
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

24 tháng 8 2017

1. You have a great influence on the young generation: As a teacher you have the opportunity to communicate and educate hundreds of young people. You are the one who directly molds children from early toddler days. So ask anyone who is the most influential person for a child? And the chances you hear the most are the teachers.

2. You are an actor, a rhetorician, a storyteller and a professional organizer: As a teacher you will have to take on all the above and even more. You will have the opportunity to face many challenges. You have to inspire, guide and entertain the children through the activities and experiences that they have experienced. In a day on the podium you have to show the ability to organize, plan, train and play.

3. Teaching is a very meaningful job: If you are looking for a job that brings joy, sublimation to you, the profession will give you all that feeling. Do not just teach things in books, direct them to do the right thing ... As a teacher, you also get help and education for young people in society as well as when you train a person Labor for the future.

4. Always cultivate, learn: "Study, learn, study forever" is the motto of those who love teaching. Knowledge is endless and therefore teachers, who need to cultivate, train and learn new things, new teaching methods through books or classes for teaching staff to not fall Back to the education of countries around the world. So they have the capacity to support future generations of the country.

Everyone respects and loves the teacher: If you are a teacher, you can be proud and proud to talk about your career. Teachers are beloved, respected for many reasons and perhaps the reason they are most admired is the patience, the ability to control and communicate to dozens of people. And for all the reasons we had on November 20th (Teacher's Day Vietnam) to express our gratitude as well as the merit of our teachers.

1 tháng 9 2017

There is no doubt that education is a top priority. However, these days the number of people having no wish to become teachers is increasing very strongly. This particularly worrying situation is taking place all over the world. Therefore, the authorities are doing their best to find out the reasons and a practical solution.
To start with, a wide variety of students do not pursue a career as teachers for the simple reason that the salary just helps them make ends meet. For example, my old classmate, Tom has to earn his bread hard to support his family.Today, everything is always increasing in price so it is essential for them to have stable jobs. Also, we are facing to the alarmingly high rate of unemployment. So plenty of graduate students are at all unsure about their jobs especially teachers.
Besides that, a lot of people are fed up with becoming teachers by reason of students' disrespect to their teachers. That students have bad behaviors towards their teachers is getting more and more popular. Despite the fact that they break the school rules and feel too lazy to study, they are not punished appropriately. In contrast to devoted teachers, a large number of teachers don't assume overall responsibility for their work. This makes their students misunderstand the importance of education.Ngoài ra còn những lí do gì nữa? Bạn có thể phân tích nhé.
In order to appeal more students to become teachers, we need to make attempts to find solutions. For instance, Ho Chi Minh City has brought in effective solutions like raising teachers'salary, providing dormitories in good conditions for teachers and decreasing working hours. Especially, Ministry of Education and Training had better abrogate the serious problem that teachers and students only care about achievements in lieu of the true result. It's high time they reformed the whole teachers.
To conclude, the shortcomings, although on the rise, can be purged at the grass-root level if proper preventive measures are taken. We really want major breakthroughs in education and training. It's for everyone and we ought to take action immediately.

4 tháng 5 2018

Industries and businesses are the most concern in many cities as they make the city more congested and pollute the environment in one hand, while creating job opportunities and contribute to the development of the city on the other hand. Many of the enterprises are operated and promoted in bigger cities only. Encouraging them to move to regional areas is a good idea. I have more benefits than drawbacks.

There are several advantages to the industry and should take initiatives to so. The most important aspect is the development of the regional areas. Setting up of enterprises in rural areas will help to develop basic infrastructures transportation, electricity and road in rural areas. In addition, the people of this area will have the golden opportunity of employment and that would enhance the living standard as well. Moreover, the economic activity of the area will increase and that will let the government take further initiatives in order to develop this urban area. The different types of small businesses and industries hotel, lodge, suppliers will emerge and that will support other businesses and add value to the economy of these areas.

Regional offices are often helpful to expand businesses and to reduce the manufacturing and operating costs. Có nhiều công nghiệp lớn nhất sẽ được thực hiện từ này. Again the pressure on the big cities would reduce and that would lessen many serious issues pollutions, traffic jam and waste management.

