they come down as rain or snow, which can damage all forms of life. In addition, this problem leads to global warming and climate change. It is also a major cause of respiratory diseases or even lung cancer.

D. Around the world, the number of endangered animals is rising. Many of them disappear because of pollution and climate change. In addition, humans illegally hunt and kill animals, and catch too many fish at once. This is upsetting the natural balance of ecosystems, which can be harmful to all living and non-living things.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Đoạn A nói về vấn đề nóng lên toàn cầu, đoạn B nói về nạn chặn cây phá rừng tự nhiên, đoạn C nói về ô nhiễm không khí, đoạn D nói về sự tuyệt chủng loài. Đây đều là các vấn đề về môi trường => chọn a.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
10 tháng 9 2023

Tạm dịch:

a. Các vấn đề về môi trường: Chúng là gì?

b. Bảo vệ môi trường: Nó quan trọng như thế nào?

c. Các giải pháp môi trường: Chúng thực tế như thế nào?

Môi trường chúng ta sống đang phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Chúng ta cần nhận thức rõ những vấn đề này để có thể tìm cách bảo vệ thiên nhiên.

A. Sự nóng lên toàn cầu là sự gia tăng nhiệt độ trung bình của khí quyển trái đất. Đó là một trong những vấn đề lớn nhất mà con người phải đối mặt ngày nay. Nó có thể gây ra những hậu quả nghiêm trọng như mực nước biển dâng cao, băng tan ở hai cực và các hiện tượng thời tiết khắc nghiệt như lũ lụt hoặc sóng nhiệt.

B. Một vấn đề môi trường khác là chặt phá rừng tự nhiên. Việc mất rừng có thể có tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường. Nó có thể làm hư hại môi trường sống tự nhiên của nhiều loài động vật và khiến động vật hoang dã gặp nguy hiểm. Nó cũng có thể phá hủy đất tự nhiên và dẫn đến biến đổi khí hậu.

C. Ô nhiễm không khí cũng là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Nguyên nhân chủ yếu là do khí thải từ xe cộ, máy móc hoặc nhà máy. Khi những khí độc hại này kết hợp với nước trong không khí, chúng sẽ tạo thành mưa hoặc tuyết, có thể gây hại cho mọi dạng sống. Ngoài ra, vấn đề này còn dẫn đến hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu. Nó cũng là nguyên nhân chính gây ra các bệnh về đường hô hấp hay thậm chí là ung thư phổi.

D. Trên khắp thế giới, số lượng các loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng đang tăng lên. Nhiều con trong số chúng biến mất vì ô nhiễm và biến đổi khí hậu. Ngoài ra, còn vì con người săn bắt và giết động vật một cách bất hợp pháp và đánh bắt quá nhiều cá cùng một lúc. Điều này đang làm đảo lộn sự cân bằng tự nhiên của các hệ sinh thái, có thể gây hại cho tất cả các sinh vật sống và không sống.

I. Reading comprehension It is very difficult for man to live without the animal's help. Their role in the balance of nature ranks as their most important service to man. Animals also help man by supplying him with many foods and other useful products. Man wouldn't have any meat, milk,eggs or silk,wool,fur,etc...without animals. For thousands of years man has caused changes in the animal kingdom greatly. He has tamed many kinds of animals and used them for food and clothing. He has killed or...
Đọc tiếp

I. Reading comprehension

It is very difficult for man to live without the animal's help. Their role in the balance of nature ranks as their most important service to man. Animals also help man by supplying him with many foods and other useful products. Man wouldn't have any meat, milk,eggs or silk,wool,fur,etc...without animals. For thousands of years man has caused changes in the animal kingdom greatly. He has tamed many kinds of animals and used them for food and clothing. He has killed or driven away animals but today he tries to protect animals that are in danger of extinction. Like man , most plants depend on animals for many of their basic needs. Without animals,many plants couldn't easily reproduce. For example, many plants with flowers depend on bees and other insects carry their pollen from plant to plantb or birds often fly from one place to another with see clinging to their feet.

