I) Complete the sentences,using relative clauses
1. On the classroom blog, a teacher can upload video and image illustrations on specific subjects , which/ who can help students learns easily
2. Parents whose/who have to pay for mobile devices may be happy with the new method of teaching and its benefits
3. Students will enjoy doing many activities, including games, puzzles, who/whose purposes are the development of team spirits
4. Several students which/who are able to touch and interact with the smart table at the same time will work together more effectively
5. The learning applications which/who students can participate in using the smart table will encourage them to work together to solve problems
6. There are interactive activities which/who are available to be downloaded from the internet
7. The smart table has been used in several schools, which/who brings many benefits to our students
8. It is an electronic device which/who students can start using as soon as the teacher has turned it on, without a lot of training earlier
9. Teachers which/who introduce activities to the whole class can work with smaller groups on the smart table to introduce discussions about the subject matter
10. The applications which/who come with the smart table can help students learn various subjects at school