Despite this, there are several disadvantages of moving businesses and industries to regional areas. One of the most prominent drawbacks is the exploitation of natural resources. The industry will use forest resources, which will cause environmental degradation pollution, climate change and much more. The gradual increase in the population size in such urban areas will increase the crime rate. Finally relocating an industry to a different place involves a great amount of costs and the industry would not want to spend this amount naturally.

All in all, comparing the good look and the bad, I think that the government must encourage the industries and businesses to move to the regional areas where they would operate in better fashion for the overall betterment of economy and environment and population.

26 tháng 5 2017

https://www.tienganh123.com/viet-essay ??????

20 tháng 5 2021

Một số người tin rằng công nghệ ảnh hưởng xấu đến cuộc sống của chúng ta và các khía cạnh thao túng của nó sẽ kiểm soát lối sống của chúng ta. Tuy nhiên, những người khác lại cho rằng công nghệ mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho loài người. Bài luận này thảo luận về cả hai quan điểm. Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng công nghệ sẽ có lợi miễn là chúng ta kiểm soát nó, và không để nó kiểm soát chúng ta.

Đầu tiên, công nghệ đã định hình đáng kể cách sống của con người và nó không ngừng làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta trở nên dễ dàng hơn. Thông thường, các nhà phát triển công nghệ công bố các tiện ích công nghệ sáng tạo dễ sử dụng, tiện dụng, sáng tạo và tiết kiệm. Những thiết bị này cải thiện đáng kể cuộc sống của con người và chúng ta có một lối sống tốt hơn ngày nay so với quá khứ do những cải tiến và đổi mới trong công nghệ. Ví dụ, điện thoại di động đã được cải thiện đáng kể về hiệu suất và tính hữu dụng. Ngày nay, chúng đang được sử dụng trong mọi khía cạnh của cuộc sống bao gồm thanh toán hóa đơn, liên lạc, ghi chú, lướt mạng và cho nhiều mục đích thiết thực khác. Thế giới hiện đại thực sự được xác định bởi các công nghệ hiện đại.

Mặt khác, công nghệ không đến mà không có hậu quả tiêu cực. Nó đã bắt đầu kiểm soát nhiều khía cạnh cuộc sống hàng ngày của chúng ta và có thể trở nên thảm khốc hơn bất kỳ ai có thể tưởng tượng nếu nó vượt ra khỏi tầm kiểm soát. Ví dụ: mọi người đang sử dụng thiết bị di động ngày nay, vì vậy họ lưu trữ ảnh cá nhân, chi tiết liên hệ và thậm chí cả tệp trên điện thoại của họ. Vì vậy, rất dễ dàng để tin tặc xâm nhập vào điện thoại của ai đó và sử dụng chúng một cách sai trái. Do đó, gian lận giao dịch trực tuyến, vi rút và trojan độc hại, nguy hiểm cho sức khỏe, thiếu liên kết cá nhân và xã hội là do chúng ta nghiêng về công nghệ. Chúng tôi có nghĩa là kiểm soát công nghệ, không bị kiểm soát bởi nó.

Tóm lại, dù công nghệ có những nhược điểm nhưng không thể phủ nhận rằng không phải mọi thứ mà con người tạo ra đều hoàn mỹ. Hơn nữa, công nghệ có thể rất hữu ích nếu nó được sử dụng đúng cách và đủ thận trọng. Vì vậy, chúng ta nên kiểm soát công nghệ, đừng để nó kiểm soát chúng ta...

15 tháng 7 2017

It is certainly true that people in rural areas move to cities in order to achieve high standards of living, but indeed life in cities is more challenging and difficult when compared to villages. There are several reasons for this kind of problem and various measures could be taken by government to improve the situation.

Life in the cities has its drawbacks, for instance, the cost of living in cities is higher than in rural areas, especially housing is much more expensive. As a result, homelessness is becoming more common in cities. There are also more serious problem like traffic congestion and some people do not manage work that can lead to people to commit crime. Moreover, there is a lack of sense of community in big cities, people do not even know their neighbors. Life in cities can be stressful and individuals do not have much time for themselves and their families, as a result the gap between family members is on the increase.