1. Animal are very important to man because....

A. They make the earth really interesting

B. They play a role in the balance of nature

C. Man enjoys looking at them inthe zoos

D. Man likes hunting them for pleasure

2. Animals supply man with.....

A. Foods as meat,milk,eggs,...

B. Materials such as wool, fur or silk

C. Many different kinds of useful products

D. All are correct

3. In the long history for thousands of years....

A. Man and animals have been best friends

B. Man has caused big changes to animal life

C. Animals have affected greatly on man's life

D. Ther hasn't been relation between man and animals

4. In nature,animals.....trees and plants

A. Enjoy eating flowers of

B. Have destroyed many kinds of

C. Also help reproduce

D. Prevent the reproduction of

30 tháng 8 2020

I. Reading comprehension

It is very difficult for man to live without the animal's help. Their role in the balance of nature ranks as their most important service to man. Animals also help man by supplying him with many foods and other useful products. Man wouldn't have any meat, milk,eggs or silk,wool,fur,etc...without animals. For thousands of years man has caused changes in the animal kingdom greatly. He has tamed many kinds of animals and used them for food and clothing. He has killed or driven away animals but today he tries to protect animals that are in danger of extinction. Like man , most plants depend on animals for many of their basic needs. Without animals,many plants couldn't easily reproduce. For example, many plants with flowers depend on bees and other insects carry their pollen from plant to plantb or birds often fly from one place to another with see clinging to their feet.

1. Animal are very important to man because....

A. They make the earth really interesting

B. They play a role in the balance of nature

C. Man enjoys looking at them inthe zoos

D. Man likes hunting them for pleasure

2. Animals supply man with.....

A. Foods as meat,milk,eggs,...

B. Materials such as wool, fur or silk

C. Many different kinds of useful products

D. All are correct

3. In the long history for thousands of years....

A. Man and animals have been best friends

B. Man has caused big changes to animal life

C. Animals have affected greatly on man's life

D. Ther hasn't been relation between man and animals

4. In nature,animals.....trees and plants

A. Enjoy eating flowers of

B. Have destroyed many kinds of

C. Also help reproduce

D. Prevent the reproduction of

13 tháng 7 2018

My father doesn't allow me.... in his room

A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke D. not smoke

Jim..... since you got home from football practice?

A. are you eating B. had you eaten C. did you eat D. have you eaten

When she came out, her bike........

A. was disappeared B. was being disappeared C. had disappeared D. have disappeared

We' ve lost her phone number, which makes it difficult.... her

A. contacting B. contacted C. to contact D. contact

Our flight was delayed,....... meant we had to wait for hour at the airport.

A. that is B. this is C. which D.which

Most of the children come from large and poor families which....... them form having proper schooling.

A. makes B. prevents C. leads D. gets

Our teacher is very proud........ her work.

A. in B. at C. of D. with

13 tháng 7 2018

My father doesn't allow me.... in his room

A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke D. not smoke

Jim..... since you got home from football practice?

A. are you eating B. had you eaten C. did you eat D. have you eaten

When she came out, her bike........

A. was disappeared B. was being disappeared C. had disappeared D. have disappeared

We' ve lost her phone number, which makes it difficult.... her

A. contacting B. contacted C. to contact D. contact

Our flight was delayed,....... meant we had to wait for hour at the airport.

A. that is B. this is C. which D.which

Most of the children come from large and poor families which....... them form having proper schooling.

A. makes B. prevents C. leads D. gets

Our teacher is very proud........ her work.

A. in B. at C. of D. with

Marriage is an ancient religious and legal practice celebrated around the world. However, wedding customs vary from country to country. The Wedding Dress: In many countries, it is customary for the bride to wear a white dress as a symbol of purity. The tradition of wearing a special white dress only for the wedding ceremony started around 150 years ago. Before that, most women could not afford to buy a dress that they would only wear once. Now, bridal dresses can be bought in a variety of...
Đọc tiếp

Marriage is an ancient religious and legal practice celebrated around the world. However, wedding customs vary from country to country.

