Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

1. surface
2. fossil
3. greenhouse
4. global
5. rain
6. climate
7. sea
8. ice
9. renewable
Hướng dẫn dịch:
Hồ sơ dữ kiện
Trái đất đang nóng lên. Nhiệt độ bề mặt trung bình hiện nay cao hơn 0,75 ° C so với 100 năm trước.
Khi chúng ta đốt nhiên liệu hóa thạch, chúng thải ra khí nhà kính như carbon dioxide (CO2). Điều này gây ra hiện tượng ấm lên toàn cầu.
Chúng ta đã chặt phá hơn 50% rừng mưa trên Trái đất trong 60 năm qua. Những điều này rất quan trọng vì chúng loại bỏ CO2 khỏi khí quyển và bổ sung oxy. Chúng cũng là nơi sinh sống của hơn một nửa số loài động thực vật trên thế giới.
Một số nhà khoa học tin rằng đến năm 2050, khoảng 35% các loài động thực vật có thể chết vì biến đổi khí hậu.
Mực nước biển đang dâng cao và các chỏm băng ở hai cực đang tan chảy.
Các nhà khoa học nói rằng nhiên liệu hóa thạch như than và khí đốt có thể cạn kiệt vào năm 3000. Vì vậy, chúng ta cần phát triển các giải pháp thay thế, chẳng hạn như năng lượng tái tạo và năng lượng hạt nhân.

Tạm dịch:
Công việc tốt nhất thế giới… có lẽ là
A. Trở lại năm 2012, Andrew Johnson lên kế hoạch ứng tuyển vào một trường điện ảnh sau khi tốt nghiệp thay vì đi kiếm một công việc. Nhưng sau đó bố anh ta thấy một quảng cáo về một công việc cho hãng sản xuất đồ chơi Lego. Andrew, người đã trở thành người hâm mộ Lego, nộp đơn xin việc. Nó bao gồm một đoạn phim anh ấy ngồi làm mô hình. Công ty thích nó và mời anh tham gia một cuộc phỏng vấn kì lạ. Anh ấy phải thi đấu với bảy người bước vào chặng cuối khác. Andrew thắng. Và kết quả là, anh ấy đã được nhận vào Trung tâm Khám phá Legoland ở Illnois với tư cách là một Chuyên gia xây dựng mô hình. Andrew trả lời phỏng vấn trong hạnh phúc: “Lego chỉ là một thú vui, nhưng giờ đây tôi có thể làm điều mình yêu thích và được trả công cho nó.”
B. Một vài nhà cung cấp phim như Netflix thuê người để xem những bộ phim và những phim bộ truyền hình mới, sau đó yêu cầu họ ghi chú về thể loại phim (kinh dị, hài kịch lãng mạn, v.v.), độ tuổi và những kiểu người có thể thích nó. Nhà cung cấp phim có thể gợi ý phim đó cho người dùng của họ. Joe Mason hoàn thành tấm bằng về nghiên cứu điện ảnh hai năm trước và không biết mình sẽ làm gì tiếp theo. Sau đó anh ta đọc một bài báo về người gắn thẻ phim. Công việc rất tuyệt và anh đã viết thư cho Netflix. Ban đầu, họ không hứng thú cho lắm, nhưng khi Joe nói anh ấy biết tiếng Pháp, anh ấy được nhận. Anh ấy xem những bộ phim và chương trình truyền hình của Pháp. Anh ấy nói rằng đó là công việc tốt vì anh ấy có giờ làm việc rất linh hoạt. Vấn đề của công việc là Joe không thể chọn được thứ anh ấy muốn xem.
1. The toy company was very keen on the video that Andrew Johnson sent with his job application.
(Công ty rất hứng thú với đoạn phim Andrew Johnson gửi với đơn ứng tuyển.)
Thông tin: Andrew, who was already a Lego fan, sent in an application. It included a video of himself making models. The company loved it and invited him to participate in an unusual interview.
(Andrew, người đã trở thành người hâm mộ Lego, nộp đơn xin việc. Nó bao gồm một đoạn phim anh ấy ngồi làm mô hình. Công ty thích nó và mời anh tham gia một cuộc phỏng vấn kì lạ.)
2. Andrew is happy to earn money for something that used to be a hobby.
(Andrew hạnh phúc khi kiếm tiền từ một thứ đã từng là sở thích.)
Thông tin: “Lego was just a hobby, but now I can do what l love and get paid for it,” said Andrew happily in an interview.
(“Lego chỉ là một thú vui, nhưng giờ đây tôi có thể làm điều mình yêu thích và được trả công cho nó.”)
3. Netflix offered Joe the job because he speaks fluent French.
Thông tin: At first, they weren't interested, but when Joe told them he speaks fluent French, they gave him a job.
(Ban đầu, họ không hứng thú cho lắm, nhưng khi Joe nói anh ấy biết tiếng Pháp, anh ấy được nhận.)
4. A disadvantage of the job is that Joe can't choose what programmes to watch.
(Một nhược điểm của công việc là John không thể chọn được chương trình nào để xem.)
Thông tin: The only problem with the job is that Joe can't choose what he wants to watch.
(Vấn đề của công việc là Joe không thể chọn được thứ anh ấy muốn xem.)

