Phạm Thu Hiền
Giới thiệu về bản thân

Blended learning is a way of studying a subject, which combines learning over the Internet and face-to-face learning, and brings several benefits to us. Firstly, blended learning helps us have more control over our own learning. We are able to get access to many online materials and video lectures at any time. This also allows us to watch and review lessons that we have not understood at home. If we are absent from school, we will not miss any lessons. Secondly, we can develop better communication and teamwork skills in a blended learning class. Since a lot of the work is assigned for homework, we have more time for pair work and group work in the classroom. Unlike traditional learning, blended learning provides us with more ways of communication including text messages, emails or social media. In conclusion, I think we should have more blended learning classes at school because they keep us engaged and helps us learn useful skills.
Men traditionally work as surgeon's because women often can't work long hours as they need to take care of their family. Being a surgeon means performing operations on patient and making important decisions about patient's health and safety. However, to become a surgeons, you need medical knowledge, physical and mental strength. Now, I belive that both men ang women do it because women have medical knowledge, exellent eyesight and skillful hands as men. And everybody will benefit form having both male and famale surgeons.