The Wedding Dress: In many countries, it is customary for the bride to wear a white dress as a symbol of purity. The tradition of wearing a special white dress only for the wedding ceremony started around 150 years ago. Before that, most women could not afford to buy a dress that they would only wear once. Now, bridal dresses can be bought in a variety of styles. In some Asian countries and in the Middle East, colors of joy and happiness like red or orange other than white are worn by the bride or used as part of the wedding ceremony,

The Wedding Rings: In many cultures, couples exchange rings, usually made of golf or silver and worn on the third finger of the left or right hand, during the marriage ceremony. The circular shape of the ring is symbolic of the couple's eternal union. In Brazil, it is traditional to have the rings engraved with the bride's name on the groom’s ring, an vice versa.

Flowers: Flowers play an important role in most weddings. Roses are said to be the flowers of love, and because they usually bloom in June, this has become the most popular month for weddings in many countries. After the wedding ceremony, in many countries the bride throws her bouquet into a crowd of well-wishers – usually her single female friends. The person who catches this bouquet will be the next one to marry.

Gifts: In Chinese cultures, w edding guests give gifts of money to the newly-weds in small red envelopes. Money is also an appropriate gift at Korean and Japanese wedding. In many Western countries, for example in the U.K, wedding guests give the bride and groom household items that they may need for their new home. In Russia, rather than receiving gifts, the bride and groom provide gifts to their guests instead.

With the continued internationalization of the modern world, wedding customs that originated in one part of the world are crossing national boundaries and have been incorporated into marriage ceremonies in other countries.

111. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Wedding ceremonies​B. Wedding customs​C. Wedding day​D. Wedding history

112. The tradition of wearing a special dress only on one’s wedding day is ____.

A. about 150 years ago​​B. over a century ago

C. less than 100 years ago​​D. less than 200 years ago

113. In some cultures, the bride wears a white dress as a traditional symbol of ____.

A. modesty​​B. secrecy​​C. purity​​D. security

114. In some Asian and Middle Eastern.countries, which colour is NOT considered to be suitable for a wedding?

A. red​​B. orange​​C. white​​D. blue

115. The phrase “eternal union" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to____.

A. never-ending relationship​​B. lovely relationship

C. temporary relationship​​D. healthy relationship

116. The word “this" in paragraph 4 refers to which of the following?

A. role​​B. love​​C. June​​D. rose

117. According to the passage, in which country would the wedding guests give the bride and groom money as a present?​​

A. Brazil​​B. the U.K​​C. China​​D. Russia

118. Which of the following information is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Nowadays, every bride can afford to buy a wedding dress to wear only once.

B. It is believed that any person who catches the bride’s bouquet will be the next to marry.

C . It is customary to write the groom's name on the bride’s wedding ring.

D. Thanks to globalization, one country’s wedding customs may be added to other countries’.

24 tháng 2 2020

Marriage is an ancient religious and legal practice celebrated around the world. However, wedding customs vary from country to country.

The Wedding Dress: In many countries, it is customary for the bride to wear a white dress as a symbol of purity. The tradition of wearing a special white dress only for the wedding ceremony started around 150 years ago. Before that, most women could not afford to buy a dress that they would only wear once. Now, bridal dresses can be bought in a variety of styles. In some Asian countries and in the Middle East, colors of joy and happiness like red or orange other than white are worn by the bride or used as part of the wedding ceremony,

The Wedding Rings: In many cultures, couples exchange rings, usually made of golf or silver and worn on the third finger of the left or right hand, during the marriage ceremony. The circular shape of the ring is symbolic of the couple's eternal union. In Brazil, it is traditional to have the rings engraved with the bride's name on the groom’s ring, an vice versa.