The photo (1) shows (Bức tranh cho thấy)
(2) in the foreground/ background (nền)
(3) In the top left corner/ bottom right corner (ở góc trên bên trái/ góc dưới bên phải)
(4) At the top/ bottom (Ở phía trên/ phía dưới)
(5) On the left/ right (Ở bên trái/ bên phải)
(6) In the centre (Ngay chính giữa)
It (7) looks like a … (Nó trông giống như là…)
It (8) seems as if they’re … (Nó trông như thể…)
It (9) seems to be…(Nó trông như…)

I. Discuss these questions. Campare your answers.
1. Explain why the writer once arrived at the airport only a few minutes before the plane left.
=>Because his secretary had got the ticket for him and he thought she said that the plane left at 10:50.
2. Whose fault do you think it was? Thư writer's or his secretary's? Give reasons for your answer.
=>Thư writer's .Because he didn`t bother to take a good look at the ticket.
3. Explain why the writer think it is essential to have at least a little local currency when you arrive in a foreign country.
=>Because this can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normally visit.
4. Describe some of the problems you could have if you ignore the advice in the last paragraph
=>when it is still fairly cool in London or Manchester, to places like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during a day.

3. Choose the correct conjunction (a-c) to complete the sentences. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.
(Chọn các từ nối đúng (a-c) để hoàn thành các câu. Sử dụng từ điển để giúp bạn nếu cần thiết.)
If there were no cars, lorries, vans etc. in the world, …
(Nếu không có ô tô, xe tải, xe tải, v.v. trên thế giới, ...)
1. You couldn't travel long distances _____ you went by public transport.
a. rather than b. so c. unless
2 You would probably shop locally _____ going to a big supermarket.
a. rather than b. although c. but
3 The motorways would be empty _____ you could cycle on them safely.
a. as b. because c. so
4 We would eat more food from our local area _____ it would be difficult to transport it from other places
a. so b. since c. although

Every morning I get up at six. The first thing I do is to wash the dishes my family dirtier the day before. Then I cook breakfast. We eat at about seven fifteen. Usually we have bread with butter, sometimes we have rice, or boiled sweet potatoes.
It takes me about ten minutes to walk to school, and school begins with an assembly period at seven forty-five. There are fifteen hundred children in our school and so we meet in three separate assemblies: the infant department, the middle department, and the senior department. We always listen attentively to the head mistress then different classes call the roll for the attendance.
We have seven periods from eight to one. We study Mathematics, (Geography, History, Music, Art- and Crafts, and English. I like English best and next to that, Mathematics, At ten we have a chance to eat an orange and some peanuts. At noon, we do not rest. At one we clean up our classroom and close the school.
I go home for lunch, but this time, my sister Patricia gets the meal. We often eat yams with soup and some other dishes. After lunch, I usually sleep for half an hour. In the afternoon, I often play netball. I sometimes skip, run, and Jump with the other girls.
At about six or six thirty we have dinner. Either my sister or I cook it. The meal is simpler than the mid-day meal. We eat fruit or rice, and sometimes we have bread and tea. Then in the evening, I do my homework and go to bed at about ten.
a. what is the first thing the girl does when she gets up?
=>The first thing she does is to wash the dishes her family dirtier the day before
b. do the members of her family eat bread with butter and rice more often for breakfast? how do you know?
=>NO,THEY DON'T.Usually THEY have bread with butter, sometimes THEY have rice, or boiled sweet potatoes.
c. why are there separate assemblies at school?
=>BECAUSE There are fifteen hundred children in THEIR school
d.twelve o'clock can be called mid-day. what other word does the girl use to mean the same thing?
e. what is her second best subject at school?
=>her second best subject at school is MATHMATICS
f. why is dinner described as simpler than lunch?
=>BECAUSE Either HER sister or SHE cookS it.
a. The first thing the girl does is to wash the dishes her family dirtier the day before.
b. No, they don't. Usually they have bread with butter, sometimes they have rice, or boiled sweet potatoes.
c. Because there are fifteen hundred children in their school.
d. Other word the girl uses to mean the same thing is at noon.
e. Her second best subject at school is mathmas
f. Because they eat fruit or rice, and sometimes they have bread and tea.