To overcome the increasing troublesome life in cities, the government should start some active measures. Firstly, one key to cities work better is good planning. Planners need to transform cities to make them beneficial for all citizens. Cities need green transport and green spaces; they need to be energy efficient and pedestrian friendly, with housing and jobs to attract people to come to live there. Secondly, the authority should make stricter laws to reduce traffic such as allowing ownership of only car per family and increasing the price of the car and petrol. And people would be encouraged to use public transport rather than driving. Finally, the initiatives could solve the housing problem by building high-rise apartment or by expanding cities.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there are various reasons for the problem in cities life that we are facing now and steps need to taken to tackle this problem.

17 tháng 8 2017

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.

5 tháng 3 2018

Sample Answer 1:
Road safety has become a great concern for people with the rise of accidents and fatality those accidents cause every day. People have a varying opinion on how to make roads safe and I believe strict laws should be there to punish the driving offenders but a combination of other methods would bring better results.

On the one hand, people seem to abide by a law or rule when they know that violation would bring severe retribution. For instance, in some Asian countries pedestrians used to cross the roads and when a more rigid penalty has been imposed, those very people started using the underpass. From this perspective, strict penalty and fine can certainly improve the road safety as people would be more cautious and afraid of the consequence of the violation of the traffic laws. As an outcome, it is a fact that, the sterner the punishment, the greater chances that people would follow the rules.

On the other hand, there are already severe punishments for driving offenders including ceasing the driving license, monetary fines and imprisonments. Despite this, the number of road accidents is increasing every year. This is why I believe that only punishment cannot ensure the road security and safety. A combination of other initiatives is also required. First, we need to aware people about the devastating consequences traffic rule violations can bring to our life. Second, the requirements for passing the driving test should be standardised and made more practical, especially in developing countries where people can use advantages of the corruption. It is often noticed that many young people are given driving license without scrutinising their experience and skills. This should be completely avoided and after a certain period, each driver should be retested. Third, unfit vehicles should not be allowed to run on the roads as these cars cause more accidents according to the recent Road Transport Authority report. Finally, the traffic system of a country should be modernised and more surveillance cameras and speed test cameras should be there.

To conclude, punishment to traffic rule violators is a good way to make the road safer but the combination of other steps would bring more desired results.

Model Answer 2:
At recent years, there is an ongoing debate whether giving dire punishment to driving offences are the best solution to overcome severe accidents in roads or not. While some support this idea, many others believe that governments should provide improvements in road safety. This essay will try to discuss both views with several considerations given underneath.

People are not prompted to engage safety driving because there are no regulations relating to drivers to be more careful on the road. It can be found in developing countries where the traffic is not well arranged and as a result, the numbers of terrible accidents remain dominant. Dissimilar with it, developed countries pay more attentions in this case by restricting the use of vehicles without licence limiting the top speed in certain busy areas such as boulevards and main roads, and imposing fine for all the offence forms in high rate, and as a result, these countries can overcome traffic accidents.

However, governments with all efforts must improve the infrastructure of safety riding. Traffic signs should be renewed, the facilities in the road are supposed to be changed, etc. so the drivers can recognise the driving surroundings vividly. Furthermore, technologies are also urgent to deal with daunting events in driving environment. It is good news that outrageously inventions have been created and applied but still attempts in technology findings are required.

In conclusion, while there are regulations to be defined, governments together with scientists, engineers, and car businessmen have to maximise in providing safety riding facilities to gain maximum result on this issue.

[ Written by - Angga Cool ]

Model Answer 3:
A group of people believe that in order to increase the safety for the driving on roads, governments should make stricter regulations for any indiscipline in driving attitudes. On the contrary, another group thinks that authorities should consider other effective solutions for it. The following essay will discuss both views in details, but in my personal opinion, I do believe that the combination of both ideas would ensure a better road safety.