Flowers: Flowers play an important role in most weddings. Roses are said to be the flowers of love, and because they usually bloom in June, this has become the most popular month for weddings in many countries. After the wedding ceremony, in many countries the bride throws her bouquet into a crowd of well-wishers – usually her single female friends. The person who catches this bouquet will be the next one to marry.

Gifts: In Chinese cultures, w edding guests give gifts of money to the newly-weds in small red envelopes. Money is also an appropriate gift at Korean and Japanese wedding. In many Western countries, for example in the U.K, wedding guests give the bride and groom household items that they may need for their new home. In Russia, rather than receiving gifts, the bride and groom provide gifts to their guests instead.

With the continued internationalization of the modern world, wedding customs that originated in one part of the world are crossing national boundaries and have been incorporated into marriage ceremonies in other countries.

111. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. Wedding ceremonies​B. Wedding customs​C. Wedding day​D. Wedding history

112. The tradition of wearing a special dress only on one’s wedding day is ____.

A. about 150 years ago​​B. over a century ago

C. less than 100 years ago​​D. less than 200 years ago

113. In some cultures, the bride wears a white dress as a traditional symbol of ____.

A. modesty​​B. secrecy​​C. purity​​D. security

114. In some Asian and Middle Eastern.countries, which colour is NOT considered to be suitable for a wedding?

A. red​​B. orange​​C. white​​D. blue

115. The phrase “eternal union" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to____.

A. never-ending relationship​​B. lovely relationship

C. temporary relationship​​D. healthy relationship

116. The word “this" in paragraph 4 refers to which of the following?

A. role​​B. love​​C. June​​D. rose

117. According to the passage, in which country would the wedding guests give the bride and groom money as a present?​​

A. Brazil​​B. the U.K​​C. China​​D. Russia

118. Which of the following information is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Nowadays, every bride can afford to buy a wedding dress to wear only once.

B. It is believed that any person who catches the bride’s bouquet will be the next to marry.

C . It is customary to write the groom's name on the bride’s wedding ring.

D. Thanks to globalization, one country’s wedding customs may be added to other countries’.

Part 3 1. Do you see the beautiful young girl........ over there? A. to stand B. whom is standing C standing D. stood 2. Just imagine what would happen to a nuclear power station.......... by terrorists? A. which is capturing B. to capture C. captured D capturing 3. This instrcutions......... by Proffessor John helped us know more about the danger of energy pollution A. that explained B. explained C. explaining D which explained 4.Is the electrical energy...... within the batteries...
Đọc tiếp

Part 3

1. Do you see the beautiful young girl........ over there?

A. to stand B. whom is standing C standing D. stood

2. Just imagine what would happen to a nuclear power station.......... by terrorists?

A. which is capturing B. to capture C. captured D capturing

3. This instrcutions......... by Proffessor John helped us know more about the danger of energy pollution

A. that explained B. explained C. explaining D which explained

4.Is the electrical energy...... within the batteries powerful enough to operate a car?

A. stored B. that is storing Cstoring D. to store

5. Heat......... from the sun is infinitive

A> which released B. to release C. releases D. released

6. In 1892, Mrr Rudolph designed an engine............ diesel engine

A. that called B. which calls C. calling D. called

7. We are afraid of the radition .............from the nuclear plants

A. leaking B. to leak C. leaked D. leaks

8. Johny was the last applicant......... for a postition in that enery station

A. to interview B. which is interviewed C. interviewing D. to be interviewed

9. 'who is eligible for the schoolarship?'