When you read something in a foreign language, you frequently come across words you do not (1)______ understand. Sometimes you (2)______ the meaning in a dictionary and sometimes you guess. The strategy you adopt depends very much upon the (3)______of accuracy you require and the time at your disposal.
If you are the sort of person who tends to turn to the dictionary frequently, it is (4)_______remembering that every dictionary has its limitations. Each definition is only an approximation and one builds up an accurate picture of the meaning of a word only after meeting it in a (5)__________of contexts. It is also important to recognize the special dangers of dictionaries that translate from English into your native language and vice versa. If you must use a dictionary, it is usually far safer to (6)________an English- English dictionary.
In most exams you are not permitted to use a dictionary. (7)__________you are allowed to use one, it is very time- consuming to look up words, and time in exams is usually limited. You are, (8)______, forced to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When you come across unknown words in an exam text, it is very easy to panic. However, if you develop efficient techniques for guessing the meaning, you will(9)__________a number of possible problems and help yourself to understand far more of the text than you at first likely.
Two strategies which may help you guess the meaning of a word are: using contextual clues, both within the sentence and outside, and making uses (10)_____ clues derived from the formation of the word.
1. A. totally B. wholly C. fully D. complete
2. A. examine B. inspect C. check D. control
3. A. degree B. level C. extent D. range
4. A. valuable B. worth C. vital D. essential
5. A. diversity B. multiple C. variety D. variation
6. A. consult B. inquire C. survey D. infer
7. A. Provided B. Even if C. In case D. Although
8. A. but B. however C. so that D. therefore
9. A. overcome B. surpass C. get on D. go over
10. A. on B. about C. of D. with
VII. Supply the correct word forms:
1. Bill Was Given A Medal In RECOGNITION Of His Services. (recognise)
2. All APPLICATIONS Must Be Received Before July 19th 2005. (apply)
3. Karen And Catherine Are IDENTICAL Twins. (identity)
4. You Look Rather PREOCCUPIED. Are You Worried About Something? (occupy)
5. I'm Sure That The Whole Problem Is A Simple MISUNDERSTANDING. (understand)
6. He used all his strength to force the door open. (strong)
7. My teacher encouraged me to take this examination. (courage)
8. Recently health foods have increased in popularity. (popular)
9.Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete satisfaction. (satisfy)
10. The council has promised to deal with the problem of unemployment among young people. (employ)

1. accoplishment (thành tựu)
2. employment (việc làm)
3. preparation (sự chuẩn bị)
4. development (sụ phát triển)
5. dream (mơ ước)

Choose the correct answer
1,A stop B stopped 5,A will B would
2,A give B gave 6,A live B will live
3,A will eat B ate 7,A will B would
4, A will get B would get 8,A will B would
Dear Marsha
I'm not sure what to do I'm thinking of becoming a vegetable, but some of my friends say it's a bad idea. They say that if I (1)_stop_ eating meat, my body won't get all the things it needs to say healthy. Are my friends right?
Yuri, age 14
Dear Yuri
Millions of people vegetable and they're perfectly healthy. You have to be careful, though if you (2)_gave _ up eating meat completely, and only (3)_ate__ chocolate and crips, that would obiviously be very baf for you ! If people don't eat properly, they (4)_will get__ ill.It's that simple.If you eat lots of fruit ad salad and beans, you (5)_will__ get all the things you need to say healthy.But you're only 14years old. If you (6)__live_ at home with your parents and you probably do -you'll have to ask them what they think too. If your mum cooks for you , (7) it _will_ be difficult for her to make you special meals. If I were you, I (8)_would__ think about this carefully and maybe wait until you're a bit older before making such a big decision.
Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets
1, If you _had told__(tell) me you were going to the beach, I'd have come with you
2, If Dan had missed the plane, he _would have been_(be) very annoyed3, I'd have got you a present if I __had known_(know) it was your birthday
4,We _wouldn't have got__(not/get) lost if we'd taken a map with us
5, If the car _hadn't break down__(not/break down), I wouldn't have been late
6, If you _hadn't helped__(not /hep) me , I wouldn't have finished in time
7, If Baz_don't show__(not/show) you what to do, what _will you do__(you/do)?
Complete using the correct form of the words in brackets
1, If you _had told__ (tell) me you were going to the beach ,I'd have come with you
2,If Dan had missed the plane, he _would have been__(be) very annoyed
3,I'd have got you a present if I __had known_ (know) it was your birthday4, We_wouldn't have got__ (not/get) lost if we'd taken a map with us
5,If the car _hadn't break down___(not/break down), I wouldn't have been late
6, If you __hadn't helped__(not/help) me, I wouln't have finished in time
7, If Baz __don't show__(not/ show) you what to do, what_will you do_(you/do)?
Complete each second so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences. Write between two and five words
1, It wasn't cold, so we didn't light a fire
If it __had been_ cold , we'd have lit a fire
2, John didn't come, so we didn't do any thing
If John __had come_,we'd have done some painting
3, Claire didn't buy any clothes because she didn't see anything she liked
Claire __would have bought__some clothes if she'd seen something she liked
4,The audience laughted because the joke was very funny
If the joke __hadn't been__very funny, the audience wouldn't have laughed5, We decided to leave because it was really noisy
We _wouldn't have decided_ to leave if it hadn't been really noisy
6, Sylvia doesn't have enough money, so she can't buy a new computer
If Sylvia____had___ enough money, she'd buy a new computer
7, The twins don't see their friends often because they're very busy
If the twins weren't so busy, they__would see__ their friends more often
8, Grandma won't get a dog because she lives in a small flat
If Grandma_didn't live___in a small flat, she'd get a dog
9, I think you should tell your parents the truth
If I _were__ you, I'd tell your parents the truth
1. apologised
2. about
3. of
4. laugh
5. with
2 about
3 of