On the one hand, many people worry about the number of driving accidents. Each year, the number of people who are injured or pass away due to traffic accidents has increased significantly. In most cases, accidents have occurred due to the interdisciplinary acts of the drivers themselves, such as speeding, drunk driving or using their mobile phones during driving. And to solve the problem, the government should make a strict regulation about traffic accidents. People who are found to be guilty of any driving rule violation should be punished with serious penalties and detentions. By having these kinds of policy, it is hoped that traffic accident rates will decrease gradually.

On the other hand, other people believe that strict punishments would not effectively solve the problem. There are other measures which governments and the public should consider. Firstly, governments could cooperate with the media in making campaign about safe driving. Television commercials and magazine advertisements could be used by the government in socialising about the negative effect of aggressive or offensive driving. Secondly, governments could also give rewards to their citizens who are obeying the road regulations. For example, when people renew their driving license, authorities could check their track records. Those who have clean track records could get motor vehicles tax discount or exemption.

In conclusion, people have a varying opinion on how to reduce the number traffic accidents. While some people believe that there should be stricter policies and regulations about driving, others think that there should be another effective way of addressing the issue. In my point of view, I believe that both policies have their own positive sides and when people could combine them, it would be an effective way of reducing traffic accidents.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Model Answer 4:
Nowadays, the accidents that occur on the road are likely to rise in number in some countries. While an army of people think that these issues can be tackled by penalising offenders strictly, others think that there are other steps that can be taken to cope with it.

It is clear that the strict punishments set up for the driving offences can make them fear to break the laws. For instance, if they are proven to disobey the applied rules, it is seemly a good way to punish them by taking their driving licenses forcefully. This measure is likely to alert them to think twice before breaking the laws because if they commit it they cannot drive anymore. This way can indirectly encourage them to obey the rules hence the accidents on the road are likely to be declined. The traffic rules are applicable only for the drivers, but also for the ordinary commuters as well. While an over-bridge or an under pathway is mandatory for crossing the busy roads, many people do not obey this rules. It is not unusual that many careless drivers do not follow the traffic signals and all these violations of traffic rules cause severe accidents and congestion in many cities. Hence, implementing strict punishment and fine can be one effective solution to tackle this issue.

On the other hand, many believe that other measures could be more successful to address this problem, including creating awareness among citizens to drive safely, organising seminars & training programmes about the importance of road safety and modernising the traffic control system. The research carried out by Statistics Center, an organisation at the University of Diponegoro, reveals that citizens in Semarang who have wide knowledge about how to drive safely tend to obey the applied rules if compared to the ones who does not have this knowledge. This makes clear that these measures can be utilised to create a consciousness to be safe riders.

Apart from that, the number of cars and buses on the roads in many cities is much higher and restricting the private car ownership can reduce the number of cars on the roads and thus the number of accidents or casualties. Improving the traffic system with modern equipment and enrolling more trained and professional traffic police could be another great way to tackle this issue.

To conclude, the establishment of punishment strictly is a wise idea but by presenting workshops and training programmes to all citizens, especially drivers of different vehicles, improving the traffic control system are the finest ways to encourage them to increase security on the way.

6 tháng 3 2018

bài tham khảo hay do bạn tự làm??

10 tháng 3 2017

In this modern world, the rapid increase in the number of population and vehicles is a serious challenge for the governments across the world. To accommodate the maximum number of people and vehicles in a city they have to enhance the size of it. In this essay writer would like to discuss why careful planning is crucial when building a city.

To embark upon, first and foremost problem behind a broader city is that it causes deforestation. To make it clear, as they need more timber to build beautiful buildings and to make bigger cities they need more space so they grab the space of wild animals, so scientific planning is necessary. More importantly, this devastation of trees can cause air pollution so they should not imbalance natural habitat to build a huge city. Apart from this, they should have a proper waste management system most of the cities are facing this catastrophic problem such as recycling units and disposal units in the city.