' anyone _______ school record is above average can apply for the schoolarship'

A. who has a B. has a C. who's a D. whose

10. Dr Sales is a person____--

A. in whom I don't have much confidence B. WHom i don't have much confidence in him

C. in that i don't have much confidence D. i don't have much confidence

11. "Is april twenty-first the day____'? ' No they twenty second

A. you 'll arrive then B. on that you will arrive

C. when you'll arrive D. when you'll arrive on

12. the serve drought__ occurred last summer ruined the corn crop

A. that it B. which it C. it D. that

13. Florida,________--the SUnshine Stae, attracts many tourists every year

A. is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as

14. The neww shopping mall is gigantic, It's advertised as a place _____ you can find just anything you might want to buy

A. where B. which C. in where D. in that

15. Lola's marriage has been arragged by her family. She is a marying a man_______

A. that she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly knows him

C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him

16. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those______

A. who doesn't B. that doesn't C. which don't D. who don't

17. " Is this the address to______-you want the package sent?" "yes"

A. where B. that C. which D. whom

18. Ann quit her job at the advertising agency,______-surprised everyone

A. which B. that C. who D. that it

19. That is by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa.. for two years

Â. that she lived B. that she lived among them

C. among whom she lived D. where she lived among them

20. The publishers expect that the new biology of SImon Bolivar will be bought by people________in Latin American history

A. who they are interesed

B. are interested C. they are interested

11 tháng 3 2018

Part 3

1. Do you see the beautiful young girl........ over there?

A. to stand B. whom is standing C standing D. stood

2. Just imagine what would happen to a nuclear power station.......... by terrorists?

A. which is capturing B. to capture C. captured D capturing

3. This instrcutions......... by Proffessor John helped us know more about the danger of energy pollution

A. that explained B. explained C. explaining D which explained

4.Is the electrical energy...... within the batteries powerful enough to operate a car?

A. stored B. that is storing Cstoring D. to store

5. Heat......... from the sun is infinitive

A> which released B. to release C. releases D. released

6. In 1892, Mrr Rudolph designed an engine............ diesel engine

A. that called B. which calls C. calling D. called

7. We are afraid of the radition .............from the nuclear plants

A. leaking B. to leak C. leaked D. leaks

8. Johny was the last applicant......... for a postition in that enery station

A. to interview B. which is interviewed C. interviewing D. to be interviewed

9. 'who is eligible for the schoolarship?'

' anyone _______ school record is above average can apply for the schoolarship'

A. who has a B. has a C. who's a D. whose

10. Dr Sales is a person____--

A. in whom I don't have much confidence B. WHom i don't have much confidence in him

C. in that i don't have much confidence D. i don't have much confidence

11. "Is april twenty-first the day____'? ' No they twenty second

A. you 'll arrive then B. on that you will arrive

C. when you'll arrive D. when you'll arrive on

12. the serve drought__ occurred last summer ruined the corn crop

A. that it B. which it C. it D. that

13. Florida,________--the SUnshine Stae, attracts many tourists every year

A. is B. known as C. is known as D. that is known as

14. The neww shopping mall is gigantic, It's advertised as a place _____ you can find just anything you might want to buy

A. where B. which C. in where D. in that

15. Lola's marriage has been arragged by her family. She is a marying a man_______

A. that she hardly knows him B. whom she hardly knows him

C. she hardly knows D. she hardly knows him

16. People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those______

A. who doesn't B. that doesn't C. which don't D. who don't

17. " Is this the address to______-you want the package sent?" "yes"

A. where B. that C. which D. whom

18. Ann quit her job at the advertising agency,______-surprised everyone

A. which B. that C. who D. that it

19. That is by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa.. for two years

Â. that she lived B. that she lived among them

C. among whom she lived D. where she lived among them

20. The publishers expect that the new biology of SImon Bolivar will be bought by people________in Latin American history

A. who they are interesed

KEY : interested

tents come in ___ shapes and sizes A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously 12/ ____, we'll arrive before dark A. Hope B. hopeful c. hopefully d. hopefulness 13/ we're reading a ___ book this week a. differ b. difference c. different d. differently 14/ she has been ___ criticized in the press a. heavy b. heaviness c. heavier d. heavily 15/ after the accident he suffered from loss of____ a. momory b. memorize c. memorable d. memorably 16/ diet plays an important role in the ___ of heart...
Đọc tiếp

tents come in ___ shapes and sizes
A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously
12/ ____, we'll arrive before dark
A. Hope B. hopeful c. hopefully d. hopefulness
13/ we're reading a ___ book this week
a. differ b. difference c. different d. differently
14/ she has been ___ criticized in the press
a. heavy b. heaviness c. heavier d. heavily
15/ after the accident he suffered from loss of____
a. momory b. memorize c. memorable d. memorably
16/ diet plays an important role in the ___ of heart disease
a. manage b. manager c. management d. manageable
17/ students say it is helpful if teachers ____ their pronunciation
a. correct b, correction c. correctuve d. correctly
18. many locals are ___ opposed to the development
a. strength b. strong c. strengthen d. strongly
19/ keep ___ by eating well and exercising regularly
a. health b. healthful c. healthy d. healthily

II Grammar
1. the taxi driver's strike ____ last month
a. began b. had begun
2. we ___ her brother since last sunday
a. didn't see b. haven't seen c. don't see d. hadn't seen
3. she has worked forr this company ___ many years ,____1990
a. since/ since b. for / since c. for/ in d. since / in
4. i haven't see Julie ___ christmas
a. for b. from c. since d. during
5. my wife and i ___ three time since we ___ married
a. moved/ got b. move / have got c. have moved / got d. have moved / have got
6. we are talking about the car __ has a red roof
a. who b. whom c. which d. where
7.they have changed the law
a. the law has been change
b. the law has been changed
c. the has to be changed
d. the law has been changing
8. this is the bank __ was robbed yesterday
a. which b. that c. who d. a&b
9. he came with a friend ___ waited outside
a. whom b. which c. who d. when
10. i have received your letters
a. your letters have been received
b. your letters have been receive
c. yourr letters has been receive
d. your letters have received
11. mary , __ knew nothing about the mountain thought it would be safe to climb alone
a. who b. that c. whom d. a&b
12. the book about ____ i told you yesterday has been stolen
a. that b. who c. whom d. which
13. look at the those dark clouds!. Yes, it looks like ___ any minute
a. it's going to rain b. it's raining c. it will rain
14. i'd better get back to the hotel room before the storm. OK___ you later
a. i'm seeing b. i'll see c. i see
15. hi, honey. how's is going ? Great ___ fishing with Grandpa tomorrow
a. i go b. i'm going to c. i'm going
16. have fun but don't forget. you have to finish that paper. I know. Mom ___ it tomorrow. i already have the envelope
a. i'm mailing b. i won't mail c. i mail
17 . Ann is in hopspital. Yes i know ___her tomorrow
a. i visit b. will visit c. are going to visit
18. would you like to join linda and me tomorrow? we __ the natural history museum." sure. I've never been there
a. visit b. will visit c. are going to visit
19. we can't go to Julia's party __ we're going away that weekend
a. because b. because of c. although d. in spite of
20. she walked home by herself __ she knew that it was dangerous
a. because b. although c. and d. despite
21. __ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many differences between them
a. in spite b. in spite of c. although d. despite
22. I could not eat ___ I was very hungry
a. even though b. in spite c. despite d. in spite the fact that
23. julie passed the exam __ of woking very har
a/ despite b. because c. in spite d. though
24. ___ he had enough money, he could buy a new car
a. despite b. in spite of c. because of d. because
25. ___, he walked to the station
a. despite being tired b. although to be tired c. in spite being tired d. despite tired
26 the children slept well, despite_____
a. it was noise b. the noise c. of the noise d. noisy
27. she left him __ she still loved him
a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite
28. ___ her lack of hard work, she wasn't promoted
a. because b. even though c. because of d. in spite of
29/ ourr new neighbors are quite nice ___ they are sometimes talkative
A. despite b. in spite of the fact c. though d. despite of
30/ __ of the difficulty they managed to climb to the top of the mountain
a. in spite b. despite c. but a. although
31. because __ , we arrived late
a. of the traifec b. the traffic b. the heavy traffic. d. of there was heavy traffic