Furthermore, the government needs to plan well when building a city. As we know there are many sophisticated cities that struggle with the inefficient drainage system, such as Bombay, Tokyo and the like. Moreover, narrow roads can cause traffic congestion and it is impossible for them to reconstruct a city after building it. In addition to this, modern cities should be well connected with other major cities through seaways as well as road and airways. The cities have many visitors not only as visitors but also for trading and for dwelling so modern cities should be big enough to accommodate more people. Moreover, these should have ultra modern facilities such as schools, colleges and hospitals.

To conclude, in this era most of the countries development are mainly concentrated in their cities so it is quite necessary to have a developed city but, these developments should be scientific.

1 tháng 9 2017

Over the last years, many cities have grown in an unsystematic way. As a result, infrastructure of these cities are facing some problems. The best way to tackle this issue is to make careful plans for developing of these cities. In this essay I will look at the reasons why careful planning is so important and how they can positively impact on life in cities.

Firstly, it is common to see in many countries, especially in developed countries, a row of vehicles on the road that get stuck in traffic jam. The main reason for this is that infrastructure of roads in these countries are very dated and are not able to afford so much cars or other means of transport. If government improve the infrastructure of transport systems with a careful plan, there is no doubt that most of traffic problems will be reduced.

Secondly, we can observe a dramatic increase in the number of factories in many big cities which negatively affect to many aspects of the life there. What I meant by this is that factories in many cities were built in separate places and as a result factory pollution is spread all over the city. Although factories built in different places of the city can allow people to commute to work that are in short distance to their home, I think it is more advisable to relocate them to one place so as to accumulate all pollution in this place. Of course, it does not mean that any measures must not be taken to completely reduce pollution in this place in order to provide safer work conditions for workers.

To sum up, careful planning plays an important role in the development of cities. While it can reduce significantly traffic congestion, it can also improve air quality there.

7 tháng 6 2020

In the current world, most of the people to celebrate any special occasion by inviting a lot of people. The discussion that throwing too much money to hold parties birthday, marriage or any other special event is a debatable one, with strong logics provided by the supporters of both the views.

A few argue that the special events need to be celebrated grandly, as it happens only a few times in a lifetime. For instance, marriage is considered to occur once in a lifetime and the people want to have the memory of that event until their last breath. This is possible only when the location is well decorated and all of the friends and the neighbours are invited. By spending limited money, it is almost impossible to achieve something special which will be remembered forever. Thus it is obvious, why some people incline towards this point of view.

On the other hand, some people believe that it is not right to spend a huge amount money on personal celebrations as there are a lot of people across the globe under starvation. For example, in most of the African countries, many people do not even have food to eat for a single meal a day. In case, the money spent on celebration can be sent to the people who are really in need, definitely, a lot of life can be saved. Hence, it is clear why a few individuals refute with high spending parties.

Considering the memories of special occasions as well as starvation, spending much money for parties has been supported and refuted by many. Even though memories of some special events are important, saving human life from starvation is more important. Hence, in my opinion, it is necessary to cut down the spending on parties and spend that money for the poor people’s food.

14 tháng 9 2017

In the recent days, everyone wishes to pay rent, enjoying the present life rather taking up the burden of paying Equated Monthly Installment (EMI). While there are many advantages influencing people to reside in rented accommodation, there are also drawbacks which are worth considering.

To state upon on the advantages of renting, firstly, people can live very closer to work, schools, hospitals etc., For instance, if there is a transfer of job location, it is very easy to look for another rented house nearer to office. Secondly, you get a chance to live in big apartments and posh houses for short timing and enjoy all the amenities provided without having to think much on investing in buying them. Finally the financial risk is low.

On the contrary, living in a rented house you cannot claim ownership.All the earnings are spent in paying rent leaving a person totally skint when the person is retired. i.e Consider an example of a family staying in a house paying 20k rent whereas they could have invested in buying a flat and pay 20k as monthly EMI. Apart, not all house owners are nice people. Some landlords have stringent rules for the houses rented and collect huge maintenance fees. Moreover, each time while relocating there will be extra cost involved for mail redirection, shifting etc.,

Finally, discussing upon on the ideas of renting, there are equal number of pros and cons on this issue. It depends upon one's own needs and financial circumstances to choose whether to live in a rented house or own house.