27 tháng 11 2017

tents come in ___ shapes and sizes
A. vary B. variety C. various D. variously
12/ ____, we'll arrive before dark
A. Hope B. hopeful c. hopefully d. hopefulness
13/ we're reading a ___ book this week
a. differ b. difference c. different d. differently
14/ she has been ___ criticized in the press
a. heavy b. heaviness c. heavier d. heavily
15/ after the accident he suffered from loss of____
a. momory b. memorize c. memorable d. memorably
16/ diet plays an important role in the ___ of heart disease
a. manage b. manager c. management d. manageable
17/ students say it is helpful if teachers ____ their pronunciation
a. correct b, correction c. correctuve d. correctly
18. many locals are ___ opposed to the development
a. strength b. strong c. strengthen d. strongly
19/ keep ___ by eating well and exercising regularly
a. health b. healthful c. healthy d. healthily

II Grammar
1. the taxi driver's strike ____ last month
a. began b. had begun
2. we ___ her brother since last sunday
a. didn't see b. haven't seen c. don't see d. hadn't seen
3. she has worked forr this company ___ many years ,____1990
a. since/ since b. for / since c. for/ in d. since / in
4. i haven't see Julie ___ christmas
a. for b. from c. since d. during
5. my wife and i ___ three time since we ___ married
a. moved/ got b. move / have got c. have moved / got d. have moved / have got
6. we are talking about the car __ has a red roof
a. who b. whom c. which d. where
7.they have changed the law
a. the law has been change
b. the law has been changed
c. the has to be changed
d. the law has been changing
8. this is the bank __ was robbed yesterday
a. which b. that c. who d. a&b
9. he came with a friend ___ waited outside
a. whom b. which c. who d. when
10. i have received your letters
a. your letters have been received
b. your letters have been receive
c. yourr letters has been receive
d. your letters have received
11. mary , __ knew nothing about the mountain thought it would be safe to climb alone
a. who b. that c. whom d. a&b
12. the book about ____ i told you yesterday has been stolen
a. that b. who c. whom d. which
13. look at the those dark clouds!. Yes, it looks like ___ any minute
a. it's going to rain b. it's raining c. it will rain
14. i'd better get back to the hotel room before the storm. OK___ you later
a. i'm seeing b. i'll see c. i see
15. hi, honey. how's is going ? Great ___ fishing with Grandpa tomorrow
a. i go b. i'm going to c. i'm going
16. have fun but don't forget. you have to finish that paper. I know. Mom ___ it tomorrow. i already have the envelope
a. i'm mailing b. i won't mail c. i mail
17 . Ann is in hopspital. Yes i know ___her tomorrow
a. i visit b. will visit c. are going to visit
18. would you like to join linda and me tomorrow? we __ the natural history museum." sure. I've never been there
a. visit b. will visit c. are going to visit
19. we can't go to Julia's party __ we're going away that weekend
a. because b. because of c. although d. in spite of
20. she walked home by herself __ she knew that it was dangerous
a. because b. although c. and d. despite
21. __ some German and British management styles are similar, there are many differences between them
a. in spite b. in spite of c. although d. despite
22. I could not eat ___ I was very hungry
a. even though b. in spite c. despite d. in spite the fact that
23. julie passed the exam __ of woking very har
a/ despite b. because c. in spite d. though
24. ___ he had enough money, he could buy a new car
a. despite b. in spite of c. because of d. because
25. ___, he walked to the station
a. despite being tired b. although to be tired c. in spite being tired d. despite tired
26 the children slept well, despite_____
a. it was noise b. the noise c. of the noise d. noisy
27. she left him __ she still loved him
a. even if b. even though c. in spite of d. despite
28. ___ her lack of hard work, she wasn't promoted
a. because b. even though c. because of d. in spite of
29/ ourr new neighbors are quite nice ___ they are sometimes talkative
A. despite b. in spite of the fact c. though d. despite of
30/ __ of the difficulty they managed to climb to the top of the mountain
a. in spite b. despite c. but a. although
31. because __ , we arrived late
a. of the traifec b. the traffic b. the heavy traffic. d. of there was heavy traffic

London, which is the capital city of the United Kingdom, was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. It has a population of about 7 million. Situated in Southern England, on the River Thames, the city covers an area of 1610 square kilometers. London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Pauls Cathedral, and the Houses of Parliament. They also come to visit its theatres, its museums and its many shops. The most famous shop is...
Đọc tiếp

London, which is the capital city of the United Kingdom, was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. It has a population of about 7 million. Situated in Southern England, on the River Thames, the city covers an area of 1610 square kilometers.

London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Pauls Cathedral, and the Houses of Parliament. They also come to visit its theatres, its museums and its many shops. The most famous shop is Harrods, where you can buy almost anything.

The best thing about London is the parks. There are five of them in the city centre. They cover a large area of the city, and are ideal places for people to get away from the noisy and busy city life, and relax.

36. What does the word its in the second paragraph refer to?

A. River Thames B. United Kingdoms C. Londons D. Northern Englands

37. What is the most famous shop in London?

A. Houses of Parliament B. St. Pauls Cathedral

C. Harrods D. Thames

38. How many parks are there in the city centre of London?

A. 5 B. 3 C. 10 D. 7

39. By whom was London founded?

A. The British B. The Greeks C. The Romans D. The English

40. Approximately, how many inhabitants are there in London?

A. seventeen million B. four million C. seven million D. three million

Giúp em vs ạ. Thank nhìu 🥰🥰🥰🥰


London, which is the capital city of the United Kingdom, was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. It has a population of about 7 million. Situated in Southern England, on the River Thames, the city covers an area of 1610 square kilometers.

London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as St. Pauls Cathedral, and the Houses of Parliament. They also come to visit its theatres, its museums and its many shops. The most famous shop is Harrods, where you can buy almost anything.

The best thing about London is the parks. There are five of them in the city centre. They cover a large area of the city, and are ideal places for people to get away from the noisy and busy city life, and relax.

36. What does the word its in the second paragraph refer to?

A. River Thames B. United Kingdoms C. Londons D. Northern Englands

37. What is the most famous shop in London?

A. Houses of Parliament B. St. Pauls Cathedral

C. Harrods D. Thames

38. How many parks are there in the city centre of London?

A. 5 B. 3 C. 10 D. 7

39. By whom was London founded?

A. The British B. The Greeks C. The Romans D. The English

The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain. In the past, people...
Đọc tiếp

The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002. By the year 2020, it is estimated that there will be more single people than married people. Fifty years ago this would have been socially unacceptable in Britain.

In the past, people got married and stayed married. Divorce was very difficult, expensive and took a long time. Today, people's views on marriage are changing. Many couples, mostly in their twenties or thirties, live together (cohabit) without getting married. Only about 60% of these couples will eventually get married.

In the past, people married before they had children, but now about 40% of children in Britain are born to unmarried (cohabiting) parents. In 2000, around a quarter of unmarried people between the ages of 16 and 59 were cohabiting in Great Britain. Cohabiting couples are also starting families without first being married. Before 1960 this was very unusual, but in 2001 around 23 per cent of births in the UK were to cohabiting couples.

People are generally getting married at a later age now and many women do not want to have children immediately. They prefer to concentrate on their jobs and put off having a baby until late thirties.

The number of single-parent families is increasing. This is mainly due to more marriages ending in divorce, but some women are also choosing to have children as lone parents without being married.

1: which of the following could be the best title forr the passage ?

A. changing vuales and norms of the british family

B. changes inn marriage among british young generations

C. changing insights into and ideas of the british family

D. changes in viewpoints and lifestyles of british couples

2: the word WHICH in the passage refers to ....

A. the family in britain

B. substantial changes

C. typical british family

D. single-parent household

3: which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A. in the past british people had to pay a lot if they wanted to get divorced

B. half of the children in britain now are born to unmarried couples

C. women in britain now do not want to have children right after marriage

D. there are more and more single - parent families in britain these days